NOVEMBER 27, 2001
The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:31 a.m. on Tuesday, November 27, 2001, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
Chairman Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)
Vice Chairman Randy Morris (District 2)
Commissioner Grant Maloy (District 1)
Commissioner Daryl McLain (District 5)
County Manager Kevin Grace
County Attorney Robert McMillan
Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann
Absent: Commissioner Carlton Henley
The Invocation was given by Captain Reckline of the Salvation Army.
Commissioner Randy Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The gavel was surrendered to County Attorney, Robert McMillan, in order for him to act as temporary Chairman to the Board of County Commissioners.
Mr. McMillan opened the floor for nominations for the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. He advised that these nominations do not have to be seconded nor are they accomplished by motion.
Commissioner Van Der Weide nominated Commissioner Daryl McLain for Chairman of the BCC.
Commissioner Maloy nominated himself for Chairman of the BCC.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris to close the nominations for BCC Chairman.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioners Morris, Van Der Weide and McLain voted for Daryl McLain for BCC Chairman. Commissioner Maloy voted for himself for BCC Chairman.
Mr. McMillan advised Commissioner Daryl McLain is the newly elected Chairman and he surrendered the gavel to him.
Chairman McLain opened the floor for nominations for the Vice Chairman of the BCC.
Commissioner Morris nominated Commissioner Grant Maloy for Vice Chairman of the BCC.
Chairman McLain nominated Commissioner Van Der Weide for Vice Chairman of the BCC.
Commissioner Van Der Weide respectfully declined his nomination.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris to close the nominations for Vice Chairman of the BCC.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Maloy was unanimously elected Vice Chairman of the BCC.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-209, as shown on page _______, proclaiming the month of November as “National Epilepsy Awareness Month”.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Mr. McMillan presented his Consent Agenda to the Board for review and action.
Discussion ensued between Commissioner Maloy, Mr. McMillan and County Engineer, Jerry McCollum, with regard to Item #3, Autumn Glen Homeowners Association property and the replacement of the subdivision wall.
Commissioner Maloy stated he has a problem with paying the association for the wall and then building them a new one.
Mr. McMillan advised the County is taking their wall and compensating them for the property. When the County takes down the wall, they will replace it.
Commissioner Maloy stated he believes the County should have better guidelines on these types of situations.
Mr. McMillan stated there are a lot of issues involved with the walls. He and Mr. McCollum have discussed these issues and feel there should be a more definitive policy. He added that staff will be bringing the policy back to the Board for clarification.
Assistant County Attorney, Henry Brown, addressed the Board to explain the new wall will not be the subdivision buffer wall, but will be a retaining wall that is necessary to support the roadway.
Chairman McLain stated this is an issue that needs to be brought back to the Board.
Commissioner Morris requested that Commissioners receive individual briefings on this issue also.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to approve and authorize the following:
3. Autumn Glen Homeowners
Association Property – Approve
proposed settlement relating to Parcel Numbers 136, 836, 167 and 867 of the
Dodd Road improvement project in the amount of $403,752.06, inclusive of all
land value, statutory interest, attorney’s fees and costs, and the County commits
to redesign and replace “in kind” the presently planned wall which is in the
County’s plans.
Property Acquisition
4. Takvorian Property – Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown
on page ________, relating to Parcel Number 106 of the Lake Emma Road
improvement project, located at 1845 Lake Emma Road, in the amount of
$24,000.00, inclusive of attorney’s fees and expert costs.
5. St. Petka Serbian
Orthodox Church Property – Approve
and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page ______, relating to Parcel
Number 115/715 of the Lake Emma Road improvement project, located at 1990 Lake
Emma Road, in the amount of $19,375.00, with no attorney’s fees or expert costs
6. Osprey Pointe, Inc. Property - Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel Number 738 of the Lake Emma Road improvement project, located on east side of Lake Emma Road, in the amount of $100.00, with no attorney’s fees or expert costs incurred.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve and authorize the following:
10. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Florida Department of Health – EMS Matching Grant Application document, as shown on page _______, which will allow Seminole County’s Fire Rescue Unit to compete for grant funds totaling $175,191.
11. BCR #02-06 – $2,495 – Environmental Services – Administration – Fund: 40100 – Water & Sewer fund. Transfer is requested to replace lost Versaterm meter reading device, BCC #19835. An incident loss report has been filed with the Insurance Office.
12. BCR #02-07– $750,000 – Environmental Services – Water &
Wastewater – Fund: 40100 – Water and Sewer fund. Transfer is requested to enhance facility improvements at the
water treatment plants. This request is in
conjunction with related item on the Purchasing agenda.
13. BCR #02-09 – $33,583 – Planning & Development – Administration – Fund: 00100 – General fund. To provide funding for the Consolidated Multi-Modal Transportation Element, which was erroneously removed from the list of rebudgets considered and approved by the Board at the October 23rd BCC meeting.
14. BCR #02-10 – $11,654 – Public Works – Stormwater – Fund: 13000 – Stormwater fund. Additional funds are necessary for the Howell Creek erosion control project to cover final quantity adjustments and for materials required due to unanticipated field conditions. Funds are available from a related project in the same basin.
15. BCR #02-11 – $14,618 – Information Technologies – Information Services – Fund: General fund. Provide funding to purchase network equipment that is currently leased. This will result in savings in the lease budget, shipping costs and time required to de-install and install equipment.
16. BCR #02-12 – $6,362 – Library & Leisure Services – Fund: 00100 – General fund. Transfer of additional funds to the Support Services Budget to accommodate the additional carpet cleaning in high traffic public areas of Library Services and Parks & Recreation facilities. Funds have been made available in the operating supply line to cover the additional costs.
17. BCR #02-13 – $8,000 – Administrative Services – Support Services – Fund: 31800 – Facilities Capital Improvement fund. To establish account for Professional Services associated with closing costs and environmental assessments, in conjunction with land acquisitions for property along 17-92.
18. BCR #02-14 – Capital Redesignation – Public Safety. Staff requests designation of $20,850 of undesignated capital funds to buy out the current three-year lease of a Ford F-150 pickup truck in the second of three years. This lease/purchase was BCC approved on April 26, 2000. Completing the lease/purchase in the current fiscal year will result in savings of $608.
19. Approve Change Order #10, as
shown on page ________, to FC-161-99/BJC – C.R. 427 - Phases III and IV (from
S.R. 434 to U.S. 17-92), with Bergeron Land Development, Inc., Kissimmee
($120,182.81) (Time Extension).
20. Accept and authorize the Chairman
to execute the Certificate of Completion, as shown on page ________, for
FC-1149-01/BJC – Osceola Road Landfill Leachate Underdrain Project, with ERC
General Contractors Services, Inc., Ocoee.
21. Approve ranking list for PS-597-01/BJC –
General Professional Consulting Services for Comprehensive Planning, authorize
staff to negotiate and award Master Agreements, as shown on page ________, to
the top three ranked firms, Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart,
Inc, Orlando; Land Design Innovations, Orlando; and Wilbur Smith Associates,
Orlando (Not-to-Exceed $275,000.00/year).
22. Approve ranking list for PS-598-01/BJC –
General Professional Consulting Services for Environmental/Recreation Planning,
authorize staff to negotiate and award Master Agreements, as shown on page
_______, to the top three ranked firms, Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez
Rinehart, Inc., Orlando; Pandion Systems, Inc., Gainesville; and Lotspeich and
Associates, Inc., Winter Park (Not-to-Exceed $225,000.00).
23. Approve Second (Final) Renewal to
PS-543-99/BJC – Professional Engineering Services for Soil and Materials
Testing, with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., Orlando; and Geotechnical
Professional Associates, Inc., Orlando (Not-to-Exceed $100,000.00 per year)
(January 5, 2002 through January 4, 2003).
24. Award RFP-4126-01/BJC Contract, as shown on
page _______, Wood Waste Processing Services for Seminole County, to
Consolidated Resource Recovery, Sarasota (Not to Exceed $1,500,000.00 per
25. Authorize Proprietary Source Lease, waive the
procurement process and Award Miscellaneous Lease Agreement M-277-01/BJC, as
shown on page ________, Upgrade the Positron Lifeline 100’s at the Casselberry
Police Department and Altamonte Springs Police Department, with Sprint-Florida,
Altamonte Springs ($535,906.80); and termination of M-84-99, as shown on page
26. Authorize Proprietary Source, waive the
procurement process, authorize the negotiations and Award Miscellaneous
Agreement M-283-01/BJC, as shown on page _________, Miscellaneous Improvements
to the County’s nine (9) water treatment plants and two (2) wastewater
treatment plants, to Wharton-Smith, Inc., Lake Monroe (Not-to-Exceed
27. Approve Proprietary Source Procurement and
authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order for Tubelite Company, Inc.,
Apopka ($38,845.00).
28. Approve the termination of M-112 – Procurement
Broadcast Membership Agreement with DemandStar by ONVIA, Seattle, WA (No Cost
30. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-211, as
shown no page ________, renaming Alison Avenue within the plat of Sanlando
Springs to Allison Avenue.
32. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-212, as
shown on page _______, vacating and abandoning a 5-foot utility easement
located within Lot 191, south side of Tobago Court within Bel Aire Hills Unit 2
(Kenneth and Patricia Marshall).
40. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute
Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Seminole County and the City of
Sanford for the 2002 USA Softball Men’s SP Nationals tournament in the amount
of $7,500.
41. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute
Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Seminole County and the
Scottish-American Society of Central Florida, Inc. in the amount of $25,000.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve and authorize the following:
1. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated October 30 and November 6, 2001; and Payroll Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated October 25 and November 8, 2001.
2. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment for $40 Public Defender Application Fees:
Crystalyn T. Hampton, Case #99002217CFA
Phillip Richard Khork, Case #01000425CFA
Ernest Michael McMillian, Case #00002351CFA
Richard Junior Gonzalez, Case #01000423CFA
Freddie Lee Murkey, Case #01001403CFA
Jessica Ann Kunkel, Case #01002383CFA
Jermaine St. Claire Littles, Case #01001646CFA
Jason Alan Schinkowsky, Case #00002767CFA
Nichole Paige Hammock, Case #01000473CFA
Crystal E. Roof, Case #01000968CFA
Marilyn McCloud, Case #01003138MMA
Nona DeJarnatte Hardman, Case #01001129CFA
Kathleen Elizabeth Deem, Case #00004220CFA
Michael Rex Luke, Case #00002399CFA
Karla Dee Griggs, Case #00003821CFA
Felix Torres, Case #00002368CFA
Richard Jonas Crawford, Case #99001695CFA
Mark Leonard Lewandowski, Case #00002819CFA
Ryan Ray Kelso, Case #00002408CFA
Frenia Ann Ware, Case #00000588CFA
Frenia Ann Ware, Case #00000575CFA
Frenia Ann Ware, Case #00000569CFA
Charles Cash, Case #99003884CFA
3. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment for Court Costs:
Stanley Franklin, Case #99001034MMA - $153 and $40 Public Defender Application Fee
Randolph Wayne Miller, Case #97004544CFA - $278
Sanford Lewis, Case #99000228CFA - $328 and $40 Public Defender Application Fee
Edward Couch, Case #98012974MMA - $153 and $40 Public Defender Application Fee
Paul Angel Ayala, Case #01000312CFA - $148
4. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment for Bail Bond Liens:
Rodrick Manigault and Roche Surety & Casualty, Case #99-9782-MMA - $538
Teresa L. Boone and Capital Preferred Ins. Co., Case #0013089-MMA - $406
Andre Deon Moore and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #00-3637-MMA - $406
Willie Perry and Amwest Surety Ins. Co., Case #00-4217-CFA - $1,038
Willie Lee Hill, Jr., and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #00-5635-MM - $138
Tamas Harris and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #01-1449-CFA - $10,038
Wlenton A. Chance and American Bankers Ins. Co., Case #01-7341-MM - $2,038
Chad Louis Horton and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #01-4599-MMA - $538
Tamas Harris and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #00-4544-MMA - $538
Tamas Harris and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #01-4819-MMA - $538
Davis S. Galbraith and Capitol Preferred Ins. Co., Case #01-6027-MMA - $10,038
5. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment for Public Defender Liens:
Nicholas J. Allard, Case #01002079CFA - $100
Joshua Alsbrooks, Case #98001871MM - $200
Jud Botnick, Case #00006089MM - $100
Myrtle A. Cahore, Case #00000847CFA - $100
Jonathan R. Chandler, Case #01001225CFB - $100
Jarrod C. Daniels, Case #97001234CFA - $400
Kathleen E. Deem, Case #00010053MM - $200
Gary Michael Downs, Case #96003457CFB - $350
Terry E. Dreblow, Case #00009633MM - $200
Kelly E. Fann, Case #00012204MM - $100
Kathy Holloway, Case #01008498MM - $200
Timothy Andrew Howks, Case #00012536MM - $100
Kimberly Lostetter, Case #98003175CFA - $100
Michelle Marie Meilik, Case #01009122MM - $250
Christopher Nanasi, Case #96012461MM - $200
Jeremy G. Pentz, Case #00001032CFA - $100
Jeffrey J. Slater, Case #01002310MM - $200
Virginia Toussaint, Case #00009548MM - $200
Robert C. Tuck, Case #00007013MM - $200
James I. Vechiola, Case 01009221MM - $200
Richard A. Wendell, Case #93000879CFA - $350
6. Approve applications for Clairvoyant Licenses for the following: Madame Katherine, Nancy Johnson and The Psychic Shop.
7. Approve the Official Minutes dated October 23, 2001.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for information only, the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:
1. Work
Order #3 to PS-590-01, Engineering Services Agreement, as shown on page
2. Appraisal
Services Agreement M-273-01, as shown on page ________.
3. Advisory
Bulletin from the Florida Association of Court Clerks/Comptroller regarding
Attorney General’s Opinion 2001-74.
4. Recorded
Development Orders, as shown on page _________, as follows: Florida Jai Alai, Inc.; Trinity Assembly of
God; William R. and Tina M. Brandvold; Richard and Valerie McLaughlin; La
Amistad Foundation, Inc./Helen Booth; Habitat for Humanity; Kanistras/Hattaway
Rezone; and Riverwind Parking LLP.
5. Recorded
Satisfaction of Lien, as shown on page _________, as to Particular Parcel for
Scott A. Wagner, Case #00-46-CEB, approved by the Board on April 24, 2001.
6. Recorded
Warranty Deeds, as shown on page _________, granted by Clifton C. and Frances
J. Fancher; Belair Groves, Limited (2); John T., Jr. and Jane L. Henry; and
Nancy Lora White.
7. Work
Order #43, as shown on page ________, to PS-532-98, Surveying Services
8. Work
Order #6, as shown on page _________, to RFP-464-99, Title Search Services
9. Work
Order #1, as shown on page _________, to PS-527-98, Construction Engineering
and Inspection Services Agreement.
10. Work Order #20, as shown on page _________, to
FC-1139-00, Public Works Minor Project Construction.
11. Work Orders #3 and #4, as shown on page
_________, to RFP-4102-00, Disclosure Counsel Services Agreements.
12. Change Order #1, as shown on page ________, to
FC-1140-00, Forest Creek Lift Station Emergency Power System.
13. Contingent Right-of-Entry for VoiceStream
Wireless Tower, as shown on page ________.
14. Copy of memorandum to BCC from Penny J.
Fleming, Sheriff’s Office, regarding the FY 2000/01 Budget Closeout, as shown
on page _________.
15. Copies of letters from Tony Matthews and Kathy
Fall, Planners, advising of action of the Board of Adjustment on October 22,
2001 for the following: RoseMarie
Fabrizio; Daniel & Jill Sinay; Cingular Wireless/Crown Comunications;
Vintage Homes, Inc.; Michael & Kathleen Zito; Bob Dance, Inc./Al Fishalow;
Cameron Ford; Cheryl F. & Phyllis Christiana; Roland Sampoux & Anne
Hamelryck; Edward L. Peters; Gregory & Carolyn Owen; Donley G. Randall;
William A. & Cherie S. Dacko; Eric & Sherri Seaver; Robert & Donna
Clark; Lonnie N. Groot, Esq.; Habitat for Humanity; Bryan & Jean Wenger;
Richard C. & Scarlett Griffin; Joseph Decosmo; Stuart & Andrea Henry;
Florida Water Services; Terminello & Terminello, P.A.; and Ms. Mary A.
16. Work Orders #42 and #44, as shown on page
_________, to PS-532-98, Surveying Services Agreements.
17. Maintenance Bonds, as shown on page _________,
for the following: Autumn Chase Phase 2
($7,891.97 for water and sewer and $17,739.30 for roads); Seminola Boulevard
Turn Lane ($13,000); Magnolia Plantation, Phase 3 ($15,753.22 for water and
sewer and $17,081 for a private road).
18. Consultant Services Agreement M-272-01, as
shown on page _________.
19. Work Orders #5 and #6, as shown on page
_________, to RFP-422-97, Consultant Financial Services Agreements.
20. Work Order #32, as shown on page _________, to
PS-543-99, Engineering Services Agreement.
21. Work Order #41, as shown on page _________, to
PS-532-98, Surveying Services Agreement.
22. Consultant Services Agrement M-280-01, as
shown on page _________.
23. Actuarial Services Agreement M-269-01, as
shown on page _________.
24. Engineering Services Agreement M-275-01, as
shown on page _________.
25. Work Order #2, as shown on page _________, to
PS-568-00, Engineering Services Agreement.
26. Change Order #8, as shown on page _________,
to FC-168-99, Tuskawilla Road Phases III & IV.
27. Work Order #3, as shown on page _________, to
PS-536-99, Engineering Consultant Services Agreement.
28. Work Order #6, as shown on page ________, to
PS-566-00, Consultant Services Agreement.
29. Third Amendment, as shown on page ________, to
Work Order #4 to PS-534-98, Engineering Services Agreement for CDBG Engineering
30. Work Order #21, as shown on page ________, to
FC-1139-00, Public Works Minor Project Construction.
31. Fifteenth Amendment, as shown on page
________, to Custodial Services Agreement, RFP-413-97.
32. Engineering Services Agreement M-279-01, as
shown on page __________.
33. Copy of the “State of Florida Constitutional
Officers Financial Report” for the Tax Collector for the year 2000/2001, as
shown on page _________.
34. Work Orders #1 and #2, as shown on page
_________, to PS-594-01, Engineering Services Agreements.
35. Surveying Services Agreement M-286-01, as
shown on page _________.
36. Appraisal Services Agreement M-282-01, as
shown on page _________.
37. Consultant Services Agreement M-281-01, as
shown on page _________.
38. First Amendment, as shown on page _________,
to Work Order #17 to PS-555-00, Engineering Services Agreement.
39. Conditional Utility Agreements, as shown on
page _________, for water and sewer service for the following: St. Alban’s Angelican Church, Inc.; M &
O Limited Partnership; Fleet Financial Center, Inc.; and The Citizens Bank of
40. Utility Agreement, as shown on page _________,
for sewer service for Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation.
41. Work Orders #7 and #8, as shown on page
_________, to RFP-464-99, Title Search Services Agreements.
42. Bids as follows: FC-1165-01; RFP-4130-01; RFP-4127-01; PS-5104-01; PS-5103-01; and
Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-213, as shown on page _______, recognizing $31,825 in additional revenues from the Alien Assistance Program, and correspondingly increasing the Sheriff’s Budget by an equivalent amount.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Purchasing Manager, Ray Hooper, addressed the Board to advise Turner Construction Company (RFQ-4108-01/BJC) is not willing to agree to the County’s terms and conditions of the contract. ZHA Inc., Orlando, was the second ranked firm and staff is requesting authorization to revoke the award to Turner Construction Co., and award the RFQ to ZHA Inc.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to revoke the Board’s award of the Agreement for RFQ-4108-01/BJC, Continuing Contract for Owner’s Representative for various projects within Seminole County, to Turner Construction Company; and award the Master Agreement and Work Order #1, as shown on page ________, related to Owner’s Representative Services for the Seminole County New Criminal Justice Center, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement with ZHA Incorporated, Orlando, in the amount of $756,047.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Morris left the meeting at this time.
County Attorney, Robert McMillan, left the meeting at this time and was replaced by Assistant County Attorney, Steve Lee.
Economic Development Manager, Rob Nixon, addressed the Board to introduce Ray Gilley of Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida (EDC).
Ray Gilley, President of the EDC, addressed the Board to introduce Derrick Wallace, Chairman of the Board of Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission.
Derrick Wallace addressed the Board to express his appreciation to the BCC for their commitment to economic development. He said the County has done an outstanding job in attracting high wages and jobs and has set a standard for excellence throughout the State of Florida.
Mr. Gilley gave a PowerPoint presentation discussing the following, Mission and Vision Statements; Goal Study Results; Community Initiatives; Primary Job Creations; Private Sector Funding; and the Branding/Marketing Plan.
Commissioner Morris re-entered the meeting at this time.
Tracey Grygiel addressed the Board to give an annual report of economic activities in Seminole County. Copy of Seminole County Update FY 00/01 Booklet was received and filed.
Mr. McMillan re-entered the meeting at this time and replaced Mr. Lee.
Ms. Grygiel advised the total projects established in FY 00/01 were 12, with 2,037 new jobs created. A total of 610 jobs were retained and capital investment totaled $129,520,000. She briefly outlined the prospect activity for Seminole County and reviewed the accomplishments of the Metro Orlando Film & Television Commission, as listed in the booklet. She advised that the EDC Holiday Open House will be held on November 28, 2001 at 301 E. Pine Street, Orlando.
Mr. Gilley stated Seminole County has a great success story in attracting high wages and high-value companies. He said that every one of the activities done was accomplished by teamwork involving the County and businesses.
Commissioner Morris commended Mr. Gilley on an outstanding report and on honoring EDC’s commitment to obtain more private funding. He said he would hope next year’s report will include dramatic progress at the Orlando/Sanford Airport and on U.S. Hwy. 17-92.
Chairman McLain agreed with Commissioner Morris that the focus for next year should be on the Airport and Hwy. 17-92.
Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Morris to authorize Commissioner Van Der Weide to sign the payroll until signature plates are received for Chairman McLain.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board, thereupon, recessed at 10:25 a.m., reconvening at 1:31 p.m. with all Commissioners and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann, who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen, who were present at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting’s scheduled public hearings.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider vacating and abandoning a 25-foot wide portion of the unimproved Magnolia Street right-of-way, located approximately ¼ mile east of US 17-92 and ½ mile north of SR 434, Dennis Marchesano, received and filed.
Ian Ratliff, Principal Planner, addressed the Board to present the request. He stated staff has received letters of no objection from all utility companies and staff is recommending approval subject to the drainage easement.
No one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-214, as shown on page _______, vacating and abandoning a 25-foot wide portion of the unimproved Magnolia Street right-of-way, located approximately ¼ mile east of US 17-92 and ½ mile north of SR 434; as described in the proof of publication, Dennis Marchesano.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
The following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
1. Letter dated November 14, 2001, from Robert A. Butterworth, Attorney General, transmitting a copy of the 2000 annual report on Hate Crimes in Florida (attached).
2. E-mail
dated November 15, 2001, from Lois Stabler, Administrative Assistant, Public
Works Department, to the Board, transmitting a copy of a News release regarding
the Toll Rebate Incentive Program.
(cc: Board, County Manager,
Deputy County Manager)
3. Letter
dated November 13, 2001, from Janet R. Dougherty, CMC, Sanford City Clerk, to
the Board, transmitting a copy of attached Notice for Ordinance No. 3676 (to
annex 0.33+- acres of property lying between Memory Court and Ross Street and
between Knudsen Drive and Bailey Avenue).
(cc: Board, County Manager,
Deputy County Manager)
4. Letter
dated November 9, 2001, from Lillie Bogan, Director, Child Support Enforcement
Program, Department of Revenue,
Re: Centralization of
Quasi-Judicial contracts to the Child Support Enforcement Program. (cc:
Board, County Manager, DCM)
5. Memorandum
dated September 12, 2001, from the City of Lake Mary Police Department listing
telephone and fax numbers. (cc: Board, County Manager, DCM)
6. Notice
of Regular Board Meeting of the Seminole County Port Authority Board of
Directors to be held on November 21, 2001.
(cc: Board, County Manager, DCM)
7. Letter
dated November 13, 2001, from Roxie R. Marshall to the Board, Land Management,
Building, and Zoning, Re: Property at
360 E. 5th Street, Chuluota.
(cc: District Commissioner)
8. Minutes
of the Tourist Development Council meeting of October 11, 2001.
9. Schedule
for the St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board meetings for
Year 2002. (cc: Board, County Manager, Stormwater)
10. Letter dated November 14, 2001, from Diane
Pickett, Time Warner Communications, to the Board, advising of availability of
a Digital Preview. (cc: Board, County Manager, DCMs, Seminole Cable
Franchising Coordinator)
11. Copy of letter dated November 12, 2001, from
Donald S. Fisher, Director of Planning Development, to Everette Huskey,
Re: Sandy Lane/Sandy Lane Subdivision. (cc:
Board, County Manager, DCMs, Public Works Director, Stormwater Manager,
Development Review Manager)
12. E-mails from the following regarding Emmer
Development/Portofino Hearing scheduled for November 13, 2001: Suzanne Stephan, Deborah Jozwiak, Diane
Wink, Anthony & Sally Fucci, Robert Isaman, Vicky Marano, Asif Javed,
Jeffrey & Linda Payne, Robert D. Marant.
(cc: Board, DCM/Sherman,
Planning Director, Planning Manager)
13. Agenda for the Governing Board Meeting of the
St. Johns River Water Management District held November 13, 2001.
14. Copies of letter dated November 9, 2001, from
J. Kevin Grace, County Manager, to members of the Seminole County Legislative
Delegation, Re: Medicaid Cost Shift.
(cc: Board, DCMs, County Attorney)
15. Minutes of the October 18, 2001, meeting of
the Seminole County Historical Commission.
16. Copy of Memorandum dated November 16, 2001,
from Bob Briggs, Finance Manager, Environmental Services Department, to Sandy
McCann, Recording Secretary, listing items delivered for recording in official
records. (cc: Board, County Manager, Environmental Services Director)
17. Copy of Memorandum dated November 15, 2001,
from W. Keith Roark, Road Project Acquisition Manager, to Maureen Landgraf,
Analyst, Re: Dodd Road, Litigation
Support Services, Expedited Procurement - Diversified Property Specialists,
Inc. (cc: Board, Purchasing Manager,
Staff Appraiser)
18. Copies of letters dated November 14, 2001,
from Kenneth M. Roberts, Director, Department of Public Safety, to Linda
Copeland and Dawn Carl, expressing appreciation for donations to the Seminole
County Animal Services Division.
19. Contracts for Services, as shown on page
_______, between Seminole County Parks and Recreation Division and the
following: Ronnie Williams, Brad
Cundall, David Allen Remsen, Ronald R. Massey, Jr., Daniel Jason Tucker, Jose
Perez, Martin M. Koller, Darrell Simmons, Michael J. Eady.
20. Copy of letter dated November 16, 2001, from
Larry J. McIntyre, Senior Administrator, Reemployment and Emergency Assistance
Coordination Team, Agency for Workforce Innovation, to JoAnne Macdowall, Human
Resources Director, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, advising of receipt of
correspondence regarding closure of call center facility located in Maitland,
Florida. (cc: Gary Earl, Ronald Tibado, Board, DCM/Sherman, Human Resources)
21. Copy of Memorandum dated November 15, 2001,
from Margaret R. Young, Director, Division of Workers' Compensation, to All
Carriers, Self-Insured Employers, Funds and Third Party Administrators,
Re: Amendment to the Workers'
Compensation Claims Rules and Forms, Chapter 38F-3, Florida Administrative
Code, advising of change of responsibility for collecting and reporting data
about attorney fees in the workers' compensation system. (cc:
Board, DCM/Sherman, Human Resources)
22. Notice of Public Hearing to be held by the St.
Johns River Water Management District on Wednesday, December 12, 2001, to receive
public testimony concerning proposed amendments to the District Florida Forever
Work Plan for use of funding pursuant to Florida Forever, Section 259.105, Florida
Statutes, Florida Forever Trust Fund.
(cc: Board, Environmental
Services, Stormwater)
23. Letter dated November 13, 2001, from Cynthia
Porter, Deputy City Clerk, City of Sanford, transmitting copy of the Notice for
Ordinance No. 3677 (to annex .777 acres of property lying between Rinehart Road
and Oregon Avenue S. and between Oregon Avenue S. extended northerly and
Rinehart Road. (cc: Board, DCM/Sherman, Planning &
Development Director, Planning)
24. Letter dated November 20, 2001, from Mayor
Russel E. Hauck, City of Altamonte Springs, to the Chairman requesting Seminole
County's participation in a joint study and analysis of the consolidation of
the Altamonte Springs and Seminole County Fire Departments. (cc:
Board, County Manager)
25. Letter dated November 12, 2001, from Clayton
H. Wilder, Community Program Administrator, to the Chairman, confirming receipt
and acceptance of all financial and programmatic reports applicable to Project
#01-CJ-J1-06-69-01-012/Child Abuse Victim Assistance Tracking System. (cc:
Board, County Manager, DCM/Sherman, Fiscal Services, David Medley,
Community Services)
26. Letter dated November 12, 2001, from Thomas
O'Hanlon, Chairman, Oviedo City Council, to the Chairman, requesting Seminole
County amend its current franchise agreement to allow Time Warner to provide a
dedicated educational channel to the Seminole County school system. (cc:
City Council, School Board, City Manager, School Superintendent,
DCM/Sherman, Information Technology)
27. Letter dated November 14, 2001, to the
Chairman from William G. Gaston, President, Wood Resource Recovery of Alachua
County, Inc., Re: RFP-4126-01/BJC (wood
recycling services at the County landfill), with attached letters from Rodney
Douglass, General Manager, to Betsy J. Cohen, Purchasing Division. (cc:
Board, County Manager, Purchasing)
28. Letter dated November 13, 2001, from Janet R.
Dougherty, CMC, City Clerk, City of Sanford, transmitting copy of Notice for Public Hearing to be held on November
26, 2001, to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 3680 (to annex 0.91+- acres
of property lying between 4th Street extended easterly and Celery
Avenue and between Brisson Avenue extended northerly and Scott Avenue). (cc:
Board, County Manager, DCM/Sherman, Planning & Development Director,
Planning Manager)
29. Letter dated November 16, 2001, from Thomas C.
Greene, Secretary/Treasurer, Fred R. Wilson Memorial Law Library, expressing
desire to serve another term on the Law Library Board of Trustees after present
one expires on January 1, 2002.
(cc: Board)
30. Copy of letter dated November 20, 2001, from Robert Ziegenfuss, P.E., to the Chairman, expressing support for the Clifton Springs property to be included in the Natural Lands Program. (cc: Board, County Manager, DCM/Sherman, Planning & Development Director, Planning/Colleen Rotella)
31. Copy of letter dated November 16, 2001, from
Kenneth M. Roberts, Director, Department of Public Safety to Linda Huff
expressing appreciation for recent donation to the Animal Services Division.
Chairman McLain thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve as Chairman.
Chairman McLain advised he received a letter from Mayor Green, Lake Mary, who is serving as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Law Library. Mayor Green expressed he would like to continue in that position which terminates January 1, 2002. Chairman McLain said he has no objections to that.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to reappoint Tom Green to the Board of Trustees of the Fred R. Wilson Law Library.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman McLain stated a couple letters (copies received and filed) have been received regarding the public hearing items tonight and one is in Commissioner Maloy’s district concerning Red Bug Lake Road.
District Commissioner Maloy said the applicant is requesting a continuance to December 11, 2001, and he is not opposed to that. He checked with the staff and they have no objections to rescheduling, so his intention would be to honor the applicant’s request.
Chairman McLain stated the other item was a road issue (Typical Section and Alignment for the design of Sand Lake Road).
District Commissioner Van Der Weide said he thinks the Board should cooperate with the School Board as much as possible, and he thinks the staff needs to meet with them. He feels the staff position makes sense, but out of courtesy to the School Board, it would not hurt to continue the item.
Mr. Grace said he spoke to Jerry McCollum, County Engineer, and he thinks continuing the item to January 8, 2002 would be best.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to continue to January 8, 2002, 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, the public hearing for Typical Section and Alignment for the design of Sand Lake Road from Hunt Club Boulevard to State Road 434, as described in the proof of publication.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to continue to December 11, 2001, 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, the request to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and R-1A (Low Density Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development); property located north of Red Bug Lake Road, one mile west of Dodd Road; as described in the proof of publication, Pulte/Red Bug PUD, Kenneth W. Wright.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Morris discussed that he thinks a briefing to the Board on security issues would be appropriate. Whereupon, Mr. Grace said he thought that was a good suggestion to let the Board know the different things being looked at. He said he would meet with the Chairman and schedule a briefing.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to appoint and/or reappoint the following:
Reappoint Dan Bushrui to the Board of Adjustment for four years;
Reappoint Miriam “Mimi” Bruce and Alex Dickison to the Historical Commission for two years;
Appoint Cecil Thompson to the Natural Lands Committee for two years;
Reappoint Kathy Gehr to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for one year; adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-215, as shown on page _______, of Appreciation to Paul Klinger for his services on the Parks & Recreation Board; and appoint Holly Heath for one year to the Parks & Recreation Board;
Reappoint for one year: James Gamble to the Building Contractors Board;
Duane Pitts to the Electrical Contractors Board;
Robert DelloRusso to the Mechanical Contractors Board; Raymond Holloway to the Plumbing Contractors Board;
Terry Futrell to the Swimming Pool Contractors Board; and Lee Voorhies to the Well Drillers Board.
Under discussion, Chairman McLain commended Commissioner Morris for making his appointments early.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Morris stated Grey Wilson has served on a variety of Boards for the County and has been one of the leaders as far as community citizens. Mr. Wilson is stepping down from all the Boards at one time and Commissioner Morris was thinking of some way to commemorate him.
Chairman McLain suggested a Resolution to Mr. Wilson for his service to the County to be brought back at the meeting in December. He asked Mr. Grace to meet with Commissioner Morris on the things he would like to have in the Resolution.
Commissioner Morris discussed the Trails Task Force appointments coming up in December. He said the Board should clarify if these are individual or Board appointments. He asked staff to report back on this.
Commissioner Morris said the Animal Control Board has always had an appointment from the Seminole County Humane Society and that no longer exists. He said that’s an issue to be worked out.
Mr. McMillan stated it might need an amendment to the Ordinance to make a change in the appointments.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-216, as shown on page _______, of Appreciation to Cindy Dale, who has asked to be relieved from her civic duty on the Animal Control Board.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Van Der Weide advised the Board of some Cyberporn Internet enterprises taking place in some of the residential neighborhoods. He said Planning Director, Don Fisher, and Deputy County Attorney Stephen Lee have met with the Homeowners Association on numerous occasions. He asked Mr. Lee to give the Board a briefing on their recent meeting.
Deputy County Attorney Lee addressed the Board to state that Mike Towers, representing the ad hoc group from the Homeowners Association, said the HOA is not willing to undertake any litigation in this matter and they are looking to the County to do something. They apparently have quite a bit of factual background and investigation materials, which they are willing to share with the County. Mr. Lee said based on what he knows at this point, he doesn’t see how the County can take any action regarding this matter under the Adult Entertainment Ordinance. He relayed a similar case in Tampa and said there would have to be customers actually coming to the operation. He understands from Attorney Rick Nelson that the City of Tampa is revising their ordinance and he recommended the County wait and see what comes out of that process before attempting to do anything about amending the ordinance. Mr. Lee said he is still looking at what action can be taken under the existing zoning codes.
Commissioner Van Der Weide said he has talked to Mr. Nelson on several occasions and he has been looking into this. He feels there is potential that the County can help solve this problem for the neighbors but he doesn’t know exactly what it is. He stated he has spoken with Mr. McMillan and Mr. Grace and he thinks the Board needs to bring Mr. Nelson on board to evaluate the situation. He has a lot of confidence in Mr. Nelson and so does the staff.
Mr. McMillan said the County already has a contract with Mr. Nelson to deal with Adult Entertainment issues and he doesn’t think it is inappropriate to engage him in consulting services. He said staff is looking at the Land Development Code and there may be something they can do with that. He said it is a very complicated issue when you get into home businesses and operating an Internet business out of the home. The staff is trying to separate those two issues.
Commissioner Morris stated it concerns him that the County does not just attack this from one vantage point. It is clear this is an operating business and that becomes a taxing issue. He thinks at a minimum a home occupation license is needed. He doesn’t know if they should just be looking at the State of Florida, but look nationally because obviously this is a problem in other neighborhoods.
The Board authorized the County Attorney to engage Mr. Nelson on this issue. Mr. McMillan said he will take that as the Board’s consensus because there is a contract already in existence with Mr. Nelson.
Commissioner Van Der Weide stated years ago the County purchased property for the Boys and Girls Club to work with the school system in an area by Altamonte on Highway 427. He said it has been brought to his attention that they have built a facility and got the program going; and then the Board has been cutting back on their funding, which means it is pretty tough to operate a group like this. He said there is some question as to whether staff wants to carry over the $23,000 from last year.
Chairman McLain stated he thinks it is appropriate for Commissioner Van Der Weide to check what can be done to solve some of these problems. A brief discussion ensued. Chairman McLain asked Mr. Grace to continue working with Commissioner Van Der Weide and see if they can bring back an action plan.
Commissioner Morris said he thinks this group did not make an application for additional funds, and it was not a cut by the Board or staff.
Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to appoint M. M. (Red) McCullough to the Tourist Development Council, and adopt appropriate Resolution #2001-R-217, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Tom Seigfried for his services on same.
Under discussion, Red McCullough addressed the Board to state there was concern about him having an individual contract with the County and being able to serve on the TDC, which might be a conflict of interest. He explained the nature of the contract and said he did not want to lose his contract, but wanted to clear this up.
Mr. McMillan stated this just came to his attention so he doesn’t know exactly what the situation is. He would have to review the requirements.
Chairman McLain stated that without objections, Mr. McCullough will be reappointed to the TDC and Mr. McMillan will report back if there is a problem. If there is, that will be communicated to Mr. McCullough.
Commissioner Maloy expressed appreciation to Mr. McCullough for bringing this matter up.
Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Maloy stated regarding Ms. Tollos’ issue, he doesn’t have a recommendation as he was waiting on some correspondence. He has spoken with Mr. Brooks, Lynx, and is waiting to get a copy of their policy. He advised a couple suggestions by Lynx as possibilities for Ms. Tollos’ sister. Commissioners Maloy and Morris discussed that the different options and services offered by Lynx are complicated to understand.
Commissioner Van Der Weide asked if the City Managers are leaning toward helping fund the Lynx bus service. Mr. Grace stated the Longwood City Manager did not attend the meeting, but the majority of representatives were there and they came up with some ideas to pursue. They are in the process of setting the second meeting and he is hoping all the City Managers will attend.
The Board, thereupon, recessed at 2:10 p.m., reconvening at 7:05 p.m., this same date, with Deputy County Attorney Stephen Lee and Deputy Clerk Eva Roach being present.
Proofs of publication, as
shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider Typical Section
and Alignment for the design of Sand Lake Road from Hunt Club Blvd. to SR 434;
and request to Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and R-1A (Low Density Residential)
to PUD (Planned Unit Development); property located north of Red Bug Lake Road,
one mile west of Dodd Road, Pulte/Red Bug PUD, Kenneth Wright, received and
Mr. Lee stated on behalf of the County Attorney’s Office, he is opening the meeting and noted the lack of a quorum. He stated all of those who attended this meeting have been advised that the Sand Lake Road Typical Section and Alignment has been continued to January 8, 2002; and that the Rezone request for Pulte/Red Bug PUD, Kenneth Wright, has been continued to December 11, 2001. He declared the meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.