September 22, 2020
The following is a non-verbatim
transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY
virtually, via Communications Media Technology (CMT) made permissible pursuant
to the Governor’s Executive Orders, at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, September 22,
2020, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
in person:
Chairman Jay
Zembower (District 2)
Vice Chairman Lee Constantine (District 3)
Robert Dallari (District 1)
Amy Lockhart (District 4)
Brenda Carey (District 5)
County Manager
Nicole Guillet
Deputy County Attorney Paul Chipok
Attending remotely:
of Court and Comptroller Grant Maloy
Clerk Kyla Farrell
Father John
Bluett, St. Stephen's Catholic Church, Winter Springs,
gave the invocation. Commissioner Constantine
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Alan Harris, Office of Emergency Management, addressed
the Board to report on the emergency management response to the COVID-19
pandemic (presentation received and filed).
Agenda Item #1 – 2020-2270
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2020-R-103
recognizing Diane Crews, upon her retirement, honoring her contributions to The
Orlando Sanford International Airport and Seminole County.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #2 – 2020-2264
Motion by
Commissioner Lockhart, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt a Proclamation
proclaiming October 4 – October 10, 2020, as Fire Prevention Week in Seminole
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 voted AYE.
With regard
to public participation, no one spoke in support or opposition to the Consent
Agenda, and public input was closed.
Manager Nicole Guillet announced add-on agenda Item #41, 1st Amendment to
Agreement #093-2020. She explained this
item appears under the County Manager’s Report on the agenda, but it was a late
item from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. They received an additional $1.1 million
dollars in CARES Act money, and they need to do an amendment to the original
agreement in order to access those funds.
She asked the Board to move the item onto the Consent Agenda so they can
start using the money as soon as possible.
Staff intends to utilize those funds for the eviction relief program.
Carey asked that agenda item #30, PS-3066-20/RTB – Architectural and
Engineering Services for Fire Station #39, be pulled for separate
Dallari asked that agenda item #22, RFP-603863-20/TLR - Term Contract for Short
Term Vacation Rental (STR) Identification and Compliance Services, be pulled
for separate discussion.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner
Lockhart, to approve the following:
County Manager’s Office
Business Office
3. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement between Seminole County and
Seminole State College for CARES Act funding in the amount of $455,221. (2020-XXXX)
4. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute Funding Agreements between Seminole County
and Aspire Health Partners, Inc.; Christian HELP Foundation, Inc.; The
Christian Sharing Center; Habitat for Humanity of Seminole County and Greater
Apopka, Florida, Inc.; Heart of Florida United Way, Inc.; Inspire of Central
Florida; and Recovery House of Central Florida, Inc. (2020-XXXX)
41. Consent Agenda Item number not sequential
- Approve and authorize the County
Manager to execute the First Amendment to Agreement Number 093-2020 with the
Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
to provide an additional $1,110,508 in grant funding for COVID-19 emergency
related activities. (2020-2280)
of Emergency Management
5. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
The School Board of Seminole County, The Florida Department of Health in
Seminole County, and Seminole County concerning emergency points of dispensing
of pharmaceuticals and administration of biological testing. (2020-2268)
6. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Low Income Pool
(LIP) Letter of Agreement (LOA) which will provide matching funds up to
$221,608 (subject to budget approval) to offset the cost of uncompensated care
provided by True Health. (2020-2248)
7. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the First Amendment to Emergency Solutions
Grant (ESG) Subrecipient Agreement Program Year 2019-2020 between Seminole
County and Embrace Families Solutions, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing and
homelessness prevention services for eligible citizens of Seminole County. (2020-2243)
8. Approve and authorize
the Chairman to execute a Satisfaction of Lien in the amount of $7,971.20
associated with the property located at 96 Spring Street, Altamonte Springs;
filed against Ralphael Quinn; Quentin Wilson and Jenay Davis, Applicants.
and Development
9. Authorize the
release of Maintenance Bond #60126200 for Streets, Curbs, and Storm Drains in
the amount of $77,524.39 for the Clifton Park Ph 2 subdivision. (2020-XXXX)
10. Authorize the
release of Performance Bond #30066495 for Roads, Drainage, Water, Sewer,
Hardscape & Landscape in the amount of $1,533,053.89 for the Estates at
Wellington subdivision. (2020-2244)
11. Authorize the
release of Performance Bond #CMS255480 for Roads, Streets, and Drainage in the
amount of $3,076,837.28 for the Cadence Park (FKA Evergreen) subdivision. (2020-2259)
and Natural Lands
12. Approve and
authorize Chairman to execute the CFWI Black Hammock Wilderness Area Easement
Agreement (Well and Transect Monitoring Site) and the CFWI Geneva Wilderness
Area Easement Agreement (Well and Transect Monitoring Site) with St. Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) as part of their Central Florida Water
Initiative at the Black Hammock and Geneva Wilderness Areas. (2020-2256)
Public Works
13. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement in the amount of $9,709.68,
inclusive of all fees and costs, between John G. Noonan, as Bishop of the
Diocese of Orlando (owner) and Seminole County for property interest necessary
for the construction and maintenance of a sidewalk along a portion of Dockside
Street. (2020-2242)
14. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Third Addendum to the Seminole State
College of Florida Heathrow Center Lease between Seminole County and The
District Board of Trustees for Seminole State College of Florida. (2020-2258)
15. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute the Traffic Enforcement Agreement between
Seminole County, Seminole County Sheriff's Office, and Astor Grand at Lake
Forest Community Association, Inc.
16. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute a Grant Agreement with the State of Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in acceptance of $90,000 for the
Fertilizer Education program for the County.
17. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute a Grant Agreement with the State of Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in acceptance of $425,000 for the
Lake Jesup Basin-Lake of the Woods Water project; and
execute appropriate Resolution #2020-R-104 implementing Budget Amendment
Request (BAR) #20-079 through the Public Work Grant Fund in the amount of
$425,000 to establish funding.
18. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2020-R-105
implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #20-084 in the amount of $1,200,000
from General Fund Reserves to cover overages in Personnel, Operating, Capital,
and Consulting Services due to costs incurred by COVID-19 response. (2020-XXXX)
19. Approve and
authorize he Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2020-R-106
implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #20-086 through the 1991 and 2001
Infrastructure Sales Tax in the amount of $768,402 from Reserves for the CR 46A
Safety Project and Rail Related Transit projects that are on deposit with
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
20. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute Modification Number 3 to Subgrant Agreement
with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program (HGMP) for Mullet Lake Road Drainage Improvements Phase 1 to increase
the grant funding by $43,812; and execute appropriate Resolution #2020-R-107
implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #20-088 through the Federal
Mitigation Grant Fund in the amount of $43,812 to increase funding for the
project. (2020-2251)
21. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute eight (8) Satisfaction of Liens for the
Rolling Hills Environmental Remediation MSBU non-ad valorem capital assessments
that have been paid in full. (2020-XXXX)
and Contracts
22. Pulled for a separate discussion.
23. Award
RFP-603794-20/BJC – Term Contract for the Maintenance, Repairs and Replacements
of Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) throughout Seminole County to Computer
Power Systems, Inc. d/b/a On Computer Services, LLC, Terrell, Texas; and
authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. (2020-2232)
24. Award
IFB-603839-20/CAR – Operations and Maintenance (O&M) for Central Transfer
Station Systems to Integrated Environmental Technology, LLC, Lakeland; and
authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. The estimated annual usage of this contract
is $450,000. (2020-2246)
25. Approve the
ranking and authorize staff to negotiate rates in accordance with Section
287.055, Florida Statutes, the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act; and
authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute PS-3078-20/TAD -
Master Services Agreement for Landfill Gas Systems Management, Engineering,
Permit Compliance, and Field Services.
The Estimated Annual Usage is $200,000.
26. Approve
Change Order #2 to CC-2154-18/TAD - Northwest Wastewater Transmission System
Improvements Construction Services Agreement with Leisure Construction, Inc.,
Palm Harbor, in the amount of not-to-exceed $1,360,694, in addition to sixty
(60) days extension; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to
execute the Change Order; and execute appropriate Resolution #2020-R-108 implementing
Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #20-087 in the amount of not-to-exceed
$1,360,694 through the Water and Sewer Funds for the project. (2020-2265)
27. Award
RFP-3136-20/TAD - Master Services Agreement for Security Repairs, Maintenance
and Upgrades to Miller Electric Company, Altamonte Springs; and authorize the
Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. The Estimated Annual Usage is $500,000. (2020-2247)
28. Approve
Amendment #7 to PS-9742-14/RTB - General Engineering Services Master Services
Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Orlando, extending the duration
of the Agreement until 2025; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts
Division to execute the amendment.
29. Approve
Amendment #2 to RFP-9948-14/RTB - Project Management Services Infrastructure
Sales Tax Program with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Orlando, extending the
duration of the Agreement until 2025; and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute the amendment.
30. Pulled for a separate discussion.
31. Award
IFB-603853-20/TLR - Term Contract for Water Testing and Treatment of HVAC
Systems to Nalco Company LLC, Orlando; and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute the agreement.
The estimated annual usage is $26,960.
32. Waive the
Procurement Process and authorize a Sole Source Procurement SS-603970-20/TLR
for the Purchase of Juniper ATMS Network Core Equipment from the National
Association of State Procurement Officials Cooperative Contracts through a Lead
State Agency; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to issue
Purchase Orders on an as-needed basis.
33. Award
IFB-603865-20/CAR - Term Contract for Traffic Signal Construction and System
Communication Equipment to Chinchor Electric, Inc.,
Orange City; The New Florida Industrial Electric, Inc., Lake Mary; and Traffic
Control Devices, Inc., Altamonte Springs; and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
The estimated annual cost of the project is $2,500,000. (2020-2227)
and Contracts
34. Award
RFP-603870-20/BJC – Third Party Administration (TPA) Services to Johns Eastern
Company, Inc., Lakewood Ranch; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts
Division to execute the agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted
Consent Agenda Item #22 – 2020-2199
RFP-603863-20, Term Contract for STR
Identification & Compliance Services
Dallari stated there are two different philosophies for the two companies. The one that staff is recommending has to be
paid upfront as one lump sum, and the County is at risk. For ProChamps, they
are actually sharing in half of the fees that are collected and there is no
money out-of-pocket. He was under the
impression that they wouldn’t have that risk and it would be the company that
would be doing all of the research and putting everything together. Chairman Zembower stated his input is
somewhat similar. He explained his
understanding was that this would be pay-as-you-go instead of a pay
upfront. If there is no performance,
they don’t pay. Commissioner Carey asked
staff to discuss the ProChamps agreement. Betsy Cohen, Interim Purchasing and Contracts
Manager, addressed the Board and advised she confirmed with the firms that
Granicus is an upfront cost based on the number of units that the Scope of
Services includes and ProChamps collects on an ongoing
basis, and they will retain 50%.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to award RFP-603863-20/TLR - Term Contract for Short
Term Vacation Rental (STR) Identification and Compliance Services to Prochamps, LLC, Melbourne, FL; and authorize the Purchasing
and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. The compensation is a revenue share; Prochamps will retain a portion of the registration fee
collected and remit the balance to the County each month. (2020-2199)
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted
Consent Agenda Item #30 – 2020-2209
Ps-3066-20, Architectural &
Engineering Services for Fire Station #39
Carey discussed why an important factor of this item is schedule. She stated there is clearly interest in doing
business with the County because they had 13 submittals for this particular
item. Out of the four firms that are
ranked in the agenda packet, the schedules vary significantly. Schenkel & Shultz, Inc., has a six-month
schedule and Bentley’s is eight months.
The firm that staff is recommending, Architects Design Group, their
schedule is ten months. As she read the
comments, the County’s two fire officials both ranked Schenkel & Schultz,
Inc., as number one; and she feels confident that it probably had something to
do with the schedule based on their comments.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Lockhart, to approve the ranking list and authorize staff to
negotiate rates in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the
Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act; and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute PS-3066-20/RTB – Architectural and Engineering
Services for Fire Station #39. Estimated
Usage of the Agreement is $500,000. Ranking list approved as follows: 1.) Schenkel & Shultz, Inc.; 2.)
Architects Design Group; 3.) Bentley Architects & Engineers, Inc.; and 4.)
Sweet Sparkman. (2020-2209)
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
County Attorney’s Office Item #35
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve and authorize
the Chairman to execute the First Amendment to four (4) Civil Traffic Hearing
Officer Services Agreements for the following four (4) Civil Traffic Hearing
Officers for fiscal year 2020/2021: Charles Cino, Christopher Morrison, John A. Pascucci,
and Melody U. Pullen. (2020-2262)
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Constitutional Officer’s Consent Agenda
Clerk & Comptroller’s Consent Agenda Item #36
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve Expenditure
Approval Lists dated August 11, 18, 25 and September 1, 2020; and Payroll
Approval List dated August 20, 2020. (2020-2261)
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 voted AYE.
Clerk & Comptroller’s “Received and Filed” Documents
1. Executive Orders #2020-037 and #2020-038 Extending the Declared Local State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus Pandemic); #2020-039 Amending the Declared Local State of Emergency to Include the Imminent Threat Caused by Tropical Depression 13; #2020-040, #2020-41 and #2020-42 Extending the Declared Local State of Emergency due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus Pandemic).
2. FPSC Orders PSC-2020-0287-CO-EI issued August 21, 2020 and PSC-2020-0293-AS-EI issued August 28, 2020.
3. Warranty Deed, Chapman Pines Plat Lift Station; Pulte Home Company, LLC, Grantor.
4. Addendum #1 to the First and Restated Jakubcin Place PD Developer’s Commitment Agreement and Addendum #3 to Development Order #20-20500004 for the project known as Jakubcin Place Minor Amendment; Jordan Construction & Development, LLC, Owners.
5. Approval Development Order #20-30000056, Setback Variance for 7361 Canal Drive; Beverly and Grady Hutchins, Owners.
6. Development Order #19-55100016, Geneva Ski Lake Preliminary Subdivision Plan; Lake Moran Geneva, LLC, Owner.
7. Addendum #5 to Development Order #20-20500019, Lake Howell Reserve and San Pedro PD Minor Amendment; Diocese of Orlando and Catholic Cemeteries of Central Florida Holdings, Inc., Owners.
8. Conditional Utility Agreement for Water and Wastewater Services for the project known as Avila Townhomes; NOMA Weststate Acquisition, LLC.
9. Bill of Sale accepting the Water and Sewer Systems for the project known as Cadence Park f/k/a Evergreen Estates; M/I Homes of Orlando, LLC.
10. Maintenance Bond #ERL1900470 (Streets, Curbs, Storm Drains) in the amount of $18,776.95 for the project known as Traditions at White Cedar; M/I Homes of Orlando, LLC.
11. Performance Bond #LICX1196033 (Roads, Drainage, Sidewalks) in the amount of $463,380.43 for the project known as River Run Preserve; Pulte Home Company, LLC.
12. Maintenance Bond #CMS0339733 with Rider (Water and Sewer Facilities) in the amount of $91,665.54 for the project known as Cadence Park f/k/a Evergreen Estates; M/I Homes of Orlando, LLC.
13. Recording of Plats and Title Opinion, Valencia Subdivision; Mikoyas, LLC.
14. Performance Bond #SU1162313 (Roads, Drainage, Water, Sewer, Hardscape & Landscape) in the amount of $1,176,458.76, and Performance Bond #SNN4006469 (Roads, Streets, Drainage) in the amount of $245,586.14, and Recording of Plats for the project known as Riverside Oaks Phase 1; Toll Southeast LP Company, Inc./Toll Brothers, Inc.
15. Special Counsel Services Agreement for General Representation related to CARES Act Funding with Nabors Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
16. Tourist Tax Funding Agreements with Goldstar Elite, Inc. for the 2020 Goldstar Summer Showcase; Prospect Wire 2, LLC for the 2020 ProspectWire 7th Annual Fall Classic; Suncoast Athletics Sports Group, Inc. for the 2020 Boombah Slugfest; ProspectSelect Baseball, Inc. for the 2020 Skinner Strong Invitational; and Perfect Game Youth Florida, Inc. for the 2020 FTB Instructional Camp.
17. Parks Contract for Tennis Developmental Instructor with Erin Gillette.
18. Written Determination of County Manager in response to the formal “Bid Protest of Collage Design & Construction Group, Inc.” concerning the award of DB-2785-19, Juvenile Assessment Center addition to the Juvenile Detention Center, to Wharton-Smith, Inc. Construction Group.
19. Amendment #4 to Work Order #40 to PS-0009-15 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc.
20. Amendment #2 to Work Order #6 to PS-0121-15 with DRMP, Inc.
21. Work Order #29 to CC-0559-15 with Southland Construction, Inc.
22. Closeout to Work Order #26 to RFP-1294-17 with M&J Enterprises International, Inc.
23. Closeout to Work Order #27 to RFP-1294-17 with Pat Lynch Construction, LLC.
24. Work Order #31 to RFP-1294-17 with Pat Lynch Construction, LLC.
25. Amendment #1 to Work Order #31 to RFP-1294-17 with Pat Lynch Construction, LLC.
26. Work Order #32 to RFP-1294-17 with M&J Enterprises International, Inc.
27. Amendment #1 to Work Order #32 to RFP-1294-17 with M&J Enterprises International, Inc.
28. Work Order #33 to RFP-1294-17 with M&J Enterprises International, Inc.
29. Amendment #1 to Work Order #23 to PS-1320-17 with Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
30. Closeout to Work Order #5 to CC-1391-17 with Schuller Contractors, Inc.
31. Change Order #1 to Work Order #9 to CC-1391-17 with Ryan Fitzgerald, Inc.
32. Amendment #4 to Work Order #1 to PS-1802-18 with Kittelson & Associates.
33. Work Order #21 to PS-1822-18 with Carollo Engineers, Inc.
34. Work Order #24 to PS-1822-18 with Carollo Engineers, Inc.
35. Work Order #37 to PS-1832-18 with Tierra, Inc.
36. Amendment #1 to Work Order #21 to PS-1832-18 with CDM Smith, Inc.
37. Amendment #1 to Work Order #5 to PS-2468-19 with S&ME, Inc.
38. Change Order #3 to CC-2601-19 with Black Street Enterprises, LLC.
39. Change Order #3 to CC-2602-19 with Black Street Enterprises, LLC.
40. Closeout to CC-2657-19 with Linton Enterprises, Inc.
41. Change Order #1 to CC-2696-19 with Linton Enterprises, Inc.
42. Change Order #1 to CC-2715-19 with Carr and Collier, Inc.
43. Work Order #1 to PS-2717-19 with Project Management Advisors, Inc.
44. Change Order #2 to CC-2793-19 with U.S. Veteran Contractors, LLC.
45. PS-2872-20, MSA (2) for Structural Engineering Consultant with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp. and Ayers Associates, Inc.; Ranking List approved by the BCC on May 12, 2020.
46. Closeout to CC-9170-13 with Estep Construction, Inc.
47. Corrected Work Order #8 to PS-9742-14 with Jacobs Engineering Group (name changed from CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc.).
48. Amendment #1 to Work Order #5 to PS-9983-14 with Consor Engineers, LLC.
49. Amendment #1 to Work Order #6 to PS-9983-15 with Atkins North America, Inc.
50. Fifth Amendment to IFB-602939-17 with Bound Tree Medical, LLC.
51. Third Amendment to RFP-602999-17 with Howroyd-Wright Employment Agency, Inc. d/b/a All’s Well Health Care Services.
52. IFB-603904-20, Term Contract for Purchase of Lights and Graphics for Fire Department Rolling Stock, with Dana Safety Supply, Inc.
53. Bids as follows:
RFP-603847-20 from Prescription Care Management; Tabula Rasa Healthcare, Inc.
IFB-603904-20 from Dana Safety Supply, Inc.
BID-603948-20 from Red Wave Technology; Agilent Technologies;
BID-603931-20 from CAM Services & Repair, LLC; Caraway Concrete Construction, Inc.; Cathcart Construction Company-Florida LLC; CM Engineering Services Florida, PLLC; GPS Civil Construction, Inc.; Huffman, Inc. d/b/a NuWave Concrete; MVB & Associates, Inc.; Professional Services Group, LLC; Regis Southern, Inc.; Tim Brown Construction, Inc.; W.T. COMP, Inc.; and
IFB-603770-20 from Bates Electric; Boys Electrical Contractors, LLC; Echo ED Corp.; Frank Gay Services, LLC; Greater Florida Electrical Contractors; Gibson Electric Power Services; Prime Electrical Services, Inc.
Agenda Item #37 -2020-2263
SunRail – Brightline/Virgin
Presentation/Request for MOU
Dallari declared a conflict of interest regarding this item. He has spoken with Assistant County Attorney
Paul Chipok and has filed a form 8B Memorandum of
Voting Conflict for Elected Officials (received and filed). Commissioner Dallari stated he is filing the
document because he is presently employed by Walt Disney World and has been for
many years. There could potentially be a
conflict of interest because Brightline is actually talking about one of its
terminus points potentially stopping at Walt Disney World. He wants to be fully transparent.
Carey stated Commissioner Dallari is also the Board’s SunRail
representative. She asked how that will
be impacted when this issue goes to SunRail.
Commissioner Dallari advised as long as he doesn’t vote on this item in
front of this Board and has no input, and as long as he brings the vote that he
has abstained from today to the SunRail board and doesn’t vote as an
individual, there shouldn’t be a conflict.
He noted he is also filing a question with the Commission on Ethics and
is waiting on a response. Mr. Chipok added the Commission on Ethics will be taking it up
at their October 23 meeting and hopefully there will be a response. In the alternative, Commissioner Dallari is
the appointed representative of Seminole County to the Rail Commission; so if there is a conflict declared, the Board may want to
take a preemptory action at this point in time and appoint an alternate. Commissioner Carey clarified they have an
alternate already appointed. She wants
to know if an alternate is allowed because she doesn’t want Commissioner
Dallari to get in a bad position; and at the same time, she wants to make sure
the County’s voice is able to be heard.
She asked if SunRail will allow an alternate to vote at their October 27
meeting. Mr. Chipok
answered SunRail does not have an explicit set of
directives as far as policy goes for operation.
Off of the top of his head, he is not quite sure. He will check with the other councils of the
other local government partners to make sure that no one is aware of anything
that would cause an objection for an alternate to be placed in there. Staff will report back at the next meeting.
Dallari left the room at this time.
Zembower stated they will now hear a presentation by Katie Mitzner,
Brightline Public Affaris Manager, and Michael Cegelis, Executive Vice President of Rail
Infrastructure. Ms. Mitzner
and Mr. Cegelis addressed the Board and reviewed
their presentation (received and filed).
Carey discussed why she supports the item.
With regard
to public participation, Tom Connelly, 552 Windmeadows
Street, spoke in opposition; no one else in the audience spoke in support or
opposition to this item; and public input was closed.
Comment Form was received and filed.
Constantine stated this is an extension that they’ve always envisioned that
would expand the need and the ridership of SunRail, and he sees this as the
first natural extension of that. He sees
it as a great opportunity, and the fact that it’s being done by a private
corporation is even more important than anything.
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Central Florida Commuter Rail
Commission to use SunRail corridor and enable SunRail connection to the
International Airport.
2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Zembower confirmed with Mr. Chipok he will get with
Commissioner Lockhart, as the SunRail alternate, and Commissioner Dallari to
review the Commission on Ethics’ opinion.
Zembower recessed the meeting at 10:47 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at
10:57 a.m. Commissioner Dallari returned
to the meeting at this time.
Agenda Item #38 – 2020-2241
East Lake Mary Boulevard Small Area
Study Update
Nelson, Lead Consultant, Renaissance Planning Group, addressed the Board and
presented E. Lake Mary Blvd. Small Area Study (received and filed).
Zembower stated one thing he would like consideration given to is bikeways and
pathways that are off the roadways as well some emphasis placed on connectability to any available parks and recreation assets
throughout the county. Commissioner
Carey stated when they have the small area studies going, she would like to see
a link on the County’s website with all of the presentations and materials and
a way for the public to submit their input and comments. Commissioner Dallari commented just north is
the Lake Monroe Loop, and he believes in the study there needs to be a way on
how to get the area connected to the Lake Monroe Loop. Also, on the southwest side of the study area
there is an area called the Aloma Spur. He thinks that the study area needs to look
at the Aloma Spur because sometime in the future it
will be developed; and if you look at the contract with SunRail, there is an
option for the Spur to be exercised and taken over by SunRail. He wants to make sure that that is addressed.
The Commissioner also wants to make sure
they’re looking at Fire and response time and sound contour lines since they
are so close to the airport.
Commissioner Lockhart suggested the Nextdoor
app to target specific neighborhoods and communities to share information and
link them to the County’s website. She
thinks giving the community as many opportunities as possible to know what is
going on and to feel that they are being heard is critically important. Commissioner Carey asked to receive a notice
when that is on the website so they can send it out to all the people that have
been contacting them.
Zembower confirmed with Ms. Guillet that she is clear on the desire of the
Agenda Item #39 – 2020-2269
CARES Act Update
item was moved to the afternoon session.
Scott McIntyre, Managing Director of Hilltop
Securities, addressed the Board to present the Investment Advisor’s Report
(received and filed).
Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt
the recommendations of the County’s Financial Advisor based on the presentation
and report submitted today and to direct the Clerk to implement said
Board-adopted recommendations.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Bill Shilson,
224 Slade Drive; and Alexa McClenny, 1058 Crystal
Bowl Circle, addressed the Board to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 and their
opposition to wearing masks.
Chairman Zembower inquired how many fines had been
written in regards to the executive order mandating masks, and Ms. Guillet
advised none. The Chairman inquired if
any law enforcement action has been taken to withhold, detain, arrest, or
penalize anyone regarding wearing masks.
Mr. Harris responded none of that has happened. The Chairman confirmed with Mr. Harris
businesses have the right to require shirts and shoes or anything else they may
decide they feel is necessary to protect their employees. Mr. Harris added no matter what the County
decides, businesses will continue to have their own requirements. Upon Chairman Zembower's
request, Mr. Harris reviewed the executive order regarding masks. The Chairman inquired if the County closed
any local businesses under any of the COVID-19 executive orders. Ms. Guillet responded none of the local
orders ever required any business closures and confirmed that was done at
either a state or federal level.
Upon request of Commissioner Lockhart, Mr. Harris
explained the advisory committee includes four chief medical officers from the
four local hospitals. Commissioner
Lockhart inquired if any other people with similar levels of education,
expertise, and responsibility who have a differing opinion have come forward to
offer their opinion. The Commissioner
stated if there is someone that would consider themselves to be in that level
expertise and have a differing opinion, she would personally like to hear from
them. Mr. Harris advised he has not
heard from a chief medical officer, medical doctor, senior epidemiologist, or
an immunologist, which would be the leads in this particular pandemic, that
have had a dissenting opinion. However,
if they do come, he would welcome them.
Chairman Zembower recessed the
meeting at 11:52 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m. with all Commissioners and all
other Officials who were present at the Opening Session.
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to authorize the
filing of the proof of publication for this meeting’s scheduled public hearing
into the Official Record.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted
Agenda Item #40 –
2020-0020 - Transmittal
Oaks Subdivision LSFLUA/Craig Rouhier, Jr., Applicant
Matt Davidson, Planning and
Development, addressed the Board and presented the item as outlined in the
agenda memorandum. Mr. Davidson noted
the Planning and Zoning Commission met on September 2 and voted 3-1 to
recommend the BCC transmit the proposed Ordinance enacting a Large
Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Low Density Residential and
Industrial to Low Density Residential and to continue the associated Rezone to
the October 7 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. He stated as part of the associated PD Master
Development Plan that was provided in the agenda item package for reference
only, the Applicant proposes access through the Midway Park subdivision via a
short network of low-volume, non-standard, local-road segments. For Public Works, these local roads currently
operate at acceptable levels of service and will continue to do so if the
project is constructed; however, local road improvements are needed to meet the
minimum requirements of the Land Development Code (LDC). To address the potential safety issues since
the current local roadways are not designed for increased traffic the project
will create, the developer will be required to improve the access-standard
roadways to meet County standards for width and structure including drainage
improvements and the collection of stormwater in
accordance with the LDC.
Staff finds the proposed Low Density
Residential Future Land Use designation to be consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and compatible with the trend of development in the area. Staff recommends the BCC transmit the
proposed Ordinance enacting a Large Scale Future Land
Use Map Amendment from Low Density Residential and Industrial to Low Density
Residential to State and regional review agencies.
All five Commissioners submitted
their ex parte communications (received and filed) at
this time.
Thomas Daly, on behalf of the
Applicant, addressed the Board to present his presentation (received and
filed). He reminded before the Board
today is a transmittal of a Future Land Use element to go from vacant
Industrial to Low Density Residential; and there are certain criteria that they
have to go through with the Comprehensive Plan, and they “pass” all of it for
this Industrial change.
With regard to public participation,
Juan Benitez, 5170 Sunnyside Avenue, spoke in support; Sandra Thompson, 5120
Bryant Avenue; Lennie Tungate, 2840 Midway Drive;
Scott Bowers, 2841 Midway Drive; Paul Dobo, 5137
Bryant Avenue; Adam Jackson, 5114 Sunnyside Avenue, spoke in opposition; Tracey
Driscoll, 4995 Thomas Stable Road; and Diana Danin,
938 East Palm Valley Drive, spoke neither in support or opposition; and no one
else in the audience spoke.
Public Comment Forms for speakers
who were present in Chambers were received and filed.
Mr. Daly provided his rebuttal to
the public comments. He addressed
possible access points, water and sewer utilities, and limiting construction
vehicles to the south lane to avoid additional burdens to the existing
neighborhood. Mr. Daly stated when they
went before the Planning Commission, they wanted more direction and information
on the accessibility of the property but they are very limited. He asked the Board to provide guidance so
when he comes back to the Board at the end of October, they can have a better
package for the Board and staff will have some solid direction. Mr. Daly discussed flooding.
An extensive question-and-answer period
was had between the Commissioners and staff.
Mr. Daly noted through the Board’s discussion, they’ve asked staff to go
back and look at certain things. There
is a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting coming up on the zoning for this
item, and he asked if the appropriate staff could be present at the Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting to answer questions the commission may have
regarding utility connections and other matters discussed today. Chairman Zembower replied he will make sure
somebody is there to answer those questions.
Chairman Zembower closed the public
hearing portion of this matter at this time.
Commissioner Lockhart asked how the
Planning and Zoning Commission was able to bifurcate the application. Ms. Guillet answered the only land use
category that requires a zoning to travel along with it is PD. If it’s a standard land-use category such as
Low Density, a rezoning ordinance is not required to travel with it. Commissioner Lockhart replied it’s not
required, but if the Applicant made his application to be concurrent, does the
Planning and Zoning Commission have the authority to do that. Ms. Guillet explained technically the
Applicant has the ability to ask that they travel together. Her assumption is that there was no objection
to bifurcating it, although she does not know if that’s the case or not. Commissioner Carey pointed out when you read
the minutes from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, it doesn’t seem
like he had a choice. Chairman Zembower
noted his takeaway from the minutes was that they wanted more information and
detail and they wanted to move forward, and that’s how it became bifurcated;
the Applicant didn’t contest that with the desire to move forward with the
transmittal. Mr. Daly expressed he did
not like the bifurcation.
Chairman Zembower stated as the
district commissioner, he thinks there is still a lot of work that needs to be
done with staff as well as the Applicant.
There are a lot of questions still on the table. He reminded the request before the Board is the
land use. What ultimately is built on
the property, they have yet to see and how that happens.
by Chairman Zembower, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to transmit the proposed
Ordinance enacting a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment
from Low Density Residential and Industrial to Low Density Residential to State
and regional review agencies for approximately 31.52 acres, located
approximately 1,000 feet southeast of N. Ronald Reagan Boulevard; Craig Rouhier, Jr., Applicant.
Under discussion, Commissioner
Constantine stated there are a lot of questions here and he is willing to allow
it to be sent for review; but hopefully between now and then, a lot of the
questions and concerns will be addressed.
He believes it is staff’s and Mr. Daly’s job to get back to the
residents and try to work out some of the concerns. Commissioner Carey stated a lot of the
concern from residents is related to not having sidewalks, not wanting the
access to be Midway, and not wanting to have to hook up to utilities. Those are all things that are within the
control of the BCC and only the BCC.
Discussion ensued. Chairman
Zembower stated at the end of the day, so the public understands, this is not
for building anything at this juncture; this is a land use change that has to
go back to the Board. His position is,
before it goes back to the Board, they need to see some answers for the
questions that were brought up today. Commissioner
Dallari stated he wants to make sure there’s an actual buffer for the active
rail line. And most importantly, he
doesn’t want to put a subdivision in at the cost of another subdivision.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted
Zembower recessed the meeting at 2:50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 3:03
Act Update
Guillet presented the CARES Act Update (presentation received and filed). She advised they will have to sign an amendment
to the funding agreement, and she would ask the Board give her the authority to
do that as soon as it comes in.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to grant the
County Manager the authority she requests to sign the amendment to the CARES
Act Subrecipient Funding Agreement.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Lockhart inquired if the Ernst & Young full-time employees who are working
through the applications are also the same individuals who are helping
applicants secure their missing documentation, or do they then get passed on to
someone else to help them through it.
Steve Fussell, Office of Organizational
Excellence, explained the reviewer who sends the email out is the one who then
works with the client. Ms. Guillet noted
the Clerk's Office actually writes the checks and have been great partners in
getting the funds out to the community.
Guillet advised the City of Altamonte Springs has sent a request to reallocate
some funding from the 2001 Sales Tax Program that was originally for a
pedestrian overpass on 436. The City has
requested that money be reallocated to a project that has been in the works for
a number of years in East Altamonte on Amanda Street from Jackson to Station
Street. Under the 2001 Sales Tax
Agreement, in order to remove or place a new project on that list, there has to
be a public hearing held 30 days after notice to all of the other parties to
the agreement, which are the other cities and the School Board. Based on the briefings and information she
previously gave to each of the Commissioners (received and filed), she is
requesting authorization to start that process so there can be a public hearing
scheduled for October 27, 2020.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to approve the
public process.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
District 4
Commissioner Lockhart requested the
Board consider allowing her to move a proclamation that honors a citizen for
her 90th birthday.
by Chairman Zembower, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to adopt a Proclamation
honoring Sara Elizabeth Mitchell-McMillon.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted
The Commissioner reported on meetings and events she
District 1
Commissioner Dallari stated during the utility work
session held earlier this year, he spoke to the Commission about the potential
environmental value of the Deer Run and Wekiva golf courses, which both have
the same owner. The Deer Run golf course
is currently closed, and the Wekiva golf course is open. The owner recently made an application to
develop the Deer Run golf course with a large single-family housing
project. Upon the request of the Board,
staff has been studying some of the aspects of the environmental lift of this
golf course that could be offered by the County. The Commissioner requested staff give a brief
summary of their findings to date, understanding they will not be
Terry McCue, Environmental Services Director, advised
they have done some preliminary analysis on the potential value from an
environmental perspective of golf courses.
One element of value is the consumptive use permit that the golf course
has. The good news is that they recently
found out there is precedent from the St. Johns River Water Management District
to grant credit for offsets to municipalities that are able to obtain a golf
course. The bad news is it's not a
drop-for-drop credit. To get to the
brass tax of what the value is, you have to do an
extensive groundwater modeling analysis where you take the golf course wells
and turn them off and see what improvement there is in other key regional
constraints. Mr. McCue noted at the
August 25, 2020, meeting, the Board approved the request for Carollo Engineers to do groundwater modeling for other
purposes but very similar to this and this could be added to that scope without
additional cost. Upon inquiry of
Commissioner Dallari, Mr. McCue advised Ed Delaparte
was lead attorney for a prior cup litigation, and Attorney Doug Manson with
Manson Bolves Donaldson Varn
has been engaged for additional issues for water supply. Commissioner Dallari confirmed with Mr. McCue
there's some merit to further do a comprehensive review.
Commissioner Dallari requested consensus from the
Board to authorize staff to complete a comprehensive analysis to review the
value of the two consumptive use permits and the value of the savings of the
total maximum daily load (TMDL), the groundwater modeling, and the value and
the need for additional passive and active parklands in these corridors,
bearing in mind that the Deer Run application is currently pending with the
Development Review Committee. He would
further ask the Board direct staff to engage with each one of the communities
around the golf courses, work with the government agencies and potential
government partners, and be involved in and solicit the cooperation of the
owner of these two golf courses.
Commissioner Dallari stated he also formally requests the applicant of
the current Deer Run development suspend his application until this analysis is
There was extensive discussion among the Board of what
they would support and what they would like more information on. Commissioner Carey would like to know how
much it's going to cost the taxpayers to do the various analyses to acquire a
private golf course before proceeding any further. Chairman Zembower would like to have
discussion with the public to help them understand MSBUs and find out whether
they are interested in taking that project on themselves. The Chairman would also like Richard Durr,
Leisure Services Director, be a part of that conversation.
Ms. Guillet suggested, if the applicant is willing to
abate things and if the Board is interested in just getting more information on
this, staff can put together an action plan that includes costs. She added determining the neighborhoods'
interest and willingness to participate in a monetary sense would be at the top
of the list. Commissioner Dallari
requested a timeline and milestones be included in the action plan.
Commissioner Lockhart requested when staff starts to
come up with this template, that it be a template that can be applied to any
community. From her perspective, these
parks have to be public. If there are
any private, gated communities right now thinking they will be next in line,
they need to keep that in mind. She
believes those are the kind of things staff should get with each of the
Commissioners on to find out what their thought process is.
Commissioner Constantine noted every golf course and
every scenario is different, and a game plan with all of the alternatives would
be nice. Commissioner Carey emphasized a
survey of that community needs to be done first to see if they are willing to
have an MSBU in place and contribute to the acquisition. She wants to see the full cost of wetlands
analysis and all of that.
Commissioner Dallari requested staff brings back an
overview and a timeline with milestones to put a plan together with costs to
see how this could actually fit.
Chairman Zembower stated there was enough Board support for this request
and confirmed with Ms. Guillet she had the direction of what the Board is
looking for.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Chairman Zembower, to reappoint James Grzesik to the Sunrail Citizens
Advisory Committee for a three-year term beginning in 2021.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Dallari recounted a little over a year
ago, the Board spoke about the Tuskawilla Estates
subdivision and the flooding that was happening both inside and outside of the
subdivision, and that flooding has continued.
The Commissioner spoke with the developer about it and was informed
corrections were being made. The
Commissioner then spoke with Development Services staff, and they were not
aware of any corrections the developer was making and no plans had been
submitted. In order to remedy the
ongoing flooding and drainage issues from the construction of Tuskawilla Estates, there may be a minor or major amendment
needed. If it is needed, the
Commissioner will be requesting, when it comes before them, that the Board
waive the PD amendment fee. In addition,
it's been over a year and there has been no action from the developer to
correct both the subdivision as well as what is happening the surrounding
communities. Commissioner Dallari
requested the County Manager and County Attorney explain what the process is if
the County were to potentially pull the maintenance bond. Commissioner Carey noted she has an issue
like that in her district and they have flagged the bond to not be released
until the issue is resolved and suggested the same could be done for this bond.
District 5
Commissioner Carey reported on the Central Florida Expressway
Authority. She advised the Florida
Turnpike Enterprise, the State, and the Toll Authority of Georgia entered into
an E-ZPass network agreement. Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority will
be joining that network later this year.
E-ZPass is now accepted in 18 other states.
The Commissioner reported on Sanford Airport Authority
passenger counts. She advised that Diane
Crews, who is retiring, was appointed to the Tourist Development Council on
January 1, 2020, for a four-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Lockhart, to appoint Elizabeth Brown, President of OSI
International and TBI U.S. Operations, to the Tourist Development Council
fulfilling a term that will end January 1, 2024; and adopt appropriate Resolution
#2020-R-139 of appreciation to Diane Crews for her service on the Tourist
Development Council.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Carey explained over by the airport,
Marquette Avenue runs across Red Cleveland Boulevard and Ohio Avenue. About halfway down between Marquette and
Ohio, there is a well-developed residential area. The section just to the west will all develop
as commercial, which will generate a different type of traffic than residential
would. She has had a number of requests
from the residents about looking at the residential area on Marquette between
Red Cleveland and Ohio and possibly putting a cul-de-sac in there so the
residential would exit onto Ohio and the commercial would exit onto Red
Cleveland. Until they decide if that is
a good idea or not, she would like to request that staff put some signs out
along Marquette from that commercial area to say local deliveries only, no
through traffic to trucks. She suggested
the Commissioners take the opportunity to drive down Marquette and look at that
scenario so they are familiar for when this comes back. Commissioner Carey commented she was only
sharing this so they are aware in case they also get communications from the
residents. Commissioner Dallari stated
he would like to have a draft plan that shows where the cul-de-sac would go so
he could better understand it.
Commissioner Carey requested a follow-up be scheduled
with Larry Ross regarding setting goals and objectives for the County Manager
and County Attorney.
The Commissioner reported Tony Tizzio,
local activist and volunteer, recently passed away. The Commissioner requested a posthumous
Proclamation regarding his service to the community be brought forward on the
next agenda. No objections were voiced.
District 3
Commissioner Constantine advised at the last meeting
of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Commissioner Lockhart
was appointed as an Executive Committee Member at Large.
Commissioner Constantine announced Lifeboat Project,
which is a nonprofit that provides support for survivors of human trafficking,
will be having an open house and dedication.
The Commissioner reported LYNX and the Central Florida
Regional Transportation Authority will be approving their budget at their
September 24, 2020, meeting, and it is proposed that there will be no increases
to the partners.
District 2/CHAIRMAN’S
Chairman Zembower reported the
deadline to complete the 2020 Census deadline is September 30th. He summarized the importance of the census
and encouraged everyone to complete it if they have not yet done so. Ms. Guillet advised Seminole County is the
leader of Florida counties on self-reporting.
The Chairman reported on meetings and events he
Chairman Zembower recommended Commissioner Lockhart be
appointed to the Seminole County Public Schools Superintendent Search Community
Advisory Committee for the replacement of Dr. Walt Griffin, current
superintendent, due to his upcoming retirement.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to appoint
Commissioner Lockhart to the Seminole County Public Schools Superintendent
Search Community Advisory Committee.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
The Chairman stated Commissioner Dallari previously
brought up concerns with the fire suppression systems on the I-4 Ultimate
Project. He advised Fire Chief Drozd has looked into that and has drafted a letter to FDOT
requesting, for safety purposes, the things the County believes should be in
place. The Chairman advised he will
distribute the draft to the Commissioners and requested Board approval to
execute the letter. No objections were voiced.
Commissioner Dallari requested the surrounding counties be copied on the
letter as well.
The following Communications and/or
Reports were received and filed.
1. Letter dated September 1, 2020, to Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, Volusia County Chairman Ed Kelly, and Osceola County Chairwoman Viviana Janer, from Chairman Jay Zembower, re: $34M of Federal Flex Funds to be spent on SunRail.
2. Letter dated September 1, 2020, to County Manager Nicole Guillet, from Hugh Harling, Jr., Executive Director, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, re: FY2021 ECFRPC assessment of $98,545 due by November 1, 2020.
3. Letter dated August 27, 2020, to Chairman Jay Zembower, from Donna Gardner, City Clerk, City of Casselberry, re: Ordinance No. 20-1535 which annexes two (2) parcels located at 3110 Howell Branch Road and 3128 Orava Lane.
4. Three letters dated September 10, 2020, to Chairman Jay Zembower, from David Johnson, Seminole County Property Appraiser, re: Property Appraiser’s 2020-2021 approved budget.
5. Letter dated September 9, 2020, to Chairman Jay Zembower, from Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, re: $34M of Federal Flex Funds programmed for SunRail Phase II North.
6. Letter dated September 9, 2020, to Chairman Jay Zembower, from Karen Almond, Chairman, Seminole County School Board, re: Superintendent Search Community Advisory Committee appointment.
7. Letter dated September 10, 2020, to Chairman Jay Zembower, from Angela Apperson, City Clerk, City of Altamonte Springs, re: Notice of Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance No. 1754-20 in connection with annexing property between Merritt Street and South Ronald Reagan Boulevard.
8. Letter dated September 9, 2020, to the Board of County Commissioners, from Traci Houchin, City Clerk, City of Sanford, re: Notice of Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance No. 2020-4567 in connection with annexing property between Willowbay Ridge Street and Narcissus Avenue and between Willowbay Ridge Street and Walnut Crest Run.
9. Letter dated September 9, 2020, to the Board of County Commissioners, from Traci Houchin, City Clerk, City of Sanford, re: Notice of Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance No. 2020-4566 in connection with annexing property between East 2nd Street and East 4th Street and between Crescent Boulevard and Shirley Avenue.
Diana Danin, 938 East Palm Valley Drive, spoke in regards to the Legacy
240 Rezone approved during public hearing at the August 25, 2020, meeting and
pointed out what she believes were procedural deficiencies in the review,
motion, and approval process.
Chairman Zembower reminded the second budget public hearing will be held this evening at 7:00 p.m.
Listing of Speakers and Final Registrants received and filed.
being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m., this same date.