July 22, 2014


     The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.


     Chairman Robert Dallari (District 1)

     Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)

     Commissioner John Horan (District 2)

     Commissioner Lee Constantine (District 3)

     Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)

Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Maryanne Morse (late)

     Deputy County Manager Joe Forte

     County Attorney Bryant Applegate

     Deputy Clerk Eva Roach



     Pastor Roger Fall, First Baptist Church of Sanlando Springs, Altamonte Springs, gave the Invocation.

     Commissioner Carey led the Pledge of Allegiance.


     The Business Spotlight Video for Sanford River Rats was presented.


     Jim Sellen, VHB Miller Sellen, addressed the Board to display a PowerPoint Presentation (received and filed) for the Oxford Road Redevelopment Plan. He stated this project arose out of the work that was done for the U.S. Highway 17-92 Corridor Study.  The study recognized that there were three catalyst sites where it would make sense for the County to invest in repurposing and redevelopment.  Those sites include the Sanford, Five-Points and Oxford Road areas.  He began his presentation by explaining why this project is important.  He displayed and reviewed aerial maps outlining the study-area boundary of the project, showing the roads that are in the study area and the SR 15/600 interchange (flyover) at SR 436.  He continued by reviewing the Study Area Development Potential; Existing Development in the area; the importance of the Lynx Access; Retail Market Analysis in association with the Plan; Primary and Total Trade Areas; Retail Analysis Breakdown; and the Redevelopment Analogues studied by the Oxford Road Focus Group.  He displayed and reviewed aerial projects in south downtown Orlando; Mizner Park in Boca Raton; Winter Park Village; and the 29th Avenue Town Center in Denver, Colorado.

Mr. Sellen continued by reviewing the Common Redevelopment Principles Established by the Focus Group; the Parks, Open Space and Stormwater Concept Plan; the Roadway Plan; and the Bike and Pedestrian Plan.  He displayed site plans for Alternative One and Alternative Two and reviewed the multifamily units, square footage and the taxable value.  Mr. Sellen stated this is not a regulatory plan, but a plan that will try to give the private sector an opportunity to understand what Seminole County would like to see here.  He explained what they are trying to do with this plan.  He displayed aerial views of what Oxford Road would look like northbound, southbound, and along Oxford Road and Fernwood Boulevard.  He reviewed the Oxford Road Alignment Impact and the right-of-way for existing Oxford Road at the Fernwood Boulevard intersection, northbound.  

Mr. Sellen stated his office has worked with the County’s Engineering Department and the City of Casselberry on a road cross section that they felt would work for this area.  He reviewed the Typical Sections for Oxford Road (south of SR 436); North Oxford (City of Casselberry); and Fernwood Boulevard.  He stated the Oxford Road Area Redevelopment Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) formed from the Urban Land Institute consists of Lisa Dilts; Mary Hurley; David McDaniel and Michelle Pierce, and advised that they agreed with the Development Program Alternatives.  The TAP also recommended closing Fernwood Boulevard as a through street to create a place-making element that will brand the project and a smaller block grid. He discussed what components of the Oxford Road Redevelopment Program that the TAP would change; how the TAP would stage development within the redevelopment program; what would the TAP recommend doing different to give this area a unique identity; what financial incentives would be most effective in igniting marketplace activity; if the TAP believes that the proposed development policies are barriers; and if the TAP would add policies to serve to incentivize redevelopment.  He concluded by reviewing the TAP’s recommendations.  He stated the recommended actions are: adopt an Overlay District; acquire sufficient right-of-way to allow Oxford Road to be extended; continue to provide some type of revenue base; apply for New Market Tax Credits; partner with the landowner to issue an RFP; target restaurants as the initial commercial user; establish a Main Street Association; and amend Target Zone B to allow up to 140 feet in height.

Randy Morris addressed the Board to advise this is an incredibly complex project in terms of the number of steps that need to happen.  He emphasized that the City of Casselberry participated in every meeting and they are enthused about this project with regard to their redevelopment plans.  He suggested scheduling a joint meeting with the Casselberry City Commissioners if the BCC implements the recommendations.  He stated VHB Miller Sellen will be presenting this presentation to the City of Casselberry.  Miller Sellen is working with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on the connectivity of the Kewannee Trail to the Casselberry trail system.  FDOT is performing a study to look at an overpass or underpass to get people across a very dangerous area.  He suggested that the County may want to participate in that study.  A peer review system is going on simultaneously with the property owners and the largest property owners, along with nine businesses, have participated in multiple meetings.  Mr. Morris stated there is probably too much commercial in this area and some of it may need to be converted to multi-family or other types of housing.  The success in the Heathrow/Lake Mary corridor has been driven by night-time population.  The valuation issue needs to be focused on and the critical element is to bring in median level or higher-median level income producing families or individuals that have buying power.  This project will be presented to the Redevelopment Planning Agency (RPA) next month.  Mr. Morris stated the catalyst for this project is Oxford Road and he explained why Oxford Road is now being reconsidered.  

Mr. Morris asked the Board to address the action items that they are requesting in September.  He stated Miller Sellen is willing to discuss this project during a work session.  People have indicated that they feel that a place-making situation is needed in the area and that the area should be rebranded.  Realtors, commercial interest, and others perceive this as an area called Fern Park and that element hasn’t gone away.  He stated place-making becomes important and he is recommending that Fern Park Boulevard be renamed Oxford Place.

Commissioner Carey stated she is glad to see it was explained how retail commercial and multi-family markets go together.  Mixed-use has become a real player in the last 10 years and they have learned a lot of good lessons around the country of what not to do.  Vertical integrations are one of the most important lessons.  The big picture is retail cannot survive without multi-family or people being there after 5:00 p.m.  Colonial Towne Park had a lot of missing pieces in the early days, but now they are very successful with having a lot of rooftops around.  She stated she feels that an immediate fix at the crossing at SR 436 and Oxford Road is to do the same unique things that were done on International Parkway near the Westin.  She added she feels that from a visual perspective, an underpass would be more pleasing than having a monstrous overpass at SR 436 and U.S. 17-92. 

     Commissioner Constantine left the meeting at this time.

     Mr. Morris stated Commissioner Carey pointed out that they should have emphasized the three phases of mixed-use development more because if one of them fails or has financial problems that lead to refinancing, it comes to a critical point.  He said he wished that he had spoken to her before they did the final draft.  The classic model in the most intense situation works in a true urban setting.  He recommended that the Board give their staff direction to work directly with FDOT as they are doing a study relating to the overpass at SR 436 and U.S. 17-92.  The one thing that came up in working with small businesses and the ULI (Urban Land Institute) partners is unanimity on all of the recommendations.  The only disagreement they had was two-laning or restriping it to go to four lanes. 

     Commissioner Constantine reentered the meeting at this time.

     Commissioner Carey stated she would like to know if there was a taking of right-of-way there with some agreement that they could continue to park there until the County needs it.  She added she would like to know the history on that because it would be very unlikely back then that a building could be built where there was no parking. 

     Mr. Morris stated private use and profit of public land is much more restrictive than it used to be.  Commissioner Carey stated the Board needs to know if there ever was a taking with an agreement. 

     Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, addressed the Board to state staff studied Oxford Road in 2006/2007 and they did not find any type of agreement.  He stated as soon as this study is completed, staff will start another preliminary engineering study.  One other option is to look at the other side of the road.  There will be a lot of impact to the businesses if they widen the right-of-way in that area and that will be evaluated. 

     Commissioner Carey stated the Board has been discussing what they should do with the CRA and how they can utilize those funds as it starts to come to an end.  The Oxford Road and Fernwood Boulevard area has a large stormwater pond and that becomes a buffer to the overpass.  She stated she feels those things will be important to focus on with those funds.  There are multiple owners located on the northeast corner.  She added she feels the overlay and the master stormwater ideas are good and she is glad that VHB has brought in the ULI partners. 

     Mr. Morris stated a lot of the properties cannot redevelop because they do not have retention and do not meet current standards from the Land Development Code (LDC).  There needs to be very complex negotiations on stormwater, taking issues, and how this benefits both sides of the roadway.  He added he feels there is going to be a fairly significant halo effect out of the study area if the building of Oxford Road is successfully done and how the retention is handled.  Commissioner Carey stated having multi-family first makes it easier to get the retail.

     Commissioner Horan clarified that if the County owns the right-of-way, the fact that people park on it does not constitute a waiver or a vacation of that right-of-way.  He stated he liked the way VHB got the private sector involved so that the recommendations come from the bottom up.  The flyover will impact that particular intersection in a way that is adverse to the business interest.  Money has been earmarked for this type of endeavor so that the owners of the properties can respond to the flyover by reorienting their development and creating a new main street on Oxford Road. 

     Commissioner Henley stated he would like to echo everyone’s comments and the one recommendation that is important is dealing with Fernwood Boulevard and changing the image that people have so they can sell Oxford Place.  He commended VHB for the team they put together and noted their work will reflect what can happen through collaboration and said this has tremendous promise. 

     Commissioner Constantine commended the work, the concept and the vision of the project.  He stated since there is a vision, he would like to know where do they go and what are the next steps.

     Mr. Morris stated the County needs to determine what they want the typical section to look like and then have their staff move forward with the engineering documents.  The County needs to enter into serious negotiations with the Jai-Alai owners as they have been looking forward to having intense business discussions.  When the negotiations are occurring, the Board should be in a position to judge that negotiation versus being the negotiator.  He stated VHB is asking the Board to adopt the 12 recommendations they have presented and then come up with uniform zoning, height limitations and densities for this area. 

     Commissioner Carey stated one recommendation is to have the County contact the developers regarding an RFP.  She stated she doesn’t think that is the County’s business, but it is up to the developers to decide who they want to negotiate with for the multi-family pieces.  She stated the County’s role is to do the overlay and allow for some of the things that the development community and multi-family world would be asking.  They can move forward with the engineering of Oxford Road and figure how much stormwater they will need for this. 

     Commissioner Constantine stated one step that Mr. Morris recommended is doing a uniform zoning of that area so that a developer can see what is going to occur there.  Another step is to approve the plans of the road and to start moving to build the road including obtaining the property that is needed.  They also need to look at the potential of continuing the CRA so they will have money to do it in that particular area.  Another thing that needs to occur is the engineering for stormwater. 

     Mr. Morris stated everyone they spoke to believed that some type of financial vehicle is needed in order to do a public/private partnership.  The County needs to make up their mind as to what they need to do soon so they can inform the development community what the situation is and what they can rely on. 

     City Manager Randy Newlon, City of Casselberry, addressed the Board to state the City is very excited to participate in this planning project and they are looking forward to moving forward with this.  He stated there are a lot of improvements coming to the south Seminole County area as they are sorely needed.  He stated the halo effect is an important aspect to Casselberry and it will benefit the City’s side of SR 436.  The City of Casselberry is requesting that their CRA be extended as it could go 10 more years depending on the BCC.  The City has already hired VHB to plan the Oxford Road realignment, and they are also working with Seminole State and three private multi-family developers to see if they can create some interest in redeveloping the Walmart property running between Hwy 17-92 and Oxford into multi-family. 

     Chairman Dallari stated he would echo everyone’s comments and he believes this is an exciting time for the County and the City.  He stated in moving forward, he believes the BCC needs to instruct the County Engineer and the Roads staff to look at a recommended typical section and bring back the procedures and recommendations to move the road section forward.  He said he would like to see that come back during the August 26 BCC meeting.  He recommended that the BCC authorize the consultants to meet with the Redevelopment Planning Agency (RPA) as well as the City of Casselberry, and to authorize the consultants to expand their contract and to negotiate the right-of-way with the property owners.  He said he feels it is a delicate balance, not just on purchasing the right-of-way but how that is going to enhance the development.  Chairman Dallari recommended that staff review the recommendations as presented so the appropriate land use changes can be made for uniform overlay and to bring that back to the Board in August.  He added he would like to schedule a work session with the City of Casselberry no later than August 26 to discuss the finances, the interaction with them, and the crossing of SR 436.  He stated he feels that staff needs to meet with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) prior to the work session to discuss the interactions with the County, City and FDOT to determine how they can get people across SR 436.  He stated he would like to know the pros and cons of doing it like International Parkway. 

     Commissioner Carey stated the City has already contracted with a consultant to move forward on their section of Oxford Road.  She stated she would like the work session scheduled sooner rather than later as everyone needs to go in the same direction.

     Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Henley to adopt the Oxford Road Overlay district including the comments as stated by Commissioner Carey. 

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Chairman Dallari recessed the BCC meeting at 10:37 a.m. and convened as the U.S. Highway 17-92 Community Redevelopment Agency.

U.S. HWY 17-92 CRA

     Consideration to approve a revision to the CRA Redevelopment and Construction Grant Agreement with Dick Baird, Inc., d/b/a Bill Ray Nissan and the U.S. 17-92 CRA, related to redevelopment of the property located at 2724 U.S. 17-92, revising section 4(e) on page 6, 14(a) on page 9, and extending the project completion date until December 31, 2015, was presented.

     Chairman Dallari advised that the applicant is requesting this item be continued.

     David Leavitt, 1000 Ridge Pointe Cove, addressed the Board to discuss how it is unfair that taxpayers’ dollars be used for businesses designated as CRA areas, but could have been used for other improvements countywide.  He reviewed some of the issues that the CRA program has had.  He stated this program expires in 2017 and he would like the Board to consider this a public request to simply let the program die out and not let this unfair tax burden continue on the backs of all Seminole County taxpayers. 

     Speaker Request Form was received and filed.

     No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to continue to August 12, 2014 request to approve a revision to the CRA Redevelopment and Construction Grant Agreement with Dick Baird, Inc., d/b/a Bill Ray Nissan and the U.S. 17-92 CRA, related to redevelopment of the property located at 2724 U.S. 17-92, revising section 4(e) on page 6, 14(a) on page 9, and extending the project completion date until December 31, 2015. 

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

     Chairman Dallari adjourned the U.S. 17-92 CRA meeting at 10:47 a.m. and reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.


     Erin Waldron, 5 North Bumby Avenue, addressed the Board to state he works for the American Red Cross and he would like to speak with regard to Item #7, Approve allocations to the Community Services Agency (CSA) Partnership Grant funds.  He stated he understands that the funding is limited but is aware that the standard has been raised this year from 70% to 75%.  He said the American Red Cross scoring came in at 74.2% but they found out that their scoring was reduced by 10 points.  The rest of their scoring came in as a perfect score and that made a difference to them.  He requested the Board pull this item for further discussion.

     Speaker Request Form was received and filed.


     Commissioner Carey stated she requested additional information and it appears that a lot of the budget that is allocated to Seminole County is being used for public education.  She stated the Red Cross has managed approximately over 250 cases over the past five years, and they are asking for more money than they have actually spent.  She added she feels that the County has a very fair scoring system but there is not enough money to allocate to all the agencies.  She stated if the Board doesn’t like the process, then they should change it.  She added she feels the process is reasonable and they should approve this item as presented.

     Commissioner Horan stated in 2007 the County allocated $1.3 million for the CSA program and that funding decreased during the recession.  He stated since he has been on the Board, they have gone from over $900,000 to $700,000 and it is heartbreaking as there are so many deserving organizations that do tremendous work.  The other problem is a lot of the organizations are already getting decreases in their funding from the State and Federal government.  He said he would like to see the County do whatever they can to help these organizations in raising funds on their own. 

     Chairman Dallari stated with the way the reserves are this year, he would like to discuss reducing the funds.  He said he would like to pull this item for separate discussion as well as Item #30, Approve BAR Resolution for renovations at Fire Station #16, and Item #39, Award CC-9353-14, Fire Station 13 Renovation. 

     Commissioner Henley stated he would like to pull Item #32, Approve BAR Resolution for JGI Incentive grant awards, as it deals with three different actions pertaining to money.  He recommended pulling the item included in this request as it appears again under the regular agenda.

     Commissioner Carey recommended moving Item (#44, Approve JGI Funding for to after the regular agenda.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize and approve the following:

County Manager’s Office

Business Office

3.  Approve travel and mileage reimbursement to Commissioner Lee Constantine for miscellaneous travel from May 15, 2014 through June 20, 2014.

4.  Approve travel and mileage reimbursement to Commissioner Carlton Henley for miscellaneous travel from April 9, 2014 through June 11, 2014.


Community Services

Business Office

5.  Approval appointment of the following representatives for vacant Board positions on the Committee on Aging in accordance with the guidelines established by Administrative Code Section 4.6:  Andrew Powell, Executive Director of Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida; Audrey Burnett, LCSW, Memory Disorder Clinic Coordinator and Mental Health Therapist Supervisor; and Gail Reeves, Seminole County TRIAD Secretary.

6.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Assumption of Mortgage with Timothy T. Jackson, for a SHIP affordable housing mortgage encumbering the real property located at 1100 West 7th Street, Sanford.

6A. Approval to participate in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program; authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Participation, as shown on page ________, naming Valmarie H. Turner as the coordinator for the countywide application(s); and authorize the Chairman to execute any supporting documentation as may be required for the application(s).

Community Assistance Division

8.  Approve and authorize the Director of Community Services to execute the Shelter Plus Care Tenant and Landlord Agreements which will provide rental assistance for permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities.


Community Development Division

9.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Corrective County Deed, as shown on page ________, for the NSP 1 rental property located at 2105 Hartwell Avenue in Sanford, which is reducing the affordability period from thirty (30) years to an expiration date of August 17, 2030.

10.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Forms (SF-424), as shown on page ________, all certifications contained in the 2014-2015 One-Year Action Plan, for staff to submit the Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to procure Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funding, and to execute subsequent Grant Agreements.

11.  Approve and authorize the Community Services staff to submit to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation the Substantial Plan Amendment to the 2013-2016 LHAP; and adopt appropriate Resolution #2014-R-151, as shown on page ________, for the Substantial Amendment.

12.  Approve and accept the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Monthly Snapshot/Report and properties acquired by Seminole County Government.

13.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the First Amendment, as shown on page ________, to Seminole County/Catholic Charities of Central Florida, CDBG Subrecipient Agreement Program Year 2013-2014 for an addition to and renovation of the Pathways to Care facility.


Development Services

Planning & Development Division

14.  Approve the minor plat for the Mann’s Reserve subdivision located on the west side of CR 426, approximately 2,250 feet south of West SR 46, Jeffrey Mann.

15.  Approve the minor plat for BJ’s at Oviedo Crossings A Replat subdivision containing one lot on 2.14 acres, located on the south side of Red Bug Lake Road, the east side of Oviedo Marketplace Boulevard, and the west side of SR 417, Michael D. Franklin and Jan E. Franklin, as Trustees of the Mike and Jan E. Trust dated October 14, 2003.

16.  Authorize the Chairman to execute the Satisfaction of Lien, as shown on page ________, for Case No. 12-129-CEB, on 1274 Regency Place, Lake Mary, Tax Parcel #12-20-29-503-0000-0230, previously owned by Charles R. Capehart, Jr. and Melody Capehart and currently owned by Nationstar Mortgage, LLC.

17.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2014-R-135, as shown on page _________, vacating and abandoning a 214 square-foot portion of a Drainage Easement, Lot 27, Lake Sylvan Cove, as recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, in Plat Book 42, pages 69 through 74, more particularly known as 616 Grand Cypress Point, Rodney Jones.


Public Safety

Business Office

18.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-136, as shown on page _________, renaming Pennsylvania Avenue to South Brisson Avenue.

19.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-137, as shown on page _________, renaming Third Court to East 3rd Court.


Public Works

Engineering Division

20.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Interlocal Utility Relocation Agreement, as shown on page ________, with Seminole County and City of Casselberry for the Lake Howell Road Bridge Replacement over Lake Howell Road.

21.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2014-R-138, as shown on page _________, accepting a Recreational Trail Easement, as shown on page _________, from C.C. Altamonte Joint Venture for property necessary for the construction of a trail over property depicted in Exhibit "A" (Easement Property) as part of the Seminole Wekiva Trail, Phase 4, project.

22.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2014-R-139, as shown on page ________, accepting a Quit Claim Deed, as shown on page _________, for property that was acquired for the Dodd Road Project to clear up a cloud on a title for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

23.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Vanessa Gionson, a single person, and Seminole County for property necessary for the construction and maintenance of a sidewalk along a portion of Dike Road.

Traffic Engineering Division

24.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Wal-Mart Stores East, LP and Seminole County, to be installed at the southern most entrance to the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Rinehart Road.

25.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Traffic Enforcement Agreement, as shown on page _________, between Seminole County, Seminole County Sheriff's Office and Osprey Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. to enforce regulatory signs within the Osprey Lakes subdivision.



Resource Management

Business Office

26.  Approve and authorize the County Manager to execute the Second Amendment, as shown on page _________, to the Subrecipient Agreement with the 18th Judicial Circuit Court regarding the Adult Drug Treatment Court Expansion and Enhancement grant awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Budget and Fiscal Management Division

27.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-140, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-082 through the Community Service Block Grant Fund to establish $80,271 in additional grant funding awarded by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for CSBG authorized activities.

28.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-141, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-092 through the Libraries Donation Fund in the amount of $1,000 to appropriate a donation for the Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Program.

29.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-142, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-093 through the Fire Protection and Fire Replacement and Renewal Funds for $273,404 of additional funding for (3) Fire Trucks; a Pumper Engine, Special Engine, and Tower Truck.

31.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-143, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-095 through the 2006 Water & Sewer Bonds fund in the amount of $65,000 to provide additional funding for legal services related to the Residential Reclaimed Retrofit Phase II project.

33.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-145, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-098 through the newly established SHIP Affordable Housing 14/15 Fund in the amount of $1,990,378 in order to recognize and budgetarily establish SHIP funding in accordance with the State Housing Initiative (SHIP) Program Fiscal Year 2014-15 Funding Certification approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 24, 2014.

34.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-146, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-102 in the amount of $20,000 through the Natural Lands Donation Fund to appropriate additional funding for prescribed burns.

35.  Approve the purchase of a JVC camera for SGTV using existing Brighthouse grant funding.

Purchasing & Contracts Division

36.  Approve Amendment #1 to SS-601996-14/BJC for the purchase of SimMan SimView Server PC and software licenses, computer-related components, set-up, on-site customized instructions, warranty and annual maintenance with Laerdal Medical Corporation, Wappingers Falls, NY; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to issue the Purchase Order(s).

37.  Approve Change Order #2, as shown on page ________, to CC-8805-13/AMM, HOME Program Reconstruction at 1260 Dunbar Ave., Sanford, in the amount of $17,427.10, to BSE Construction Group, Port Saint Lucie; add an additional ninety (90) calendar days to Substantial Completion; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Change Order.

38.  Award CC-9327-14/JVP Construction Services Agreement, as shown on page ________, for the SR 426 & Mitchell Hammock Turn Lane Project in the amount of $498,675.16 to Atlantic Civil Constructors Corporation, Orlando; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.

40.  Award RFP-602012-14/BJC, as shown on page ________, Employee Assistance Program Agreement to ComPsych, Chicago, IL; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the agreement.


     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Request to approve the recommended funding allocations for Community Services Agency (CSA) Partnership Grant funds in the amount of $700,000 for FY 2014/2015, was presented.

     Chairman Dallari stated there is no doubt that the grants are needed and he would like to continue this item contingent upon the budget work sessions as he is hesitant approving this without going through the budget first.

     Commissioner Horan stated he has done an analysis of the budget and they need to find approximately $2.5 million in order to do the CSA Grant funds as well as the Health Department.  He stated he would recommend delaying this item to discuss it during the work sessions.  Commissioner Henley stated he would support delaying this item until the budget work sessions.  He added he feels the County needs to evaluate what is already being done in the communities by the churches and others that are helping the residents. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Valmarie Turner, Community Services Director, addressed the Board to state most of the agencies are planning for their fiscal year starting October 1.  Those organizations will need to know what funds they will be receiving sooner than later as it relates to how they plan out their programs. 

     Commissioner Carey stated the Board is going to have different ideas how they are going to manage the shortfall in their budget.  The most important thing is for the County to set their budget so that it is sustainable in the reserves. 

     Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley to continue to a future BCC meeting request to approve the recommended funding allocations for Community Services Agency (CSA) Partnership Grant funds in the amount of $700,000 for FY 2014/2015; and to address this issue during the budget work sessions. 

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Request to approve a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-094 through the Fire Protection Fund in the amount of $104,353 to provide additional funding for renovations at Fire Station #16; and approve request to award CC-9353-14, Fire Station 16 Renovation in the amount of $238,280 to Axios Construction Services, LLC, was presented.

     Chairman Dallari stated he doesn’t see the need for doing the renovations to Fire Station #16 as improvements to Station #36 on Markham Woods Road and Lake Mary Boulevard have not been done.  He added he feels the consultants have not been able to get the costs for construction under control as it is still excessively high. 

     Commissioner Horan stated he feels these two items can be deferred for another budget year as they do not have a material effect on public safety. 

     Commissioner Carey stated she doesn’t have a problem deferring this item until they get through their budget discussions.  She said she would like to see what the expectation and level of service is for the upcoming year, when any renovations are going to occur and how this will play out with future needs. 

     Commissioner Horan stated this project is in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and they may have to move this as well as other nonessential projects to other budget years or move it off the CIP.  He stated the County may be spending money foolishly by putting this particular project in execution now.  

     Commissioner Henley explained why the Board is expressing their concerns about the financial matters. 

     Commissioner Carey stated she feels the Board needs to look closer at the CIP because they have stations that need to be built as well as other considerations that they are in the process of discussing through negotiations. 

     Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley to defer action on requests to approve a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-094 through the Fire Protection Fund in the amount of $104,353 to provide additional funding for renovations at Fire Station #16; and to Award CC-9353-14/AMM Construction Services Agreement for Fire Station 16 Renovation in the amount of $238,280 to Axios Construction Services, LLC of Casselberry.

     Under discussion, Commissioner Constantine and Commissioner Carey discussed whether there are any unintended consequences in doing this action at this time.  Commissioner Carey stated she believes ADA requirements would not kick in if renovations are not being done and requested an opinion from the County Manager and County Attorney regarding that.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to authorize and approve the following:


41.  Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated June 9, 16 and 23, 2014; and Payroll Approval Lists, as shown on page _________, dated June 5 and 19, 2014; approval of the BCC Destruction; approval of BCC Official Minutes dated June 10, 2014; and noting, for information only, the following Clerk’s Received and Filed:

1.    Development Orders, as shown on page ________, as follows:  #12-30000009, Charles & Sylvia North variance; #14-06000012, VSC Properties LLP overflow parking; #14-27500021, 7-Eleven, Inc. and Hillview 41, Inc. alcoholic beverage license; #14-27500022, Michael and Jan Franklin alcoholic beverage license; #14-33000003, Rita Greenwalt special exception; #14-3000005, Kevin and Amber Spence variance; #14-30000032, Frederick and Sandra Wirth variance; #14-30000033, Mariyana Dicheva and Ivaylo Grozev variances; #14-27500019, 7-Eleven, Inc. alcoholic beverage license; #14-30000048, Manley and Shauna Anderson variance; and #14-27500018, Maldonado Properties, Inc. alcoholic beverage license.


2.    Homeownership Assistance Program State Housing Initiative Partnership Program Down Payment Assistance Corrective Mortgage Deed, as shown on page ________, Emad Beniamin and Eman Gerges.


3.    Homeownership Assistance Program State Housing Initiative Partnership Program Rehabilitation Assistance Corrective Mortgage Deed, as shown on page ________, Elizabeth Montgomery-West.


4.    Homeownership Assistance Program Corrective Mortgage Deed, as shown on page ________, Mary Ann Reynolds.


5.    Second Amendment, as shown on page ________, to IFB-601296-11.


6.    Amendment #2, as shown on page ________, to PS-5160-04.


7.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #6 to PS-8072-12.


8.    First Amendment, as shown on page ________, to IFB-600907-10.


9.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #1 to PS-8146-12.


10.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #18 to PS-5438-10.


11.    Amendment #2, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #105 to PS-5120-02.


12.    Division of Emergency Management Federally-Funded Sub-Grant, as shown on page ________, for interoperable communications system, as approved by the BCC on November 19, 2013.


13.    Tennis Developmental Instructor Agreements, as shown on page ________, for Jennifer Fernandez, Julie Ann Fernandez, and Kimberly Gehr.


14.    Contract, as shown on page ________, for Services for Christopher Suto.


15.    Special Purpose Financial Statements, as shown on page ________, for the Water and Sewer and Solid Waste Funds for Fiscal Years ended September 30, 2012 and 2013.


16.    Third Amendment, as shown on page ________, to RFP-600932-10.


17.    Fourth Amendment, as shown on page ________, to RFP-CS01-12.


18.    Tennis Developmental Instructor Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Adam J. Fontana.


19.    SS-602024-14 Agreement, as shown on page ________, Manhattan College, for Update of the Lake Jesup TMDL Water Quality Model.


20.    Recording of Plat Sheet and Performance Bond #1019658, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $381,468.42 for the project known as Silverleaf.


21.    Title Opinion and Performance Bond #0182849, as shown on page ________,  in the amount of $281,769.49 for the project known as Lake Markham Landings.


22.    First Amendment, as shown on page ________, to RFP-601745-13.


23.    Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #4 to RFP-CS01-12.


24.    Amendment #4, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #4 to PS-6487-11.


25.    Amendment #2, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #2 to PS-4202-09.


26.    Amendment #4, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #31 to PS-4388-09.


27.    Change Order #8, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #2 to RFQ-5888-10.


28.    Letters to Pamela Nabors, CareerSource Central Florida, re:  BCC appointing Wendy Brandon and Nicole Guillet to the CareerSource Central Florida Board of Directors.


29.    Work Order #70, as shown on page ________, to PS-4388-09.


30.    Work Order #18, as shown on page ________, to PS-8047-12.


31.    Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #16 to PS-5438-10.


32.    Memorandum, as shown on page ________, to Nicole Guillet, Acting County Manager, from Alan Harris, Emergency Manager, relating to Request for Work Order Extension – Baker Barrios/School Shelter Retrofit Grant Project (Work Order #11 to RFP-4736-09).


33.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #97 to PS-1529-06.


34.    Second Amendment, as shown on page ________, to RFP-601745-13.


35.    First Amendment, as shown on page ________, to RFP-600906-10.


36.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to IFB-601852-13.


37.    Development Order #13-20500022, as shown on page ________, for Zimmer Parcel Land Use Amendment and Rezone, as approved by the BCC on February 11, 2014.


38.    Ordinance #2014-11, as shown on page ________, Zimmer Parcel Land Use Amendment, as approved by the BCC on February 11, 2014.


39.    Ordinance #2014-12, as shown on page ________, Zimmer Parcel Rezone, as approved by the BCC on February 11, 2014.


40.    Title Certification, as shown on page ________, for Markham Reserve.


41.    Amendments, as shown on page ________, to the Conditional Utility Agreements, CWS-Oviedo Development LLC, for water and sewer service for the project known as CA Stone PCD – Rock & Brews.


42.    First Amendment, as shown on page ________, to IFB-601296-11.


43.    Work Order #19, as shown on page ________, to PS-8047-12.


44.    Change Order #7, as shown on page ________, to RFP-7760-12.


45.    Parks Contracts, as shown on page ________, for Services for Julie Silvers, Michael Luffler, Terri Oliver, and Heather Walton.


46.    Tennis Developmental Instructor Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Julie Silvers.


47.    Amendment #4, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #1 to RFP-5706-10.


48.    Change Orders #1 and #2, as shown on page ________, to CC-8898-13.


49.    Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #45 to PS-4388-09.


50.    Amendment #5, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #4 to PS-5107-01.


51.    Change Order #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #15 to CC-8199-12.


52.    Work Order #10, as shown on page ________, to PS-7643-12.


53.    Work Order #54, as shown on page ________, to RFP-8312-12.


54.    Closeouts, as shown on page ________, for CC-8458-13, CC-9035-13, and CC-8460-13.


55.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to IFB-600654-09.


56.    Work Order #12, as shown on page ________, to RFP-5847-10.


57.    Work Order #68, as shown on page ________, to PS-3914-08.


58.    Amendment #7, as shown on page ________, to M-232-05.


59.    Amendment #2, as shown on page ________, to RFP-8832-13.


60.    Amendment #6, as shown on page ________, to IFB-601516-12.


61.    Work Orders #1 and #2, as shown on page ________, to CC-9192-13.


62.    Work Order #1, as shown on page ________, to CC-9184-13.


63.    Change Order #5, as shown on page ________, to CC-8501-13.


64.    Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #66 to RFP-5465-10.


65.    Change Order #4, as shown on page ________, to CC-8159-12.


66.    Bids as follows:  RFQ-602011-14; CC-9353-14; RFP-602012-14; IFB-601988-14; and IFB-601989-14.


     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize and approve the following:


42.  Approval of the Budget Amendment Resolution #2014-R-147, as shown on page ________, (BAR) #14-097 to transfer budget from operating to capital equipment for the proper accounting of $176,659 of security cameras for the Sheriff's Office.

43.  Approval of the Budget Amendment Resolution #2014-R-148, as shown on page ________, (BAR) #14-099 recognizing ($1,152,068) in FY 2014/15 Department of Children and Families Services revenues and correspondingly increasing the Sheriff’s FY 2013/14 operating budget by an equivalent amount.


     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Pamela Lynch, Economic Development Program Manager, addressed the Board to present request to approve the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) Funding Agreement between Seminole County and, providing an economic development incentive in the amount of $40,000 for the creation of 40 jobs.  She stated is a medical software company that provides free of charge on-line solutions for patients seeking medical providers and to book appointments. generates revenues through subscription sales to medical providers.  She reviewed the projected growth plans, the amount of jobs that the project will create, and the capital investment.  The City of Altamonte Springs does not wish to participate in the JGI.  Staff recommends approval of the request. 

     Commissioner Henley stated he feels that this proposal will benefit the doctors more than the citizens.  He said he received information that 123 doctors have signed up but doesn’t recall seeing how many of the doctors are in Seminole County.  He stated he doesn’t believe this request will be the best use for this money; therefore, he will be voting against this item.  Ms. Lynch stated there will be 65 doctors from Seminole County participating in the program.

     Commissioner Carey stated she was disappointed that Altamonte Springs is not participating in this program.  She stated she doesn’t have a problem supporting this as jobs in the medical industry are important.  She concluded she would only support a maximum of $30,000.  Commissioner Horan stated he would support $30,000 as the total incentive.

     Commissioner Constantine stated he would be in favor of this if the money was distributed as the jobs are created.  He said he always had concerns providing money up front and hoping that the jobs are created. 

     Ms. Lynch stated typically the JGI is paid upfront to the business owners.  She said she believes the firm prefers having the money upfront as opposed to when the jobs are created.  Commissioner Carey stated they have security for the performance through a surety bond or letter of credit, and if they don’t perform, the County has the ability to recapture the funds. 

     Tracy Turk, Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission, addressed the Board to state the typical funding for 40 jobs is $2000 per job, a total of $80,000.  Discussion ensued.  Commissioner Horan stated he is comfortable with the $30,000 as long as it is secured by a letter of credit or a performance bond.  He stated all of the job growth incentives are secured either because they are not paid until there is proof of the job creation or if there is a failure on behalf of the recipient to use the money and create the jobs.  Then that obligation is secured by a performance bond or letter of credit so that the County can get their money back. 

     At the request of Commissioner Carey, Ms. Lynch explained what happens with the performance security if the firm only creates half of the jobs.  Commissioner Constantine stated from a philosophical basis, it gives firms another incentive if they create the jobs before they are paid.  He added he feels that is the better way to go.

     Commissioner Henley stated this company has been in business for about three years and he does not know their financial stability.  He said it appears that the company charges a fee for the doctors to be listed on their website and he is not comfortable with this. 

     Commissioner Horan stated the JGI has two programs; one is for smaller companies that need money for the creation, and the other is for larger companies that go ahead and perform and then they are paid the incentive.  If the Board is going to change the rules, then they need to change the program.  He stated he doesn’t think the Board should change the rules of a program after they already promulgated it to the public and business community.  He stated the Board needs to schedule something if they want to change the rules because it wouldn’t be fair to all the applicants by doing it on this particular application.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) Funding Agreement between Seminole County and, providing an economic development incentive in the amount of $30,000 for the creation of 40 jobs, as long as the conditions are met and the security is in place.

     Under discussion, David Leavitt stated this is clearly a case of a company taking advantage of what they perceive as a taxpayer-funded, corporate-welfare package as low-hanging fruit just for the asking.  He requested that the applicant remove their application request.  He said he would like to know if the company really needs the money or whether they are just taking advantage of taxpayer-funded welfare.  He added he would like to know what happens if the company goes out of business between now and then.  He recommended getting rid of the program. 

     Districts 1, 2, and 5 voted AYE.

     Commissioners Henley and Constantine voted NAY.


     Request to approve a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-096 in the amount of $250,000 through the Economic Development Fund to appropriate funding for approved Job Growth Incentive (JGI) grant awards with Sorkin's Rx Ltd. in the amount of $500,000 ($250,000 to be provided by the City of Lake Mary), and for in the amount of $40,000, and to cancel funding previously allocated for the IZON, LLC JGI grant awarded on 9/10/13 in the amount of $400,000; with the modification increasing the operating contingency to $120,000, was presented.

     Joe Pennisi, Resource Management Director, addressed the Board to state the current BAR is structured to bring in money for Lake Mary’s incentive for Sorkin’s Rx Ltd., deobligates $400,000 that was previously approved for IZON LLC, $40,000 for BookThatDoc, and move $110,000 to contingency.  It could be amended to reduce BookThatDoc appropriation to $30,000 and increase the contingency amount to $120,000.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2014-R-144, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-096 in the amount of $250,000 through the Economic Development Fund to appropriate funding for approved Job Growth Incentive (JGI) grant awards with Sorkin's Rx Ltd. in the amount of $500,000 ($250,000 to be provided by the City of Lake Mary), and for in the amount of $30,000, and to cancel funding previously allocated for the IZON, LLC JGI grant awarded on 9/10/13 in the amount of $400,000; with the modification increasing the operating contingency to $120,000, as amended.

     Under discussion and upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Commissioner Carey advised staff confirmed with IZON LLC that their project is no longer active.  Commissioner Henley stated he doesn’t have a problem with IZON LLC refusing to accept the money, but he wanted to be clear on the items that the Board is approving. 

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Commissioner Constantine left the meeting at this time.

     Paula Halleck, Development Services, addressed the Board to present request to reduce the Code Enforcement Board lien from $16,050 to $0.00 for Case #13-127-CEB on property located at 110 Anchor Road, Casselberry, Tax Parcel #18-21-30-501-0600-0050, Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Movimento International, Inc.  She reviewed the timeline of the violation as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  Staff recommends that the Board grant a reduction of the request from $16,050 to the administrative costs of $521.81.

     Commissioner Constantine reentered the meeting.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Luis Rincon, President of the Pentecostal Church of God, addressed the Board to state he does have a signed, written agreement with a lawn company to provide maintenance service. 

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve a reduction to the Code Enforcement Board lien from $16,050 to the administrative costs of $521.81 for Case #13-127-CEB, on property located at 110 Anchor Road, Casselberry, Tax Parcel #18-21-30-501-0600-0050, Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Movimento International, Inc.; require that the reduced amount be paid within 30 days or the lien will revert to its original total amount of $16,050; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Release of Lien, as shown on page ________.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Ms. Halleck presented request to reduce the Code Enforcement Board Lien from $12,900 to $488.21, for Case #10-149-CEB on property located at 714 Arnold Street, Altamonte Springs, Tax Parcel #11-21-29-300-009B-0000, U.S. Bank NA, TR, (current owner).  She reviewed the timeline of the violation as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  Staff recommends denying the request.

     Carolyn Moriarty, Broker for Remax, addressed the Board to state they are under contract and she delayed the closing on this property.  She stated she maintained the property as soon as it came to her attention, and she went above and beyond making sure that it was done correctly. 

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Commissioner Carey stated this issue isn’t about the performance of the real estate company but with the banks being aware that they do not deal with their homes in the community.  The bank could have resolved this problem long before it became an issue. 

     Ms. Moriarty stated the first foreclosure was not done properly and they had to reforeclose on the property due to an additional lot being included in the legal description.  She added she is pretty prominent in the industry for bank-owned properties and for bringing all of them into compliance. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court, advised if there is an error in the legal description, it is decided by the court.  The correct description would have to be refiled, it would go back to court, and the court would ascertain whether or not to sign the final judgment.  If the final judgment is signed, then that would give the Clerk’s Office authorization to put that property up for sale. 

     Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Carey to deny a reduction to the Code Enforcement Board Lien from $12,900 to $0.00 or to any other amount, for Case #10-149-CEB on property located at 714 Arnold Street, Altamonte Springs, Tax Parcel #11-21-29-300-009B-0000, previously owned by Leigh A. & David Dudley and Jim & Heidi Dudley, and currently owned by U.S. Bank NA, TR.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Ms. Halleck presented request to reduce the Code Enforcement Lien from $94,250 to the administrative costs of $552.54, for Case #13-74-CEB on property located at 4522 Weeping Willow Circle, Casselberry, Tax Parcel #14-21-30-509-0000-1220, Rafael F. & R. F. Vega, personal representatives for the Estate of Maria L. Vega-Molina (previous owner), Rafael L. Gigueroa-Vega (current owner).  She reviewed the timeline of the violation as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  Staff recommends approval of the request.

     Rafael Figueroa-Vega, applicant, addressed the Board to state prior to today’s meeting, he requested various continuances from the Code Enforcement Board as he was unable to attend the meetings.  He asked the BCC to take that into consideration.

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     District Commissioner Dallari recommended reducing the lien to the administrative cost of $552.54 per staff recommendations.

     Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the reduction of the Code Enforcement Lien from $94,250 to the administrative costs of $552.54, for Case #13-74-CEB on property located at 4522 Weeping Willow Circle, Casselberry, Tax Parcel #14-21-30-509-0000-1220, Rafael F. & R. F. Vega, personal representatives for the Estate of Maria L. Vega-Molina (previous owner), Rafael L. Gigueroa-Vega (current owner); require this reduced amount to be paid within 30 days or the lien will revert to its original amount of $94,250; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Release of Lien, as shown on page ________.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Joe Pennisi, Resource Management Director, presented the request to approve the tentative millage rates to be included on Truth in Millage (TRIM) notifications and to set the date, time and place for the First Public Hearing to adopt the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 County Budget.  He reviewed the TRIM process requirements, the proposed budget, and the TRIM millage rates as outlined in the agenda memorandum. 

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to approve the tentative millage rates to be included on Truth in Millage (TRIM) notifications; and authorize staff to schedule the first public hearing for adoption of the tentative budget for FY 2014/2015 on September 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., and the second public hearing to adopt the final millage levy and budget for FY 2014/2015 on September 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 

     Under discussion, Commissioner Carey reminded the Board that they cannot increase the TRIM rates but can lower them during the public hearings.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Joe Forte, Deputy County Manager, stated the second budget work session is scheduled for August 21, 2014.  He stated he needs to establish a first budget work session date. 

     Upon inquiry by Chairman Dallari, Mr. Forte stated they will revisit this during today’s afternoon session.


     Mr. Forte advised Reverend Samuel Duncan had concerns with Item #10, Approve the CDBG Program, and he will provide him with a copy of the agenda.


     No Report.


     Chairman Dallari advised the Community Redevelopment Agency work session scheduled for this morning will be held after the public hearings this afternoon.


     Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at 12:05 p.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m., with all Commissioners and all other Officials, with the exception of Clerk of Court and Comptroller Maryanne Morse who was replaced by Chief Deputy Clerk Bruce McMenemy, and Deputy Clerk Eva Roach who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Terri Porter, who were present at the Opening Session.


     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



The Master’s Academy


     Proof of publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to consider approval of a Resolution vacating and abandoning the unnamed platted 30-foot public right-of-way, including the south 10 feet of Lot 33 and including the north 10 feet of Lot 32, lying between Lukas Lane and North SR 417, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 71, in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, located approximately 1,300 feet north of Slavia Road, Oviedo, The Master’s Academy, received and filed.

     Denny Gibbs, Development Services, addressed the Board to advise that staff requests the item be continued to the August 12, 2014 Board meeting.  District Commissioner Dallari recommended same to the Board.

No one spoke in support or in opposition of the continuance.

Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to continue to August 12, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, the request to approve a Resolution vacating and abandoning the unnamed platted 30-foot public right-of-way, including the south 10 feet of Lot 33 and including the north 10 feet of Lot 32, lying between Lukas Lane and North SR 417, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 71, in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, located approximately 1,300 feet north of Slavia Road, as described in the proof of publication; The Master’s Academy.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


John Rumbley and Mary Chase Trustee


     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider approval of a Resolution vacating and abandoning the Howard Street 60-foot public right-of-way, along with a 15-foot unnamed alley lying between Michigan Avenue and Packard Avenue, as recorded on the Map of Cameron, Plat Book 1, Page 90, in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, located approximately 475 feet south of Kentucky Street, Sanford, John Rumbley and Mary Chase, Trustee, received and filed.

     Ms. Gibbs presented the request as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  She advised that staff recommends approval.

     Charlie Skelton, 5417 Rocking Horse Road, addressed the Board to state he is the owner of the adjacent properties.  He said it is premature to vacate the right-of-ways at this point in time because it is an active subdivision.  He said this would limit access and use of his property because he has four lots to the north and two lots to the west of the subject property.  He added that some of his neighbors also have concerns that this will limit access and the free use of their property.

     Commissioner Carey requested that Mr. Skelton point out where his parcels are located on the map from the agenda memorandum and confirmed same with Ms. Gibbs.  She stated that she did not see how this vacate would impact access to his property. 

     Bart Peterson, realtor on behalf of the applicants, addressed the Board to state that the owner of the subject property approached him regarding the sale of these lots and that the vacation of the street and alley will give the owner two conforming lots.

     Commissioner Carey confirmed that Michigan Avenue is currently a paved road on the east side of the lots.  She said the request to vacate the small section of Howard Street and the alleys has no impact on anybody other than the owner of the subject property.  Ms. Gibbs advised that the street is Packard Avenue.

     No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

     Speaker Request Form was received and filed.

Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve appropriate Resolution #2014-R-149, as shown on page _______, vacating and abandoning the Howard Street 60-foot public right-of-way, along with a 15-foot unnamed alley lying between Michigan Avenue and Packard Avenue, as recorded on the Map of Cameron, Plat Book 1, Page 90, in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, located approximately 475 feet south of Kentucky Street, Sanford, as described in the proof of publication; John Rumbley and Mary Chase, Trustee.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, and an Ordinance enacting the associated Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to RP (Residential Professional) for 0.18 acres located on the north side of Red Bug Lake Road, one mile east of Tuskawilla Road, David Allen, received and filed.

     Joy Giles, Development Services, presented the request as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  She advised that staff finds the request to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area and recommends approval.  She added that the Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission also recommended approval.

     David Allen, applicant, addressed the Board and advised he is the Civil Engineer on the project.  He stated the property contains a small house and it is isolated from the subdivision adjacent to it by a wall and wooden fence.  Also, there is a retention pond to the eastern side.  He advised the house is 730 square feet and they anticipate having two small offices and a reception area.  He added they are presently in discussion with an individual who would like to put a single-person real estate office at the location.  The homeowners’ association was at the P&Z Commission meeting and had no objections at that time. 

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to adopt Ordinance #2014-32, as shown on page _______, enacting a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, and associated Ordinance #2014-31, as shown on page _______, enacting a Rezone of the subject property from A-1 (Agriculture) to RP (Residential Professional), and to approve the associated Development Order, as shown on page _______, for 0.18 acres located on the north side of Red Bug Lake Road, one mile east of Tuskawilla Road, as described in the proof of publication; David Allen.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Florio Properties, LLC

Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) for 5.22 acres, located on the north side of Connection Point, west of SR 426; Florio Properties, LLC; received and filed.

Ms. Giles presented the request as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  She advised that staff finds the request to be compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.  She added that the P&Z Commission recommended approval of the request and staff also recommends approval.

Nick Florio, applicant, addressed the Board to advise he wants to build two 10,000-square-foot office warehouses.  He said he runs a landscaping business from a utility building currently located there and has been in business for 14 years.  He would like to develop the property and have similar businesses, i.e. plumbers and electricians, lease space there.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

District Commissioner Dallari recommended approval of the request per staff’s recommendation.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Ordinance #2014-33, as shown on page _______, enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) for 5.22 acres, located on the north side of Connection Point, west of SR 426, as described in the proof of publication; Florio Properties, LLC.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Chris Dorworth

Brian Walker, Development Services, addressed the Board to advise that the request to adopt an Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) for 10.10 acres located on the east side of Old Lockwood Road, approximately 500 feet north of Red Ember Road, more particularly known as 3151 Old Lockwood Road, Oviedo, Chris Dorworth, was not advertised for today’s meeting.  The request will be advertised for the August 12th BCC meeting.  Chairman Dallari confirmed staff requests the item be withdrawn from the agenda.



Seminole County

Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance amending Chapter 72, Emergency Management, of the Seminole County Code to clarify and modify language, Seminole County, received and filed.

Bryant Applegate, County Attorney, advised that this year he decided to represent the office on any emergency management procedures and he wanted to do some housekeeping to Chapter 72, the Emergency Management Ordinance.  He advised the current title is “Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan” and they would like to change that to “Emergency Management Powers and Procedures” since there is a separate emergency management plan that they are also addressing in the Ordinance.  He added there are a few other small items to be changed and they are listed in the agenda memorandum.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Ordinance #2014-25, as shown on page _______, amending Chapter 72, Emergency Management, of the Seminole County Code to clarify and modify language, as described in the proof of publication, Seminole County.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



Seminole County


     Proof of publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to consider approval of a Resolution and Maintenance Map for Sipes Avenue from Pine Way to East Lake Mary Boulevard, located in Section 16, Township 20, South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, providing that the right-of-way as depicted on the map is vested in Seminole County and for the map to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Seminole County, received and filed.

     Antoine Khoury, Public Works Director, addressed the Board to present the request.  He displayed a map from the agenda memorandum and stated the subject area has been continuously and uninterruptedly maintained for more than seven years as stated in Section 95.361 F.S.  He advised the map shows the maintenance limits for the undocumented right-of-way for the roadway. 

     Mr. Khoury stated that staff recommends approval of the Resolution and Maintenance Map for Sipes Avenue from Pine Way to East Lake Mary Boulevard as depicted on the map and requests the map be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Khoury stated the right-of-way that the County owns ends before Pine Way.  He confirmed that the stretch of road to Pine Way has no dedicated right-of-way; it is undocumented.  Commissioner Carey stated that both properties on the east and west go to the center line of the road at this time and Mr. Khoury agreed.  Commissioner Carey said her concern is if they don’t own the right-of-way and they have just been maintaining it to the benefit of the people that live there and somebody went out there and paved the road, the County still wouldn’t own the right-of-way at the time of this Maintenance Map.  Mr. Khoury confirmed that it would just give the County the right to continue to maintain it.

     Kevin Spolski, on behalf of neighbors in the area, addressed the Board to state that over 40 neighbors signed a Petition, as shown on page _______, in opposition.  He distributed a copy of his presentation, received and filed, to the Board.  He said he has met with County staff for the past three months advising that the neighbors have maintained the area, and yet on June 10 at the last meeting, they tried to implement a survey, which he displayed, that is illegible.  He stated the critical items on there are illegible and they have no idea of where the right-of-way is supposed to be.  He displayed Roads – Stormwater Work Orders and said the County submitted 154 pages showing stormwater work orders, and in 12 years of work orders, only 19 pages apply to the South Sipes Avenue area where they want to do a Maintenance Map.  He added there are no dimensions noted and no distances from the edge of pavement indicated anywhere on the document. 

     Mr. Spolski displayed and discussed a photo depicting station points that are maintained by the property owner.  He stated there is no mapping there of any maintenance other than the County re-mowing over what is already being mowed by six property owners on the east side. 

     Mr. Spolski displayed a legible copy of the survey and said he combined the two:  the one from June 10 and the one currently shown.  He showed that 1,255 feet was eliminated from the map that was used on June 10.  He stated that the BCC is not approving anything today; the County is going to mow Brenthurst property for the neighbors and there is no taking of right-of-way with what the July 22 survey map shows.  He said there are 43 station points shown and out of that, 35 of them are incorrect.  He displayed a photo of station points on the northeast corner of Brenthurst and said the County is obviously not maintaining it because the weeds on the photo are 6 feet to 10 feet tall. 

     Mr. Spolski indicated that he was upset that this item even came before the Board.  He stated they have done three maintenance mappings in the history of Seminole County and feels this is nothing more than a ploy by a developer trying to get access for utilities and that it is wrong.  He was glad that the BCC had the foresight to make this transparent to the public because this makes no sense.

     Mark Miller, 3835 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that the well to his water is right there and if the County takes the entire plot of land from his grandmother’s property, they will not have any water.  He said there are three people living on the property and he doesn’t believe the County will drill him another well. 

     Randy Morris, 2438 Via Sienna, addressed the Board to state that the process by which the Maintenance Map has been brought to the Board is administered by the County.  He said he has not even spoken to staff on this subject and that their engineer has tried to work with staff regarding what the right-of-way is to get access.  He added that there is the same problem running on the south side of East Lake Mary Boulevard all the way to SR 415 and on SR 46, an unincorporated area east of Midway. 

     Mr. Morris said that a couple of things were just said relative to what right-of-way currently exists out there.  He stated he is speaking in favor of the staff’s application to the BCC and that this is not a developer’s application. 

     Luke Classon, IBI Engineer, addressed the Board to state it had been mentioned that there was no right-of-way adjacent to the subject property.  He said there is actually 15 feet of right-of-way all the way down to Pine Way.  He added the developer will be giving 25 feet total from the section line as dedicated right-of-way.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Khoury explained that the ditch maintenance limits are outside of the right-of-way which is what the County has been maintaining.

Commissioner Carey said she will not support this because there is some incorrect information and information even staff has not understood to present properly to this Board.  Taking it for a purpose that is not a public purpose is not a good policy to set.

Upon Chairman Dallari’s request, Mr. Khoury pointed out the red line indicating the undocumented right-of-way that the County has been maintaining.  He then confirmed there is a 15-foot right-of-way, but that the maintenance is outside the 15-foot right-of-way.

Commissioner Horan stated that as he understands it there are certain portions of dedicated public right-of-way up and down Sipes Avenue that have been dedicated by plat, but there is a segment of Sipes Avenue where there exists no right-of-way because there has been no dedication by plat.  The only way to figure out what the right-of-way is would be to resort to the Statute because obviously there is pavement there and maintenance there.  In that portion where there is no dedicated right-of-way, there is, in fact, 15 feet of right-of-way.  Commissioner Horan asked staff how that happened.

Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, stated that no matter what, they need additional maintenance outside of the 15 feet.  It’s not that there is no right-of-way, but they need to do a Maintenance Map.

Commissioner Horan confirmed with the County Attorney that they cannot enlarge dedicated public right-of-way through a Maintenance Map; they can only establish right-of-way by Maintenance Map. 

Commissioner Horan said he would like to continue this matter until such time it is brought up and properly noticed again and that he is glad they set this item for public hearing. He added that he believes Legal, Engineering and Public Works need to take a look and figure out what they are and are not allowed to do.

Thomas Gilmartin, 3835 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that as far as the maintenance goes between Brenthurst all the way up to East Lake Mary Boulevard, he would like to see where the County is maintaining anything.  He said his grandmother mows the entire front of that property.  There is a four-foot fall into a ditch on one side and everyone else’s front yard on the other that is maintained by the homeowners.  The County does mow the ditch but they do not mow any of their properties and haven’t done so since he has lived there for almost 20 years.  He added the County may be there once every two or three months to mow the ditch.

Ron Boda, 3920 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that he has been maintaining the mowing on both sides of that road since he moved there three years ago and would like to get some more information on what the maintenance is supposed to entail.  He said if they have to give up more property, they need to find out what it is for.

No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

Speaker Request Forms and Written Comment Forms were received and filed.

Commissioner Carey stated that as a public policy issue, if you look at what the purpose of Maintenance Maps have been used for in this County, they have been used very sparingly and they have always been used for a public purpose.  The three times they have done this have been to the benefit of the public school system.  She opined that this is just bad policy.  She said she is aware they have a situation in all of this community where there are old farming roads and they are going to have to deal with this issue.  However, if they want to go out to the end of the road and develop as a developer, and they don’t have the ability to widen the road to whatever it takes, then they need to work with the neighbors to get there and that is the responsibility of the developer; it is not the responsibility of this Board to use their powers through a maintenance-map process.  She stated she is not going to support the taking of people’s property under a maintenance-map scenario.

     Commissioner Horan stated the Legislature sets the rules and the Statute says that you can go ahead and do this, so he believes the public policy has already been set.  He opined there is a section of right-of-way that has been maintained and they are just trying to connect up the right-of-way so it makes some sense and the public records are clear so everyone knows who owns what.  His concern is that he doesn’t have enough evidence in order to make a determination under the Statute. 

Motion by Commissioner Horan to continue this matter to a time certain to be established by a Notice of Public Hearing for a future date, request to consider a Resolution and Maintenance Map for Sipes Avenue, Seminole County.

Chairman Dallari called for a second to the motion, without response, whereupon the motion died for lack of same.

Commissioner Constantine stated that he agrees with Commissioner Carey that there is no public policy needed for this. 

Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to deny approval of a Resolution and Maintenance Map for Sipes Avenue from Pine Way to East Lake Mary Boulevard, as described in the proof of publication, Seminole County. 

Under discussion, Chairman Dallari stated it is clear that the ditch is outside of the County’s right-of-way and questioned whether it should be maintained because the County should not maintain anything that is outside of its right-of-way.  Mr. Khoury advised the problem is that the ditch on the west side is a conveyance ditch and it takes water from somewhere else, not just the roadway.  He said it is a deep ditch and it ends up down at Navy Canal. 

Mr. Applegate advised the County has been doing the maintenance as a matter of practice for a reason, but the Board can make the argument that if it is not theirs, they do not maintain it.

Commissioner Carey advised that the ditches not only convey stormwater from Lake Mary Boulevard, but also from SR 46 and that Navy Canal was dug as a part of that by the State in order to convey the waters.  She said they certainly ought to be maintaining the ditch.  Discussion ensued regarding the maintenance of the ditch.

Mr. Applegate advised that the Statute is a very simple Statute but the Board is certainly free to determine the best local public policy.  Commissioner Carey stated that since they have a lot of them coming up in the future, it may be a good thing to look at a policy going forward. 

Commissioner Henley opined the best course of action would be to deny the approval.

Districts 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

Commissioners Dallari and Horan voted NAY.

Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at 2:40 p.m. and reconvened at 2:50 p.m.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance enacting a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and an Ordinance enacting the associated Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) district for 39.29 acres for property located on the northeast corner of Sipes Avenue and Pine Way, IBI Group, received and filed.

     Kathy Hammel, Development Services, addressed the Board to present the request as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  She stated that this is the final adoption hearing and that the BCC transmitted this request to the Department of Economic Opportunities (DEO).  The comments have been received back from the DEO and other state agencies (copies received and filed), and there are no objections from the State.  She added that she is submitting into the record two letters (received and filed) in opposition that were received this morning.

     Ms. Hammel advised the rezone of the property from A-1 for R-1A is consistent with the development trend that has been established especially from the City of Sanford who has approved over 900 residential lots.  There is also a development located on the northeast side, Kentucky Square, which has 69 lots.  Ms. Hammel stated that staff recommends approval. 

     Randy Morris, applicant, addressed the Board to advise he is submitting for the record the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Brenthurst Subdivision (received and filed) that relates directly to this Rezone and the Comprehensive Plan change. 

     Mr. Morris advised there is unanimous approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) and they have a strong staff recommendation covering each aspect of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to their request and application. 

     Mr. Morris displayed a PowerPoint presentation (received and filed) and showed an aerial map.  He said the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sanford declares there is one-acre zoning which would be the transition zoning between their property and the lake that is determined by Pine Way and this sets the buffer that Commissioner Carey referred to at the transmittal hearing.

     Mr. Morris showed the Future Land Use Map and said they can see the development trend that runs from the west to the east, where the City of Sanford has chosen to annex.  He also pointed out the development trends to the south and eastern portion of Lake Mary Boulevard.  He showed the same trend on the Zoning Map slide.  He said under Commissioner Horan’s request, the BCC will be debating in future months regarding getting services to these properties.  He then discussed the Rural Boundary Map.  He addressed Commissioner Constantine’s previous concerns that he felt there was spot zoning immediately to the east of the property.  Mr. Morris emphasized that this is not spot zoning because already established to the east is a residential development the BCC approved some years ago.  He added the entire HIP (High Intensity Planned) district is established to the north.  He pointed out that the property on the other side of Kevin Spolski’s property is a residential area which is much higher density than what they are proposing.

     Mr. Morris displayed and discussed The Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Seminole County and a map of the Economic Development Target Areas.  He then discussed the Adjacent Approved Residential Developments.  He stated their property is the least intense of everything just discussed and they are clearly not spot zoning.  He added the County has invested huge sums of money to develop this area. 

     Mr. Morris displayed site plans for Kentucky Square and Brenthurst stating that the BCC had approved Kentucky Square at a higher density than what they are asking for.  He said they are willing to offer on the record and are committed to the lot size proposed and the number of lots.  He discussed the Comparison Chart between Kentucky Square and Brenthurst.  He then showed pictorials of Home Model Renderings showing the square footage of the homes.

     Mr. Morris stated that during the transmittal hearing, citizens stated there would be an economic impact issue in terms of their home values.  He stated they cannot find proof anywhere that a subdivision devalues land next to it because they are on larger size lots. 

     Mr. Morris stated that now that they know it has been established and heard it established that they do have 15 feet of right-of-way in front of their property, he would like their engineer to address what they will be doing with the right-of-way.

     Luke Classon, IBI Engineering, addressed the Board and displayed a survey of the area.  He stated that from East Lake Mary Boulevard on Sipes Avenue, the minimum right-of-way width is 40 feet up to the corner of the subject property.  He pointed out that their property continues south to Pine Way.  He said with the 15-foot existing right-of-way and the 25 feet they would dedicate, they would maintain a minimum of 40 feet the entire way, from East Lake Mary Boulevard until it curves into Pine Way.  Commissioner Carey confirmed that the 15-foot right-of-way is on the west side of the section line so that their dedication of 25 feet is because there is none on the side of the roadway next to the subject property. 

     Mr. Morris stated in regard to the issue of them doing a straight zoning versus a planned development (PD), they have no variances and no exceptions, so they went forward with straight zoning because it was a clean proposal and one that fulfilled the Comp Plan and the Land Development Code.  They did not want to go through a three-month public process, so they are making these commitments on the record and if the BCC would like that in writing, they will do it any way that would give them the greatest assurances that the density will not increase and that the lot sizes will not decrease. 

     Upon inquiry by Chairman Dallari, County Attorney Bryant Applegate advised that if the conditions are voluntary and benefit the public at large, that is acceptable.  He added they could rezone to a PD which is less restrictive than what was advertised.  Commissioner Carey stated that it would either be the creation of a development order or a condition of the straight zoning approval. 

     Commissioner Carey confirmed with Mr. Morris that he stated the minimum square footage home will be 2,185 to 4,000 square feet and that the density would be 2.95 and they would dedicate a minimum of 25 feet of right-of-way along Sipes Avenue.  Mr. Morris said they would like to state that the smallest minimum home size is 2,100 square feet. 

     Commissioner Horan confirmed the voluntary conditions are of the minimum size of the homes, maximum density, and the minimum 25-foot right-of-way.  He added that it is an important consideration that there will be more open land that surrounds the subject property since it is concentrated in a smaller area than a one-acre lot pattern.

     Bill Simpson, on behalf of Liberty Christian School, addressed the Board to speak in support of the item.  He stated their church and school have been an integral part of helping the community since 1973.  He listed some great things the school students have done to enrich the lives in the County and added the students invest countless hours of community service every year. 

     Jonathan Williams, 106 Sweet Gum Court, addressed the Board to share the story of Thaddeus Avellino (copy of photo displayed received and filed) who was homeless.  After receiving help from their church, he has a steady job and has reconciled with his wife.  He also shared Kim & Warren Bowers’ (copy of photo displayed received and filed) success story.  He opined that more success stories will come to Seminole County because of the 76 additional homes that would be built due to this project. 

     Pastor Ron Williams, Palmetto Avenue Baptist Church, addressed the Board and stated that four generations of his family live in Seminole County.  He said 1,064 homes have already been approved for Brisson Avenue and Kentucky Square, not counting this project.  He said the lots on the subject property will be bigger and there are fewer homes per acre.  He added that they are the largest landowner on Sipes Avenue and they would be grateful to the BCC if they would approve the rezoning.

     Kevin Spolski, on behalf of the neighborhood residents, distributed a document (received and filed) entitled Reasons to Reject Brenthurst Large Scale Future Land Use Amendment & Rezone and addressed the Board to discuss those bullet points.  He displayed a PowerPoint presentation (received and filed) and stated he is in opposition to the 116 units that are planned.  He opined that four units per acre are not reasonable or feasible for this area.

     Mr. Spolski stated that the Kentucky Square project is a PD.  It has the amenities listed:  the percentage of open space, the roadways, and they have everything in place.  He said the reason Sipes Avenue did not have to be modified for Kentucky Square traffic is that everything was taken from Skyway which was formally known as Beardall.  Skyway is a 24-foot roadway system.  He discussed the Site Analysis and said it had a transitional buffer between the large lot, single-family homes to the south.  He opined that the subject property does not provide the same.  He discussed the subsequent developments that came after Autumn Chase, which are all under two units per acre that the applicants referred to as the Myrtle Avenue development corridor. 

     Mr. Spolski displayed a slide showing the average house on the Sipes Avenue properties at 3,500 square feet with an average lot size of 4.4 acres.  He said the neighbors do not want 9,000-foot lots when they are currently averaging over 190,000 feet per lot.  He added that they are already developed. 

     Mr. Spolski compared the Home Models to the same models located at Lake Baton in Deltona.  He showed that the lot sizes in Lake Baton were larger with some being almost three times the size; however, the prices of the homes were significantly lower.

     Mr. Spolski stated he discussed Sipes Avenue with County staff, and it is a 16-foot road that has to be improved.  When this maintenance mapping came in, they saw areas of 40 feet of right-of-way.  He met with County engineering staff and said that on the right-of-way, based upon the average daily traffic, they will probably need a 24-foot roadway with 8-foot shoulders.  He said that the only answer staff had to the question whether it was possible to build the road needed was that the ditch would have to be filled in and that both sides would need to be piped.  There are 15 power poles that would have to be moved. 

     Mr. Spolski displayed a slide that was part of the public record submitted by the applicant at the previous public hearing entitled Sipes Avenue Conceptual Expansion and Utility Improvement Plan.  He said the document was never displayed at the hearing for transmittal and County staff does not have a copy, but it is in the public records of the Clerk’s Office. 

     Mr. Spolski displayed a pictorial showing Sanford Trails Estates, the St. Johns River conservation area to the north and the Lake Jesup conservation area to the south.  He said Sanford Trails has 46 acres and they are doing fine with A-1 zoning.  He opined they can do the same thing with Brenthurst that has 40 acres. 

     Mr. Spolski advised that Mr. Morris stated during his presentation that the subject property is in a high intensity area.  He displayed a map showing the Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning Area and advised that the property is on the corner of zones four and five and that it is in a conservation area. 

     Mark Miller, 3835 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that they are not attacking the church that owns the subject property and that all of the good the church has done, they can still do.  He said he has been a native of Sanford his entire life and pointed out where he lives on Sipes Avenue.  He said the only people that have spoken in support of this project are the ones that want to sell the property.  He added this is a mosquito, alligator and wild boar infested area. 

     Diane Sorel, 2980 Pine Way, addressed the Board to state that her family lives across the street from the subject property.  She said she and her neighbors love the tranquil area and they do not want to see another subdivision; there are so many foreclosed homes already.  She does not think they should destroy God’s green earth for more cement and more traffic.  She said there is a hairpin turn and people fly through there all the time and now there will be more traffic.  She also mentioned the wildlife in their area. 

     Thomas Gilmartin, 3835 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that with this development, they will be pushing back all the gopher turtles and deer, and they are infringing on major boar territory because he has seen at least thirty.  He said alligators, bear and even Florida panthers live there also.  He said there is an eagle’s next not too far from the property.

     Amber Smith, 3835 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that she lived in the city and moved out there four years ago.  She doesn’t have to worry about locking her car at night and by bringing in more people, they will be bringing in more crime.  She also mentioned the wildlife in the area and that there are many foreclosed homes right up the road.

     Betty Denney, 3845 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state she has lived on the property for 50 years.  She said they are trying to widen the road which will put the road next to her front door.

     Ron Boda, 3920 Sipes Avenue, addressed the Board to state that one issue that hasn’t been brought up is that if you look at the north/south runway from Sanford, that when they open it, which they do, it runs right over their homes.  The flight school uses a flight pattern that runs on their side of Lake Mary Boulevard, so there is continuous air traffic.  Also, he said the airboat tourist service on the lake just about borders the subject property.  He said there is a lot of noise with that especially on the weekends and it is something to consider with that area.

     No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

     Speaker Request Forms and Written Comment Forms were received and filed.

     Mr. Morris presented his rebuttal to make some corrections and clarifications.  He said the subject property is not in the aviation impact zone area, because the impact zone runs east and west, not north and south.  Therefore, there is no notification to homeowners about the airport being there, but people must drive by the airport to get to the site.  He added that they had a company called Bio-Tech Consulting research this property and there are no endangered or threatened species.  He mentioned the argument brought up by Mr. Spolski regarding Autumn Chase and said that Autumn Chase is on the other side of the beltway.  The primary road off of it is Ronald Reagan.  The issues there were flooding and an adjacent development that had gone in.  There were wetlands and all kinds of problems on the site, which is why the densities were lowered.  In regard to Mr. Spolski’s comparison of Brenthurst with Kentucky Square, he said Brenthurst will have 15% open space which is what a PD would require, which was required in Kentucky Square.  They will have an active park area and deleted two lots for that purpose, which is not required.  In regard to one citizen’s concerns, he said they will not be taking any right-of-way up to someone’s door.  He added they have a commitment to the County that they need to widen the roadway.  At some portions of the roadway, it is 16.5 feet and at other portions, it is 18 feet; they need to widen it to 20 feet and are committed to do that from beyond their entrance all the way to Lake Mary Boulevard. 

     Commissioner Constantine questioned how much wetland is on the property of 39 acres.  Mr. Morris replied that the wetlands only encompass 1/10 of an acre and that the pond was a created pond.

     Mr. Morris said that Mr. Spolski made a reference to a document showing three side-by-side roadway elements.  Mr. Morris explained that it was in their presentation but they did not show that PowerPoint slide.  He said Mr. Classon, the engineer, was unable to revise that PowerPoint because he was locked out of his building, so it stayed on the record and that is why it was filed in Commission Records.  He apologized for any information that was submitted into the record that they did not intend.

     Commissioner Carey stated during the transmittal hearing that she didn’t really have an issue with the land use but she did have an issue with the density regardless of what a prior Board said they thought this area should look like.  She said this Board is currently looking at everything from Lake Monroe to Lake Jesup, from SR 415 all the way back to Sanford Avenue, to see how they transition from the heavy density that should be around the airport down to those two water bodies.  She said Kentucky Square was one where the Board had that discussion and they said then that the line was Kentucky Avenue for four units per acre and anything south of Kentucky Avenue would start to go down until you get to Lake Jesup which should help the runoff issues.  She asked Mr. Applegate if the straight zoning application is considered with all of the evidence that has been given and the voluntary commitments that the developer has made and that is a condition of the approval, and then they later sell the property and somebody comes in here and wants to do three and one-half units per acre, would that be denied at the counter because of all the conditions that are put under the straight zoning, to which Mr. Applegate replied that it would.

Mr. Applegate explained that contract zoning or conditional zoning are laws that were developed to prevent the “backroom deals” where things were done outside of the public.  He said if the applicant makes voluntary concessions that are in the public’s interest and these are not forced upon the applicant, then that is part of the rezoning and the conditions of that rezoning.

Mr. Morris confirmed for Commissioner Carey that they will commit to a minimum of 15% open space; a minimum active park area of 18,000 square feet; and a minimum of 2,100 square-foot homes.  Commissioner Carey said with this zoning, the minimum lot size is 9,000, which would put the density of this PSP (Preliminary Subdivision Plan) at 2.95.  She further confirmed that they are going to dedicate 25 feet of right-of-way along Sipes Avenue.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Hammel responded in regard to minimum requirements for a Planned Development that the first thing would be the 15% open space and staff would also have them commit to the density, the lot sizes and setbacks, etc.  Upon further inquiry, Ms. Hammel advised the minimum lot size at the width of the building in Kentucky Square is 70 feet and for the straight zoning, it is 75 feet.  Also, the minimum lot size in Kentucky Square is 7,500 and the straight zoning category requires 9,000 square feet. 

Commissioner Carey questioned whether there is anything additional the County would capture in a PD that they are not getting with this voluntary commitment.  Mr. Morris advised they will voluntarily commit to the exact same thing that was done in the PD at Kentucky Square, which is a masonry wall along the frontage of the roadway on Sipes Avenue and fencing around the remaining portions of the property.

     Commissioner Horan stated the summary information on the Brenthurst Large Scale Land Use Amendment prepared by staff in the agenda memorandum shows that the evidence that has been adduced meets the Land Use Element Amendment review criteria and shows that there is substantial evidence to support those criteria.

     Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Ordinance #2014-30, as shown on page _______, enacting a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Suburban Estates to Low Density Residential and associated Ordinance #2014-29, as shown on page _______, enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling) district for 39.29 acres for property located on the northeast corner of Sipes Avenue and Pine Way, conditioned upon the following:  the minimum house size will be 2,100 square feet, the maximum density will be 2.95 units per acre, a minimum of 25 feet dedicated right-of-way for Sipes Avenue, open land should be at least 15% and there will be an 18,000 square-foot active park as part of the Development Order, as shown on page _______, the widening of Sipes Avenue to 20 feet, the construction of a masonry wall along the property, and R-1A setbacks as required, as described in the proof of publication; IBI Group.

     Under discussion, Commissioner Constantine said he voted against the transmittal at the last public hearing because he believes it is “leap-frog zoning.”  He stated the property is surrounded by all R-1A, it has 19,000+ square feet of wetlands, 241,000+ square feet of flood plain, and the acreage use times four units per acre would only come to 106 lots.  He said he is concerned about the density and the substandard roads they have there right now.  He believes that Kentucky Square has a totally different access point with Skyway going up to East Lake Mary Boulevard.  He added he is very concerned that there is no transition, as he sees it, from what there is to the north of it going to East Lake Mary Boulevard and to the west of it.  He opined it was too much density with 116 units on 39 acres with the condition of the property as it is and said if it was less dense, he could be supportive of that. 

     Chairman Dallari and Commissioners Carey, Constantine, Henley and Horan advised of their ex parte communications (received and filed) and individual meetings with Mr. Morris and Mr. Spolski.

     Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

Commissioner Constantine voted NAY.


     Chairman Dallari advised he received a copy of a letter (received and filed) referencing the Fire Department going to an ISO rating of 02/2Y.  He complimented Emergency Management staff and said that going to an ISO rating of 02 is quite significant and speaks volumes of the level of service they provide the citizens of Seminole County, both unincorporated and incorporated. 


     Chairman Dallari recognized Fire Chief Ivan Mustafa who was the recipient of the EMS Nursing Award for the State of Florida and he said it is quite an accomplishment.


     Chairman Dallari stated he would like County staff to put together some information regarding the outsourcing of Human Resources, if possible by the August budget work session.


     Joe Forte, Deputy County Manager, advised that all Commissioners are available to hold a Budget Work Session on July 31st.  The Board agreed to start the meeting at 8:30 a.m.


     The following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:

1.    Letter dated June 23, 2014, from Marva Johnson, Bright House Networks, to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Upcoming programming changes to Bright House Networks customers. 


2.    Copy of letter dated June 24, 2014, from Chairman Jimmy Conner, Lake County, to Joe Berenis, Central Florida Expressway Authority, RE: Lake County appointment to the Central Florida Expressway Authority.


3.    Letter with attachment dated June 25, 2014, from Andrae Bailey, Impact Homelessness, to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Report released by the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness.


4.    Copy of letter dated June 30, 2014, from Chairman Robert Dallari to Vector Disease Control, Inc., RE: Authorization to Dispense Insecticides (RFP 600650-09/GMG).


5.    Copy of letter dated June 30, 2014, from Chairman Robert Dallari to Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc., RE: Authorization to Dispense Insecticides (RFP 600650-09/GMG).


6.    Letter with attachment dated July 7, 2014, from Larry Volenec, Florida Power & Light, to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Current contact information for storm preparedness resource center.


7.    Letter with attachment dated July 7, 2014, from Congressman John Mica to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Latest efforts to keep the Lake Baldwin V.A. clinic open and in service to our veterans following the opening of the new V.A. medical complex at Lake Nona.


8.    Letter with attachment dated July 11, 2014 from Richard Morrison, Florida Hospital, to Colleagues RE: Health Issues Brief, July 2014.


9.    Letter dated received July 14, 2014, from Alan Davis, 319 Pine Street, Altamonte Springs, Florida, 32701, to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Demand for Action and Payment, Notice of Intent to Sue.


10.    Notice to Abutting Property Owners dated July 14, 2014, from City of Lake Mary RE: Huggins Brothers Construction Company/Leo “Josh” Huggins to conduct a home occupation for a business to include general contracting/construction in a dwelling located at 402 Hanging Moss Circle, Lake Mary.


11.    Letter dated July 14, 2014, from Congressman John Mica to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced approval of the Orlando International Airport’s request for approval of an economic development plan for future airport terminal expansion; an intermodal center and a people mover connecting the new facilities.


12.    Letter with attachment dated July 15, 2014, from Congressman John Mica to Chairman Robert Dallari RE: Latest information concerning the expansion of modeling, simulation and high-tech industry activities in Central Florida.


13.    Notice of Public Hearing received July 18, 2014, from Orange County RE: Request to rezone 16.08-acre parcel located at 5879 Rocking Horse Road, from A-2 (Farmland Rural District) to R-1AAA (Residential Urban District).


14.    Notice to Abutting Property Owners dated July 16, 2014, from City of Lake Mary RE: Diamond Shine Auto Detailing/Jesse Tetreault to conduct a home occupation for a business to include mobile auto detailing in a dwelling unit located at 123 N. High Street, Lake Mary.



     Commissioner Horan advised there was a “dropped ball” at Lynx with regard to a notice going out to the Transportation Disabled (TD) population about changes being implemented as of August 1st.  Apparently, there was supposed to have been a letter sent out but they were not able to get approval at the State level.  He believes there will be some serious confusion as people will be trying to call Lynx.  He also advised that Mr. Herndon has left Lynx.  He said he will be passing some information on to the Commissioners’ offices concerning the TD Program that has been prepared by Mr. Barley, MetroPlan Orlando, which can assist them in providing information to anyone calling with inquiries.

     Chairman Dallari advised the media in attendance that they have information they need to get out to the public regarding a change in Lynx operations for the Transportation Disabled and he would like them to contact Commissioner Horan’s office.


     Commissioner Constantine announced that both he and Commissioner Carey will attend the St. John’s River Alliance Board meeting on July 24 that is going to be held at the County Services Building starting at 1:00 p.m.  That same day, they have the Metro Economic Development Council Meeting being held in the AAA Building.


     Commissioner Horan stated that the Farmton Master DRI (Development of Regional Impact) was approved by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council.  He advised it is the largest DRI in Florida:  60,000 acres in Volusia and Brevard Counties, north and east of Lake Harney.


     Commissioner Henley advised that the SunRail Commission had a meeting on July 21 and they received reports regarding the success of SunRail with a huge petition for more expanded service on the weekends and later at night.  There were also people that spoke regarding same.  They had one complaint regarding noise and they requested a noise wall.  SunRail and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are going to do an analysis to determine whether it qualifies for federal funds.  There was discussion regarding expanded services but no one has $2,500 to add a train car.  Commissioner Henley advised that they did not know of any regulation that would prevent them from having a premium fare for late night or weekend passengers.  The late night, however, cannot go past midnight because of the agreement with CSX; the freight trains run at that time.

     Commissioner Henley advised there is a Lynx Board meeting scheduled on July 24.  He added in a meeting yesterday with Lynx staff, he was informed that FDOT will not be providing any service to the Altamonte Springs SunRail station.  They originally committed, when the agreements were signed for the partnership, to 1,700 hours that they would pay for and they have cut that number down to fifteen hundred something.  Altamonte Springs is the only station affected.  Lynx has been at odds with FDOT over this issue.  FDOT is maintaining that Lynx should deviate off of the SR 436 route onto Ronald Reagan Boulevard and come into the station for loading and unloading; then go back out to Ronald Reagan and go to SR 436 to continue their route, and that it should not add any expense, which is not true.  It takes a minimum of eight minutes each time, and of course, they are paid on the basis of hours, so if you take eight minutes times the two stops at that station daily times the number of days that it operates times the $48.42 per hour, it comes to $140,000 for the year.  They want Lynx to absorb it or Seminole County to pick it up.  He advised he already told them that Seminole County had not budgeted for an additional $140,000 for that deviation that FDOT had originally committed to.  During that meeting, staff informed him that FDOT had stated in a previous meeting with the Maitland officials and Congressman Mica that there is no connection service from Maitland Center to the SunRail station.  Since FDOT indicated they are considering discontinuing service to the Longwood station, Congressman Mica stated they could switch the money to provide service to Maitland.  Commissioner Henley advised that John Lewis, Lynx CEO, stated that it would be taking money from a funding partner in one county and giving it to another county who is not one of the funding partners because Maitland voted to not participate originally, so they want service but they do not want to pay for it.

     Upon inquiry by Chairman Dallari, Commissioner Henley explained that FDOT wants to reduce the level of service to the station in Altamonte Springs because they said they don’t have the money, but since then, they have hired several consultants and bought numerous marketing materials that are give-away items for every event they’ve had.  He does not believe that they don’t have the money.  He advised they have a lot of hours at the Pine Hills station and suspects that is where some of the money went. 

Lynx will be voting at their board meeting on Thursday and Commissioner Henley said there are three options that have been presented:  (1) take it out of the Lynx contingency, (2) discontinue the service, or (3) Seminole County will pay the $140,000.  He is requesting direction from the BCC.

     Chairman Dallari stated that the level of service that FDOT had committed to provide per contract to all four stations needs to be resumed or continued.  Commissioner Henley said he will need to see if it is in writing because he was at the meeting where they committed to buy 12 new buses, hire 12 new drivers, and provide service to each station.  He added that he believes the decision is not being made by FDOT District 5, but is coming out of Tallahassee.

     Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, advised FDOT originally agreed to a set amount of hours which was about 10,000 hours, and when they re-ran the numbers, they bumped it up to about 15,000 hours.  So they have increased their hours, but they are holding that line unfortunately.  He said they always talked about pulling into the Altamonte Station and he believes that Commissioner Henley met with them where they committed again to that, and he said he saw correspondence on same.  He also said they talked internally agreeing that it was not an option not to pull into the Altamonte Station because it makes no sense to drop off people on SR 436 that would have to cross that street.  He advised that he will speak with Bill Wharton, Planning & Development, who has been their representative to Lynx and that the County has always been very clear that they should not pick it up as the local funding partner in this case. 

Commissioner Henley said the other thing that should be looked at is there are some savings; they just broke that 436 Line into two sections, and part of that was to get some savings; however, he has not heard back if there were any savings by doing that.  He advised he will contact FDOT to see where their position is.

     Commissioner Carey stated she expects FDOT to live up to any commitments they made in their funding agreements or when they increase their numbers because she is sure they communicated that in writing to someone.  She added she cannot imagine they would truly consider discontinuing the service to the Altamonte station because that would certainly put SunRail at risk of its success.  She said that the County does not have the money to pay for it.  She feels they might need to reach out to their contacts regarding this; to think that FDOT should take away from the four stations in Seminole County and apply that money somewhere else, especially outside this county, doesn’t make any sense because they have a funding agreement with them that is simply for everything inside this county.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Commissioner Henley advised that it was indicated the ridership in Longwood was significantly less than had been projected.

     Commissioner Henley reminded the Board that Lynx had a one-time savings when they redid the contribution to the employees’ retirement fund.  Lynx had been paying beyond what the State had been so it was cut back.  This savings was to be divided up between the four funding partners, but the decision was made to use that towards the neighborhood Lynx in the 13th Street/Goldsboro area to resolve that problem and that the ridership is up significantly there.  He said that funding will run out shortly and they will need to determine if they will cover that or if Sanford will; they were talking about the Sanford CRA as a possibility.

     Mr. Blackadar clarified that they are talking about pulling into the station versus not pulling into the station.  Commissioner Carey stated SR 436 is already congested and the traffic impacts would be ridiculous.


     Commissioner Henley advised Lynx received two proposed amendments to the Interlocal Agreement from Orange County that he believes are punitive because it requires about 18 additional reports from Lynx to just Orange County, not to anyone else.  He said they are requesting very detailed, quarterly reports in addition to the monthly reports that are in the agenda book that already has all the information about the finances, the ridership and even staff travel and the cost.  He said there is also language included about a partner that decides to leave Lynx if those reports are not provided and some punitive response to anyone that is late in making payments.  He added there is one county that is three months overdue right now.  He said he doesn’t know if the Orange County Board has voted on this or not because the information came from staff.  He added they also want to require that Lynx cannot spend any money out of the contingency without prior notification to the Orange County Board. 

     Commissioner Carey stated that these are all requests coming from Orange County to a regional board that has regional representatives and she cannot imagine that any of the regional representatives would support that.  Commissioner Henley said that if they are going to amend policies about partnerships leaving, he will recommend that they instruct the Attorney to develop policies and procedures for the fair distribution of all assets including Federal and FDOT. 

     Chairman Dallari said regarding policies, that if a funding partner is notoriously late, maybe there needs to be an excise charge for interest for late payments.  Commissioner Carey added they’ve talked before about operating their own bus system and there comes a time when you get to a size that it may make sense.


     Commissioner Carey reported that July 10 was the first meeting of the Central Florida Expressway Authority which is the new authority that will deal with the assets of the former Orange County Expressway Authority.  At that time, there were nominations that did not get approved.  Welton Cadwell from Lake County was unanimously selected to be the Chairman.  The Vice Chairman is Scott Boyd from Orange County and Commissioner Carey was elected unanimously as the Secretary Treasurer. 


     Commissioner Carey advised she received a letter from the Governor’s Office that she has been reappointed to the Wekiva River Basin Commission as she is the District Commissioner whose district is most impacted by the Wekiva Parkway.


     No report.


     Bryant Applegate, County Attorney, stated he is handing out a two-month report (received and filed) of projects completed.


     There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m., this same date.




