MAY 24, 2016
The following is a non-verbatim transcript
MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, May 24,
2016, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
John Horan (District 2)
Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner Robert Dallari (District 1)
Lee Constantine (District 3)
Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)
Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller
Maryanne Morse
County Manager Nicole Guillet
Deputy County Attorney Lynn Porter-Carlton
Deputy Clerk Kyla Spencer
Pastor Gus Davies, Northland Church, Longwood, gave the
Invocation. Commissioner Carey led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Business Spotlight video for Wondermade was presented.
Agenda Item #1 – A-2132-16
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt appropriate Resolution
#2016-R-81 recognizing Larry Dale, recipient of the Leadership Seminole’s
Leadership Legend Award for 2016.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Larry Dale addressed the Board to express
his appreciation.
Agenda Item #2 – A-2188-16
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt a
Proclamation declaring the month of May as “Older Americans Month” in Seminole
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Sherry Fincher, Meals on Wheels, thanked
the Board on behalf of the 64,000 older Seminole County residents for
recognizing all of the contributions they have made to the community.
Agenda Item #3 – A-2159-16
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2016-R-85 recognizing Lola J. Pfeil for over 22 years of service to
Seminole County and its citizens upon her retirement on July 1, 2016.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Lola Pfeil addressed the Board to state she
could not be more proud to be a part of something that is so unique and good
for the local community.
Agenda Item #4 – 2016-340
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2016-R-83 recognizing Edward Forrest for 31 years of service and
dedication to Seminole County Government and the citizens, upon his retirement
from the Department of Public Safety, EMS/Fire/Rescue Division, on May 31,
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Edward Forrest addressed the Board to show
his appreciation.
Agenda Item #5 – 2016-339
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2016-R-82 recognizing Paul Algeri for 33 years of service and
dedication to Seminole County Government and the citizens, upon his retirement
from the Department of Public Safety, EMS/Fire/Rescue Division, on May 31,
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Paul Algeri thanked the Board for their
Agenda Item #6 – 2016-332
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2016-R-67 recognizing Memorial Day 2016.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Ed Burford, Veterans Services Officer,
addressed the Board to show his appreciation and stated that this Commission is
the most veteran friendly commission in the State of Florida.
Item #7 – A-2143-16
Maryanne Morse, Clerk of the Circuit Court
& Comptroller, addressed the Board to present the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR) (copy received and filed) for the year ended September
30, 2015. She stated it is an understatement to say it
has been a challenging year
to _'ä1_get the
CAFR out . GA_("1_SB 68 was o ne of t he issues that
had to be presented to t he Clerk by the State of Florida .
S he anticipated that
t hey would
get _(81_i t
in _(:1_December, then J anuary, then February, then M arch. A pril 11 is
when_(H1_ t hey received it .
M s. Morse stated she would be remiss if
s he didn't
comp_(i1_liment Jenny
Spencer , County _%_Finance Director;
Mary Myers, County Finance Manager; and the rest of the F i nance staff because
they have been working
on _(1_this CAFR
since October. And
because of Ms. Spencer’s professionalism and
organization al skills, _(Š1_t hey
were finally _(Ž2_ready to Ms. Morse
gave public accolades to Ms. Spencer for
all _(¦1_of her work
that she has done
including working _(±1_weekends, holidays, and
everything else for the last
e ight months. At this time Ms. Morse introduced Bill Blend and
Jenny _%_Spencer for
the presentation of the CAFR .
Bill Blend, Moore_%_ Ste phens Lovelace
CPAs & Advisors, displayed a PowerPoint
presentation entitled " Required Auditor Communications
Fiscal Year Ended September
30, 2015" (copy received and filed).
He thanked the Board for allowing M SL to serve as t heir ex ternal
auditors . Mr.
Blend reviewed Required Communications. He explained that Required Communications talk about their responsibility as the County's
auditors and that is to follow the
appropriate audit stand ards
which include Yellow Book Audit Standards,
Rules of the Auditor General,
and A_)Ñ1_-13 3
Standards for doing the
audit. H e s tated
he performed t he services in accord ance
with those stand ards .
Man agement's _)æ1__"_responsibilities _)ç2_are summed up ultimately to provide M SL with information that
they can a udit, and m anagement
has done that.
Blend expressed he evaluates in ternal controls
and _*61_com pliance
for _*91_the purposes
of evaluating what h e dee_*>1_ms to be high risk in areas that h e is going
to _*D2_audit . He
noted he does not a udit internal controls, but he
does issue a report
on _*S1_t he
evaluation of those controls, and there are no sign ificant
m atters to report .
Man agement _*g1_has pro vided h im
with the appropriate M anagement Representation
Letter .
The assigned _*y1_individual to over see the audit
was Mr. Blend
mentioned that the audit schedule was prev M s. Spencer.iously discussed so he won't get into those details except to say
that it is correct that they had _*¢1_.
Mr. Blend displayed the Services
and Deliverables slides. He
stated that he provided the Auditor’s _%_Report, which is an unmodified opinion and the
highest level of assurance that the County
can receive as it relates to its
financial statements. Mr. Blend had no findings in regard_%_ to the Auditor's
Report on compliance and
internal controls. He also issued a report on internal
controls in other matters with no findings.
The Auditor General's
Office requires MSL to do an Auditor's Man agement _*ê1__%_Letter, which he has_*ê1_ pro vided to t he _%_Board; and again, no findings there. In
addition to all the other requirements, the Auditor General
wants M SL to provide an opinion on
compliance with specific statutes, 218.415 which relates to investment
policies, and 365.172 and 365.173 which relate to E-911 activities of revenues and expenditures, both of
which they are in compliance w ith. Mr. Blend
d isplayed New Accounting Standards
and stated they already talked about the pension standard so he won't reiterate
that, and ended the presentation by asking if the Board had any questions. No questions were voiced.
Ms. Spencer stated she w ould
like to publicly say it is her _+¢1_serve and
s he loves
what s he does. She promised the Clerk that s_+¨1_he would see the CAFR to completion, so as soon as s he got the numbers, s he
went to work. With regard to GASB 86, she explained that what _+Á1_made it
more work for her was
that the Constitutional Officers
also had to be reported on and their financial statements were
already completed, so not only did s he
have to d o the
c alculation for the BCC, but for
each c onstitutional officer as well.
Chairman Horan summarized that this year's financial report for
governmental entities included
a calculation that related _,81_to un funded liabilities in pension
plans; t hus, basically _,D1_i nfusing
into a fi n ancial statement an
actuarial c alculation based u pon
the un funded li abilities . That
n umber wasn't avail able
because t hey are under
an _,h1_F R S s ystem. That
number and calculation became available on April 11; and
then of course, all of that had
to be audited and verified. H e commended everyone involved for
doing an amazing job.
Shirlene Stuckey, 1892 Iroquois Drive, addressed
the Board t o commend them
on the great things they have been doing in Seminole Co unty lately. She
thanked the Board for the
effort in formulating the Bear
Hunt _%_Resolution.
Megan Sorbo, 11803 Sheltering
Pine _%_Drive, thanked
the Board for bringing forth
a r esolution against bear
hunting in Seminole County. She
believes this resolution will help the voice of citizens to be heard a little loud er where it
was ignored last year.
Tina Sorbo, 11803 S heltering _%_Pine Drive,
addressed the Board to state
she is here to read a prepared statement by Katrina Shadix.
From the statement,
Ms. Sorbo read how important Ms. Shadix feels it is for the _/51__%_Board to pass a resolution opposing the FWC bear hunt.
S hannon
Wright, Fish & Wildlife
Conservation Commission ,
addressed the Board to
explain the great partnership that FWC
and Seminole County have built over the last
three years regarding the conservation of bears. She
explained FWC has the
responsibility of managing wildlife; and in doing so, they have to use all the
tools available to them. On behalf of the FWC, they hope the Board makes the decision not to
pass the resolution.
Chairman Horan clarified that no decision
has been made yet on another bear hunt; Ms. Wright added that will be addressed
at the FWC’s June commission meeting. Commissioner Carey pointed out that the
resolution says, according to the FWC’s statistics, there should be enough bear
habitat for the number of bears that the County has; however, they still have
an issue. She wants FWC to look at the entire
central bear management unit district and figure out if that is really the
right thing to do in the community.
Commissioner Constantine thanked the FWC for providing a free
bear-resistant container to an elderly couple who wanted to abide by the new
refuse rules. He reiterated what Commissioner
Carey stated and added he wants FWC to look at other alternatives before they
reinstitute another bear hunt. He
pointed out that a bear was spotted in College Park, Orlando, today and stated
the County’s program is working because bears are looking in other locations. Commissioner Dallari agreed with Commissioner
Constantine. He explained that what the
County is doing is helping, and he wished that other communities will take the
lead in doing the bear-proof trash cans and educating the public like the
County has done.
Ms. Wright replied by stating that when
Seminole County has called FWC, FWC has been there. FWC is working hard with other county
governments to try to implement the same type of ordinance that the County has
been the leader of. She noted FWC is
proud to be the County’s partner.
Commissioner Carey discussed the refuse
ordinance, bear-resistant trash can sizes and types, and cost of haulers. Chairman Horan thanked Ms. Wright for all the
great work the FWC does. He stated county
citizens are really smart and have caught on quickly to do the things they need
to do to keep themselves and their families safe as is evidenced by the fact
that the County hasn’t had the amount of encounters since it employed the
practices. Commissioner Carey noted it
is an educational process, and she believes just having discussions has brought
it to the forefront. She opined it is an
all-around effort with a lot of people involved to educate the public on the
importance of securing garbage.
Speaker Request Forms were received and
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to authorize and approve the following:
County Manager’s Office
Business Office
8. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-86 urging the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission to reinstate the prohibition on bear hunting. (A-2181-16)
9. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-84 congratulating the Oviedo High School Girls
Varsity Soccer Team. (A-2198-16)
9A. Authorize the Chairman to execute an
Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Sanford for
Community Redevelopment Agency Staffing.
Management Division
10. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a
Memorandum of Understanding between Spring Meadows Seventh Day Adventist Church
and Seminole County. (A-2134-16)
11. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Twelfth Renewal, Amendment and
Restatement of County of Volusia Interlocal Agreement for Provision of Medical
Examiner Services for Seminole County. (A-2144-16)
Development Division
12. Approve and accept the Neighborhood
Stabilization Program (NSP) monthly snapshot/report and properties acquired by
Seminole County Government. (A-2147-16)
13. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Seminole
County and Virginia Miller Helping Others in Need Ministry, Inc. d/b/a KidzKare
Preschool and Child Care Center Subrecipient Agreement Program Year 2015-2016
in the amount of $29,439 for child care services for low and moderate income
families. (A-2145-16)
14. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and
City of Sanford relating to CDBG Program Administration. (A-2185-16)
15. Approve the Release of the Determination of a
Public Nuisance for the structure located at 3000 East Street, Oviedo; and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Release of Notice of Determination of
Public Nuisance as to a Particular Parcel; Stella Green Heirs c/o Albert Brown.
16. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2016-R-87
accepting a Drainage Easement located at 5704 North Road (James R. Loisel to
Seminole County) being donated for the drainage protection of North Road. (A-2093-16)
17. Adopt a Resolution of Necessity #2016-R-88 to
acquire additional right-of-way through eminent domain for the intersection
improvements on CR 46A west of Club Road to east of Marshall Avenue and to
delegate the authority to acquire to the State of Florida, Department of
Transportation for the benefit of Seminole County. (A-2179-16)
Resource Management
18. Approve the submittal of an application to the
St. Johns River Water Management District through its Fiscal Year 2017 District-wide
Cost-Share Program requesting up to $13,200 in cost sharing for the Passive
Nutrient Load Reduction System for Onsite Sewage Disposal; and authorize the
County Manager or her designee to execute any documents associated with the
application. (A-2154-16)
& Fiscal Management Division
19. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2016-R-89 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#16-060 through the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to appropriate budget of
$685,000 from Project Contingency for the SR 434 at Central Florida Parkway
Project. (A-2152-16)
Purchasing & Contracts Division
20. Pulled for Separate Discussion by
Commissioner Constantine.
21. Pulled for Separate Discussion by
Commissioner Carey.
22. Award CC-0704-16/AEH - S.R. 434 at Florida
Central Parkway Intersection Improvements in the amount of $1,833,753.12 to
Masci General Contractor, Inc., Port Orange; and authorize the Purchasing &
Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. (A-2129-16)
22A. Approve M-0918-16/AEH, Facilities Space Needs
Assessment Update as a Single Source Procurement, in the amount of $39,200 with
ZHA Incorporated, Orlando; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute the Agreement; and approve and authorize the Chairman to
execute appropriate Resolution #2016-R-91 implementing Budget Amendment Request
(BAR) #16-066 to appropriate budget for the project. (A-2201-16)
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #20 –
C hairman _%_Horan explained Item #20 is
the Work Order that sets the guaranteed
maximum price for the Soldiers
Creek _#_Sports Complex
redevelopment. _%_Commissioner Constantine stated he thought this would _7÷1_be a
good opportunity for the public to hear
what t he County
is planning on doing . Chairman
Horan _8=2_explained that Soldiers _8?1__%_C reek
is _8A1_a sports
com_8D1_plex that
is _8G2_located off SR 419. It is a
recreational facility and is being re developed _8_1_into a
complex that will
focus on soft ball,
and _8o1_it is part
of _8t1_t he
Sports Dest i nation
Com plex I nitiative.
J oe Ab el,
Director of Leisure Services, addressed the Board and displayed an aerial
map of the Soldiers Creek property. H e informed the Board that staff will be leveling
everything that is _8Ê1_there so
they have been calling it a reno vation,
but _8Ø1_i t
is more of a comp lete re build than
a _8å3_renovation . It will _8ê1_have s ix soft ball
f ields fashioned
in _8ò1_size pri m arily for
wo_8ø1_men's fast- pitch soft ball . The southern_9-1_-most field
will be a stadium -style
field with in crease d seating capacity. There will be around 300 parking _9Q2_spaces . The
fields will all be n atural t urf
fields with clay infields. There will also be a_9^1_ W elcome
Center on the property with small
meeting room space.
The complex
will have concessions and rest rooms .
Mr. Abel stated that the idea is
to _9„1_pro vide
a _9‡1_space for
women 's fast- pitch
which is rap idly
growing across the nation .
There has been
great interest in the
facility, and his guess is it will probably be booked out by the end of
this fall. The
an ticipated _9º2_opening will
be in March or April
of _9Â2_2017.
C hairman _%_Horan q uestioned what age fast-pitch
softball begins; Mr. Abel answered typically they start at s even
or _9ù1_e ight,
but _:)1_there are
young ladies playing as
early as five or six years old . Tournaments
usually start at eight and under . Most of the s anctioning bodies start with eight and under, then ten and
under, twelve and under, and so on through the collegiate level. Chairman
Horan confirmed that this is consistent with a destination sports venue
concentrating on the youth sports market.
M r. Abel explained that
this would be amateur
and _:…1_collegiate athletics
primarily for women' s fast-pitch softball because of
the size of the fields ,
which will have about a 220-foot distance on center fields. It
will also be able to accommodate youth baseball 8 and under, 10 and under, as
well as t-ball. Commissioner Constantine questioned if the
prices for rental would be
comparable to the Sports _:Û1__#_Com plex . Mr. Abel explained that they would be because all of the rent al fees
and prices are consistent across the
entire County park system . The fees are currently $25 per
hour before 5:00 p.m. and
$35 _;01_an hour
after 5:00 p .m. Nonprofit
organizations are given
discounts as well as for
tournament use, multi -use, and e vent activities .
Henley reiterated that this complex is for soft_;]1_ball
but it accommodates youth base ball as
well, which is growing . He hopes the County is going to
be able to continue to
be an elite place for the local s. He
commended Mr. Abel, staff, and the County Manager for
a _;“1_great opening
of the Sports _;˜1__#_Com plex .
They have had _;ž2_tournaments there every weekend
since the opening, and Commissioner
Henley thought in spite of the fact that
e verything was
not completely fin ished,
everything went really great. He opined that staff has done a "y eoman’s task"
in _;È1_get t ing to this
point on Soldiers Cree k . Commissioner
Henley told the Board he appreciates the passion the y have had
to accomplish
this project, and he believes
it is going to turn out to be _<y1_one of the finest in the entire southeast. The Board discussed Commissioner Henley’s
dedication over the last 17 years in regard to adding destination sports fields
in Seminole County.
Commissioner Dallari's inquiry of teams being
displaced during time of construction, Mr.
Abel explained t he
local play is being
facil itate d a t
the Sports Complex, but they are
having some c hallenges
with the weekend tournament_= 1_s. They ha ve had a very robust weekend tournament schedule at Soldiers Creek and s taff is working
with the event organizers
to move them to the Sports Complex and other facilities.
Carey stated she is happy to
see that this project is
finally going to be done and
that next y ear t he County will have another great new facility
funded, not by tax pay ers with the G eneral fund _>o1_but thro ugh other sources.
_>‘2__%_She thanked staff for a ll of their hard work and also
the great job that they did at the Sports
Complex . Chairman
Horan thanked HKS and Wharton-Smith for their hard work and reaching the GMP. C o mmissioner Constantine
added that this is an addition
that will be greatly
beneficial and it will help
find the right m ix between people
coming in and t he County's own c itizens _?U1__?V2_using the facilities.
C hairman _%_Horan stated this is a $7,000,000 item, in wh ich hundred s of hours of work have gone
into. Commissioner Henley reminded the Board that
there are other challenges
out _?Þ1_there that this Board needs to look at in providing
opportunities for the youth
as _?ì1_well as
for ec o n omic
He noted that t his is a
great s tep forward in economic development, but there are o thers that t he County needs
to look forw ard
to _@*1_in the future. Chairman
Horan_@>1__@?1__@@1_ mentioned _@A1__"_t hat by hitting
the _@l1_youth sports
market it pro vides a dual opportunity to also benefit C ounty r esidents .
Motion by Commissioner Constantine,
seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve Work Order #4, Guaranteed Maximum
Price (GMP) for Soldier's Creek Park Redevelopment under RFQ-9093-13/RTB -
Construction Manager at Risk for Seminole County Sports Complex Projects (AIA
agreement), with Wharton-Smith, Inc., Sanford, in the amount of $7,181,652; and
authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Work Order;
and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution
#2016-R-90 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #16-064 to appropriate
budget for the project.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #21 – A-2118-16
Carey stated she wanted this item _@”2_pu lled
because i t is the renewal and replacement
of new installation in County medians .
She wanted to bring it
to the Board’s attention that she is not interested in
spending any money in continu ing
to drop landscaping into the medians .
She believes that
staff needs to
have a typical plan
of _@Ù1_Florida
friendly landscaping and what it s hould
look like i n
a median with or without
irrigation because _@ò1_t he
Co unty spends
a _@õ1_lot of
mo_@ø1_ney maintaining
the _A!2_medians . Commissioner
Carey opined that the landscaping needs to be respect ful , easy to maintain , something that is _AN2_attract ive , and Florida friendly ; and until t hey get a
plan for that ,
she d oes not _Aa1_think that
t he _%_County should
continue to spend money
going out there and
drop_An1__Ao3_ping in landscaping_Ar1_. She explained that the p eople w ho maintain the
medians are interested in
getting in and out and they are not weeding
them. T here is no consistency, design, o r thought given to it. Commissioner Carey
hopes that the Board will
s upport the idea
that t hey have
a _Br1_plan before
t hey go out
and _Bw1_spend any
more money .
Ch airman Horan explained, as he understands it, it is not maintenance, i t is
landscaping ; and it
deals with four major
corridors: Lake Mary Boulevard,
Red _#_Bug Road,
Tuskawilla, and International Parkway. H e added that the maintenance is done under
a _BÜ1__BÞ2__BÞ2_different protocol. He
asked Mr. Abel to explain h ow these
contracts work and what plan
t hey u se. Mr . Abel stated they h ave several contracts _CC1_for landscape maintenance throughout the Co unty that t hey manage_CF1_ and
maintain .
One contract
is on -going maintenance on a period ic basis
throughout the course of the year. The request for approval of this contract _Cb2_i s
specifically for replacement and enhancements.
All of t he landscape
is _Cw1_done keeping
to _C{1_Florida friendly
landscaping stand ards, so
all _C…1_plant materials
that t hey use
always meet the stand ards
of the Florida _C¤2_friendly landscaping
depending upon whether the
area is irrigated or not. Mr. Abel explained that they maintain
over 50 miles of medians _CÀ1_and if
somebody hits a tree , i f they
damage the landscape ,
t hey try to go out and re place the
landscap ing; any time the landscaping has reached _Câ2_its m aturity and needs to be re placed , then
t hey try to re place it .
Abel stated that in the past t hey
have tried to be as minimalistic
as they could be with the landscaping so that it
would last for as long as
it could and be as
drought tolerant _D:1__D;1__D<1__D=1__D>1_or situational
tolerant as possible. Chairman Horan
asked i f that landscape plan
ties itself to certain _Du1_stand ards
and _Dx1_how t hey decide whether
t hey have
the right plan . Mr. Abel answered b ecause t hey
use _Dˆ1_Florida friendly
landscaping , t_D1_hey know
t hey have
the right plant in the right
place .
H e explained that there have been
differences in the past because de pending _D¨1_on the medians
that are adjacent or
connecting , t hey try
to _D½1_match or
mimic as best t_DÁ1_hey can so that t hey
can show some consistency in
tra_DÌ1__DÍ1__DÎ1_nsition. Mr.
Abel mentioned that Rick Durr, Leisure Services Division Manager, is a certified landscape
architect and t hey are
going to start working on looking
at _E41_how t hey can _E71_cre ate
some base plans that
use _%_Florida friendly
landscaping and cre ate
some of those consiste ncies moving forward .
Abel addressed the fact that
the City of Winter Springs maintains a portion of _%_Tuskawilla and t he County
maintains a portion of Tuskawilla; and as
those two come together,
t hey try
n ot to have grass
and a couple trees r ight next to
an _E’1_inter section
that just on the other
side is lushly planted . Lake
M ary Boulevard is
a _E¥2_perfect example
of _Eª1_that . Lake
Boulevard has a standard
that they are _E·2_trying to
do, and the County tries to mimic that standard until t hey get far enough a way
that t hey can start changing the
landscape out and try to be
as _E×2_minimali stic
as _EÜ1_p ossible. M r. Abel pointed out that a lot
of _Eå1_this money
is spent on replacing damage
that is done with people running up
on _Eð2_the medians and taking
out _Eö1_a plant
bed o r taking out
trees .
C hairman _%_H oran
confirmed that it says a certain annual
usage , but it is on an as needed
C ommissioner H enley stated
this is not the first time Commissio ner Carey has voiced her concerns to this Board; it has happened numerous times over the years, and t hey
are still talking _FY1_about it .
It seems to h im that a
l ogical approach
would be to i dentify _Fl1_all of the medians t hey have, what
is in them, and how successful it has been, and then the
Board _F1_can look
at _F„1_what t hey have _F‡1__Fˆ1__F‰1__F3_and determine what
t hey want to change. C hairman _%_H oran
reminded that this particular issue deals with four major co rridors ,
and t he Board has been talki ng about
a plan for a
while . Co mmissi oner Carey expressed that t he reason s he pulled this
is _Få1_b ecause
she wanted to bring it
forw_Fì1_ard because
i_Fí1_t is
an annual estimated usage
of $655,000 for four roads . S he reiterated that this is not the first time the
Board has brought this up and s he
wants a consistent,
typical plan.
She provided L ake Mary Boulevard as an example by explaining that starting at
the most westerly point, it is maintained by a p rivate entity, so it
is very lushly landscaped. As
you _G±1_move further
east_Gµ1_, it is maintained
by the C ity of Lake
Mary, _GÁ1_they have
another s tandard. A s you go further
east, it is maintained by the City of Sanford;
they again have another
standard. A nd
as soon as you
get _Gë1_to the County's
section , which is t he
new _H41_east ern
gate_H71_way to
Seminole County, there is no consistency .
Carey _HŽ1_expressed that all she is asking is that the _%_County stop
spending money piecemealing this
together and get a
plan_H£1_, and Chairman
Horan replied that that would require coordination with the
c it ies. C ommissioner
Carey agreed and noted Winter Springs, Lake
Mary, and Sanford are all involved just in
the four roads that they are talking about.
C ommissi oner Dallari a greed
that t hey would have to
coord inate with the cities that are affected. He discussed that there _Hù1_are certain
times of the year that certain plant materials are not avail able de pending
upon the growth in the area , so
there has to be not only
flexib ility but _IT3_consistency and c oord ination .
C hairman _%_Horan stated that in execution, it is difficult
because t here are seven
cities and everyone knows that it is
often difficult _IŠ1_at the
execution level to try
to _I’1_get everybody
in the same type of
plan. However, to have
a _IŸ1_"brand" throughout t he County on main
roads would be nice, and coordination with the cities
would be absolutely vital
for _IÄ1_that .
C ommissioner C onstantine expressed that he
thought t hey already h ad a
plan because the last time Commission er Carey brought
this issue up, the Board asked staff to put together the
plan. He
do_Iè1_es not see this as something that the Commissioners should have to decide where
mag_Iö2_nolia tre es, oak trees, or palm trees go;_Iû2_ that is something that
t hey leave
to the ex perts , and _J41_h e
thought that is _J81_what the
Board _J:1_h ad
asked them to do.
Commissioner Constantine stated he doesn't think
the Board is trying to
micromanage; but if t hey do
not have that plan ,
then the staff should
put _J{1_it together
and _J~1_get it
done. C hairman _%_H oran
replied if t hey do have the plan, it n eeds to be correctly communicated
to t he Board so t hey understand how
it _J˜2_works . C ommissioner H enley commented h e is not sure that
t he Board
has_J½1_ been
specific that t hey
want a plan pro vided by a certain time .
Ch airman Horan asked Mr.
Abel to explain _JÓ1_how it
works and what
the _JÜ2_protocol is . Mr.
Abel _Jã1_pointed out for clarification
that there are over 3 00 plant spec ies that are available
for Florida friendly_Jô4__Jô4_ landscaping. When t he
Board _Jú1_looks at
the _K!1_contract, t hey
will see an ex tensi ve, exhaustive list o f
plant materials _K/1_that the
pro poser can
accommodate at any given
time_KC1_. He explained that staff_KE1_ has tried
to be as consistent with
plant ings as t hey can _KR1_be, but
t hey haven't
been consistent with a
s pecific design for every
median type. So
every median seg ment
does not have the exact
same plant design, but
it will have a consistency
in _K{1_plant material.
There a re only a hand ful
of _K…1_materials that a re typically used,
probably less than t wo _K2_dozen;
but _Kš1_every median
segment may have a
different look or a
different feel, and_K¬1_, and irrigation
will dictate _KÒ1_one way
or the o ther.
Abel stated that he can look at typical
sections of medians , look at
their locations_L!1_,
look at whether they are abutting a city, look at whether _L@2_they are i rrigated or not ,
and t hen come up with a typical cross
section for medians and pro vide that report to the Board possibly in a work session. He
reminded t hat in ord er to get that type of consistency, it will _L‡1_take years
and _LŠ1_years of
time because h e would not go out and start
re- landscaping existing _L•1__L›2_median sections ; b ut
as _L 1_t hey
continue to m ove
forward and t hey have the
opportunity, t hey would make
those fit in to
one of those criteria _L³1_of the cross section design.
C o mmissioner Carey
replied that that is exactly _LÀ1_what she
is asking for . It_LÊ1_ is not the
Board’s job to m icromanage, but it is t heir job _LÒ1_to m an age t he budget. She discussed how the County has moved median landscaping from Public Works
to Parks and Recreation_M#1_ to
see _M&1_who could handle it the best, and it has ended up at Parks and _%_Recreation. C ommissioner C onstantine explained they need to proceed by getting
the report from Mr. Abel that he just spoke about; and
if there is a lack of support, they can have the work _M„1_session. Commissioner Constantine stated he does no t
want to see t he County
have to p ut
out_M¢1_ a
sprink ler system or
anything because he wants to save water,
but he does want to make sure that
they use Florida friendly
landscaping where possible. C ommissioner C arey clarified that with all the discussion, s he is sure that Mr. Abel is clear on where t he Board
wants to go, and she is
glad that the Board agrees
that t hey should have some
type of typical section for this.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Constantine, to Award IFB-602525-16/TLR, Term Contract for
Landscape Installation, to BrightView Landscape Services, Inc., Longwood; and
authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. The
estimated annual usage of this contract is $655,000.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Clerk’s Office
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve and authorize the following:
23. Approve Expenditure Approval Lists dated April
25 and May 2, 2016; Payroll Approval List dated April 21, 2016; and the BCC
Official Minutes dated April 26, 2016; (A-2169-16)
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for
information only, the following Clerk’s “Received and Filed”:
Conditional Utility Agreement for Water, Wastewater or Reclaimed
Water Services with JEL Land Development, LLC for the project known as Park
Place at Aloma.
Pet Rescue Cooperative Service Agreement with Candy’s Cats, Inc.
3. Parks Contract for Services for Robert
4. Corrected Parks Contracts for Services for
Antroine Mack and Stanley Ransom, Sr.
5. Tourist Tax Funding Agreements with Florida
Travel Ball, Inc. for the USSSA State Baseball Championship, and Nations
Baseball of Greater Orlando for the Diamonds for Mom Baseball Tournament.
6. Private Road Maintenance Bond #0200307 in the
amount of $63,146.60 for Turnberry subdivision.
7. Recording of Plats for the Miller Estates
8. Development Order #16-27500013, Seminole
County Port Authority c/o Marinas, LLC, Otters on the River, 4380 Carraway
9. First Amendment to CC-0559-15 Public Works
Minor Projects Continuing Construction Agreements with Central Florida
Environmental Corp, Inc.; Southland Construction, Inc.; C.E. James, Inc.; and
Prime Construction Group, Inc.
10. Amendment #7 to Work Order #4 to PS-5107-01
with Singhofen & Associates, Inc.
11. Ninth Amendment to IFB-601114-11 Term Contract
with Pride Enterprises.
12. Second Amendment to IFB-601359-12 Term
Contract with Regency Lighting, Inc. (Secondary Contractor).
13. Third Amendment to RFI-601117-11 Software
Installation and Support Services Agreement with Image Trend, Inc.
14. Work Order #50 to PS-8148-12 with CDM Smith,
15. First Amendment to PS-8186-13 Continuing
Engineering Services Agreement with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
16. First Amendment to RFQ-9093-13 General
Conditions of Construction Manager as Constructor Agreement with Wharton-Smith,
17. Change Order #1 to Work Order #21 to
CC-9192-13 with Corinthian Builders, Inc.
18. Bids as follows:
RFQ-601545-12 from Harmony
Mental Health and Behavioral Services, LLC.
The Board recessed the meeting at 11:08 a.m.,
reconvening at 1:30 p.m., with all
Commissioners and all other Officials with the exception of Clerk of Court
Maryanne Morse, who was absent, and Deputy Clerk Kyla Spencer who was replaced
by Deputy Clerk Jane Spencer, who were present at the Opening Session.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to authorize the
filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public
hearings into the Official Record.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
3850 East SR 436, Frank McMillan
Agenda Item #26 – PH-2016-308
Proof of publication calling for a public
hearing to consider an appeal of the Board of Adjustment’s decision to approve
a Special Exception to allow on‑premise consumption of beer and wine at a
bona fide restaurant located within 1,000 feet of a church or school in the
Mirror Lake PD (Planned Development) district for property located at 3850 East
SR 436, Frank McMillan, received and filed.
Denny Gibbs, Planning & Development
Division, addressed the Board to advise that both the Appellant and the
Applicant wish to continue the hearing until July 26, 2016. Ms. Gibbs stated she distributed a memorandum
(copy received and filed) to the Commission Offices earlier today regarding the
With regard to public participation, no one
in the audience spoke in support or in opposition of the continuance and public
input was closed.
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to continue to July 26, 2016 at 1:30 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as possible, the request to appeal the Board of Adjustment’s
decision to approve a Special Exception to allow on‑premise consumption
of beer and wine at a bona fide restaurant located within 1,000 feet of a
church or school in the Mirror Lake PD (Planned Development) district for
property located at 3850 East SR 436, as described in the proof of publication,
Frank McMillan.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
RP REZONE/Jonathan Wood
Agenda Item #24 – A-2111-16
Proof of publication calling for a public
hearing to consider a Rezone from A‑1 (Agriculture) to RP (Residential
Professional) for 0.42 acres located on the east side of Lake Howell Road,
approximately 100 feet north of Meadow Avenue, Jonathan Wood, received and
Matt Davidson, Planning & Development
Division, addressed the Board to present the request as outlined in the Agenda
Memorandum. Mr. Davidson displayed a
PowerPoint presentation (copy received and filed) and explained that the
Applicant is requesting a rezone in order to develop the subject vacant
property for general office uses listed in Sec. 30.624(b)(1) of the Land
Development Code of Seminole County as permitted under the RP (Residential Professional)
zoning district. The intent of the
requested RP zoning district is to provide for low intensity office and service
uses along a collector roadway while maintaining compatibility with the
adjacent residential areas. Mr. Davidson
pointed out that the subject site will access from Lake Howell Road, which is
classified as an urban collector roadway.
He discussed the surrounding zoning and compatibility with the Land
Development Code. He added that the site
is located within the City of Casselberry’s utility service area and will be
required to connect to their utilities; and the Applicant has communicated with
the City of Casselberry and will be required to file an annexation petition
with the City in order to receive the utilities prior to engineering
approval. The Planning & Zoning
Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request and staff is
recommending approval of this request.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Horan, Jonathan
Wood, Applicant, stated he would not be making a presentation.
Dario Jimenez, 1910 Water Lane, addressed
the Board to state his concern is privacy.
Mr. Jimenez stated he has been living here for 18 years. He has a swimming pool in the backyard and
this project would be facing his property.
He stated he wants to know the details and when construction will be
started. He has been told by Mr.
Davidson that the project is in the first stage and will take time before
starting construction. Commissioner
Carey confirmed with Mr. Jimenez that his house backs up to this lot.
With regard to public participation, no one
else in the audience spoke in support or in opposition and public input was
Speaker Request Form from Dario Jimenez was
received and filed.
With regard to the privacy concerns of Mr.
Jimenez, Mr. Wood stated the hours of operations would be Monday through Friday
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Other than
those hours, the facility would not be operational for business use. He stated he can talk to Mr. Jimenez about
what he would consider more private.
Commissioner Carey confirmed with Mr. Wood
that it is a single-story building that is being proposed. With regard to a fence along the property
line, Mr. Wood stated in the design from an engineering perspective, there is
no fence yet; but he stated he is more than open to put a fence there if
necessary. There will also be a 30-foot
retention area for water drainage that will be behind the property. Chairman Horan remarked that there will be a
spatial buffer between the construction and Mr. Jimenez’ property. With regard to the timing for construction,
Mr. Wood explained that construction won’t occur for quite some time. He first has to get the financials in
order. Commissioner Carey confirmed with
Mr. Wood that this is just a conceptual site plan.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt Ordinance #2016-17 enacting a Rezone from A‑1
(Agriculture) to RP (Residential Professional) for 0.42 acres located on the
east side of Lake Howell Road, approximately 100 feet north of Meadow Avenue,
as described in the proof of publication, Jonathan Wood; Development Order.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Horan notified Mr. Jimenez that
this is just the rezoning of the property to allow this kind of construction
and suggested he keep in touch with the County’s staff in terms of what may
happen in the future. Commissioner
Constantine referred to the letter from the City of Casselberry concerning Mr.
Wood asking that his property be annexed into the City. Mr. Wood stated that Casselberry requested
that as part of the condition for the utilities.
Commissioner Dallari stated the Applicant
had indicated he would be willing to put a fence in and pointed out that wasn’t
in the motion. He confirmed with Mr.
Wood that he will be willing to put a fence in at the appropriate time.
Commissioner Carey requested that staff
obtain Mr. Jimenez’ information and not put the burden on Mr. Jimenez. If something comes back in on this property,
she would like staff to notify Mr. Jimenez that something has come forward.
3711 Vinsetta Court/Sam Stark
Agenda Item #25 – PH-2016-317
Proof of publication calling for a public
hearing to consider an appeal of the Board of Adjustment’s decision to approve
the request for a side-street setback variance from fifteen feet to ten feet
from the back edge of the sidewalk for a fence in the PD (Planned Development)
district for a variance from Land Development Code of Seminole County Section
30.1349, and more particularly known as 3711 Vinsetta Court, Sam Stark,
received and filed.
Denny Gibbs, Planning & Development
Division, presented the request as outlined in the Agenda Memorandum. Ms. Gibbs explained that on March 21, 2016,
Mr. Stark requested a side-street setback variance from fifteen feet to
three feet for a fence. After
discussion, the Board of Adjustment approved a variance for a side-street
setback to ten feet from the back edge of the sidewalk for the fence with a
condition that the sight visibility triangle be maintained.
Ms. Gibbs stated that Mr. Stark filed a
Notice of Appeal and asked that the Board of County Commissioners consider his
original request to approve the placement of the fence at the three‑foot
mark. She advised that they received a
letter of support (copy received and filed) which was distributed to the Board
members today. Ms. Gibbs displayed an
aerial map (copy not received and filed) and stated that Mr. Stark provided a
Petition of Support and those properties are represented by the red dots on the
aerial map. She pointed out that the
house across from Mr. Stark’s property at 3708 Vinsetta did receive a similar
variance. Ms. Gibbs concluded her
presentation by stating staff is recommending that the Board overturn the Board
of Adjustment’s decision and deny the variance request for a side-street
setback from fifteen feet to three feet.
Commissioner Carey stated she sees that
they have a lot of things starting to come forward that say "from the back
of the sidewalk" or "from the back of this or that" instead of
from the back of the property line.
Obviously, sidewalks disappear; they get widened or taken away. She believes that, as a policy, they should
do setbacks from the property line and not from something that may disappear.
Chairman Horan referred to a picture in the
Agenda Memorandum and questioned what is being depicted by the line. Ms. Gibbs suggested they let the Applicant
answer that.
Sam Stark, Applicant, addressed the Board
to refer to the photo being displayed and explained that it depicts five feet
from the sidewalk and he believes the property line is 18 to 24 inches off of
the sidewalk. He used five feet from the
sidewalk as just an easier visual and distance barrier when he is out measuring
since he doesn't know exactly where the property line is. He agreed with Commissioner Carey and stated
his request is three feet from the property line.
Commissioner Dallari asked Mr. Stark if
that five feet depicted represents three feet from the property line; Mr. Stark
responded approximately, within two to six inches. Mr. Stark confirmed for Chairman Horan that
the property line is about 18 inches inside of the sidewalk. Mr. Stark distributed a packet of photographs
(copy received and filed) and displayed the first photo from his packet, with
the incomplete pool. He explained they
bought a really decent‑sized backyard.
He referred to the fence in the photo and stated that is where his fence
would come in and connect.
Mr. Stark displayed the next photo (across
the street neighbor) and advised the fence in this photo is five feet from the
sidewalk. He displayed the next two
photos (directly across the street view and 3' from the sidewalk) and stated
the fence depicted in the photos are three feet from the sidewalk. He displayed the next photo (other side of
the street ‑ 3') and pointed out that right across the street from the
house in the previous photo is the same thing, another fence that is three feet
from the sidewalk. He advised that the
next two photos (5' distance) depict what five feet from the sidewalk would
look like.
Mr. Stark discussed the final photo
(extended sidewalk to middle of back wall) and explained that the dotted line
depicts the sidewalk being extended with the fence still maintaining the five
feet from where the property wall (from the first photo) connects. He believes this is still at a safe distance
and safe viewing area for vehicles that are turning right into this
community. All of the neighbors
supported this and are aware of it. He
emphasized that it is a very short distance from the entrance point to the stop
Chairman Horan asked if where the stop sign
stop is, the fence at that particular point will create an angle clip so the
sightline will be maintained. Mr. Stark
stated the thought was to sort of have it bend because the road curves a little
bit so the fence can kind of curve around to give an open sightline to maintain
Commissioner Dallari noted that if you stop
at the stop bar, you can see down the street.
Mr. Stark agreed and added they can see the sidewalk more
importantly. Mr. Stark confirmed for
Chairman Horan that these are private roads and that the homeowners association
has already approved this. He confirmed
for Commissioner Carey that his request is for three feet from the property
With regard to public participation, no one
in the audience spoke in support or in opposition and public input was closed.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to overturn the Board of Adjustment’s decision to approve
the request for a side-street setback variance from fifteen (15) feet to ten
(10) feet from the back edge of the sidewalk for a fence in the PD (Planned
Development) district and instead approve a variance request for a side-street
setback variance from fifteen (15) feet to three (3) feet for a fence in the PD
(Planned Development) district, as described in the proof of publication, Sam
Stark; Approval Development Order.
Under discussion, Commissioner Carey
confirmed with Commissioner Dallari that his motion is for the setback to be
three feet from the property line.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #27 – PH-2016-321
Proof of publication calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of amendments to the text of the Introduction, Future Land
Use, Housing, Implementation, Intergovernmental Coordination and Recreation and
Open Space Elements of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, received and
Sheryl Stolzenberg, Planning & Development Division,
addressed the Board to present the request as outlined in the Agenda
Memorandum. Ms. Stolzenberg advised that
the Local Planning Agency held its public hearing to provide comments on
November 4, 2015; and the BCC held the first transmittal hearing on March 8,
2016 and transmitted to the State and regional reviewing agencies. Comments were received and were included with
the materials that were given to the Commissioners. She added that the majority of these
amendments are efforts to make the plan clearer to the readers by removing a
lot of obsolete language referring to parts of the Florida Administrative Code
that don't exist anymore or have duplicated language.
Ms. Stolzenberg explained that in the Introduction Element
to clarify things, two definitions have been proposed to be added because there
are terms used throughout the Comprehensive Plan and it makes things clearer to
provide a definition. In the Future Land
Use Element, two issues, three objectives, and seven policies were proposed to
be amended to change the name of one of the overlays from Energy Conservation
to Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay to make it clearer that what is being
discussed is one of the ways that the County plan is trying to carry out and
support the Central Florida growth vision ("How Shall We
Grow?"). She pointed out that also
the description of that overlay, which was originally described at the end of
the Land Use Element as the Energy Conservation Overlay, is proposed to be
changed to Urban Centers and Conservations.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated the exhibits to the Future Land Use
Element, which is called the Land Use Designations and Allowable Zoning, is
proposed to be changed to allow a floor area ratio of 1.5 in the High Intensity
Planned Development Target Industry (HIP-TI) Land Use. The Future Land Use Element Exhibit that was
previously called the Energy Conservation Overlay is proposed to be changed to
call it the Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay. She pointed out that in the Introductory
Element, language on implementation of a section of the element is proposed to
be changed to avoid duplication of language that appears elsewhere. Also, in the Implementation Element, Future
Land Use boundary interpretations and how overlays are to be used, that
language is clarified.
Ms. Stolzenberg explained that in the Intergovernmental
Coordination Element, language duplication again is sought to be removed and a
very large exhibit that really was never a requirement of State law and was
duplicating what was already in the text is proposed to be amended because it
really doesn't add anything and confuses people because it is so out of date. For the Recreation and Open Space Element,
the exhibit is proposed to be changed so they add in the County's new
park. Ms. Stolzenberg remarked that she
would be happy to answer any questions.
With regard to public participation, no one in the audience
spoke in support or in opposition and public input was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to
adopt Ordinance #2016-18 amending the text of the Introduction, Future Land
Use, Housing, Implementation, Intergovernmental Coordination and Recreation and
Open Space Elements of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, as described in
the proof of publication.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Horan stated he knows a lot of hard work went into
this and he is glad the County Manager has initiated this work so they can get
the Land Development Code up to snuff and make sure that not only the policy is
correct but that it is not confusing to the business and development
Commissioner Carey stated she knows they have talked pretty
extensively over the past couple of years about the HIP‑TI area up in the
northwest corridor, and she knows the County Manger is moving forward with some
type of study to look at that because there are a number of small parcels up there
that are not big enough to have mixed use on them and questioned how they
address that. Maybe they are not big
enough for a big office but would be big enough for support services, either
small commercial or small residential.
Commissioner Carey asked Ms. Guillet when the Board can expect that
study might be coming back so they can get some relief. Ms. Guillet stated she does not know what the
exact timing is. She knows that they
asked for proposals from the planning consultants that they have continual
services contracts with and they have received two. She believes that staff has selected a
consultant to initiate that study so once they have all of the paperwork done
on that, they will provide a schedule.
District 5
Commissioner Carey reported that the
Orlando Sanford International Airport Authority recently received two ANNIE
awards; one for the most routes of any U.S. airport in the past 12 months that
had been added and also the fastest growing U.S. airport in 2015 among airports
having two to five million passengers.
She also pointed out the airport had 13.5% growth and exceeded 2.5
million passengers.
Commissioner Carey reminded everyone that
on May 26 at 6:00 p.m., Florida Hospital will be opening their emergency room
in Lake Mary at Rinehart Road and SR 46A.
She also reported that on this Friday, May 27, at 9:00 a.m., they will
be having the Fallen Heroes Memorial event out in front of the Criminal Justice
Center at Five Points. Sanford will be
hosting the Memorial Day parade on May 30 at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Sanford
with a Remembrance Ceremony immediately following at Veterans Memorial
Commissioner Carey announced that they will
finally be getting a new student center at Seminole State College and the
groundbreaking for that will be at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, at the
Sanford/Lake Mary campus. She noted it
has been a long time coming and they have had the student center since the
college actually got started.
Commissioner Carey announced that the
Vietnam Traveling Wall will be coming to the City of Longwood starting on June
8 for a four‑day display. The
actual opening ceremony will be Friday morning with the laying of the wreath at
9:00 a.m. It will be open to the public
24 hours a day beginning at 10:00 a.m. from June 10 through 2:00 p.m. on June
12. She pointed out that it is a 300‑foot
replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Commissioner Carey’s ex parte communication
was received and filed.
District 3
Commissioner Constantine reported that he
attended an MPO meeting on June 11; and at that time, he also had a meeting
with the new director of LYNX. Commissioner
Constantine stated he shares in Commissioner Henley's enthusiasm for the new
director. He advised that he broached
the subject with him of the station that the County would like to reevaluate
there at Jai‑Alai. The director
was very supportive of the potential of being able to do that.
Commissioner Constantine reported that he
attended the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council on June 18. He stated their lease is up at their current
location and staff has proposed several moves.
One of the proposals and in discussion with Mr. Barley is housing the
Regional Planning Council in the offices of the MPO. Commissioner Carey remarked that they used to
be together. Commissioner Constantine
advised that over the course of the last number of months Mr. Barley has been
very supportive of that. He discussed
the support for the move and pointed out that potentially it would save both
organizations over $50,000. Commissioner
Dallari noted that he serves on the MPO board and they have not discussed rent
yet. Commissioner Constantine agreed
they have not but that Mr. Barely has discussed what he felt would be fair
in discussions. Commissioner Dallari stated
that what Mr. Barley may think is fair and what the MPO board may think is fair
are two different things.
Commissioner Constantine reported that the
Historical Society met, and they are still very much in support of trying to
find a location at Five Points. He
stated he knows that Ms. Guillet is trying to work with them. They have been offered a display or exhibit
of antique buggies and are looking for a place and a location. Commissioner Constantine advised that he
believes that the County Manager has said the location that the Historical
Society would like may not be appropriate but he would very much be in support
of the County finding somewhere else for them to use because opportunities like
this don't come along all of the time.
Commissioner Dallari agreed that
opportunities like this do not come along that often but added that they need
to make sure that it is the right location.
Commissioner Carey remarked that it was a very vast collection and she
suggested that they pick out some of the finest representative buggies of the
various time periods to put in the Historical Museum area and maybe he sells
off the rest of this collection.
Commissioner Constantine reported on the
Central Florida Zoo meeting that he attended and stated the Zoo was very
encouraged by the meeting they had with the Board and were very impressed with
the cooperation that the County Commission gave them.
Commissioner Constantine congratulated the
City of Casselberry for receiving an honorable mention from MPO for the Clear
Air award and added that Wekiva Island got the major award. He announced that CALNO will be meeting on
June 1 in Sanford and he will keep the Board informed of that. The Wekiva Wild and Scenic River Commission
is also meeting on June 1.
Commissioner Constantine stated, as
discussed at the last meeting, he would like to request that the Lyman Boys
track and field team, who won the state award, be given a resolution for their
victory. No objections were voiced.
District 1
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Kevin
Spolski to the Seminole County Industrial Development Authority (SCIDA).
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Dallari stated he did speak to
Harry Barley at MetroPlan in regard to the work that is being done at Oxford Road
and the Commissioner wants to make sure County staff is coordinating with them
because there may be available dollars for some of those items, like planning
for complete streets and some of the pedestrian stuff that they all talked
Commissioner Dallari noted that CR 419 goes
through downtown Chuluota and there is a curve there. He reported there have been several incidents
where there have been some high‑rate‑of‑speed accidents with
pedestrians; and he would like to ask the Board to instruct staff to do a
safety study for that area to look at alternatives to try to make that corridor
safer. He knows there has been some
money set aside in the one‑cent sales tax for intersection improvements
as well as the light by Mills Road. He
stated he wants to make sure that they are doing it the right way and believes
a safety study would be appropriate at this time.
Commissioner Carey stated before, when they
had CR 419 on the list and then took it off, one of the things that staff was
directed to look at at that time were some safety issues in addition to the
intersection improvements and things that needed to happen. Commissioner Dallari stated they just need to
revisit that, and he just wants to make sure that the Board is on the same page
in asking staff to do that. Commissioner
Carey stated part of what they asked staff to look at before in addition to
turn lanes and those types of things was safety improvements. Commissioner Dallari pointed out that some of
the staff members are no longer here.
Chairman Horan stated they have done this
in several instances with regards to collector roads through the rural areas
where they are looking at surgical traffic safety improvements, turn lanes,
graduation of the curves on certain roadways.
He pointed out that SR 46 was another one. Commissioner Dallari stated he believes the
whole area needs to be looked at. There
is a little bit at McCulloch Road. There
is CR 419 and Brumley Road. He remarked
that Brumley Road is turning into a racetrack.
He reiterated that from a safety standpoint, they need to look at it.
Chairman Horan stated he shares
Commissioner Dallari's concern; and with the desire that they want to continue
to have limited access, they have to look at safety improvements and do it in a
surgical way. Commissioner Dallari
stated CR 419, Brumley and Mills all need to be looked at. Chairman Horan asked if there was consensus
for staff to work on that and report back later. No
objections were voiced.
Chairman Horan stated they had, as part of
the Consent Agenda this morning, a Resolution congratulating the Oviedo High
School girls’ soccer team. On February
6, they won the 5-A State Soccer Championship making it their third state title
in six years. He stated the State Champs
are Laura Day, Samantha Blanford, Brianna Waggoner, Erin Mikalsen, Jacquelyn
Zipay, Tesa Simmons, Maddie Bozzacco, Andrea Maskiell, Alex Nowak, Avery Nowak,
Kenna Hildenbrand, Sarah Preston, Sara Carbone, Payton Grewal, Carly Mitchell,
Madison Allen, Reghan Massie, Camille Copperthite, Sydney Brown, Aly Derose,
and Katie Edwards and congratulated them.
Chairman Horan confirmed with the Board
that they received a list (copy not received and filed) of the follow‑up
items (Mellonville Avenue, Grace Lake, I‑4 rest areas, Apopka/Forest City
mailing address) and noted there have been reports on the Vietnam Traveling
Memorial and also Jetta Point. He
reminded everybody that one of the two major fund raisings for Boys and Girls
Clubs in the county will be coming up on Saturday, June 4, at 6:30 p.m. It is the Be Great Gala and will be at the
Alaqua County Club. He thanked John and
Valli Ritenour for hosting the event.
All proceeds benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Florida and
tickets are available at
Chairman Horan relayed a story that emphasized why this organization is
so important and why they support these community organizations.
Chairman Horan referred to Item 10 on the
Submissions List and discussed the quick action he got on his letter to the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection concerning closing the gap in
the Cross Seminole trail. He also
submitted a copy of the Florida Economic Outlook Report (copy not received and
filed) and stated he found this to be particularly illuminating as it relates
to certain things they are doing in Seminole County and he hopes the
Commissioners will read the report.
Chairman Horan stated he has been advised
they are moving the four‑laning of CR 46 from CR 426 to Lake Mary
Boulevard to Number 20 on the MPO list, moving it from Number
Chairman Horan announced that the County
Manager has told him they have the one‑cent sales tax signs going
up. There are 25 of them going up next
week. Commissioner Carey suggested that
all of the ones that are still standing should be straightened up or replaced. Ms. Guillet stated they are going to refurbish
the ones that they have got. Chairman
Horan remarked that it is important to tell the people what the tax dollars are
Chairman Horan stated he is very happy to
report that the Seminole County Public Schools workshop is set for June 28,
which is the second BCC meeting in June.
That workshop will take place right after the morning BCC session and he
hopes they will keep the morning session very, very light so they can get going
with the School Board quickly so they can get done in an hour and a half. He reported that they have received notice
from the School Board that at their leadership conference on July 28, the Board
will be receiving the leadership award from the Seminole County Public Schools
this year. Discussion ensued with regard
to the date of the leadership conference as to whether it is the 28th of June
or July. Commissioner Dallari stated he
has been scheduled to go to a NARC conference for the past several months and
will not be present at the June 28 BCC meeting.
He stated he will be in Salt Lake City representing MetroPlan. Chairman Horan clarified that the date of the
leadership conference where they will get the award is July 28.
Chairman Horan reported that they have had
a number of productive and informative meetings this year with Mayors and
Managers and have reviewed a variety of topics.
He advised that most timely is, as they have read in the papers, the
Uber initiative that was initiated first by Altamonte Springs and now is being
followed up by initiatives from several of the cities located in Seminole
County and also Maitland. There were
interesting disclosures at the last Mayors and Managers meeting about how you
reach these deals with Uber. Uber is not
particularly interested in partnering or sharing its technology or licensing
its technology. Chairman Horan explained
that the way these partnerships work is basically you pay Uber to expand their
ridership. They will put a discount
within a particular area if you have a promo code but you will pay them for the
discount, which doesn't really solve the mobility problems in those sectors
where they are going to have to partner with someone for van pools and stuff
like that which opens up the possibility of Mears and LYNX.
Chairman Horan stated they will see in the
pilot programs from the various cities exactly what the ridership is as they
try to get people into the habit of getting out of their cars and using an
alternative means of transportation to solve the last mile problem. He pointed out that they will probably have
to look at some of the other technologies that are out there with
transportation network companies or organizations that have a different
business plan and are more into mobility.
Commissioner Dallari confirmed with Chairman Horan that they can't get a
report on the "who went where."
Commissioner Carey stated if you can get off the train and have somebody
there to pick you up, she thinks that is the point. There are probably some privacy issues. She pointed out they will know whether it is
working or not based on the chatter.
Further discussion was had regarding Uber.
Chairman Horan stated in terms of the
County’s own mobility solutions, they are probably going to have to look at
Mears, LYNX, or some of the others.
Commissioner Dallari stated they have had conversations with Mears with
MetroPlan regarding van pooling and the same type of technology because the app
already exists. Chairman Horan stated
there is the FLEX bus technology as well.
He pointed out that things are moving forward and there are really good
discussions with the cities. He stated
Kittleson will be coming back with a deliverable on mobility fees and he has
challenged certain members of the staff to come up with legislative changes
they might need in order to use these mobility fees or whatever they come up,
the legislative changes they need in order to fund these mobility solutions.
The following
Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
Certified letter dated May 5, 2016,
from Sandra J. Smith, Community Development Director, City of Casselberry, to
Chairman Horan re: voluntary annexation of two properties located at 315 &
351 Concord Drive, Casselberry, FL.
Copy of a letter dated May 10, 2016,
from Chairman Horan to Howard Linderman re: thanking Mr. Linderman for his
service on the SunRail Customer Advisory Committee.
Copy of a letter dated May 10, 2016,
from Chairman Horan to Marianne Gurnee, SunRail Program Manager, re:
reappointing Karla Keeney to a second year; and appointing David Shoaff to a
first year service on the Seminole County Representatives to the SunRail
Customer Advisory Committee 2016-17.
Letter dated May 10, 2016, from
Tushar Patel, Project Manager, FDOT District 5, to Property Owner re: Regional
Transportation Management Center Project Seminole County Financial Project ID:
437100-1-32-01, notice of a meeting scheduled for May 31, 2016, from 5:30-7:30
pm, at Lakeside Fellowship United Methodist Church, 305 S. Orange Boulevard,
Copy of a letter dated May 10, 2016,
from Chairman Horan, to Pamela Nabors, President and CEO of CareerSource
Central Florida, re: nominating Richard Sweat to the Seminole County seat on
the CareerSource Central Florida Board of Directors.
Notice of Public Hearing, City of
Lake Mary, Planning & Zoning Board Meeting, June 16, 2016, at 6:00 pm.,
Lake Mary Commission Chambers, re: rezoning property from R-1A to Residential,
property located at 105 Palmetto Street.
Copy of a letter dated May 16, 2016,
from Chairman Horan to Jay Zembower, re: thanking him for his service on the
Seminole County Parks and Preservation Advisory Committee.
Copy of a letter dated May 16, 2016,
from Chairman Horan to Craig Sturla, re: appointing him to an unexpired term on
the Seminole County Parks and Preservation Advisory Committee.
Copy of a letter dated May 16, 2016,
from Commissioner Henley to Tawny Olore, SunRail Program Manager, re:
recommending appointment of Nicole Guillet to the Seminole County’s CFCRC
Stakeholder Taskforce.
10. Copy of a letter dated May 10, 2016, from
Chairman Horan to Jonathan P. Steverson, FDEP Secretary, re: requesting
assistance to close the gap in the Cross Seminole Trail which requires a
multi-party land exchange.
John Casselberry, P.O. Box 2, addressed the
Board to discuss recycling and garbage pickup in his neighborhood. Mr. Casselberry stated that it seems to him
that the garbage collection people drive on one side of the road and pick up
everything on one side of the road and then go back around and repeat the same
mileage, picking up on just one side of the road. He advised it looks inefficient but it may be
safer than the collection people crossing the road to get the garbage on both
sides. He stated it looks like they are
doubling their mileage even though they are not picking up any more than
driving the other way. Commissioner
Carey confirmed with Mr. Casselberry that he lives within the City of
Casselberry. She explained that his
question is a City of Casselberry question, not the County. Mr. Casselberry stated they have more than
one collector in town. He suggested if
the collection trucks use the same thing that the school buses use, where they
pull the stop signs out so the traffic is stopped and their guys can go over to
both sides of the road, they won’t have to backtrack the mileage at all. He believes that is something the County
might be able to put in the garbage contracts so the trucks can use that kind
of signage. Commissioner Carey stated the
haulers for the county, at least in her neighborhood, pick up both sides of the
road as they are going down the road; they don’t come through twice. Mr. Casselberry also discussed the hours of
operation for the garbage haulers.
Speaker Request Form was received and
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 2:36 p.m.,
this same date.