JUNE 9, 2015
The following is a non-verbatim transcript
MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, June 9,
2015, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Vice Chairman John Horan (District 2)
Commissioner Lee Constantine (District 3)
Commissioner Carlton Henley (District 4)
Clerk of
Circuit Court & Comptroller Maryanne Morse (late)
County Manager Nicole Guillet
County Attorney Bryant Applegate
Deputy Clerk Jane Spencer
Commissioner Robert Dallari (District 1)
Reverend Wayne Thomas, GracePointe Church
of the Nazarene, Sanford, gave the Invocation.
Commissioner Horan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Business Spotlight video for CORE, The
Center of Recovery & Exercise, was presented.
Agenda Item #1
– A-0823-15
by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt appropriate Resolution
#2015-R-96 recognizing Marc Maheu, Utilities Work Planner, Utility Operations
Division of Environmental Services, for 35 years of service to Seminole County
Government and its citizens, upon his retirement on May 31, 2015.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Resolution was presented to Mr. Maheu who addressed the Board to express his
Carey noted for the record that Commissioner Dallari is not present today and
is attending a conference.
Agenda Item #2 – A-0894-15
Laura Kelley, Executive Director for the Central
Florida Expressway Authority, addressed the Board to present the “CFX Visioning
+2040 Master Plan.” Ms. Kelley stated
she is here today to get everyone thinking about how they want the Central
Florida Expressway Authority representing and serving them for the next 25
Ms. Kelley began her presentation and
discussed “Your New CFX.” She noted the
Legislature and Governor passed legislation and described how that expanded the
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority’s boundaries and changed the makeup
of the board. Ms. Kelley displayed the
“By the Numbers” slide and stated the legislation also gave them the ability to
look at intermodal opportunities in Central Florida and ways to partner with
other transportation agencies to help bring projects forward. She discussed the roadways that the Central
Florida Expressway Authority oversees.
Ms. Kelley displayed and discussed “Where
does the Money Go” and “Transponder Usage by County.” She next displayed “Master Plan Purpose and
Elements” and stated they are in the midst of the Master Plan process and are
out talking to Commissions, private businesses, and people in the community to
get input as to how they want the Central Florida Expressway Authority to serve
them over the next 25 years. Ms. Kelley
displayed two slides regarding the Central Florida population in 2015 and 2040
and noted the population will grow by about 37%. She next displayed and discussed the
“Timeline” and advised they hope to have the Master Plan process completed by
the end of the calendar year.
Ms. Kelley requested that each Commissioner
describe the Central Florida Expressway Authority today in one word. Commissioner Constantine responded
aggressive; Commissioner Henley responded reorganized; Commissioner Horan
responded competent; and Chairman Carey responded exceeding expectations.
Chairman Carey stated that she met with
FDOT Secretary Boxold to discuss the changes that have happened with the
Expressway. She pointed out that the
Turnpike controls certain segments of SR 417, a section of SR 429 and also a
piece of SR 528. She stated now that the
board has been reorganized and Lake, Seminole and Osceola have a seat at the
table, the Expressway Authority wants to look at how they get jurisdiction over
those parts of the Expressway Authority that are in their area. The staff at the Expressway Authority is
working on an analysis to value what those segments are worth. The Secretary's staff is doing the same
thing. Chairman Carey stated that hopefully,
in the near future, they will be able to discuss further the ability to do some
"horse trading" or a purchase straight out so that, for example, the
Seminole County section of SR 417 would be under the purview of the Central
Florida Expressway Authority and they would have input as to what is going to
happen. She discussed the Turnpike's
proposal to build express toll lanes in the Seminole County section of SR
Chairman Carey pointed out that Ms. Kelley
was diligent in pursuing a rule designation on a TIFIA loan for the Wekiva
Parkway. They were actually awarded the
lowest rate in the history of TIFIA loans at 1.23% for some additional funding,
which will move the schedule for that project up about two years and save about
$250 million. She congratulated Ms.
Kelley on the great job that she and her team did on that. Ms. Kelley thanked the Chairman and noted
they actually will be able to open the north-south movements of the Wekiva
Parkway in early 2018.
Commissioner Horan stated that obviously
Seminole County was in favor of the reorganization of the Expressway Authority so
the County would have representation, but he believes it is important that the
Authority now unify the region. There
are 4 million people in the region that the Authority serves and Seminole
County has 430,000 of those particular people.
He pointed out that the more they have elected officials on these
regional boards coordinating and seeing each other's problems, the better
chance they have of solidifying the quality of life, which is so centered
around the ability to move around the region.
He stated this Expressway Authority is going to be central to serving
that need.
Ms. Kelley stated there will soon be a
quick 10-question survey available and hopefully it will be on the County's
website so that the citizens will be able to weigh in on how the Authority can
serve them as well. Chairman Carey
advised the County will also have information on their website regarding the
Ultimate I-4 project with the alternate routes being the Expressway options.
regard to public participation, no one in the audience spoke in support or in
opposition to the Consent Agenda, Items #3 through #30, and public input was
Guillet, County Manager, stated there is an add-on to the Regular Agenda, Item
32A, Approval of an Airline Retention Incentive.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded
by Commissioner Henley, to authorize and approve the following:
Manager’s Office
Economic Development Division
3. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2015-R-97
approving the issuance of tax-exempt Revenue Bonds for the Master’s Academy
of Central Florida, Inc. (A-0861-15)
Community Services
Business Office
4. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
the Eleventh Renewal, Amendment and Restatement of County of Volusia Interlocal
Agreement for Provision of Medical Examiner Services for Seminole County. (A-0849-15)
5. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the following seven Satisfactions
of Mortgage for households assisted under the County’s HOME/SHIP Home Ownership
Assistance Program and the Rehabilitation Assistance Program or the
Reconstruction Assistance Program:
Nikosha Copper, Pio Heredia, Claudette E. Jones, Teresa Y. Parker,
Kennon H. Quick, Clara Ines Valencia, and Helen Waters. (A-0846-15)
Community Assistance Division
6. Authorize the Chairman to approve the
Community Services staff to reallocate $56,079 from the Seminole County Homeless
Prevention Program to the State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Homeless Rapid
Re‑Housing Program. (A-0869-15)
7. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
the Seminole County/Homeless Services Network (HSN) of Central Florida Homeless
Management Information System (HMIS) Participation Agreement to implement and
monitor the Seminole County Homeless Prevention Program (SCHP). (A-0866-15)
Community Development Division
8. Approve and
authorize the Community Services Department to submit the Substantial Amendment
and required attachments for the 2008‑2009, 2012‑2013, 2013‑2014,
and 2014‑2015 One‑Year Action Plans to the U.S. Department of
Housing & Urban Development (HUD). (A-0796-15)
9. Approve and accept
the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) monthly snapshot/report and
properties acquired by Seminole County Government. (A-0794-15)
& Development Division
10. Approve the plat for Peninsula at Island Lake Replat containing 11
lots on 10.68 acres zoned R‑1AA (Single‑Family Dwelling), located
north of the intersection of Adams Street and Suniland Avenue; Michael Towers,
Applicant. (A-0792-15)
11. Approve
the final plat for Anchor Road on 5.85 acres located on the southwest corner of
State Road 436 and Anchor Road. (A-0827-15)
12. Approve the minor plat for
the Wood Estate at Watts' Farm containing two lots on 7.76 acres zoned A‑1
(Agriculture), located on the south side of Center Road, west of Sunset Road;
Mary Wood, Applicant. (A-0774-15)
13. Authorize the Chairman to
execute the Satisfaction of Lien for Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Case
No. 13‑21‑CESM, at 1246 Sultan Circle, Chuluota, Tax Parcel No. 34‑21‑32‑501‑0000‑0490,
owned by Frederick and Laura Firnschild, et al, Applicants. (A-0743-15)
14. Authorize the Chairman to
execute the Satisfaction of Lien for Code Enforcement Board Case No. 14-66-CEB,
at 5296 Shoreline Circle, Sanford, Tax Parcel No. 20-19-30-502-0000-2010,
previously owned by Albert P. and Patricia Whitworth and currently owned by
Wells Fargo Bank NA, Applicant. (A-0742-15)
15. Authorize the Chairman to
execute the Satisfaction of Lien for Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Case
No. 14‑61‑CESM, at 455 Golfview Drive, Tax Parcel No. 01‑21‑29‑5CK‑3200‑00R0,
owned by Rolling Hills Reserve, LLC, Applicant.
Environmental Services
Solid Waste Management Division
16. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity for A1 Assets Inc. effective from October 1, 2015 through September
30, 2016. (A-0772-15)
17. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute
a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Contractors Alliance Network,
LLC effective from June 9, 2015 through September 30, 2016. (A-0771-15)
18. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute a 15' utility easement between Seminole County and South
Seminole North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (SSNOCWTA) for
the reconstruction of a 6-inch force main from the Tanglewood Pump Station. (A-0773-15)
Engineering Division
19. Approve
and authorize Chairman to execute the State of Florida Department of Transportation
Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement. (A-0828-15)
Watershed Management Division
20. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute a 5‑Year Agreement between Seminole County and the
University of South Florida for work on the Seminole County Watershed Atlas
Project (A-0830-15)
Resource Management
Business Office
21. Approve
and authorize staff to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy
Homes, in the amount of $1,325,000 over a three-year period for the Lead‑Based
Paint Hazard Control (LBPHC) Grant Program and the Healthy Homes Supplemental
Funding; and authorize the County Manager or her designee to execute any
documents associated with the grant application. (A-0868-15)
and Fiscal Management Division
22. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-98 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #15‑073
through the Building Program Fund to appropriate budget of $200,881 from
reserves for the Building Division for additional staff and vehicles to provide
inspections and permitting services. (A-0841-15)
23. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate
Resolution #2015-R-99 implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #15‑080
through the Disaster Preparedness Fund in the amount of $768 to establish
funding to enhance and sustain emergency management capabilities in Seminole
County. (A-0816-15)
24. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2015-R-100 implementing Budget
Amendment Request (BAR) #15‑081 through the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax
Fund in the amount of $295,245 to transfer funds to the Transportation Trust
Fund for the allocation of FY13/14 expenditures related to the Dirt Road Paving
Project (CIP# 00262162). (A-0820-15)
25. Approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2015-R-101 implementing
Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #15‑082 through the Public Works
Interlocal Agreement Fund in the amount of $138,600 to establish utility
relocation funding for the Lake Howell Road Bridge Replacement Project. (A-0842-15)
26. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2015-R-102 implementing Budget
Amendment Request (BAR) #15‑083 through the Natural Lands Trails Bond
Fund to appropriate budget of $35,705 from reserves for the completion of the
Lake Harney Wilderness Area and Geneva Wilderness Area Improvement
projects. (A-0864-15)
Purchasing & Contracts Division
27. Approve
Amendment #1 to RFP‑600674‑09/TLR, Government Software Solution for
Agenda Management with MCCi; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute the Amendment. (A-0808-15)
28. Approve
Amendment #2 to RFP‑600906‑10/TLR, Pet License Program with PetData,
Inc., Irving, TX; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to
execute the Amendment. (A-0807-15)
29. Award CC‑0191‑15/RTB, Construction
Services Agreement, for FY2014 Pump Station Improvements in the amount of
$1,245,777 to TLC Diversified, Inc. of Palmetto; and authorize the Purchasing
& Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. (A-0826-15)
30. Approve Amendment #2 to RFP‑602065‑14/TLR,
Information Services Service Desk & Desk Side Computer Support, with Vitil
Solutions, Inc., Sarasota; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute the Amendment. (A-0867-15)
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Henley,
seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve the following:
Office (A-0804-15)
31. Expenditure Approval Lists dated April 27 and May 4, 2015; and Payroll
Approval List dated April 23, 2015.
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted for
information only, the following Clerk's "Received and Filed":
Audit Report by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court and Comptroller of the Property Transfer relating to the City of
Casselberry Fire and Emergency Services.
2. Development
Orders in connection with variances as follows:
#15-30000006, Claudia and David Sanchez; #15-30000007, Robert and Ann
Marie McGuire; #15-30000010, Lucindo and Martha Fidalgo; #15-30000008, Anthony
and Kristy Schanel; and #15-51500010, Drew Mooty.
3. Memorandum
of Agreement #2014-2015-0003-SEM between
Seminole County, Supervisor of Elections, and the Florida Department of State,
Division of Elections, for Federal HHS Vote Program Grant, referencing BAR
#15-054 which was approved by the Board on 3/10/15.
4. Assignment
of Conditional Utility Agreements for Water Services and Sewer Services between
AG Construction & Development Co. and Meritage Homes of Florida, for the
project known as Hampton Estates.
5. Conditional
Utility Agreement for Water and Wastewater Services with Hupp Retail CR46A,
LLC, for the project known as Wal-Mart at Chase Groves.
6. Conditional
Utility Agreement for Water, Wastewater or Reclaimed Water Services with
Central Parc III, LLC, for the project known as Central Parc at Heathrow Phase
7. Conditional
Utility Agreement for Water, Wastewater or Reclaimed Water Services with JEL
Land Development, Inc., for the project known as Mystic Car Wash.
8. Pet
Rescue Cooperative Service Agreements with Doglando Foundation, Inc. and Golden
Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida.
9. Work
Order #12 to PS-1666-07.
10. Amendment
#1 to Work Order #72 to PS-3914-08.
11. PS-4388-09,
Second Amendment to Continuing Consultant Services Agreement with Inwood
Consulting Engineers, Inc.
12. PS-4388-09,
Third Amendment to Continuing Consultant Services Agreement with Pegasus
Engineering, LLC.
13. PS-4388-09,
Second Amendment to Continuing Consultant Services Agreement with RS&H,
Inc. f/n/a Reynolds Smith and Hills, Inc.
14. PS-4388-09,
Second Amendment to Continuing Consultant Services Agreement with HNTB Corp.
15. Amendment
#2 to Work Order #19 to PS-5438-10.
16. Amendment
#1 to Work Order #21 to RFP-5706-10.
17. Closeout
to Work Order #4 to RFP-5888-10.
18. Amendment
#1 to Work Order #9 to PS-8072-12.
19. Work
Order #11 to PS-8072-12.
20. Amendment
#3 to Work Order #5 to PS-8286-13.
21. Amendment
#1 to Work Order #7 to PS-8286-13.
22. Amendment
#2 to Work Order #8 to PS-8286-13.
23. Amendment
#2 to Work Order #1 to PS-8419-13.
24. PS-9462-14,
First Amendment to Master Services Agreement with Ayres Associates, Inc.
25. Amendment
#1 to Work Order #1 to PS-9838-14.
26. IFB-601587-12,
Second Amendment to Term Contract with Sieg & Ambachtsheer, Inc.
27. IFB-602096-14,
First Amendment to Term Contract with Preferred Materials, Inc.
28. IFB-602180-15,
Term Contract with Cardiac Science Corp.
29. Work
Order #27 to CC-8199-12.
30. Work
Order #29 to CC-8199-12.
31. Closeout
to CC-8501-13.
32. Change
Order #1 to Work Order #5 to CC-9072-13.
33. Work
Order #4 to CC-9184-13.
34. Closeout
to Work Order #2 to CC-9184-12.
35. Closeout
to Work Order #9 to CC-9192-13.
36. Closeout
to CC-9218-14.
37. Change
Order #1 to CC-9575-14.
38. Change
Order #1 to CC-9909-15.
39. Bids
as follows:
from Jantech Services, Inc.; UP Systems, Inc.; Gruber Power Services; Computer
Power Systems, Inc.; and
from Acuity Specialty Products, Inc. d/b/a Zep Sales & Service; Fastenal;
Ferguson Waterworks; Fortiline Waterworks; HD Supply Waterworks; Lawson
Products; MSC Industrial Supply Co.; and Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc.
Motion by Commissioner Horan,
seconded by Commissioner Henley, to approve and authorize the following:
Sheriff’s Office
32. Approval for the Sheriff's Office to execute
and submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice, FY2015 Edward
Byrne Memorial/Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program; and authorize the
Sheriff to sign future documents relating to the grant. (A-0855-15)
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item
#32A – A-0924-15
an approval of an airline retention incentive in the amount of $100,000, Ms.
Guillet advised that Orlando-Sanford International Airport recently lost two international
airline carriers to Orlando International Airport, who has been very aggressive
lately in the use of incentives in order to bring new airlines to that
airport. She stated staff has been
informed by the Sanford Airport that they are at risk of losing another
international carrier and they have come to the County to ask the County to
partner with them on an incentive program to retain that airline. The maintenance of an international carrier
is important from an economic standpoint and is important from the standpoint
of maintaining their local airport as a point of entry.
Ms. Guillet explained that the Sanford
Airport has asked the County to partner on this particular incentive program in
the amount of $100,000. The details of
how that money would be distributed have not yet been worked out; it may be a
lump sum or it may be in installment payments.
That money would be joined with a $50,000 contribution from the City of
Sanford, a $50,000 contribution from the Sanford Airport Authority in addition
to some adjustments in fees, and a $100,000 contribution from Airports
Worldwide, which is the private company that manages the day-to-day operation
of the airport. She added that Airports
Worldwide will also do some fee adjustments as well as part of that
Guillet stated in light of the importance of maintaining this carrier, staff is
recommending that the Board approve the dollar amount of the incentive and
authorize staff to draft the incentive agreement pursuant to terms that have
been included in the Agenda Memorandum, which include a "claw back"
provision should the airline leave within five years. The intention is to retain the airline for at
least five years. The expectation is
that they will have about 200,000 international travelers come through annually
during that time period. Ms. Guillet
explained how there are funds available in the General Fund for this
Dale, President and CEO of the Orlando-Sanford International Airport, addressed
the Board to state that airports all over the country have recruitment and
retention incentives. Mr. Dale stated
they are trying to build on that so they can compete with international and
domestic carriers. Airports Worldwide is
a terminal management company while the Airport Authority manages the daily
operations of the airport and all of the aspects of that. Airports Worldwide is a private venture firm
and has actually invested a lot of money and will invest a lot of money in the
incentive program.
Gouldthorpe, President of Airports Worldwide, addressed the Board to state he
is the private airport partner. Mr.
Gouldthorpe explained this incentive program is a very important initiative, and
they are trying to retain this particular international customer because they represent
the necessary critical mass needed at the airport to maintain the airport's
port of entry status, which is absolutely key to getting future international
business at the airport. He added it is
strategic, not to mention the immediate business impact it would have by losing
200,000 international passengers a year.
Mr. Gouldthorpe described how this program will be a collaborative
effort. He stressed that they feel it is
a very important thing to do to maintain the good health of the airport, the
diversity of their service, and most importantly, their port of entry
inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Mr. Gouldthorpe advised that Allegiant Air is
committed to the airport on a long-term basis and currently is about three
years into a ten-year agreement. He
stated this particular retention effort is aimed at their largest international
customer, which is actually a family of airlines, and that is who they will be
addressing with this particular item. He
added that Allegiant has told them they do intend at some point to replicate
their model internationally; and if Allegiant uses that model successfully in
the international market, it will indicate what potential there is at the Sanford
Airport. He stated he has no worries
that Allegiant is committed to the Sanford Airport on a long-term basis.
Carey pointed out if Sanford Airport loses its point of entry on the
international side, that would be another story. Mr. Gouldthorpe stated that would put a
different light on things. He noted
having international capability for the foreseeable future is extremely
Constantine stated that in the discussions the Board has had with Mr. Dale and
Mr. Gouldthorpe previously, and the Orlando-Sanford International Airport, this
is an ongoing concern that they are losing some of their carriers. From his understanding, most of those
carriers are being incentivized to move to the Orlando International
Airport. He requested that Ms. Guillet
confirm whether or not that is true. Ms.
Guillet advised that Mr. Dale and Mr. Gouldthorpe could probably speak to that
better than she could. She stated she
knows they lost two to Orlando International.
Constantine pointed out that when they incentivize businesses to come to
Seminole County, they would hope they are not competing with their neighbor
counties or even others in the state and that it would be more of bringing down
people who do not already exist in this area.
Just as they talked about regionalism in the last discussion with the
Central Florida Expressway Authority, he believes the airport needs some help
here with some discussion that needs to be done with Orlando International that
this is not something they should be fighting back and forth about because it
is costing taxpayers money when they have to challenge or compete with them for
carriers that are already here in the Central Florida area. Commissioner
Constantine stated he understands the need for this particular incentive because
the international status is extremely important to the airport here in Seminole
County, but he believes they need to open up some discussion from the County's
staff with the Orlando International Airport and some of the elected officials
suggesting to them that this isn't the most prudent way to go about business,
competing against each other when we already have a carrier here in Central
Florida. He stated he would like that to
be part of this motion to approve the incentive.
Carey stated she believes they could direct staff to have that discussion but
the GOAA (Greater Orlando Aviation Authority) board is an independent board and
they are looking at trying to fill their new terminal facility with whomever
they can. This is a very competitive
business. She believes they can give
direction to staff or certainly to the elected officials to have those
discussions among the other elected officials.
Chairman Carey stated she does not know that it needs to be part of the
motion but thinks that just by the Board having this discussion, and
Commissioner Constantine bringing it to the forefront that he would like to see
that happen, certainly would cause Ms. Guillet to reach out to Phil Brown, who
is the executive director of the Orlando International Airport.
Constantine further discussed Orlando International Airport and Orlando-Sanford
International Airport competing with each other.
Horan stated he hopes that nobody would interpret any of this discussion as a
suggestion that this Board or the Sanford Airport and the Orlando International
Airport enter into anything other than a mutually beneficial agreement and
certainly no combination in restraint of trade.
He believes that is clearly implied by the suggestion that competitors
can act with each other to benefit them mutually in pure competition with each
other and they are not going to be incentivizing a combination of restraint of
trade or anything of that nature. He
explained that the truth of the matter is they are in a competitive environment
and regions compete with each other regions, regions compete within regions,
and competition is good. He stated if it
is mutually beneficial for airports to have some kind of coordination and
collaboration, that is fine. He advised he
does not have any problem with talking and encouraging the Orlando-Sanford
International Airport to have those particular discussions; they should
probably take place.
Henley pointed out this is not a new situation and is something that has gone
on through the years, not only from the standpoint of airlines but from the
standpoint of business. Competition is
good but it is competing with who that concerns him; when they win, we
lose. One's loss is another's gain; so
therefore, it is not a net gain overall for the County or the region. Commissioner Henley stated he believes
dialogue is good from the standpoint of being able to compete. Seminole County is never going to be able to
match Orlando and Orange County in dollars.
He believes it is good to have the dialogue and talking from a
standpoint of net gains for the region certainly won't hurt anything. Commissioner Henley stated he is not trying
to condemn Orlando for what they are doing but they need to know the impact on
their neighbors and that is the point of the dialogue.
Constantine stated this is becoming a critical mass, that they could lose their
international status. He added when they
start talking about taxpayer dollars, between Sanford and the County, it is about
$150,000 in taxpayer dollars to retain something that they already have because
Orlando International Airport is trying to take it away. That is why he thinks it is a good reason to
sit down and at least discuss parameters at this time.
John Maingot, City of Longwood, addressed the Board to state he has 27 years of
international aviation experience and competition is good; but he also feels
there are other opportunities and other international carriers that are now
serving the Caribbean that fly and are developing their service from the
Caribbean into Orlando International Airport.
He pointed out the overall operating costs and landing fees are far more
attractive at Orlando-Sanford International Airport. In as much as competition does exist and
continues to exist, he feels there are other opportunities that can be explored
right in their own backyard.
regard to public participation, no one else in the audience spoke in support or
in opposition to the item and public input was closed.
Motion by Commission Horan, seconded by
Commissioner Henley, to approve the proposed airline retention incentive in the
amount of $100,000; authorize staff to prepare the incentive agreement(s) with
the recipient airline and/or the Sanford Airport Authority, consistent with the
terms outlined in the Agenda Memorandum; and authorize the County Manager to
execute the incentive agreement.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #33 – A—0805-15
Matthews, Planning and Development, addressed the Board to present the request
to approve a Special Event Permit for the Sanford Bikefest as outlined in the
Agenda Memorandum. Mr. Matthews reviewed
the dates and times of the event and noted the estimated attendance is 20,000
attendees total over three days, with 10,000 attendees at peak time on Saturday
evening, October 10, 2015. Mr. Matthews
advised that staff has provided a Special Event Permit in the agenda package
that separates the permit into two sections; Section A, general conditions, and
Section B, conditions remaining to be met by the Applicant prior to final
approval, which must be met no later than August 10, 2015.
Matthews stated that staff is recommending approval of this item with the
findings that the Applicant be granted additional time to fully address the
conditions of the Special Event Permit and with the following three
conditions: 1) the Applicant shall
comply with the conditions established in the Special Event Permit no later
than August 10, 2015; 2) the County Manager’s Office shall have authority to
deem the Applicant’s responses to these conditions sufficient, or, at its
discretion, refer the Permit to the Board of County Commissioners for further
additional action; and 3) failure to address these conditions shall revoke this
Special Event Permit.
regard to public participation, no one in the audience spoke in support or in
opposition to this item and public input was closed.
Motion by Chairman Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Horan, to approve the Special Event Permit for the Sanford
Bikefest Special Event, 440 Hickman Drive, Sanford, October 9 through October
11, 2015, subject to staff findings and recommended conditions of approval.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #34 – A-0845-15
Hooper, Purchasing & Contracts Division Manager, addressed the Board to
present a request to discuss and rank the nine best qualified consultant
proposals under PS‑0009‑15/RTB, a Master Services Agreement for
design services for minor projects with construction costs of less than $2
million, as outlined in the Agenda Memorandum.
He advised that in response to the solicitation, the County received 27
proposals. The evaluation review
committee reviewed and evaluated the proposals and short-listed nine
firms. The original proposals and
presentation material for the nine best qualified firms were submitted to the
BCC for review. Mr. Hooper explained
that staff is requesting the Board discuss and rank the nine best qualified
consultants’ proposals and authorize staff to negotiate rates and execute agreements
with each Board-selected firm in accordance with the CCNA.
Hooper distributed a ranking sheet to each Commissioner and requested the firms
be ranked in order from one to nine with one being the first-ranked firm. Chairman Carey stated that once the firms are
ranked, the Board will need to address how many firms they would actually like
to select.
Constantine stated that although he understands the process and has read the
nine different companies’ public relation sheets, he does not feel comfortable
with this type of process. He is not and
does not think anybody here can claim to be an expert at being able to say
which one of these construction companies would best serve the citizens of
Seminole County. He stated he believes
it would be wise to have four to six for the staff to work with. He reiterated that he feels very
uncomfortable with the Board acting like CEO's as opposed to a Board of
Directors in going down rankings. Staff
is the expert at working with these people and knows who they are. He stated he understands this is the process
of this Commission and he will rank them like everybody else but he needs to
post the fact that he does not think he or anyone can say they are an expert at
determining which one of these nine companies, all of which are good companies,
would best serve the people of Seminole County in this process.
Carey stated the professional staff went from 27 down to 9 short-listed firms
who have all made presentations. The
Board has the information. She
emphasized that this is the process the Board of County Commissioners uses to
rank and negotiate. They do it every
time they select a consultant.
Horan stated he shares Commissioner Constantine's concern because when he first
got on the Board, he felt uncomfortable about trying to draw distinctions
between professional services firms based upon his understanding of what they
did. He stated they have all had the
opportunity to be briefed by staff, and he takes a lot of advice from
staff. They are not working
blindly. Commissioner Horan noted the
great thing about this proposal and this particular RFP is that they received
27 responses, who are all qualified, and the staff short-listed 9 for the
Board. He stated he feels comfortable
proceeding on the basis that they have a very good group of companies that they
can go forward with.
Henley stated he believes it is important for people to know that staff has
evaluated all of these individuals and the Commissioners all have copies of
their evaluation sheets, their scores and their comments. Commissioner Henley stated he, like
Commissioner Horan, draws heavily upon the evaluation sheets and comments that
have been done by staff, who are the County’s professional people, that lend
the Board their opinions regarding all of these individuals. He stated he is glad he did not have to go
through 27 proposals or listen to 9 presentations, which he has done before. He does not want to go through that process
and the next, best thing that he knows is the way the Board is doing it.
Carey stated this process really meets the intent and the spirit of the
Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA) and is the process the Board uses to rank
them and then staff negotiates with the ranked firms to determine if they can
come to an agreement.
Constantine stated he understands that.
He stated he is not fighting the process. He is simply stating that if they are going
to talk to staff, read the reports, read their evaluations and act so heavily
on that, unless they have a problem with their ranking or the system that staff
used, he believes it would be incumbent on the Board to start looking at that
more seriously and maybe taking that and accepting that as opposed to staff
then giving it to the Board and then the Board, in theory, doing anything they
want to.
Carey stated if the Board wants to change the process, certainly the Board can
take that up at a later day; but this is the process that they are using this
Carey recessed the meeting at 10:30 a.m., reconvening at 10:35 a.m., with Clerk
of the Court Maryanne Morse returning late.
Hooper tabulated the ranking sheets (received and filed) and reported that
there is a tie for Number 1, CPH, Inc. and Metric Engineering; Number 3 is
Atkins North America, Inc.; Number 4 is Pegasus Engineering, Inc.; Number 5 is
Inwood Consulting Engineers; another tie, Faller Davis & Associates, Inc.
and HDR Engineering; Number 8 is Stantec Consulting Services; and Number 9 is
BCC Engineering, Inc. Mr. Hooper
questioned how many MSA's the Board would like his staff to negotiate with.
ensued with regard to how many firms the County should select and the
determination was made to select five.
Motion by Commission Horan, seconded by
Commissioner Constantine, to authorize staff to negotiate rates in accordance
with F.S. 287.055, the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), with
the five top-ranked firms selected by the Board, which are CPH, Inc., Metric
Engineering, Inc., Atkins North America, Inc., Pegasus Engineering, Inc., and
Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc.; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute a Master Service Agreement with each Board-selected firm
under PS‑0009‑15/RTB, Master Services Agreement for Design Services
for Minor Projects with Construction Costs Less Than $2,000,000.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #35 – A-0863-15
Carey stated that Item #35 is the approval for the Tourism Division brand
identity initiative and advised this particular item is a very important
decision for the County. She pointed out
that one of the Commissioners is not present today. She stated she, as one Board member, would
like to have some options to pick from and believes the prudent thing to do
this morning is to table this item and maybe schedule a workshop and take this
item up when there is an entire Board present.
Guillet stated she would be happy to schedule a work session if that is the
Board’s desire.
Constantine stated he was looking forward to the presentation today. He was not aware that Commissioner Dallari
was not going to be here. He stated he
did hear that the Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association requested this
item be postponed and questioned if that was correct. Chairman Carey confirmed that is correct,
that she got a call yesterday asking that the item be tabled until a future
date. She stated if the Board takes up
the item today, she will vote no because she does not like what has been
presented. She reiterated that she
believes it would be prudent for the Board to table this item, schedule a
workshop, have options presented to Board and then move forward.
Henley stated he has no problem with tabling it until there is a full
Board. He is not enthusiastic about a
workshop with more options and that probably is because he has been through
this for two years looking at options.
Commissioner Henley pointed out this option had the unanimous
recommendation from the Tourism Development Council (TDC).
of the Court Maryanne Morse re-entered the meeting at this time.
Henley stated he believes it is important for the public to realize they are
not changing anything that currently exists but are creating something new for
advertising outside of the regional area.
He stated it is unfortunate about some of the misconceptions and
misinformation that have gotten out and even criticism toward Paradise
Advertising, who has simply been following the direction from the TDC. He believes Paradise has done a good job
trying to respond to the direction from the TDC.
Carey remarked that as the representative on the TDC, Commissioner Henley has
had the ability to see things that the rest of the Board has not and he had
input and discussion into that as well.
She noted that the TDC is simply a recommending body to the Board. She reiterated this is an important issue and
believes having an entire Board here would be important. She added she would like to have some
Horan stated that as the alternate to the TDC, he also attended those meetings
and has the same sentiments that Commissioner Henley has. He stated he has been through this and
understands what they are trying to do, the reasons behind it. Commissioner Horan stated he does not need a
workshop. Commissioner Constantine
stated he does not need a workshop.
Horan stated he does not know if they need to "workshop it" but does
believe they need to get all of the Commissioners comfortable with an
understanding of what this is and most importantly that they effectively communicate
with the public about what this is and what this is not.
Henley stated that with this delay, they have the time to educate the public
through the use of releases, through the use of presenting a program on
Government T.V., which is basically looked at locally. Commissioner Henley stated he would also like
the Board to know, as can be attested to by the members of the Council who are here
today, that when this came up for discussion, he did not enter into the
discussion. He did that because he knew that
whatever they came up with, he would have to vote on it and didn't want to try
and influence it one way or the other; and therefore, he sat silently.
Carey stated she understands the idea behind putting Orlando into their tag
line for the Convention Visitors Bureau.
She noted that it does not sound like the Commissioners want a workshop,
so they will just table this item until they have a full Board here. She suggested they bring it back at the next
Board meeting.
Horan emphasized that if the Board approves this item today or at some future
day, the “Seminole County Florida’s Natural Choice” logo would not be changed,
nor would the street signs be changed.
Chairman Carey agreed that Commissioner Henley had a great idea that the
County should tell their own story and maybe SGTV could put something together
and run it on their channel and maybe that will help people understand exactly
what is being proposed. She suggested
the County put something on the website about it prior to the next
Guillet agreed that she can do that. She
stated they have started reaching out to the public. When they first realized there was some
confusion last week, they started putting together a public information
campaign and will continue to do that.
Ms. Guillet stated their media partners have been helpful in getting out
the clarified information so they will continue to work with them. She stated they will work with SGTV to put
together a video piece as well.
Henley suggested that if they come up with a video presentation, they should spend
some time talking about the value of tourism to Seminole County so the general
public gets a picture as to why the hoteliers are in favor of this because a
lot of people don't understand the value of tourism.
Motion by Commission
Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to table the approval of the Tourism
Division brand identity initiative until the June 23, 2015 meeting.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Item #36 – A-0800-15
The Board noted, for
information only, the Informational Budget Transfer Status Report for FY2014/15
(April 2015)
Guillet presented a brief update to the Lake Pickett projects in Orange
County. She stated they have tried to
“push” information to the Commissioners on what has been happening. There was a community meeting earlier this
month. Many of the same issues remain
such as concerns about traffic and density.
They have been keeping in touch with Orange County. She pointed out that they do not yet have a
staff recommendation and are not aware of what staff will be recommending on
the project. She reported the
transmittal hearing with Planning & Zoning is scheduled for June 18 and for
the Board of County Commissioners on June 28.
She stated they have a meeting scheduled with Orange County staff on June
25. They have done a comparison of
Seminole County's comprehensive plan policy that might be relevant and Orange
County’s comprehensive plan policy and sent that to the Commissioners. That will be the topic of discussion at the
meeting scheduled on June 25.
Guillet emphasized this is not scheduled for actual adoption by Orange County
until November, so there is some time to continue to work on coming up with
some language in the comprehensive plans that addresses development on that
side of both of the counties and to increase coordination with their neighbor.
Horan stated in terms of the discussions with staff and so forth, they are
obviously looking for either an interlocal agreement or something under the
intergovernmental coordination element of the respective comprehensive
plans. He questioned what it is that
Orange County wants from Seminole County.
Ms. Guillet stated Orange County has not advanced anything other than to
say they agree that there could be a better mechanism for coordinating planning
efforts and other efforts that affect one another. Commissioner Horan discussed Chapter 164 of
the Florida Statutes regarding dispute resolution.
Guillet stated they would like to be proactive and get ahead of any dispute
resolution process and will focus on that and they are focusing on some of the
actual functional issues the development would impact such as traffic and
Carey questioned when Orange County will have their recommendation to their
P&Z Committee. Ms. Guillet stated
this is a complicated project and she believes they are taking as much time as
they can to review it and consider the community concerns. Chairman Carey stated the latest plan that
she received shows a 400-foot buffer and T2.
She stated she is not exactly sure what that means. Ms. Guillet explained that there is somewhat
of a conservation designation. The
latest policy was that in that transect, because it is a transect driven plan,
which is the transect that is adjacent to Seminole County, it has more of a rural
flavor to it and kind of a conservation flavor; however, there is a policy
proposed by the Applicant that if they were to do a 400-foot buffer, they could
develop as if they were in the T2 transect, which allows two units per acre.
Horan remarked that whatever the specifics of the projects are, this provides
an opportunity for Seminole County to address, from a policy point of view, the
larger issues of stormwater and transportation.
One of the things that occurred to him based upon his research on how
you retain a non-developed character of a region or an area that is contiguous
to developed areas is by providing mobility without providing access. They ought to be looking at issues like
that. A lot of times everyone gets tied
up “in the weeds” of what this project is and the buffers and everything else
like that when the larger issue is 15 to 20 years from now how do they retain
the character of the eastern rural area to pay appropriate allegiance to what
their voters have done. He stated he is
hoping what will come out of this is that some of these larger issues regarding
stormwater, mobility, and transportation can be addressed.
Guillet stated with regard to this Board’s discussion of this issue, Orange
County has heard it and they are paying more attention to those issues. They have been very receptive to Seminole
County's concerns and have discussed maybe more specifically some of the
transportation issues that might not have been specifically addressed. Ms. Guillet stated she believes this has been
a good effort; and even if they don't end up with a formalized JPA (Joint
Planning Agreement) and do something more general from a policy standpoint, she
thinks it is still a very good outcome because Orange County has been very
receptive and a very good neighbor in this whole process.
Carey reported that in the documents that were delivered to their offices
earlier, there were summaries of transportation studies as well, which show
there could actually be some relief on SR 419 with an alternate. Chairman Carey requested that as soon as the
staff recommendation from Orange County is available that Ms. Williamson provide
it to the Commissioners so everyone knows exactly what the recommendations
Board recessed the meeting at 10:55 a.m., reconvening
at 1:32 p.m., with all Commissioners and all other Officials, with the
exception of Clerk of Court Maryanne Morse who was absent, Commissioner Lee
Constantine who arrived late, and Deputy Clerk Jane Spencer who was replaced by
Deputy Clerk Terri Porter, who were present at the Opening Session.
by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to authorize the filing
of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public hearings into
the Official Record.
Districts 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Constantine entered the
meeting at this time.
Agenda Item #37 – A-0791-15
Proof of publication calling for a public hearing to consider a Rezone
from R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) to A-1 (Agriculture) for 4.57 acres located
on the south side of the western terminus of Center Drive, Laura Johnson,
received and filed.
Matt Davidson, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board
to present the request as outlined in the Agenda Memorandum. He displayed the FLU (Future Land Use) and
Zoning maps and advised that the Applicant would like to have agricultural uses
permitted in order to add a greenhouse to the property to grow organic
vegetables and flowers for her own use.
She would also like to have a horse, chickens and possibly a sheep. He further advised that the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommended approval and staff recommends adoption of the
It was determined that the Applicant was present and that she concurs
with staff’s recommendation.
No one in the audience spoke in support or in opposition and public
input was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to adopt
Ordinance #2015-11 enacting a Rezone from R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) to A-1
(Agriculture) for 4.57 acres located on the south side of the western terminus
of Center Drive, as described in the proof of publication, Laura Johnson, Applicant.
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #38 – PH-2015-096
Proof of publication calling for a public hearing to consider a Small
Scale Land Use Amendment from Low Density Residential to Planned Development,
and the associated Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development)
for approximately 4.63 acres located on the east side of Alafaya Trail, north
of Beasley Road; Dustin Lucas, JEL Land Development, Inc.; received and filed.
Matt Davidson, Planning & Development Division, displayed FLU
(Future Land Use) and Zoning maps of the property and explained the Applicant
would like to potentially develop the 4.63-acre site as a 120-unit Assisted
Living Facility (ALF) or with any of the permitted uses listed in the CN, CS
and C-1 commercial zoning districts. He
then cited the exclusions listed in the Agenda Memorandum. He stated the maximum building height is 45
feet and the Applicant is proposing a 10-foot-wide landscape buffer along the
northern property line with a 20-foot building setback.
Mr. Davidson advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval and staff also recommends approval of the request.
Chairman Carey stated there is a 50-foot proposed setback on the south
side of the property and questioned why the setback is much larger than is
typically required. Mr. Davidson
explained that the Applicant is requesting the addition of CN and CS commercial
uses and the required setbacks in those zoning districts are 50-foot,
front-yard setbacks and the subject property is considered a corner lot. She confirmed then that if the property is a corner
lot, the setbacks are 50 feet on both sides.
Shari Gamewell, 177 Burnsed Place, addressed the Board to speak in
opposition to the request. She advised
she is speaking on behalf of Canterbury Cove and their concern is with the
three-story building that is being proposed.
She stated there are single-level family households and the three-story
building would invade their privacy. In
addition, the ten-foot tree buffer will not take care of the second and third
stories for privacy issues in their dwellings.
No one else in the audience spoke in support or in opposition and
public input was closed.
Speaker Request Form was received and filed.
Chairman Carey questioned whether there were any restrictions in the
Development Order that would limit the windows or not allow balconies on that
particular side of the building, if in fact they build a three-story
building. Tom Sullivan, GrayRobinson Law
Firm, addressed the Board to state that at this time, they do not know if it
will be an ALF-type of facility or commercial-type neighborhood uses. In the event that it is an ALF, in order to
have enough critical mass in terms of the number of units, they would need to
have three stories. He stated they
attempted in the design to take into account any potential privacy issues with
the 10-foot buffer; they are planning a meaningful landscape buffer. They do not have an ALF user in mind yet;
they are trying to determine who might be the best fit and then they can bring
the privacy issue up to the end user, but at this point, they hadn’t
contemplated further restricting it. He
said he thinks the adjacent buildings are allowed to go up to the same height
of 45 feet. Chairman Carey advised the
other buildings are allowed to go up to 35 feet.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, Bryan Potts, Tannath Design, advised
the 10-foot landscape buffer would be part of the 20-foot setback. He explained they would probably plant across
the entire 20 feet, but the County-required buffer is 10 feet. He advised that he spoke with the Applicant
and they have no problem committing to a restriction that there would be no
balconies on the side facing the residences.
Motion by
Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to adopt Ordinance
#2015-12 enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Amendment from Low Density
Residential to Planned Development; adopt Ordinance #2015-13 enacting a Rezone
from A-1 (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development); and approve the associated
Development Order and Master Development Plan with the restriction that
balconies are not permitted on the north side of the subject property, for 4.63
acres located on the east side of Alafaya Trail, north of Beasley Road, as
described in the proof of publication; Dustin Lucas, JEL Land Development,
Inc., Applicant.
2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Agenda Item #39 – PH-2015-089
Proof of publication calling for a public hearing to consider approval
of a 258-square-foot addition to an existing boat dock on Sylvan Lake on
property located on the south side of Sylvan Woods Drive, approximately 2,290
feet south of W. SR 46, more particularly known as 6975 Sylvan Woods Drive,
Sheila Cichra, received and filed.
Bill Wharton, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board
to present the request as outlined in the Agenda Memorandum. He displayed a Zoning map and an aerial
photograph of the property and explained the Applicant is requesting approval
to add 258 square feet to an existing residential boat dock. He stated that the Board approved a request
to build the existing dock in October of 2012 and this request is to expand
that existing dock. He listed the Land
Development Code requirements prior to issuance of a boat-dock permit and
stated they are included in the Agenda Memorandum.
Mr. Wharton advised the Applicant has received a permit from the St.
Johns River Water Management District and that staff recommends approval of the
request. He further advised the
Applicant is present and the Chairman confirmed with the Applicant that she
concurs with staff’s recommendation.
No one in the audience spoke in support or in opposition and public
input was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve a
258-square-foot addition to an existing 1,553-square-foot boat dock on Sylvan
Lake, on property located on the south side of Sylvan Woods Drive,
approximately 2,290 feet south of West SR 46, more particularly known as 6975
Sylvan Woods Drive, as described in the proof of publication; Sheila Cichra,
Streamline Permitting, Applicant; Alan & Wendy Wiginton, Owners; Approval
Development Order.
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Meloney Lung, Assistant County Manager,
addressed the Board to report on the Juvenile Detention issue. She advised that the 64 counties that remain
in the system for juvenile detention have reached an agreement to forego any
back payment for overbilling for prior years in exchange for a more favorable
rate in their split going forward. For
the three counties that remain out of the system, Polk, Marion and Seminole,
there is proviso language to allocate a partial repayment to these counties
this year with the remainder in the next budget year.
Chairman Carey stated she would like to
reappoint Melanie Cornell to Workforce Central Florida. She added that Ms. Cornell has been serving
on this committee and she understands from the Executive Director that Ms.
Cornell makes a great contribution with her business experience here in Central
by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to reappoint
Melanie Cornell to Workforce Central Florida.
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Carey reminded the Board that
MetroPlan Orlando had sent correspondence requesting a replacement for Jennifer
Finch due to absences and she had asked the Board whether they would look to
see if they had someone in the community who would like to fill the
position. She added they have received
three applications. Commissioner
Constantine advised that he reached out to a couple of people and is pending
their answer. She asked that the Board
members take a look at the applications already received and if they have any
others to get them to her through the application process.
In regard to the NACo (National Association
of Counties) Annual Conference, Chairman Carey advised that traditionally, the
Board has delegated their voting credentials to Ray Valdes, Tax Collector. She stated he is on the National Board of Tax
Collectors and attends the NACo conference annually.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to authorize the
Chairman to execute the 2015 NACo Credentials Voting Form (received and filed)
delegating the Seminole County voting credentials to Ray Valdes, Tax Collector,
for the 2015 NACo Annual Conference.
Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Chairman Carey reported that she received
correspondence from Mike Ertel, Supervisor of Elections (SOE), regarding the
2015/16 Canvassing Board. Traditionally,
a county commissioner serves on that board along with a judge and members of
the SOE. She said Seminole has three
county commissioners up for re-election in 2016; and the rules are that if
commissioners are going to be involved in any way in any campaign that would be
taking place in the county, they cannot serve.
The BCC typically informs the SOE who will then go back to the chief
judge to ask for another judicial representative to fill that spot on the
Canvassing Board. Chairman Carey stated
she will let Mr. Ertel know so he can find a replacement for the BCC
The following Communications and/or Reports
were received and filed:
1. Letter
with attachment, dated May 5, 2015 from Sandra Smith, City of Casselberry
Community Development Director, to Chairman Carey RE: Casselberry CRA Annual
Report 2013-2014. (C: Nicole Guillet)
of letter dated May 12, 2014 from Chairman Carey to Noranne Downs, FDOT
District 5 Secretary, RE: support of the request for a TIGER 7 Grant
Application to extend SunRail north from DeBary to DeLand. (C:
Board of County Commissioners; Nicole Guillet; Bruce McMenemey)
of cover letter only, no attachments, dated May 12, 2015 from Blanche Sherman,
LYNX Director of Finance, to Commissioner Brenda Carey RE: LYNX Quarterly
Reports as of March 31, 2015.
of letter dated May 12, 2015 from Angela Weeks-Samanie, Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, to Gloria Eby, Seminole County Mosquito
Control Director, RE: Audit Requirement.
(C: Seminole County Chairperson
for the Board; Seminole County Mosquito Control File)
of letter dated May 19, 2015 from Chairman Brenda Carey to James Stansbury,
Department of Economic Opportunity Program Administrator, RE: Rescission of
Flea World Development of Regional Impact Development Order. (C:
James Stansbury, Fred Milch; Heather Garcia; Kathleen Linger, Suzanne
Ray; Kae Craig; Jeff Cole; Jane Chabre; Deanna Woodward; Jeff Reine; Russ Gibson; Seminole County Board of County
Commissioners; Nicole Guillet, Bruce McMenemy; Meloney Lung; Tina Williamson;
Melissa Clarke; Seminole County Commission Records)
of letter with enclosures dated May 21, 2015 from Desiree Estabrook, Florida
Department of State, to Chairman Carey RE: Hopper Academy, 1101 Pine Avenue,
Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, listed in the National Register of Historic
Places. (Original copy to Museum for
7. Letter
dated May 21, 2015 from Luis Rodriguez, Federal Emergency Management Agency, to
Chairman Dallari RE: Case #14-04-7277P and #13-04-7375R, Seminole County Letter
of Map Revision. (C: John Maingot; Anthony Coleman; Greg Teague;
Robert Johnson; M. Scott Stearns; Jim Bagley)
of a letter dated May 21, 2015 from Luis Rodriguez, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, to John Maingot, City of Longwood Mayor, RE: Case
#14-04-7277P and #13-04-7375R, City of Longwood Letter of Map Revision. (C:
Chairman Bob Dallari; Greg Teague; Anthony Coleman; Robert Johnson; M.
Scott Stearns; Jim Bagley)
9. Letter
dated May 26, 2015 from Marva Johnson, Bright House Networks to Commissioner
Brenda Carey RE: upcoming changes to cable programming lineup. (C:
Nicole Guillet; Matt Chesler; Michel Champagne)
10. Letter
with notice dated May 27, 2015 from Traci Houchin, City of Sanford Deputy
Clerk, to Seminole County Board of County Commissioners RE: Notice for
Ordinance No. 4333, annexing 4.03 acres between Kays Landing Drive and Tall
Tree Lane and between Tangelo Drive and Vihlen Road.
11. COPY
of letter dated June 1, 2015 from D. Ray Eubanks, Florida Department of
Economic Opportunity, to Tina Williamson, Seminole County Planning &
Development Director, RE: Seminole County’s plan amendment No. 15-1ESR adopted
by Ordinance No. 2015-9 on May 12, 2015.
(C: Andrew Landis; Chairman
Brenda Carey)
Chairman Carey advised regarding the
Orlando-Sanford International Airport, they reported at their last meeting that
domestic travel is up 12% and international is down by 8%. The reduction in the international travel for
this time of the year is not uncommon because this is their off season;
however, as the Board heard earlier today, this is an important part of the
business at the Orlando-Sanford International Airport. She added they have exceeded these numbers
year over year and are well on track to surpass last year’s records.
Chairman Carey stated they held the Central
Florida Commission on Homelessness (CFCH) joint meeting with the Leadership
Seminole Board on June 2nd.
It was a well-attended luncheon and Commissioner Dallari along with
Valmarie Turner, Community Services Director, served on a panel. The Chairman advised that the outcry of support
from the business community for continuing to be involved in trying to find a
solution to the homelessness issues in the County was very encouraging. She will be sending a follow-up letter to all
of the people who participated with the anticipation that they will form a Seminole
County task force on homelessness. She
explained they had one that came out of the CFCH and it was headed up by Bob
Phillips who was with Chase, but he was transferred to a new position and when
he was transferred, it started to linger.
She is hopeful to get that restructured and moving forward pretty
quickly to address the homeless issues.
Chairman Carey congratulated the City of
Oviedo on their beautiful community park; they recently opened the Oviedo
Center Lake Park Amphitheatre and Cultural Center. She advised several Board members attended
the ribbon cutting. Oviedo also opened
their Heroes Memorial portion of that to recognize the veterans who have
Chairman Carey thanked the City of Sanford
for once again sponsoring a great Memorial Day Parade and their remembrance
celebration held at Veterans Memorial Park.
She added they continue to do a great job and the parade continues to
grow annually. She believes this is
something they need to be more involved in.
For the first time that she can recall, they presented the Resolution
that was passed last year regarding Memorial Day and the County’s Heroes
Memorial, which was opened later the same day.
The Resolution was well received by the veteran community and they asked
the Chairman to convey to the Board that they appreciate all of their support.
Regarding the opening of Heroes Memorial
Park, Chairman Carey thanked all the staff and the vendors who brought the
project together. She stated it was a
real effort and a job well done.
Chairman Carey advised she had an
opportunity to attend the Seminole County’s Schools System update with the
Greater Orlando Building Association (GOBA) and the topic of the discussion was
school capacity and quality on the east side.
She added that most of the growth in the last 10 years has occurred in
District 5, mostly in Sanford. Dr. Walt
Griffin, SCPS Superintendent, and Dr. Tina Calderone, School Board Chairman,
were in attendance and they had a very good meeting with the building community
to talk about their plans of what they see happening in regard to schools in
the area. Chairman Carey stated she gave
an update on what they see happening as far as things they are aware of, the
growth of the airport and the projects that are coming through the process or
have recently been through the process that will generate a lot of
rooftops. Combined they are looking at
probably 2,000 potential homes in that area of the county. Seminole High School is overcrowded and they
cannot accommodate any new students and they are looking for a reliever
proposal, possibly a 9th grade center to be built.
Commissioner Horan stated in regard to the
Seminole Work Opportunity Program (SWOP), he has already forwarded some
information to the Board about a SWOP fundraiser at the Mercedes dealership in
Maitland on June 19th in the evening.
Commissioner Horan advised that the City of
Winter Springs is joining Seminole County in sending a letter to FDOT and the
Turnpike Authority regarding concerns over the SR 417 extension. He added that Winter Springs approved the
letter at their meeting on Monday, so it should be coming out this week.
Commissioner Horan stated he just got back
from Phoenix where he attended the Metro Orlando Economic Development
Commission Leadership Mission; there were over 70 business leaders, community
leaders and elected officials in attendance.
Phoenix has about the same geographical MSA (Metropolitan Statistical
Area) as Orlando, but the big difference is that Metro Orlando has about 87
different governments and Phoenix has quite a bit fewer. They have a number of cities in the Phoenix
area that have over 100,000 people:
Tempe, Mesa, Glendale, Chandler, and Scottsdale, all of which are major
economic players.
Commissioner Horan explained that a number of years ago, Motorola had
a large complex of buildings in the City of Chandler in the Phoenix area. When Motorola left and relocated a number of
business operations out of Chandler, the City invested $40 million to fortify
the infrastructure in and around that complex in anticipation that they would
get some development and somebody else to occupy those particular
buildings. He stated Chandler did get
somebody else to come in and it was Intel.
Intel’s impact on that area is 11,000 employees with an average annual
salary of $148,000 a year; $500 million invested in research and development
every year; $5.3 billion annual economic impact to Arizona; $900 million spent
with Arizona-based vendors; and $432 million direct and indirect state and
local taxes.
Commissioner Horan stated that the difference in Phoenix is they are
moving very nimbly and efficiently because there are fewer players with more
money for economic development. Arizona
State has a very dynamic leader, Michael Crow, who spoke at the meeting and
what they have done in moving a separate campus to downtown Phoenix catalyzed
incredible growth. The secret was moving
the “residentiality” there. UCF
(University of Central Florida) is trying to replicate that. The whole idea of Phoenix is they do not get
a lot of state aid; in fact, all state funding to community colleges has been
cut off and they have to do everything in an entrepreneurial way. They have to partner and what they have done
with private/public partnerships there is very instructive.
Commissioner Henley made a comment in
regard to rebranding and Commissioner Horan responded that everything they do
economically is branded as Phoenix and as long as the money is coming in, they
do not care who gets the credit.
Commissioner Constantine stated the MPO
(MetroPlan Orlando) had a meeting on May 13th and in addition to the
mayors of Orange County and the City of Orlando, both he and Commissioner
Dallari spoke very strongly to the Turnpike representative about the
inappropriate timing for development.
The word he heard from MPO is that the message was received and they are
relooking at what they are going to do.
Chairman Carey added that she received a call from FDOT Secretary Boxold
after the meeting.
Commissioner Constantine advised that on
June 3rd, they had a Wekiva Commission update and the biggest thing
that happened there was to continue the update on the progress of the
Parkway. As Chairman Carey mentioned
earlier when they were talking to the Central Florida Expressway Authority,
with the new loan from the federal government, they will be looking at a strong
possibility of moving the Wekiva Parkway project up in completion within two
years. The biggest portion of the project
is the tie-in to I-4 here in Seminole County, which is an FDOT project.
Commissioner Constantine stated he would
like to congratulate the following cities of Seminole County: Oviedo Lake Mary, Casselberry, Altamonte
Springs, Winter Springs, and Longwood.
In the latest rankings for the best communities to raise a family in
Florida, those six cities made the top nine.
He opined that Sanford should have been included also.
Commissioner Constantine reported that Charity Challenge was completed
on June 16th. They are
looking at over a quarter of a million dollars and of the 100 charities, more
than 30 will be from Seminole County.
They were able to give three new sand volleyball courts from the sand
that was donated for Charity Challenge to Lyman High School, and the school now
has six courts. They have already
scheduled 10 volleyball tournaments from Volley America at Lyman during the
Commissioner Constantine thanked the County
Manager for the continuing updates on Lake Pickett. He said the Board received an email yesterday
from their P&Z member, Jay Zembower, who is very influential out there,
concerning some things that are happening.
Orange County’s BCC meeting is scheduled for July 28th.
Regarding the CALNO (Council of Local
Governments) meeting, Commissioner Constantine stated they had a presentation
from Sanford about something he believes they did in Seminole County a number
of years ago, which was successful, but when the economic downturn occurred,
they had to abandon it. He opined that
now they have a Community Relations Officer, and in talking to the County
Manager, he thinks that it might be time to look at bringing back the Seminole
County Citizens’ Academy. He further
opined that it really builds a lot of community knowledge, strength, and
synergism, and he would truly love to see them at least start looking at the
possibility of bringing that back.
Commissioner Constantine stated he also
spoke to the County Manager about one of the County’s biggest expenses, which
are their energy costs. He thinks they
should be looking at having an energy audit to see if there are ways they can
reduce energy costs. It is now the 3rd
or 4th most expensive line item.
Commissioner Henley advised he received an
email from Dr. Swannie Jett, Seminole County Health Officer, concerning
contacts he had received from the unincorporated area of East Altamonte
regarding medical services. He informed
Commissioner Henley that he is considering serving that area with a mobile unit
and he wants to set up a meeting to discuss his plans further. Commissioner Henley stated he will keep the
Board updated on that action.
Commissioner Henley received an email along with the other Board
members. The email is in regard to the
stop light at Rangeline Road and Longwood Hills stating it is very dangerous
the way it is set up there and Commissioner Henley agreed. He explained it gives a yellow flashing light
at the same time it gives a turn signal, then there is a short lane, and it is
conglomerate. He asked Brett Blackadar,
County Engineer, to look into the issue.
Commissioner Henley received about 20 to 25 emails objecting to the
neighborhood market that is going up on 25th Street and complaining
that there was no public hearing on it.
He stated that property was approved for commercial use back in 1988 and
at that time, all the necessary public hearings were held. They were also complaining about the
townhomes, but those were approved in 2006 and all the appropriate hearings and
notices took place at that time.
Chairman Carey addressed a young man in the
audience stating she noticed that he had on a Boy Scout’s uniform and asked him
to approach the podium. She stated along
with the Sheriff’s Office, they work very hard every year to raise money for
Seminole County’s scouts and she is happy to see him this afternoon. She said she is guessing that he is working
on a particular badge.
Holden Swanson, 3420 San Jacinto Circle,
addressed the Board to state he is working on the Citizenship in the Community
Merit Badge for this year’s summer camp.
Bryant Applegate, County Attorney, shared a
story from when he was working in the White House Counsel’s Office about a
young man that wanted to set up an interview to try for a spot by appointment
in a military academy. They receive
thousands of those requests and he would have been denied the interview except
for the fact that he was an Eagle Scout.
Mr. Applegate stated that is how important that rank is and wished him
all the best.
Chairman Carey stated that she would be
happy to sign something for Master Swanson to help him get his merit
badge. She thanked him for working on
his Citizenship Badge and said she hoped he will go on to be an Eagle
Scout. She stated the Governor attended
the last dinner they had and he was an Eagle Scout as well.
Mr. Applegate advised that he will be attending the FACA (Florida
Association of County Attorneys) Conference.
He spent the last year organizing this year’s legal seminar. He will be the incoming president for the
association in the coming year. He has
appointed committee chairs and vice chairs for their five committees. He explained he established the goal for each
committee of looking at preemption and unfunded mandates and developing legal
strategies to address those issues. They
also have an Amicus Committee that decides whether or not they can request the
court to petition to file briefs in cases.
The committees will be working with the Amicus Committee to look for
cases that they can join in to argue preemption and unfunded mandates.
John Casselberry, 700 S. Lost Lake Lane, addressed the Board to
discuss a service tax to fund schools.
He stated he spoke previously about a service tax as a substitute for ad
valorem tax. He sent information from
the web to Governor Scott, Senator Simmons and Representative Cortes with an
idea that rather than substituting a service tax for ad valorem tax where you
would not have ad valorem taxes anymore, they could put in a service tax for
funding the school systems. Under the
service tax, it could be the same amount of money spent for every student in
the state. He read that the service tax
is not exempt from the sales tax legislation in the sense that you would have
to enact a new law; it said it is just a list of exceptions on the sales
tax. He believes they need to focus on
the school system first and it would be all covered in one year. He added when you look at the State of
Florida tables for the ad valorem taxes, all governments overall collect $25
billion in property taxes and $10 billion is just for the school system.
Speaker Request Form was received and filed.
Chairman Carey read into the record an email (copy received and filed)
dated 5/26/15 from Harry Jaeger, Northridge Homeowners Association in Longwood,
who thanked the Board for their efforts on behalf of the citizens and
homeowners of Northridge and Bolling Farms in connection with FDOT’s plans to
reconstruct the Longwood rest area on I-4 eastbound.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 2:26 p.m.,
this same date.