JUNE 12, 2012
following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA,
held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, June 12, 2012, in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of
meeting of said Board.
Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Vice Chairman Carlton Henley (District 4)
Commissioner Bob Dallari (District 1)
Commissioner John Horan (District 2)
Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District
Clerk of Circuit Court Maryanne Morse
County Manager Jim Hartmann
County Attorney Bryant Applegate
Deputy Clerk Eva Roach
Matt Wallis, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Lake Mary, gave the Invocation.
Van Der Weide led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by
Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Horan to adopt appropriate Resolution #2012-R-106, as shown on page
_______, recognizing Dr. Bill Vogel, a lifelong educator and now
Superintendent for Seminole County Public Schools, retiring in 2012, and
recipient of the Leadership Seminole’s Leadership Legends Award for 2012.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board presented the Resolution to Dr.
Vogel, who addressed the Board to express his appreciation, and he stated it
has been a pleasure having the opportunity to work with each Board member and
the County staff.
Maryanne Morse, Clerk of Circuit Court,
entered the meeting at this time.
Penzes, 4994 Fawn Ridge Place, addressed the Board to applaud the Board’s
decision in addressing the homelessness (Item #27, Seminole County Homelessness
Plan) in Seminole County as well as the efforts that were lead by the Community
Services team to yield a productive conversation on homelessness that resulted
in a collaborative tone. She discussed the
importance of engaging the community, realtors, businesses, faith-based organizations,
etc., in this type of productive and collaborative conversation on
homelessness. The Family Advocacy Office
is partnering with Seminole County to provide the homeless with hope and
encouragement and to connect them with community agencies. She expressed her concerns about the
Homelessness Plans.
Hartmann, County Manager, addressed the Board to advise of the following additions/changes: Revisions were made to Item #2, Adopt
Resolution amending Administrative Code, and have been distributed to the Board;
Add-on Item #2A, Adopt Resolution related to Juvenile Delinquency Drug Court,
Mental Health Court and Veterans Treatment Court Programs as Local Requirements;
Staff is requesting that the estimated agreement term amount for Item #3, MSA
Agreement PS-6980-11, be reduced to $50,000 allowing for less than 10% project
contingency; Add-on Item 7A, Worker’s Compensation claim payment in the amount
of $138,962 to a former Sheriff’s Deputy; Include in the motion Request #2 of Item
#11, HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Agreement, “in the amount of $134,215.02 for the acquisition, $4,300 for the
developers fee and a maximum of $35,000 for rehabilitation including additional
recording costs”; Pulled from the agenda, Items #13, Approve Grant
Agreement with Florida Dept. of Financial Services in the amount of $70,576;
#14, Approve Grant Agreement with Florida Division of Emergency Management in
the amount of $105,806; and #15, Approve Grant Agreement with the Florida
Division of Emergency Management in the amount of $102,966; and Amend the motion for Item #17, Approve
SAMHSA Treatment Drug Court Grant, to include:
“contingent upon the review and
approval of the County Attorney’s Office.”
A PowerPoint Presentation for Item #2, Adopt Resolution amending
Administrative Code, was received and filed.
Dallari stated in the future, he would like for staff to expand the actual
process to include the proposed new national standard of 188P for Pantheon
Diseases and Legionnaires Disease for Item #5, Award IFB-601375-12. He stated he realizes that Item #8, Approve new
Division Manager position in the Community Services Dept., is fully funded by
the grant, but he wants to make sure that all funds associated with that
position, including benefits, are fully funded by that grant. If that grant is not renewed on an annual
basis then that position will go away.
Joel Abel,
Leisure Services Director, addressed the Board to discuss with Commissioner
Dallari whether or not the amount for Item #20, Approve BAR #12-072 includes
delivery of the clone tree and when it will be taken out of the budget.
Turner, Community Services Director, addressed the Board to discuss whether or
not Item #8, Approve new Division Manager position in the Community Services
Dept., is funded by a specific grant.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der
Weide, seconded by Commissioner Henley to authorize and approve the following:
County Manager’s
Business Office
2. Adopt and authorize the Chairman
to adopt appropriate Resolution #2012-R-107, as shown on page ________, amending
the Seminole County Administration Code to incorporate the changes necessitated
by the County Manager’s 2012 Realignment of County Government as shown in
Exhibit A.
2A. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2012-R-108, as
shown on page ________, enabling County supplemental funding of Clerk functions
related to Juvenile Delinquency Drug Court, Mental Health Court and Veterans’
Treatment Court Programs as Local Requirements pursuant to Sections 29.008(2)
and 397.344(1), Florida Statutes.
Purchasing &
Contracts Division
3. Approve a revision to the Board
approved Estimated Annual Usage for Master Services Agreement (MSA) PS-6980-11/RTB
– Design Services for Natural Lands Enhancements, to become an Estimated Term
Usage and to decrease the estimated amount from $75,000.00 to $50,0000,
allowing for less than 10% project contingency, over the term of the MSA.
4. Approve Amendment #1, as shown on
page ________, to BID-601276-11/TLR – Carpet Replacement Services Agreement
with Tampa Contract Floors, Inc., Tampa, in the amount of $115,785.00 and authorize
the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the amendment.
5. Award IFB-601375-12/TLR, as shown
on page ________, Water Treatment for HVAC Systems to Cascade Water Services,
Inc., Orlando, in the amount of $26,440.00 per year and authorize the
Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement.
6. Award two (2) Master Services
Agreements (MSAs), as shown on page ________, for RFP-7423-12/RTB –
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP 1 & 3) to Miller Construction
Services, Inc., of Sanford, Florida and Nvision Development Management
Services, LLC, of Orlando, Florida; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts
Division to execute the MSAs (Estimated Grant Funded Amount of $3,995,178.00).
Central Services
Business Office
7. Approve and authorize the
Director of Central Services to terminate the Reflections of Hidden Lake Public
Works Lease. Annual savings at the current monthly rate of $15,769.58 will be
7A. Approve the funding of an
annuity in the amount of $138,962 for the additional Medicare set-aside
allocation cost required for future medical expenses for a former Sheriff’s
Deputy work-related injury that occurred on July 31, 2003; and authorize the
Chairman to execute a Uniform Qualified Assignment Agreement, as shown on page
_________ with MetLife Tower Resources Group, Inc.
Business Office
8. Approve a new Division Manager position
in the Community Services Department and authorize the advertisement of the
9. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Seminole Community Mental Health Center, Inc. Agreement,
as shown on page _______, to provide comprehensive mental health services to
residents of Seminole County with funding from the United States Department of
Justice through its Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Assistance Division
10. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute Modification 1, as shown on page ________, to Subgrant
Agreement between the Department of Community Affairs and Seminole County BOCC
modifying the work plan and extending the grant expiration from June 14, 2012
to March 14, 2013.
11. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to: (1) execute the First Amended HUD Neighborhood Stabilization
Program Three Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Acquisition,
Rehabilitation, and Resale of Single-Family Homes Among Seminole County,
Florida, Habitat for Humanity of Seminole County and Greater Apopka, Florida,
Inc. and Seminole Youthbuild Inc.; (2) execute the Seminole County Habitat for
Humanity and Greater Apopka, Florida, Inc. and Seminole Youthbuild, Inc. HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program Three
Agreement for Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resale of a Single-Family Home Supplemental
and Remedial Developer Agreement, as shown on page _________, in the amount of
$134,215.02 for the acquisition, $4,300 for the developer’s fee and a maximum
of $35,000 for rehabilitation including additional recording costs; and (3) authorize
and grant the Purchasing & Contracts Division (PCD) full authority to administer
and issue Work Orders under the Supplemental and Remedial Agreement, and the
First Amended Agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Seminole County and
Greater Apopka, Inc. and Seminole Youthbuild, Inc.
Solid Waste
12. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement, as shown on page
_______, for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service with Celebration
Sanitation Services, LLC.
Fiscal Services
Business Office
13. Pulled
from the agenda request to approve a Grant Agreement with the Florida Department
of Financial Services for the 2010-2011 Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP),
in the amount of $70,576, to assist with Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) and
Hazardous Materials (HazMat) related activities.
14. Pulled from the agenda
request to approve a Grant Agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency Management
in acceptance of $105,806 for the FY 2012-2013 Emergency Management
Preparedness and Assistance Grant.
15. Pulled from the agenda
request to approve a Grant Agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency Management
in acceptance of $102,966 for the FY 2012-2013 Emergency Management Performance
16. Approve and authorize the Chairman
to execute an Agreement Modification, as shown on page ________, to the Florida
Department of Financial Services 2009-2010 Homeland Security Grant Program
(SHSGP), in acceptance of $44,000, to sustain Urban Search and Rescue and
Hazardous Materials equipment.
17. Authorize staff to submit an application
to the Department of Health and Human Services/Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the SAMHSA Treatment Drug Court
Grant, in the amount of $325,000, and authorize the County Manager to execute
any documents associated with the grant application and acceptance of the award,
contingent upon the review and approval of the County Attorney’s office.
Budget Division
18. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-109, as shown on page
________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-063 through the Water
and Sewer Operating, Water Connection Fee, Sewer Connection Fee, Water and
Sewer Bonds (Series 2006), and Water and Sewer Bonds (Series 2010) Funds to
restructure and reallocate funding for various Water and Sewer Capital
Projects, increasing reserves in the amount of $7,541,883.
19. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-110, as shown on page
_______, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-070, totaling
($124,237) in the 2001 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to reduce carryforward
project budgets for the Celery Avenue at SR 415 Realignment Project and the SR
400/I-4 at SR 46 Mast Arm Project, which are overstated due to a late submission
of prior year expenditures.
20. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-111, as shown on page
________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-072 through the
General Fund to establish the Big Tree Park Cypress Tree and Fencing Project at
a cost of $82,305.
21. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-112, as shown on page
________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-073 through the
Facilities Maintenance Fund, to provide additional funding for the HVAC-Leisure
Project (00273921), in the amount of $58,640, and the HVAC-General Government Project
(00273920), in the amount of $75,920; reducing reserves in the amount of
22. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-113, as shown on page
________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-074 through the
General Fund to allocate additional funding in the amount of $121,400 to
complete the Libraries Repairs and Maintenance Project (90000044).
23. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-114, as shown on page
_________, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-075 for $1,979
through the HOME Program Grant Fund in order to reestablish funding for the FY
2006/07 HOME Grant; inadvertently removed from the FY 2011/12 Budget.
Growth Management
24. Approve the use of funds in the
amount of $30,000 for the purpose of implementing a Nuisance Abatement Program.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to authorize
and approve the following:
Clerk’s Office
25. Approval of Expenditure Approval
Lists, as shown on page ________, dated May 7, 14 and 21, 2012; approval of
Payroll Approval List, as shown on page ________, dated May 10, 2012; approval
of BCC Official Minutes dated May 8, 2012; and noting, for information only,
the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:
Bond #929540906M, as shown on page _________, in the amount of $6,421 for Water
Facilities for SCOPA water main extension project, Hazen Construction, LLC.
from Judith Hearn, Public Risk Management of Florida, regarding filing of
Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement for the City of Lake Mary, City of
Longwood and City of Oviedo.
Order #15, as shown on page _______, to PS-5438-10.
Order #2, as shown on page ________, to CC-6482-11.
#10, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #56 to PS-1529-06.
#1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #16 to PS-4388-09.
Amendment, as shown on page _________, to IFB-600591-09.
Order #2, as shown on page ________, to CC-7117-11.
Notice, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #15 to CC-2183-07.
#1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #4 to RFP-5847-10.
Order #104, as shown on page _______, to PS-1074-06.
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #20 to PS-3914-08.
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #2 to PS-6585-11.
Order #3, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #1 to CC-7107-11.
as shown on page ________, Network Cabling Services, Inc.,.
Order #1, as shown on page _________, to PS-6487-11.
#2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #9 to PS-4572-09.
Order #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #71 to CC-1284-06.
Order #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #73 to CC-1284-06.
Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Litigation Consultants Service
Agreement; Allied Veterans; Gerson, Preston, Robinson & Company, P.A.
Order #2, as shown on page _________, to CC-6893-11.
as shown on page _________, to CC-7046-11.
as shown on page _________, to CC-6951-11.
Amendment, as shown on page _________, to PS-2249-07.
Orders #12 and #13, as shown on page _________, to CC-5075-10.
Contracts for Services, as shown on page _________, with Joseph Santora, Brian
Clark, Mariella Dorr, Summer Eiland, Heather Stella, and William J. White.
Amendment #2, as shown on page _________, to Work Order
#19 to PS-2564-07.
Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to Work
Order #5 to PS-2051-07.
Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work
Order #7 to PS-2051-07.
Work Orders #20, #21 and #22, as shown on page
_________, to PS-2249-07.
Change Order #2, as shown on page _________, to Work
Order #45 to CC-2184-07 for 831 Campello Street.
Change Order #4, as shown on page __________, to
Work Order #20 to CC-2183-07 for 2371 Greenway Street.
Change Order #4, as shown on page _________, to Work
Order #22 to CC-2183-07 for 2441 Granby Street.
Change Order #1, as shown on page __________, to
Work Order #25 to CC-2183-07 for 1506 S. Mulberry.
Memorandum to Jim Hartmann, County Manager, from
Valmarie Turner, Community Services Director, re: Unauthorized Commitment of
Fund, as shown on page _________, dated 5/10/12; Seminole County Victims’
Rights Coalition.
Development Order #12-30000034, as shown on page
_________, Admin. Variance for 6003 Linneal Beach Drive, Apopka; William L. and
Thelma M. Broadaway Life Est.
Change Order #1, as shown on page _________, to
CC-6600-11 for Chapman Road.
Change Order #1, as shown on page _________, to Work
Order #70 to CC-1284-06.
Work Order #19, as shown on page _________, to
IFB-601427-12, as shown on page _________, Purchase
of Potassium Hydroxide; The Dumont Company, Inc.
Amendment #3, as shown on page _________, to
IFB-600844-10, Purchase of Signal Cable Wires and Hardware.
Amendment #1, as shown on page __________, to
IFB-600855-10, Janitorial Supplies.
Change Order #5, as shown on page _________, to
Tennis Developmental Instructor Agreements, as shown
on page _________, for Charles Grass, Omeed Noghrehkar-Baboli, and Derek Roth
Parks Contract for Services, as shown on page
__________, for Jennifer Kaiser.
Amendment #3, as shown on page ________, to
Bill of Sale, as shown on page _________, Seminole
County Port Authority.
Bids as follows:
IFB-601395-12, BID-601419-12, RFQ-601349-12, RFQ-601428-12 with CD,
IFB-601375-12, RFP-601389-12, and RFP-7423-12.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 voted AYE.
Maryanne Morse, Clerk of
Circuit Court, addressed the Board to state what she is about to say has no
reflection on the Risk Management staff.
She stated her office has completed an audit on Johns Eastern and it is
a reflection on how they do business.
Johns Eastern pays for the County’s Workers Compensation claims and they
have a certain amount of time, under the law, to pay those bills. She reviewed the protocol for processing the
checks. An issue that the County Finance
Division ran into was Risk Management received the check register a little
after 8:00 a.m. and County Finance received it before 9:00 a.m. and the money
had to go out that same day. That did
not leave any opportunity for Risk Management or County Finance to verify that
the information on the check register was even valid or accurate. Her staff found out that they were being
billed for late charges and one of them was over 800 days old. She added she doesn’t feel they should be
paying late charges if County Finance is paying the bills within the required
45-day cycle. She said she met with
Johns Eastern and Risk Management staff and they are trying to investigate as
to why and how that happened. There is
no way to check the invoice if they are wire transferring money out the same
day they receive it.
Ms. Morse stated she is
proposing that they buy some time for Risk Management staff to have an opportunity
to verify the information is correct on the check register. By doing this, hopefully, it will save money
or correct any issues that may appear.
Her objective is to create a draw of $100,000 to Johns Eastern that will
allow staff enough time to review the bills on a weekly basis to ensure they
are accurate. She said the bills are approximately
from $35,000 to $49,000 a period and the $100,000 should cover it.
Upon inquiry by Chairman
Carey, Ms. Morse advised she is proposing that $100,000 be sent to Johns
Eastern and then on a weekly basis, staff would pay them what is due after they
had an opportunity to verify the bills.
That way, they should never hit a situation where they have overdrafts
and they should always have sufficient funds.
Upon further inquiry by
Chairman Carey, Ms. Morse advised other Clerks that deal with this issue
throughout the State have done the same thing.
Commissioner Horan
stated he believes this is a really good idea to set it up this way. He stated they basically will be charging
against a retainer and then the retainer can be reconciled. That will give the County an opportunity to
not only be responsive to a claimant but provide whatever documentation is
needed so that both staffs can do their job.
Bryant Applegate, County
Attorney, addressed the Board to state he believes this is an administrative
change that his staff can work out in-house with the Clerk’s Office and Johns Eastern. He stated he doesn’t believe it will require
a contract amendment in any form.
Commissioner Henley
stated, for the record, the Board should recommend approval of the Clerk’s
Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Van Der
Weide to authorize the Clerk to create a deposit amount of $100,000, and allow
Johns Eastern Company to charge for Workers Compensation bills.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 voted AYE.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Henley to approve the
2012-2022 Precinct Boundary Proposal, as submitted by the Supervisor of
Under discussion, Commissioner Henley
commended Mr. Ertel for the efforts he put forth in this realignment. He stated he feels it will save the County
money and will be a lot more convenient than what they have had in the
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Valmarie Turner, Community Services
Director, addressed the Board to present the final draft of the Homelessness
“Housing First Approach.” She reviewed
the concerns the Board addressed in the Homelessness Plan at the April 24, 2012
work session. She also reviewed the
budget sources and the proposed new budget.
She informed the Board that she received another proposal relating to
the HMIS system administration but she has not had an opportunity to vet that
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, Ms. Turner
advised Seminole County has to use the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
with the ESG and Sheltered Plus Care for homeless. The current proposal would allow for all the
agencies that participate in the Community Conversation on Homelessness to
obtain licenses for two years and to provide training or any type of technical
assistance as needed.
Commissioner Dallari stated he has heard
that Northland Church put a lot of money into their system and he would like to
know why the County doesn’t partner with them.
Ms. Turner stated she understands that
Northland Church has some similarities and they are very compatible. She stated she will be meeting with Ms.
Penzes of Northland Church to take a look at their system. The County is required to use HMIS because
they are the designated continuum of care for HUD.
Commissioner Dallari stated the County is
asking churches and faith-based organizations to partner with them, and if
Northland can develop something that can meet the same need, then they should
partner with them as well.
Chairman Carey stated she believes the HMIS
system and Northland’s system were created by the same company and they need to
get them to merge together.
Commissioner Henley stated he understands
that the HMIS system is primarily a data collection system. He stated the County is paying a $50,000 fee
for this system and he hasn’t heard anything with regard to the cost for them to
collaborate with Northland.
Chairman Carey recommended that Ms. Turner
discuss with Northland the two systems and meet with the creator of both
programs to find out what they need to do and how much will it cost to sync the
two together.
Ms. Turner stated United Way has another
system that is similar and it will be beneficial to discuss how to get all
three together.
Commissioner Dallari stated he believes it
would be beneficial to everyone if they could figure out a way to make those
two systems talk to each other.
Commissioner Henley stated his concern is
case management and that is where the rubber meets the road. He said the entire data gathering has been
going on for years; therefore, he is looking for results and he would like to
receive frequent updates on the performance.
Chairman Carey stated she discussed with
Ms. Turner about quarterly reporting and Ms. Turner recommended that they do 6-,
12- and 18-month reports. If the Board
would like, the report can be submitted more frequently. She said she discussed with Ms. Turner about
appointing a Board member as a liaison to be involved in the Community
discussions. Since the Board is already
involved in the regional Homeless Commission, she will evaluate whether or not
to have a Board member liaison involved in the Community Conversation.
Commissioner Dallari stated he is in favor
of doing this program, but one of the things that needs to be addressed is that
they are not putting enough money into case management. He added he wants to be sure the goals can be
measured, and they can see what does and does not work so they can address
Commissioner Horan stated he likes this
plan because it takes taxpayer money and acquires hard assets that can be put
on a balance sheet and leveraged with the other resources of the private and
public community. He stated he believes
they have to be able to spend money for some hard assets that can be used in
the future; and if money is spent on case management, the metrics are difficult
to try to measure on how they have done.
If money is spent on case management and the case managers leverage
those funds with the hard assets, they can come up with some good measurable
results. He added he believes that doing
the housing first with “surgical” use of case management and leveraging those
funds is the right approach.
Chairman Carey stated she has asked Ms.
Turner to show on a chart where the dollar amounts are coming from.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Ms.
Turner advised this budget will provide three or four case managers for two
Commissioner Van Der Weide stated what he
is hearing from the Commissioners makes sense, and he has confidence in the
committee to get this done.
Chairman Carey stated the one concern she
has is the emergency housing voucher only allows a maximum of four weeks. She stated if they find themselves in a
situation that, at the end of the four weeks, they do not have a place to move
the people, the Board can add language that says “at the discretion of the
Director, she would have the ability to extend it under certain extenuating
circumstances,” such as, there is no housing available; but it would be at the
Director’s discretion rather than trying to figure out how to get the money from
somewhere else.
Commissioner Henley stated he doesn’t have
a problem with that, but he would like the recommendation to be “at the Director’s discretion and approval
of the County Manager.”
Chairman Carey recommended that the plan be
amended with regard to the above changes on the emergency housing voucher and
the reports be submitted in 6, 12, and 18 months. She added the Board would also like staff to
look at how to sync these programs together so that they are talking with each
other. The other issue is to provide a
report showing where the allocation of funds is coming from.
Commissioner Dallari requested that
conversations and input from the Community Coalition of Homelessness (CCLH) be
included with the updates.
Chairman Carey stated she would also like a
spreadsheet showing how many case managers they will have once the partnerships
are in place.
Commissioner Dallari stated he would also
like to have an actual goal listing how many households the group feels they
can address.
Ms. Turner stated she will be able to
provide that once she gets the partners in place.
Chairman Carey also recommended a timeline
of what their expectation is as to when staff feels they will be able to get
that accomplished. She stated the County
still has a limited amount of money and everyone will be stronger if they work
together as a community and collaborate on their efforts.
Commissioner Henley stated he feels it is
important for the County to reach out to each of the churches as some of them
have adopted schools to deal with the homeless in those schools. He stated he feels that type of data
gathering will be helpful as well. Staff
also needs to get the School Board back into the collaboration.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Henley to approve the
Seminole County Homelessness Plan; authorize staff to issue a Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) for case management services and to proceed with
implementing the plan; authorize the County Manager to have signature authority
of the Homeless Plan Budget Realignments provided there is not an increase in the
total Homeless Plan Budget, that all federal and state rules and regulations
are followed, and no additional line items/projects are added to the Budget; with
the amendments as discussed.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Carey recessed the meeting at 10:16 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m. with all
Commissioners and all other Officials with the exception of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court Maryanne Morse, who was absent, and Deputy Clerk Eva Roach, who
was replaced by Deputy Clerks Terri Porter and Jane Spencer, who were present
at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication
for this meeting's scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider approval of a Major Amendment to the Pearl Lake Estates PUD (Planned
Unit Development) to allow for an increase in the maximum building footprint
from 2,400 square feet to 5,200 square feet, and to construct the sidewalks
along lot frontage; the associated rezone from PUD to PUD; the Final Master
Plan; and the Developer’s Commitment Agreement, for 34.12 acres located on the
west side of Orange Boulevard, approximately one-fourth mile south of Wilson
Road, Dave Schmitt, received and filed.
Williams, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board to present the
request for approval as outlined in the agenda memorandum. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval. Staff recommended the Board
approve the Major Amendment to the Pearl Lake Estates PUD, the associated
rezone from PUD to PUD, the Final Master Plan and Developer’s Commitment
Agreement, and requested that the staff report be made a part of the record.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, Ms.
Williams confirmed that other than the Final Master Plan, the only change is
the size of the homes, which is the maximum building square footage, and that
there are no additional lots.
The applicant, Dave Schmitt of Dave
Schmitt Engineering, Inc., addressed the Board to state that they concur with
staff’s recommendation and appreciate the Board’s support.
No one else spoke in support or in
District Commissioner Carey
recommended approval of the request.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der
Weide, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the Major Amendment to the
Pearl Lake Estates PUD and rezoning from PUD to PUD; Ordinance #2012-12, as
shown on page _______; the Final Master Plan; the Developer’s Commitment
Agreement, as shown on page _______; and the Amended and Restated Development
Order, as shown on page _______, for 34.12 acres located on the west side of
Orange Boulevard, approximately one-fourth mile south of Wilson Road, as
described in the proof of publication, Dave Schmitt, as recommended by staff.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to consider
adoption of the Ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the Land Development Code to
establish Special Event Permit Regulations, received and filed.
Hopper, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board to state the
proposed amendment would improve the County’s process to permit festivals,
carnivals and similar events that bring together large numbers of people on
sites that were not necessarily developed with these events in mind. The new Ordinance would revise the
regulations so they are more comprehensive and would clarify procedures for
obtaining special event permits. Permit
exemptions would be allowed under certain conditions for places of worship,
schools and other public organizations.
Administrative approval by the Growth Management Director would be
possible for special events of limited size with larger applications going to
the Board of County Commissioners for approval.
This amendment would revise existing regulations in the Land Development
Code that address temporary uses and replace County Code provisions on outdoor
festivals and exhibitions. Mr. Hopper
recommended four changes to the draft Ordinance: Page 5, line 105, paragraph d, add the word “consecutive” between the words “three (3)” and
“days”; on the same page, line 106, paragraph e, eliminate that approval by the
Sheriff’s Department is required for off-site parking and add the language “off-site
parking shall not be permitted”; page 8, line 186, paragraph 10, delete “site
plan drawn to scale” and add “conceptual site plan”; and the same change
removing “site plan drawn to scale” and adding “conceptual site plan” to be
made on page 10, line 235, paragraph f.
Mr. Hopper
stated staff recommends approval of the proposed Code amendments with the
aforementioned changes.
ensued about changes to the wording with regard to off-site parking and to page
6, line 143, paragraph 8, regarding security provided as prescribed by the
Seminole County Sheriff. Mr. Hopper
explained off-site parking is not permitted for an exempted special event, but
for an event approved with a permit, it could be allowed.
Tina Williamson, Planning and
Development Manager, addressed the Board to state currently, if there is
off-site parking proposed, it is reviewed by the Sheriff’s Office for
pedestrian safety in crossing the roadways, not for approval/disapproval of the
off-site parking itself. Some events
close roadways to allow pedestrians to cross, which is the reason for review by
the Sheriff’s Office. She confirmed,
upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, that is for all permits.
Commissioner Henley stated he
doesn’t have a problem with asking the Sheriff to review the permit request for
safety issues, but expressed his concern in giving staff the authority to deny
the special permit for off-site parking due to it not meeting their
expectations. The problem he foresees is
with the RLUIPA (Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act) Federal
Law. If one group is granted a special
permit, then the churches cannot be denied.
He said case law states that more leniency should be given specifically
to churches.
further discussion, Chairman Carey stated the language (page 5, line 106,
paragraph e) will be revised by the County Attorney, Bryant Applegate. Mr. Applegate stated, to ensure the Board was
in agreement on the wording, ”This provision will ensure that the Sheriff’s
Office review any proposed off-site parking for safety purposes and make
recommendations to staff, but the ultimate approval, once those recommendations
are received, is by County staff or the Board, whichever the case may be.”
The Board
also discussed the wording for security requirements (page 6, line 143,
paragraph 8) and requested that Mr. Applegate add to the draft Ordinance the
appropriate language for security requirements.
Carey stated she asked staff for a list which showed that in 2008, five special
event permits were issued, six in 2009, five in 2010, and nine in 2011 of which
four were for Wekiva Island, and there were six issued so far this year. Therefore, there has not been a lot of
special permitting required and it is just a matter of cleaning up the
No one spoke in support or in
Chairman Carey stated she would
like the record to reflect that they have two letters of concern (included in
the agenda back up) regarding this item, from Deborah Schafer and Robert King.
Motion by Commissioner Henley,
seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to approve Ordinance #2012-13, as shown
on page _______, amending Chapter 30 of the Land Development Code to establish
Special Event Permit regulations, with staff recommendations, as described in
the proof of publication, with language changes directed by the Board to be
written by the County Attorney.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of an Ordinance establishing Part 4 of Chapter 195 of the
Seminole County Code titled “Seminole County Deferred Compensation Plan,”
received and filed. Section 112.215 of
the Florida Statutes allows for agencies establishing Deferred Compensation
Plans and the same section requires the establishment of administration and
governance for those plans.
Pettit, Human Resources Division Manager, addressed the Board to state staff is
not aware of any comments concerning this item and recommends approval.
Carey stated the new Administrative Code requires the County bring an Annual
Plan Performance Review before the Board of County Commissioners. She requested that staff be mindful when
scheduling this review because, traditionally, in November and December, there
is only one Board meeting per month.
No one spoke in support or in
Motion by Commissioner Van Der
Weide, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve Ordinance #2012-14, as shown
on page _________, establishing Part 4 of Chapter 195 of the Seminole County
Code titled “Seminole County Deferred Compensation Plan.”
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Carey stated in the preliminary draft for the June 26 Board meeting agenda,
they had planned to have a presentation by Tony Walter, who was previously on
County’s staff and is now with LYNX, but they were unable to schedule it. However, the Chairman has asked the County
Manager to schedule a formal presentation from the LYNX Director because the
County Commissioners should be made aware of some things happening at the LYNX
Carey stated she received a letter from Secretary of State Ken Detzner (copy
received and filed) regarding the Viva Florida 500, a statewide, year-long
multicultural commemoration of the state of Florida being founded in 1513. It is a significant date in Florida’s history
and there will be time capsules made in every Florida county. Mr. Detzner is requesting that someone be
appointed, preferably from Library Services, as the point person for Seminole
County’s time capsule. Chairman Carey
asked County Manager Jim Hartmann to have someone in Leisure Services assign
the appropriate person. She also suggested
that it might be nice to have the coordinator for the County’s 100th
Anniversary reach out to the group so they have an opportunity to have a booth
or something at the celebration.
Commissioner Dallari stated the coordinator may want to include their
“sister county” in Navarra, Spain as well.
Carey passed around a newspaper article (copy received and filed) and advised
the Board that a County employee, Erin Maciejewski, and her husband were
nominated for the 2012 Johana Knox Award for Community Service Excellence in
Volusia County. She stated only a
handful of people were nominated, so even though they did not win, it is still
very impressive. She asked that the
Commissioners be sure to tell Erin congratulations if they see her.
Chairman Carey discussed the
meeting schedule for the remainder of the year stating there is only one Board
meeting in July which is the 4th Tuesday. Also, there is only one meeting in each of
the months of November and December.
Therefore, if the Board stays with their tradition over the last several
years, they would have a meeting on November 13 which is the 2nd
Tuesday of the month and December 11 which is the 2nd Tuesday in
It was the consensus of the Board that their reorganization will be scheduled
for the November 13 Board meeting.
inquiry by Chairman Carey, Lisa Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director, addressed
the Board to state there is no requirement or need to have a June 26 budget
workshop. She further stated that the millage
for TRIM will be set during the June 26 Board meeting and needs to be filed
with the Property Appraiser by August 4.
They should leave the two work sessions scheduled for August 16 and 21
on the calendar for their normal budget process and after the meeting on the 16th,
they can determine if the meeting on the 21st is necessary. She also advised that they will be receiving
the budget from the County Manager before the 15th of July.
Chairman Carey stated she had the
pleasure of representing the Board on May 31 at the renaming ceremony for a
portion of 13th Street; the section from 17-92 West became Historic
Goldsboro Boulevard. It was held at the
Goldsboro Westside Historical Museum and was well attended. She stated Goldsboro was a community that was
over 100 years old before it was annexed into the city of Sanford, so there is
quite a history; and if anyone has a chance, she suggested they visit the
Carey attended the Wekiva River Basin Commission meeting last week. There was nothing new to report and
everything is on track according to Florida Department of Transportation
District 5 Secretary, Noranne Downs.
Carey advised she will be attending the Florida Association of Counties annual
conference next week in Orlando, and she is on the Board of Directors
representing Seminole County.
Commissioner Horan is also planning to attend and County Attorney Bryant
Applegate will be making a presentation at the conference.
Carey reminded everyone that Thursday, June 14, is Flag Day which is an
important date to remember. In 1777, the
Continental Congress authorized the flag to replace the British Grand Union
flag and on June 14, 1777, the design for our national flag was approved. She hopes that people will look back and
reflect, and actually study the proper protocol for the flag.
Carey finalized her report with a reminder that June 17 is Father’s Day and
wished everyone a Happy Father’s Day with a special hello to Albert Dallari,
Commissioner Dallari’s father.
following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
1. Letter
dated May 8, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Nael Yacoub, Member of the
Central Florida Youth Football League, regarding Central Florida Youth Football
League’s request to rent practice fields.
2. Letter
dated May 21, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey and the Board of County
Commissioners from John A. Gyllin, Executive Director, Foundation for Seminole
State College, regarding gratitude to the Seminole County Board of County
Commissioners for $1,800 contribution toward the Men’s Baseball Fund to support
the High School Baseball Tournament.
3. Letter
dated May 22, 2012 from Chairman Brenda Carey in support of the grant
application for the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens.
4. Notice
of Public Hearing from the City of Sanford regarding adoption of Ordinance No.
4272 to be held on Monday, June 11, 2012 and June 25, 2012.
5. Letter
dated May 25, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Diane Pickett Culpepper,
Brighthouse Networks, regarding programming changes.
6. Letter
dated May 25, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Erin O’Donnell, City of
Altamonte, regarding adoption of Ordinance No. 1642-12 and Ordinance No. 1643-12.
7. Letter
dated May 29, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Sheriff Don Eslinger regarding
support of funding to the Boys and Girls Clubs in Seminole County.
8. Copy
of letter dated May 30, 2012 to Cathy Galavis, Department of Revenue, from
David Johnson, Seminole County Property Appraiser, regarding proposed budget
for the Seminole County Property Appraiser’s Office for the period of October
1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
9. Copy
of letter dated May 30, 2012 to Steve Waring, Parks and Recreation Manager,
from Michael Timmons, Central Florida Youth Football, regarding request to
secure practice space at Sylvan Lake Park.
10. Letter
dated May 31, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Tyra L. Miller, Seminole
County Property Appraiser’s Office regarding Seminole County Board of County
Commissioner’s proportionate share of the total proposed budget submitted to
the Department of Revenue.
11. Letter
dated May 31, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Harry Barley, MetroPlan
Orlando Executive Director regarding MetroPlan’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee
(CAC) representative, Judy Putz, Leisure Services, who has missed more than
three meetings.
12. Notices
of Public Hearing from the City of Sanford for Thursday, June 21, 2012
regarding property located at 4955 CR 46A.
13. Copy
of letter dated May 31, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Maryanne Morse,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, regarding lack of food service for jury members.
Commissioner Dallari stated that a
couple of years ago, they had a prescription discount drug card from NACo
(National Association of Counties) and NACo is now expanding that to include a
discount program for dental. The
Commissioner suggested they look into it to determine whether it would be
advantageous for them to do the same thing.
Chairman Carey said they recently switched from the NACo Program to a
different program. She stated it saved
their citizens a lot of money when they had the NACo prescription drug card and
the new program is supposed to have better benefits, so she asked Risk
Management to address it in the meeting scheduled after this Board meeting.
Commissioner Dallari reported that
Harry Barley, MetroPlan Orlando, completed his report about the flyovers around
the State and how they have been very beneficial to, not just transportation,
but to economic development. He
forwarded each of the Commissioners a copy and said he wanted to make sure
everyone had received it. Also, if they
have any questions, they can have Mr. Barley come to present the information.
Commissioner Dallari advised that
as late as this morning, he had a dialogue with the homeowner in Carillon and
Deputy County Manager Joe Forte regarding the sewage backup issue. He stated there are a couple of things they
are still working through. He thanked
Mr. Forte for his efforts and said he looks forward to continuing updates.
Commissioner Horan stated he
attended the St. John’s River Alliance meeting held here a couple of weeks ago
and Jim Duby, Leisure Services, and Kim Ornberg, Public Works, made an
excellent presentation to that group concerning our natural lands and trails
program. The reaction of all the
particular representatives from around the region was one of envy. They were amazed at how the citizens of this
County actually voted to tax themselves to establish a natural lands and trails
program. He felt it was a very good
meeting and worthwhile for the County to host it here. He added that Mr. Duby and Ms. Ornberg did a
wonderful job.
Commissioner Van Der Weide stated
that Channel 9 had a story on Lake Mary in regard to building a hero’s memorial
right next to their commuter rail station.
The City’s anticipated cost is $300,000.
A newspaper article stated that the City didn’t want people at the
commuter rail station to see the cemetery.
Chairman Carey stated that people
will probably pass a number of cemeteries as they are traveling via rail
between Volusia County and Kissimmee.
She thinks it would be nice if they could have some discussion with the
city of Lake Mary about joining in to work with Seminole County on the
countywide Fallen Officers’ and Veterans’ Memorial. She then asked Mr. Hartmann to contact Lake
Mary’s City Manager to understand what they are doing.
Commissioner Henley reported that
at the last LYNX Board meeting, staff came forth with an analysis of all the
routes and the impact that growth has had over the last couple of years. They have had approximately 20% increase in
ridership which has caused significant problems with certain routes due to
overcrowded buses and they have had to pass up passengers. He stated also, with the additional time for
loading and unloading, it has caused their on-time performance to become quite
a problem to the point that about 22% of the stops were late. LYNX staff came forward after doing the
analysis with a top ten for special enhancements. Enhancements they were recommending cost
about $1.6 million on ten routes. One of
those routes is in Seminole County.
Commissioner Henley stated that LYNX staff made a proposal, which he did
not accept a motion on because they wanted to take the $1.6 million out of
contingency this year; and when he asked the question of who is going to pay it
next year, they had no answer. So he
took the position, which was supported by the rest of the Board, that they go
back and talk to their individual Boards, who are the funding partners, so it
would not come as a surprise next year to their budgets. He further stated Orange County has been hit
the hardest, and Osceola County is having tremendous problems on a few routes,
particularly around Poinciana. He
accepted a motion to allow Osceola County to move forward and implement the
enhancements to their routes because their Board had already voted they were willing
to proceed at their own expense if approved by the LYNX Board.
Commissioner Henley stated he wants
the Commissioners to be aware of the fact that LYNX 41, which is SR 436 cross
county, is the one that is experiencing problems in Seminole County. The cure that they are proposing is to
reverse a decision they made in December 2011 when they changed the frequency
from 30 minutes to 35 minutes to address the running-time concerns they were
having. That actually removed nine trips
off the route, so they are recommending they go back and reinstate those. They will be adding an additional bus at a
cost of $316,865.16. Commissioner Henley
requested the Board’s opinion as to whether they should move forward with the
enhancements in Seminole County because it will be, basically, a
county-by-county decision.
Commissioner Dallari stated he
thinks that in order for them to embrace SunRail to make it a winner, they need
to be making these enhancements, not just in this route, but in other
routes. Commissioner Henley concurred
and said he wants the Board to be aware as to what LYNX is recommending and how
it impacts Seminole County and their budget through to 2022. He stated LYNX has new buses on order that
will be paid for by the State for the first seven years and then the County
will have to pick it up from that point.
He reminded them that State Senators Andrew Gardiner and David Simmons
are working on possible legislation that might have impact upon the plans that
the four funding partners would eventually take over the operation and said the
County needs to be involved since they are one of the funding partners.
Commissioner Henley stated the
situation is complicated because Volusia County is part of the Commuter Rail
Commission, but not part of LYNX, and legislation states that LYNX is the
authority for not just bus, but also rail.
He believes the legislators need to understand how complex the regions
are and the interworking of all the regional committees.
Commissioner Dallari stated that
MetroPlan has had a task force for dedicated funding for the past two and
one-half years and there is a task force meeting scheduled in the beginning of
July. It would take an affirmative vote
to take it back to the main MetroPlan Board for direction.
Commissioner Carey stated she will
pass this information along to the Senators and advised that she has shared her
knowledge of the task force and other issues from her years of serving on
MetroPlan. She said she was surprised
when they established a new Commuter Rail Authority because LYNX really had the
authority to be the agency to do both bus and rail, which are tied closely
together. She advised that the purpose
of having the LYNX Director come before the Board is to present the Ten-Year
Plan as well as to get an update on what they may need to be considering.
Commissioner Henley stated if they
move forward with the approval of the enhancements to come out of this year’s
contingency, they will be faced next year with either discontinuing the service
or picking up the additional tab which is about $316,000.
After inquiry by Commissioner
Horan, Chairman Carey responded that the LYNX presentation will help them
understand what the long-term implications are because it will take a recurring
cost out of the reserves; it is not just a one-time contingency.
After comment by Commissioner Van
Der Weide, Chairman Carey stated that the Senators are reaching out to them
instead of just making legislation and pushing it down to the counties, so they
are trying to be proactive; and she believes they are having those discussions
with all of the other counties and major players in the transportation world.
Commissioner Henley said that there
has been a significant change to SR 434; all the large trees have come down and
they are starting to do some work on widening.
Chairman Carey stated she talked to
Brett Blackadar, County Engineer, regarding a situation that happened at Silver
Lake. She explained they had a road
contractor doing a job at South Mellonville Avenue and a group of neighbors got
together and paid him to pave a road named Silver Lake Court. This caused other citizens in the community
to call her office about Whittner Way.
Chairman Carey said Whittner Way was partially fixed before, but has
never been properly fixed, and they are having flooding issues. She asked Mr. Blackadar to look specifically
at Whittner Way for an immediate answer and then go back and revisit the
unpaved roads program they had in the County that was abandoned a few years
ago. She directed that, as they are
starting the budget process, they should take a look and see what needs to be
done and what it would cost. Staff had
advised her that the paving done on Silver Lake Court was less than $10,000;
and she stated if they could fix a group of constituents’ issues for less than
$10,000, it might be a good investment of money. Commissioner Van Der Weide concurred.
Commissioner Horan stated he just
learned that Commissioner Gary Bonner, District 3 Representative on Winter
Springs City Commission, just resigned because he is moving. He sold his house and is no longer under
their Charter and able to represent that District, so the City Commission will
be appointing a new representative.
Commissioner Bonner was also the representative on the RPA
(Redevelopment Planning Agency) so there will be a new representative on that
Chairman Carey stated she thinks it
is helpful for Board members to hear about what is happening on the other
committees they serve on, and they serve on anywhere from seven to ten
different committees. Starting in July,
at every meeting, she would like the Commissioners to report on the specific
committees that they are assigned. She
stated that, in this way, if a Commissioner is appointed by the next Chairman
to a Board they had never served on before, they will at least have some idea
of what is going on with that Board and what that activity looks like.
Mr. Hartmann stated they are still
processing the realignment of the organization and are moving people very
carefully so they know all the impacts and so forth. He said he appreciates the Board’s patience
as they are changing some of the division/department names and the reporting
relationships, and also, appreciates them making the changes this morning with
the Administrative Code. He thinks as
they move into this, it will produce some good benefit and they will continue
to look for efficiencies as they get further into it.
Attorney Bryant Applegate stated they continue to brief County staff and all
new employees on the Code of Conduct, public records, the use of e-mails and
social media, and he believes it is important that they continue to do
that. Every new employee now gets that
briefing as part of the orientation.
mentioned previously, Mr. Applegate stated he is attending the Florida
Association of Counties annual conference next week and is teaming up with
Sandy Minkoff, the Lake County Attorney, and Kevin Neal, Interim Executive
Director of Workforce Central Florida, regarding workforce issues. Mr. Applegate will be presenting on the
Federal and State law on workforce, pointing out that the Federal law is 250
pages, while the Highway Transportation Act that created the interstate system
was 2½ pages.
Applegate stated that he found out late yesterday that he was appointed to the Barry
University Law School Advisory Board, and he served on the initial Board when
it was created. He was also asked to
serve on the Executive Board for the Florida Association of Counties as
Mr. Applegate advised he has asked
Deputy Attorney Lynn Porter-Carlton to head up a review of risk management
issues. They will be looking at a wide
range of issues, but they will focus particularly on cases that the outside
counsel is dealing with, and they are starting that process now. He stated he is very impressed with the work
that Greg Foppiani in Risk Management has done.
Chairman Carey publicly thanked Amy
Lockhart, her assistant for the last seven and one-half years, for wonderful
service. She stated that Amy is no
longer in her office and will be truly missed.
Many of the citizens have sent notes and kind words over the years of
the fine work that Amy has done. She
stated her new assistant’s name is Samuelle Tucker, and she will be starting
next Monday, June 18. Ms. Tucker comes
from ten years of experience in the Collier County Board of County Commission
Offices, and for her last three years there, she worked for the Chairman of the
County Commission, so she will be able to come in and hit the ground
running. Chairman Carey asked everyone
to please make sure to stop by and meet her, and she wished Amy Lockhart best
of luck in her new endeavors.
Chairman Carey reminded the Board
that they have a Risk Management meeting immediately following the Board
Horvath, 1004 Bradford Drive, addressed the Board to make a few comments. He stated the new Veterans’ Hospital is also
planning to build a Veterans’ Memorial.
Horvath stated that he read in the Board minutes posted on the County’s website
that the Board was looking at possibly outsourcing some positions. He suggested that the Board consider,
depending on the reorganization, whether employees may want to bid on their
jobs or work with some of the other cities in maybe merging those particular
services to stretch limited tax dollars.
Horvath further stated that on the website, there is a link called “Cone Zone”
and it shows all the construction projects that the County is doing, not only
in the unincorporated area, but in some of the cities. It lists what FDOT is doing and what the
cities are doing individually with their capital improvements as far as paving
and improving roads and he finds that interesting.
Horvath noted that budgets have been very tight the last few years and that
many governments are making a lot of changes.
He talked about an article he found in USA Today in February 2012
regarding the merging of police departments.
He believes they will see more and more mergers, just like they are
seeing in the private sector.
request form was received and filed.
There being no further business to
come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 2:31
p.m., this same date.