MARCH 27, 2007
The following is a non-verbatim transcript
MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, March
27, 2007, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY
Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner Bob Dallari (District 1)
Commissioner Mike McLean (District 2)
Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)
of Circuit Court
County Manager Cindy Coto
Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann
Chaplain Charles Pitroff, Go0d News Jail & Prison Ministries, gave the Invocation.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner McLean to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2007-R-55, as shown on page _______, endorsing and supporting the Nemours
Children’s Hospital in
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Jarrett Cody, representing Nemours, who addressed the Board to express his appreciation.
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to adopt
appropriate Resolution #2007-R-53, as shown on page _______, proclaiming March
25 through April 1, 2007 as “Children’s Week in
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Nancy Crawford, representing Kids House, who addressed the Board to express her appreciation.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #2007-R-54, as shown on page _______, proclaiming the week of March 26 through April 1, 2007 as “John E. Polk Correctional Facility Jail Chaplain Appreciation Week”.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Chaplain Charles Pitroff of the Good News Jail & Prison Ministries, who expressed his appreciation for the Board’s support throughout the years.
by Commissioner McLean, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2007-R-56, as shown on page _______, honoring Kevin Fall for his 20
years of service to the citizens of
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Mr. Fall, who addressed the Board to express his appreciation to the Board, Clerk of Circuit Court, fellow employees, and his wife, Kathy Fall.
Randy Lyons,, addressed the Board to give an update and the survey results of “How Shall We Grow”. Information packet was received and filed. He gave a PowerPoint presentation (copy received & filed), advising their goal is to create a shared 50-year vision for the seven-county Central Florida Region. He reviewed the following: Project Partners; Regional Events and Information Sessions Calendar; Citizen Involvement; Three Key Themes (preserve green areas, create town centers & develop transit corridors); Others Across Florida Are Coming to Similar Conclusions; Four Choices for Our Future; Educating the Community on the Four Choices; and Citizens Feedback on the Four Choices. He advised that of the four choices (the trend, preserving green areas, create town centers & develop transit corridors) the citizens were evenly divided in support of three - the preserving of green areas, creating town centers, and development of transit corridors. He said that even though there was no clear winner; there was a clear loser, which was the trend or staying the same. He reviewed the following: Creating a Composite Using the Best of All Three Scenarios; Four C’s Composite; Implementing a Shared Vision; How Can Building a Regional Vision Benefit Local Communities?; What the Citizens Say Should be Worked on Regionally; How Can We Creat Shared, Consistent Growth Policies?; How Can We Preserve Green Areas Regionally?; Six Growth Principles; Joint Policy Committee Role; and What Role Seminole County Commission Plays in the Regional Vision?. Mr. Lyons stated he will continue to update the County and advised a Community Summit is scheduled for August 10, 2007.
Chairman Henley commented that it is important to keep continuity because this is going to be a long road ahead. He said he appreciates the time and effort Mr. Lyons has put into this.
Commissioner Carey stated Mr. Lyons and have done a great job. She said that as the County moves forward in amending the land development policy, they need to work closely with the cities. She stated that what the County calls low density residential is different in the cities; and, she believes they need to work toward talking the same language. Whereupon, the Chairman agreed with Commissioner Carey.
Commissioner McLean complimented Mr. Lyons and on their work.
Commissioner Dallari also complimented Mr.
Lyons, stating the key is including the entire region. He asked that the August 10, 2007
Becky Sebrin, Director of the American Red
Cross in Central Florida, addressed the Board to give a briefing of the
activities of the Red Cross, advising volunteer Disaster Action Teams helped
victims of more than 266 residential fires and other disasters in Central
Florida (45 in Seminole County); assisted more than 1,500 local military
families with urgent communications, social services, and emergency financial
assistance; and trained over 35,000 Central Floridians in lifesaving
skills. She outlined the community
relations and partnerships they have in
County Manager, Cindy Coto, advised of the following changes to the Consent Agenda: Add-on Item #7A, confirmation of appointment of Colleen Rotella as Business Innovation & Technology Services Director effective March 28, 2007; Continuation of Item #9, Deeds for Markham Regional Water Treatment Plan Well #5 Site after Item #38; withdrawal of Item #20, award of RFP-600133-07/TLR; and Request to continue Item #24, Oviedo JPA.
The Board voiced no objections to continuing Item #24 for 30 days (April 24, 2007 BCC Meeting).
Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLean, Director of Planning & Development, Dori Debord, addressed the Board to explain why staff needs a consultant to do the consolidated multi-modal element update.
Chairman Henley requested that Add-on Item #7A be pulled for a separate vote.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to approve and authorize the following:
7. Confirm appointment of April Boswell as Assistant County Manager effective March 28, 2007.
8. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Satisfactions of Second Mortgage, as shown on page _______, for the following households assisted under the SHIP Home Ownership Assistance Program and Emergency Repair Housing Program: Daniel J. Ashby; Deborah Cortes; Wendy Jolly; Manuel Rodriguez & Enid Davila; Deborah E. Warner & Ruth G. Gardell; Glorise E. Gray; Herman Nathan, Jr. & Alfreda E. Nathan; and Marcario Rodriguez, Jr. & Antonia Rodriguez.
9. Continue until after Item
#38, request to accept Warranty Deed for Site No. 1 and Quit Claim Deed for
Site No. 2, contingent on approval of vacate request titled “Unnamed ROW
Right-of-Way (adjacent to
Solid Waste Management
10. Approve and authorize Chairman
to execute Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN), as shown on
page _______, for Keller Outdoor, Inc. to perform commercial collection
services of waste in the unincorporated areas of
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Consideration of request from the
Chairman Henley stated he does not concur with this appointment.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to confirm appointment of Colleen Rotella as Business Innovation & Technology Services Director, effective March 28, 2007.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Henley voted NAY.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner McLean to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Subordination of Utility Interest Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel #101C & 101D, Bright House Networks, LLC, in conjunction with the CR 15 Road Improvement Program.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to approve and authorize the following:
Clerk’s Office
30. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page _______, dated February 19 & March 5, 2007, and Payroll Approval List, as shown on page _______, dated February 22, 2007; approval of BCC Official Minutes dated February 27, 2007; and noting, for information only, the following Clerk’s “Received & Filed”:
1. Letter
from Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk, City of Winter Springs, to
2. Maintenance
Bond, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $107,065.50 for the project
known as Stratford Green of Aloma.
3. Cash
Maintenance Bond, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $1,600 for the
project known as Nolan Road WM Extension.
4. RFQ-600109-06
Contract, as shown on page _______, for Purchase of Assorted Concrete Pipes and
Accessories, Hydro Conduit Corp.
5. Letter
6. Memorandum
from Lori Kennedy,
7. Memorandum
from Lori Kennedy,
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-600094-06.
of e-mail to Sharon Peters,
10. Letter
to Florida Department of Community Affairs, from
11. Maintenance
Bond, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $7,003.34 for the project
known as SR 426 Office Park.
12. Notices
of Commission Hearings and Prehearing Conferences from the Florida Public
Service Commission, regarding Docket No. 060658-E1.
13. Amendment
#2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #22 to PS-5165-04.
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #2 to PS-1020-06.
#2, as shown on page _______, to PS-5138-03.
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to CC-1114-05.
as shown on page _______, Real Estate Research Consulting Services Agreement.
Order #43, as shown on page _______, to PS-5120-02.
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-1091-06.
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-1249-06.
Order #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #26 to CC-1262-05.
Order #28, as shown on page ________, to CC-1267-05.
Order #27, as shown on page ________, to CC-1267-05.
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to CC-1055-06.
Order #41, as shown on page _______, to RFP-4214-04.
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #1 to PS-5192-05.
Order #7, as shown on page _______, to PS-5157-04.
of Completion, as shown on page _______, for Work Orders #39 & #50 to
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to PS-0977-06.
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #6 to PS-5153-03.
Agreement, as shown on page _______, Brown and Caldwell.
Agreement, as shown on page _______, Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp.
Order #7, as shown on page _______, to PS-5113-02.
as shown on page _______, for CC-1472-06.
Sheriff’s Office
31. Adoption of appropriate Budget Amendment Resolution #2007-R-62, as shown on page _______, and authorize Chairman to execute in the amount of $100,000.00 for the Sheriff’s FY 06/07 budget for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Homeland Security Buffer Zone Protection Program Grant.
32. Approval by the Board of County Commissioners to contribute $14,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide funds for “Project Graduation” to Seminole County high schools. “Project Graduation” is offered to high school seniors as a means to prevent tragic events relating to drunk driving and drug usage.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Director of Human Resources, Janet Davis,
addressed the Board to request direction on automating the Performance
Management System. She reminded the
Board that at their November 7, 2006 meeting, direction was given to staff to
come back with a cost analysis of bringing JD Edwards live on the server in the
Acting Director of Business Innovation & Technology Services, Colleen Rotella, addressed the Board to advise Dr. Jeffrey Ling of Evergreen Solutions has worked with staff to come up with a cost analysis of setting up a stand-alone JD Edwards system under the BCC ($380,000) versus setting up the performance management module currently under the Clerk of the Court’s system ($275,000). She said both of these scenarios require ongoing maintenance with the current consultant. She further advised that, as an alternative, staff worked with Dr. Ling and Human Resources to determine what minimum business requirements are needed to implement a system as recommended; and they did a best practice review to see if there is any other cost-effective solution that could be used. She stated that they have come up with a more cost-effective system at a cost in the range of $75,000, with an annual maintenance of $10,000. This type of solution would allow for a quicker implementation (6 to 8 weeks) and at the same time be able to ensure compatibility and be able to integrate in the future as they develop more modules. She, therefore, recommended authorization for staff to proceed with this new alternative solution, since the Human Resource section of SciNet is so integral of everything they are doing. She noted that this software is able to interface so there will be no loss from the current JD Edwards system. She further stated that she did send to the Board the demonstration of the program they are recommending (Halogen Software). She said that with Halogen, there is an ability to rent the software for a $27,000 annual subscription with a follow-up of $21,000; or a perpetual (County ownership - which is what staff is recommending) for $61,000 with the only recurring annual cost of $9,700 for annual maintenance, which gives the staff the ability to do upgrades.
Upon inquiry by the Chairman, the Commissioners said they have seen the demonstration of the recommended software.
Chairman Henley stated the advantage of going with Halogen is that it can be customized to meet their needs and the County owns it.
Commissioner Carey stated she has expressed concern about hiring an additional person because she believes a consultant can do the training and the County would only have a one-time cost.
Dr. Jeffery Ling, Evergreen Solutions, addressed the Board to state that taking into account some of the concerns of the Commissioners, and because a lot has happened since the recommendation for a full-time position in November, their recommendation has been revised. He, therefore, recommended that the Board utilize a consultant for six to eight weeks instead of creating a new position. He said that a year from now, after going through three components of the implementation full cycle, that this issue might be revisited; and, if necessary, the Board can opt to add an additional staff member to support the new system.
Upon inquiry by the Chairman, Dr. Ling advised the cost for the consultant for six to eight weeks would be under $50,000.
Upon further inquiry by the Chairman, Ms. Coto stated she is not aware that there is enough money within the Human Resources budget for the cost of the consultant. However, the General Fund would have those dollars available. She added that she is comfortable with pursuing the consultant method.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Ms. Rotella advised with the new program, the County would have to purchase a server which will cost around $6,000.
Commissioner Carey clarified that the 3% cost-of-living increase discussed in November, 2006, was accepted in concept; but the Board did not adopt a policy for a 3% cost-of-living increase at that time.
Ms. Coto said that since November, much has
changed; and much of the budget development is going to be based on what they
see occurring in
Ms. Rotella stated that to make sure the implementation is timely, staff would like the Board’s motion to include waiving of the normal procurement requirements for the purchase of the software.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to authorize the purchase of the Halogen Software (perpetual plan) for automating the Performance Management System; approve six to eight weeks of consultant training; and authorize wavier of the purchasing procurement process.
Under discussion and upon inquiry by the Chairman, Ms. Rotella advised they have money available in their budget to purchase the server.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Purchasing Manager, Ray Hooper, addressed the Board to present request for review of the Proposals & Evaluation Committee’s comments with regard to RFP-600149-07/TLR, Financial Consulting Services.
Commissioner Carey stated that she would prefer to have a three-year contract with two one-year renewal options.
After collecting the cards (received &
filed), Mr. McMillan announced that all five Commissioners selected Stifel,
Nicolaus & Co. of
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to select
Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. of
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Upon inquiry by the Chairman, it was the Board’s consensus that they would continue Items #35, Canopy Tree Ordinance, and #36, Rezone to PLI (Scott Stegall) at this afternoon’s meeting.
Letter from Hugh Harling requesting Item #37, Rezone to PUD, be continued until April 10, 2007. The Board agreed that they would continue this item also.
The Chairman asked that staff notify, before this afternoon’s meeting, as many people as possible of the continuances.
The Chairman recessed the meeting at 11:10
a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m.
with all Commissioners and all Other Officials, with the exception of Deputy
Clerk Sandy McCann who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen, who were
present at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide,
seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to authorize the filing of the proofs of
publication for today’s scheduled public hearings.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of a public hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance amending Chapter 2
(Definitions) and Chapter 60 (Arbor Regulations) of the Land Development Code
(LDC) establishing canopy roads, candidate roads and tree protection zones, and
increase the minimum caliper requirement for tree replacement zones, as
described in the proof of publication.
Henley stated he believes there is a request for a continuance.
Coto said the request is to continue to April 10, 2007.
Henley advised the request for continuance was made known to the Board this
morning and the Board gave consensus for the continuance. Staff made the effort to contact persons who
might wish to address the item to prevent them from coming so as not to waste
their time.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide,
seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to continue to April 10, 2007, the request
for adoption of Ordinance amending Chapter 2 (Definitions) and Chapter 60
(Arbor Regulations) of the Land Development Code (LDC) establishing canopy
roads, candidate roads and tree protection zones, and increase the minimum
caliper requirement for tree replacement zones, as described in the proof of
one spoke in support or in opposition.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of Ordinance rezoning 70.19+/- acres located northwest of the
intersection of SR 46 and Brisson Avenue, from A-1 (Agriculture) to PLI (Public
Lands and Institutions), Scott Stegall, received and filed.
Henley advised a request was made by the School Board to continue this item and
the Board indicated they were favorable to the continuance. Copy of the letter from the School Board was
received and filed.
Motion by Commissioner McLean, seconded
by Commissioner Carey, to continue to April 10, 2007, the request for adoption
of an Ordinance rezoning 70.19+/- acres located northwest of the intersection
of SR 46 and Brisson Avenue, from A-1 (Agriculture) to PLI (Public Lands and
Institutions), based on staff findings; as described in the proof of
publication, Scott Stegall.
one spoke in support or in opposition.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 38.98+/- acres located on the north
side of SR 46, between Yankee Lake Road and Longwood Markham Road, from A-1
(Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), Hugh Harling, received and
Henley advised the Board has received a request from the applicant (copy of the
letter from the applicant was received and filed) to continue this request to
give the applicant the opportunity to respond to some late information that
came in today. The Board agreed to the
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to continue to April 10, 2007, the request to
consider adoption of an Ordinance rezoning 38.98+/- acres located on the north
side of SR 46, between Yankee Lake Road and Longwood Markham Road, from A-1
(Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development); as described in the proof of
publication, Hugh Harling.
one spoke in support or in opposition.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of a Resolution vacating and abandoning that portion of the
unimproved public right-of-way lying adjacent to the south line of Parcel
31-19-30-300-0130-0000 in Section 31, Township 19S, Range 30E (adjacent to 1855
Orange Boulevard), the Gathering Place Worship Center, Inc., received and
Willis, Development Review, addressed the Board to present the request, stating
the staff has no objections to vacating and abandoning the portion of the
right-of-way and the applicant has presented letters from applicable utility
companies stating no objections. He
advised the applicant has agreed, upon approval, to dedicate to the County two,
10’ x 50’ tracts adjacent to the Markham Woods Water Treatment Plant that are
needed by the County for a well site.
Staff is recommending adoption of the Resolution.
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2007-R-63, as shown
on page _______, vacating and abandoning that portion of the unimproved public
right-of-way lying adjacent to the south line of Parcel 31-19-30-300-0130-0000
in Section 31, Township 19S, Range 30E (adjacent to 1855 Orange Boulevard); as
described in the proof of publication, The Gathering Place Worship Center, Inc.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider approval of a Small Scale Future Land Use Amendment from SE (Suburban
Estates) to PD (Planned Development) and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PUD
(Planned Unit Development) on 9.99+/- acres located on the east side of SR 415,
approximately one mile north of the intersection of SR 46 and SR 415, Daly
Design Group, received and filed.
Williamson, Assistant Planning Manager, addressed the Board to present the
request, stating staff recommends approval of the land use amendment from
Suburban Estates to Planned Development, approval of the rezone from
Agriculture to Planned Unit Development, and approval of the Development
Order. She stated the Planning &
Zoning Commission also voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval.
Carey said in earlier discussions about this project, the project to the south
was discussed and there was an additional setback from SR 415. She asked if that was included in this
Williamson stated the applicant is proposing an undisturbed 40’ buffer. They do intend to have a small retention pond
within the buffer, but it would only encroach a maximum of 20’.
Daly, applicant,
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Commissioner Carey said there are two things she did not see in the development
order that are typically included in townhome projects. One is that there will be no garage
conversions to living area and she would like to have that added to the
development order. She also asked staff
if the other language that has been typically included has to do with no RV and
no boat storage.
Ms. Williamson said it is correct that no RV’s or boats can be stored on the
site. She explained that at this point,
the applicant is not sure if they will be doing townhomes or not.
Daly said the development order says single family or townhomes. He said at 33 units, they will be doing
single-family homes. He stated adding
the conditions she named to the development order would not bother them.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt Ordinance #2006-12, as shown on page
_______, approving a Small Scale Future Land Use Amendment from SE (Suburban
Estates) to PD (Planned Development); and adopt Ordinance #2006-13, as shown on
page _______, approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit
Development) for 9.99+/- acres located on the east side of SR 415,
approximately one mile north of the intersection of SR 46 and SR 415; as
described in the proof of publication, Daly Design Group, based on staff
findings; and approval of the Development Order, as shown on page _______, with
the additional conditions that there will be no garage conversions to living
area and no RV or boat storage is allowed on the property.
discussion, Mr. McMillan clarified with Commissioner Carey that the condition
for no garage conversions applies to both townhomes and single-family
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari, to approve accepting Warranty Deed, as shown on page
_______, for Site No. 1 and Quit Claim Deed, as shown on page _______, for Site
No. 2 from The Gathering Place Worship Center, Inc., property deeds for Markham
Regional Water Treatment Plant Well Number 5 Site.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Boswell, Planning Manager, and Susan Dietrich,
Dietrich reviewed the following: HB
529--passed the House last week. The
bill preempts local authority of cable/video franchises and centralizes the franchise
process at the Department of State. FAC
analysis indicates it appears to treat local governments reasonably well on
local right-of-way, public access channel and franchise fee issues, but it
undermines local ability to address customer service and buildout issues. HB 259, mobile home rezonings, passed the
House Infrastructure Committee this week.
This bill requires local governments to use all available resources to assist
mobile home owners with the cost of relocation, purchase of new homes or to
find alternative housing when approving rezoning requests of mobile home parks
that displace mobile home owners. The
Senate companion bill has not been heard yet.
SB 1928, MPO’s, was approved by the Senate Transportation Committee, and
it designates MPO’s as a separate entity from the governing bodies of local
governments that are represented by the MPO’s.
It requires each MPO to have an executive or staff director who reports
directly to the MPO’s governing board for all matters regarding the administration
and operation of the MPO. HB 1275 passed
favorably out of the Insurance Health Committee and it includes ambulance
service providers under provisions for direct payment for services under health
insurance policies. FAC’s concern is
that it is opposed to any amendments which would prevent County providers from
billing patients for the balance of the fees not paid by an insurance
company. SB 1794 by Senator Wise passed
unanimously out of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee with FAC’s amendment that
provides law enforcement with more options for technical probation
violators. This is currently being
reviewed by the Senate Judiciary and House companion bills are likely to be
introduced soon in the Public Health Safety Council. SB 2062 by Senator Baker is currently being
heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. This bill removes the $2 of the County’s $4
service charge for court-related technology needs and grants the Clerk of the
Court the authority to deposit that $2 in a fund established by the Chief
Judge. She explained the County remains
responsible for the cost of court-related technology. FAC is working on filing an amendment to cap
the counties’ responsibility at the revenue that is generated by the $2 fee.
McCollum, County Engineer, advised Seminole County is already set up with the
legislation regarding MPO’s, but there are some counties that actually have
local government staff also serving as the Planning staff or the MPO and that
causes some problems. SB 1928 is creating
that separation. He said this bill does
not affect the
Coto advised a bill was filed relating to billboards. She received a communication from FAC this
week asking if the counties feel this is preemptive with respect to their local
control. She said her response was yes,
and staff would like FAC to oppose that.
inquiry by Chairman Henley, Mr. McMillan said he read on a web page that there
is a provision that has been put in the Iraq Funding Bill that would allow all
billboards that were destroyed during the hurricanes to be reconstructed.
Carey said when they go on their federal trip, they want to make sure to bring
up this particular issue. Whereupon,
Chairman Henley asked Commissioner Carey to call the County’s lobbyist and get
his thoughts on that issue.
Boswell distributed handouts on the property tax issue (copies received and
filed) and said Ms. Spriggs will discuss one of the latest proposals. She also distributed the informational
handout (received and filed) prepared by staff to take along on the
Carey said she understands that Commissioners Dallari and McLean are going on
McLean said he understands that the class is somewhat flexible and he might be
able leave it on occasion. He said once
he looks at the schedule and if there are particular places where he is needed,
he would attend. If that won’t work, he
said he would not have a problem with rescheduling the class.
Henley asked Commissioner McLean to check with Ms. Coto on the calendar.
Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to state the narrative
just distributed to the Board is the latest information from
Van Der Weide asked how are the PCB (proposed committee bill) bills being
monitored. He said these bills can
change at any minute. Ms. Spriggs said
the staff is getting regular updates from FAC.
Currently, they are having a regular tax reform conference call weekly
and regular updates from FAC weekly and there is another committee on tax
reform that the staff can listen to. She
said three days out of the week they are getting weekly updates on what’s going
on outside of any other sources.
Commissioner Van Der Weide pointed out that when it gets to the
committee bills, staff may need an update three times a day.
Henley said that’s why he thinks it’s important for the lobbyist to be updated
regularly and not depend solely on FAC.
He needs the information and instructions to keep up with the bills.
Carey added that any time a committee meets on the PCB bills, the lobbyist
needs to be there. She said staff needs
to make sure the lobbyist is there every day and giving the County feedback and
that the Commissioners are contacted on a regular basis and kept updated. She said this next month is really
Spriggs said staff also keeps abreast through other organizations and various
associations. She advised that HB 701 is
still alive, but the proposed constitutional amendment is another concept
coming through. She reviewed the other
part of the proposed amendment on the Local Discretionary Sales Surtax.
Carey said it looks like the Governor’s Proposal would have the least financial
impact on the County. Ms. Spriggs stated
it has the least amount of impact in the first year. She said she would have to look harder on the
long-term affect. She stated one of the
things the Board needs to keep in mind is that the different proposals have
different long-term affects.
Coto stated also with the Governor’s Proposal, when staff calculated the Save
Our Homes portability, that was only done countywide, because staff really
didn’t have a means to look at the statewide perspective. So that number is really a guess.
Spriggs said if you exclude the statewide portability issue, she would say the
Governor’s Proposal probably would have the least amount of impact, and it also
has the most fixed impact.
Carey asked Ms. Spriggs if when she is running the analyses, could she run
those out 10 years. Ms. Spriggs said she
could do that, but it would be based on average assumption of growth and an
average CPI. Commissioner Carey asked
her to look back over 10 years and see what the average was and then run it
forward 10 years.
Dallari asked Ms. Spriggs if she could do the future analysis over five years
by tomorrow to take along on the
Carey said unless they can show in black and white what the impact is going to
be to the County, she doesn’t think they have a very convincing argument.
Spriggs said the other thing not included in the information packet which they
might consider is the impact to the average homeowner. She stated this is not a real significant
amount to each individual homeowner.
Whereupon, Commissioner Carey said she thinks that’s important to say
also. She said having talked to many of
the legislators in
Van Der Weide said maybe they need to argue more on the principles rather than
details because the details keep shifting back and forth.
McLean asked who created the concept of the Tax and Budget Reform
Committee. Ms. Spriggs said this is the
State Constitutional Committee that forms every eight years to revisit property
taxation in the State and it is coincidental that it is happening this
year. She explained this committee is
similar to the Charter Review Committee and anything the Committee decides will
go to a referendum in November, 2008.
She said there were other non-constitutional committees formed by the
Legislature last year that studied different issues related to property tax
reform. The staff position is doesn’t it
make sense to wait and analyze the issue another year and not make a hasty
decision. The State has a committee
already under the State Constitution and does the Legislature really need to
enact something this year. She advised
Commissioner Van Der Weide that the Tax and Budget Reform Committee does have
the authority to go to the ballot without the Legislature.
discussion, Ms. Coto advised that the staff themselves, as well as through the
various associations, continue to deliver the message that the numbers the
State is utilizing as it relates to how much the County depends on ad valorem
are inaccurate. She thinks the State
uses 10% when the amount is 67% of the General Fund. The State has made the statement repeatedly
that the counties are not going to cut core services. She said when she looks at what is funded
through the General Fund, she doesn’t know what you don’t cut. She doesn’t know how to effectively
communicate that, because the State has pretty much discounted what the local
government has to say. She said the
issue is the State does not believe what is being said.
Carey said the Speaker of the House and others of the leadership are convinced
that 10% or 15% maximum of the County’s budget comes from ad valorem tax. The graph shows it’s 67%. That’s why, she said, it is important to put
that information in the packet to show them they are wrong in their
Henley asked for any directions the Board has for staff.
Carey asked when the analyses are finalized if Ms. Spriggs could e-mail the document
to the Commissioners so they can try to get others beside just government
leaders, like businessmen, to understand and try to have some discussion with
the State legislators. She said this
information needs to be sent to all the chambers and organizations the Board
has been trying to educate on the issue, including the cities.
Coto stated the staff’s intent, while in
Van Der Weide said when the Private Business Association took on the insurance
issue, there were 114 organizations that signed on the resolution. He said he is wondering what the chambers are
thinking about this.
McLean said the chambers are in the same boat as the Board. This situation is continually changing and
they are not sure what is fact or fiction, and everyone is struggling to
understand what exactly is the depth of the problem and what solutions they can
deal with.
Carey said the information can be forwarded to the PBA and the chambers and
everybody needs to get on board. She
suggested mobilizing the firefighters, because if the fire fund gets cut
whatever amount, that means somebody is going to have a cut. She thinks with the County staff having run
the numbers, that will make it easier for the cities and others to get the
information, put their own numbers in and then get the information to their
constituents. It will be helpful when
they send the information to the business community so they don’t have to
figure it out themselves.
Van Der Weide said the only people who can communicate something like this as
quickly as is needed are the newspapers and electronic media. He said this issue would be a hindrance to
them also and they need to get the information out to the citizens. He stated the electronic media and public TV
could be a tremendous help. He said he
believes the people will vote for anything that will lower their taxes.
inquiry by Chairman Henley, the Board had no
objections with the program presented and the letter proposed to go to the
Legislators and Governor. Whereupon,
Chairman Henley directed staff to proceed along those lines, as presented.
Henley asked if the Board wished to instruct staff to work up an analysis that
can be presented over SGTV as part of the education program. He advised there is a bill that’s been filed
that would prevent local governments from spending one penny of tax dollars in
an attempt to educate the public about the issues. He said he thinks they would be doing a
disservice to the public if they are not aware of this information.
Van Der Weide suggested someone communicate with the news media, whether it’s
print or electronic. He said he thinks
it would be a lot smarter to have the staff do it because the
Coto reported about meeting with the City Managers last week where they talked
about everyone making contact with WMFE; and they are talking of doing a radio
show, though they can’t get a TV program that quickly. They also talked about SGTV. One issue with the cities that they also
discussed was that many of the cities had not run the numbers under any of the
proposals and could not take a position.
Carey stated what she would like to see added to the document is running it out
to the 10 years.
Coto advised she has the letter for signature by the Board this afternoon.
Henley recessed the meeting at 2:38 p.m. and reconvened it at 2:45 p.m.
Henley advised he received a letter from Sister County Wicklow, Ireland,
requesting the Chairman,
Van Der Weide commended Commissioner McLean for doing that.
McLean advised the trip is through
Dallari advised he would be in
Board had no objections to the two
Commissioners representing the Board in
Henley advised there are two positions to be filled on the Joint City/County
Advisory Committee as Commissioner McLean, who was representing the City of
Lake Mary, is no longer doing that and Commissioner Morris, who was
representing the County, is no longer in office. Therefore, the Board has one position to fill
to meet the County’s obligation. He said
a meeting will be convened to discuss topics referred by the cities and items
of study previously where the reports are now due. He asked for designation of someone to fill
former Commissioner Morris’ seat on the Committee.
McLean advised that at the last City/County Advisory Committee meeting, he was
made Chairman and he would like to be able to continue in that role, if
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide,
seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Commissioner McLean to the
City/County Advisory Committee as the representative for the Board of County
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
1. Memorandum
2. Letter
3. Minutes
for the
4. Copy
of letter dated
5. Letter
6. City
7. Copy
of memorandum dated
8. Copy
of memorandum dated
9. Copy
of letter dated
10. Copy of letter dated
11. Letter dated
12. Notice and agenda for
13. Copy of letter dated
14. Contracts, as shown on page _______, for
services between Seminole County Government and the following: Jennifer Kaiser (Scorekeeper), Lawana Stewart
(Field Director), and Raymond Gerondel (Softball Umpire).
15. Copy of letter dated
16. Letter dated
17. Letter dated
18. Adjacent property owner notice dated
19. Copy of letter dated
20. Contracts, as shown on page _______, for
services between Seminole County Government and Richard-John Vazquez (Slow
Pitch Softball Umpire and Slow Pitch Softball Scorekeeper).
Carey said last week she had the opportunity to dedicate another historical
marker in front of the
Carey advised this Friday she will participate in a national program at
week on April 4, Commissioner Carey said she will address the Casselberry
Chamber of Commerce to give a “mini” State of the County presentation. She said much of her discussion will be on
the property tax reform and she will try to encourage other city elected
officials to run numbers in their own jurisdiction and get the information out
to the public about how the potential reform is going to impact their city.
Carey advised that on April 5, the Orlando Magic, along with the KABOOM
organization, will have a community project to build a new playground at the
Boys and Girls Club in
Carey announced there will be a community meeting in Lockhart on Tuesday, April
2, at 6:30 p.m. at
Carey also reported that she will be the honorary Chair for the American Cancer
Society’s first Sanford Relay for Life (called Wild About a Cure). This is being held at the Central Florida Zoo
on Friday, April 20, at 6:00 p.m. until noon on Saturday. She invited the Commissioners to join her in
this event.
Carey advised that on April 7 at 10:00 a.m., the city of
Carey presented gifts of chocolate eggs to the Commissioners at this time and
wished all blessed days with their family and friends for the upcoming
McLean said on March 15, he had the opportunity to speak at the Seminole County
Republican Executive Committee meeting.
This was a type of State of the County discussion and Tax Collector Ray
Valdes was also in attendance. He noted there were several topics of
discussion. He said there were a number
of people who had the perception the County may be using consultant services
when they could use staff. He said
overall it was a good experience and he thinks it went well.
McLean said the Rotary Club of Lake Mary held the Taste of Lake Mary event last
night at the Courtyard near the Lake Mary Marriott and it went very well. The proceeds (about $20,000) will benefit
children charities in
Van Der Weide reported on the Animal Control Board meeting he attended along
with Deputy County Manager Don Fisher.
He said it was a very good meeting with standing room only and he thinks
the people were very receptive to some of his ideas. One of his suggestions was liked very well
and there will now be a Friends of Animal Services group. The people were very happy to
participate. He said they discussed
plans for the Five Points expansion and plans to make the current building
livable with some small additions to take care of some of the restroom issues
and office space. He said he did make
one promise for the group to have T-shirts.
Henley expressed appreciation to Commissioner Van Der Weide for what he’s
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide,
seconded by Commissioner Carey, to appoint Luke Altenburg to the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board for a term ending January 1, 2008; appoint Dr.
Rosalee Wright-Cook to the Historical Commission for a term ending January 1,
2009; appoint Richard Reade to the Industrial Development Authority for a term
ending January 1, 2011; and adopt appropriate Resolution #2007-R-64, as shown
on page _______, of appreciation to Gary Scarboro for his past service on the
Industrial Development Authority.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Van Der Weide said Mr. Fisher served the County well at the Animal Control
Board meeting. Commissioner Dallari said
he also heard that Commissioner Van Der Weide served the County well.
Henley reported he had contact with Representative Mica regarding the
possibility of the County obtaining the Post Office in
Van Der Weide said he has been working with staff on the memorial for the
veterans and some great veterans have signed up as volunteers. They will be meeting again this week, and
will be bringing these people before the Board after they are further
Dallari announced that this coming Monday night (April 2) is the Boy Scouts
Eagle Dinner.
Dallari advised the first Relay for Life for
Dallari complimented the Lake Mary Rotary Club for the Taste of Lake Mary event
held last night that was extremely well done.
Coto asked that the Commissioners sign the Letter, as shown on page _______,
regarding property tax reform before they leave the meeting room today to have
copies ready to take to
being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m., this same date.
ATTEST ______________________ Clerk ____________________Chairman