MARCH 8, 2016
The following is a non-verbatim transcript
MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, March 8,
2016, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
John Horan (District 2)
Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner Robert Dallari (District 1)
Lee Constantine (District 3)
Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)
Clerk of Court & Comptroller Maryanne
County Manager Nicole Guillet
County Attorney Bryant Applegate
Deputy Clerk Terri Porter
Pastor Jonathon Cobb, Spring Meadows Seventh Day Adventist, Sanford,
gave the Invocation. Barbara
Christensen, former Seminole County Commissioner, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Business Spotlight video for Crane Institute of America was presented.
Agenda Item #1A – No Item Number
Guillet, County Manager, presented a Proclamation regarding National Women’s
History Month.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt a
Proclamation declaring the month of March as National Women’s History Month,
2016, and March 8, 2016 as International Women’s Day in Seminole County.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #1 – A-1849-16
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt a
Proclamation declaring the week of March 7 through March 11, 2016, as Boys and
Girls Week in Seminole County.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Harris, Seminole County Branch Board Member, and Alicia Hodge, Regional
Development Officer for Seminole County, addressed the Board to express their
With regard to public
participation, no one in the audience spoke in support or in opposition to the
Consent Agenda and public input was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Carey,
seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to authorize and approve the following:
County Manager’s Office
Tourism Development Division
2. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2016-R-36 amending
Section 10 of the Seminole County Administrative Code, by adding section 10.6 creating
a Sports and Special Incentive Program funded by tourist tax monies and
administered by the County Manager's Office. (A-1870-16)
Development Division
3. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the State Housing Initiatives Partnership
(SHIP) Program Agreement between Seminole County and University of Florida
Board of Trustees (Subrecipient) to provide housing counseling for first-time
homebuyers and renters in the amount of $53,065. (A-1892-16)
& Development Division
4. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2016-R-37 vacating
and abandoning a portion of a platted 7.5-foot Utility Easement on Lot 31, Country
Lane, as recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County in Plat Book 28,
Pages 77-78, more particularly known as 1636 Lawndale Circle; Lynn Freshwater, Applicant. (A-1795-16)
5. Approve
the Release of the original Maintenance Bond #1027844 for water & sewer facilities,
in the amount of $49,905.41, for the project known as Silverleaf. (A-1866-16)
6. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute easements with Florida Power & Light
Company (FPL) for the dedication of two (2) Utility Easements and two (2) Temporary
Construction Easements for the installation of new power poles and the realignment
of existing overhead power poles at the Yankee Lake Regional Wastewater
Reclamation Facility. (A-1873-16)
7. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for Shared Emergency
Management Information Broadcast Services with the University of Central
Florida (UCF) for the broadcast of emergency/public safety information on UCF's
FM radio station, WUCF. (A-1813-16)
8. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2016-R-38 renaming
South Longhaven Drive to Longhaven Drive. (A-1850-16)
9. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2016-R-39 renaming
Holley Hill to Holly Hill. (A-1791-16)
Services Division
10. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the
Master Support Agreement with PetSmart Charities. (A-1883-16)
11. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-40 amending certain fees and authority as set
forth in Section 20.5 (Animal Services Program) of the Seminole County Administrative
Code, which pertains to fees and charges for services provided by the Seminole
County Animal Services Division. (A-1893-16)
and Fiscal Management Division
12. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-41 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#16-033 through the Disaster Preparedness Fund ($10,000) and Animal Control
Fund ($1,990) to reallocate a total amount of $11,990 of operating budget to
procure a portable, changeable message sign. (A-1845-16)
13. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
a Federally Funded Subaward & Grant Agreement with the State of Florida,
Division of Emergency Management, in acceptance of $17,134 through the FY 2015
State Homeland Security Grant Program to assist with the purchase of hazardous
materials detection equipment; and appropriate Resolution #2016-R-42 implementing
Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #16-035 through the Public Safety Grants
(Federal) Fund in the amount of $17,134 to recognize grant funding and
establish budget. (A-1817-16)
14. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-43 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#16-037 through the Court Support Technology Fee (Art V) Fund to reallocate
$5,105 of operating budget for the procurement of a multifunction printer. (A-1848-16)
15. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-44 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#16-038 through the Infrastructure Improvement Fund in the amount of $157,876
from Reserves for the P25 Radio System Migration. (A-1863-16)
16. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-45 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#16-039 through the Building Program Fund in the amount of $15,000 from Reserves
for education related to enforcement of the Florida Building Code. (A-1868-16)
& Contracts Division
17. Approve Amendment #1 to RFP-600174-07/TLR, Integrated
Library Automation System with SirsiDynix, Provo, Utah, for the migration of
the existing SirsiDynix Symphony Solution, the continuation of the Service Agreement
($57,480.00 per year for the first five [5] years); and authorize the
Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the documents. (A-1843-16)
18. Award
IFB-602450-15/TLR, Term Contract for Overhead Door Maintenance, Repair and
Replacement Services to D.H. Pace Co., Inc., d/b/a D.H. Pace Door Services of
Orlando; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
voted AYE.
Clerk’s Office
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Henley, to approve the following:
19. Approve Expenditure Approval
Lists dated February 8 and 15, 2016; Payroll Approval List dated February 11,
2016; and the BCC Official Minutes dated January 26 and February 9, 2016. (A-1872-16)
Districts 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for
information only, the following Clerk’s “Received and Filed”:
1. Pet Rescue Cooperative Service Agreement with
Min Pins & More Rescue, Inc; Florida English Bulldog Rescue; Cavalier
Rescue USA – CKCSC, Inc.
Contract for Services Agreements with Arthur Barnes, Michael N. Versus, Lisa
Cilfone, Nidia Sosa, and Joshua Ryan Smith.
Agreement with Florida Department of Health for Program Year 2015-2016, as
approved at 7-28-15 BCC meeting; A-1019-15.
4. Seventh Amendment to IFB-601656-13 with Bound
Tree Medical, LLC.
5. Fourth Amendment to IFB-601796-13 with Butler
Animal Health Supply, LLC d/b/a Henry Schein Animal Health.
6. Second Amendement to IFB-601922-14 with
Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center, LLC.
7. First Amendment to RFP-602204-15 with Michael
C. Sasso, P.A.
8. Consultant Services Agreement PS-0121-15 with
DRMP, Inc., as approved by the BCC on 12/8/15; A-1457-15.
9. Consultant Services Agreement PS-0121-15 with
Singhofen & Associates, Inc., as approved by the BCC on 12/8/15; A-1457-15.
Order #1 to CC-0222-15 with Rowe Drilling Company, Inc. for Heathrow 1 and 4
#1 to Work Order #30 to PS-8047-12 with PSI.
Order #42 to PS-8047-12 with Ardaman & Associates, Inc.
Order #14 to PS-8146-12 with E Sciences, Inc.
Order #40 to PS-8148-12 with CDM Smith, Inc.
Order #41 to PS-8148-12 with Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.
Order #42 to PS-8148-12 with Keith & Schnars, P.A.
Order #43 to PS-8148-12 with CDM Smith, Inc.
Order #27 to PS-8186-13 with Reiss Engineering, Inc.
Order #29 to PS-8186-13 with Atkins North America, Inc.
#1 to Work Order #16 to PS-8286-13 with Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Order #3 to Work Order #2 to CC-9903-13 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for the Sports
Order #1 to Work Order #20 to CC-9192-13 with All-In Construction Services,
to CC-9327-14 with Atlantic Civil Constructors Corporation.
24. Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC)
Order approving Florida Power & Light Company’s revised tariffs regarding
fuel and purchased power cost recovery clause with generating performance
incentive factor; Docket #160001-EI; Order #PSC-16-0061-FOF-EI issued on
February 3, 2016.
25. Bill of Sale accepting the water and sewer
systems within the project known as Aloma Trails.
26. Bill of Sale accepting the water and sewer
systems within the project known as AutoZone #6343-SP.
27. Bill of Sale accepting the water and sewer
systems within the project known as Wal-Mart Store #525-00.
28. Unauthorized Commitment Memo dated February
5, 2016, from Meloney Lung, Assistant County Manager to County Manager re:
Information Technology Consulting Services, Donald Kahrs.
29. Approval Development Orders #02-32000004,
Hindu Society of Central Florida, as approved by the Board of Adjustment on
March 25, 2002; #15-30000081, Frank P. & Kriss C. Longo; #15-30000082,
Martin W.H. Dortants; #15-30000083, William Mansfield; #15-30000085, Aaron
Diaz; #15-30000087, Lance S. Metcalfe; #15-30000088, Charles Bryant Clarke;
#15-30000089, Corrine M. Wrightman; #15-32000020, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
of Greater Orlando, Inc.; and #15-32000021, NMS Holdings, Inc.
30. Letter to BCC from Tax Deed Clerk dated
02/04/16 re: Lands Available for Taxes
List (2), Tax Deed Sale of 10/08/15, Parcels #20-19-30-501-0000-0550 and
31. Bids as follows:
IFB-602450-15 from D.H. Pace Co., Inc. d/b/a D.H. Pace
Door Services of Orlando;
RFP-602439-15 from Life Extension Clinics, Inc. d/b/a Life
Scan Wellness Centers; Adventist Health System/Sunbelt, Inc. d/b/a Florida
Hospital Centra Care;
RFP-602434-15 from Vose Law Firm, LLP; Lonnie N. Groot,
Esquire, of Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert & Wingham, P.A.;
PS-0121-15 from DRMP, Inc.; VHB; Geosyntec Consultants;
Singhofen & Associates, Inc.; Kisinger Campo & Associates; and
BID-602502-16 from R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.; Compumeric
Engineering d/b/a BearSaver; Home Depot USA, Inc. d/b/a The Home Depot Store
#6349; Eagle One Products.
Item #20 –
Matthews, Planning & Development Division, addressed the Board to present the
request for a Special Event Permit for the Seminole County Fair. He reviewed the details as outlined in the
agenda memorandum and advised that county staff recommends approval.
regard to public participation, no one in the audience spoke in support or in
opposition to this item and public input was closed.
Motion by Commission Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Constantine, to approve the Special Event Permit for the Seminole
County Fair at 440 Hickman Drive, to be held March 25 through April 3, 2016,
subject to staff’s recommendations and conditions of approval; R&R
Investments, LLC, Applicant.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #21 – A-1781-16
Kim Fischer, Development Review, addressed
the Board to present an appeal of the Development Review Engineering Manager’s
decision to approve a Small Site Plan for the Parlato property located in the
Woodland Estates five-acre development off of Old Lockwood Road, and more
particularly described as 2331 Red Ember Road; Walter Osborne, Appellant.
Cheryl McDonough, Court Reporter with Kerr & Associates, was
present (business card was received and filed).
Ms. Fischer presented the request as
outlined in the agenda memorandum. She
detailed the request is to fill a livestock pond to grade, demolish a small concrete
slab in the rear of the property, and clean out the existing culvert and ditch
area for a driveway. Development Review
Engineering Division staff conducted a site visit and topography research,
reviewed historical photographs, and discussed the request with the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection.
Ms. Fischer advised that they received one
letter from the Appellant, Walter Osborne, and subsequent emails appealing the
decision to approve the Small Site Plan.
She then reviewed staff’s findings and stated that staff recommends the
Board uphold the approval of the Small Site Plan for the Parlato property.
Commissioner Carey questioned whether a
permit had ever been issued for the pond that was dug in the 1980s to which Ms.
Fischer responded no. Commissioner Carey
then confirmed it was just an agricultural pond dug for livestock at the time.
Walter Osborne, Appellant, 2321 Red Ember
Road, addressed the Board and distributed a booklet of copied photos entitled
Woodland Estates (received and filed). He
advised the reason for his expert is in order to get an independent opinion. Mr. Osborne said he is in the process of
getting another expert, but the problem is that experts don’t like to get involved
in negative situations; he had one quit and two surveyors quit. He opined that it is important that the Board
know and understand there are active lawsuits related to deed restrictions, and
that he has made some progress in that.
Tuan Huynh, Regional Consultant Engineers, LLC,
addressed the Board on behalf of Mr. Osborne and stated he has been a
practicing civil engineer for over 20 years and has been a professional
engineer for about 16 years. He
previously worked in the stormwater divisions of both Orange County and
Seminole County. He said he is not aware
if there are lawsuits involved so this job is to look at and analyze the
existing drainage condition and the staff report.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr.
Huynh responded that he is being paid by Mr. Osborne for his time and
Commissioner Dallari stated that Mr.
Osborne mentioned pending lawsuits and questioned if the County is named in any
of them. Bryant Applegate, County
Manager, advised that he is not aware of any lawsuits filed by Mr. Osborne
against the County.
Mr. Huynh referenced Item #1 under the
Development Review Engineering staff’s conclusions and stated he is not a
biologist or an environmentalist, so the first sentence stating the livestock
pond is not a functioning wetland is for another expert to speak about. In regard to the next sentence under Item #1,
“filling in that area would not result in the alteration of existing drainage
patterns,” he stated it is a very vague statement and there could potentially
be issues because alteration of existing drainage can cause flooding for
adjacent property owners and have an adverse impact. He displayed a survey of the Parlato property
(not received) and said he delineated the drainage space. He opined the pond is also a retention pond
because it receives stormwater runoff.
Commissioner Carey confirmed with Mr. Huynh
that the survey he displayed had topographical numbers. Mr. Huynh stated the drainage pattern is from
the rear of the property to the front of the roads, Red Ember and Scrub Oak
Trail. He pointed out different
elevations on the survey. He stated as
the drainage goes past the pond, it goes in a northeast direction toward Scrub
Oak Trail. He stated there is over an
eight-foot drop from the high point to the road. He explained if the Applicant were to fill in
the pond, the drainage that used to go there would bypass that pond and go
toward the roadway; it would not be attenuated or collected. He explained that the concern is that the
statement staff made in finding #1 that the existing drainage pattern would not
be altered is not true. He added that based
on pictures obtained by Mr. Osborne last year, the roadway is currently being
flooded; the swell system cannot handle the capacity.
Commissioner Carey questioned what the
elevation was on the west side of the pond and on the east side of the
pond. Mr. Huynh advised the elevation on
the west side of the pond is 38.5 and it is 37.1 and 37.5 on the east side. He added it is much lower than 42.5 at the
rear of the property. Commissioner Carey
stated that water will run to the east regardless. Mr. Huynh commented that it would go to the
pond because it is a 5½-foot drop and if the pond is not there, it will go
toward the road.
Mr. Huynh displayed photo #16 and said it
was taken in 2005 of Red Ember Road during the rainy season. He advised it is just west of Mr. Osborne’s
lot and the road gets flooded during a heavy rain storm in the summer, probably
two to three inches. He showed photo #17
of Red Ember Road and said it is also west of Mr. Osborne’s lot. He displayed photo #18 and stated it is on
Scrub Oak Trail, south of Red Ember Road, and it also gets quite a bit of water. He displayed photo #15 of an empty lot with
fencing and said this shows flooding and spilling into adjacent properties, so
the drainage system is not functioning the way it was designed.
Carey asked Mr. Huynh to point on the photo to the side of the fencing that is
Mr. Osborne’s property and the side that is his neighbor’s. Mr. Huynh said Mr. Osborne’s lot is to the
east and was not in the photo.
Commissioner Dallari confirmed that neither side of the fence shown in
the photo was Mr. Osborne’s property.
Mr. Osborne stated his property is across the street. Mr. Huynh stated that when there are high
conditions, the water potentially reaches the road and the front of the road
reaches to Mr. Osborne’s lot.
Commissioner Carey asked if there was a heavy rain the day the photo was
taken. Mr. Osborne stated the ground was
wet and that was 3½ inches, and they could have gotten 3½ inches the next day
and the day after that, based on him living there 25 years and that would
definitely, along with Mr. Parlato’s water, flood Scrub Oak Trail. Mr. Huynh stated that Scrub Oak is downstream
of Red Ember and everything goes to Scrub Oak and then into the Econ River; he
added the water goes west to east. Mr.
Huynh stated, therefore, he does not think the statement about there being no
alteration of existing drainage patterns is true, in his expert opinion.
Mr. Huynh advised the other issue they have
is there are pockets of erosion along Red Ember Road and on streets within the
subdivision caused by flooding, because when water spills into the roadway and
then it recedes, it takes away the dirt and gravel on the roadway.
Huynh displayed a photo of water on a roadway.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Huynh answered these are private
roads and Mr. Osborne advised there is no homeowners’ association to maintain
them. Commissioner Carey questioned
whether it is their subdivision’s responsibility to maintain the roads. Mr. Osborne stated since there is no
homeowners’ association, the maintenance is via deed restrictions. The County told him the only way to do
anything here is through a civil case, which is very expensive, and he has two
of those active now. Mr. Huynh said he
believes the deed restriction in that subdivision says that it is the
responsibility of every owner to maintain drainage on their lot and the road
system, so everybody has a responsibility to help maintain and prevent
impact. Commissioner Carey opined that
without a homeowners’ association there is no mechanism for collection of
dollars. So for the homeowners in that
subdivision, all they have to do is maintain the drainage in front of their
house and their half of the road.
Carey asked whose property the picture of the road washout was in front of, and
Mr. Osborne advised it is a little west (of his property) and that it is real,
and if Mr. Parlato does not correct his drainpipe, that (road washout) will
occur. He added it (the drainpipe) is
very defective and it is part of his lawsuit.
He stated his recommendation is that the Board postpone a decision on
two of the items to give him a chance to proceed with the civil case. He also believes he can turn staff around
when he provides septic tank information from the Department of Health and the
current condition of Scrub Oak Trail, which is terrible. He opined that it is a disaster for emergency
vehicles, so his request is going to be either for three months or six months
in order to attempt to solve this. There
are four drainpipes that will cause this and Mr. Parlato has one of them. Mr. Huynh stated the erosion is caused by
flooding and these photos are just showing flooding and erosion. Commissioner Carey stated the road does not
look like it was built to any standard. The
site plan proposed cleaning out the existing culvert and ditch area for a
driveway. Mr. Huynh stated their concern
is that the pipe is undersized. He
showed a photo of a typical 24-inch pipe further upstream on Red Ember
Road. Mr. Huynh said based on the county
staff report, downstream, it says 24 inches, but it is 10 inches in the middle
that also causes a problem. So they feel
that cleaning out the pipe does not solve the drainage issue and he opined it
needs to be enlarged across the Parlato property’s driveway. Chairman Horan asked who installed the
pipe. Mr. Huynh advised he was brought
on six months ago and does not know who installed the pipe. Mr. Osborne stated he thinks that people did
whatever they wanted to do in this subdivision, and they continue to do
whatever they want to do. Chairman Horan
confirmed that the pipe is not part of a Seminole County stormwater structure. Commissioner Carey questioned how big the
pipe is at Mr. Osborne’s house. Mr.
Osborne advised his pipe is 24 inches and feeds into Mr. Parlato’s pipe, but
across the street, he has 15½ inches. He
added the survey shows the pipe is 12 inches but it is completely wrong because
he measured it 8 times on different days and it is a 10-inch pipe.
Chairman Horan explained that they are here
on an appeal of an approval of a site plan.
As he understands it, the site plan was to fill a livestock pond to
grade, to demolish a 12-foot x 15-foot concrete slab, and to clean out the
existing culvert and ditch area for the driveway. He is interested in what particular portions
of the Land Development Code did county staff not follow in approving this site
plan. Mr. Huynh reiterated his comments
regarding the alteration of existing drainage patterns and stated he does not
agree with staff’s findings. Chairman
Horan asked whether Mr. Huynh had any technical information that would support
that opinion. Mr. Huynh stated they
would need a drainage study to support their opinion. Chairman Horan asked if Mr. Huynh did a
drainage study and he responded that they did a field investigation; he was at
the site six times. He stated he
delineated the basin, looked at the photos, and looked at the surrounding area,
but to run hydraulic calculation to see the quantity and how much rise requires
a study, which is why Mr. Osborne stated they needed more time. He added he thoroughly looked at all the data
on the application and the topographic survey and the basins. Chairman Horan clarified that Mr. Huynh is
stating that he has not done a drainage study but has done an observation study
and produced a document (topographic survey with delineation not received and
filed) to submit into evidence to challenge the finding that the filling of the
pond will not result in alteration of the existing drainage pattern.
Chairman Horan asked whether they had an
issue with regard to the demolition of the small concrete pad to which Mr.
Huynh responded that they have no issue with that because it does not affect
drainage. Chairman Horan then questioned
whether they have an issue with the clearing and extension of the driveway crossing. Mr. Huynh answered “no because the picture
says 24 inches.” The Chairman further
clarified that the entire appeal then is on the basis of the filling of the
pond to which Mr. Huynh responded that it is a big item.
Huynh displayed a topographical survey of the entire development showing flood
prone areas from the agenda memorandum (Page 321). He pointed out Mr. Parlato’s lot (#18) and
Mr. Osborne’s lots (#19 & #20) and said the flood prone area goes through
those three lots at the rear and that this is county staff’s data. He said the County Engineer has to do a
thorough review and they believe that has not been done; however, he stated he believes
he has done a thorough review.
Commissioner Dallari stated that in the
backup is a copy of a Resolution dated 1980 referencing all this property and
it talks about the different parcels, private road access, soil conditions, and
it basically is saying that the County is not responsible. However, Item #7 reads that, “No governmental
entity, including Seminole County, shall be responsible for the construction,
reconstruction, or maintenance of any private road easement in this
Development, now or at any time in the future.”
County Attorney Applegate advised the 1980 Resolution approving the site
plan made several things clear and he read that the private road easement
access may be limited during times of adverse weather conditions and lack of
maintenance; the development may not have suitable soil for building
construction; maintenance of private road easements will be performed by
individual lot owners; and that no governmental entity including Seminole
County shall be responsible for the construction, reconstruction or maintenance
of any private road easement in this development now or at any time in the
future. Commissioner Dallari noted that
is talking about roads, and asked about the drainage. Mr. Applegate stated that drainage would be
included and responded to another question from Commissioner Dallari saying that
would include drainage on private property.
Commissioner Dallari asked whether Mr. Huynh had reviewed all of this,
and Mr. Huynh explained that his task right now is to look at the flooding
issue within these lots, not the entire area and the legality. He is just looking at the drainage problem
between Mr. Osborne and Mr. Parlato.
Upon Commissioner Carey’s request, Mr.
Huynh displayed the flood prone area topography map again. Commissioner Carey stated that in the
Development Order, it states that there are three small surface drainage
depressions which are within the 100-year floodplain of the subject property
but do not encompass all of any one-acre lot and that all lot owners must
comply with existing flood prone ordinances.
She said as she understands it, the Department of Environment Protection
as well as the Water Management District have said the request for the site
plan will not impact the situation out there.
Ms. Guillet added they said it was exempt from permitting.
County Manager Nicole Guillet asked that
staff explain the review they did of the pond because there was an indication
that staff did not do a thorough review, and she would like the record to
reflect what they actually did with respect to reviewing this matter.
Fischer advised that County staff did a site visit and they looked at
topography and the history of the aerial photography. Staff concluded that sometime between 1980
and 1986 is when the pond was constructed.
There was no house on the site so it is reasonable to say that it is not
a retention pond; it is an agricultural pond.
She stated when you are out there and you look at some more detailed
grading, you can see a little bit of a lip going around the man-made pond. The very back corner of the Parlato property
is where they have floodplain; Mr. Osborne’s property does not have
floodplain. Ms. Fischer explained the
contours are naturally flowing towards the river and they are going from the
north, to the south and to the east. So
affecting existing drainage patterns means today and before the pond was
built. So before the pond was built, the
contours speak for themselves; they are going towards the river, and today,
staff believes that the pond is being bypassed.
It would only be a small portion, but staff does not believe that it is
going to the pond and that the existing drainage patterns are still being
met. She added this is not a retention
pond and this is not a jurisdiction pond, it is just simply an agricultural pond. Commissioner Carey stated then that the sheet
from the west is flowing across the land to the east regardless of what someone
is doing out there. Ms. Fischer advised
that there are some swales that are functioning and there are some swales that
are not functioning, and some swales are just simply not there. She added eventually water is going to win
and it will make its way to the river.
Horan asked Ms. Fischer to state her credentials so they are in the
record. Ms. Fischer stated she is a
licensed, professional engineer.
Nicole Carolan, Attorney with Winderweedle
Haines Ward Woodman, addressed the Board to advise she is here representing the
Parlatos today, and another attorney in the same firm is also representing the
Parlatos in connection with the civil litigation filed by Mr. Osborne.
Ms. Carolan distributed packets (received
and filed) and explained one includes letters of support from the neighbors and
the other is a report prepared by the engineer that the Parlatos retained to
look at this appeal and to look at Mr. Osborne’s engineer’s analysis.
Ms. Carolan explained that her clients purchased
the property in 2006 as part of their retirement to build a home with plenty of
acreage for their grandchildren to enjoy as well as space to pursue their
interest such as vegetable and herb gardening.
They built the home in 2007 through a contractor that properly applied
for and obtained building permits through Seminole County. Since moving into their home, they have been
faced with constant harassment and threats from Mr. Osborne, which is their
neighbor to the immediate west. She
added that the subject of the civil litigation is related to the drainage on
the front of the property, which is a private drainage easement and it is a
private road. Ms. Carolan advised that
Mr. Osborne has already had his day in court and her firm has already filed a
motion to dismiss. They have nailed down
the three topics today and they believe two are not an issue, pulling up the
concrete slab and the front driveway area.
She explained they actually obtained a permit to clean out their ditch. Chairman Horan stated the Appellant indicated
the only issue is the filling of the pond.
Ms. Carolan noted that they hired Reginald
Tinsdale, who has 50 years’ experience, to look at the property and confirm that
what county staff has found about the property is accurate. She advised Mr. Tinsdale confirmed that
because of the natural flow of the land, filling a pond when it is already
draining in that direction, will not somehow then drain back up the slope and
onto Mr. Osborne’s property. She advised
that the survey Mr. Huynh submitted today is actually a survey that the
Parlatos obtained when they purchased the property that he had just highlighted
over. It is not a professional site plan
that he prepared and he did not go out there and take those elevations.
Ms. Carolan stated that the Board has two
professional opinions: one from the
engineer that the Parlatos obtained and one from county staff. She believes that is sufficient to find that
a thorough review has been done and this is not going to affect the drainage
patterns on the property. Also, their
engineer looked at everything in the file and it is clear that this is not a
retention pond; it is a livestock pond.
There is no neighborhood association and there is no easement over that
pond. There is no right for Mr. Osborne
to drain into that pond. The Parlatos
are private owners that have decided to refill in the pond that was dug several
decades ago.
Mr. Huynh asked county staff to again
display the topographic contour map. He
noted that this is a USGS topographic map done by the federal government. It is not as accurate as a topographic survey
and stated the map could have been generated 20 or 30 years ago. He stated when they do a drainage analysis,
they rely on more accurate data like a topographic survey. He added if that is the information staff
based the drainage pattern flow, the topographic survey of Mr. Parlato’s lot has
a more accurate data. Chairman Horan
asked how that piece of evidence is inconsistent with the piece of evidence
that he submitted, which seems to him as a lay person is the same drainage
pattern. Mr. Huynh stated it is not
because the flood prone area map shows it is sloping towards the west, and he
opined the survey of Mr. Parlato’s property shows that a portion goes to the
pond. He added the detail on the USGS
map does not show accurately as compared to a topographic survey done for each
lot in which he delineated the basin.
Commissioner Carey pointed out that Mr.
Huynh is stating that the map is not accurate for a drainage analysis but he
stated earlier that he had not performed a drainage analysis, that he just did
an overview based on this topo. She
asked if he had done a drainage analysis or not. Mr. Huynh stated that this is a drainage
analysis, this is a drainage study. He
added when you take data and delineate a basin, look at points and look at flow
rates and look at pipes; that is a drainage study. Commissioner Carey stated that he said he has
not done any flow rates, how much water is coming off and where it is going, and
which is going in what direction. She
added it is clear from the topographic information that the flow is going from
the west to the east, all across this property, going to the river. She asked if he agreed with that. Mr. Huynh stated that based on the
topographic survey, a portion of the water goes to the pond. Commissioner Carey questioned how much water
Mr. Huynh was talking about because the water from the west is sheet flowing
across the Parlato property to the east.
Mr. Huynh stated there is 1.5 acres of runoff during a rainstorm. She questioned whether that was during a
25-year event or a 100-year event. Mr.
Huynh stated the picture is designed for a 10-year event, usually around 6
inches of rainfall. He noted that with a
3-inch rainfall, Red Ember Road gets flooded, and the swale and pipe is
designed for a 10-year system. An acre
of runoff going towards the roadway is not a small area. Commissioner Carey stated she thinks when
they do engineering for a site, they do it for a 25-year storm event or a
100-year storm event. Mr. Huynh stated
that is for a retention pond; the roadway system that is failing right now with
the flooding, the swale system and pipe, is designed for a ten-year because you
cannot build ponds in the roadway, the right-of-way is restricted.
Carey noted that Mr. Huynh’s argument is that this is a retention pond and now
it is not a retention pond. He responded
that he is saying that in the design of the swale that is getting flooded, they
lowered the standard to a 10-year design and if you apply a 25-year design to
that, it will make the flooding worse.
Commissioner Carey confirmed that Mr. Huynh has not done that
calculation, however.
Chairman Horan commented whether the pond
is there or not, it still drains west to east.
Mr. Huynh reiterated his opinion.
Commissioner Carey added that if Mr. Parlato fills the pond, the water
will not flow back to the west onto Mr. Osborne’s property and questioned if
Mr. Huynh agrees with that because she has another engineer’s opinion here that
says it will not impact it. If the pond
is filled at the level of the elevation today, it will not cause water to backflow
west onto Mr. Osborne’s property. Mr.
Huynh stated the Commissioner can ask staff because Mr. Parlato’s lot is raised
about a foot above Mr. Osborne’s lot.
The Commissioner asked then how can the water be flowing from the west
to the east, she said she does not understand because that would defy the laws
of gravity. Mr. Huynh explained that
that was another issue because going west to east, Mr. Parlato’s lot is a foot
higher than Mr. Osborne’s, because if you go out there, you can see it based on
the photograph and the field visit. He
added when the flow is west to east, it makes the situation worse because the
water is trying to go towards the river but it gets dammed up along Mr.
Osborne’s east property line adjacent to Mr. Parlato’s. So, he said, all these issues by filling in
the pond, the undersized pipe, and the lot being a foot higher than Mr.
Osborne’s, are blocking the natural flow of the west to east toward the river
and are creating more flooding, which is why they want to look at this
information more thoroughly before staff recommends an approval, because once
the drainage problem is worse, it will be harder to fix.
Commissioner Henley requested that staff
display Exhibit A from Mr. Tisdale’s report which is an aerial photograph of
the subject lots. He asked Mr. Huynh to
point to the portion of Mr. Osborne’s property that is being flooded. Chairman Horan clarified that Commissioner
Henley would like Mr. Huynh to show on the exhibit how the sheet flow that he
is describing would end up on Mr. Osborne’s property. Mr. Huynh stated the flow is west to east
toward the river and along the roadway (Scrub Oak Trail) and a portion of the
lot drains to the front. Along the east
property line, the lot was raised a foot higher than Mr. Osborne’s lot; there
is a grade difference. He explained so
that as water is trying to get from west to east, it is going to be blocked on
Mr. Osborne’s lot and there will be ponding along there. Commissioner Dallari questioned whether he is
saying Mr. Parlato’s property is higher than Mr. Osborne’s property and asked
if he had elevations to show that. Mr.
Huynh stated he was out there and displayed a picture. Commissioner Carey commented that the picture
does not show anything and asked for the topographic information that shows
that because if in fact the Parlato’s property was a foot higher than Mr.
Osborne’s, Mr. Osborne’s water would not sheet flow across to the east into the
river. Mr. Huynh said that is another
drainage impact and is another issue between the two property owners.
Chairman Horan summarized that the thrust
of Mr. Osborne’s appeal is that the pond should not be filled because that will
divert the natural drainage. Mr. Huynh
responded that it creates more impact.
Carey had the topographic survey displayed again. She asked Mr. Huynh what the topo information
is on the west side of the pond and he stated it is 37.5; and she asked what it
is on the east side, to which he replied 37.1.
Commissioner Carey stated it is lower on the east side than it is on the
west side, and if he fills in the pond, the water will continue to flow to the
east. Mr. Huynh said the pond receives
stormwater right now.
Dallari referred to the highlighted area on the topographic survey that Mr.
Huynh delineated which shows all the water going into the pond. He asked whether Mr. Huynh believes all the
water is going into the pond and none of it is going east. Mr. Huynh pointed out the portion he believes
would go east because, he said, it breaks toward the roadway; there is a
three-foot drop. Commissioner Dallari
asked if there is a ridge there that will get all the 1.25 acres to go towards
the pond. Mr. Huynh responded yes, part
of it will go toward the pond and part will break along that ridge.
Carey asked what the topo numbers are to the west of Mr. Parlato’s house and
Mr. Huynh stated it is 38 elevation which is half a foot higher than the pond, so
it goes toward the pond. The
Commissioner then asked what the elevation was going straight across to the
east from where he just read the 38. Mr.
Huynh stated it is about 38.5 but that it is a foot higher around the
house. Commissioner Carey commented she
knows the house is built up because if you are in a flood area like this, you
would build the house up so the house does not flood, so of course the
elevation around the house is going to be higher. She asked that Mr. Huynh read what the elevation
is going east of the house, in the middle of the land, since that delineated
map was not included in the information the Board received. Mr. Huynh stated it is about 37. Commissioner Carey then noted that the
elevation on the west side is higher than the east, which means the water will
flow west to east.
Osborne repeated that he paid $1,000 for this appeal and he only had to pay
$500 to get a trial in court. He stated
he sees so much information that is simply misleading and he finds it discouraging
because the Board is the quality control group.
He said that Commissioner Dallari and the #2 County Manager visited his
property and clearly saw that Mr. Parlato’s lot has been raised. Mr. Osborne said the way it was raised is
illegal fill and Mr. Parlato has no concern about his flooding situation. He added Mr. Parlato causes him to flood and
the Board has the photographs. He
explained he did a number of hits in the Development Code which then refers to
other codes; all over the place is “will this adversely affect surrounding
properties.” He stated that as a quality
control group, the Board members look at the future, and this decision today is
going to hurt the future, and this is definitely going to affect him because it
will make it impossible for him to get a decision in the court related to the
deed restrictions. He added the Board
does not want to make it impossible for homeowners to try and use the deed
restrictions to improve serious drainage problems. The other thing is that he does believe he
can convince staff that it is a problem.
He added the Board is saying he should do all this analysis but the Parlatos
will not allow him on their property; they put a dog out so it is impossible
for his surveyors, and two surveyors have quit, so he cannot get the data.
Chairman Horan stated they have received
the evidence and they are cognizant that Mr. Osborne has private litigation
pending concerning this, but of course this Board cannot address those
particular issues. He asked if Mr.
Osborne had any further evidence to submit.
Mr. Osborne stated the pond was not dug for livestock; the pond was dug
which raised the elevation of the northeast corner. His best friend, the first owner, dug the
pond. He opined it has never been a
livestock pond and it is a retention pond and a very helpful retention
pond. He advised his best friend dug it
to raise the elevation and then he put in a pipe for the overflow and so
forth. Mr. Osborne displayed a photo and
stated that it is a picture of flooding of his lot caused by his neighbor’s
lot. He added that the lot with the pond
and so forth, all that has an effect, and again, how does this affect the
surrounding area. He said it causes flooding.
Commissioner Carey questioned whether the
photo Mr. Osborne displayed which shows flooding is the flood prone area of his
lot in the rear. He advised this is
adjacent to his lot; it is about 100 feet from the pond. He added if the Board approves the driveway,
that will so badly prejudice the lawsuit because Mr. Parlato will say that the
Commissioners said it’s okay. Chairman
Horan reminded Mr. Osborne that they are here today just on the site plan; Mr.
Osborne is appealing the approval of the site plan based upon the Land
Development Code. He added that Mr.
Osborne has stipulated in the record that the only issue is the pond. Mr. Osborne disagreed and said that is what
Mr. Huynh thought. Chairman Horan reminded
Mr. Osborne that Mr. Huynh is his expert.
Mr. Osborne answered that he himself has to state what the real goal is,
and the real goal is an extension so that he can get survey data and show them
all conclusively that this is a problem and a very bad problem because this is
going to go onto Scrub Oak Trail. He
added that Scrub Oak Trail has septic tank problems and in that three months
the Board gives him, he will apply for a septic tank permit on these lots that
are affected and show the Board that this will create a wet swale where they
now have a dry swale. They are not going
to get 50 truckloads of dirt removed from that pond so they should postpone it
and give him, the Appellant, a chance to try and prove to staff it is a
problem. He stated the pond is twice the
size the Applicant said, and that any high school student can calculate the
Commissioner Dallari stated that Mr.
Osborne’s engineer was saying that on the western side of the Parlato property,
there is an elevation of 38 and then going east, it goes to 37.5 and then
further east, it is 37.1, so it is sloping towards the river. He asked Mr. Osborne if that was
correct. Mr. Osborne stated that once
you are on Mr. Parlato’s lot, it slopes towards the river. The Commissioner asked if Mr. Osborne had
elevations of his own property. Mr.
Osborne responded no, but he is working on that and he has already paid $1,100
and has an appointment with the surveyors.
He has the information for the Board to make a quality control
check. He said they have serious problems
and that Mr. Parlato’s drainpipe is one of four that should be fixed. Chairman Horan pointed out that these are
issues that are not relevant to this appeal.
Mr. Osborne opined that the Board is approving Mr. Parlato’s drainpipe
by allowing him to extend it. The
Chairman explained that all the Board is dealing with is the appeal on the site
plan, and asked if Mr. Osborne had any further evidence to submit. Mr. Osborne concluded by saying this is a
very helpful retention pond and is adjacent to him and wondered whether the
Board would allow them to fill the retention pond so the Parlatos can increase
the size of their backyard. He stated
the retention pond has been there 31 years.
He added there is no hurry to make a decision. He is saying three months and he wants to
have his surveyors out and provide the Board some more information because this
is definitely going to affect the septic tank.
For clarification, Commissioner Carey
stated this is a planned subdivision where that was probably intended to be a
retention pond as a dedicated tract to the County. There is a huge difference between what Mr.
Osborne is showing here and his situation based on his development order that
was written back in the 1980s, which is like comparing apples and bananas as an
example. Today they do things differently
than they used to; when a subdivision comes in and they are using a retention
pond like this, the County requires that to be put into a particular plat for
the benefit of the subdivision. She
explained that Mr. Osborne’s situation is different from that. She does not want the record to reflect that
Mr. Osborne is asking a question that is similar, because this is not similar
at all. Mr. Osborne expressed that his
general concern is that he wants to have more time to prove to the Board that
this creates flooding and septic tank problems and he is requesting more
time. Chairman Horan advised that the
Board can approve the appeal, deny the appeal, or request to continue to a time
and date certain.
Michael Kolb, 2516 Fawn Run, addressed the
Board and stated that his property is on the other side of the Parlato’s on Red
Ember. He said he considers “King”
Osborne, as he knows him, to be a friend, and he considers Gerry and Carleen
Parlato to be friends also. He advised
he bought his property in 1996; and if he had read the 1980 memorandum
referenced earlier, he may not have bought it.
However, he is glad he didn’t read it because he is glad he lives
there. He said it is a wonderful
neighborhood and Gerry Parlato is one of the best neighbors one could
have. The reason they want to fill in
the pond is admirable and to delay that would be wrong. They have a small granddaughter who now runs
around and they simply want to fill in that hole so it doesn’t fill with rain
water when it rains and there is a chance for a hazard. He said he implores the Board not to delay
this any further and let the Parlatos fill that in. In regard to the roads, Mr. Kolb said that
what the Board stated before is absolutely correct, it is an unfinished
subdivision. The property owners are responsible
for their own properties and he is one of the people that drags the road to try
to maintain it.
Speaker Request Forms for Ms. Carolan and Mr.
Kolb were received and filed.
Cindy Moscato, 2452 Fawn Run, addressed the
Board and advised she had sent some emails to Commissioner Dallari. She stated the Board is correct about the
road; they do not and have never had anyone, the County or anyone else, tell
them what type of pipes to put in their driveway. There are assorted, different sized
pipes. Some of them have been replaced,
some bigger than smaller. As far as the
hole they are talking about, she said her grandchildren also go there and pick
blueberries and do many things on the Parlato’s property. She said she appreciates the great neighbors
that they are; they are fantastic neighbors, and she couldn’t ask for anyone
better than them. She requests they
approve the filling of that hole so her grandchildren can still go there and
play, and she appreciates it if the Board would deny the appeal.
Mr. Osborne stated the pond is fenced and no
one can get in there; he cannot even get in there.
Gerry Parlato, 2331 Red Ember Road,
addressed the Board and stated he is the owner of the property in question and
the pond. He advised the pond is not
fenced. The pond is open to his
granddaughter running around out there.
He was a firefighter for 28 years and has seen the tragedies of open
pits and he does not want that to happen to his granddaughter. When the water goes down, it turns into a
stinky mess and you can’t get within 50 feet of it without an adverse effect to
your nose. He added his dogs go in there
all the time and then get skin infections.
It is filled in with weeds so he cannot maintain it. He said the pond is approximately the size of
the room they are in today and five feet deep.
It does not hold that much water.
Commissioner Constantine stated he has not
heard anything about the effects this might have on the Econ River. He asked staff whether there will be an
effect on the river. Ms. Fischer
responded that as Commissioner Carey had indicated, when you do a retention
pond, it is providing water quality and water quantity. It is permitted, therefore making it
jurisdiction, and it has several types of benefits and you simply cannot fill
it. This is not a retention pond. This does not fall under any
regulations. This is a private pond that
somebody did, so it is not providing any sort of water quality or quantity to
the Econ River. Commissioner Constantine
added, “or lack thereof.”
Commissioner Carey questioned whether the Water
Management District as well as the DEP has looked at this. Ms. Fischer advised this falls under DEP
jurisdiction. If you do a subdivision,
it would fall under the Water Management District, but since this is a
single-family residential, it falls under DEP.
Commissioner Carey confirmed then that the Department of Environmental Protection
has looked at this and given an opinion.
Ms. Fischer said their opinion is that this is not jurisdiction and they
may proceed and fill it.
Commissioner Dallari questioned Ms.
Fischer’s previous comment that there was a lip on the pond or hole. Mr. Fischer advised there is a small rim;
there are a couple of topo shots that indicate that, but if you are out there,
you can actually see it. Commissioner
Dallari stated that in Ms. Fischer’s review, she is saying to put the property
back to its original state so that everything flows to the east. Ms. Fischer stated that is correct, it will
continue sheet flowing towards the east.
They are not going to make it higher than existing grade; they are going
to level it to grade, so it will continue flowing to the east. Commissioner Dallari asked in Ms. Fischer’s
opinion whether any water would be flowing back onto Mr. Osborne’s
property. Ms. Fischer stated that water
would have to flow uphill to go onto Mr. Osborne’s property.
Chairman Horan advised that included in the
agenda memorandum is a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection
indicating that the pond itself is exempt.
With regard to public participation, no one
else in the audience spoke and public input was closed.
Commissioner Dallari noted he had been out
to the site twice, once with Kim Fischer, P.E., and a building official who
went to the site and met with Mr. Osborne, and the other time he went out there
with Bruce McMenemy, Deputy County Manager.
He also stated he received emails from different citizens and a phone
call from one of the property owners out there, Mr. Gary Wilkerson, and he
spoke to him yesterday. He added that
today he is basing his decision on the information submitted today.
Commissioner Dallari stated he understands
that once the hole is filled in, everything will continue to sheet flow as it
naturally did. The state agencies as
well as two different engineers advised there will be no effect to Mr.
Osborne’s property.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to uphold the
Development Review Engineering Manager’s decision to approve the Small Site
Plan for the Parlato property located in the Woodland Estates Five-Acre
Development off of Old Lockwood Road, and more particularly described as 2331
Red Ember Road; Walter Osborne, Appellant.
Commissioner Dallari cited the 1980
Resolution in the backup that the County Attorney read from and stated those
issues are private issues and are not County issues.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board recessed the
meeting at 11:26 a.m., reconvening at 1:32
p.m., with all Commissioners and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy
Clerk Terri Porter who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Kyla Spencer, who were
present at the Opening Session.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to authorize the
filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public
hearings into the Official Record.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #22 – A-1799-16
Proof of
publication calling for a public hearing to consider the request to adopt a
Resolution issuing an Order to declare the
existence of a Public Nuisance at 1010 Dunbar Avenue, Sanford; to require
corrective action by May 7, 2016; and to authorize necessary corrective action
by the County in the event the nuisance is not abated by the record owners, received
and filed.
Liz Parkhurst, Building Division, addressed the Board to present the
request as outlined in the Agenda Memorandum.
Ms. Parkhurst stated on January 26, 2016, the Board issued a Notice of
Determination of Public Nuisance for the unoccupied structures. The Notice ordered that the structures be
repaired or rebuilt in compliance with the Florida Building Code or be abated
through demolition. She added that to
date, no corrective action has been taken; and there continues to be a steady
decline in the condition of the property.
Ms. Parkhurst noted that the purpose of this public hearing is to provide
the record property owners the opportunity to appear before the Board to state
why the subject structures do not create a public nuisance and why the property
should not be abated. She explained that
pursuant to Chapter 168 of the Seminole County Code, notice of this hearing was
received by the record property owners James Bradwell, Jr. and Martha
Harris. Staff recommends that the Board
issue an Order declaring the unoccupied structures a public nuisance and require
corrective action be taken by May 7, 2016.
Ms. Parkhurst stated that in the event the record property owners do not
take corrective action by May 7, 2016, it is further recommended that the Board
direct staff to abate the public nuisance.
Paul Watson, Building Official, is present for any questions from the
Property Owner James Bradwell, Jr., 4681 Richard Allen Street,
addressed the Board to state he is 74 years old, has recently had several
operations, and has only been given a month and a half to fix his
property. He added that his sons have
moved to the area; and if the Board can give him more time, the property will
be cleared. Mr. Bradwell explained that
this property is where he grew up, and he has a lot of memories there. He has a Bush Hog available to him, and his
sons are going to help him clean the place up.
He discussed how he feels he was singled out by someone who had an
interest in purchasing his property, and that person is the reason a code
enforcement officer came out.
Commissioner Carey expressed that the action today would give Mr.
Bradwell until May 7 to get the property cleaned and secured. She explained that the Building Inspector has
been to the property and reported that the house is not inhabitable. She asked Mr. Bradwell if May 7 is enough
time for him and his sons to fix the property.
Mr. Bradwell responded he needs more time than that because his sons
have to work and they have families so they can’t devote all of their time to
his property.
Commissioner Carey explained that if the County cleans the property up
so it is no longer a public nuisance, Mr. Bradwell still owns the property and
whatever the cost is for the County, which is normally pretty minimal, would
become a lien on the property for some future time of collection if the
property was ever sold. Mr. Bradwell
responded he does have a potential buyer.
He added since he is getting older, he would like to get rid of the
property; but because of the economy, nobody has any money. Commissioner Carey stated she is out in that
community often and believes that the property would be easier to market if it
was cleaned up. She added she believes
it would be cheaper to let the County clean it up than hire a company to do
so. Mr. Bradwell stated he would like to
evaluate the situation; and if it would cost him more to repair it than it
would to demolish it, then he will just demolish it. Commissioner Carey stated she would like the
Building Official to give an update on the likelihood of the property being repairable.
Mr. Bradwell stated again that he feels he was singled out; and
Commissioner Carey explained there are several homes in Bookertown that have
been scheduled to go through the same process as Mr. Bradwell, but there are
several steps they go through before they get to the Board. Mr. Bradwell mentioned other properties in
his area that he feels are in need of attention. Commissioner Carey stated she is taking notes
and will see what the County can do about getting those properties in
compliance. She explained that the
County is working very hard with the Bookertown community to clean it up. They have approved street lighting, they are
active in neighborhood cleanups, and they are looking to make improvements to
the park.
Chairman Horan asked the Building Official how long the house has been
vacant. Mr. Watson replied that June
2013 is the first time it went before the Code Enforcement Board and agreed
that it has been uninhabitable for several years. Upon Commissioner Carey’s inquiry, Mr. Watson
stated he has not been through the house because it was locked the time he
went, but there is siding off on the floor, you can see the inside has water
damage, as well as water intruding inside the house from the roof. He displayed a photo and said he knows the
walls are damaged, he just doesn’t know how bad; and added it has been that way
for some time. Chairman Horan noted the
depreciated building value is $102 on the tax roll.
Mr. Watson discussed four other houses in Bookertown that will be
getting letters over the next couple of weeks as soon as the attorney gets
clearance on it. Commissioner Carey
inquired about the four other houses and if they were Mr. Bradwell’s properties
or other peoples’ properties. Mr. Watson
answered Mr. Bradwell has two other houses that are in the same condition. Commissioner Carey asked what the average
cost of demolition is, and Mr. Watson explained anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000
according to what is in the property. He
added he didn’t see any asbestos in this property so it should be close to
$2,000 due to the size of the house.
Commissioner Carey confirmed with Mr. Watson that after the County
demolishes the house, removes the debris, and Bush Hogs the lot, all Mr.
Bradwell has to do is maintain it.
Chairman Horan noted that according to the property appraiser, the land
value is around $10,000.
With regard to public participation, no one else in the audience spoke
in support or in opposition and public input was closed.
Commissioner Carey stated it is unfortunate that many seniors and
veterans find themselves in situations that they did not anticipate would
happen to them. However, Bookertown is a
community that has fought pretty hard to clean up. The Board recently went through several
rounds of votes to determine if Bookertown wanted to better the community by
paying for street lights, which passed.
She added that the community has had to deal with a number of abandoned
homes, some in worse shape than Mr. Bradwell’s.
Commissioner Carey believes this gives Mr. Bradwell the opportunity to
do the corrective action himself prior to the County taking any action. She would ask that staff work with Mr.
Bradwell in discussion to see if he can clean the property up on his own; and
if he can’t, she thinks it is fair for the community to have some relief.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to adopt
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-46 issuing an Order to declare the existence of
a Public Nuisance at 1010 Dunbar Avenue, Sanford; to require corrective action
by May 7, 2016; and to authorize necessary corrective action by the County in
the event the nuisance is not abated by the record owners, as described in the
proof of publication.
Commissioner Constantine offered
a friendly amendment. He stated
since he has learned there are two other properties owned by the same
individual, he would like to give Mr. Bradwell until June 7th instead of May
7th. Commissioner Carey agreed to that amendment being included
in the motion.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Carey stated that her comment regarding staff working
closely with Mr. Bradwell holds true not only for 1010 Dunbar Avenue but for
the other two properties as well.
Agenda Item #23 – 2016-289
Proof of Publication calling for a public hearing to consider the
request to approve the transmittal of the proposed Amendments to the Text of
the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan to State and regional review agencies,
received and filed.
Sheryl Stolzenberg, Planning and Development Division, addressed the
Board to request amendments to the Comprehensive Plan including the text of the
Introduction, Future Land Use, Housing, Implementations, Intergovernmental
Coordination, and Recreation and Open Space Elements. She stated that the majority of the
amendments are attempts to make the plan clearer and easier for readers to use,
eliminating a lot of out-of-date references to state agencies and rules and regulations
that no longer exist at the State level.
She advised that staff proposes the addition of two new definitions to
be added to the Introduction Element; one for the word “adjacent,” which
appears in many polices of the Comprehensive Plan but has never been defined in
the plan; and “Land Use Overlay.” Ms.
Stolzenberg noted that staff thought they had achieved great clarity with the
definitions; but as they continued to work, they found that they needed to
propose some additional changes to the definition of “adjacent”, and she
distributed that for the Board’s consideration yesterday. She stated she would like to read the
definition into the record since it is not on the County website. She read the “adjacent” definition as defined
in the Agenda Memorandum and stated she hopes that will make it clear because
the term appears throughout the Comprehensive Plan in many places and people
need to understand what it means.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated there are a few other major changes that are
recommended. She explained that in the
Future Land Use Element text, staff recommends changing the maximum allowable
intensity for non-residential, job-generating uses in the High Intensity
Planned Development – Target Industry (HIP-TI) Land Use from a floor—to-area
ratio of 1.0 to 1.5 because they believe it will make the County more
attractive to job-generating uses.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated staff is also recommending changing the name of
the Energy Conservation Overlay to Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay because
that more nearly approximates what they are trying to accomplish in following
the “How Shall We Grow?” regional vision.
She explained that in the Implementation Element, staff is recommending
language that clarifies how the interpretation of Future Land Use Designation
Boundaries will be made when circumstances create some question over where the
boundary would actually be; and recommending an explanation of how overlays are
implemented because they have found members of the public think that an overlay
district only tightens up what can be done and sometimes overlays are used to
incentivize types of development patterns.
Ms. Stolzenberg discussed the Intergovernmental Coordination
Element. She noted there is an exhibit
that was put in years ago that was never required by State law and is woefully
out of date; and staff didn’t see anything to be gained from updating it, so
they are recommending that it be removed.
She stated that in the exhibit for what was called the Energy
Conservation Overlay Exhibit, staff is recommending changing that to the Urban
Centers and Corridors Exhibit. And they
are also recommending an exhibit change for the Recreation and Open Space
Element to identify the location of the Seminole County Sports Complex, which
was not included on that exhibit previously.
Ms. Stolzenberg noted that those are the major changes along with the
many changes that staff hopes will make the plan a lot more readable, and they
are continuing to identify additional changes.
With regard to public participation, no one in the audience spoke in
support or in opposition and public input was closed.
Commissioner Dallari stated he is surprised they didn’t define “green
infrastructure” because he feels it leaves it open to a lot of interpretation
and that many people have a different definition of what it is, so it needs to
be defined better. Ms. Stolzenberg
responded staff can add that to the next batch of amendments that will be
coming through.
Commissioner Constantine questioned other than the floor-to-area ratio
being changed from 1.0 to 1.5 in the high-density job corridors, were there any
other increases in densities in the particular definition changes; Ms.
Stolzenberg answered not at this time.
He also asked if staff should put something in for Transit Oriented
Development (TOD) because his concern was whether they would have to clarify it
each and every time. Nicole Guillet,
County Manager, stated that they can and as they prepare the next round of
amendments, staff will be happy to sit down with Commissioner Constantine to
see if they can make it clearer.
Commissioner Constantine added it will make it easier when developers
want to do that near the SunRail projects.
Commissioner Dallari stated in regard to the 17-92 corridor Joint
Planning Agreements, he would like more definition on the landscaping designs
and techniques. Ms. Guillet explained
that regarding the clarification on the green infrastructure and other issues
with respect to landscape, staff can deal with those through Land Development
Code amendments. Staff can go in and put
some more specific standards, and there is usually general information in the
Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Dallari
noted he just doesn’t want to mislead anyone who is trying to develop a piece
of property who may think that landscaping just needs to have less water usage
and it doesn’t really specify how much.
Ms. Guillet stated staff will typically refine those discussions within
the Land Development Code, and staff can work on those with Commissioner
Dallari as they go forward.
Carey mentioned as staff has looked at the Land Development Code for
landscaping, they have talked about how they would like to see more native,
Florida-friendly plants that take less water; and hopefully the major revision
to the Land Development Code will come as part of those changes.
Carey stated in regard to places of high intensity development like 17-92,
around the airport and International Parkway for example, where it would make
sense for mixed use, they need to look at the entire stretch and question
whether they have enough residential to support the offices or industry that
are developed and businesses brought there without people having to travel from
Volusia or Orlando. She added she knows
they are talking about doing studies and she wants to make sure they do not
lose sight of the fact that not every site is intended to be mixed use because
some aren't big enough to mix those uses effectively. Ms. Guillet agreed and stated staff is
working within the Development Services Department to put together a proposal,
which will be brought before the Board, to do a series of studies in different
areas of the county and look at those areas as a whole. She explained that the difficulty staff is
having is they don't know how much carrying capacity there is for office or
what the appropriate mix for office and residential is. She added there are areas in the county that
staff thinks would be good to look at and say it can carry X number of
residential and X number of square feet of office or commercial, and look at
the area as a whole instead of trying to do it on a parcel-by-parcel basis.
Carey discussed International Parkway.
She mentioned that there are agencies such as the Urban Land Institute
and other people that have studied mixed use in areas like International
Parkway around the country who have already done the heavy lifting that staff
should reach out to, to learn what they already know. She noted there are consultants that will
come in and say, here is what you are missing; and to support this, here is
what you need to not be sprawling all over the place to get to services and
goods. Commissioner Carey stated she
believes staff needs to pay more attention to International Parkway, around the
airport, and U.S. 17-92. Ms. Guillet
explained staff is heading in that direction and she hopes they will be able to
bring the Board a proposal soon with respect to the studies.
Motion by
Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to approve transmittal of
the proposed Amendments to the Text of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan
to State and regional review agencies, as described in the proof of
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Meloney Lung, Assistant County Manager,
addressed the Board to update them on a couple of bills that the Governor has
already signed. She discussed SB 130,
which prohibits the recreational discharge of a firearm in residential
areas. Ms. Guillet stated this is not
something staff would enforce on a local level, but she knows the Board gets
calls on the issue and wanted them to know that there is some new legislation
on it. Ms. Lung explained SB 552,
Environmental Resources, which was signed into law in January; and noted the
bill creates the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act. In addition, it requires that the County
adopt a fertilizer ordinance by July 2017, and she advised staff is currently
in the process of developing it. Commissioner
Carey stated in regard to the fertilizer ordinance issue, the Department of
Agriculture reports on a regular basis to the Wekiva Basin Commission; and they
have some good rules they have adopted.
So instead of recreating the wheel, Commissioner Carey suggested staff
reach out to Jody Lee, Environmental Manager with the Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, to see if they can get some examples of what
others have passed.
Ms. Lung stated some bills that are still
awaiting signature include HB 89, which relates to some changes in the
Agritourism Bill as well as a better definition to describe what agritourism
is. Ms. Lung stated HB 479 relates to
special districts. She noted that the
County has four special districts: Fred
R. Wilson Memorial Law Library, Seminole County Industrial Development
Authority (SCIDA), Seminole County Port Authority (SCOPA), and the U.S. 17-92
Corridor Redevelopment Agency. She
explained that the bill will require that special districts post their budgets
and tentative budgets on a website. Upon
Chairman Horan’s inquiry, Ms. Lung confirmed it requires the budget, subsequent
amendments, and potentially financial documents as well. Discussion ensued in regard to whether these
districts post their budgets. Ms. Lung
advised she will coordinate with SCOPA to ensure they are complying. Ms. Lung discussed HB 7023, which relates to
ad valorem tax exemption for deployed service members. Commissioner Carey stated the County has
passed additional exemptions for veterans.
With regard to Juvenile Detention costs,
Ms. Lung stated SB 1322 was passed this morning because all the counties in the
system agreed to withdraw their litigation.
Ms. Lung explained the County overpaid approximately $4M from 2009 to
2012. The County had requested a line
item in the budget; and Ms. Lung’s understanding is that Tallahassee didn’t
want to put that in the budget this year, they wanted to take care of the other
counties to get the litigation cleared up.
She noted she understands it could be put in next year’s budget as it
was last year. Chairman Horan stated it
is still a dynamic situation to which Ms. Lung agreed and stated they will
continue working on trying to get the $4M.
Ms. Lung mentioned SB 1534 regarding
homelessness proposed by Senator Simmons.
She explained the bill allows the County to use SHIP funds with more
Ms. Lung discussed that the County was
awarded $2M for the U.S. 17-92 flyover project.
The lobbyist has received a form that the County needs to complete which
provides more detailed information for the Governor’s review. Commissioner Dallari stated that that had
more to do with the lawsuit that was filed by the property owner. Ms. Guillet explained for the benefit of the
public, the $2M is intended to do some additional improvements that will work
in concert with the flyover and to improve mobility and some other related
issues in that corridor. They are
projects that the County put together, and they are working to vet them now so
that the County can ensure they get the funding. She stated these are funds that are going to
the County and not to the litigants in the law suit, and it is for projects
that will enhance and address some of the mobility issues that were created by
the flyover. Chairman Horan noted they
are able to be handled as part of the FDOT work plan; therefore, they are
essentially budget neutral. Chairman
Horan stated it was brilliantly handled by the lawyer who handled the
litigation for the private litigant and the County is going to benefit because
of it, and he believes it was a very good development and skillful way of
getting it resolved. Ms. Guillet
admitted that this got a little sideways from some reporting that didn't
reflect the real situation, and so this item might need some clarification. Chairman Horan stated there's really no budget
item to veto because it's already part of the work plan.
To conclude her presentation, Ms. Lung
mentioned $500,000 that has been included in the budget to mediate the
human-bear conflicts prevention. Florida
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) consistently has expressed
their position that counties with bear ordinances in place will receive the
bulk of the funds, and she states staff will continue to work with their
lobbyists at FWC regarding that money.
Commissioner Carey confirmed that Seminole County continues to be the
only county in the state that has a bear ordinance. Ms. Guillet clarified that Wakulla County
adopted an ordinance this week.
Commissioner Carey stated if you look at Seminole County versus Wakulla
County, there is probably more people-conflict potential than in all of Wakulla
County. Commissioner Constantine
explained that there are a number of criteria, all of which the County will be
in the number one position; so the County should get a good deal of that
money. Commissioner Carey stated the
County needs to apply for it immediately as soon as it becomes law.
Commissioner Henley asked if staff has been
following the gambling bills that keep popping up. Commissioner Constantine advised the bill is
dead to which Commissioner Henley said that doesn’t mean it won’t come
back. He stated that the County has
habitually defeated by referendum any expansion, and they need to make sure
that they continue to follow them.
Commissioner Carey explained that pari-mutuel licenses can be moved
around in the County, but the law doesn't allow them to sell one to take it
somewhere else. She discussed how Mr.
Birdoff, who owns Jai-Alai, tried to get a bill passed that would allow him to sell
it outside the County because he would like to move the Jai-Alai because he
wants to develop there and it is an asset that has some value to somebody
else. She opined they don't want to see
those get moved around within the County, she would prefer they get moved out
of the County to somewhere where somebody already has gambling, such as
Miami-Dade. She expressed the County
should encourage the Legislator to look at that. She added she isn't sure how
many counties in the State actually have pari-mutuel licenses anymore, but
Seminole County has three that they should look at trying to get moved
out. Commissioner Henley agreed and
stated when the Board talked to Mr. Birdoff about the bill, they indicated they
would support legislation to allow him to move it.
Commissioner Dallari expressed both
Commissioners make valid points about trying to transfer those types of
licenses outside the County. He stated
South Florida didn't want the licenses because it created too much competition,
but he would encourage moving them outside the County. Chairman Horan explained if someone wants to
peddle a license and there is a market for it, it is not a competition
situation. It is just like a liquor
license and it would still be regulated, so Chairman Horan doesn't understand
why it can't be done especially in the light of the fact there are so few
counties that have these licenses.
Commissioner Carey stated if they worked something out so that they
could turn the licenses back into the State and have some benefit from the
State by turning it back in, then it becomes a State lottery for the State to
deal with; at least that way it eliminates it from Seminole County. Chairman Horan stated any new gambling
legislation appears to be dead, and it may be the subject of a special session
depending upon what else happens.
Ms. Lung reminded that Alex Setzer will be
present at the next meeting to give more details if there are any specific
bills that the Board would like more information on. Commissioner Carey expressed she would like a
written executive summary of everything that happened as well as the backup for
it. Ms. Guillet said staff has started
that summary and will get it to the Board before the next meeting.
Chairman Horan stated with regard to the
dynamic situation that exists right now with the Department of Juvenile Justice
(DJJ), it looks like the allocation bill will pass; whether there is going to
be a resolution of the three counties and the amounts they are owed this year
is still in play. Getting the allocation
issue resolved does bode well for taking care of the other counties at some
particular point depending upon who you talk to, but Chairman Horan said he
will have a more concrete idea about what is going on probably within the next
day or so. Commissioner Carey mentioned
the Governor has said that if the County could get the DJJ money into the
budget, he would not veto it; he would wholeheartedly support it, so that has
been the game plan for a while. Chairman
Horan noted that message has been placed in the ears of the appropriate
legislators who are pushing bills or have control over the budget items.
Chairman Horan mentioned that a number of
different appropriations have come to organizations including Kids House and
SWOP Inspire. He stated he would like to
ensure that everyone knows what the issues are so they can protect their
interests. Commissioner Carey suggested
the County Manager confer a list and make sure they include college funding and
all of the other entities. Chairman
Horan asked that the list be compiled because there was a veto letter that was
dated the Friday before the Tuesday when the letter was actually made public,
so certain decisions concerning vetoes are probably being made right now; so
the quicker the Board gets to the people they need to get to, the better off
they will be.
District 2
Chairman Horan reported that he had a
conference with Mayor Lacey, City of Winter Springs, and their County Manager
with regards to their impact fees and they are currently undergoing an impact
fee study. They are retaining
consultants to do a new impact fee study in that particular corridor. He added they are trying to develop their
commercial piece of that city in a specific corridor, and they have identified
their impact fees and the way they process them as one of their issues.
District 4
Commissioner Henley stated he received a
call from the Lynx governmental liaison and he requested that Commissioner
Henley bring to the Board a request to have the Chairman send a letter (copies
received and filed) to Governor Scott in support of the I-4 Ultimate Transit
Service Mitigation funding that is in both of the budgets, and encourage the
Governor to support it. They sent along
a copy of one that had been approved to send by MetroPlan. Chairman Horan declared with no objections he
will go ahead and post that letter to the Governor.
District 5
Commissioner Carey reported that the St.
Johns Riverkeeper has their 2016 river tour coming up. It will be a 310-mile trek down the St. Johns
River. It starts March the 22nd at Blue
Crystal Lake in Fellsmere and ends April the 3rd at the Atlantic Ocean. They will be coming through Lake Harney to
Enterprise and then Enterprise to Deland on the 25th and 26th of March. It's a great educational process for students
to monitor the people coming down through the river on the tour, and
information is available on the Riverkeeper's website. She encouraged everybody to take a look at
Commissioner Carey stated that at the Board
Authority meeting, they recently talked about a couple of things including a
draft that has gone out on the land swap.
There are some edits to be made to it, and she is working with Lynn
Porter-Carlton, Deputy County Attorney, to make sure that they get those done
and back over to the Airport.
Commissioner Carey was happy to announce there are four new destinations
being added by Allegiant Airlines. The
new locations include Akron, Ohio; El Paso, Texas; Evansville, Indiana; and
Wichita, Kansas. She stated that
international travel is up 61% in February which is up 40% year-to-date; and
domestic travel is up 18% in February over last February, an overall 14%
year-to-date increase. Commissioner
Carey distributed copies of the Airport's annual report (copy received and
filed) and noted they should let her know if they want more copies for their
offices, and she will pick up more the next time she is at the Airport.
Commissioner Carey reminded that this
Sunday, March 13th, is the time to set your clocks forward one hour and urged
not to forget to change the batteries in smoke detectors. Sunday also begins the County's twice-a-week
water regulations. There are rules and
regulations regarding that, and they are posted on the County website.
Commissioner Carey stated the last item she
has is Thursday, March 17th, is St. Patrick’s Day and she wishes
everyone a happy St. Patty’s Day.
District 1
Commissioner Dallari reported that Wekiva
Island recently had the Wekiva Island Paint Out. He felt it was truly phenomenal the amount of
artists that showed up from throughout the state and even some other parts of
the country. They raised $21,000 for the
Wekiva Wilderness Trust as well as Keep Seminole Beautiful. He thanked the County staff for being present
at the event.
Commissioner Dallari stated he received a
letter of resignation from David Axel, Seminole County Industrial Development
Authority (SCIDA); and he would like to send him a letter of appreciation for
his service on that board.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to approve
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-47 in appreciation of David Axel for his service
on the Seminole COutny Industrial Development Authority.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Upon Commissioner Carey’s inquiry,
Commissioner Dallari stated by the next meeting he will have a replacement for
Mr. Axel.
Lastly, Commissioner Dallari spoke in
regard to the upcoming MetroPlan meeting, and advised they will be talking
about applying for another TIGER grant for Phase 2, North of Volusia County;
and they hope to convince surrounding counties that that would be the only
TIGER grant that they will be applying for in Central Florida.
District 3
Commissioner Constantine reported Commissioner
Gary Brender from Lake Mary was appointed to the TDC by the Council of Local
Governments (CALNO). This coming week,
in addition to the MPO that Commissioner Dallari indicated, Commissioner
Constantine stated he will be attending the Wekiva Wild and Scenic River
Federal Committee that is going to be meeting on the 9th. The Zoo will have their annual meeting on the
10th, and the Board will be doing a work session with them sometime in April. Commissioner Constantine announced that
Leadership Seminole will have their annual Bowling Green event at Altamonte
Lanes this Sunday, March 13th, as a fundraiser.
Commissioner Carey, as Commissioner to the Wekiva River Basin
Commission, will be meeting with Chairman Horan and Commissioner Constantine on
March 16th at the Regional Planning Council offices.
Commissioner Constantine was pleased to
inform that the boardwalk will be reopening this week for walking around at
Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Springs.
He also wanted to congratulate Altamonte Springs for being the first
city in the United States to have a working relationship with Uber to work with
them on getting people to SunRail.
Chairman Horan stated with the resignation
of Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, the Board needs to make new appointments
to the MetroPlan technical boards.
by Chairman Horan, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to appoint Jean Jreij as
primary member and Charles Wetzel as an alternate member to the MetroPlan TAC
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
by Chairman Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Jean Jreij as
primary member and Shad Smith as an alternate member to the MetroPlan TSMO
Advisory Committee.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Jean Jreij as
primary member and Bill Wharton as an alternate member to the SunRail Technical
Advisory Committee.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
by Chairman Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Jean Jreij as
primary member and Neil Newton as an alternate member to the Central Florida
Expressway Authority Right-of-Way Committee.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to confirm the
appointment of Commissioner Gary Brender of Lake Mary to the TDC by CALNO.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Horan announced he received a
response letter dated March 4, 2016, in regard to the letter he posted back in
January 26th to Governor Scott concerning the SR 417 project and the proposal
to put express lanes in there. He
discussed the response with the Executive Director of the Expressway Authority
who is proposing that they coordinate any further communication on this. Chairman Horan stated he was disappointed in
the response because it didn't seem to be responsive to the content and
seriousness of the communication.
Commissioner Carey expressed she thinks it restates Secretary Boxold’s
position, which is to do a swap. She
stated the County still tries to get the State Bond Finance to agree on a
formula on how they would value the assets so they can evaluate a purchase or a
swap; but they have to come up with that valuation first.
Commissioner Dallari stated, for the
benefit of the public, that the State is proposing putting in an express lane
on SR 417 from the Orange/Seminole County line up to Lake Jesup. The only way to describe it is a toll within
a toll, an express lane that you would pay an additional toll to use. Commissioner Dallari noted the Board is
opposed to it. He explained the express
lane would express commuters down to the part of the expressway that has all
the congestion and no express lanes.
Commissioner Carey noted the good news in trying to resolve the issue is
that the Central Florida Expressway Authority has moved up the University
Boulevard improvement, which is where it all backs up. She stated the Board doesn't think that it is
a good move, nor does the Board think that it is in the best interest of the
traveling public; and they think it makes sense to try to gain control of that.
Chairman Horan pointed out that for it to
be a swap, there has to be a value and the values have to be equal; and to the
extent that you can't make the values equal, you can't have a fair swap. Commissioner Dallari clarified that this is
not State statute, this is policy by a staff person. Commissioner Carey advised, she understands
that; however, it is the director of FDOT.
She expressed that the Governor has not been lobbied one way or the
other. He hasn't been lobbied to swap
it, he hasn't been lobbied to approve a sale of it; and so until he sees a
financial plan of what it looks like, he is not going to consider it one way or
the other.
Commissioner Carey informed that Laura
Kelley, Executive Director of the Central Florida Expressway Authority, has
directed bond counsel to take more aggressive actions to send a proposal to the
bond counsel at the State level.
Chairman Horan opined that it is a win-win situation for FDOT, the
Turnpike Authority, and CFX because the funds generated by the sale of SR 417
would be able to be used by FDOT in other parts of the state. He added he isn't sure why there is so much
dismissiveness to ideas that are being promulgated by the Central Florida
Expressway Authority and supported by this Commission. Commissioner Carey advised it will be
discussed in detail at the MetroPlan Board meeting tomorrow. She stated she understands that Ms. Kelley
will be there to explain the position of the Expressway Authority Board.
Chairman Horan stated that at the last
meeting, Commissioner Dallari asked that the Board approve a letter (copy
received and filed) that Chairman Horan sent to the mayors of Winter Springs
and Oviedo, and he just wants to make sure that the language he is using is
appropriate; and if there are no revisions, he will get it out this week. Commissioner Carey questioned the first two
sentences in the second paragraph, and Commissioner Dallari stated the issue is
with the rural area boundary; there are questions when people are developing
right up to it of where that line is in a survey. Chairman Horan explained the surveys that
exist for the individual properties along the rural boundary line may not
necessarily be consistent with the rural boundary line as it is drawn and known
in the Charter. Upon Commissioner
Carey's suggestion, Chairman Horan agreed to add a provision to the letter regarding
stakes in the field marking the rural boundary line.
Chairman Horan congratulated the DUDA
Company who is celebrating their 90th anniversary of existence this year.
He stated he would like to reiterate what
was brought up by Commissioner Constantine by congratulating Altamonte Springs
on its leadership in its initiative to increase mobility and connectivity by
initiating a pilot program with Uber within its city. For the last two months, the County has been
addressing connectivity and mobility issues through work sessions, some of
those were attended by the City. Those
issues have been discussed at Mayors and Managers meetings since January, and
it is something the County can take interest in.
Chairman Horan disclosed that Rick Weddle,
President & CEO of the Orlando Economic Development Commission, has
resigned. Therefore, national searches
are going on for an executive director for the Sports Commission as well as the
Economic Development Commission. He
applauded Mr. Weddle for his leadership and success in the organization.
Ms. Guillet stated she has a follow-up item
from the last meeting regarding urban chickens.
She explained that Ms. Lung and Rebecca Hammock, Planning and
Development Manager, are working on putting together a proposed pilot program
for the Board's consideration. Ms.
Hammock has worked on the issue previously in Volusia County so she has a good
background on it, and staff is also looking at other pilot programs since the
County is not the first that has looked at doing this. Ms. Guillet explained staff wants to take the
best of all the programs and deal with some of the issues the County has,
particularly issues they are coordinating with the FWC on, like predators in
the area. They want to put together a
comprehensive plan that will address the public who want backyard chickens, but
also mitigate any sort of impacts they may have on neighbors or other negative
impacts that could occur as a result of such a program. She hopes to bring that plan before the Board
members within the next month or so; in the meantime, staff will be meeting
with the Board individually to continue to refine how the pilot program may
take form.
Commissioner Carey asked staff to check
with the FWC to see what they are doing to try to deal with the fast-growing
coyote population all over the state.
Ms. Guillet expressed they have been talking about that, and the issue
is similar to the issue with bears; there are attractants. She explained that the concern with respect
to the backyard chicken program is coyotes are a greater concern than
bears. The FWC is looking for other
mechanisms to reduce attractants just as they looked at with bears, so that is
the next thing on their agenda; but it is an issue that goes beyond that
matter. Commissioner Carey warned about
small or old animals in the yard available to coyote packs. Ms. Guillet’s understanding is that the
coyotes are a bigger threat to pets than the bears are.
Mr. Applegate, County Attorney, introduced
Paul Chipok and Desmond Morrell. Mr.
Chipok will be working with Tina Williamson, Director of Development Services;
and Mr. Morrell will be working with Community Services.
The following Communications and/or Reports
were received and filed:
Letter dated February 15, 2016, from Kenneth
Peach, Executive Director, Health Council of East Central Florida, to Chairman
Horan RE: County Commission to appoint a member to their board.
Notice received February 24, 2016, from the
City of Lake Mary, Notice of Public Hearing of the Planning and Zoning Board to
be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. RE: Rezoning Griffin Farm at
Letter dated February 23, 2016, from Taylor
Teepell, Director, Division of Community Development, Florida Department of
Economic Opportunity, RE: Completed review of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Letter received February 25, 2016, from the
City of Longwood RE: Special Exception to the City of Longwood Heritage Village
Code and the Longwood Development Code to allow signage for Weston Park
Apartments; Public Hearing on March 7, 2016, 7:00 p.m., City Commission
Letter dated February 29, 2016, from Roderick
Henderson, The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools, to the Board of
County Commissioners RE: Thanking the Commission for the donation of $1,875 for
Midway Safe Harbor.
Backyard Chickens
Kathy Register, 1750 Gladiolas Drive,
addressed the Board to discuss backyard chickens. She stated she has lived in the Garden Lakes
Estates community for over 30 years. It
was only recently brought to her attention that backyard chickens were not
allowed in Seminole County. She
explained she lives in an unincorporated part of Winter Park that has a
volunteer HOA; and when she first moved into the community, it was unique in
that it had the convenience of the city amenities but it had the feeling of the
country. She stated she is here today as
a resident of Garden Lakes Estates in support, and hopefully a future owner, of
backyard chickens.
Alexander Duncan, P.O. Box 620092,
addressed the Board to commend them on their future work of developing an
ordinance in support of backyard chickens.
He added that he does not think that as citizens they should have to
come in and ask to have chickens in the backyard. He mentioned he comes from Geneva, so he is
used to being able to have what he wants on his property; but he doesn’t think
chickens should be that big of a deal.
Lisa Fields, 1940 Aster Drive, addressed
the Board to speak in support of backyard chickens. She stated she is a representative of the
Seminole County Backyard Chicken Initiative who has been working for over nine
months to try and bring the initiative to the Board’s attention, so she is very
thankful that it is being addressed by the County Manager. Ms. Fields expressed she would ask the Board
to act on the initiative with some importance.
She presented an online petition (copy received and filed) which is 32
pages and over 1,500 signatures of residents who would like to see the County
allow them to have backyard chickens.
She explained there are people in the hundreds who already own backyard
chickens who have not had any issues because it requires responsible
ownership. She noted there are already
programs in place that have been successful throughout the country, and her
group has been actively researching those programs. Ms. Fields stated with the allowance of
backyard chickens, she could provide her family with organic, sustainable eggs,
and mentioned the benefits beyond that of pest control, loving relationships,
et cetera. She commented that she does
understand there are concerns about predators; but responsible chicken keeping
and appropriate care makes it a non-issue.
It requires responsible owners, so the only issue, to Ms. Fields, seems
to be how to deal with those who are not responsible owners and not punish the
ones who are responsible owners. She
thanked the Board for their consideration on the issue.
Commissioner Carey clarified for the public
that backyard chickens are allowed in agricultural zoned properties.
Speaker Request Forms were received and
Amanda Gordon, 828 Lighthouse Cove; Valerie
Anstey, 626 N. Pine Avenue; Maureen Meagher, 39309 Wild Flower Way; Joanne
Bolemon, 1183 Pasro Del Mar; and Ann French, 1200 Integra Landings Drive
donated their public speaking time to Ms. Shadix.
Katrina Shadix, 995 Oklahoma Street,
addressed the Board to thank them for passing the Urban Bear Ordinance #2015-33
as well as the most strongly worded fracking ban, Ordinance #2016-7, in the
state. She stated she is here today to
respectfully request that the Board bring forth a County resolution to oppose
the bear hunt and make the County’s legacy complete with a trifecta of hearing,
respecting, and taking action on and for the will of the majority of Seminole
County residents. Ms. Shadix voiced that
you may argue that there are too many bears and the population needs to
decrease to reduce human-bear conflicts; to that, Ms. Shadix reminds that
nearly 20% of the bear population was killed in 2015. The State would need to do a 5-to-10 year
moratorium on the bear hunt to allow the bear population to increase at a 2%
yearly rate to get back to the numbers the FWC felt justified to allow the
killing of the bears. She advised it is
imperative to note that the bear nuisance calls to the FWC increased after the
bear hunt.
Ms. Shadix reminded there has never been a
fatal bear attack in Florida.
Additionally, Ms. Shadix claimed that the bear hunt did not kill the
bears that live in neighborhoods with humans; instead it killed bears that had
never encountered humans, bears that were baited with donuts two weeks before
the hunt, and bears that lived peacefully in the forest. Ms. Shadix stated the Board may argue that
now is not the time to bring forth such a resolution because the FWC may not
have the hunt, but she will argue that the FWC is meeting next month in Jupiter
to discuss the kill quota for this year’s hunt.
She discussed how the bear hunt is bad for the economy because it will
affect tourism due to the County’s reputation being tainted. She expressed that democracy is diminished by
not declaring an official opposition to the hunt, being that less than one
percent of Seminole County residents are hunters and less than one-tenth of a
percent of hunters are bear killers.
Democracy is based on the will of the majority, and the majority of residents
are against another bear hunt. Ms.
Shadix informed the Board of entities that have passed bear-hunt
resolutions. She stated that the number
of Florida residents represented by entities that passed bear-hunt bans total
Ms. Shadix stated that the Board has
listened to the majority the past year by passing a bear-friendly trash
ordinance and a fracking ban, and now the majority asks that the Board
continues to respect the process of democracy by bringing forth and passing a
resolution opposing the bear hunt.
Dan Kon, 245 Albrighton Court donated his
public speaking time to Trevor Sorbo.
Trevor Sorbo, 11803 Sheltering Pine Drive,
addressed the Board to ask them to pass an anti-bear hunt resolution and send
it to the FWC. He believes that it is
the necessary action because 75% of Floridians oppose the bear hunt and over
40,000 sent communication to the FWC last year regarding the hunt. He claims the FWC not only ignored all the
communication, but blatantly told the public they are not accountable to
citizens; and he feels they have their own agenda. Mr. Sorbo provided some statistics to the
Commissioners regarding the past year's bear hunt. He expressed that through working at Walt
Disney World, he knows that tourists trust the brand of Central Florida to be a
family-friendly place. However, when
tourists see on the news that we are killing lactating mother bears, it is not
good for the Central Florida brand because tourism is what drives our economy;
and he invited the Board to help him protect that brand.
Mr. Sorbo explained in 2012, the Florida
black bear was delisted from a threatened species by the FWC even though they
did not know how many bears Florida had, and they still do not know because the
FWC will not wait for an accurate count.
He then quoted Theodore Roosevelt who said, "Wild beasts and birds
are by right; not the property merely of the people who are alive today, but
the property of unknown generations whose belongings we have no right to
squander." Mr. Sorbo expressed that
the bears that were killed in the hunt were not the nuisance bears, they were
the bears that were out in the woods; and bear interaction actually went
up. He applauded the Board for putting
in a bear-proof trash can ordinance because it is going to help residents have
less bear interactions, unlike the hunt.
He detailed that there were twice as many black bears of a specific
group killed than the FWC said that population could sustain; and another small
group had 120 bears killed when the FWC estimated that only 40 bears could be
killed. He mentioned he understands
legally it is not the Board's jurisdiction, but the public's voices are being
ignored and the Board can make a difference by helping them and going to the
Lisa Krist, 500 Timber Ridge, donated her
public speaking time to Megan Sorbo.
Megan Sorbo, 11803 Sheltering Pine Drive,
addressed the Board to state she is here to speak on behalf of the Florida
black bears. She explained that the fate
of the bears is a statewide issue, and she comes before the Board as a
concerned Floridian. Ms. Sorbo detailed
that in October 2015, the FWC authorized the first bear hunt in Florida in over
20 years. Just over 300 bears were
killed in 2 days; however, this does not mean that this hunt was a success in
any way. She noted that Florida black
bears are not aggressive animals; they are powerful and will defend themselves
or their cubs if threatened, but that is hardly reason to kill them. She explained between 1974 and 2012, Florida
black bears were listed as a Florida state threatened species. Their population was down to just 300 bears
in the 1970's. Their population is now
estimated to be between 3,000 and 3,500 bears.
She reminded that the actual population number is only a guess by the
Ms. Sorbo commented that using a claim of
scientific calculations, the FWC decided on a kill quota of 320 bears total for
the state. She felt the most sickening
part of the 2015 hunt was that there were 3,778 hunting licenses sold, more
than the entire estimated bear population.
She questioned how anyone could consider that fair to the bears,
especially in the mind of hunters who call themselves sportsmen. She explained that currently bears occupy
only 18% of their historic range in 7 isolated population areas throughout the
state. She asked the Board to imagine
having the size of their home reduced by over 80% and then having people come
into their now smaller home to hunt them while they were doing nothing
wrong. She expressed that that is what
is happening to the bears. She implored
the Board to adopt a resolution to ban bear hunting in Seminole County because
the bears have already lost over 80% of their habitat and have done nothing to
merit being killed.
Upon Commissioner Dallari's inquiry, Ms.
Sorbo mentioned she was homeschooled and in the 4th grade. Commissioner Dallari commended Ms. Sorbo for
writing such a well-written letter and sharing it with the Board. He stated she is very articulate and he
supports what she said 100%.
Nancy Ken, 215 Albrighton Court, donated
her public speaking time to Anthony Rogers-Wright.
Anthony Rogers-Wright, 2329 Park Village
Place, addressed the Board and stated he is the policy director for
Environmental Action, which is a national non-profit with nearly one million
members. He is here on behalf of the
members to urge the Board to adopt a resolution that would ban the hunting of
black bears in Seminole County. He
explained he has been fighting this issue with a coalition of animal lovers and
advocates of environmental stewardship for almost two years. Mr. Rogers-Wright expressed he has learned
that the hunt that was recklessly approved and carried out by the FWC was just
as much an issue of justice and democracy as it was an issue of environmental
stewardship and protection. FWC’s
actions can only be described as insurgent and antithetical to the will of the
people of Florida. He reminded that poll
after poll showed that the majority of Floridians were opposed to the hunt;
still, the FWC proceeded using specious and meretricious reasons that were
perpetually altered over time when each reason was proven to be meritless. He mentioned that the FWC's first argument
was associated with public safety. Mr.
Rogers-Wright claims Thomas Eason, Director of the Division of Habitat &
Species Conservation, conceded that non-lethal management practices work
better; but FWC already made the decision to carry out what he calls the black
bear blood bath even after Environmental Action provided the FWC a check for
$5,000 to purchase bear proof containers.
He added that his organization would be happy to do that for Seminole
County as well because they are active and very passionate about the issue in
arriving at a solution that doesn't include unnecessary blood and death.
Mr. Rogers-Wright noted that even the judge
who ruled against the injunction of the hunt during a lawsuit lead by Chuck
O'Neal, Speak Up Wekiva, castigated FWC for incomplete science and recommended
that they complete their census before commencing the hunt. He stated the FWC's disregard may have
serious irreparable consequences. He
explained that in Seminole County, a quota of 100 bears was set for the hunt by
FWC; and that number was exceeded by nearly 40%. Nick Wiley, FWC Director, had to suspend the
hunt after only 2 days even though the hunt season was slated to last a
week. FWC announced their plans to have
a second hunt this year only two days after the cessation of last year's
Mr. Rogers-Wright concluded by stating if
counties do not stand up to the FWC, he promises the County will see and
realize a case of necessary federal intervention from the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service; the same intervention that was necessary for black people
to overcome oppression may soon be necessary for black bears to be emancipated
from the brink of extinction. For those
reasons, Mr. Rogers-Wright urged the Board to draft and approve a resolution
that would ban all black bear hunting in Seminole County, at least until FWC
demonstrates to the County and the people of Florida that they are using sound
science to know the actual population of black bears throughout the state. He added the Board has the power to preserve
Florida's beautiful, natural resources for generations to come, and he
beseeches the Board to exercise that power.
Mary Stack, 2478 Castlewood Road, addressed
the Board to state a couple facts. She
noted at the beginning of 2015, the FWC estimated 1,100 bears; and the reported
death count for the end of 2015 was over 680 bears, losing half of the bear
population. It has been reported that
over 100 bears have already been euthanized in 2016, so now we are down to
about 320 bears. Ms. Stack asked why the
bears are not back on the endangered list at this time instead of thinking
about another bear hunt because it seems to her the species is in grave danger.
Jill Rosolek, 32435 Averitt Lane, addressed
the Board to respectfully request that the Commission move to adopt a
resolution that urges the FWC to reinstate the prohibition on bear hunting
throughout the state of Florida, and place their focus on proactively removing
conflicts between bears and suburban residents.
She noted available statistics indicate that last year the lethal
combination of euthanasia of nuisance bears, road kill, and the measurable toll
of the bear hunt brought about a documented loss of over 20% of the fragile
bear population. These numbers do not
include the trickledown effect of the hunt; and overall, this represents a
devastating blow of an animal so recently removed from the threatened species
list. Ms. Rosolek stated that scientific
studies have repeatedly shown that hunting is not effective in reducing
human-bear conflicts or in controlling population; and they have existing,
extensive documentation that shows the positive impact of non-lethal methods
including trash cans, electric fencing, aversion techniques, and community
education. She urged the Commission to
stand with Florida's majority and place a resolution on the next agenda in
support of the reinstatement of a ban on bear hunting.
Commissioner Carey stated there have been several
requests; one for a resolution to tell them to stop the bear hunt and one to
have a ban on bear hunting in Seminole County.
She opined that the issue the County is having is not going to be
impacted by a bear hunt. Commissioner
Carey expressed she thinks the County Manager could craft something that would
be reasonable for the Board to protect the County and to send a message to FWC
that what they are doing with the bear hunt is not helping this County’s
Commissioner Constantine stated he has time
and time again sent a message to the FWC about the issue, and they cooperated
when he requested they look at the bear resistant containers, and again with
the bear management Ordinance the County adopted. He believes that the FWC respects Seminole
County; so sending them a message that the County is opposed to the bear hunt,
at least until the FWC has concrete evidence that the hunt is necessary, would
be a one-two punch that would be well received by the FWC and the citizens of
Seminole County.
Commissioner Carey opined that a ban on
bear hunting in Seminole County sends a pretty strong message. She stated the County is very critical of the
State when they do things at a State level that take away the County's home
rule. She acknowledged that it is the
job of FWC to set rules and regulations.
Mr. Applegate stated he certainly agrees with everything; but he needs
to check to see if the County is not preempted by State laws and regulations to
draft a resolution or an ordinance banning bear hunting in the County. Commissioner Constantine explained that if
that is the case, they will be back to point zero again at the next
meeting. He thinks at the very least the
County should have some sort of agreement that they would be sending their
dissatisfaction towards the bear hunt to the FWC; and if they can eliminate the
bear hunt in the County, he believes they should do so. Mr. Applegate expressed he will definitely
look to see if there is a way to do that.
Chairman Horan stated the FWC was surprised
by a number of things in regard to the 2015 bear hunt including the fact that
the bears weren't accustomed to being hunted.
He explained that out of the hundreds of bears hunted, only a handful
were killed in Seminole County; so the hunt did not help his constituents at
all. He would like to entertain an
ordinance banning bear hunting in Seminole County to the extent that the County
is legally allowed to do it, and he would move that the Board adopt a resolution. Commissioner Dallari stated that within that
resolution needs to be something regarding the FWC having an accurate bear
count, and Chairman Horan stated they are doing one now. Commissioner Carey noted that it is kind of
hard to do. They estimated 3,300 bears
to be the current population, and she knows the mother bear that has lived in
her area has had two to three cubs every year; so she isn't sure how accurate
the population number is. She wants the
County to be considerate in what they say because it is not the County's
jurisdiction; and she, herself, has not been involved to the level of detail
that an FWC Commissioner would be.
Chairman Horan agreed and mentioned it would only be to the extent that
the County is legally able to do so. He
stated that he feels it is a public safety issue considering the County is the
third most densely populated county in the state.
Commissioner Carey suggested that the FWC
could take the funds and have more officers to deal with nuisance bears when
there is a problem. She stated if there
can be a ban in the County, she prefers to see a ban. Ms. Guillet expressed staff can draft a
resolution in a way that encourages non-lethal management techniques and is
respectful at the same time.
Commissioner Carey discussed her suggestion of FWC using funds for more
field officers. Chairman Horan suggested
if staff can do a ban, they should adopt an ordinance; and if they can't do a
ban, they should at least prepare a resolution.
He reminded the most important thing is that people know how to keep
themselves safe; and he feels the County is getting the word out that if people
are going to live in an area where there is this type of wildlife, there are
certain things people can do to protect themselves and their families.
Lee Day, 3441 Hunt Lane, addressed the Board
to state he has just heard a really good discussion, but he just wants to add
something to it. He opined that the
media has turned this issue into what it has become, made the bears public
enemy number one, and gave the FWC the ability to say the population is large
enough to hunt. Mr. Day expressed the
Florida black bear is an iconic animal like the manatee or sea turtle, and that
is why he is here today. He noted that
he believes the Board understands that FWC is not being responsive and thanked
the Board for their good comments and listening to the public.
Speaker Request Forms were received and
Commissioner Constantine commented how
proud he is of how far the Commission has come in recognizing problems in
Seminole County and taking whatever future steps they need to take. Chairman Horan stated he thinks one of the
things that has always been a pulse start indicator for the Board's actions has
always been public safety, and whatever promotes public safety is something the
Board has to do. He commented he has
always been proud of all of his colleagues on the Commission because he always
knows that public health and safety come first with them.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 3:43 p.m.,
this same date.