December 10, 2013
following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA,
held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of
meeting of said Board.
Chairman Robert Dallari (District 1)
Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner John Horan (District 2)
Commissioner Lee Constantine (District 3)
Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)
Clerk of Circuit Court Maryanne Morse
County Manager Jim Hartmann
County Attorney Bryant Applegate
Deputy Clerk Eva Roach
Deputy Clerk Erin Leben
Major Tim
Roberts, Salvation Army, Sanford, gave the Invocation.
Horan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chesler, SGTV, addressed the Board to state he is pleased to submit the Seminole
County Centennial Commemorative Video.
He stated the video can be accessed on YouTube link of the County’s Home
Page. He added the Centennial is
provided on a DVD and anyone who would like a copy can acquire it for
Dallari stated on behalf of the Board, he would like to thank staff and all
those involved in putting the Centennial together.
Lee Ricci,
Human Resources Manager, addressed the Board to announce the 2013 graduates of
the Seminole County Employee Academy. She
displayed a PowerPoint Presentation (received and filed) and stated all the
class members had a mentor who helped them learn and be guided. She shared a few reminders regarding the
valuable program. She introduced the
following graduates: Alauddin Ali; Annya
Baerga; Sharon Barnert; Russell Carpenter; Taris Claitt; Jimette Cook; Matthew
Davidson; Bob Hunter; Eric Klotz; Marie Lackey; Heidi Miller; Stephanie Perez;
Lisa Snead; David Stough; and Joseph Tilton.
Leeanna Mims, Public Safety, addressed the Board to present the Life Saving
Award to Stephanie Kunz, Recreation Specialist, and Jason Cordova, Tennis
Professional. She stated the Public
Safety Department and EMS Fire Rescue Division present Life Saving Awards to
members of Seminole County who have gone above and beyond and made a difference
with the outcome of a patient. She
stated with Ms. Kunz’s quick thinking with the AED and Mr. Cordova’s CPR
skills, they saved a gentleman’s life (Raymond Cody) on November 13, 2013 while
he was suffering cardiac arrest.
Randy Hunt,
Committee on Aging (COA) member, addressed the Board to present the Committee
on Aging Annual Update. He displayed a
PowerPoint Presentation (received and filed) and reviewed the COA Objectives;
Mission; the Committee for a Lifetime (CFAL) Initiatives; and the COA
membership. He reviewed the statistics of
the senior population and what the committee has been focusing on. He discussed the results of surveys that have
been done regarding senior transportation issues and meetings held with over 25
County leaders. They have identified
potential solutions and recommend Senior Intervention Group (SIG) as the best
resource to support the triage approach.
In regard to health, wellness and injury protection, he advised that help
videos have been posted to the County website.
He added the COA has developed a Speakers Bureau for senior communities
and senior centers relating to subjects such as Fraud, Abuse and Neglect,
Exploitation, Alzheimer’s Basics and other subjects. He reviewed a number of the excellent
initiatives that the County is providing.
The COA is recommending that the County support the new Speakers Bureau,
endorse continued authorization of the COA, and schedule a work session
following the January 28, 2014 BCC meeting to discuss the senior transportation
issues more in depth.
Carey stated when she served on the Lynx Board in early 2000, it came to light that
senior transportation was an issue and not everyone understood the Lynx
routes. Lynx undertook a training
program for seniors at that time. If
Lynx is no longer providing the program, she believes they should reach out to
the seniors with what is available to them.
She added that Meals on Wheels also provides transportation for
seniors. She stated she believes that
education is a big component as many of the seniors are not computer
savvy. She said she feels the Board
needs to focus on how they can better educate them as to what is available.
Dallari stated when he attended the meeting with the COA at Palm Valley, Lynx
was in attendance and they found out that communication is the issue. Lynx and other agencies will be scheduling a
full day in January or February in Palm Valley to educate everyone on everything
that the County does for seniors.
Mr. Hunt
stated education has to be a dynamic process because the people they educate
today are not the people that they need to educate tomorrow. It has to be repeated with some regularity.
Henley stated Lynx is available any time for presentation as they are concerned
about the education. SunRail also has a
program to attempt to educate the citizens as to how they can use SunRail and
Lynx for connectivity to get around the community.
inquiry by Commissioner Horan, Mr. Hunt advised Lynx brought the COA up to date
on the things they are doing. Lynx has
acknowledged that a good partnership of communication where the COA can help
identify areas is important and Lynx is more than willing to try to provide
those services.
Horan stated it is a difficult situation to try to continually get the
education out there; but if that information is out there, they would have to
perform and it is expensive and problems exist.
He offered his assistance in reaching out to any people or groups.
Henley stated many people don’t know that Lynx services a 2,500-mile area, so
education will never be done in order to reach everyone in such a large
area. SunRail will be providing 61 miles
of service when it comes on board. There
will be some concerns with regard to the wait time for bus service. How they can solve that problem is something
that the counties will need to address.
Horan stated he believes each of the Board members have served on a
transportation board and it is probably pretty obvious that they have to disaggregate
and shrink in some form to be more effective with the regional transportation
agencies they do have. That is going to
be a process that will probably be the primary focus of the region for the next
10 to 15 years as SunRail comes on line.
The biggest beneficiaries of that will be seniors if they perform
Carey stated she thinks as SunRail comes on line, staff needs to coordinate
some type of an educational process so that when the trains are running, the
citizens will be ready.
Turner, Community Services Director, addressed the Board to state the community
has been diligent over the last year dealing with senior transportation issues
along with some other concerns. She
pointed out that Community Services is working with Lynx and they have talked
to the Committee on Aging. Lynx has also
informed them of a program called “Train the Trainer” in terms of getting the
information out. In March, Community
Services will be partnering with Lynx and Palm Valley as well as other
surrounding areas to discuss educating the seniors on Lynx.
Dallari informed the Board that Planning & Development employee, Helen
Endicott, retired last week and he would like to wish her well with her new
Chairman Dallari recessed the BCC
meeting at 10:05 a.m. and convened the U.S. Highway 17-92 Community
Redevelopment Agency.
17-92 CRA
Tom Tomerlin,
Economic Development Director, addressed the Board to present request to approve
the U.S. 17-92 CRA Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/2014. He stated the total budget for 2013/2014 is
$6,583,798. He commented on the revenue
and expenditure sections of the budget.
He advised that the fourth “whereas” of the resolution is technically
not a reference to carryforward but are budgeted projects that have existed
within the budget as well as capital improvement funds. He added the carryforwards depicted on
Exhibit A are not actually explicitly covered within this year’s budget. He also mentioned that the grant program
highlighted in blue on Exhibit A is a Business Development Assistance Grant and
provides some rental assistance to properties up and down Hwy 17-92. Staff has been working to incorporate the
Board’s comments, specifically on two proposed major revisions, and they will
be obtaining the Board’s feedback on the program. The one major revision is they are requiring any
kind of assistance be tied to real property improvements on the property, and
the other is a list of prohibited uses that will not be eligible for these
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Tomerlin advised that exterior improvements
are covered under the redevelopment grant program as well as the mini-grant
Carey stated the whole idea is to turn this blighted area into something that
looks nice. Building facades are going
to be an important part of that and staff may need to tweak that as they go
forward. She added she has asked Mr.
Tomerlin to prepare a budget estimate through 2017 of what they historically
know for the income to the CRA and what the salary potential may be, so they
will know where they will be in the event that this sunsets. Mr. Tomerlin stated that will take some time
to do. He stated he would like to have a
time series over the next several years the CRA exists to see what they would
have at the end of 2017 in terms of extending this throughout the years.
Tomerlin clarified for Commissioner Henley that they have not changed the first-come,
first-served practice in policy.
Carey stated she feels that when areas start to make that turn to redevelop,
they will see a lot of projects. The
timing is going to be an issue and they may see some come in the same budget
year where the money is exhausted and they can take it out of reserves. The idea is if they want to make sure that
17-92 does make a turn, they have to be flexible of how they are going to move
the projects forward. There are a number
of large shopping centers on 17-92 that have large boxes vacant and the small
shops will come in when those big boxes fill up.
Constantine stated he feels it is important that they do public projects as
opposed to private projects. He stated
he feels that CRAs are best when they emphasize on public projects as private
businesses will come when they recognize that improvements have been done in
that area. Discussion ensued.
Dallari clarified that the State has been delaying the 17-92 project from
Shepherd Road to Lake Mary Boulevard, not the CRA.
Carey opined that the delay from the Department of Transportation (DOT) only
made it a better project because their first proposal would not have been very
beneficial for the redevelopment along that particular stretch of 17-92.
Motion by Commissioner Carey,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to adopt appropriate Resolution #2013-R-267, as
shown on page ________, establishing the annual U.S. 17-92 CRA Budget for
Fiscal Year 2013/2014.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Tomerlin presented request to approve a U.S. 17-92 CRA Redevelopment and
Construction Grant to Dick Baird, Inc., d/b/a/ Bill Ray Nissan, to redevelop
the property located at 2724 U.S. Hwy 17-92 in the total grant amount request
of $988,750 or $476,607 for the amount required under the guidelines of the
Grant Program; and a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR)
#14-021, providing CRA funding from Capital Improvement Reserves in the amount
selected by the BCC. The capital
investment to the project site is $1.75 million and $207,000 for the installation
of underground utilities. The Technical
Advisory Committee is recommending approval of $988,750; the Redevelopment
Planning Agency (RPA) is recommending approval of $476,607, and staff is recommending
approval of the Grant Agreement in the amount of $476,607. He stated that Bill Ray Nissan has been a
long-standing 17-92 business since 1976 and the CRA is about trying to make
property improvements that will enhance TIF along that corridor.
David Ray,
Bill Ray Nissan owner, addressed the Board to state that the underground
utilities are not included in the amount of $1.75 million and he is planning to
add another building that does not qualify for CRA Funds. The total investment will be around $2.3 to
$2.5 million. He displayed a PowerPoint
Presentation and stated this presentation will help explain why receiving this
grant is a key component for Bill Ray Nissan to stay on Hwy 17-92. He displayed pictures (included in the agenda
packet) of what he is proposing to build, what his current building looks like
and what the new construction will look like.
Nissan notified him when they were doing a market study in the Greater
Orlando area. Nissan made a
determination to strategically place his facility where they believe it could
best serve the customers in their primary market area. That study came back and Nissan indicated
that they do not want his dealership to stay on Hwy 17-92. Mr. Ray said that is not his position as his
family has had a long history of being on Hwy 17-92 and he feels it is in his
best interest to stay at his present location.
He added he feels it is a better investment for him to stay on Hwy 17-92
than going to the I-4 area and he needs a strong grant in order to go to his
manufacturer to explain why he feels that staying in that location is the best
business decision for Bill Ray Nissan.
If he doesn’t receive the grant, Nissan will probably ask him to sell
his property or abandon it, and they will offer to match the $2.5 million that
he was going to spend on Hwy 17-92 so he can move to the I-4 area.
Mr. Ray
stated he feels that he will make less money in the I-4 area than on Hwy
17-92. David Maus informed him that he
made more money on Hwy 17-92 than he does selling cars on Rinehart Road. Mr. Ray said he believes that will be the
same case for him. He read a note that
he’d written with regard to why Nissan needs to tell him this is not a good
business decision for the Ray family to remain on Hwy 17-92. He addressed some of the questions that came
up during the RPA meeting. He reviewed
what he will be doing in Phase I and Phase II of the expansion
construction. He displayed a Market
Study Map (not received and filed) and explained what has been going on in the
Greater Orlando market over the last 12 to 18 months and the location of the
different Nissan dealerships in the surrounding area. He also displayed Nissan reports relating to
sales efficiencies, sales objectives, shopper capture rates, visitor capture
rates, overall buyer satisfaction, overall delivery process, condition of the
vehicle at the time of delivery, and timeliness of delivering the vehicle.
Carey stated she feels that Bill Ray Nissan has done a wonderful job in
supporting the community for many years.
She stated from her perspective they do not need another large vacant
property on Hwy 17-92. There is property
down the street that has been sitting vacant for 9 or 10 years and is an
eyesore. The automobile industry is one
of the largest generators of sales tax in which the County benefits. She stated she feels that Mr. Ray is doing a
great job on Hwy 17-92.
Mr. Ray
pointed out that if he relocates to I-4, he will have to increase his labor
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Ray advised he is planning to have two
Nissan facilities within the next 5 to 10 years. He stated if Nissan puts pressure on him to
make him move, he will tell them that he will move but he is going to have two
facilities. He added he will keep the
current facility open as a certified service and warranty repair area along
with certified used cars, rental car operation, a body shop, and a service and
parts areas.
Mr. Ray
reiterated that he needs the grant to make a strong case with Nissan. He said he believes the County would be
making a good investment in keeping Bill Ray Nissan on Hwy 17-92.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
Henley stated he would like to echo Commissioner Carey’s remarks as he feels it
is important that Mr. Ray be allowed to remain there. He said he does not want to see another
vacant business along that corridor.
Motion by Commissioner Henley,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the U.S. 17-92 CRA Redevelopment
Grant Agreement, as shown on page _________, between the U.S. 17-92 CRA and
Dick Baird, Inc., d/b/a Bill Ray Nissan; and adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-268, as shown on page ________, implementing BAR #14-021 in the amount
of $988,750 providing CRA Funding from Capital Improvement Reserves.
discussion, Commissioner Horan explained what occurred during the RPA meeting
and how the recommendation came about. The
one thing that the RPA came up with is a five-year provision clause. Mr. Ray stated he would rather not be locked
into that. He added he is not going to
invest $2.5 million into the facility and then walk away from it.
Carey stated she feels that most car dealers do not have an ironclad agreement
like Mr. Ray has and that will make a difference in his ability to force the
inquiry by Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Ray advised that internet sales are
30% and he is trying to expand that to 50%.
Those sales would be subject to sales tax.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Dallari thanked Commissioner Henley for his efforts in working with the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) on the road elevation of widening Hwy
Chairman Dallari adjourned the U.S. 17-92 CRA meeting at 10:55 a.m.,
and reconvened the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at 11:05 a.m.,
with Clerk of Court Maryanne Morse entering late.
Jim Hartmann, County Manager, informed the Board that Item #7,
Approve use of iPlacement Inc. d/b/a/ Source 2, will be pulled as there are some outstanding issues with the contract. Staff is also requesting that the following
be pulled from the agenda: Item #13,
Approve CDBG funding Agreement, and Item #32, Approve SS-601882-13. He
advised the Board of an add-on, Item #38A,
Award CC-9025-13.
Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Court, entered the meeting at this
Commissioner Carey requested that Item #24, Policy for the
Deferred Comp Plan, be pulled for a separate vote.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to
authorize and approve the following:
County Manager’s
Human Resources
7. Pulled from the agenda
request to approve the use of iPlacement Inc. d/b/a Source2, Orlando, to
provide Employment Recruitment Services for the County based on the terms,
conditions and pricing of the Polk County Contract #11-41 (Amendment #1 and Amendment
#2), and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to issue Purchase
8. Approval for the renewal of the
following employee benefits plans and authorization for the County Manager to
execute required documents: Cobra-Conexis and Stop-Loss Insurance-Symetra, as shown
on page ________.
Development Division
9. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the HOME Agreement, as shown on page ________, between the
City of Casselberry, Habitat for Humanity of Seminole County and Greater
Apopka, Florida, Inc., and Seminole County to construct two single-family owner
occupied homes.
10. Approve and accept the
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) monthly Snapshot/Report and properties
acquired by Seminole County Government.
11. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Seminole County/Orlando Housing Authority Properties, Inc.
Community Development Block Grant Child Care Services Program Subrecipient
Agreement 2013-2014, as shown on page ________, to assist families in need of child care
12. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida ESG
Subrecipient Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Program Year 2013-2014
for shelter operation and maintenance costs.
13. Pulled from the agenda
request to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Agreement in the amount of $260,000 to
rehabilitate the current Catholic Charities facility (a/k/a Pathways to Care)
in Casselberry.
Planning &
Development Division
14. Authorize the release of
Performance Bond #76090131 in the amount of $104,628.84 for Carrigan Commercial
Plat, Alafaya & Carrigan LLC.
15. Approve the minor plat for the
Serenity Cove subdivision located on the west side of Orange Boulevard, approximately
1,130 feet south of Wilson Road.
16. Authorize the Chairman to execute
the Release of Lien for Case #10-54-CEB, on 263 Twelve League Circle, Casselberry,
Tax Parcel #15-21-30-5EF-0E00-0190, previously owned by Kenneth E. King and
currently owned by Bank of New York Mellon TR FBO.
17. Approve the final plat for
Enclave at Bear Lake containing 35 lots on approximately 11 acres located on
the west side of Bear Lake Road, approximately 160 feet south of Jessica Drive,
P. Brian Dalrymple.
Leisure Services
Development Division
18. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute an Agreement, as shown on page ________, with the Florida
Amateur Softball Association in the amount of $6,432.03 for the 2014 January
International Fast Pitch Softball Tournament to be held on January 16-19, 2014.
Public Safety
Management Division
19. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Agreement, as shown on page ________, for
the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program.
20. Approve and authorize the Chairman
to execute the negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement, as shown on page
________, between Seminole County and Bargaining Unit Local #3254 for Battalion
Chiefs/B Unit.
Public Works
21. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute an Interlocal Agreement, as shown on page _________,
between Seminole County and the City of Altamonte Springs related to
improvements to Oranole Road located north of Lake Ruby and between the east
and west entrances of the Stonewood Subdivision.
22. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2013-R-269,
as shown on page _________, and authorize the Chairman to execute Supplemental
Agreement Number 1, as shown on page _________, to a Local Agency Program (LAP)
Agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, for the
construction of sidewalks along the north sides of Bear Gully Road, Citrus Avenue
and Grove Avenue in the vicinity of the Eastbrook Elementary School. (FDOT -
FPN: 429597-1-58/68-01)
Management Division
23. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreements, as shown on page _________,
between Seminole County and the City of Altamonte Springs, City of Casselberry,
City of Lake Mary, City of Longwood, City of Oviedo, City of Sanford, and City
of Winter Springs for the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) Program.
Business Office
25. Approve and authorize the
acceptance of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Trust Grant award in the
amount of $93,771 from the Florida Department of Health; and approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-271, as shown
on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) 14-017 through
the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Trust Fund in the amount of $93,771 to
recognize grant funds and establish budget.
26. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to re-execute a Grant Agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency
Management in acceptance of $6,469, a $660 increase, through their Hazards
Analysis Program; and execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-272, as shown on
page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-016 through the
Public Safety Grants (State) Fund in the amount of $660 to recognize the
increase in grant funds.
27. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-273, as shown on page
_________, ratifying the issuance by Orange County Housing Finance Authority of
Homeowner Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Homeowner Subordinate Mortgage Revenue Bonds,
and/or Homeowner Revenue Bonds in one or more series, in an amount not to
exceed $90,000,000.
Budget and
Fiscal Management Division
28. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-274, as shown on page
_________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-018 in the amount of
$224,331 through the Water & Sewer Bonds Series 2010, Water & Sewer Operating,
and Water & Sewer (Capital) Operating Funds to increase the Pump Station
Conversion/Digital Radio Project total by $400,000. The Water & Sewer
Bonds, Series 2010 Reserve available after this project will be $0.00. The Water & Sewer Operating Fund reserves
available after this project will total $16,265,030.
29. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-275, as shown on page
_________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #14-019 in the amount of
$177,974,337 through various funds to carryforward unexpended project funding from
the FY 2012/13 Budget to the FY 2013/14 Budget.
MSBU Program
30. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2013-R-276, as shown on page
_________, to release and discharge properties in the Oak Park/Belle Meade Wall
Construction Municipal Service Benefit Unit from special assessment liens
recorded in Public Records of Seminole County.
Purchasing &
Contracts Division
31. Approve Amendment #1, as shown on
page _________, to M-390-03 Bus Bench Concession Agreement with Metropolitan
Systems, Inc. to extend the Agreement through December 24, 2014, and provide
four single one-year Renewal Options; and authorize the Purchasing &
Contracts Division to execute the Amendment.
32. Pulled from the agenda request
to approve SS-601882-13/BJC - Single Source for Total Maximum Daily
Loads (TMDL) Pollutant Load Reduction Services with Aquafiber Technologies
Corporation, Winter Park.
33. Approve SS-601897-13/BJC - Sole
Source for the procurement of an interoperable communications system from
MutualLink, Wallingford, CT in the amount of $137,311 plus annual fee of $2,289
and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Purchase
34. Award RFP-601835-13/TLR, as shown
on page __________, Master License Agreement for Learning Management System to
Skillsoft Corp. Nashua, NH in the amount of $47,704.11 annually for three years
and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
35. Award RFP-601837-13/BJC, as shown
on page ________, Non-Exclusive Communications Tower and Site Lease Agreements
to AT&T Mobility, Lake Mary (Dike Road for a monthly rent of $3,000 and
Sabal Point for a monthly rent of $3,000) and T-Mobile South, LLC, Tampa (Dike
Road for a monthly rent of $2,750); and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute the Agreements.
36. Authorize the Termination for Convenience
of RFP-601666-13/TLR - Parks and Events Concession Services with Bout My
Fathers Business, LLC, Oviedo.
37. Approve Change Order #4, as shown
on page _________, to CC-8149-12/RTB – Country Club Raw and Finished Water Main
Construction Phase II with B & B Underground Construction, Inc. of Royal
Palm Beach, Florida in the amount of $41,320.81; and authorize the Purchasing
& Contracts Division to execute the Change Order.
38. Approve Work Order #6, as shown
on page _________, Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the upgrades at Lynwood
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to RFQ-5888-10/BLH - Construction Manager at Risk
for Major Water Treatment Plant Upgrades (AIA agreement) with Wharton-Smith,
Inc. of Sanford, in the amount of $7,969,005; and authorize the Purchasing &
Contracts Division to execute the Work Order.
38A. Award CC-9025-13/DRR, as shown on
page _________, Construction Services Agreement, Wastewater Pump Station
Radio/RTU Replacement - Cellular Conversion in the amount of $1,999,720 to
Revere Control Systems, Inc. of Lakeland, FL; and authorize the Purchasing
& Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Request to
approve a Resolution adding a proposed Section 24.20 of the Seminole
County Administrative Code establishing an investment policy, product selection
and retention, and general plan governance policy for the County's 457(b)
Deferred Compensation Plan, was presented.
Commissioner Carey stated in her discussions
with staff she suggested adding to the policy that performance reports be sent quarterly
to the Deferred Compensation Plan Review Committee members for their review. If the committee feels they need to meet to
discuss any issues, then they can do that.
Commissioner Constantine stated he has also
asked staff to look into removing terrorist states from being able to invest in
the general investment policy. He stated
he was surprised that there were a number of different investments with
countries that were listed as terrorist states.
He stated Mr. Pennisi indicated he wants to make sure that that is
workable and staff will come back when they are able to put that into the
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to adopt
appropriate Resolution #2013-R-270, as shown on page ________, adding a
proposed Section 24.20 of the Seminole County Administrative Code establishing
an investment policy, product selection and retention, and general plan governance
policy for the County's 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan, with quarterly
reports to be sent to the Deferred Compensation Plan Review Committee for
Under discussion and upon inquiry by
Commissioner Constantine, Joe Pennisi, Resource Management Director, addressed
the Board to state, per Commissioner Dallari’s suggestion, staff has included a
requirement that a Plan Service Provider will attend the Committee’s Annual Report
Summary presentation to the Board. He
stated staff has drafted language that addresses Commissioner Carey’s request
pertaining to quarterly reports and Commissioner Constantine’s suggestion that
relates to prohibitions on investment options in companies that are operating
in or invested in nations that support terrorism. However, staff would like to take additional
time to review Commissioner Constantine’s suggestion with the service provider
to make sure that they are drafting language that does not unnecessarily impact
the investment options that are available to the participants in the plan.
Commissioner Constantine stated he would
have no problem with staff doing that as long as it comes back to the
Chairman Dallari stated the issue he has is
how they police it and how do they report it.
Mr. Pennisi stated that is one of the issues that staff needs to look at
especially when they are looking at mutual funds that are invested on a fairly
regular short-term basis. The one
question staff would like to flush out is how quickly that information would be
provided to the service provider, then to the company, and ultimately to the
Board. Chairman Dallari stated he would
like to know which countries they are talking about. Discussion ensued.
Arnold Schneider, Assistant County
Attorney, addressed the Board to state staff needs to contact Nationwide to
find out what their reaction is. Memoranda
from Mr. Schneider relating to the proposed Administrative Code policy change
were received and filed.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr.
Pennisi advised staff can bring this back hopefully at the next meeting.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize and approve the
39. Approval of a proposed settlement
with the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and other parties
as to FDOT's acquisition of Parcel Number 801 from the County. The proposed settlement is for the County to
receive $504,700 as full compensation, jointly and severally, of all claims
including value of land and improvements taken, severance damages, any other
kind of damages, statutory interest, statutory attorney fees, experts' fees and
cost reimbursements. Other parties in the case are agreeing to cancel the
reverter clause in the County's deed to Sunland Park, the parent tract for
Parcel Number 801.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by
Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize and approve the
40. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page
_________, dated October 28, November 4, 12, and 18, 2013; and Payroll Approval
Lists, as shown on page _________, dated November 7 and 21, 2013; and noting,
for information only, the following Clerk’s “Received and Filed”:
Order #12-30000083, as shown on page _________, Pedro and Damaris Melian for
setback variance.
2. Amendment #1 to Work Order #5, as shown on page _________, to PS-1905-07.
3. Work Order #106, as shown on page _________, to PS-5120-02.
4. Change Order #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #11 to CC-8199-12.
5. Work Order #64, as shown on page _________, to RFP-5465-10.
6. Work Order #65, as shown on page _________, to RFP-5465-10.
7. Work Order #63, as shown on page _________, to RFP-5465-10.
8. Work Order #10, as shown on page _________, to RFP-CS01-12.
9. Assignments of Term Contracts, as shown on page
_________, for
IFB-600592-09 and IFB-601635-13, Naztec, Inc. to Trafficware Group, Inc.
10. Second Amendment, as shown on page _________, to IFB-600844-10.
11. Third Amendment, as shown on page _________, to IFB-600613-09.
12. Consultant Service Agreement, as shown on page
_________, to
PS-8595-13, Atkins North America.
13. Work Order #5 to PS-7643-12.
14. CDBG Rehabilitation Mortgage Deed, as shown on page
_________, for
Dorothy Tucker.
15. Change Order #1, as shown on page _________, to CC-8501-13.
16. Second Amendment, as shown on page _________, to RFP-601340-12.
17. Agreement, as shown on page _________, to PS-8419-13 between Johnson, Mirmiran and
Thompson, Inc., and Seminole County.
18. Work Order #4, as shown on page _________, to Change Order #4 to RFQ-5888-10.
19. Memorandum of Agreement, as shown on page
________, for the Advanced Right-of-Way Acquisition of total takings for Phase
2 of the State Road 426/County Road 419 Project (Pine Avenue to Avenue B) (FDOT
Financial Management Number 415030-3-(4B/41/43/45), as approved by the BCC on
June 11, 2013 per Resolution #2013-R-151.
20. Work Order #62, as shown on page _________, to RFP-5465-10.
21. Work Order #61, as shown on page _________, to RFP-5465-10.
22. Contract for Services, as shown on page
_________, for
Tyler Lee Lewis.
23. Amendment #4, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #5 to PS-1529-06.
24. Change Order #2, as shown on page _________, to RFP-7687-12.
25. First Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Term Contract IFB-601738-13.
26. Work Order #53, as shown on page _________, to
27. Contract for Services, as shown on page
_________, for
Paul S. Williams.
28. CC-8780-13, as shown on page _________, Contractor Services Agreement, Home Program
Residential Rehabilitation, R.S.B Homes, Inc.
29. Special Review of the Shelter Plus Care (SPC)
Program from Maryanne Morse, Clerk of the Circuit Court.
30. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #21 to PS-914-08.
31. Work Order #54, as shown on page _________, to PS-3914-08.
32. Recorded Partial Releases of Mortgages and
Warranty Deed,
as shown on page _________,
for Edward Greenwood.
33. Amendment #2, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #41 to PS-4688-09.
34. First Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Term Contract IFB-601516-12.
35. Cooperative Agreement, 2013-NTN-67, as shown on page _________, National Atmospheric Deposition Program.
36. Term Contract, as shown on page _________, for IFB-601796-13.
37. Work Order #14, as shown on page _________, to CC-8199-12.
38. Change Order #3, as shown on page _________, to RFP-7687-12.
39. Work Order #11, as shown on page _________, to RFP-CS01-12.
40. Certificate of Racing Permit, as shown on page
_________, for
41. Certificate of Racing Permit, as shown on page
_________, for
Penn Sanford, LLC.
42. Clerk’s Budget for FY 2013/14 and Clerk’s
Amended Budget for FY 2012/13, as shown on page ________.
43. Amendment #3, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #6 to PS-1436-09.
44. Work Order #13, as shown on page _________, to PS-4736-09.
45. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to IFB-600632-09.
46. Amendment #3, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #6 to RFP-5706-10.
47. M-601876-13, as shown on page _________, Host Website Lease Agreement, Jackrabbit
Systems, Inc.
48. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #46 to PS-3914-08.
49. Contract for Services, as shown on page
_________, for
Thomas Flaherty.
50. Closeout, as shown on page _________, for CC-6600-11.
51. Amendment #2, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #4 to PS-6658-11.
52. Amendment #2, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #42 to PS-4388-09.
53. Work Orders #15, #16, #17 and #18, as shown on page
_________, to
54. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #50 to PS-4388-09.
55. Work Order #6, as shown on page _________, to PS-8047-12.
56. Customer Agreement, as shown on page
_________, for
Reclaimed Water Rates and Reclaimed Water Flow, Distribution, Delivery, and
Spray Easement for YRG Hotel Group II LLC.
57. Work Order #46, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
58. Work Order #47, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
59. Work Order #48, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
60. Work Order #49, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
61. Work Order #50, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
62. Work Order #51, as shown on page _________, to RFP-8312-12.
63. Addendum, as shown on page _________, to Seminole County Development Order
13-20500016, Heathrow Oaks, LLC, for the project known as Grande Oaks.
64. Addendum #1, as shown on page _________, Grande Oaks Developer’s Commitment Agreement.
65. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #12 to RFP-5706-01.
66. Work Order #4, as shown on page _________, to PS-8186-13.
67. Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #5 to PS-6865-11.
68. Work Order #7, as shown on page _________, to PS-8047-12.
69. Bids as follows: RFP-601837-13; RFP-601835-13;
IFB-601852-13; IFB-601796-13; and IFB-601877-13.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by
Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize and approve the
41. Approval to expend $2,000 from
the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide for a contribution to the Boys and
Girls Clubs of Central Florida.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Joy Giles, Planning & Development,
addressed the Board to present request to reduce the Code Enforcement Board
lien from $14,750 to $0.00, for Case #12-87-CEB on the property located at 2520
Narcissus Avenue, Sanford, Tax Parcel #22-19-30-5AD-0000-0130, previously owned
by Cheryl L. Balmas, and currently owned by Federal National Mortgage
Association, Dave Kellam. She reviewed
the timeline of the case as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Staff recommends denial of the reduction, and
therefore, requests that the Chairman execute the Release of Lien upon payment in
Michael Fouts, 298 Lake Markham Road,
addressed the Board to state he is the owner of the real estate company. He reviewed the sequence of events that
occurred after the Certificate of Title (CT) was filed. He stated he would like a reduction in the
lien as he feels they acted slowly due to having to go through a national
vendor to maintain the property.
Speaker Request Form was received and
District Commissioner Carey stated she
understands that banks have a lot of properties to deal with; however, they are
going to need to find a more timely way to do it or this is just going to be
the price of doing business. The
community put up with this for over a year to the point where the property had
to be bush hogged and that is not acceptable.
The banks need a process to move quicker.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to deny the reduction to
the Code Enforcement Board lien from $14,750 to $0.00, for Case #12-87-CEB on
the property located at 2520 Narcissus Avenue, Sanford, Tax Parcel
#22-19-30-5AD-0000-0130, previously owned by Cheryl L. Balmas, and currently
owned by Federal National Mortgage Association, Dave Kellam; and to require the
amount to be paid within 60 days.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Ms. Giles presented request to reduce the
Code Enforcement Lien from $134,100 to $0.00 for Case #10-03-CEB on property
located at 1250 Sunset Road, Casselberry, Tax Parcel #10-21-30-5BQ-0000-030B,
Robert C. Malcomb (current owner), Luis Cruz.
She reviewed the timeline of the case as outlined in the agenda
memorandum. The owner’s representative
indicated that the owner has a medical condition and was unable to act upon the
violations as well as a financial hardship due to loss of employment and
income. The owner’s family corrected the
violation once the lien was discovered through a title search. Staff recommends that the amount be reduced
to the estimated administrative cost of $1,190.80, and if the payment is not
made within 60 days that the lien revert back to the original amount.
Robert Carson Malcolm, property owner,
addressed the Board to state he never received any notices from the time the
original complaint was issued. He said
he is having health issues and has had to hire someone to help maintain the
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mary
Cruz, sister, addressed the Board to state her family will help Mr. Malcolm
maintain his property and it will not happen again.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Horan, Ms.
Cruz advised she is prepared to pay for the lien at this moment.
by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve a reduction to
the Code Enforcement Lien from $134,100 to $1,190.80 for Case #10-03-CEB on
property located at 1250 Sunset Road, Casselberry, Tax Parcel
#10-21-30-5BQ-0000-030B, Robert C. Malcomb (current owner), Luis Cruz; require
that the reduced amount be paid within 60 days or the lien will revert to its
original amount; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Satisfaction of Lien
upon payment in full.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Meloney Lung, Resource Management,
addressed the Board to present request to approve the County’s Workers’
Compensation, Property, Casualty Package, Boiler and Machinery, Cyber and
Internet Liability, and Storage Tank Pollution Liability Insurance Programs for
calendar year 2014; and request authorization for staff to bind coverages
effective January 1, 2014. She stated
the new program summary is included in the packet. She added Michael Gillon from Arthur J.
Gallagher & Co. continued to negotiate the property insurance and was able
to get it reduced to $17,706. The final
premium is $952,294. Staff was able to
reduce the windstorm deductible to 3% as well.
She said Mr. Gillon has been informed that the County will be receiving
$700,000 from their flood insurance and that will leave the 2013/2014 total
premium flat with no increase.
No one spoke in support or in opposition.
by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the County’s
Workers’ Compensation, Property, Casualty Package, Boiler and Machinery, Cyber
and Internet Liability, and Storage Tank Pollution Liability Insurance Programs
for calendar year 2014; and authorize staff to bind coverages effective January
1, 2014.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Constantine stated the County
is getting more bang for their buck and he would like to congratulate staff and
the consultant on a job well done.
Commissioner Carey stated staff will be
trying to go back retroactively on the flood insurance issue and she would like
an update as that moves along.
Ms. Giles presented request to reduce the
Code Enforcement Board lien from $130,800 to $0.00 for Case #11-54-CEB on
property located at 693 Barbuda Way, Altamonte Springs, Tax Parcel
#21-21-29-501-0000-1480, previously owned by Betty Drury and currently owned by
Federal National Mortgage Association, Dave Kellam. She reviewed the timeline as outlined in the
agenda memorandum. A Certificate of Sale
to the Federal National Mortgage Association was filed on August 27, 2013 and
an Affidavit of Compliance was filed by the Code Enforcement Board on October
3, 2013. Although the property was
subject to foreclosure, Seminole County was not named as a defendant in the
foreclosure suit. Therefore, the Code
Enforcement lien was not extinguished as a function of the foreclosure
action. Staff recommends that the Board
deny the reduction of the lien from $130,800 to $0.00; and instead reduce the
lien to $5,500 representing the 37 days of noncompliance from the date of the
sale of the property to the Federal National Mortgage Association. Staff recommends that the payment be made
within 60 days or the lien will revert back to its original amount.
Toyna Young, 5401 S. Kirkman Road, addressed
the Board to state she represents Fannie Mae and she knows that Commissioner
Carey has a strong opinion about banks leaving these cases for several
months. She stated in this particular
case, they have a buyer. A packet was
sent to the Board with an outline of what occurred at the court hearing in
terms of when they filed the petition and when they acquired the property. The total amount of the lien did not
accumulate during the time that Fannie Mae acquired the property. Issues regarding the property were taken care
of within two months of the Final Judgment being put into place. Mr. Randall Mindrup has signed a contract to
purchase the property for $66,000 and the sale date has been extended pending
the outcome of this request. Ms. Young
stated Fannie Mae is concerned that Mr. Mindrup may not purchase this property
if there is an additional $130,000 lien included in the price. She added she believes that if the Board
reduces the lien to $0.00 and the sale goes through, Seminole County would benefit
from this because a good-faith offer has been provided and the new property
owner will keep the property in good shape.
Speaker Request Form was received and
Commissioner Carey stated Fannie Mae
probably needs to contract with local people when they have property that needs
maintained, they can then contact them to do that. She stated she is willing to support staff’s
recommendation of reducing the amount to $5,500.
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Horan to reduce the Code
Enforcement Board lien from $130,800 to $5,500 representing the 37 days of
non-compliance from the date of the judicial sale of the property to Federal
National Mortgage Association, for Case #11-54-CEB on property located at 693
Barbuda Way, Altamonte Springs, Tax Parcel #21-21-29-501-0000-1480, previously
owned by Betty Drury and currently owned by Federal National Mortgage
Association, Dave Kellam; to require the amount to be paid within 60 days or
the lien will revert back to its original amount of $130,800; and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Release of Lien upon payment in full.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for information only, the Informational
Budget Transfer Status Report for FY 2012/2013.
Mr. Hartmann requested the Board’s
confirmation of appointing Antoine Khoury as the Public Works Director.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Horan to confirm the
appointment of Antoine Khoury as the Public Works Director.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Joel Abel, Leisure Services Director,
addressed the Board to express appreciation to George Buchannan who took
sawdust from a piece of wood of The Senator and created artwork. He advised that Mark Rice of Chainsaw Designs
created a large piece of furniture from The Senator and that is on display
outside the Commission Chambers.
Chairman Dallari stated he feels that the
piece of work is truly artistry beyond compare and a plaque should be made
informing the public of what it is and who designed it and provided it to the
County, along with The Senator’s story.
Mr. Abel stated that is staff’s intention.
Commissioner Carey stated she feels the
chainsaw creation needs to be part of the story. She added she also feels the piece of
furniture needs to be roped off so that it can be protected from anyone wanting
to sit on it or carving their name on it.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr.
Abel advised staff is starting to get pieces of art coming in from The
Senator. Staff does not know how much
space they will actually need until they receive all of the art. Staff has identified two places at the museum
but it depends on the amount of art they get and the amount of different
locations they want to put it. He stated
when he has more information, he will share it with the Board.
Commissioner Horan stated there have been
discussions relative to fundraising and the possibility of a location at the
park for display of these materials. He
stated he will be coming with more details from the Historical Commission after
they discuss it at their next meeting.
Mr. Hartmann advised the Legislative Update
has been moved to this afternoon after the public hearings.
No Report.
Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at
11:45 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m., with all Commissioners and all other
Officials, with the exception of Clerk of Court Maryanne Morse, who was
replaced by Chief Deputy Clerk Bruce McMenemy; and, with the exception of
Deputy Clerk Eva Roach, who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Erin Leben, who were
present at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for
this meeting's scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of a public hearing to consider an appeal of the Board of Adjustment decision
approving a Special Exception for a Marina in the A-3 district, for property located
on the north side of Black Hammock Road, approximately 150 feet east of Palm
Drive, particularly known as 2332 Black Hammock Road, as described in the proof
of publication, Robert King, Appellant and George Kramer, Applicant.
Gibbs, Planning & Development, addressed the Board to state she distributed
a revised development order addressing some of the concerns that were raised by
the Board at the November 19, 2013 meeting.
Ms. Gibbs distributed a copy of an email from Donald R. Epps, past president
of the Robin Hill Homeowners Association and correspondence from Black Hammock
Association (all were received and filed.)
Letters of objection were also received and filed.
Horan stated he felt it was in everyone’s best interest to have the parties
come together and address some of the more global issues that have been
identified by the public at the previous hearing. He further expressed his opinion that it was
in everyone’s best interest to continue this matter to the next public hearing.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded
by Commissioner Constantine, to continue to January 14, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. or
as soon thereafter as possible, request to consider an Appeal of the Board of
Adjustment decision to approve a Special Exception for a Marina in the A-3
(Agriculture) district, for property located on the north side of Black Hammock
Road, approximately 150 feet east of Palm Drive, particularly known as 2332
Black Hammock Road, Robert King, Appellant and George Kramer, Applicant.
Lussier, Mateer & Harbert, addressed the Board to express his gratitude for
the incentives the Board gave to the parties.
He stated that he accepts the continuance, if granted, as further
direction for the parties to resolve the issue.
Carey inquired whether the first meeting in January would be enough time or if
the second meeting date in January would be more appropriate.
Lussier stated he felt Commissioner Carey’s concerns were legitimate. He stated an idea has been presented and
rebuffed. He feels that the challenge is
for someone other than himself or staff to get a response out of the applicant.
Kramer, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to state they presented
several suggested amendments based on direction, specifically the restoration
plan for the landscaping and parking spaces.
He stated they did not get any comments back including the revised
development order.
Mr. Kramer
stated it is his position that they should not be looking to coordinate the planning
efforts with the non-conforming adjacent property owned by his client. He asked for direction as to specifically
what they are supposed to be discussing in trying to resolve this.
Applegate, County Attorney, addressed the Board and stated his feelings were if
they could get all the parties involved together for discussion, there is a
chance that this can be worked out. He
thinks the Board has given staff the direction to reach a settlement. He wants both parties to see if there is a
way to globally settle the matter for everybody concerned. He thinks that trying to get everybody to
agree to talk is more important than asking the Board to give specific
Mr. Kramer
stated that he made it clear that his position was not to negotiate on the
property. He was retained to plan for
the Nature Center and the property within this application. He stated he was happy to meet to talk about
that, but not about any other properties, and a meeting was not scheduled. He inquired if Mr. Applegate would be looking
to schedule a meeting, understanding that some topics would be discussed and
other topics would not, or whether Mr. Applegate meant they would not schedule
a meeting unless they were willing to discuss items on the adjacent property.
Applegate expressed that he was willing to schedule a meeting to allow both
sides to share their views on one or both properties. If at the conclusion of the parties sharing
their views with one another it is obvious there is not going to be a settlement,
then that rules that issue out. However,
he feels that it would be doing all parties involved a favor by looking at all
of the issues globally.
Carey stated that she is viewing the application as a stand-alone
application. She feels that what is
going on around it is its own issue.
Dallari agreed with Commissioner Carey that if the information that is
presented to them is just based on one piece of property, that is the
information the Board needs to be talking about.
Constantine stated he feels if the parties want to come up with some agreement
and solution that is amenable to both and has to do with one or both of the
properties, he agrees with Mr. Applegate in that they should be able to have as
much flexibility as they possibly can.
He stated he would be fully in favor of having everything on the table
as the parties need.
Guillet, Development Services Director, addressed the Board to comment that her
opinion was there were some misconceptions and assumptions on both sides of
what both parties want. She stated that
a meeting outside of the public hearing setting would be beneficial to
everybody so that all parties understand what the intentions and concerns
are. She feels that public hearings are
not very conducive to direct discussion.
Carey agreed that a meeting in a private setting would be beneficial.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition of the continuance.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ______, calling for a public hearing to consider
adoption of an Ordinance approving the Annual Update of the Capital
Improvements Project Schedule for the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan,
received and filed.
Jeff Hopper, Development Services,
addressed the Board to present the adopted Schedule of Capital Improvements and
stated it is updated annually to ensure that it matches the County’s newly
adopted fiscal year budget and the adopted Five-Year Capital Improvements
Program. The proposed updated Schedule
Capital Improvements does not include any items not previously reviewed and
adopted by the Board. Staff recommends
adoption of the Ordinance.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Carey,
seconded by Commissioner Horan, to adopt Ordinance #2013-39, as shown on page
_____, approving the Annual Update of the Capital Improvements Project Schedule
for the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, as described in the proof of
publication, Seminole County.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _____, calling for a public hearing to
consider an Ordinance approving a Rezone from M-1A (Very Light Industrial) to
PD (Planned Development) for 5.26 acres located on the east side of Dot Com
Court, approximately ½ mile west of Alafaya Trail, John Herbert, received and
Joy Giles,
Planning & Development, addressed the Board to present the request. She stated the subject property, located with
an industrial complex, is a fully developed site with an existing 92,000-square
foot building intended for light industrial uses. The applicant is requesting a rezone to PD to
allow for an indoor amusement and recreational establishment for group events,
birthday parties, and corporate team building.
Catered food and alcoholic beverages will be offered in a designated
area with a maximum of 25 seats as an ancillary use to the recreational
activities. The Planning and Zoning
Commission recommended approval of the request.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance.
Herbert, Applicant, addressed the Board and offered his assistance with any
questions they might have.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
commissioner Dallari recommended approval per staff’s recommendation.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to adopt Ordinance #2013-35, as shown on page _____,
enacting a Rezone from M-1A (Very Light Industrial) to PD (Planned
Development); and approve the associated Development Order, as shown on page
_____, and Master Development Plan for approximately 5.26 acres of property
located on the east side of Dot Com Court, approximately ½ mile west of Alafaya
Trail, as described in the proof of publication, John Herbert.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
& Glunt
Proof of
publication, as shown on page _____, calling for a public hearing to consider
an ordinance enacting a Rezone from RM-3 (Travel Trailer Park & Campsites)
to R-1BB (Single Family Dwelling), for approximately 25.77 acres located on the
east side of Orange Boulevard, approximately one mile north of West SR 46,
Madden Moorhead & Glunt, received and filed.
Joy Giles,
Planning & Development, addressed the Board to present the request as
outlined in the agenda memorandum.
The Planning
and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request. Staff finds the requested rezone from RM-3 to
R-1BB to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the
surrounding area, and recommends approval of the request.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Giles explained that RM-3 zoning permits
travel trailers, tents, and park campsites for a short-term period of time, but
does not allow for permanent mobile home placement.
Madden, Madden Moorhead & Glunt, addressed the Board to state they
scheduled a community meeting in October with the neighbors to inform them of
what they were proposing. Mr. Madden
displayed an aerial photograph depicting the RV park currently (received &
filed.) He stated the maximum capacity
is about 300 travel trailers or tents.
He believes there are roughly 170 month-to-month renters there. He informed the Board that the property is
RM-3 and the existing underlying land use is MDR, which allows up to 10 units
per acre.
Mr. Madden
explained when they first got involved with this as an MDR property land use,
townhomes were considered and they did a plan for about 10 units per acre. MI homes studied the market, and they felt
like this was not the right market. They
felt it was more consistent with what they’re currently building in the
Versailles development on Orange Boulevard about ½ mile away from where this
is. He stated they view this as the next
phase of Versailles.
Mr. Madden
explained that in lieu of proposing the townhomes, they went to a single-family
plan, which is 76 lots at 70 feet wide by 120-foot deep. He displayed an aerial map (received and
filed) to indicate the surroundings of the site. He indicated the RV Park was there long
before Lake Forest and explained it was his belief they implemented those
measures to provide adequate buffering between the RV Park and the
single-family homes that they constructed.
Wieland, Stenstrom McIntosh Colbert & Whigham, addressed the Board to
discuss some of the issues that he had heard and questions that had been
asked. He distributed a packet entitled
Town & Country Exhibits with a copy of the current lease (received &
filed.) He pointed out that all the
leases have a 30-day termination notice clause in them, which means that the
tenant can move out or be asked to leave with a 30-day notice. He advised that included in this packet is
the Statute regarding evicting short-term versus long-term residents of an RV
park and solicitations that had been posted in the park and handed out to other
residents from other RV resorts in the area.
One of these resorts is offering to pay half the moving expenses.
Palik, 741 Broadoak Loop, addressed the Board to state that a lot of the
residents were not aware of the public notice because they are not on the tax
records because they lease and are not residents of the County. Mr. Palik stated his concerns about the
County overdeveloping the surrounding area.
A letter
from Robert and Kristine Bugnacki opposing the request was received and filed.
No one
else spoke in support or in opposition.
Speaker request form and written
comment form were received and filed.
Upon inquiry
by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Madden stated that the residents are not on county
sewer presently; they have a wastewater treatment plan on that property.
Carey stated that she would like someone to go out and check the landscaping
that was approved by the Board.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to adopt Ordinance #2013-36, as shown on page _____,
enacting the Rezone from RM-3 (Travel Trailer Park and Campsites) to R1-BB
(Single Family Dwelling) for approximately 25.77 acres, located on the east
side of Orange Boulevard, approximately one mile north of West SR 46, Madden
Moorhead & Glunt, as described in the proof of publication.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ______, calling for a public hearing to consider
an Ordinance amending the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan to enact a Small
Scale Future Land Use Amendment from HIP-TI (Higher Intensity Planned
Development – Target Industry) to PD (Planned Development) and an Ordinance to
Rezone the subject property from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development);
and approval of the associated PD Development Order and Master Development Plan
for 2.5 acres, located on the southwest corner of School Street and N. Elder
Road and east of I-4, David Schmitt, received and filed.
Walker, Development Services, addressed the Board to state the applicant is
requesting all of the uses in C-1, C-2, and C-3 zoning districts, which are
retail commercial districts, as well as M1-A and M1, which are industrial
districts, all of the uses that are permitted under HIP-TI. They are also requesting motor vehicle sales
and repair, including auto, tractor, heavy equipment, sales, leasing and
auction, publishing plants, service stations with pumps, and well
drilling. Additionally, living quarters
in conjunction with the commercial use to be occupied by the owner or operator
of the business or an employee and public utility structures will be permitted
with a Special Exception.
Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval. Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinances
and approval of the associated PD Development Order and Master Development
Plan. Dave Schmitt, applicant, addressed
the Board and stated that he concurs with staff’s recommendation.
Motion by Commissioner Carey,
seconded by Commissioner Horan, to adopt Ordinance #2013-37, as shown on page
______, amending the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan enacting a Small Scale
Future Land Use Amendment from HIP-TI (Higher Intensity Planned Development –
Target Density) to PD (Planned Development) and associated Ordinance #2013-38,
as shown on page ______, and approve the Rezone on the subject property from
A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development), the associated PD Development
Order, as shown on page ______, and Master Development Plan for 2.5 acres,
located on the southwest corner of School Street and North Elder Road and east
of I-4, as described in the proof of publication, David Schmitt.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
UPDATE (Cont’d)
Guillet, Development Services Director, stated that Senator Simmons and his
“springs” bill was still a work in progress.
From what she understands, they haven’t seen that a new draft has taken
a direction that will be much more favorable to the County.
Guillet reminded the Board they had three legislative priorities last year that
involved Medicaid, the regional transportation authority, and the communication
service tax. She said Commissioner
Henley represented the Board in front of the Legislative Delegation and he
mentioned several items including the Medicaid issue. He also talked about the “springs”
legislation and concerns of the Florida Retirement System, which have been
ongoing concerns since the last legislative session. In addition, they talked about an appropriations
issue, which is repayment of funds owed to the County through the Juvenile
Justice System, which amounts to almost $3 million. They have already started discussing that
with some of their local delegation and that is an appropriations issue. Ms. Guillet wanted to confirm with the Board
as a whole that that is their initial list of priorities.
Carey noted that another thing that Commissioner Horan also presented to the
Legislative Delegation was regarding the Charter County Transportation
Bill. She feels that the County needs to
either lobby for that because that infrastructure sales tax can potentially be
used for operations as well as capital.
She believes that may be easier to change than the Charter County
Transportation Bill. She said that one
way or another, they need to have that flexibility in the taxes that they are
able to put out to the public in a public referendum or they can levy that so
they have some flexibility in how it gets spent.
Guillet agreed with Commissioner Carey and stated that she did not leave that
off of the list. She stated that the
Economic Development Council had been talking about some different options for
the Board to consider in the future, and taxes and infrastructure sales tax are
back on the table. Ms. Guillet explained
that over the last few years they had talked about some legislative changes to
the Charter County Sales Tax. As
Commissioner Carey stated, that may be more applicable to the infrastructure
surtax. She inquired if the Board still
had an interest to pursue some sort of a revision in whichever one would be the
easiest to get revision or whether there is something that is a priority and if
there is a specific tax they want to target.
Dallari stated he thinks it is always good to have flexibility. He also stated that he thinks there is a need
to see if there is an appetite with their Legislators to see if they are
willing to take that up and carry it.
Carey stated that out of the 67 counties, only roughly 14 are Charter counties,
so one tax does not apply to a lot of the counties. However, between the $10 million cap, the
doubling of the homestead exemption that the Legislature did and home values
declining, many of the counties need the flexibility to use their portion of
the sales tax that comes back to them through a normal process or something
that they have levied to be able to spend some of that for operational costs,
because the only other option they have is a property tax and then only the
people that own property are paying it. She pointed out that there are many people in
the Central Florida and Seminole County areas that come from Volusia, Lake and
Orange Counties, who are not property owners, to shop. These people are spending money here and
paying that sales tax. She feels that
the infrastructure sales tax may be an easier one to get some flexibility on
and feels that it should be up to the local jurisdiction to use those funds as
they see fit to meet their budget needs.
Horan stated it seems to make a lot of sense to give all the counties that kind
of flexibility in a global infrastructure tax and it should be politically
Horan also discussed the fact that they had four or five major drivers to their
budget this year, one of which was Lynx, which was a $3.2 million increase over
last year. He mentioned that the State
owes the County over $3 million for Juvenile Detention. They have no way of giving the County credit
because they took over their own Juvenile Justice System. He expressed that he feels it should be a
Dallari stated they have had some conversations with Representative Brodeur on
that particular topic and staff is working with him to come up with some
creative ideas to move that forward.
Carey stated that she believes Commissioner Constantine could probably point
them in the right direction of who they need to be lobbying because of the fact
that if you’ve got to have money appropriating, it’s got to come from an
appropriation group, not necessarily the Juvenile Justice Division. She requested Commissioner Constantine let
staff know where to go look for that money in the easiest way.
Constantine advised that he has spoken with the Chairman of the Senate and the
Criminal Justice Committee.
Horan stated they had a lengthy conversation at the Florida Association of
Counties Legislative meeting on the finance and tax committee. He stated there is a lot of appetite in the
Legislature to eliminate that tax. The
problem is they are trying to make it revenue neutral, which is very
Dallari requested a list of the main legislative priorities for this county and
the surrounding counties.
Ms. Guillet gave an update on what they are
doing with their Federal lobbyists. She
indicated they have been working on and monitoring the SunRail funding
issue. There is also an issue on
Homeland Security funding they will be working on.
Carey stated that monitoring what is going on with the SunRail funding is
great. She expressed that she would really
like them to work with the lobbyists for the other people in the region to
lobby to get the money.
Guillet explained that they were and they represent several of their
neighboring counties. Chairman Dallari
indicated they represent Volusia, Orange and Osceola Counties.
Guillet stated that they were instrumental in arranging some of the
meetings. She indicated they are not the
only ones vying for their attention on that issue.
Guillet advised that Orlando’s new slogan is “Orlando, you don’t know the half
of it.” Chairman Dallari expressed that
he feels like the slogan is a little too negative for PR. Ms. Guillet explained that they are intending
to embark on a costly major marketing plan.
Carey inquired whether they unveiled this slogan without having the Economic
Development Council (EDC) Board approval.
Ms. Guillet responded that she did not know the background.
Constantine explained they have had a branding committee working with a number
of different individuals that have been working on this along with advertising
companies. They presented it at the Mall
of Millennia on November 20th.
He explained that they have not approved it completely yet. They then had a subsequent meeting called the
“One Orlando” on November 4, 5 and 6. He
attended meetings on both the 4th and the 5th of
November. He explained that their intent
with the new slogan is to try to indicate to businesses and others that it is
not just about tourism; it’s about a lot of other opportunities in Central
Dallari reiterated his concern that the slogan sounds a little too
negative. Commissioner Constantine
explained that is why they want to have meetings with all of the Board members
and to discuss where they intend to go with this and how they intend to
go. He expressed that he agrees with
Chairman Dallari that on the surface the slogan sounds very negative. He explained that if you look at the way they
are presenting it, they are trying to indicate Orlando is not just a tourist
destination and it has a lot more to offer.
He requested that the Board keep an open mind when they come and do
their presentation.
Carey asked if they were briefing the EDC Board when they would have their
monthly Board meetings. Commissioner
Constantine explained that they were briefing as to the way they were going
about trying to develop the branding.
Horan inquired if there had been any resistance from the tourism industry
pertaining to the slogan. Commissioner
Constantine stated that the individual that is in charge of the branding
committee is a representative of Disney.
Dallari inquired if they would be looking for more money. Ms. Guillet indicated she believed they
would. She stated the EDC would take the
lead on managing this branding effort, and somebody needs to pay for all of the
collateral that goes with it.
Dallari expressed his concern that whatever direction they go as a region for
economic development that the focus is not just on Orange County and Orlando,
but efforts are also focused on Seminole County. He feels if they are branding, Seminole
County needs to be involved in it and not left behind.
Guillet stated her understanding is that the branding process was driven
primarily by the private sector and private partners. She imagines they will look at all their
partners to contribute. She has
expressed to EDC staff that if there is an expectation as a funding partner,
Seminole County should be involved in it.
Dallari expressed his feelings that if this County is expected to participate
financially, then they should be expected to participate from the beginning and
not at the 12th hour.
Guillet stated she believes the EDC is now sensitive to that and hopes they
will be meeting with the Board soon. She
stated they expressed that was their intention.
Dallari stated he had one meeting with the EDC where they showed him the slogan
and he expressed his concern about it being a little too negative for economic
Horan inquired whether the slogan was run by the Congress. Chairman Dallari responded that it was not
brought up in front of the Congress.
Guillet stated that this has been funded out of a pot of money at the EDC with
no contribution from the public. She
stated that moving forward, there may be a need to go to all of their funding
Dallari stated they need to renegotiate their contract with the EDC and they
are talking about measurements on that contract.
Guillet stated they are the only local government funding partner that has not
signed a contract yet because they have been trying to come to some sort of an
agreement on including some type of performance measure or reference to
performance measures in the contract.
She stated they will do that in a two-step process, put some language in
this year and then some more specific language in next year.
Constantine pointed out that there was no obligation for anyone to help pay for
the branding program. He feels that as
they move forward, they would love all of them to participate and are sensitive
to the fact that they would want each of them to be supportive. He stated that 30% of all the new job
opportunities that have come into Central Florida in the last few years have
come into Seminole County.
Guillet stated that the EDC is aware of the concerns.
Dallari recommended appointing Esther McKean to the Law Library replacing Tom
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to appoint Esther McKean, by Resolution #2013-R-277, as
shown on page _______, to the Law Library for a three-year term ending January
1, 2017.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Dallari recommended adopting a Resolution of Appreciation commending Thomas C.
Greene for his services on the Law Library.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to adopt Resolution #2013-R-288, as shown on page
_______, commending Thomas Greene for his service on the Law Library – Fred R.
Wilson Memorial Board of Trustees.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Dallari requested the
Board consider appointing Theo Hollerbach, owner of Willow Tree Café, to the
Tourism Development Council replacing Amy Nicholas from AAA.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Constantine, to appoint Theo Hollerbach, by Resolution
#2013-R-289, as shown on page _______, to the Tourism Development Council,
replacing Amy Nicholas.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Dallari requested a Resolution of Appreciation for Any Nicholas’ service on the
Tourism Development Council.
Motion by Commissioner
Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Resolution #2013-R-290, as
shown on page _______, of Appreciation for Amy Nicholas’ service on the Tourism
Development Council.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Dallari announced that he received an email from Cedar Hames, Paradise
Advertising, announcing that Seminole County has won a total of 26 awards for
the hospitality industry this year and they will be presented in February in
New York City.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to approve the list of 2014 Boards and Committees
Liaison Appointments.
Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Constantine voted NAY.
A lengthy
discussion ensued regarding the Board members not seeing the liaison
appointments prior to the BCC voting on them.
Commissioner Constantine stated he
would like to have seen the list before they voted on the appointments. He said he would also like to schedule a
meeting or work session with the Board relating to these specific committee
Henley stated there has never been a motion to change the duties of the
Chairman. If each Board member is going
to start telling the Chairman who they can or cannot appoint to liaison
committees then, the first thing they need to do is change those duties. He added he doesn’t know that the BCC has had
this type of discussion or problem before.
There have been times where Board members have asked to change their
appointments and that was done with the consent of the Chairman.
Constantine said he doesn’t see a problem giving each Board member notice of
the changes before they vote on it.
Dallari stated he will take that into consideration if he is elected Chairman
next year.
Carey submitted ex parte communications (received and filed) of today’s public
hearing items.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to approve the Appointments/Reappointments:
Appoint Ian Michael
Carfagna, by Resolution #2013-R-278, as shown on page _______, to the Code
Enforcement Board (CEB);
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-317, as shown on page _______, of Appreciation commending Gladys Greene
for her services on the CEB;
Reappoint James Depoy, by
Resolution #2013-R-279, as shown on page _______, as the electrical engineer to
the Contractors Examiners Licensing Board;
Appoint Esther McKean, by
Resolution #2013-R-280, as shown on page _______, to the Historical Commission;
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-318, as shown on page _______, commending Susan Goldman for her service
on the Historical Commission;
Appoint David Williamson, by
Resolution #2013-R-281, as shown on page _______, to the Parks &
Preservation Board; and
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-319, as shown on page _______, commending Michael Williams for his
service on the Parks & Preservation Board.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Carey stated she represents the BCC on behalf of the Central Florida Commission
on Homelessness Board of Directors and would like them to view a brochure that
was done by Glenda Hood’s company, triSect.
The survey in the brochure is about 10 communities around the country
that are making a difference regarding the homelessness issue.
Commissioner Carey stated she had
an opportunity to meet Barbara Poppe, Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency
Council on Homelessness. She was very
knowledgeable on the issue of homelessness.
She is also a recognized leader for creating collaborations and building
innovative solutions. Seminole County
has been recognized for the amount of issues they have taken on and making a
difference through collaboration with Kids House, the Sheriff’s Office and
non-profit organizations.
Commissioner Carey stated the City
of Sanford Christmas Parade would be on Saturday, December 14, 2013, at 6:00
p.m. in Downtown Sanford.
Carey wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
She provided the Board with roasted peanuts from Carolina Nut Company.
Dallari read his District Appointments/ Reappointments.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Horan, to approve the following
Appoint Tom Boyko to the
Parks & Preservation Advisory Committee for a three-year term ending
January 1, 2017, Resolution #2013-R-281, as shown on page _____;
Appoint Russ Hauck to the Code
Enforcement Board, Resolution #2013-R-278, as shown on page _____, and District
1 rotating appointment for a three-year term ending January 1, 2017;
Appoint Mark Wesson to the
Contractors Examiners Board as the mechanical contractor for a one-year term
ending January 1, 2015, Resolution #2013-R-279, as shown on page _____;
Appoint Nancy Irish to the
Contractors Examiners Board as a consumer for a one-year term ending January 1,
2015, Resolution #2013-R-279, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Eunice Mann to the
Historical Commission for a two-year term ending January 1, 2016, Resolution
#2013-R-280, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Greg Pflug to the
Tourism Development Council for a four-year term ending January 1, 2018, Resolution
#2013-R-289, as shown on page _____;
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-301, as shown on page _______, of Appreciation to Joe Montisano for his
service on the Tourism Development Council; and
Appoint Debra Garrambone to
the Animal Control Board for a two-year term ending January 1, 2015, Resolution
#2013-R-282, as shown on page _____.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to approve the following Appointments/Reappointments:
Appoint Margie Wells to the
Library Advisory Board for a two-year term commencing January 1, 2014,
Resolution #2013-R-283, as shown on page _____;
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-284, as shown on page _____, of Appreciation to Jennifer Finch for her
service on the Library Advisory Board;
Reappoint James Robison to a
two-year term on the Historical Commission commencing January 1, 2014, Resolution
#2013-R-280, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Robert Steenson to
a three-year term on the Parks & Preservation Advisory Committee commencing
January 1, 2014, Resolution #2013-R-281, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Bryan Wilson to a
one-year term on the Animal Control Board commencing January 1, 2014,
Resolution #2013-R-282, as shown on page _____; and
Reappoint William Carpenter
to a four-year term on the MetroPlan Transportation Study Citizens Advisory
Committee commencing January 1, 2014, Resolution #2013-R-285, as shown on page
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to approve the following Appointments/Reappointments:
Reappoint Steven Browne for
a one-year term on the Animal Control Board ending January 1, 2015, Resolution
#2013-R-282, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Dan Shaw as the
plumbing contractor on the Contractors Examiners Board for a one-year term
ending January 1, 2015, Resolution #2013-R-279, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Caroline Bistline
for a two-year term on the Historical Commission ending January 1, 2016,
Resolution #2013-R-280, as shown on page _____;
Reappoint Barbara Whittier
for a three-year term on the Parks & Preservation Board ending January 1,
2017, Resolution #2013-R-281, as shown on page _____;
Appoint Mark Plebanski for a
four-year term on the Tourism Development Council ending January 1, 2018,
Resolution #2013-R-289, as shown on page _______;
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-286, as shown on page _____, of Appreciation to Dan Shaw for his
service on the Tourism Development Council,
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-287, as shown on page _____, of Appreciation to Greg Zulig for his
service on the Library Commission; and
Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2013-R-291, as shown on page _____, of Appreciation to Taylor Pancake for his
service on the Seminole County Port Authority.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Hartmann, County Manager, wished everyone a great holiday season.
Bryant Applegate, County Attorney,
indicated that on the Florida Association of County Attorneys, his office
participates on four different committees.
There will be conference calls to discuss pending legislation affecting
counties and they will work with Ms. Guillet to get the reports to them. He also indicated that each lawyer has been
assigned to work with their appropriate departments on helping Ms. Guillet
monitor any pending legislation.
Mr. Applegate stated that the County should
be very proud of their efforts in regard to the homelessness issues.
Mr. Applegate wished everyone a Merry
Dallari wished everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holiday season.
being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m., this same date.