JANUARY 27, 2015
The following is a non-verbatim transcript
MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, January
27, 2015, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
Brenda Carey (District 5)
Chairman John Horan (District 2)
Commissioner Robert Dallari (District 1)
Lee Constantine (District 3)
Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)
County Manager Nicole Guillet
County Attorney Bryant Applegate
Deputy Clerk Terri Porter
Pastor Charles Higgins, Jr., Westview
Baptist Church, Sanford, gave the Invocation.
Commissioner Dallari led the Pledge of
Business Spotlight video for Avatar Solutions was presented.
Agenda Item #1 – A-0377-15
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt appropriate Resolution
#2015-R-20 recognizing Pamela Klinker, Firefighter/Paramedic, EMS Fire Rescue
Division/Department of Public Safety, for 27 years of dedicated service to the
citizens of Seminole County, upon her retirement on December 31, 2014.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Klinker addressed the Board to thank them for the Resolution.
Agenda Item #2 – A-0380-15
Motion by
Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution
#2015-R-21 recognizing Lin Polk, Budget Manager, Budget & Fiscal Management
Division/Department of Resource Management, for successfully completing over 15
years of commendable service to Seminole County and her fellow citizens.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Polk addressed the Board to express her appreciation.
Agenda Item #3 – A-0366-15
Valmarie Turner, Community Services Director, addressed the
Board to present a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Addressing Homelessness in
Seminole County – The Housing First Approach.”
She stated the Homes Prevention Program was kicked off two years ago and
then reviewed the Summary of Applications and Program Numbers.
Ms. Turner displayed and discussed Funding
including Funds Expended, Rent/Deposit Funds and Leverage. She stated they budgeted approximately $1.4
million and they currently have about $391,000 available and $212,000 of that
is separated for the rental aspect of the program, with the remainder being
used for case management, utility assistance and emergency shelter housing
Ms. Turner reviewed Compliance Monitoring
and advised that staff recommends the entire program be turned over to the
Christian Sharing Center with the County continuing with oversight. She further advised that the Christian
Sharing Center already had half of the program, and since Rescue Outreach
Mission is out of the picture now, Christian Sharing Center has agreed to take
over the entire program.
Ms. Turner reviewed the Recommended
Amendments to the Agreement and displayed a district map showing the location
of the 32 households currently in the program.
Ms. Turner introduced Debra Young who
addressed the Board to relay her success story of how the program has affected
her life. Ms. Young explained she had a
successful real estate career for over 15 years when the market downturn
happened. She was then divorced and also
had twins, both with disabilities. She
had to live in a hotel for four years until the program came about. She had lost everything to support herself
and her twins. The stress of being
homeless also caused her to have health issues.
After receiving assistance, Ms. Young reported she is now going to
Seminole State College and will be completing the prerequisites for the nursing
program. She added that the program also
helped her with transportation; she was the recipient of a donated vehicle
which helps greatly for getting to and from doctors’ appointments, which are
several on a weekly basis, school for the children and her college. She stated she is now able to form relationships
and have a support system. She also said
the Christian Sharing Center has monthly meetings where a coordinator helped
her prepare a budget and prepare her for self-sufficiency. She opined that the accountability helps to
keep her on track. She said many people
that are homeless just need a helping hand; it is not from a lack of wanting to
work or having motivation. She said she
is thankful for the helping hand that was extended to help her back into
Ms. Turner thanked the Chief Executive
Officer of the Christian Sharing Center and said her case managers have been
phenomenal in assisting individuals like Debra Young. Chairman Carey thanked Ms. Young for sharing
her story.
Commissioner Henley questioned whether the
transfer of responsibility to the Christian Sharing Center requires them to add
staff. Ms. Turner explained that because
they only have 32 households and they are looking to add at the most 10 more,
the 2 case managers they have will each assist 21 families, so no staff will
need to be added.
Commissioner Horan commented that the
emphasis on “housing first” was spot on.
He opined that with other types of programs, they are still gearing up
with case management and spending the same amount of money, but the people
still don’t have homes. With this program,
they have 108 households that have been housed and then the case management is
provided as they go forward. He feels it
is a much better use of public money to address the problem. He said he also likes that they are using
government as a catalyst to incentivize and build a foundation for the
independent, non-profit sector to address this problem more effectively. He congratulated Ms. Turner on this program.
Commissioner Dallari agreed with
Commissioner Horan and stated the partnership with Christian Sharing Center is
a perfect example of the proper way to do this by not just leveraging the
limited dollars they have, but to also use their expertise.
Nicole Guillet, County Manager,
advised that in regard to Item #4, Seminole Cultural Arts Council has asked
that their request to consider funding for artwork on traffic signal boxes be pulled
from the Agenda and brought back at a later date.
Pulled from the Agenda request to
consider approval of funding requested by Seminole Cultural Arts Council to
wrap U.S. 17-92 traffic signal boxes with local artwork along the U.S. 17-92
Redevelopment Area at a cost not to exceed $53,000.
regard to public participation, no one in the audience spoke in support or in
opposition to the Consent Agenda and public input was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Henley, to authorize and approve the following:
County Manager’s Office
Business Office
5. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Civil
Traffic Hearing Officer Service Agreement with Melody U. Pullen for Year 2015
(FY2014/15), effective the date of execution by the County and remaining in
effect until September 30, 2015, unless terminated as set forth in the
Agreement. (A-0353-15)
6. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Contract for Sale and Purchase or
Transfer of Land between William E. Kirchhoff and Nixie Coleman, as Co-Trustees
of the William E. Kirchhoff, Jr. Revocable Trust; Airport Industrial Partners,
LLC; and Seminole County in connection with the Sports Complex Land Swap or
Sale Contract. (A-0333-15)
7. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Satisfactions of Mortgage for
households assisted under the County's HOME/SHIP Home Ownership Assistance
Program, the Rehabilitation Assistance Program or the Reconstruction Assistance
Program as follows: Daisy Aviles, DeAnna
Rose Van Rensburg, Hector L. Hernandez and Veronica Cruz, Jaime Soto, Jan
Sanislow, Joan Crosby Tibbetts, Manuel Ruiz and Maria Gonzalez, Paule Renee Delva,
Rhonda Flagler, Rhonda Sue Depaul, Tommie J. Bradley, Virginia C. Wells, and
Wanda Thomas. (A-0322-15)
Assistance Division
8. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between
Central Florida Regional Workforce Development Board, Inc. and Seminole County
for the FY2014/15 grant period to deliver services and activities to low-income
County residents that have a measurable and potentially major impact on
poverty. (A-0365-15)
9 Approve and authorize the Chairman to
execute the First Amendment to the Seminole County Homeless Prevention Program Subrecipient
Agreement for Program Year 2014/15 with The Christian Sharing Center, Inc. (A-0368-15)
Development Division
10. Approve and
accept the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) monthly snapshot/report and
properties acquired by Seminole County Government. (A-0338-15)
& Development Division
11. Approve the final plat for the Preserve at
Lake Sylvan Subdivision containing 35 lots on 15.84 acres zoned PD (Planned
Development), located on the west side of Orange Boulevard, approximately
one-fourth mile south of Wilson Road; Park Square Enterprises, LLC, Applicant. (A-0276-15)
12. Approve the final plat for the Astor Grande at
Lake Forest Subdivision containing 76 lots on 25.77 acres zoned R-1BB (Single
Family Dwelling), located on the east side of Orange Boulevard, approximately
one mile north of West SR 46; MI Homes of Orlando, LLC, Applicant. (A-0277-15)
13. Approve the
Tuska Reserve Replat for Lots 21 through 24 on property located on the south
side of Center Drive and approximately 0.25 mile west of E. Lake Drive; Meritage
Homes of Florida, Inc., Applicant. (A-0339-15)
14. Adopt appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-22 and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement for
Exchange of Land and Property Rights between Seminole County and Seminole State
College of Florida District Board of Trustees, together with the County Deed
(Seminole County to Seminole State College), and accept the Warranty Deed and
Traffic Signal Accessory Easement (Seminole State College to Seminole County), all
in conjunction with the County Probation Office; proof of publication received
and filed. (A-0310-15)
15. Approve and authorize acceptance of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Trust Grant award in the amount of $87,174
from the Florida Department of Health; approve and authorize the Chairman to
execute appropriate Resolution #2015-R-23 implementing Budget Amendment Request
(BAR) #15-042 through the Public Safety Grant Fund in the amount of $88,447 to
recognize $87,174 in grant funding and $1,273 in balance of funds from prior
awards and establish budget; and authorize the Director of Public Safety to
submit Budget Change Request #C3057 to re-allocate funding from the web-based
Video Telephone Pilot Program to cover the costs of a Four-Day Procedural Cadaver
Training Lab. (A-0318-15)
16. Approve to
submit an application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence
Against Women (OVW), in partnership with SafeHouse of Seminole and the Seminole
County Bar Association Legal Aid Society requesting up to $500,000 in grant
funding through the Justice for Families Program; and authorize the County
Manager or her designee to execute the Memorandum of Understanding and any
documents associated with the grant application pursuant to the application
requirements. (A-0344-15)
17. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Assignment of Drug Court Services
Agreements from Colonial Counseling Associates and Human Services Associates to
Aspire Health Partners for the Adult Drug Treatment Court Expansion &
Enhancement Grant awarded to Seminole County by the Department of Health and Human
Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (A-0358-15)
and Fiscal Management Division
18. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2015-R-24 implementing
Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #15-033 to carryforward unexpended project budgets
in the amount of $202,729,405 from FY2013/14 to FY2014/15. (A-0221-15)
19. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
appropriate Resolution #2015-R-25 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #15-041
through the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to appropriate budget of
$181,700 from Reserves for the Waverly Drive Culvert Replacement Project. (A-0345-15)
& Contracts Division
20. Approve the First Amendment to
RFP-602065-14/TLR, to Information Service Desk and Desk-Side Computer Support Services
Agreement with Vitil Solutions, Inc., Sarasota; and authorize the Purchasing &
Contracts Division to execute the Amendment.
21. Approve Change
Order #14 to CC-6877-11/JVP, Red Bug Lake Road and SR 436 Flyover, in the
amount of $161,122.26 to Middlesex Corporation of Littleton, MA; and authorize
the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Change Order. (A-0351-15)
22. Award
CC-9942-14/RTB, Construction Services Agreement for Waverly Drive Pipe Culvert Improvements
in the amount of $488,442 to Prime Construction Group, Inc. of Orlando; and
authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. (A-0326-15)
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve the following:
Office (A-0359-15)
23. Approval of Expenditure
Approval Lists dated December 29, 2014 and January 5, 2015; and Payroll
Approval List dated December 31, 2014; and noting, for information only, the following Clerk's "Received and Filed":
1. Maintenance Bond #800015810 in the amount of
$36,144.12 for the project known as Lakeside Estates; Meritage Homes of
Florida, Principal.
2. Maintenance Bond #SU1128456 in the amount of
$26,441.43 for the project known as Walden Cove; Taylor Morrison of Florida,
3. Title Opinion for Replat of Monroe Commerce
Center South.
4. Development Order #14-27500046 Alcohol
License for Venice Pizza & Pasta; Fern Park Plaza, LLC.
5. Customer Agreement for Reclaimed Water Rates
with NC Lake Mary 639, LLC for Lakeside at Primera – Noah’s Event Center.
6. Customer Agreement for Reclaimed Water Rates
with Beaver Dam Development, LLC for Lakeside at Primera Tracts B & C.
7. Community Services Funding Agreements for
FY2014/15 with the following: Meals on
Wheels, Etc., Inc.; Kids House of Seminole, Inc.; Recovery House of Central
Florida, Inc.; The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools, Inc.; The
Grove Counseling Center, Inc.; Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc.;
Boys Town Central Florida, Inc.; and Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida,
Inc.; as approved by the BCC on 10/14/14.
8. Quit Claim Deed Seminole Youth Build, Inc.,
9. Joint petition before the Public Service
Commission for approval of Flexible Gas Service Tariff by Florida Public
Utilities Company, Fort Meade and Indiantown Division, issued 12/30/14; Order
10. Certificate of No Recall for Orlando Jai Alai
dated 12/29/14.
11. Fully executed Memorandum of Agreement between
Florida Department of State and Supervisor of Elections regarding HAVA Funds,
as approved by the BCC on 10/28/14.
12. Permit for Ongoing Use of Right-of-Way for
Access to Alan S. Kornman and Wendy E. Geller.
13. Audit Report dated 12/30/14 from Maryanne
Morse, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, regarding Job Growth
Incentive Program (JGI).
14. IFB-602126-14 Term Contract for Cedar Ridge
MSBU with Premier Lawn Maintenance.
15. Amendment #2 to Work Order #9 to PS-5140-03.
16. Amendment #1 to Work Order #8 to PS-8286-13.
17. Amendment #2 to Work Order #5 to PS-8286-13.
18. Amendment #3 to Work Order #102 to
19. Closeout to CC-9328-14.
20. Amendment #2 to Work Order #63 to PS-3914-08.
21. Change Order #1 to CC-9126-13.
22. Change Order #2 to Work Order #12 to CC-9192-13.
23. Change Order #5 to CC-8898-13.
24. Change Order #1 to Work Order #20 to
Districts 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by
Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to approve the following:
Sheriff’s Office (A-0342-15)
24. Approve an expenditure of $50,000 from the Law
Enforcement Trust Fund to provide funding to the Seminole County Bar
Association Legal Aid Society, Inc., a not-for-profit organization providing
free legal services to low-income residents of Seminole County.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #25 – A-0279-15
Board noted, for information only, the Informational Budget Transfer Status
Report for FY2013/14 (November 2014).
Item #26 – A-0280-15
The Board noted, for
information only, the Informational Budget Transfer Status Report for FY2014/15
(December 2014)
Meloney Lung, Assistant County Manager, addressed the Board to
present the Summary of 2015-2016 Water Projects (received and filed). She advised they received an email
approximately two weeks ago from Representative Albritton requesting a list of
water projects from all the Florida counties.
She advised the summary lists nine projects; four from Environmental
Services and five from Public Works, and these need to be entered into the
on-line application system by February 7.
She is seeking Board direction on the projects they would like to have
submitted. She further advised that they
need a sponsor and have requested Representative Jason Brodeur, but they have
not confirmed it yet.
Chairman Carey stated the criteria have not been written yet, so
unless there is an objection, she suggests submitting all nine projects. Commissioner Dallari agreed.
Commissioner Constantine advised that this request is for
information only; it was requested by Stephen James of the Florida Association
of Counties. He said, as Chairman Carey
mentioned, the criteria is not there for Amendment #1, but as it evolves the
criteria will be basically water quality projects, not water quality and
quantity projects. He stated some of the
projects on the list are essentially water quantity projects that may or may
not fit the criteria of Amendment #1. He
added that all the projects together are $120 million and all of Amendment #1
is $750 million. He suggested that they
be more specific with their submissions and said the last five on the list fit
the criteria.
Chairman Carey explained that the request was to get them
catalogued and she believes all of the projects on the list should be
catalogued. She agreed that Amendment #1
is about water quality and the last five on the list fit that, but she also
opined that alternative water supply probably fits in water quality as
well. She asked if there were any
objections to cataloguing all of the projects for now, and when they are asked
to rank them in some order, the water quality projects should rise to the top
because that is how the allocation will come once that is figured out.
Commissioner Horan commented that a similar exercise was
suggested at the Regional Planning Council.
He said he feels that what will be most important, whether they are
water quality or water quantity projects, is what projects are “shovel
ready.” He added he believes that will
be an important criterion on what will and will not get funded. He stated that this is the largest
environmental initiative ever passed by the people in any state anywhere; $22
billion over 20 years. He suggested
emphasizing those particular projects that are ready to go. Ms. Lung replied that they will put that in
the wording.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Carol Hunter,
Environmental Services Director, responded that the first four projects were
submitted by Environmental Services; they relate to water quantity and
quality. The first two listed are the
Reclaimed Retrofit, which is part of their CUP (Consumptive Use Permit). She stated the cumulative resolution of the
County’s reclaimed retrofit program is to offset one MGD of groundwater, which
does protect the environment and which is why it qualifies for the quantity and
quality aspect. The next two projects
are on the CFWI (Central Florida Water Initiative) list of projects for
regional solutions, which addresses quantity and quality as well. The CFWI’s Solutions Subcommittee has
generated a list of 27 solution projects that addressed the entire region in
the CFWI impact zone and those projects have already been identified and
approved by the CFWI Steering Committee.
Chairman Carey confirmed with Ms. Hunter that projects #3 and #4
are on the CFWI final list.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Commissioner Dallari stated
there would be no harm in submitting all nine projects. Chairman Carey suggested they include in the
wording what is designed and ready for construction and they should list if it
is a quality and/or quantity issue. She
said the more thorough they can be in the description of the project, the
easier the person reading the list can make a determination.
Chairman Carey stated, unless the Board has any objections, they
should submit the list with all nine projects being very clear about what they
are, they should continue to monitor this and as the language starts to come
out of the bill and they know the direction the Legislature is taking and how
they are going to approach it, the Board may want to amend the list and how the
project description is worded. The Board voiced no objections.
Commissioner Dallari opined that it is also important to note
the projects supported by CFWI.
Ms. Lung stated that several Board members had asked what the
cost was for improvements at the Juvenile Detention Center; she advised the
cost was $720,000. Chairman Carey stated
the building was in very bad condition.
After touring it, she asked the County Attorney if they could sue the
State to make them fix it because the DJJ’s lease said they were to maintain it
while they had it and they did not.
Commissioner Dallari stated that since they are asking the Department
of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) to pay the $4 million that they owe the County, he
feels they should include the $720,000 that was needed to repair what was
destroyed or in disrepair.
Commissioner Henley left the meeting at this time.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Constantine, County Attorney Bryant
Applegate advised that the latest issue with the DJJ is that they are once
again adjusting the numbers that they think they owe the County and the numbers
have dropped by about $1 million and change.
He said his office is looking to see what the strategy should be with
Commissioner Dallari reiterated that included in the DJJ’s
lease, the DJJ was supposed to maintain the building. When they vacated the building, it cost the
citizens of Seminole County a considerable amount of money to repair it, and he
believes they should be asking for that to be repaid. Chairman Carey added they will need to have a
discussion about whether it is a strategy to go after that money. She said there were only three counties that
opted out and Marion County has already informed the State that they will not
go after claiming their money; therefore, it is now just Seminole and Polk Counties.
Ms. Guillet stated it is an important issue because the initial
discussions that the lobbyists have had with members of the Legislature is that
this going to get down to an issue of equity in the fact that the County made a
significant capital investment on top of the overpayment. Commissioner Dallari said he is not looking
to file a lawsuit but wants to bring it to the DJJ’s attention so they will
actually pay what is owed to the County.
Commissioner Henley reentered the meeting at this time.
Commissioner Constantine said in looking at the DJJ’s budget,
they did not include anything as a settlement for the two counties. He said he spoke with the Appropriations Chairs
and this essentially will not be legislation; it will be an agreement, or not
an agreement, by the two head Chairs of Appropriations, not the Subcommittee Chair
of the DJJ, whether they want to pay all, some or none of it. He said the County spent $720,000 to fix up
the building, so he agrees with Commissioner Dallari that they should let them
know that. He added one good thing they
have going for them in this budget is that Senator Tom Lee is from Hillsborough
County, which is right next to Polk County where he has many close friends, and
Representative Richard Corcoran, the Appropriations Chair in the House, also
represents close to Polk County. He
opined they have a better chance than they did last year of getting anything
into the budget. He said the legislators
do recognize the difference between Seminole and the other 64 counties, so they
will not get mired in that mix up like it has happened in the past.
Chairman Carey stated there is the time value of money so the
quicker they can resolve this, obviously the better. Therefore, they should continue to move
forward and put all of the costs into those numbers as they continue to claim
them. The Governor has indicated if the
County can get it into some appropriation, he would certainly support it
because he believes Seminole County is owed that money.
Alex Setzer, Lobbyist, addressed the Board and said he agrees
with Commissioner Constantine’s opinion that having Representative Corcoran in
that “neck of the woods” helps. He said
he agrees there does seem to be a very fundamental understanding that Seminole
and Polk Counties have primarily been exactly what they should be and they should
be rewarded for that and be paid back as quickly as possible. The debate going on now, at least at the
staff level, is they would like for everyone to come to an agreement on
repayment; however, there is also an agreement that Seminole and Polk Counties
should be treated differently based on the fact that they are no longer in the
system. Mr. Setzer said they will be
having more conversation with legislative staff next week. He added that Chairman Carey was correct;
what was offered by the House last year, the 20-year repayment, is not going to
work based on time value and the fact that Seminole is no longer in the
Chairman Carey repeated the information about the State’s lease for
Mr. Setzer and the cost of $720,000 to repair the building. She added that Mr. Applegate had advised that
there was some movement in the actual dollar amount and they need to agree on
the number before trying to settle this.
Mr. Setzer said the quicker the Board can provide that number, the
Commissioner Henley questioned whether staff had taken
appropriate pictures as evidence of the State’s neglect. Chairman Carey asked that Ms. Lung ensure
they have those pictures and get those in some kind of a format to use as a
tool as well. Commissioner Horan said he
recalls seeing those pictures.
Mr. Setzer stated that both Seminole County and Polk County have
very strong Sheriffs and that should help their cause as well.
Commissioner Horan advised that there are some new bills filed
concerning public records to address the problem of abuse of the process by
people who are requesting public records.
Chairman Carey requested that Mr. Setzer add this to the list to
monitor. Mr. Applegate stated the County
Attorney’s Office is monitoring that as well.
Chairman Carey stated they talked about the Law Library
appointment at the last meeting.
Currently Mark Reyes is the existing member and they need to appoint
someone for a three-year term. There was
another applicant, Aaron Hines, that
applied and those applications were circulated to the BCC Offices. She said she noticed that Mark Reyes’ office
is right on First Street in Sanford, not very far from the Law Library, and confirmed
that Mr. Hines’ office is in downtown Orlando.
Motion by
Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to approve appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-26 reappointing Mark Reyes to the Law Library for a
three-year term.
Under discussion, Commissioner Horan said both lawyers are very
well qualified for the position, but Mr. Reyes actually has his office in
Seminole County.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Carey said they were finally able to reach Dr. Moja who
is their veterinarian on the Animal Control Board. She stated he has agreed to serve for another
Motion by
Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to approve appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-27 reappointing Dr. Robert Moja to the Animal Control Board
for a one-year term.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The following Communications and/or Reports were received and
1. Letter
dated January 14, 2015 from Ana Richmond, DEO Bureau of Community Planning
Chief, to Chairman Carey RE: the comprehensive plan amendment No. 14-4ESR. (C:
Sheryl Stolzenberg, Seminole County; Hugh Harling, ECFRPC.)
2. Letter
with attachments dated January 16, 2015 from Erin O’Donnell, Altamonte Springs
City Clerk, to Chairman Carey RE: Voluntary Annexation of Properties Contiguous
to Altamonte Springs, 1203 E. Altamonte Drive.
3. Copy of
letter dated January 6, 2015 from Chairman Carey to Angela Weeks-Samanie of
Florida Department of Agriculture RE: Seminole County, Mosquito Control Program
Director. (BCC members; Nicole Guillet;
Antoine Khoury; Kim Ornberg.)
4. Copy
of letter and draft enclosure dated January 9, 2015 from Jason Loschiavo,
Metroplan Orlando, to Chairman Carey RE: Draft Amendment to the Interlocal
Agreement for Creation of the Metropolitan Planning Organization. (Original document to CAO for review as
requested in letter.)
5. Letter
with attachments dated January 9, 2015 from Donna Gardner, City of Casselberry
City Clerk, to Chairman Carey RE: City of Casselberry Annexation Ordinance No.
6. Letter
dated January 12, 2015 from Charlene Glancy, City of Casselberry Mayor, to
Chairman Carey RE: Support for the MSBU Process for Aquatic Plant Management
for Lake Howell. (C: Casselberry City
Commission; Randy Newlon, City Manager.)
7. Letter
and enclosure dated January 16, 2015 from Nicole Harvell, Florida Department of
Revenue, to Seminole County BCC RE: Tax Information Publication Notice.
Commissioner Horan gave a “shout out” to Joe Abel, Leisure
Services Director, and his staff for rescheduling some dock maintenance on the
St. Johns River to accommodate the “Running of the Shad.” He further thanked Bruce McMenemy, Deputy
County Manager, and Facilities staff for coordinating with the Historical
Commission to come up with a protocol for repairing and refurbishing the
historical markers and doing it within the existing budget.
Commissioner Horan advised at the Historical Commission meeting,
they discussed the rollout and the exposition of the County’s items from “The
Senator” and the March and June events.
He stated he will report with some recommendations after next month’s
meeting. Also, staff is working on that
with the Historical Society and the Historical Commission.
Commissioner Horan reported that he attended a very informative
meeting of the MPO (MetroPlan) Alliance on January 16. There is a report from SunRail about the
successful rollout of the evening service; they had 9,000 passengers on one
day, January 2.
Horan advised that SunRail and DOT (Department of Transportation) are in the
process of the development of a cost-benefit metric that will be used for expansion
of the service, and they want the MetroPlan Alliance to be involved in that and
possibly the Rail Commission. A letter
of support (copy received and filed) was given by the MPO Alliance to the FTA
(Federal Transit Administration) for treating SunRail as one project. He advised that the Federal government
divided SunRail into three phases for purposes of funding. At the present time, there is one phase in
operation, a second one looking for funding out of bucket “A” and a third phase
that would go from Debary to Deland that is looking for funding out of bucket
“B.” He noted that the MPO Alliance
discussed the importance of funding SunRail as one project and agreed to send a
letter to the FTA stating such.
Horan said they also discussed legislative priorities. He stated there was enabling legislation last
year that allowed the DOT to use its condemnation power for purposes of
trails. In terms of the coast-to-coast
trail, it is a very important piece of legislation. That legislation combined with Amendment #1
money in terms of whether the rulemaking or the Amendment #1 money can be used
also for coast-to-coast trail maintenance is also being considered at this
particular time.
Commissioner Horan advised Governor Scott appointed an East
Central Florida Corridor Task Force, which is a model task force. He stated the idea behind it was to model a
procedure and process for how DOT does corridor studies in the future. The primary recommendation coming out of the
Commission was that there should be the commissioning and the production of a
Regional Transit Action Plan and that the MPO Alliance should be the primary
entity involved in commissioning and producing that action plan. He added that will be the subject of discussion
in the future.
Commissioner Horan noted that the planning for the Deseret
development property in Orange, Osceola and Brevard Counties, at build-out, should
be about 500,000 people in approximately an area the size of Seminole
County. In terms of the next 25 to 30
years, they should think of replicating Seminole County just out of Deseret Ranch. He pointed out that there is also the largest
DRI (Development of Regional Impact), possibly ever, in Farmton, which is in
Volusia County. These developments will
be north and directly south of what is basically Seminole County’s protected
rural areas. He stated they need to keep
an eye on those developments and how they may impact their Charter-protected
Commissioner Horan stated they had a great presentation on the
coast-to-coast trail. Basically the $15
million this year was allocated under that enabling statute to go ahead and
purchase more right-of-way along main corridors that will close the gaps on the
coast-to-coast trail. He advised that
the Coast-to-Coast Trail Task Force recommended that the MPO Alliance ask the
DOT to develop branding, aesthetics and other metrics that will give a certain
uniformity to the coast-to-coast trail so that every county could have a
gateway trailhead and be part of the process to identify those particular
places where people will spend, not only time and effort, but also money, enabling
the collection of sales tax along the way.
Commissioner Horan announced St. Stephen’s Catholic community’s
annual winter festival on February 5 through 8.
He stated it is a great event with carnival food, family fun, silent and
live auctions and a flea market.
Commissioner Constantine reported that on January 14, he spoke
to the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs at their annual state meeting.
Commissioner Constantine advised that MetroPlan had a value
pricing workshop that he and Commissioner Dallari attended concerning how to
address the potential of a new source of transportation funding in the state. There was wholehearted agreement that they
had to have the State’s buy-in and then pay for that particular plan if that
was going to move forward.
Commissioner Constantine stated the Central Florida Zoo Board
met and is in the process of trying to find a new executive director. They had interviews yesterday along with a
reception for them and they anticipate being able to have the new director on
board by the end of February.
Commissioner Constantine reported that the Joint Leadership
Seminole Board met at Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs. He stated he attended the Scottish Highlands
Games along with Commissioners Carey, Dallari, and Horan. Also, he and Commissioner Carey attended the City
of Longwood meeting on January 19 concerning the Martin Luther King Good
Citizenship Award. At the MetroPlan
Transportation Disadvantaged meeting, they discussed the concerns of citizens
when it comes to working with LYNX.
Constantine reported that at the Regional Planning Council meeting, Clay
Henderson, who was the attorney for Amendment #1, gave an extensive report on the
potential of the $22 billion. He stated,
as indicated earlier, they are looking at finding an implementing bill to use
to distribute the Amendment #1 dollars.
With 40 senators and 120 representatives, there are 160 different ways
of doing that right now, but it is a center point of the Environmental
Preservation Committee of the Senate, and he said he did attend the first
meeting which was jam packed obviously with lobbyists. The executive director who is tasked with
writing the legislation was one of his last appointees at the Environmental
Preservation Committee and he had a wonderful conversation with him about some
of the strategies they might implement.
Commissioner Constantine advised that CareerSource had their
meeting and they discussed not only projects and their budget for the next year
but their pending move to downtown Orlando.
Also, on January 22, he was a guest speaker of the League of Women
Commissioner Constantine stated the Leadership Seminole Class 24
is presenting “Wings, Wine and Wheels” at the Orlando Sanford Airport this
Friday, January 30 at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Constantine noted that the Council of Local
Governments will be meeting on February 4 in Casselberry.
Motion by
Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-28 in appreciation of Deana Schott for her service on the
Seminole County Industrial Development Authority; approve appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-29 appointing Lisa Metcalf to the replace Ms. Schott on the Seminole
County Industrial Development Authority; approve appropriate Resolution
#2015-R-30 in appreciation of Michael Bowdoin for his service on the Planning
& Zoning Commission; and approve appropriate Resolution #2015-R-31 appointing
Jay Zembower to the Planning & Zoning Commission.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Constantine left the meeting at this time.
Henley said in regard to SunRail, the new Chairman of MetroPlan, Jim Swan from
Osceola County, sent a letter to Therese McMillan who is the Acting Administrator
of the Federal Transit Administration to request her help in getting funding
for the second phase of SunRail into the President’s 2016 budget. If it is not in his budget, it is going to be
a significant setback to completing the 61 miles, regardless of whatever the dollar
amount is. He said Debary is the most
popular station of all of the SunRail stations and the 12-mile extension up to
Deland is critical to completing that, so Mayor Swan is requesting Ms. McMillan’s
help to get it into the President’s budget.
He explained they have commitment from the local funding partners and
from the State, but they do not have a federal commitment; they are looking for
about $34.5 million. He added it is a
top priority for MetroPlan as well as the other MetroPlans in the area. Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, Commissioner
Dallari stated they have been asking the chairs of all the funding partners to
write a letter representing their board requesting exactly what Commissioner Henley
stated. Chairman Carey stated they will
get that done and sent out today.
Commissioner Constantine returned to the meeting at this time.
Chairman Carey stated she is the Board’s representative on the
Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFEA) Board and as Commissioner Horan
mentioned, Deseret Ranch is a huge tract of land that is south of SR 528, which
is a road under the authority of the CFEA.
The CFEA has been in discussion for quite some time and they continue to
be in discussion with the Deseret Ranch Board to acquire right-of-way for their
future expansion. Under the new CFEA
legislation, the agency is responsible for addressing all forms of transportation,
not just toll roads but also transit and other sources. She advised they will continue to work with
Deseret Ranch on making sure that those needs are met.
Chairman Carey reported that TEAMFL (Transportation and
Expressway Authority Membership of Florida) brings all the transportation
agencies from around the state together and she attended a reception on behalf
of the County. She stated it was very
well attended by all aspects whether it was rail, roads, heavy rail, or light
rail. The representatives that are doing
the oversight and design on I-4 were also there. The CFEA staff has reached out to DOT staff
because they would like to have one message about transportation and the
schedule of the construction. When I-4
goes under construction, U.S. Hwy 17-92 is going to be under construction. Also, there are some improvements that are
happening on the turnpike so they need to make a better plan of how this is all
going to work and what the easiest access route will be for people trying to move
around the community. CFEA will continue
to work on trying to have a single message from all the agencies. She asked for any input the Board may have,
either through MetroPlan, LYNX or rail.
She informed Commissioner Henley that they are talking to LYNX just to
make sure that everybody knows what the routes are. Many times routes change during budget time
and she knows they try to get that message out there, but there may be people
that aren’t aware who are going to start to take SunRail and those types of things,
so they need to make sure that the information is out there and easily
Chairman Carey advised she attended the Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. commemorative banquet hosted by the City of Sanford and the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Steering Committee on January 17 and she was honored to receive the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Good Citizenship Award for 2015 from the City of
Longwood. She wanted to publicly thanked
Mayor Maingot and those Commissioners for that recognition.
Chairman Carey stated that she attended the Mayors &
Managers meeting last week with the County Manager. There was a presentation given by EDAC, their
Economic Development Advisory Committee.
John Hillenmeyer, Ron Davoli and Tom Green gave them an update. She suggested that as things continue to move
forward at some point during the year, the Board should probably have that
group come and give an update to the BCC.
Chairman Carey thanked all the Commissioners that were able to
attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony last week at the Riverwalk. She said it was a great event and it is a
great partnership between the County and the City of Sanford and that everyone
is looking forward to Phase 3. She added
in regard to the coast-to-coast trail, she shared with the County Engineer
Brett Blackadar this morning the concept plan that has been done in thought
where there would be a trailhead under I-4 for people coming from Volusia
County. They are working on the final
funding for Phase 3 and the trailhead is something they need to look at as part
of the funding because it would be a main focal point as people enter Seminole
County from Volusia County.
Chairman Carey advised that Katrina Powell has taken a job out
of state and she has an unexpired term on the Planning & Zoning Commission
that will end January 1, 2016.
Motion by Chairman Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Constantine, to approve appropriate Resolution #2015-R-31 appointing
Michelle Ertel to the Planning & Zoning Commission to fulfill an unexpired
term ending January 1, 2016; and approve appropriate Resolution #2015-R-32 in
appreciation to Katrina Powell for her service on the Planning & Zoning
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Dallari stated he attended a community meeting in
Orange County. There were two developers
both talking about submitting their plans to Orange County. One staff member, Tony Matthews from the Planning
and Development Division, attended as well.
Commissioner Dallari said he has a concern about one of the developments,
if not both, but for the one just south of Seminole County that borders the
county line along SR 419 in Orange County, the developer is contemplating an
additional four-lane road tying into the East-West Expressway. The developer has not yet submitted his plans
to the County; the plans are just sketches right now, but Commissioner Dallari
would like staff to report back to the Board with additional findings on
this. It would take a four-lane road right
up to the county line, and he said he is concerned about how it would affect
not just the rural area of Seminole County, but the water and the stormwater in
the County.
Chairman Carey suggested they have the County Attorney draft
something to put everyone on notice that Seminole County does not have any
plans to widen SR 419. She asked Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, to contact
the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFEA) staff to see if they have had
any discussion with any developer in regard to connecting to the East-West
Expressway. Commissioner Dallari stated
that taking a four-lane road from a major metropolitan area in Orange County
and bringing it up to the rural area raises concerns. Commissioner Dallari requested Mr. Blackadar
report back to the Board so they can actually understand what is being submitted
to Orange County staff.
Commissioner Dallari advised there was a work session with
MetroPlan in regard to changing the gas tax structure and there have already
been six different states that have done pilot programs and studies on this. He feels they should not be going into this
because it is a national issue and unless directed by the Board, he will not be
supporting it at the upcoming MetroPlan meeting.
Chairman Carey
suggested that before the Board would take a position on this, they have
MetroPlan make a presentation so that everybody has an opportunity to get the
same information. She stated that as Commissioner
Dallari said, it is a national issue, but they do have a national lobbyist.
Henley stated this has been a point of discussion for some time at
MetroPlan. He opined they could ask
MetroPlan’s staff member who has been heading this up for some time to appear
before the Board so the Board can make an informed decision because he has a
lot of reservations.
Constantine stated there was clear discussion that all of them had reservations
if it wasn’t a buy-in by the State and that they weren’t going to conduct it on
a statewide basis. The request was that
Harry Barley, MetroPlan Orlando, go back and discuss this with the State to see
if there was a buy-in, if the DOT would be able to pay for it, and if they were
going to choose areas or an area to do this.
Chairman Carey
requested that the County Manager have staff look into this and if there is
some formula that is being discussed, have staff do a quick estimate, i.e. this
is what their gas tax is today and this is what it generates and this is what
the new formula will generate. She said
if the State is going to take a revenue source away from the County, then they
need to understand what it is, how much it is and the kind of impact it would
have. She directed that if this is not
brought back to the Board at the first meeting in February, then she would like
it no later than the second meeting in February.
Dr. Nallan Chari, 1911 North Street, distributed his written
comments (received and filed) to the Board and then addressed the Board to read
his comments in regard to his requested cleanup of the pond on his property.
Chairman Carey directed staff to put their response in writing. She said she believes there was some clarification
done as to the County’s impact on Dr. Chari’s pond as well as the
responsibilities of the County and Dr. Chari’s private responsibilities. She would like the written response
circulated to the Commission Offices.
Chairman Carey expressed well wishes from the Board to Bruce
McMenemy, Deputy County Manager, on a speedy recovery and said they look
forward to his return.
Chairman Carey reminded everyone of the work session scheduled
at 1:30 p.m. today in Conference Room #3024.
There being
no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting
adjourned at 11:00 a.m., this same date.