DECEMBER 8, 2009


     The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.


     Chairman Bob Dallari (District 1)

     Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)

     Commissioner Mike McLean (District 2)

     Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)

     Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)

     Clerk of Circuit Court Maryanne Morse (late)

     Acting County Manager Joe Forte

     County Attorney Robert McMillan

     Deputy Clerk Eva Roach


     Chaplain Charles Pitroff, Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, gave the Invocation.

     Commissioner Van Der Weide led the Pledge of Allegiance.


     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-236, as shown on page ________, opposing the legalization of any and all Schedule 1 drugs; and opposing any such drug legalization which may be proffered now or in the future.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

     The Board presented the Resolution to Calvina Fay, Executive Director, Save Our Society from Drugs, who addressed the Board to express her appreciation for the Board’s efforts in opposing legalization of drugs for medical use.


     Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court, entered the meeting at this time.

     Sabrina O’Bryan, Assistant County Manager, addressed the Board to give a quick overview of the Employee Academy.  She played a short video of the Employee Academy and presented the following graduating members with certificates:  Linda Boebinger; Shelly Brubaker; Ricky Johnson; Devlin Moore; Sharon Peters; John Reichardt; Jason Seeley; Lynne Smith; Brian Walker; and Chris Wojton.

     Chairman Dallari announced that Meloney Lung, Support Services, will be graduating from UCF with her Masters Degree in Public Administration.  He congratulated her for her achievements.

     Robert McMillan, County Attorney, left the meeting at this time.


     Karen van Caulil, Chairman, Committee on Aging, addressed the Board to give an update on the Committee on Aging’s annual report.  She displayed a PowerPoint Presentation (not received and filed) showing the appointees from the BCC to the committee.  She introduced the members in attendance and she stated the Committee is awaiting a new appointment from the Sheriff’s Office.  She stated this is a terrific committee that has a broad range of expertise and high level of commitments.  She reviewed the background of the Committee relating to Community for a Lifetime.   She continued her presentation by reviewing the Focus of the Committee and some of the accomplishments they have done so far.

     Mr. McMillan reentered the meeting at this time.

     Ms. Van Caulil reviewed some of the accomplishments and activities underway relating to aging sensitivity; elder housing; countywide needs assessment survey; and transportation initiatives for seniors.  She concluded by displaying and reviewing the Committee on Aging link on the County’s website. 


     Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at 9:58 a.m., reconvening it at 10:00 a.m.


     Debra Schafer, 1740 Brumley Road, addressed the Board to state she is speaking on behalf of the Chuluota Community Association with regard to Item #76, Rybolt Park Mixed Use Community.  She stated the vision of this area has always been to remain rural and no one in this area has suggested high intensity development.  This project is a bridge to cross the Econ River and no one has suggested crossing the Econ again.  She said she attended all the “How Shall We Grow” meetings and the vision is the important issue here.  At some point and time everyone has to draw a line in the sand on growth because of water, roadways, green space and staying on top with that vision.  The community continues to support staff to support other staffs to stay on track as they do not need to cross the Econ River.  She said she is not asking the Board to tell another County what to do with their project, but she is asking that they support a vision for an area that abuts a very sensitive rural boundary that is always being pushed.

     Mitchel Krause, 137 Academy Oaks Place, addressed the Board to state he owns a business at 1220 Douglas Avenue and he is opposed to renaming Douglas Avenue and the unaligned right-of-way to Commerce Park Drive (Item #51).  He stated South Seminole Trail crosses through a portion of Douglas Avenue and the name of Commerce Park Drive does not fit the north or south portion of Douglas Ave.  This isn’t a commerce park and it will be confusing to everyone.  He asked the Board to authorize staff to go back and review this further.


     Joe Forte, Acting County Manager, addressed the Board to advise FDLE information was removed from Item #10, Award CC-5048-08, and was placed under Item #70, Edward Byrne Memorial JAG.  Also, a tabulation sheet was added to Item #10.  He stated Item #30, Approve Florida Division of Emergency Management Subgrant Agreement, was going to be pulled, but will stay on the agenda as is.  Page 29.10-3 was replaced on Item #44, Approve 2009 Revised Library Services Meeting Room Policy in the Administrative Code.  The replacement page indicates that the current fees are refundable up to 48 hours prior to the cancellation date that it is being reserved for.  Replacement page for Item #52, Memorandum of Understanding for a Learning Partnership with Columbia Southern University, was submitted.  He stated the contract refers to a partnership with Seminole County Government and it should read Columbia Southern University and Seminole County Employees.  He referred to Item #71, Group Medical Benefits and FSA Administration, and stated there are changes to Exhibit B on the group insurance.  The first change relates to the method of funding transfer.  He added the second change refers to the method of payment being made within 10 days, and if it is not received within ten calendar days after the payment due date, the payment would be considered past due and subject to late payment charges.  That language came from an e-mail exchange from staff and the representatives of BCBS and it is just for clarification. 

     Mr. McMillan explained that this provides a 10-day grace period and it is due within 10 days; but if a payment is not received within that period of time, then the interest payments will start.  They will have a 20-day window to make a payment, but it is technically still due on the 10th day.

     Mr. Forte stated Item #72, On-Site/Near Site Medical Clinic, is being pulled.  He stated additional information (received and filed) was provided for Item #73, County Property and Casualty Insurance Program. 

     Commissioner Henley stated with regard to Item #5, Approve Amendment #1 to M-4875-09, CH2M Hill, he is not sure the County shouldn’t pay additional attention to Work Order 20.  He stated he doesn’t believe they have done what needs to be done.  He added he would like to instruct staff to develop a scope of service and enter into negotiations with Mr. R.W. Block to continue with some work on that with a maximum amount of $25,000 for fees.

     Chairman Dallari stated he was going to ask under his District Report that the Block report be brought up at the next meeting so they can actually accept it. 

     Commissioner Henley stated he would like to go ahead with this and then agenda the report.

     Commissioner Carey asked Commissioner Henley if he wants to look at Work Order #20.  She said she believes that’s a great idea.

     Commissioner Henley stated he believes the Board needs to have some discussion on that report.

     Chairman Dallari stated the only concern he has with hiring Mr. Block is you don’t hire your auditor to be your accountant.  If the County needs a consultant, they should put it out to bid to implement it.  He said his concern is having the auditor be involved in setting up the protocol and procedures of moving forward. 

     Commissioner Henley stated he appreciates what Chairman Dallari is saying, but Mr. Block has been familiar with this since the County has already engaged him in that particular item.

     Upon inquiry by Chairman Dallari, Commissioner Henley advised he would like a scope of service to be developed; and in the meantime, he doesn’t see hiring someone else to begin with something new when Mr. Block has already done it and is familiar with it.

     Commissioner McLean stated if they are going to look at the scope of service, it may make sense to agree with it publicly.

     Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he has confidence in staff that they will stay on track.  He stated he would hate to think that they would get this bogged down to where they cannot get the job done.

     Mr. Forte stated he believes staff already has developed a scope of service for Work Order #20, but they don’t have a scope developed for the procedures and they can bring that back this afternoon.

     Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court, addressed the Board to state she would be careful if they are the ones to establish the policies and procedures, and then they have an opportunity to come back and audit against those policies and procedures.  She said she thinks the scope of service is imperative and important before they move forward on it to make sure there is no confusion as to who is actually going to develop the policies and procedures, and they are different from those that are going to be audited in the future.

     Commissioner Carey stated she believes the policy and procedures were in place for Item #20 when this process started.

     Mr. Forte stated they are lacking in policy and procedures for execution of that contract and the audit showed that they need to develop firm policies and procedures for executing a contract.

     Chairman Dallari stated staff will be bringing this back this afternoon.

     Alison Stettner, Acting Planning & Development Director, addressed the Board to explain for Commissioner Henley what the intent is for a mobility options fee for Item #8, Approve Work Order #8 to RFP-3261-08.

     Commissioner Carey stated if the Legislature passed the mobility fee it takes the County’s funding to the State level and that would have tremendous impact on the transportation funds.  She stated she doesn’t think they need a consultant to do a study about it, but they need to discuss this with the lobbyist to make sure it isn’t going to take funds that Seminole County has levied and turn them into some mobility fee that will go to the State.  She further stated she feels they should discuss this with their lobbyist.

     Commissioner Henley stated he doesn’t think they should pull the whole issue, but write that part out of there to save time, effort and money.

     Ms. Stettner stated there are two things going on.  She stated when they look at a new approach for transportation, they will have to look at the financial impacts of all the transportation improvements.  They will also need to look at the transportation roadway side and the bikeway side as well as looking at a new way of calculating impact fees based on a total mobility plan.  Staff needs to get ahead of the mobility plan so that they can say, as a region; they already have a plan in place.  Discussion ensued.

     Chairman Dallari stated he believes the Board is saying that part of the work order should be stricken.

     Ms. Stettner explained for Commissioner Carey how much of the scope of work is part of the mobility plan.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Jerry McCollum, County Engineer, addressed the Board to review the key things that came out of SB 360. 

     Commissioner Henley stated the mobility plan and mobility fees are different issues.

     Mr. McCollum stated his concern is the plan.

     Chairman Dallari requested that this item be continued to this afternoon for further discussion.  The Board had no objections.

     Commissioner Henley referred to Item #11, Award RFP-600705-09, and stated the scope of service talks about documenting the fiber optic network and he would like to know if staff doesn’t know where it is.

     Mr. Forte stated what it does is identify which fiber lines are dead and which are live and puts it all into the data base.  

     Charlie Wetzel, Traffic Engineering, addressed the Board to state staff has a general idea where all the fiber lines are, but the problem they have is there are several cables that have 72 strands on them and they don’t specifically know who has what fiber.  This project is to find all the cables and all the users, what everyone is using and what is the better fee to charge. 

     Mr. Wetzel explained for Commissioner Carey why they need three contracts for it if it has to be completed by 9/2010. 

     Mr. McMillan clarified for Commissioner McLean where they came up with the $350,000.  Discussion ensued.

     Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner McLean to pull Item #11, request to Award RFP-600705-09, Fiber Optic Network Documentation Project, to Metric Engineering, Inc. (Not-to-exceed $350,000), for further review. 

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

-   - -

     Commissioner McLean stated twelve firms submitted proposals for Item #7, Approve ranking list and authorize staff to negotiate rates for PS-4660-09, and he would like to discuss the process of how they look at evaluating a local firm as opposed to an out-of-town firm.

     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Henley to negotiate rates with PBS&J for PS-4650-09 instead of negotiating with the top firm (PB Americas).

     Under discussion, Commissioner Van Der Weide stated the Board has discussed this issue many times, and his fear is when they get away from the normal process, they will have surrounding areas retaliating when the BCC shows favoritism with firms in Seminole County.

     Commissioner McLean stated he doesn’t think that is the case here.  He stated he feels they can make a good case for showing that the evaluating process shows these firms to be almost equal from a scoring standpoint.

     Mr. McMillan stated the Board can re-rank the firms if they would like to, but he would hesitate to make it appear that the selection was made solely on the basis of a firm’s location under the criteria.

     Commissioner Carey stated she will not be supporting the motion as three members of staff have ranked this firm as number one and two have ranked it as number two.  She stated she believes PB Americas has an office in central Florida.  It is difficult for a company to have a business in one county when they are doing business in central Florida. 

     Commissioner Henley stated this Board, on numerous occasions, has asked the submitters be unranked and this Board has re-ranked them. 

     Mr. McCollum informed Commissioner Henley that PS Americas is doing CEI work for the County now.  He stated they are short-listed and they wouldn’t be on the list if they couldn’t do the work.

     Commissioner Carey stated in most cases when they come unranked, it is because of the scope and size of the project.  She stated she feels the criteria needs to be changed but it should not be done now. 

     Commissioner McLean stated they have had situations in the past where they changed the rankings because of circumstances the Board thought were important.

     Commissioner Henley stated he doesn’t want staff to get the mistaken impression that whatever they recommend, that the BCC is bound by.

     Mr. McCollum stated staff makes it very clear to all of the consultants that make presentations that the BCC makes the final decision.  He stated staff takes the locations into account as well as the technical merit.

     Mr. McMillan stated additional criteria cannot be added after the RFP has been received.  The proposal has to be evaluated against the established criteria.  Even if the staff ranks them as first, second and third does not mean the Board cannot look at the criteria but they can only re-rank them on the evaluation of the criteria. 

     Ray Hooper, Purchasing Manager, stated all the professional services go through two processes.  The proposals are evaluated, ranked and then short-listed.  Presentations are done and they are ranked again.   

     Districts 2 and 4 voted AYE. 

     Commissioners Dallari, Van Der Weide and Carey voted NAY, whereupon, the motion failed for lack of a majority vote.


     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Kathy Furey-Tran, Assistant County Attorney, addressed the Board to explain what the difference is relating to Item #47, Approve Partial Release of Code Enforcement lien, and other liens.

     Mr. McMillan stated he believes the County is only releasing that portion of the lien that accrued and was payable for the period of time of the new owner.  Any property the violator continues to own, they would have a lien on it.  He stated a lien to a Code Enforcement Board is like a court judgment and it applies to all property owned by the violator, and it isn’t limited to the parcel on which the violation occurred.

     Commissioner Henley stated he would like to know who was responsible between December 23, 2008 and August 5, 2009. 

     Jane Spencer, Clerk to Code Enforcement Board, addressed the Board to state on this particular property there is a Lis Pendens and then a code case.  It does not stop at the quit claim, but at the certificate of title.  The final judgment extinguishes the lien at the judicial sale.  Since the property was in compliance on August 12, 2009, there was no more money due.

     Commissioner Carey stated if the Bank of New York got their final judgment recorded in November 2007, it sounds like it should be the responsibility of the bank and not the other group.  Discussion ensued.

     Mr. McMillan stated staff is hoping to bring back at the January meeting a proposed ordinance for making the banks responsible for the maintenance of the property.

     Commissioner Henley stated it concerns him that it is taking so long to get a cure for this.

     Commissioner Carey stated her concern is, theoretically, if the bank forecloses on the property, the people that own the house are probably not in the house.

     Mr. McMillan recommended continuing this item.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to continue request to approve Partial Release of Code Enforcement lien in the amount of $89,000, Case #08-145-CEB on the property located at 2013 Vanderbilt Point, Longwood, Consulting Group, LLC, Trustee (previous owner) and Bank of New York (current owner).

     Under discussion, Chairman Dallari stated staff can bring this back this afternoon if they can.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Commissioner Carey stated she would like Item #51, Approve Resolution to rename Douglas Avenue and unnamed right-of-way to Commerce Park Drive, pulled for a separate discussion.  The Board had no objections.


     Commissioner Carey referred to Item #52, approve Memorandum of Understanding for a Learning Partnership with Columbia Southern University, and stated she has concerns about placing the County’s logo on the university’s website.  She stated she would like to strike that from same.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Understanding, as shown on page _______, for a Learning Partnership between Columbia Southern University and the Seminole County Employees, striking the language regarding using the County’s logo on the university’s website.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to authorize and approve the following as amended:

Administrative Services

Purchasing and Contracts

4.  Approve Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to M-463-04/AJR with Nationwide Retirement Solutions to increase the term of the agreement to January 4, 2015 and allow for a reduction in the asset management fee to 0 basis points on February 16, 2010.

6.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to PS-5190-05/DRR with CH2M Hill, of Orlando, Florida, to add Exhibit "E".

7.  Approve ranking list and authorize staff to negotiate rates for PS-4650-09/VFT – Master Agreement for Construction, Engineering and Inspection Services for the Pedestrian Tunnel at Lake Mary Blvd. & International Parkway with PB Americas, Inc., of Tampa, Florida (Estimated Usage Amount of $550,000.00 over the term of the Agreement).

8.  Continuation of request to approve Work Order #8 for RFP-3261-08/RTB - General Consulting Services for Planning and Development in the amount of $164,940.00 to HNTB Corporation of Lake Mary, FL.

9.  Award CC-4626-09/DRR, as shown on page ________, Greenwood Reclaim Plant Rerate Improvements, in the amount of $10,972,000.00 to Wharton-Smith, Inc. of Lake Monroe, Florida.

10.  Award CC-5048-09/VFT, as shown on page ________, Lockhart Subdivision Potable Water Project, in the amount of $1,124,937.25 to Young’s Communications Co., Inc. of Melbourne, Florida; approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Construction Services Agreement in connection therewith.

11.  Pulled from the agenda request to Award RFP-600705-09/BJC, Fiber Optic Network Documentation Project, to Metric Engineering, Inc. (Not-To-Exceed $350,000.00).

12.  Award RFP-600754-09/TLR, as shown on page ________, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Repair and Replacement, to Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Orlando.

13.  Authorize Sole Source Procurement and the issuance of Purchase Order(s) for new technology of LifePak 15 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillators System Equipment and related appurtenances including service and warranty to Physio Control Corporation, Redmond, WA, Division of Medtronic, Inc. based on approved Department budget.

14.  Waive the Procurement Process and award the hosting and licensing contract, as shown on page ________, for GovMax to Sarasota County as a Single Source Procurement.

Support Services

15.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the First Amendment, as shown on page ________, of the Seminole Tenant Health Department and Community Services Lease.

16.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Amended Contract, as shown on page ________, for Sale and Purchase of Land and County Deed, as shown on page ________, conveying surplus property acquired in conjunction with the County Road 46A, Phase III project (H.E. Thomas Parkway), a 750 square foot portion of Parcel #03-20-30-503-0000-0380 to Charles and Sherett Salter.


Community Services

Community Assistance

17.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the standard Training Provider Agreement, as shown on page ________, which allows Seminole County residents Training Scholarship Vouchers through the CSBG-ARRA funding and extend signature authority for the training vouchers and individual agreements to the Community Services Director.

18.  Approval of executing a modification of the Mortgage Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Jessica Gomes.





Economic Development


19.  Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Pledge Commitment, as shown on page ________, to the Seminole Community College (SCC) Foundation in the amount of $150,000.00 for services provided through the Small Business Development Center and the Seminole Technology Business Incubation Center located at the Port of Sanford.

20.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Master Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Services to be provided by the Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida for FY 09/10 - FY 12/13; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Agreement, as shown on page _______ authorizing the Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida to act as the County’s Industrial Development Authority for FY 09/10 - FY 12/13.


Environmental Services


21.  Approve refund in the amount of $28,082.21 to Colonial Properties for excess water fees, sewer fees and utility taxes remitted to Seminole County.

Business Office

22.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the City of Sanford, Seminole County and Seminole County School Board Wholesale Water, Wastewater and Reclaim Water Service Agreement, as shown on page ________.

23.  Approve release of the original Letter of Credit (replaced with new Letter of Credit #BB 9916/AR45) in the amount of $15,532.00 for water and sewer for the project known as Markham Woods Enclave.

24.  Approve release of the original Water and Sewer Cash Maintenance Bond with Escrow Agreement for the project known as Aloma Jancy in the amount of $1,623.00.

25.  Approve release of the original Letter of Credit #31 99131/AR45 (replaced with new Letter of Credit #BB 10030/AR45) in the amount of $56,269.35 for water and sewer for the project known as I-4 Industrial Park 5th and 6th sections.

26.  Approve release of the original Water and Sewer Maintenance Bond #104687455 & PRF 08853366 for the project known as Trinity Retail Center in the amount of $14,440.00.

Solid Waste Management

27.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as shown on page ________, for the following companies: Coniglio Construction, Inc.; EQ Florida, Inc.; Orlando Waste Paper Company, Inc.; PCM Construction Services, LLC; and SP Recycling Corp.


Fiscal Services


28.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Order, as shown on page ________, in acceptance of the terms and conditions for the Hazards Analysis Grant in the amount of $5,775.00 as awarded by the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

29.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute two Certificates of Acceptance of Subgrant Agreements, as shown on page _______, in acceptance of $239,756.00 in grant funding to the Sheriff's Office from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement through their Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Program.

30.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Subgrant Agreement, as shown on page _______, with the Florida Division of Emergency Management in acceptance of $150,065.00 through their Repetitive Flood Claim Program, as amended.

31.  Approval to resubmit Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security requesting $2,518,433.00 through their Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program, and authorize the Acting County Manager to execute any necessary documentation as may be necessary for the application submission.

32.  Approval to submit Grant Application to the Florida Division of Emergency Management requesting $25,125.00 in grant funds through their Repetitive Flood Claims Program, and authorize the Acting County Manager to execute any supportive documents as may be required for the application.


33.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-237, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-08 in the amount of $148,526,579.00 through various funds in order to carry forward the remaining project budgets from FY 2008/09 to FY 2009/10.

34.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-238, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-10 through the Public Works Grants and the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax Funds in the amount of $272,239.00 in order to increase funding for the State Road 46 Gateway Sidewalk project.

35.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-239, as shown on page _________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-17 through the Public Safety Grants Fund in the amount of $150,065.00 to allocate funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency through a sub-grant agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency Management’s Repetitive Flood Claim Program.

36.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-240, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-19 through the General Fund in the amount of $80,138.00 to carry forward unused grant proceeds.

37.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-241, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-20 through various grant funds in the amount of $1,159,756 to adjust carry forward funding.

38.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-242, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-21 through the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund in the amount of $550,000 to provide funding for a mitigation agreement and additional design costs for the SR 434 Six Laning I-4 to Rangeline project.

39.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-243, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-22 through the Transportation Trust in the amount of $14,145.00 to provide reimbursement funding from the County's Property/Liability Self-Insurance Fund for replacement of stolen items.

40.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-244, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-23 through the Water & Sewer Operating Fund in the amount of $4,177,400.00 to decrease revenues and reserves.

41.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-245, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-24 through the Public Safety Grant Fund in the amount of $5,775.00 to allocate funding from the Florida Division of Emergency Management's Hazards Analysis Grant.

42.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-246, as shown on page ________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #10-25 through the General Fund in the amount of $16,010.00 to provide reimbursement funding from the County's Property/Liability Self-Insurance Fund for replacement/repair of damaged property.

43.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Budget Change Request (BCR) #09-22 through the General Fund in the amount of $4,681.00 to increase funding for postage.


Library Services


44.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Resolution #2009-R-247, as shown on page ________, clarifying the 2009 Revised Library Services Meeting Room Policy for inclusion in the Administrative Code, Section 29.10.


Planning and Development

Development Review

45.  Authorize the release of the Maintenance Agreement for Road Improvements and Irrevocable Letter of Credit #112 in the amount of $3,089.00 for the Ciara Creek Office Park a/k/a Edwards Young Business Center road improvements.


46.  Approve the Partial Release of Lien, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $500.00, Case No. 08-162-CEB, on 2244 Sunnyview Drive, Oviedo, Tax Parcel #27-21-31-503-0000-0090, previously owned by Mildred and Giselle Marrero and currently owned by Bank of New York, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Partial Release of Lien.

48.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Service Funding Agreement, as shown on page ________, by and between Seminole County, Florida and LYNX for Fiscal Year 2010.


Public Safety


49.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Resolution #2009-R-248, as shown on page ________, renaming of Mikler Road to Connection Point.

50.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-249, as shown on page ________, naming the realigned unnamed right-of-way to Douglas Avenue.

EMS Fire Rescue

53.  Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Cooperative Loan Agreement, as shown on page ________, between the Division of Forestry and Seminole County.


Public Works


54.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-251, as shown on page ________, and authorize the Chairman to execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement Number 4, as shown on page ________, with the Florida Department of Transportation relating to reimbursement funding for the design of State Road 46 Gateway Sidewalks (Rinehart Road to Airport Boulevard), (FDOT ~ FPN: 417484-1-38-01).

55.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-252, as shown on page ________, and authorize the Chairman to execute a Subordination of County Utility Interests Agreement, as shown on page ________, with the Florida Department of Transportation for property identified as FDOT Parcel Number 119.2R and determined necessary to construct or improve State Road 400 (Interstate 4).

56.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-253, as shown on page ________, and authorize the Chairman to execute a Joint Participation Agreement Amendment Number 1, as shown on page _______, to the County Incentive Grant Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Midway Regional Stormwater Facility Project (FDOT - FPN 407355-6-58-01).

57.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-254, as shown on page ________, and authorize the Chairman to execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement, as shown on page ________, with the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for Reconstruction and Resurfacing of Longwood-Lake Mary Road from County Road 427 to Lake Mary Boulevard (FDOT - FPN:428091-1-58-01).

58.  Adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-255, as shown on page ________, authorizing the Chairman to execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement, as shown on page ________, with the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for replacement of Orange Boulevard Bridge at Lockhart Smith Canal (Bridge Number 774003), (FDOT - FPN: xxxxxx-x-58-01).

59.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute  Mitigation Agreement, as shown on page ________, for the purchase of a Conservation Easement from Brio, LLC, owner of the Brio Mitigation Area to offset wetland impacts associated with the State Road 426/County Road 419 widening project from Pine Avenue to Avenue B in Oviedo (FDOT~ FPN: 415030-1-38-01).

60.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page ________, relating to an Easement for Underground Drainage Facilities (Andrew R. Halter and Joyce K. Halter) and a Temporary Construction Easement for the Grace Lake Project, (Woodlands Elementary).

Roads - Stormwater

61.  Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the annual Revenue Agreement, as shown on page ________, between the University of Florida and Seminole County for the Seminole County Florida Yards and Neighborhood Program.

62.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Revenue Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Seminole County and the St. Johns River Water Management District for the Seminole County Watershed Action Volunteer (WAV) Program Coordination.

Traffic Engineering

63.  Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Markham Place Homeowners Association, Inc. Decorative Sign Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Seminole County, and Markham Place Homeowners Association, Inc.


     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to amend the previous motion to include approval to authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment #1 (Item #5), as shown on page ________, to M-4875-09/DRR with CH2M Hill, of Orlando, Florida, to add Fixed Fee compensation in the amount of $595,260.00.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

-   - -

     At the request of Commissioner Carey, Commissioner Van Der Weide and Tad Stone, Public Safety Director, explained the reason why the request to rename Douglas Avenue (Item #51) took place and the process and response they received. 

     Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner McLean to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2009-R-250, as shown on page ________, renaming Douglas Avenue and Unnamed Right of Way to Commerce Park Drive.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize and approve the following:

Property Acquisition

64.  Approval of the Purchase Agreement, as shown on page ________, relating to Parcel Number 134, Gallagher property, of the road improvement project for Chapman Road, for $32,000.00, for full settlement of all claims for compensation from which Seminole County might be obligated to pay relating to this parcel.

65.  Approval of the Purchase Agreement, as shown on page ________, relating to Parcel Number 124, Walker property, of the road improvement project for Chapman Road, for $97,000.00, for full settlement of all claims for compensation from which Seminole County might be obligated to pay relating to this parcel.




     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley to authorize and approve the following:


Approval of Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated October 26 and November 2, 10 and 16, 2009; Payroll Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated October 29 and November 12, 2009; BCC Minutes dated November 10, 2009; and, noting, for information only, the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:


1.   Work Order #126, as shown on page ________, to PS-5165-04.


2.  Work Order #33, as shown on page ________, to CC-1741-07.


3.  Work Order #3, as shown on page ________, to RFP-0996-06.


4.  Assistant and Associate Tennis Pro Agreements, as shown on page ________, with Joanna Babyar and Jon Jonsson.


5.  Parks Contracts, as shown on page ________, for the following:  Katherine Barnard; Kimberly Bonk; Jack Crutchfield; Thomas Flaherty; Debra L. Flint; Ray Schleichkorn; Rolland K. Shea; Ruby Thomas; Jim Zeisler; Tammy Childs; David Crosby; Stephanie Desaulniers; Jane Koubek; Michael D. Luffler; Virginia Toledo; Theodore Toluba; and Carol Wood.


6.  Memorandum of Understanding, as shown on page ________, between the County and the Sanford Chamber of Commerce, Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission, Sanford Airport Authority and Orlando Sanford International, Inc., as approved by the Board on June 9, 2009.


7.  Agreement, as shown on page ________, for Temporary Parking Space Usage, Big Tree Park, with Habitat for Humanity in Seminole County, per approval on Oct. 13, 2009 of the Haunted House Special Event Permit.


8.  Work Order #65, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4214-04.


9.  Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #1 for PS-2084-07.


10.  Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #25 for PS-0381-06.


11.  Work Order #14, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4240-05.


12.  Copy of memorandum to the BCC and ACM Joseph Forte from Chief Penny J. Fleming regarding the Sheriff’s Office FY 2008/09 Budget Closeout.


13.  Copies of e-mails dated Oct. 22, 2009, from Bruce McMenemy to Joseph Forte, Janet Davis, Jason Scarlata and Fran MacDonald and from Joseph Forte to Bruce McMenemy, Janet Davis, Jason Scarlata and Fran MacDonald regarding HR Division Manager Position.


14.  Closeout, as shown on page ________, of CC-2521-07.


15.  Work Order #8, as shown on page ________, to PS-2564-07.


16.  Work Order #41, as shown on page ________, to RFP-0225-05.


17.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to CC-1075-06.


18.  Amendments #1, as shown on page ________, to CC-1075-06 for Central Florida Environmental, JCB Construction, Southland Construction, and AJC Construction.


19.  Second Amendment, as shown on page ________, to Term Contract IFB-600101-06 with Battery Zone, Inc.

20.  Work Order #17, as shown on page ________, to CC-2190-07.


21.  Copy of e-mail from Bruce McMenemy dated Oct. 23, 2009, to Joseph Forte, Janet Davis, Jason Scarlata and BCC Aides regarding the HR Division Manager Position (with attachments).


22.  Copy of e-mail dated Oct. 26, 2009, from Bruce McMenemy to Janet Davis regarding the HR Division Manager Position (with attachments).


23.  Change Order #4, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #5 for CC-2183-07.


24.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #6 for PS-5147-03.


25.  Work Order #16, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4277-09.


26.  Copy of e-mails dated Oct. 26, 2009 from Bruce McMenemy to Joseph Forte, Janet Davis, Jason Scarlata, Susan Krause, Sandy McCann and Fran MacDonald and from Joseph Forte to Bruce McMenemy, Janet Davis, Jason Scarlata, Susan Krause, Sandy McCann and Fran MacDonald re: HR Input Audit with attachments.


27.  Change Order #12, as shown on page ________, to RFP-0613-06.


28.  Basic Agreements #M-5034-09 and #M-5036-09, as shown on page ________, with PBS&J.


29.  Proof of publication, as shown on page ________, for VAB hearings for Exemptions on November 5 and 6, 2009.


30.  Amendments #1, as shown on page ________, to PS-5165-04 with WBQ, Inwood, HDR, Keith & Schnars, Metric and PEC.


31.  Maintenance Bond, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $76,005 for Harvest Time International/Kennel Road ROW.


32.  Letter of acceptance of off-site Potable and Reclaim Water and Sewer systems and Bill of Sale, as shown on page ________, for Lake Mary Westin.


33.  Rerecorded Denial Development Order, as shown on page ________, for Ann Takvorian, Kentucky Square, to correct date of action to July 28, 2009.


34.  Recorded Resolution #2009-R-162, as shown on page ________, as adopted by the BCC on August 11, 2009.


35.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #24 for PS-5175-04.


36.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #65 for RFP-4214-04.


37.  Change Orders #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Orders #9 and #13 for CC-2184-07.


38.  Recorded Conservation and Drainage Easement, as shown on page ________, granted by Gulamali Jaffer.


39.  Executed LAP Agreements, as shown on page ________, with FDOT for widening of SR 426/CR 419 in Oviedo (Supplemental No. 2) and sidewalks along south side of Wilson Road from Emmett Ave. to International Parkway, as approved by the BCC on Sept. 22 and Aug. 25, 2009.


40.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #116 to PS-5165-04.


41.  Work Order #12, as shown on page ________, to CC-2184-07.


42.  Maintenance Agreement and Replacement Letter of Credit, as shown on page ________, for Markham Woods Enclave in the amount of $15,532.


43.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #3 for CC-3321-08.


44.  Parks Contracts, as shown on page ________, for Jody Mask and Carl Greene.


45.  Closeout, as shown on page ________, of Work Order #16 to CC-1284-06.


46.  Notice from the Public Service Commission regarding Docket No. 090007-EI, environmental cost recovery clause.


47.  Performance Bond, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $219,645.72 for the Sanford Automall.


48.  Assignment of RFP-2574-07, as shown on page ________, from Chief Inspection Services, Inc. to Topline Construction Services, Inc. d/b/a Chief Inspection Services.


49.  Amendment #8, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4253-05, Hinton Enterprises, Inc.


50.  Work Order #34, as shown on page ________, to CC-1741-07.


51.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #94 for PS-5150-03.


52.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #3 for RFP-2574-07.


53.  Change Order #6, as shown on page ________, to CC-1184-06.


54.  Change Order #2, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #39 for CC-1075-06.


55.  Performance and Payment Agreements, as shown on page ________, for Water and Sewer in the amount of $537,330.20 and for Roads in the amount of $1,134,197.90 for the Rockefeller Group Corporate Center.


56.  Work Orders #6 and #7, as shown on page ________, to RFP-3261-08.


57.  Replacement Letter of Credit #BB 120030/AR45, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $56,269.35 for the I-4 Industrial Park.


58.  Acceptance forms, as shown on page ________, for 2009-2010 One-Year Action Plan, as approved by the BCC on July 28, 2009.


59.  Parks Contracts, as shown on page ________, for the following:  Camille Brescacin, Alicia Knecht and Annalisa Weiler.


60.  Development Orders, as shown on page ________, for the following:  Linda M. Heller, 2100 Derbyshire Road; Natale & Orsola Carbone, 4121 E. Danby Court; Essam & Rhonda Tanios, 1260 Depugh Street; Matthew & Lara Cato, 5573 First Street; Thomas S. Knuckey & Maia Spring-Knuckey, 310 Hornbeam Drive; and Bobby & Lily C. Yip, 1936 Deerview Place.


61.  Change Order #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #28 for CC-1075-06.


62.  Closeout, as shown on page ________, of Work Order #5 to CC-2183-07.


63.  Change Order #3, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #6 for CC-2183-07.


64.  BOA Development Orders, as shown on page ________, as follows:  Diana Duffy Trustee; Tara & Steve Stewart; Louella Espinoza; Buryl O. Jr. & Marie Bradham; Manuel & Nicole Toro; Barbie Beckett & G.W. Buerger; Thomas & Rebecca Kohm & Norman J. Kohm; Jennifer & Chad Dunbar; Eduardo Rodriquez; James & Shirley Richardson; William Glenn Roy; Sandra Brock; John & Pamela Kacerosky; Arthur Rippey & Maria Peterson; Claire Clegg; Elena Duffy; Russell Mueller; Michael Vanderslice; Barbara June Moore; Robin Graham; James Janego; Dermott & Dorothy Rogers; Caryn Northan; Joseph Darin & Randall Thevenet; and Joseph Senecal.


65.  Change Order #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #3 to CC-3321-08.


66.  Change Order #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #5 to CC-3321-08.


67.  Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #62 to RFP-4214-04.


68.  Performance Bond #070007729, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $25,000 for T-Mobile Lighthouse Baptist Monocross Cell Tower.


69.  Change Order #1, as shown on page ________, to CC-3445-08.


70.  Work Orders #66 and #67, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4214-04.


71.  Seminole Community College Operational Audit for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2009.


72.  Altamonte Springs Historical Society Building Miniatures Museum Exhibit Loan Agreement, as shown on page ________, approved by the BCC on June 23, 2009.


73.  Work Order #35, as shown on page ________, to CC-1741-07.


74.  Closeout, as shown on page ________, for CC-1123-06.


75.  Amendment #2, as shown on page ________, to IFB-600325-08.


76.  QuitClaim Deed, as shown on page ________, for Richard O’Dell for County Road 15.


77.  Work Order #56, as shown on page ________, to PS-1529-06.


78.  Work Order #42, as shown on page ________, to RFP-0225-05.


79.  Change Order #7, as shown on page ________, to CC-2424-07.


80.  Work Orders #17 & #18, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4277-09.


81.  Closeout, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #13 for CC-2184-07.


82.  Parks Contract, as shown on page ________, for Day McClanahan.


83.  Letter to Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court, from City Clerk Donna Gardner, City of Casselberry, re:  city of Casselberry Annexation Ordinance #09-1307.


84.  Bids as follows:  RFQ-600764-09; RFQ-600765-09; RFP-600754-09; RFQ-600777-09; and RFQ-600752-09.



67.  Approval of appropriate Budget Amendment Resolution #2009-R-256, as shown on page ________, (BAR) #10-26, recognizing $93,254.00 in additional FY 2009/10 SCAAP revenues and correspondingly increasing the Sheriff’s FY 2009/10 operating budget by an equivalent amount. 

68.  Approval by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners to contribute 18,000.00 from the Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund to the “Take Stock in Children” Mentoring and Scholarship Program administered by The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools, Inc. and $1,000 to Seminole Community College on behalf of one selected student.

69.  Approval by the Board of County Commissioners to expend $2,000.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide for a contribution to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Seminole County.

70.  Approval of appropriate Budget Amendment Resolution #2009-R-257, as shown on page ________, (BAR 10-27), recognizing $239,756.00 in additional FDLE Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant revenues and correspondingly increasing the Sheriff's FY 2009/10 budget by an equivalent amount.


     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Meloney Lung, Support Services Manager, addressed the Board to present request to approve negotiated contracts for RFP-600679-09, Group Medical Benefits and FSA administration, with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida and re-insurance to Symetra for the self-insured option with the Clinic model; and approval of Budget Amendment Request in the amount of $400,000 to establish the Health Insurance Fund.

     Lisa Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to explain for Commissioner Henley what fund the budget amendment will come from.

     Commissioner Carey stated when they discussed the insurance they were not going to be fully insured because they were going to fund a clinic and that has been pulled with the protest pending.  She stated she is wondering if it makes sense to go forward with the self-insured option at this time. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Ray Hooper, Purchasing Manager, addressed the Board to advise some of the merits of the protest were based upon irregularities of the solicitation package.  One of the biggest portion was the BCC will approve the solicitation award and staff never brought it to the BCC for approval.  It went to Risk Management, but the BCC stopped direction under the Blue Cross solicitation package.

     Upon further inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr. Hooper advised the code indicates that once a protest is submitted, everything comes to a halt until the protest is addressed.

     Commissioner Carey stated the Clerk’s office, Sheriff’s Office and Property Appraiser’s offices have pulled out in the last year and she is concerned about the self-insurance moving forward without the clinic model in place. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLean, Mr. Hooper advised when they went out with best and finals, they included all alternatives for fully insured and self-insured.  The agreements can still be negotiated if options are added or deleted.

     Commissioner Carey stated she would like to know if it makes more sense to go fully insured versus jumping in self-insured.

     Commissioner McLean stated he would suggest moving forward with the fully insured option because it gives them certainty of the cost for the employees. 

     Andrea Herr, AGIS, addressed the Board to state there were several stipulations with the fully-insured plan that were not going to be stipulations if they went self-funded.  The Board needs to be aware that there will be benefit differentials based on what was communicated to the employees versus what the fully-insured product would bring.  One example is the mandatory generic drug program that was opted out if they went self-funded.  If they stay fully-insured that would be a requirement.  The out-of-network reimbursement for emergency rooms and hospital-based physicians would come into play.  The only benefit differential that is different from today is the mandatory generic but there were others that would have come into play because the County went down the path of self-funding.

     Commissioner McLean stated the difference is looking at the self-insured environment as opposed to fully-insured.

     Andy Carroll, Blue Cross Blue Shield, addressed the Board to state there will be additional benefit modifications implemented to the plans effective January 1, 2010.  He stated mandatory generic will be one of the items added for fully-insured groups.  There are several items around specialty medications that the benefits will be changed.  It will change the cost shares to the employees taking it from what is currently a one-cost share, basically a co-payment.  For example, if an employee receives a specialty injection, they will have to pay two cost shares, the co-payment plus a percentage of the medication.  That will be changing that the team opted out of being a self-insured customer.  All of those would be implemented being fully-insured.  The employees were notified of the new benefits. 

     Commissioner Carey stated if they didn’t go self-insured, it sounds like it would have a negative impact on the employees.  She would like to remind the Board that they did not have out-of-network issues when they were with another insurance provider, which was a lower cost option.

     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Henley to approve negotiated contracts for RFP-600679-09 – Group Medical Benefits and FSA administration with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and re-insurance to Symetra for the self-insured option with the Clinic model. 

     Under discussion, Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court, stated just for point of clarification, she questioned if Blue Cross and Blue Shield had signed off on the 10-day plus an additional 10-day grace period.  She stated she wants the BCC to be fully aware that the additional sentence on both the claim and administrative side continues to say that BCBS will immediately suspend claims until payment is received.  Even if they have additional 10 days to pay these claims to BCBS, they have the right, from the claims side and administrative side, to immediately suspend paying new claims until they receive payment.  She added she does not approve of that.

     Mr. Carroll stated he received notification yesterday there was a concern with a normal protocol of 10 calendar days to be reimbursed for claims they front.  For example, they will send an invoice for January’s claims on about February 20 and from that date they would ask 10 days for payment.  BCBS was asked for an additional 10-day grace period making a total of 20 days.  That has been confirmed and they have no issues with what was changed.

     Mr. McMillan stated his office has drafted a letter showing the additional language.  He stated the Clerk is correct that BCBS can suspend services if they do not receive payment within 20 days.

     Ms. Morse stated the 10 days is a lead way period, but it is not addressed in the second and last sentence.

     Mr. McMillan stated the suspension of service only occurs after the grace period ends.

     Upon inquiry by Ms. Morse, Mr. McMillan advised he will clarify the language to make it clear.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr. Carroll advised two invoices will be provided on a monthly basis.  He stated there will be an administrative cost to run the plan and the claims cost.  They will submit an e-mail to staff to report the detailed claims.

     Ms. Herr stated that information will be provided in a format that is detailed enough to allow for audit.

     Commissioner Carey stated she is not going to support the motion as she doesn’t believe this is the best coverage for the employees at the best cost for the County.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

     Commissioner Carey voted NAY.

-   - -

     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Budget Amendment Resolution #2009-R-258, as shown on page ________, in the amount of $400,000 establishing the Health Insurance Fund.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

     Commissioner Van Der Weide left the meeting at this time.


     Chairman Dallari advised that Item #72, On-Site/Near-Site Medical Clinic, request has been pulled from the agenda.


     Meloney Lung presented request to approve the County’s Property and Casualty Insurance Program for calendar year 2010, which includes premiums and assessments.  Staff is requesting authorization to bind coverage.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to approve the County’s Property and Casualty Insurance Program for calendar year 2010.

     Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Kim Ornberg, Roads-Stormwater, addressed the Board to present request to adopt a resolution supporting actions by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Regulation Commission to consider reasonable science-based amendments to the designated uses and classification system of surface water bodies while protecting the quality of Florida’s waters.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-259, as shown on page _________, supporting actions by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Regulation Commission to consider reasonable science-based amendments to the designated uses and classification system of surface water bodies while protecting the quality of Florida’s waters.

     Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Tina Williamson, Planning Manager, addressed the Board to present request to deny a reduction to the Code Enforcement Board lien in the amount of $47,500 for Case #08-47-CEB on the property located at 220 Archers Point, Longwood, Cindy and Joseph Webster (previous owners) and Deutsche Bank (current owner).  She reviewed the background time line as outlined in the agenda memorandum.  She stated since the bank received all of the notices of this case and was aware of the lien, staff recommends denial of the request.

     Commissioner Van Der Weide reentered the meeting at this time.

     Commissioner Carey stated Jennifer Clark, Agent for Deutsche Bank, indicated that they could not get access to the property until the end of April.  She stated this is another example where banks were not acting very quickly.  She added she feels it was 130 days before the bank even acted on getting proposals to clean up the property.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to reduce the Code Enforcement Board lien, which totals $47,500, for 130 days of noncompliance, plus administrative cost of $1,676.79, for Case #08-47-CEB on the property located at 220 Archers Point, Longwood, Cindy and Joseph Webster (previous owners) and Deutsche Bank (current owner), and require this reduced amount be paid within 60 days or the lien will revert back to its original amount ($47,500), and upon payment authorize the Chairman to execute the Satisfaction of Lien.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at 11:37 a.m., reconvening it at 11:45 a.m., with Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Court, not reentering the meeting.


     Tony Matthews, Planning, addressed the Board to give an update on the proposed Rybolt Park Mixed Use Community located in Orange County.  He stated staff has been monitoring this project since 2008.  He displayed a map and master plan and reviewed the summary of the project proposal.  He displayed a flow chart of the DRI process and he reviewed same.  He stated the applicant is required to respond to agency, local government, and citizens’ questions about the project and the first round of same has been conducted.  The applicant is currently reviewing all of the comments and questions from the local governments as part of the second round process.  Those comments should be back by the first of the year.  The applicant is responding to questions and once they are completed, they are ready to move forward in the process.  The next step is to have the Planning Council issue recommendations and then the public hearing process will be presented.

     Mr. Matthews reviewed the public hearing schedule.

     Commissioner Carey stated the thing that concerns Seminole County is how to transition from a rural area to a more urban setting.  If Orange County decides to make this transition, she would be concerned how they would buffer and transition between allowing that urban on the east side.  There have been questions in the past about McCulloch Road and the bridge.  She stated the Board needs to put their concerns to Orange County about how they can transition from this.

     Mr. Matthews informed Chairman Dallari that the best time to speak to Orange County is after the applicant declares his efficiency and prior to the public hearing process.  He stated staff could draft a letter to Orange County regarding their concerns. 

     Chairman Dallari stated he believes staff needs to do that as there are additional issues that need to be addressed and those need to be made known. 

     Commissioner Carey stated Seminole County doesn’t have the authority to tell Orange County what to do, but being at the table in communicating their concerns early is going to be very important.  She stated when they think about the “How Shall We Grow?” process, there are certain areas they are protecting.  She added there are ways of doing it right and ways of doing it wrong and she wants to see it done the right way.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLean, Commissioner Carey advised this has not been before the ECFRPC to date.  She stated she will voice this Board’s concerns at the ECFRPC if she is still a member.  She said the Board needs to be cautious about trying to tell another county what to do, but they need to relay their concerns to Orange County as soon as possible. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Jim Duby, Leisure Services, addressed the Board to state the regional committee has not established a green print corridor.  He stated he will check that out and get back to the Board. 

     Upon further inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr. Matthews advised he haven’t seen anything in the proposal as to if they are planning a fire station in this development or near it. 

     Chairman Dallari asked if there are any objections to drafting a letter for the Chairman’s signature.  Commissioner Carey stated she would like to review same before it is sent.  Chairman Dallari stated staff will bring that back this afternoon.



     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to continue Item #11, Award of RFP-600705-09, until such time that staff has it in proper order to come back to the Board.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Alison Stettner advised staff has made some minor modifications to Item #8, Approve Work Order #8 for RFP-3261-08, to remove all references to the Seminole County mobility fee and they have stricken references to the studies to the alternative mobility plan and fee studies.  They are removing $4,700 from the fee schedule scope.  Therefore, staff is requesting approval in the amount of $160,240.

     Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner McLean to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Work Order #8, as shown on page ________, for RFP-3261-08/RTB - General Consulting Services for Planning and Development, in the amount of $164,240.00 to HNTB Corporation of Lake Mary, FL.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari recessed the Board at 11:55 a.m., reconvening at 1:31 p.m. with all Commissioners and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy Clerk Eva Roach who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen, who were present at the Opening Session.


     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to authorize filing the proofs of publication for this meeting’s scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate and abandon a portion of the recorded plat for Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock described as Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, and Lots 17 and 19 of Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 88 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less and except right-of-way for State Road 46 together with the 40-foot wide street running north from State Road 46 lying west of Lots 9 and 10, and east of Lots 11 and 12, Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock, and the 40-foot wide street running west from Cameron Avenue to the northerly extension of the west line of said Lot 19, Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock in Section 33, Township 19 S, Range 31 E; Seminole2 Investments, LLC, received and filed.

     Brian Walker, Senior Planner, addressed the Board to present the request.  He advised that staff recommends vacation of a portion of the recorded plat as requested.

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     District Commissioner Carey stated she thinks this is an appropriate action considering where this property is located. 

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-260, as shown on page _______, vacating and abandoning a portion of the recorded plat for Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock described as Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, and Lots 17 and 19 of Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 88 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less and except right-of-way for State Road 46 together with the 40-foot wide street running north from State Road 46 lying west of Lots 9 and 10, and east of Lots 11 and 12, Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock, and the 40-foot wide street running west from Cameron Avenue to the northerly extension of the west line of said Lot 19, Cameron’s Subdivision of Beck’s Hammock in Section 33, Township 19 S, Range 31 E; as described in the proof of publication, Seminole2 Investments, LLC; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate and abandon a portion of the right-of-way of Second Street and unnamed right-of-way located east of Orange Blvd. and north of First Street, in Section 31, Township 19 S, Range 30 E and as shown on the plat of the Town of Sylvan Lake, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 69, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, received and filed.

     Alan Willis, Development Review, addressed the Board to present the request.  He advised staff recommends that the Board adopt the Resolution vacating and abandoning a portion of the right-of-way as requested.

     Torben Abbott, 1510 Travertine Terrace, addressed the Board to state he wanted to find out how the right-of-way is being split. 

Mr. Willis explained that Seminole County owns all of the surrounding areas.  He said 40 feet half would go to St. Mary’s Park and half to the west of Lot 84. 

Mr. Abbott said he was wondering if these parcels were being linked together or staying as three separate parcels.

Mr. McMillan clarified that basically the Board doesn’t make the decision on how the split goes.  He said the Property Appraiser assigns it and that’s the way it’s done unless someone challenges it.

No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

Speaker Request Form for Mr. Abbott was received and filed.

Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-261, as shown on page _______, vacating and abandoning a portion of the right-of-way of Second Street and unnamed right-of-way located east of Orange Blvd. and north of First Street, in Section 31, Township 19 S, Range 30 E and as shown on the plat of the Town of Sylvan Lake, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 69, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; as described in the proof of publication, Seminole County Environmental Services, based on staff findings; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance for Text Amendments to the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, Seminole County, received and filed.

     Sheryl Stolzenberg, Planner, addressed the Board to present the request.  She reviewed the amendments.  She said staff is recommending the Board approve the Ordinance for the text amendments and transmit it to the Department of Community Affairs for a finding of compliance with State law.

     Commissioner Carey asked staff for clarification of TRA 18 on wetland services.  Ms. Stolzenberg said she thinks staff was trying to provide that if there is a desire for tourism that would involve looking at wetlands and showing people what a wetland is, they wanted to make sure that was an allowable thing that they were going to do and that staff was not going to be requiring anyone who ran a tour like that would have to be subject to transportation currency. 

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Ordinance #2009-36, as shown on page _______, for Text Amendments to the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan; as described in the proof of publication, Seminole County, based on staff findings; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Ordinance.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance for a Large Scale Future Land Use Amendment from SE (Suburban Estates) to LDR (Low Density Residential) for 89 acres located on the north side of Celery Avenue, approximately 1,200 feet east of Sipes Avenue, Harling, Locklin & Associates, received and filed.

     Joy Williams, Planner, addressed the Board to present the request.  She advised staff recommends the Board adopt the Ordinance for the Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment as requested.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Williams explained the process for a Comp Plan Amendment and what would have to happen in order for the property to be rezoned.

     Hugh Harling, 850 Courtland Street, applicant representing the Dale, McLain, and Flowers families (property owners), addressed the Board to state they concur with the staff, DCA, and the Planning and Zoning Commission’s decision. 

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Chairman Dallari submitted the Written Comment Form for Eric Esterson into the Record.

     District Commissioner Carey submitted to the Record correspondence from a citizen in opposition who stated concern about the tax bill on some of this property.  She said she forwarded the correspondence on the tax bill to the Property Appraiser’s Office.  Commissioner Carey said she thinks this land use request is appropriate for what has been going on along Celery Avenue.  It will come back before the Board for rezoning and all the other analyses will be done at that time.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to adopt Ordinance #2009-37, as shown on page _______, for a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from SE (Suburban Estates) to LDR (Low Density Residential) for 89 acres located on the north side of Celery Avenue, approximately 1,200 feet east of Sipes Avenue, as described in the proof of publication, Harling, Locklin & Associates, based on staff findings; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Ordinance.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance for a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from SE (Suburban Estates) to LDR (Low Density Residential) for 27.6 acres located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Beardall Avenue and Kentucky Street, Hugh Harling, received and filed.

     Ian Sikonia, Senior Planner, addressed the Board to present the request, stating the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 to 2 to recommend approval of the requested Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and staff is also recommending approval.  He said staff received two letters in opposition that he distributed to the Board (copies received and filed) prior to the meeting.

Commissioner Carey noted that one of the letters in opposition is from Sanford City Commissioner Art Woodruff, and she asked Mr. Sikonia if this item had been discussed by the Sanford City Commission. 

     Mr. Sikonia said he did not believe this was discussed before the City Commission, unless Commissioner Woodruff brought it up.  He said he sent the city of Sanford an intergovernmental notice, but he had not received back a letter of recommendation from the City. 

     Mr. Harling, representing Ted Takvorian and his family, stated he originally came in with a HIP land use and a large contingency of the community opposed that, so he came back with a request for Low Density Residential and had good support from the community on that.  They made commitments to the community that have already been entered into the Record, which included a buffer on the street coming in on the east side, an entrance to the western side, a buffer in the southeast corner, and extending water in the fire hydrant to the south.  He said they are standing by their commitments. 

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Harling said he distributed letters at the Planning and Zoning meeting last week with all the commitment items identified as part of the record.  

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to adopt Ordinance #2009-38, as shown on page _______, for a Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from SE (Suburban Estates) to LDR (Low Density Residential) for 27.6 acres located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Beardall Avenue and Kentucky Street; as described in the proof of publication, Hugh Harling, with all the conditions discussed at the transmittal hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and as outlined today, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Ordinance.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider adoption of an Ordinance to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) on 36.60 acres located south of Cadillac Street, between Lake Avenue and Lake Jesup, and approval of the Preliminary Master Plan and Development Order, Hugh Harling, received and filed.

     Tina Williamson, Assistant Planning Manager, addressed the Board to present the request.  She submitted four e-mails (copies received and filed) received with concerns and in opposition to the request.  She advised the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7 to 0 to recommend approval of the request with the condition that the minimum lot size be reduced to 21,780 square feet, as requested by the applicant.  Staff recommends approval of the request to rezone from A-1 to PUD.

     Mr. Harling, representing Bob Hara and his family (property owner), stated how they have designed the property around the eagle’s nest.  He reviewed the nesting requirements and said they will be following those guidelines as promulgated by the State and Federal governments.  He said this will be a County road to County specifications and the applicant will put in sewer, water, and reuse water.  He stated there is one small property that goes down to the lake and it is their intent that that would be a lake access for the residents of their subdivision.  As long as they are able to work something out with the adjacent residents where there is a common maintenance for that, the applicant will be doing a boat ramp that would be accessible to the adjacent residents also.  It will not be a public boat ramp, but will be gated and locked.  Mr. Harling said they have worked with the neighbors but there are still some concerns. 

     Walter Price, 750 Lanark Street, addressed the Board to state his opposition is the lot size and number of units.  He said he lives on five acres and is entitled to put one dwelling unit on his property and the surrounding properties are five or more acres, and they are entitled to have one dwelling unit.  Also, the other properties are zoned one dwelling unit per acre.  He thinks it’s a reasonable compromise for that area and to increase the density seems inappropriate.  He also stated his concern for the traffic that would go up and down Lake Avenue.  He understands that Lake Avenue is now substandard and he asked if Mr. Harling would continue the development road all the way up Lake Avenue to Myrtle.

     Kurt Till, 6159 Lake Avenue, addressed the Board to show where his house is located and said where the road comes in is going to be drainage for the houses in the new section.  He also showed where the retention pond is to be located.  He said everything is going to be built up and the runoff will go to the retention pond and there will be a popoff valve where it goes down into the lake.  He showed pictures (received and filed) of property between his house and his neighbors on both sides showing what happens when there is a hurricane or there is a lot of rain.  He said you can hardly see the house because of the water and he lives on an island at some times.  He showed other pictures (received and filed) of the back and both sides of the house filled with water and said with the roadway being raised and all the property being raised up, that will be like a dam.  He thinks there will be a couple of houses that will be stuck in that area where the water is going to back up; and they are going to be in trouble in that area.  He explained how quickly and dramatically the condition of the property changes.  He showed other pictures with the trees standing in water and said they were never like that until Tropical Storm Fay came through.

     Diane and Robert Dibert, 6171 Lake Avenue, addressed the Board.  Ms. Dibert stated their lot is located next to the proposed boat ramp.  She showed five pictures of the flooding around their house:  side of their house where the proposed boat ramp will be; where the road will be built; front towards the lake; and another picture towards the lake.  She advised Commissioner Carey that the pictures were taken during the four hurricanes and some after Tropical Storm Fay.  She said after the water comes up, they also live on an island.  She explained that months after a storm, the water rises to a few inches from their windows on the side of the house.  They are concerned about the number of houses to be built behind them.  She does not feel Lake Avenue can handle 100 more cars, in addition to those already using the road, on a daily basis.  They believe the area should be kept zoned so that only one house per acre is allowed.  They are concerned about the wildlife.  Once the construction starts, they are sure the eagles will leave; and many orange trees, 100-year live oaks and cypress trees will be cut down.  They are concerned about the road to be constructed behind their house.  She said the whole area of woods behind them floods with every hurricane or tropical storm they have had since they have lived there.  All the lake water comes up around their house on all sides and drains from the woods behind them into the lake and around them.  They feel if the road is built up higher, it will create a dam effect and put their houses in serious flooding situations in the future.  They were wondering if the road could be built farther back in the woods on the other side of the proposed houses.  They are also concerned about the boat ramp being constructed next to their house on the southwest side and what that will do to their quality of life, privacy, family safety, present flooding issues, and property value.  She asked why the boat ramp can’t be constructed further along the shoreline at the end of the street that will be built.  She also asked how the boat ramp can be built in this area when the water level at the shoreline is only a foot or two deep and it is dramatically fluctuating all the time.  She also asked why a boat ramp needs to be built anyway when there is an existing free public boat ramp one street over on S. Sanford Avenue.

     Erick Ciotti, 5656 Lake Avenue, addressed the Board to state he, like many of the neighbors, moved in the area to get away from all the density, and he feels like it is going to diminish their property values if homes are built on smaller properties.  He said he also has concerns about the wildlife, and there are coyotes, as well as bald eagle nests, and bobcats that he has seen himself.  He has been told by numerous neighbors that there is a panther in their area too.  He said he has a concern now with his three children on the road with hundreds of cars, and the applicant is looking at doubling that.

     Don Peterson, 3585 Canal Street, addressed the Board to state he is opposed to the reduction of the lot size from an acre.  He doesn’t think that is the right thing to do since everybody else is an acre or more.  He also opposes the boat ramp on the basis of more pollution into a lake they are trying to clean up.  He said the drainage from the retention pond will run straight into Lake Jesup.  He thinks the Board needs to look at that before they take a vote.  He also said he doesn’t think they need another boat ramp that only benefits a few people. 

     Richard Gaudio, 5540 Lake Avenue, addressed the Board to state where he lives is wonderful and he would hate to see the character of Lake Avenue change because of another subdivision.  He said he has talked to the people in Autumn Chase and Lake Jesup, and there has been a major change regarding water flow and runoff.  He is amazed at how many cars go by already and to put in another 25 homes, the road will not handle it. 

     Eric Esterson, 1235 Myrtle Street, addressed the Board to state this is one area that does not need any more nutrients at all.  He said a reuse line on 25 lots is not going to accomplish one thing except when it floods, it will put all that leakage from the reuse line into the lake.  They have spent well over $20 million over the past 20 years on the lake.  Also, he asked if the applicant is going to build up these lots, will they have compensation for the amount of flooding they put on the lots. 

     Bob Shydo, 618 Long Meadow Circle, addressed the Board to state he is building at 5800 Lake Avenue and is leaving a PUD to move there because of the environment, animals and the area that is beautiful.  He has eagles and osprey on the property where he is building.  Also, there are hogs in the area and if they are taken out of this area, they will live somewhere else.  He asked where the coyotes will go when the property is built to this density.  He said he is opposed to the clustering and is opposed to Suburban Estates in this case.  He said this is a sensitive and very natural area with much wildlife including woodpeckers and turkeys.  He mentioned he has a picture, but it is too small to be confirmed to be that of a panther.  His other concern is the drainage.  He said Lake Avenue has a serious drainage problem.  Public Works is aware of it and cannot do anything about it.  There is nothing in this proposal to handle the runoff on Lake Avenue.

     Ralph Michaels, 5601 Lake Avenue, addressed the Board to state he was raised and has lived in the area more than 35 years and he is opposed to anything that changes the way of life in this area.  He said on the 46 bridge, the river is being re-routed to come into the lake.  He asked if there has been any studies on what that will do for the level of water in the lake.  He said that will make a difference somewhere. 

     Commissioner Carey stated the bridge used to be open to Lake Jesup and the water used to flow from the river into Lake Jesup.  Many of the problems they have in Lake Jesup today are from when the flow of the river was cut off and then circulation issues began in Lake Jesup.  She thinks they are just going to open it back up.  The lake is still going to ebb and flow, and when the water rises in South Florida and it starts flowing north, it’s going to rise in every waterway along the way like it has for many years.

     Mr. Harling gave rebuttal comments to address questions raised regarding the circulation and quality of the lake; the wildlife in the area; the reuse line; the water flow from Autumn Chase; the lot sizes and density; the road that will serve the area; the drainage; phosphorous treatment of Lake Jesup; their intent not to block any water and the raised elevations; and potable water and sewer to the property.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Harling discussed what would happen if the lift station went under water.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr. Harling discussed the requirement to do a species survey, the net buildable acreage, and final engineering.

     No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

     Speaker Request and Written Comment Forms were received and filed.

     Commissioner Carey asked staff if the people who currently lived along Lake Jesup have legal access to their lots.

Mr. McCollum stated he checked the records today and private easements were granted to those lots in 2001.  He said he would have to compare the maps to see if the easements are aligned on the subject property.  He also discussed that Lake Avenue would have to be brought up to County standards.  He said the drainage would have to be looked at during final engineering.

Upon further inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Williamson discussed the Myrtle Street Study.  She advised that the subject property is not in that area.  She answered questions about the possibility of 36 units on the property with mitigation, and the Suburban Estates land use in the area.

Lee Shaffer, Development Review, addressed the Board to discuss the compensating storage issue.

Commissioner Carey asked what kind of flexibility the County has as far as not requiring the applicant to put in reclaim water.  Mr. McMillan said initially, the applicant would not have to put in the reclaim dry lines unless there is a plan (in the County’s ten-year plan) to provide reclaim water to the area. 

Andy Neff, Environmental Services Director, addressed the Board to advise he did not know if it is in the city of Sanford’s plan to put reclaim in this area and he would have to report back to Commissioner Carey on that.

Commissioner Carey said she thinks the policy regarding that is something they should review.  They may not want to have dry lines in the areas that will run into the lake, because that will just compound the situation.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey about having a boat dock or overlook onto the water instead of a boat ramp for loading and unloading boats, Mr. Harling said an overlook would be fine.  The boat ramp was for convenience, but the residents are correct that on Sanford Avenue there is a large community boat ramp that could be utilized.  He corrected the staff that this project is serviced by Seminole County Utilities and not the city of Sanford.

Whereupon, Mr. McMillan said if the Board doesn’t think there should be dry lines for reclaim in this area, they can take it out of the County’s plan to provide them.

District Commissioner Carey said she thinks the proposal of the smaller lots and clustering in this particular way is a better idea than trying to put 36 slots on 36 acres at one unit per acre.  She has concerns about the road and drainage and all that, which will be addressed.  She asked that staff keep a close eye on what happens when Lake Avenue gets improved.  She said she will support approval of the request.

Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to adopt Ordinance #2009-39, as shown on page _______, rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) on 36.60 acres located south of Cadillac Street, between Lake Avenue and Lake Jesup, and approve the Preliminary Master Plan and Development Order, a shown on page _______; as described in the proof of publication, Hugh Harling; and authorize the Chairman to execute the documents with the following changes:  (1) Lake Avenue will not become a public road, but will maintain a private road; and (2) there will not be a boat ramp, and there will be nothing more than a boat dock or overlook in the area.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.




     Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider approval of a major amendment to the Greenway Pointe PUD on 14 acres located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Aloma Avenue and Clayton Crossing Way, and approval of the revised Final Master Plan and Amended and Restated Developer’s Commitment Agreement, Jon Walls, received and filed.

     Mr. Sikonia presented the request, stating the staff has reviewed the proposed buffer content and agrees with the proposed changes.  He said the new buffer content will still provide the opacity intended and will allow for the trees to have enough space to flourish and provide for a more aesthetically pleasing buffer.  He also said the request for the monument sign is consistent with the sign regulations of the Land Development Code and will not be out of character for the proposed development or surrounding area.  The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 7 to 1 to recommend approval of the major amendment and staff is also recommending approval of the major amendment to the Greenway Pointe PUD.  Staff has received one letter of concern (copy received and filed in the staff report).

Jon Walls, applicant, 631 S. Orlando Avenue, landscape architect and partner with Miller Legg, representing Aloma Walk Commercial Venture, LLC, for Parcel A of the Greenway Pointe PUD, addressed the Board to state this is a major amendment, but it is a minor change in the actual development plan for the project.  He explained the changes and said the total value for the landscaping is about the same as before.  The main reason for the change is to provide a better grouping than what had been required in the original Developer’s Commitment Agreement.  He said the plan significantly exceeds the code requirements for the Aloma Avenue buffer.

     No one spoke in support or in opposition.

     District Commissioner Dallari stated he recommends approval of the requested major amendment.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve the major amendment to the Greenway Pointe PUD on 14 acres located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Aloma Avenue and Clayton Crossing Way, and approve the revised Final Master Plan and Amended and Restated Developer’s Commitment Agreement, as shown on page _______; as described in the proof of publication, Jon Walls.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Chairman Dallari recessed the meeting at 3:04 p.m. and reconvened it at 3:11 p.m., with all Commissioners present.  Clerk Maryanne Morse returned to the meeting late.

Chairman Dallari returned to the BCC morning agenda to review Items #6 and #5.


Purchasing and Contracts

     Mr. Forte stated Exhibit E in Item #6, Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment #1 to PS-5190-05/DRR with CH2M Hill of Orlando, Florida, to add Exhibit E, has a couple of items that were omitted.  He distributed copies of an updated version (copy received and filed) of Exhibit E and asked for the Board’s approval of same. 

     Clerk Maryanne Morse returned to the meeting room at this time.

Mr. Forte explained the changes to the language as follows:  under Scope of Services, Schedule, adding “If applicable, performance period will be tied to specific project or deliverable.”  Under Personnel List, adding to the second bullet, Written consent from the County Project Manager will be required in order to use the revised billing rates.”  Also under Personnel List, adding to the third bullet, “The County reserves the right to reject proposed candidates.”

Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to replace Exhibit E for Item #6, Amendment #1 to PS-5190-05/DRR with CH2M Hill, with the revised Exhibit E distributed at this meeting, modifying the action made this morning.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Mr. Forte advised that Andy Neff and Ray Hooper are present to give the Board an update on Item #5, Amendment #1 to M-4875-09/DRR with CH2M Hill of Orlando, Florida, to add fixed fee compensation in the amount of $595,260.  He distributed copies of the negotiated scope (copy received and filed) to the Board.

Chairman Dallari asked Mr. Forte what the object is of the scope.  Mr. Forte stated staff wants to review Work Order #20 to find out exactly what CH2M Hill has done and what the County has paid for in anticipation of proceeding forward between the first and second bond.

Mr. Neff said the audit finding was that they need to understand Work Order #20 a lot better, and staff is proposing to engage Mr. Block to review Work Order #20 in order for them to move forward with the present work order and a new second bond work order so that there is clarity between the different projects that are in different places.

     Chairman Dallari said his concern is that as the audit stands, there are certain things listed and he doesn’t understand why staff can’t do this and why they have to hire a consultant.  There have been two audits done, one by the Board and one by the Clerk.

     Clerk Maryanne Morse stated she thinks the concern is that there was no total evaluation done on how much of the work is actually completed; and part of that was because they were not able to get sufficient data from CH2M Hill.  Secondly, it was a compliance, financial audit.  There needs to be some evaluation completed with regard to how much of the actual work was completed for the $15 million that’s been paid to CH2M Hill and how much is left to be done.  This morning $1 million was pulled out of Work Order #20 to put on a new work order.  She said she is not sure that either auditors, Lovett, Silverman or Block, did the engineering analytical study that would ascertain that CH2M Hill has completed “x%” of Work Order #20 which is a total of $20 million.  That part is a major concern.  She is not sure that County staff would be able to independently determine how much of that work is completed without going back to the vendor. 

     Commissioner Henley explained why he has not been comfortable all the time as to whether it had been completed with what the amount of money paid to CH2M Hill would have called for.

     Commissioner Carey stated she is not excited about spending $25,000, but she is interested in the independency of all this.  She asked Mr. Forte if he believes he needs Block Consulting to do an independent survey, or does he think he has the staff to be able to determine what is complete and what’s not.

     Mr. Forte said he thinks he needs an independent third party to come in and review Work Order #20 so they know exactly what’s been completed and what’s being paid for in order for him and Mr. Neff to be comfortable moving forward. 

     Commissioner Carey stated she’s o.k. with what Mr. Forte said, but she wants to know there are checks and balances in place because they are going forward.  There is still a lot of the program to roll out and CH2M Hill, in her opinion, has done a great job of rolling the program forward.  The Board needs to know they are not going to end up in this situation again.  If things are running forward faster than staff can keep up, then somebody needs to stand up and say that, and not let things fester. 

     Mr. Forte said the plan is that this will be done by the end of the year, so that when staff comes back in January with the plan to move forward, staff will have a full picture for the Board. 

     Mr. Neff added it is the intent to give the Board a feel for where everything is with regard to the audit, bring back forward the revalidation of projects and then work orders to move forward with CH2M Hill on the remaining elements of the program. 

     Commissioner Van Der Weide stated if the staff is not comfortable with what they have and where they’re at now, he doesn’t see how the Commissioners can be comfortable.  He thinks they have to get with it and determine where they’re at, become comfortable and move forward.  He doesn’t think they are going to throw this whole program out. 

     Commissioner McLean said he thinks the best solution is the most objective one, which is to bring someone in that doesn’t have “a dog in the fight” and be able to “unpeel the onion” of Work Order #20.  They have been talking about this since he came on board in 2006.  He agrees that they need to do this quickly as they have a second bond issue coming up. 

     Chairman Dallari said in moving forward, he would have liked to put this out to bid and have a different company than Block Consulting look at this.  He doesn’t think they should be using their auditor as an accountant.  Since this is the direction they are moving in, he wants to make sure the auditor is not setting policy nor making recommendations for policy.  He wants to make sure they are just looking at the work order and what items have been done and what the state of completion is.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to approve the proposal for RW Block Consulting, Inc. dated December 1, 2009, in the amount of $24,700.

     Upon inquiry by Chairman Dallari, Mr. Hooper stated this will be finalized by the end of 2009.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari recommended appointing Paul Daigle and Cynthia Campbell to the Casselberry CRA as Board appointments.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to appoint Paul Daigle and Cynthia Campbell to the Casselberry CRA.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari said he would like to ratify the selection by the Sanford City Commission of Commissioner Velma Williams to replace Mayor Kuhn as the TDC Board member for the city of Sanford.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve the selection by the city of Sanford of Commissioner Velma Williams to serve on the Tourist Development Council Board.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari advised he received a letter from Sam Starke from the Grand Oaks Area Sports Commission referencing the upcoming World Cup.  He asked for the Board’s consensus for direction regarding this letter.

     Motion by Commissioner McLean to approve the request from Sam Starke per letter received.

     Under discussion, Chairman Dallari said an agreement is involved and that needs to be accepted or denied.  He asked if that is what the motion is doing.  Whereupon, Commissioner McLean stated he had read the agreement and he is comfortable with moving that forward for approval.

     Commissioner Henley seconded the motion.

     Commissioner Van Der Weide stated there are some issues behind the World Cup and some gyrations the County went through to mitigate and buy property, build new soccer fields and take a trip to Atlanta to deal with the federal government.

     Mr. McMillan stated he had read the agreement and there are things in it that the Board is not legally empowered to do.  He said by approving the agreement and giving anyone exclusive use of the entire facility, the County will probably face replacing the entire facility somewhere else and mitigate that conversion. Discussion ensued with the Board.  Mr. McMillan advised Commissioner Henley that this is not a preliminary agreement, but a final one, and it will be followed by subsequent agreements.  It basically says the County will pay for everything the Sports Commission decides the County needs to provide. 

     Mr. Forte advised staff offered a letter of support and said they would come back and negotiate a contract later.  The level of risk and liability the County would have to take on by signing the existing document makes him extremely uncomfortable.  He advised that the governing law is Switzerland.

     Mr. McMillan stated if there are any disputes, they would be resolved in Switzerland, pursuant to the rules of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce.

     Sam Starke addressed the Board discuss this issue and what the actual contract does.  He said this is a cover agreement that is part of a checklist; and by next week, the USA Bid Committee will cut the list of 27 current cities under consideration for the U.S. bid down to 18 cities to host the World Cup games in 2018 or 2022.  He further explained the upcoming dates for this process with the decision to be made a year from now on which country gets to host the games.  A year and a half after that is when the U.S. will decide whether those 18 cities in the bid will go down to 10, 12, or 14 cities.  After selection of the cities, the FIFA (Federation Internationale De Football Association) and local organizing committee out of New York will come back and enter into use agreements for all the facilities.  He has been told that this is a place holder agreement and this helps the checklist collectively as a city so when it goes to bid next week, Orlando is in place and has all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted. 

     Mr. Forte and Mr. McMillan advised of other concerns they have with entering into this agreement.

     Commissioner McLean asked Mr. Starke if, without the agreement, Seminole County is out as a practice site.  Mr. Starke said he didn’t know that for sure, but it wouldn’t help not having the agreement.

     Mr. Starke advised Commissioner Carey that the city of Orlando and Disney have signed the agreement.  He said they understand that this is a first step to the process, and FIFA has a pretty solid track record of working with communities and host cities. 

     Commissioner Carey asked if Mr. Starke agreed that if he had a letter of support from Seminole County, the County could still participate as there are not that many facilities available.  Mr. Starke said he agrees with that, but it would help to have the County sign the agreement.

     Commissioner Carey said she knows the Board is all committed to working with World Cup if they can afford to do so.

     Mr. Starke said under the time consideration, he would say that’s as good as they can get from the County.  The Board needs to get that letter signed tomorrow and sent out.

     Commissioner McLean said, given the discussion and the analysis Mr. McMillan gave the Board, he thinks a letter of support might be advantageous at this point.  Commissioner McLean withdrew his motion.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to authorize sending a letter of support from the Board to the Federation Internationale De Football Association.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

     Commissioner Carey said it might be helpful for all Commissioners to sign the letter.


     Chairman Dallari said he has been informed by staff that he has to take a trip to New York for the bond rating.  He asked for permission to do that with Commissioner Carey and staff.

     Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to authorize scheduling travel for Chairman Dallari, Commissioner Carey and staff to go to New York for the County’s bond rating.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari said he wants to schedule at the next BCC meeting the agreement with the Orange County Expressway Authority so they can understand all the items that can potentially happen with the Wekiva Parkway.  He asked Gary Johnson to ask the Chairman of the Seminole County Expressway Authority to call for a meeting after the next meeting so they can take additional action if necessary.


     Chairman Dallari advised he received a letter from Wayne Weinberg, Envision Seminole, asking for all the County Commissioners to participate in a Vision 4 session on January 29.  He said he would provide the Commissioners with copies of that letter.


     Chairman Dallari stated he would like to have a joint work session with the School Board to discuss the One Cent Sales Tax.  This was discussed at the Mayors/Managers meeting and a lot of issues came forth.  He has some serious concerns that need to be discussed as a Board with the School Board.  He thinks it’s important to do that next month.


     Chairman Dallari advised he will be out of town from December 11-20, and Vice Chairman Carey will have signatory authority for documents.


     Chairman Dallari stated he would also like to talk next month about the potential of waiving impact fees for a couple of years and see what that will look like with the budget, and also look at the fund base and line-item budget to see which way that needs to happen.  He wants to make sure the Board is all up-to-speed on that.

     Commissioner Carey said it may be for the next few months, with all the issues they have, to look at scheduling work sessions on the days the Board is already in session.


     The following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:

 1.  Copy of letter (w/attachment) dated September 28, 2009, from Meg Crofton, Walt Disney World, to Stephanie Kopelousos, FDOT Secretary of Transportation, re:  Florida High Speed Rail Project.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Public Works, Engineering)


 2.  Copy of Memorandum (w/attachment) dated October 28, 2009, from Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco/Auditing to Florida Cities and Counties re:  Fee Distribution Information. 


 3.  Letter (w/attachment) dated October 30, 2009, from Sam Stark, Central Florida Sports Commission, to Chairman Dallari re:  September 2009 Activities Report.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager)


 4.  Letter dated November 3, 2009, from Noranne Downs, District Five Secretary, to Chairman Dallari re:  Design-Build Stimulus Project – SR 434 from SR 414 (Maitland Boulevard) to Lotus Landing Boulevard/Trailwood Drive.  (cc:  County Manager, Planning and Development)


 5.  Notice of City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Department Public Hearing being held November 19, 2009 to consider a rezone for property located at 918 West 1st Street, Sanford, Florida.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development)


 6.  Notice of City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Department Public Hearing being held November 19, 2009 to consider a conditional use for property located at 204 Poplar Avenue, Sanford, Florida.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development) 


 7.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 9, 2009, from Thomas Feeney, III, Fowler, O’Quinn, Feeney and Sneed P.A., to Chairman Dallari re:  Clients support opposing any toll road or expressway through Seminole County.  (cc:  Planning and Development, Public Works)


 8.  Letter dated November 9, 2009, from Diane Pickett Culpepper, Bright House Networks, to Chairman Dallari re:  Recognition of Bright House Networks from JD Powers and Associates for customer satisfaction.


 9.  Letter dated November 12, 2009, from Diane Pickett Culpepper, Bright House Networks, to Chairman Dallari re:  24 new HD channels.


10.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 12, 2009, from Donna Gardner, Casselberry City Clerk, to Chairman Dallari re:  Annexation Ordinance No. 09-1307.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development)


11.  Copy of letter (w/attachment) from Gary Brender, Seminole County Expressway Authority Chairman, to Sandy Adams, Legislative Delegation Chairman, re:  support of local bill authorizing designation of SR 417 (Seminole Expressway) as SeminoleWay in Seminole County.  (cc:  Gary Johnson)


12.  Letter dated November 18, 2009, from Charles Reuter, Marathon Health, to Chairman Dallari re:  Onsite Health Center for County Employees/Dependents.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Administrative Services)


13.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 18, 2009, from Tom O’Neal, University of Central Florida, to Chairman Dallari re:  Report Commissioned by the Florida High Tech Corridor measuring the economic impact the UCF Business Incubator Program (UCFBIP) has had on the surrounding community.


14.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 19, 2009, from Kim Player, St. Johns River Water Management District, to Chairman Dallari re:  Sweetwater Creek Cove Tributary Surface Water Restoration Phase IIB Dredging.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Environmental Services)


15.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 20, 2009, from Blanche Sherman, LYNX, to Chairman Dallari re:  LYNX Quarterly Reports as of September 30, 2009.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development)


16.  Letter dated November 25, 2009, from Diane Pickett Culpepper, Bright House Networks, to Chairman Dallari re:  Agreement negotiations with cable channels and television stations.


17.  Copy of letter (w/attachment) dated November 30, 2009, from Nancy Squillacioti, 1917 Aquarius Court, Oviedo, Florida, to Seminole County Animal Licensing re:  PetData licensing process.  (cc: BCC, County Manager, Animal Services)


18.  Copy of letter (w/attachment) dated December 1, 2009, from Barbara Lipscomb, Casselberry City Manager, to Joe Forte, Seminole County Acting County Manager, re:  Two reappointments to the City of Casselberry Redevelopment Agency.


19.  Memo dated December 1, 2009, from Missy McDermont, St. Johns River Water Management District, to Board of County Commissioners re:  2010 Governing Board Meeting Schedule.  (cc:  Planning and Development, Environmental Services)


20.  Letter (w/attachment) dated December 2, 2009, from Noranne Downs, District Five Secretary, and Mike Snyder, Executive Director, Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, to Chairman Dallari re:  Wekiva Parkway Public Workshop in East Lake County for Review and Discussion of Service Road Concept.  cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development, Engineering


21.  Letter (w/attachment) dated November 20, 2009, from Blanche Sherman, LYNX, to Chairman Dallari re:  Revised LYNX Quarterly Reports as of September 30, 2009.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development)


22.  Notice of City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Department Public Hearing being held December 17, 2009 to consider a rezone for property located at 918 West 1st Street, Sanford, Florida.  (cc:  BCC, County Manager, Planning and Development)



     Commissioner Henley advised of a memorandum from Mayor Dyer that came late yesterday afternoon advising commuter rail passed the Senate Transportation by a vote of 5 to 4.  There are two Senate Committee hearings today with a possibility of a full Senate vote late this afternoon or tomorrow morning.  Mayor Dyer called to drum up support for this effort.  The Board should know something right away after the vote.


     Commissioner Henley advised that the SR 434 Lynx route the BCC approved a few months ago is extremely popular.  There are now nearly 9,000 riders a month and it’s growing every month.


     Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to reappoint Beverly Myers to the Library Advisory Board for a two-year term ending January 1, 2012; appoint Carolyn Bistline to the Historical Commission for a two-year term ending January 1, 2012; rescind the appointment of Mark Selasky and appoint Steven Ragsdale to the Tourism Development Council for a four-year term ending January 1, 2014; and adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-265, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Dana McBroom for her service on the Seminole County Port Authority.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Commissioner Henley reported on the Congress of Regional Leaders meeting where several things came up.  There was discussion that not all funding partners had agreed to fund for this coming year, naming Osceola, Brevard and Seminole Counties.  Of the three, he was the only one present and he represented Seminole County.  The comment was made that it sounds like they need to educate the Commissioners of those boards as to the value of, and Commissioner Henley said he stated he didn’t think the Seminole County Board needed any education since they had leaders and a chair on the Board since its inception.  He pointed out that even if Seminole County is not on their board, it does not mean they do not support regionalism.  He explained that the BCC did not budget money for that as they were in a cutting mode and cut everybody including MetroPlan and the other regional boards.  With other cuts being made, Seminole County BCC did not feel they could justify not cutting MyRegion.  At this time, no funds have been set aside for it because they thought they had completed their mission and did a good job.  He also pointed out that Seminole County has been battling water since 1998 and were not going to stop that.  They have been successful in several challenges through the courts and hearings and nobody in the region stepped up to help Seminole County fund those though they have benefitted from the winnings.  He said he thinks they need to understand all the circumstances before they begin to criticize the counties that did not feel they wanted to continue along those lines.  He further pointed out that of the Mayors they talked about doubling, not one of those cities, except for Orlando, pays any money into this board, but they are still sitting as members and voting.  He said they need to make all of those cities pay up.  They said they will take up this discussion at their next meeting.

     Commissioner Carey said she has been sending that same message to the MyRegion Board.


     Commissioner Carey reported that the Central Florida Zoo’s “Black Tie on the Wild Side” Event netted about $75,000 to help feed and care for the animals.


     Commissioner Carey stated she recently attended the Florida Association of Counties Legislative Conference in Pinellas County, and there was a lot of discussion about workshops and things like that, and things that board members are finding they are needing to do in order to be effective, especially in these fiscal times.  She distributed copies of what was adopted as the 2010 priorities (copy received and filed) for the Association and reviewed that discussion and said the County needs to be aware of some of the things that could affect them. 


     Commissioner Carey acknowledged the demise of Senator Paula Hawkins, who was a personal friend of hers.  She stated Senator Hawkins was a trailblazer for women in this community and reviewed some of her accomplishments.  She reported a service will be held tomorrow night from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Baldwin-Fairchild Funeral Home, Lake Ivanhoe, Orlando, with the funeral to be held on Thursday morning at 11:00 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints on Par Street in Orlando.  She extended her thoughts and prayers to the family.


     Commissioner Carey wished everyone a safe and happy holiday season filled with family and friends and gave gifts of cookies to the Commissioners.


     Commissioner Dallari nominated Charles Mitchell to the Seminole County Port Authority for a term of four years.

     Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean, to appoint Charles Mitchell to the Seminole County Port Authority for a term of four years.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Commissioner Dallari requested adoption of a Resolution of appreciation to Christine LaSage.

     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-262, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Christine LaSage for her service on the Seminole County Animal Control Board.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Chairman Dallari wished everyone Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas.  He also wished Commissioner Henley a Happy Birthday.


     Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to reappoint the following:  Marylin Whittmer to the Animal Control Board for a one-year term ending Jan. 1, 2011; Dan Bushrui to the Board of Adjustment for a four-year term ending Jan. 1, 2014; Tom Hagood to the Code Enforcement Board for a three-year term ending Jan. 1, 2013; Jan Jernigan to the Historical Commission for a two-year term ending Jan. 1, 2012; Jennifer Finch to the Library Advisory Board for a two-year term ending Jan. 1, 2012; Jeff Triplett to the Seminole County Port Authority for a four-year term ending Jan. 1, 2014; and adopt appropriate Resolution #2009-R-264, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Patricia Walden for her service on the Leisure Services Advisory Committee.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     Commissioner McLean reported on the Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board for Lynx.  He said they have been looking at a number of things to deal with the cost of para-transit travel.  They will hold a meeting after the New Year to discuss some ideas to take to the Lynx Board to discuss.


     Commissioner McLean announced that Envision Seminole will also hold a leadership symposium in April.  He will report those details as they get closer to that time.


     Commissioner McLean stated in discussions with management of Allegiant about their movement of some flights from Orlando-Sanford Airport to Orlando International Airport, they told the Sanford Airport Board that it was not a situation where they are trying to compare one to another, but feel they are doing this from a competitive standpoint to respond to inroads that Air Tran has made at the Orlando Airport.  They have said they want to keep the 21 sites with the Orlando-Sanford Airport.


     Commissioner McLean said recent discussion at the CALNO meeting was about the Clinic model the Commissioners talked about today.  They had folks from CareHere to give a presentation to the School Board and cities and there was a very good response.  He said if they can get this done with the Clinic model, the large numbers makes sense.  The more locations there are, the more convenient it will be for the County employees and, perhaps, for more entities.


     Commissioner McLean wished everyone the very best of the holiday season with those they love and care for.


     Commissioner Van Der Weide said he wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas. 


     Commissioner Van Der Weide said there are some very energetic women in the community who held the Ornament Ball where they raised money for charities.  They worked in cooperation with the Longwood Hospital and were very successful in raising money for local charities. 

Chairman Dallari thanked Mrs. Van Der Weide, one of the co-Chairs, for doing a great job.  Commissioner Carey said she and Mrs. Chan did a wonderful job.


Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he would be leaving town to go to North Carolina.


     Commissioner Carey said she was polling the other counties at the FAC (Florida Association of Counties) meeting to see if they had operated their own clinics, and when she returned, she asked staff how it would work to have multiple cities and the County doing that.  She said she would like to have some professionals respond to that.  She stated while, in theory, it sounds like it might be a good idea, she is not sure how it would work from a financial structure.

     Commissioner McLean stated there some examples of the model going on in Ocoee now and there is another clinic in Apopka.  They appear to be working out positively so far. 


     Mr. Forte said the Board was just given a copy of the letter (copy received and filed) that Tony Matthews drafted regarding the Rybolt Park DRI.  Chairman Dallari said the letter does not address any stormwater issues and he would like that added.  Commissioner Carey corrected the sentence in the second paragraph under the Seminole County East Rural Area section to read “the County accepted a Rural Character Plan.”  She said the County never adopted the Plan.

     Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to authorize the letter to be sent to Mayor Crotty regarding the Rybolt Park DRI, as amended.

     Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Chairman Dallari said the letter will also address traffic.

     Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


     William Morrisey, 922 Sandal Wood Drive, addressed the Board to state his concerns regarding the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center and its Board of Directors.  He identified areas where he believes the Board of Directors are not following their own by-laws and his concerns as follows:  for the lapse of liability insurance for three months; the Board ignoring an engineering report citing the stage was unsafe; money appearing to be misspent and misappropriated; suspicion of a Board member being a convicted felon; deficiencies in work; removal of the Powells from the Board; and abuse of positions by Board members and the President.  He provided copies of questions (copy received and filed) sent to the Board of Directors since November 9 that he says have gone unanswered; copy of the Board’s by-laws; the engineer’s report; e-mail from Mrs. Winesburgh saying they had liability insurance when they didn’t; copy of the Sanford Herald article which admits they did not have liability insurance; e-mail from the office Aide to Mrs. Winesburgh.  

     Chairman Dallari advised Mr. Morrisey that even though the Performing Arts Center receives some funding from the County, there is no direct oversight by the County BCC. 

     Commissioner Carey said while there is no direct oversight from the BCC, a Commissioner does serve on the Arts Center Board.  These are a lot of allegations and the County does give the Center public funds.

     Commissioner McLean stated these situations are always difficult to deal with, and he thinks the Commissioners need to be careful.  He said this is not the entity to have this discussion.  He said any time you deal with a volunteer board and you ask individuals to handle the day-to-day operations of any concern, sometimes there can be these type of challenges—misinterpretations and misunderstandings of what people’s individual roles might be.  He said they have attempted to have one consistent voice to respond to some of the issues; some the Board of Directors feel are legitimate and some they feel are less so.  The three things they feel are important are to deal with the legalities to be sure the Board is being run in a professional manner; proper insurance to run the business; and also the safety aspect.  He said the Board of Directors are working as best they can with those areas.  They feel they have dealt with the legalities and do currently have all the insurance that is felt necessary to have; and are in the midst of having structural engineers look at the structure. 

     Commissioner Henley said the Commissioners need to be very careful about using the Board and public television for airing concerns for things they have no jurisdiction over. 

     Chairman Dallari advised Mr. Morrisey that the BCC would address whether they will support the theater or not at the next budget session.  Commissioner Henley said at that time, if the Board wants to put any constraints on the money, that would be the time to do it.

     Marilyn Maples, 306 W. 6th Street, addressed the Board to ask where they can go.  She said they have questions and can’t get any answers.

     Chairman Dallari asked Mr. McMillan to respond to Ms. Maples.  Whereupon, Mr. McMillan said he didn’t know who would have jurisdiction over the kind of concerns Mr. Morrisey talked about, but he can look at it and see if he can point them in some direction.  They might need to talk to a private counsel to see if they can bring action as Board members or if they are alleging criminal activities, then they can go to the Sheriff or State Attorney’s Office.  He asked that a phone number be left to call someone if his office comes up with any entity to assist them.

     Speaker Request Forms were received and filed.


     There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 4:19 p.m., this same date.


