JUNE 14, 2005
The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:31 a.m., on Tuesday, June 14, 2005, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner Bob Dallari (District 1)
Commissioner Randy Morris (District 2)
Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3) (Late)
County Manager Kevin Grace
County Attorney Robert McMillan
Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann
Absent: Chairman Carlton Henley (District 4)
Major Joseph Knobel, Salvation Army, gave the Invocation.
Vice Chairman Carey led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice Chairman Carey advised Chairman Henley is out of town and will not be in attendance and Commissioner Van Der Weide will be late. In observance of Flag Day, she read a history of the U.S. Flag.
Dick Burns, Deputy Director of Florida DEP/Orlando Office, addressed the Board to give a PowerPoint presentation (copy received & filed) on the Seminole County Hydrogen Demonstration Project. He advised DEP, British Petroleum (BP), Progress Energy, and Ford have formed a partnership to bring this exciting technology to Central Florida. He explained that under President Bush’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative there is $1.2 billion to be used over five years to develop
technology for viable H2 fuel cells for vehicles, homes and businesses. This would reduce the dependence on foreign oil and make air significantly cleaner. He said Florida is only one of a handful of states that are included in this project and Central Florida will be center of it. He reviewed their strategy and the Central Florida H2 Projects which include the Airport Shuttle Busses/Refueling Station; Airport H2GSE (Baggage Tow Tractors); NASA Vehicles; Seminole County Project; and Central Florida/Hydrogen Highway. He advised the Seminole County H2 Project will consist of a demonstration and validation of H2 vehicles and infrastructure and will last three years. The possible site for a refueling station is the Progress Energy Jamestown Facility. There will be five Ford Vehicles, a BP Hydrogen Energy Station, and a Hydrogen Maintenance Facility. He displayed an aerial view of the possible location of the station and maintenance facility.
Joe Pietrzak, representing Progress Energy, addressed the Board to continue the PowerPoint presentation, advising the Ford Motor Company, DEP, and Progress Energy will test H2 Fuel Cell Vehicles with BP supplying the fuel. Tests will be conducted in three U.S. regions and one of those is Florida. He said there will be five Ford Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles – two will be test driven by Progress Energy and three will be driven by FDEP. He added that Progress Energy is also developing a hydrogen youth program and eight schools will be selected to participate.
Howard Miller, representing BP America, addressed the Board to continue with the PowerPoint presentation, advising BP produces over 5000 tons per day of hydrogen worldwide. He displayed a map depicting the hydrogen filling stations and H2 & fuel cell technology testing sites located in the world. He stated auto manufacturers are investing heavily in fuel cell technology. He displayed pictures of a hydrogen refueling station in Porto and other places in the world. Information packet from BP America was received and filed.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Mr. Pietrzak advised they have spoken to members of the Jamestown community in an effort to reach out to them and to raise as much awareness of the project as possible.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Mr. Miller stated they are a little more advanced when it comes to hydrogen technology in Europe than in the United States. However, the three sites for refueling (Central Florida, California, and Michigan) are planned to be built this year.
Commissioner Morris suggested assisting in making the public more aware of this project through the Economic Development Office and the Public Information Office. He said the County needs to be proactive on this.
Commissioner Dallari suggested using SGTV to promote the project.
Commissioner Morris reiterated that the County should be very proactive on this. He stated that he would like to see a timeline of what the County is attempting to do relative to getting the site. He said he would like to see this marketed very heavily.
Commissioner Dallari suggested this presentation be made to MetroPlan. Whereupon, Commissioner Morris stated he believes that is an excellent idea and he will make sure they are given an invitation.
Commissioner Dallari requested Mr. Grace to meet with Mr. Miller to see what the County can do to be a partner in this endeavor.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-95, as shown on page _______, honoring Richard Mole, Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Communication, for his 17 years of dedication and service to Seminole County upon his retirement.
Districts 1, 2 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Mr. Mole.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-96, as shown on page _______, proclaiming the month of July as “Recreation and Parks Month”.
Districts 1, 2 and 5 voted AYE.
The Resolution was presented to Sylvester Chang of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, who addressed the Board to express appreciation on behalf of the advisory Board. He added that the County has some outstanding parks which need to be marketed.
Vice Chairman Carey suggested running features on SGTV during the month of July on the County’s parks.
The Vice Chairman recessed the meeting at 10:19 a.m., reconvening it at 10:25 a.m., this same date.
Mr. Grace advised of a typo under Item #9 that the word “Pay” should be “Bay”. He also advised that Item #32, Minor Plat for Adams Ridge Subdivision, has been pulled from the agenda at the request of the applicant.
Commissioner Morris expressed his concerns with regard to Items #19, #20, and #21, Master Agreements for Solid Waste Management and Water Quality Services. He stated that he does not see in the backup information that there is a rate schedule – there is only an “estimated annual value” number. He said these items do not show a “not to exceed” number.
Ray Hooper, Purchasing Manager, addressed the Board to advise these contracts are for professional services so there will not be a rate schedule until they are negotiated. He explained that work orders are issued under these contracts.
Commissioner Morris stated the “estimated annual value” is not a term he is familiar with.
County Attorney, Robert McMillan, stated this is an issue that they have been going back and forth on. He said in these cases, every work order is negotiated. At this point there is no “not to exceed” number between the County and the contractor. He further said the “not to exceed” numbers the Board has seen in the past have been basically information items to the Board and those figures were really estimates by staff. Therefore, he directed Purchasing to stop using that term.
Commissioner Morris said if the Board is authorizing contracts in a general sense without a lock-in, theoretically there is no way the Board is keeping an accumulative total and has no clue of the balance or what is going on with an individual company on a master contract.
Mr. Hooper stated staff manages every work order and if the estimated value amount is exceeded, they take it back to the Board. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Morris stated the issue is that there are management policies that are done through the County Manager and there are Board policies where sometimes they agree and sometimes they do not. He said he does not know if the Board has a policy that this must come back and he does not know if that language exists in the managerial policies. He said he would like to know legally how they would do that.
Mr. McMillan stated that would be an internal policy and it could be done. He said he will review the policies and let the Board know. He suggested on these items that the Board include in their motion that any award of any work order that would exceed the estimated value during the year would be brought back to the Board for approval.
Commissioner Morris suggested making a separate motion directing that any contracts either using the language “estimated annual value” or “not to exceed” must return to the Board for approval.
Vice Chairman Carey said that can be done after the consent agenda.
Commissioner Dallari requested Item #25, Amendment to Orange County Library System Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement, be pulled for a separate vote.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Mr. Grace advised with regard to item #34, Preliminary Engineering Agreement with CSX Transportation for the Cross Seminole Trail Project, that staff is still working with CSX, SJRWMD and Representative Mealor to try to get some wetlands delineated to see if it can be relocated. He said they are still working on trying to find a financially feasible plan.
County Engineer, Jerry McCollum, addressed the Board to advise they are hoping to advertise for construction of this project within the next couple of months. This would run the trail to Big Tree Park. He said then from Big Tree Park, crossing Reagan Boulevard would be the next piece. He gave an update of the progress of that piece of the trail and said it could take anywhere from 12 to 18 months depending on the property owners.
Vice Chairman Carey requested a full update on the trail as a Briefing item in the near future.
Commissioner Morris stated this is a priority project that has become the slowest moving project. He said the idea of the 18-month timeframe is unacceptable to him.
Commissioner Van Der Weide entered the meeting at this time.
Commissioner Morris stated the fact that the County cannot build a ten-foot sidewalk is amazing to him. He said he does not know where the problem lies.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve and authorize the following:
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Director of Library & Leisure Services, Suzy Goldman, addressed the Board to discuss Item #25, Amendment to Orange County Library System Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement. She advised the request for change came from Orange County based upon the activity within the Orange County district involving Seminole County residents. She said it was felt by the new director that it was inappropriate to have an agreement with Seminole County regarding videos as Seminole County does not have video collections in their libraries.
Commissioner Dallari stated he knows the Board is looking at their library program and he would like to know, since this is being removed from the County’s inventory, will this be included in the update that will be presented to the Board.
Mr. Grace said he believes so and added that the Board is going to have to determine what services will be provided.
Commissioner Dallari stated he feels this is a service that should be provided to the general public. He said he wants to make sure that this will be looked at as part of their library expansion program.
Vice Chairman Carey said she wants to clarify that this is videos for informational and educational purposes only and that they will not be competing with the BlockBusters of the world.
Ms. Goldman advised the video listing includes the following: how-to, travel, children’s, nature, fine arts, classics, literature, documentaries, foreign language, self-improvement, family development, and sports and recreation.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment, as shown on page _______, to the Orange County Library System Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Mr. McMillan requested Item #42, relating to Binding Written Offer/Offer of Judgment for Martha Faircloth, Lockhart-Smith Canal Project, be pulled from the agenda.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to approve and authorize the following:
Property Acquisition
38. Adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-103, as shown on page _______, rescinding previous Resolution of Necessity relating to the acquisition of property for the Kewannee Trail project. All property needed for this project listed in this Resolution has been acquired through donations, purchase agreements or litigation.
39. Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel Number 142 of the Bunnell Road improvement project, located at 535 Eden Park Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Rernard J. & Paul J. Allen, in the amount of $27,000.00, with no fees or expenses incurred.
40. Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel Number 704 of the Bunnell Road improvement project, located at 1050 Bunnell Road, Altamonte Springs, Hans Hoeh, in the amount of $5,000.00, with no fees or expenses incurred.
41. Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel Number 145/745 of the Bunnell Road improvement project, located at 495 Pearl Lake Causeway, Altamonte Springs, Pantry, Inc., in the amount of $78,000.00 inclusive of expert costs and attorney fees incurred.
42. Withdrawal of request to authorize a Binding Written Offer/Offer of Judgment relating to Parcel I.D. Number 16-19-30-5AB-0200-0050 of the Lockhart Smith Canal, Phase I project, located at 4761 Orange Boulevard, Sanford.
43. Approve and execute Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, relating to Parcel Numbers 102/102A of the Eden Park Avenue road improvement project, located at 9694 Eden Park Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Stephen J. & Stephanie M. Yost, in the amount of $22,850.00 with no fees or expenses incurred.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Morris stated he would like to make a motion with regard to the previous discussion on Items #19, 20, and 21 master contracts.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to approve a BCC policy with regard to master contracts, regardless of which language is used “not to exceed” or “estimated annual value”, that if it exceeds that amount in any given year, the item will be brought back to the BCC for formal approval and authorization.
Under discussion, Vice Chairman Carey stated she would like to see this policy written and brought back to the Board.
Mr. McMillan said he will check the current BCC policy and if this is clear, he will let the Board know that so they will not have to amend it. If it is not, he’ll work on the language and make it say what it should say.
Vice Chairman Carey clarified that the written policy will be brought back to the Board.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve and authorize the following:
1. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page _______, dated May 9, 16, 23, 2005; and Payroll Approval List, as shown on page _______, dated May 19, 2005.
2. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment/Court Costs and Public Defender Application Fees:
Ramon Tolentino, #98-3961-MMA - $113 Court Costs
Kenneth James, #98-727-MMA - $40 Public Defender Application Fee
Jay Burke, #98-5975-MMA - $40 Public Defender Application Fee
3. Official BCC Minutes dated May 10, 2005.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for information only, the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:
1. Certified Tennis Pro Agreements, as shown on page _______, with the following: David W. Silvia, Timothy T. Lynch, Matthew J. Steverson, Chelsea M. Maratta, Daniel Keating, David C. Hernandez, Michael P. Custer, Mick Andrews, Harry F. Lenhardt, Sergio Rivas, and Brian Morrissey.
2. Non-certified Tennis Pro Agreements, as shown on page _______, with the following: Marjorie Harris, Jason Sullivan,, Taryn Lamonettin, Sarah Harkins, Donald McGinnis, Deborah G. Coreil, Clint Ekelund, Lauren Wolken, John W. Gegenheimer, and Robyn Suto.
3. Second Amendment, as shown on page _______, to Design Consultant Services Agreement with Horizon Engineering Group, Inc.
4. Fuel Tank Installation Services Agreement, as shown on page _______, with Petroleum Equipment Construction.
5. Amendment #2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #1 for PS-5128-02, Inwood Consulting Engineers.
6. Work Order #2, as shown on page _______, to PS-5139-03, Inwood Consulting Engineers.
7. Copy of memorandum to the BCC from Bill Blend, Director of County Finance, transmitting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Year Ending September 30, 2004, and copy submitted for the Official Record.
8. Change Order #1, as shown on page _______, to CC-1241-04, Wharton-Smith, Inc.
9. Work Order #10, as shown on page ________, to RFP-4123-01, Atlas Scientific Technologies.
10. Term Contracts IFB-3110-05, as shown on page _______, with Traffic Control Devices, Inc. and Chinchor Electric, Inc.
11. Work Order #35, as shown on page _______, to PS-5130-02, Nodarse & Associates, Inc.
12. Recorded Grant of Easement, as shown on page _______, for Road Grade Crossing with CSX Transportation, Inc., as approved by the BCC on September 14, 2004.
13. Development Orders, as shown on page _______, as follows for the following: Dunn 434 Real Estate, LLC, Inc., SR 434/Lake Rena Drive Rezone; and Long The Nguyen, Trustee, 457 East Hillcrest.
14. Work Order #14, as shown on page _______, to PS-566-00, Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
15. Work Order #60, as shown on page _______, to PS-556-00, DCR Engineering Services, Inc.
16. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #52, PS-556-00, DCR Engineering Services, Inc.
17. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #53, PS-556-00, DCR Engineering Services, Inc.
18. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #2, PS-5142-02, Horizon Engineering Group, Inc.
19. Certificate of Final Inspection, as shown on page ________, for Work Order #12 to CC-1222-03, JCB Construction, Inc.
20. Certificate of Final Completion, as shown on page ________, for Work Order #3 to CC-1222-03, Schuller Contractors, Inc.
21. Irrevocable Letter of Credit #161, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $13,321 and Performance and Payment Agreement for Robert G. Martin, Developer of Off Broadway Industrial Park.
22. Second Amendment and Renewal, as shown on page _______, to IFB-3050-02, Helena Chemical.
23. Amendment #1, as shown on page ________, to Work Order #15, CC-1222-03, JCB Construction, Inc.
24. Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Eden Park Avenue with Park Place Community Association, Inc., per Binding Written Offer approved by the BCC on April 12, 2005.
25. Notices from the Florida Public Service Commission regarding Docket No. 041114-TP, complaint of XO Florida, Inc.
26. First Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-4225-04, Brantley & Associates.
27. Copy of Memorandum to Liz Parkhurst, Planning & Development, from Sandy McCann, Commission Records, regarding outstanding P&D documents.
28. Title Opinion for Spring Creek and Performance Bond, as shown on page _______, for Roads in the amount of $34,034, and Performance Bond for Water and Sewer in the amount of $19,004.70.
29. Cash Maintenance Bond with Escrow Agreement, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $4,272.40 for Oviedo Crossroads III.
30. Maintenance Agreement with Letter of Credit #F846020, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $22,000 for Hamilton Place.
31. Maintenance Bond, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $5,475.36 for Rinehart Road Right-of-Way, Seminole Power Sports.
32. Maintenance Bond, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $5,154 for Rinehart Road Right-of-Way, Best Buy.
33. Letter of Credit #SM213731W and Performance and Payment Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Roads in the amount of $871,427 for Lake Jesup Woods.
34. Third Amendment, as shown on page _______, to IFB-3089-04 with Sun Belt Medical/Emergi-Source.
35. Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, with Ruth Creamer for Bunnell Road per Binding Written Offer approved by the BCC on February 22, 2005.
36. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #1, PS-5158-04, Horizon Engineering Group.
37. Title Opinion, as shown on page _______, for Magnolia Pointe.
38. Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Bunnell Road with Heather Glen HOA, Inc. per Binding Written Offer approved by the BCC on April 12, 2005.
39. Purchase Agreements, as shown on page _______, for Bunnell Road with Rodney A. and Kimberly J. Powell and R. Neal and Christina Mumbert per Binding Written Offers approved by the BCC on March 22, 2005.
40. Amendment #3, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #9, RFP-4123-01, Atlas Scientific Technologies, Inc.
41. Notice from the Florida Public Service Commission regarding Docket No. 041393-EI, Petition for approval of two unit power sales agreement with Southern Company Services, Inc.
42. Title Opinion, as shown on page _______, regarding proposed plat of Regina Court.
43. Recorded Warranty Deed, as shown on page _______, dated May 5, 2005, between Elder Healthcare Developers, L.L.C. and Seminole County.
44. Recorded Quit-Claim Deed, as shown on page _______, dated May 5, 2005, between CWC Investments, LTD, and Seminole County.
45. Work Order #5, as shown on page _______, to PS-5143-03, PBS&J.
46. Work Order #6, as shown on page _______, to PS-5102-01, PBS&J.
47. Bids as follows: RFP-4251-05; #2118-05; PS-5186-05; IFB-3116-05; RFP-4251-05; CC-1261A-05; RFP-4250-05; CC-1264-05; CC-1265-05; CC-1266-05; #2119-05; and RFP-4252-05.
Planner, Tina Deater Williamson, addressed the Board to present request for change in use in the RP (Residential Professional) Zoning District for property located on the northeast corner of O’Brien Road and Jaffa Drive, Raymond and Nancy Schieber. She advised that the BCC rezoned the property to RP on October 13, 1981, with the stipulation that prior to using the property for any office use, it was necessary to obtain approval from the Board for the specific use. The property was a real estate agency and a home schooling bookstore prior to the applicants acquiring ownership. At this time, the applicant proposes to convert the existing building on the subject property into a dental laboratory. She further advised that if the change in use is approved, the applicant will be required to submit a site plan, in order to bring the site up to current standards. She stated that the staff recommends approval of the change in use for the Protect Your Teeth Dental Lab and approval of the development order.
Vice Chairman Carey stated she has a different interpretation from the 1981 meeting than staff’s. She said she does not believe the use needs to come back to the Board every time it is changed.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to approve change in use for the Protect Your Teeth Dental Lab on approximately .21 acres located on the northeast corner of O’Brien Road and Jaffa Drive, subject to Development Order, as shown on page _______, Raymond and Nancy Schieber.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Vice Chairman Carey suggested the Board address the issue of having this property come in for approval every time the use changes. She said she does not feel that was the Board’s intent in 1981.
Commissioner Dallari stated he would like to wait for a full Board and District Commissioner Henley’s input on this item.
Director of Planning & Development, Dan Matthys, addressed the Board to request approval of three Lead Inspector positions (one electrical & two building). He stated the County began enforcing the Florida Building Code in March 2002. The new code required up to an additional 14 inspections per single family home. Because it was a new inspection for the County, staff requested and the Board approved a Gas Inspector in February 2002. He said staff’s approach to conducting the additional building and electrical inspections was to absorb the work with existing staff. Initially, staff was able to do this, but as the number of permits continues to increase, so has the number of inspections and the need for additional inspectors.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to approve three new Lead Inspector positions (one electrical and two building); and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Budget Amendment Resolution #2005-R-104, as shown on page _______, in the amount of $152,416, with regard to same.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Director of Library & Leisure Services, Suzy Goldman, presented The Florida Division of Historical Resources, Special Category Grant for the construction of an Educational and Multi-Purpose Building as part of the Museum of Seminole County History Complex. She advised the grant is in the amount of $225,000 and a 50% match is required.
Vice Chairman Carey stated she believes the Board should look at the entire Five Points area as a whole. She said there are a number of buildings long past their life span which makes for a “hodge-podge” effect. She expressed her concern that the one parcel (car dealership) the County is looking at purchasing for the complex has been deleted from the budget by the County Manager. She said, in her opinion, that parcel needs to be acquired.
Mr. Grace stated he is aware the Board is interested in that property; however, the cost would be $2 million and is currently not in the budget.
Vice Chairman Carey said she does not want to add new buildings when there is no master plan. Discussion ensued.
Upon inquiry by Vice Chairman Carey with regard to the May 31, 2005 grant application deadline date, Mr. Grace stated sometimes staff does not know a grant is available until late and there is no BCC meeting before the deadline.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Ms. Goldman advised if the County is awarded the grant, the matching funds can be included in next year’s budget.
Vice Chairman Carey reiterated that she has a problem with continuing to build at Five Points without a master plan in place.
Director of Administrative Services, Jamie Croteau, addressed the Board to advise it would take 8 to 12 months to go through the RFP process to get a consultant on board to start the master planning process. She estimated the cost of the study to be about $125,000.
Vice Chairman Carey suggested not doing an RFP, but having a consultant the County already has under contract to do the study. She also suggested including the rental property at Reflections in the study.
Commissioner Dallari expressed his concern that if rental property is included, it would mean planning the entire County.
Mr. Grace stated the Board could authorize taking the money out of the General Fund in order to start on this immediately.
Commissioner Morris suggested bringing this back to the full Board at the July BCC meeting.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Ms. Goldman advised that the museum project would have to be completed by January 2007 as specified in the grant.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to authorize submission to the Florida Division of Historical Resources, Special Category Grant for construction of an Educational and Multi-Purpose Building as part of the Museum of Seminole County History Complex.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Vice Chairman Carey requested Board approval to move forward on the master planning of the Five Points area. She said there are a number of consultants currently under contract with the County and she would hope staff could find one to do this work.
Commissioner Morris suggested staff bring back to the Board the name of the consultant and the budget information for this study. He added that should this come back to the Board at the June 28, 2005 meeting, his intent is to support this study.
Vice Chairman Carey clarified the direction of the Board is to have staff bring back to the BCC in June or July the consultant for the master planning of the Five Points area and the budgetary information for same.
Commissioner Dallari stated he would also like for staff to bring back information on the available land around the Five Points area.
With regard to the car dealership property at Five Points, the Board directed Mr. Grace to include that on the priority list of items to be discussed during the budgetary process.
Commissioner Dallari requested staff include in the study the additional costs to phase this in.
Director of Public Safety, Ken Roberts, and Frank Kirk addressed the Board to give an update on the Public Access to Defibrillation – PAD Program. Mr. Kirk reminded the Board of previous actions on October 1, 2004, January 11, April 12, and May 24, 2005 to acquire AED’s. He advised signage identifying AED units currently exist at Animal Services and the Osceola landfill. Recently, signs were placed in the County Services Building, Sheriff’s Office/Public Safety Building, and Reflections. He said they are in the process of identifying the appropriate locations of signage at the Old Courthouse, County Health Department and the State Attorney’s Office. He said 15 employees received training on April 22, 2005 and a one-hour AED awareness class will be presented to the BCC and senior staff at a future date. He advised of discussions with the Seminole County Public Schools and SCC. He stated they currently have 17 AED’s from the original $25,000 budgeted which are being placed in County buildings. With the Markoly Grant, they can now purchase an additional 17 units.
Commissioner Morris stated he believes that anything over 4 or 5 minutes for training is a waste of time. He said he would like to move this program along and purchase the necessary units with the complete laundry list, because he feels this is of the highest priority.
Mr. Kirk stated staff believes they need a total of 47 units to get to optimal coverage for all the County’s buildings.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari to authorize up to $25,000 (Budget Amendment Resolution #2005-R-110, as shown on page ______) to purchase a total of 47 Automated External Defibrillators (including ones already purchased); and to direct staff to come back to the Board with a corrected list of where they will be placed in County buildings.
Under discussion, Commissioner Dallari requested staff to provide him with information on the cost of the inspections for this equipment.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
The Vice Chairman recessed the meeting at 11:55 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m. with all Commissioners, with the exception of Commissioner Henley who was absent, and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen, who were present at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting’s scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider the request for a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Office to PD (Planned Development); and Rezone from OP (Office Professional District) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development), and Final Site Plan for 645 Executive Park Court, Complete Soccer Academy, John C. Cassidy, received and filed.
Tina Deater Williamson, Senior Planner, addressed the Board to present the request, stating staff recommends approval of the request to PD and approval of the rezone to PCD, subject to the Developer’s Commitment Agreement, and approval of the Final PCD Site Plan. She advised the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 to recommend approval.
John Cassidy, 292 Bentley Drive, addressed the Board to state he concurs with the staff recommendation. A copy of his written comments were received and filed.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Van Der Weide, Mr. Cassidy stated he would be open year round and will offer after-school classes. He explained the children will be dropped off. He stated he would abide by whatever codes he has to for licensing. He also said during the summer, he would have children the full day.
No one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to enact Ordinance #2005-26, as shown on page _______, adopting a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Office to PD (Planned Development), and enact Ordinance #2005-27, as shown on page _______, rezoning from OP (Office Professional District) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development District) approximately 0.54 acres located on the east side of Executive Park Court, between SR 436 and Glocca Morra Drive; and approval of the Final Site Plan and Developer’s Commitment Agreement, as shown on page _______, as described in the proof of publication, John C. Cassidy.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider a request for a Small Scale Land use Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density residential (MDR); and Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1BB (single Family Dwelling District) on 6.75 acres located on the east side of Mikler Road 0.4 miles south of Red Bug Lake Road, Hugh Harling, received and filed.
Jeff Hopper, Senior Planner, addressed the Board to present the request, stating the applicant plans to develop a single family subdivision on the site. Because R-1BB is not a permitted zoning in Low Density Residential future land use, the applicant is asking for the amendment to Medium Density Residential. MDR permits R-1BB zoning for single-family use and also creates a potential for other types of residential, such as apartments and townhomes at a maximum density of 10 units per net buildable acre. Development of this type would be a higher intensity than single-family development in adjoining LDR areas to the east and west, which are limited to a maximum of four units per net buildable acre. He said the applicant has indicated a willingness to limit the development to four units per acre, but R-1BB does not provide a mechanism to place this condition of approval except as a voluntary commitment. He said staff is recommending denial of the request for the land use amendment and rezone and suggests the applicant resubmit the application as a request for PUD zoning within the LDR future land use designation as it exists today.
Hugh Harling, representing Charles Clayton, owner of the property, addressed the Board to state the property has been contracted to Morrison Homes, who is developing the subdivision to the south. He stated the preliminary site plan shows 18 lots and he has submitted that plan to the County staff. If this is approved today, the plan will go before the P&Z on July 13, 2005. They have already begun the final engineering and he will submit the St. Johns River Water Management permit this week. The contract with Morrison Homes indicates they will go to construction in early September and have the project completed for them to build homes on the property while Morrison Homes is building the other project. That is a commitment he made to the P&Z. He advised his objection to the PUD process is that in the Code for PUD’s, they were originally defined for Heathrow large projects where you would do mixed use and have 25% of open space. He said if they went to a PUD and then had 25% open space, they would have to reduce the size of the lots dramatically. He said a PUD does not work in this application. If they applied a PUD, it would create an inferior product with a smaller square footage of houses and lots. In this particular case, they have presented and submitted this plan to the Red Bug Coalition and made a commitment to them also that this would stay single family and be developed as single family.
Tom Boyko, 1451 Thornhill Circle, addressed the Board to state looking at the plan, the Coalition is not opposed to the application.
No one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Speaker Request Form was received and filed.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to enact Ordinance #2005-28, as shown on page _______, adopting the Small Scale Land use Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR); and enact Ordinance #2005-29, as shown on page _______, rezoning from A-1 to R-1BB, 6.75 acres located on the east side of Mikler Road, 0.4 miles south of Red Bug Lake Road; as described in the proof of publication, Hugh Harling, with the condition, as made by the applicant, that the project will be single family and there will not be any townhomes or apartments; Development Order, as shown on page _______.
Under discussion, Mr. Harling stated he had no problem with this condition being in the motion as a voluntary commitment by the applicant.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Vice Chairman Carey stated Mr. Harling made a good point about PUD’s not working on some of these small lots so the staff needs to think “outside the box.” She said in the future, if staff gets these requests, recognize the fact that PUD’s won’t work on these small projects.
Proof of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider the request for a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Suburban Estates to Office and Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture District) to OP (Office Professional District) property located on the south side of E.E. Williamson Road, across from Sunshine Tree Boulevard, Matt Arena, received and filed.
Ms. Williamson presented the request, stating if the rezone is approved, the site would have to undergo site plan approval. Staff recommends approval to Office and the rezoning to Office Professional, subject to the Development Order presented in the staff report. She stated the P&Z Commission voted 4 to 0 to recommend approval subject to the Development Order also.
Upon inquiry by Vice Chairman Carey, Ms. Williamson advised of the uses allowed in OP zoning.
Matt Arena, applicant, addressed the Board to state he concurs with the staff.
No one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to enact Ordinance #2005-30, as shown on page _______, approving a Small Scale Land Use Amendment from Suburban Estates to Office; and enact Ordinance #2005-31, as shown on page _______, approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture District) to OP (Office Professional District), on approximately 1.67 acres located on the south side of E.E. Williamson Road, across from Sunshine Tree Boulevard; as described in the proof of publication, Matt Arena, subject to the Development Order, as shown on page _______.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Vice Chairman Carey recessed the meeting at 1:53 p.m. and reconvened it at 1:59 p.m.
The following Communications/or Reports were received and filed:
1. Community Notice from South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority informing construction of a wastewater force main along Citrus Ave. from Tangerine Ave. to Hibiscus Ave. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Environmental Services Director, Public Works Director, Co. Engineer)
2. Letter dated 5/24/05 to Chairman from Ray Eubanks, Administrator, Plan Review and Processing, Department of Community Affairs re: Plan Amendment #05-1. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney)
3. Copy of letter dated 5/24/05 to Cathy Collins, Budget Supervisor, Department of Revenue (with attachment), from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser re: Proposed 2005 Property Appraiser’s Budget.
4. Letter dated 5/26/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser and Tyra Miller, Administrative Director, re: Total ad valorem tax levy for Seminole Co. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers)
5. Letter dated 5/26/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser and Tyra Miller, Administrative Director, re: Total ad valorem tax levy for Seminole Co. Unincorporated Road District. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers)
6. Letter dated 5/26/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser and Tyra Miller, Administrative Director, re: Total ad valorem tax levy for Seminole Co. Fire District. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers)
7. Copy of memorandum dated 5/25/05 to Commissioner Carey (with attachment) from Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Manager, re: ADA Service Cost/Payment History.
8. Sexual Offender Ordinance under consideration by City of Oviedo. (cc: BCC)
9. Copy of memorandum dated 5/26/05 to Commissioner Carey (with attachments) from Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Manager, re: Transit Funding Discussions in 2005.
10. Memorandum dated 5/24/05 to Chairman from Commissioner Dallari re: Sex Offender/Sexual Predator Residency Issue. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney, Sheriff)
11. Memorandum dated 5/24/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Lisa Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director, re: Hurricane Relief Reimbursement Update.
12. Memorandum dated 5/23/05 to Chairman (with attachments) from Bob McMillan, Co. Attorney, re: Dual Office Holding.
13. Memorandum dated 5/23/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re: Economic Development-Sector Employment.
14. Letter dated 5/18/05 to Chairman from Cynthia Porter, Sanford Deputy City Clerk, re: Appointments to Redevelopment Planning Agency.
15. Copy of memorandum dated 5/24/05 to Commissioner Carey from Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Manager, re: ADA Service Cost History-Estimated Cost for FY 05/06.
16. Memorandum dated 6/6/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re: Budget Freeze.
17. Memorandum dated 6/6/05 to Honorable James E.C. Perry, Chief Judge; James Russo, Public Defender; Norman Wolfinger, State Attorney; Nadine Miller, Guardian Ad Litem, from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re: Article V Technology Committee.
18. Copy of memorandum dated 5/6/05 to Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Manager, from Ann Colby, Assistant Co. Attorney, re: Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium (cc: BCC)
19. Copy of letter dated 6/6/05 to the seven Seminole County City Mayors from Chairman re: Failure to pass one-cent gas tax.
20. Copy of letter dated 5/31/05 to County Manager from Eric Brewer, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. re: Positive opportunities to benefit the community by Wal-Mart. (cc: BCC, Deputy Co. Managers)
21. Notice of Customer Meetings between Florida Public Utilities Company to discuss approval of storm cost recovery clause to be held on 6/27/05 in Deltona and West Palm Beach. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney)
22. Letter dated 5/27/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser, re: Finalizing 2005 Seminole Co. Tax Roll. (cc: BCC)
23. Letter dated 5/27/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser, re: Finalizing Seminole Co. Fire District 2005 Tax Roll. (cc: BCC)
24. Letter dated 5/27/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser, re: Finalizing 2005 Road Improvement District Tax Roll. (cc: BCC)
25. Letter dated 5/27/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, CFA, ASA, Seminole Co. Property Appraiser, re: Finalizing 2005 Unincorporated Stormwater Management Tax Roll. (cc: BCC)
26. Letter dated 5/23/05 to Chairman from John Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health, re: Award of Emergency Medical Services grant in the amount of $42,195. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Fiscal Services Director)
27. Copy of memorandum dated 5/27/05 to Sandy McCann, Supervisor, Co. Commission Record Office, from Becky Noggle, Sr. Coordinator, Environmental Services Dept., re: Submission into County Records.
28. Copy of memorandum dated 6/3/05 to Sandy McCann, Supervisor, County Commission Records Office, from Becky Noggle, Sr. Coordinator, Environmental Services Dept., re: Submission into County Records.
29. Memorandum dated 5/31/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Sally Sherman, Deputy Co. Manager, re: Analysis of cities paying fix route vs. ADA Paratransit.
30. Copy of letter dated 5/27/05 to all seven Seminole County City Mayors from Chairman re: Expansion of library system.
31. Letter dated 6/1/05 to Chairman (with attachments) from Eloise Sahlstrom, Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs, re: Notice of Annexation public hearing. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections)
32. Copy of letter dated 6/10/05 to Governor Bush from E. Everette Huskey, President-Huskey Development Co., re: Proposal to solve growth issues in Central Fla. (cc: BCC)
33. Copy of letter dated 6/09/05 to Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, from James Russo, Public Defender, re: Representation on Seminole Co. Article V Technology Committee.
34. Letter dated 6/08/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Cynthia Porter, Sanford Deputy City Clerk, re: Annexation Public Hearing on 6/27/05. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney, Property. Appraiser, Elections)
35. Letter dated 5/31/05 to BCC (with attachment) from John Saboor, Executive Director, and Doug Barclay, Seminole Co. Marketing Manager-Central Fla. Sports Commission, re: May activities.
36. Memorandum dated 6/09/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re: Colonial Properties Annexation issue.
37. Copy of letter dated 5/30/05 to Kevin Grace, Co. Manager (with attachment), from Mark Vanderwater, Facilities Construction Manager-Seminole Community College, re: Satisfaction of lease agreement. (cc: BCC, Deputy Co. Managers)
38. Letter dated 6/07/05 to BCC from Diane Picket Culpepper, Bright House, re: Expanding Services.
39. Notice and agenda for June 15, 2005 Seminole County Port Authority Board meeting.
40. Contract for services, as shown on page _______, between Seminole County and Faith Hoffman (slow pitch softball score keeper).
Vice Chairman Carey stated she has a “pat on the back” to give to County Manager Kevin Grace for his heroic activities in performing the Heimlich maneuver on County Attorney Robert McMillan recently and helping to save his life.
Vice Chairman Carey advised of a letter (copy received and filed) received from the City of Sanford requesting the County contribute $10,000 or more towards the cost of Sanford’s Fourth of July celebration.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to approve the County contributing $10,000 to the City of Sanford for the Fourth of July celebration.
Under discussion, Mr. Grace asked the Board to include authorizing him to execute a Budget Amendment to transfer money from Contingency to cover this cost. The Board had no objections.
Commissioner Dallari stated this is a very good sponsorship and he would like to see if this could be brought back during the budget process in order to look at this for next year as well. That way, this is ongoing in the budget.
Mr. Grace said staff would bring this back at budget time.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Vice Chairman Carey reported she had the opportunity on Memorial Day to attend the Sanford celebration. She said hopefully the City will have as good a turnout for July 4.
Vice Chairman Carey advised she attended a meeting of the Wekiva River Commission. They are doing work on the Wekiva Parkway project. There will be another meeting in August. Senator Constantine will send information on the date and she will keep the Board informed.
Vice Chairman Carey reported at the Orlando-Sanford International Board meeting there were a number of reorganizational activities going on, and she can meet with anyone interested in more details.
Vice Chairman Carey stated she had a lengthy discussion with Metroplan on commuter rail. She commended Commissioner Morris for the wonderful job he did in trying to keep the project moving along by getting the resolution adopted so Congressman Mica could keep the project going.
Commissioner Dallari asked if Orange County passed a resolution.
Vice Chairman Carey said all the members voted to support the resolution. She said in August, she will have some facts to bring back to the various Boards to talk more about it.
Commissioner Morris stated it was an interesting meeting, and he thanked Commissioner Carey for her kind words and for “keeping his back” at the meeting. He said some of the members around the region were really critical about certain matters. Commissioner Morris reviewed the plans for June, July and August. He said a briefing is on the agenda for the BCC meeting in July (July 26).
Vice Chairman Carey announced that this Saturday, June 18, in Ft. Mellon Park is the Juneteenth Celebration starting at 11:00 a.m. She said she hopes to see the Commissioners there.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to appoint Tony Coffie to the Disability Advisory Board for a term ending January 1, 2007.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-105, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Gary Larwood for his service on the Disability Advisory Board.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Dallari reported he had a tour of the Osceola YMCA Center in Kissimmee and met with the Seminole County School Board, Longwood City Mayor Butch Bundy and Mike McLain from Longwood to talk about some type of aquatic facility/joint venture with the “Y” and different entities. Commissioner Dallari said he has heard of different groups trying to do something on the west side of the County. He asked Mr. Grace and staff to find out where something like that could sit in the County. The staff can look at this and bring it back to the Board.
Vice Chairman Carey said this has been batted around for a long time. She said the pool in front of Mr. Arena’s facility at E.E. Williamson Road is one the community would like to have. She said that is an opportunity where maybe the “Y” might come in and do some type venture.
Commissioner Dallari said he doesn’t want to figure out where it needs to be, but wants to make sure the Board does something.
Commissioner Morris said the Board needs to get a handle on this. He said the Board has had discussions with Longwood and Lake Mary about putting a pool at the high school with the partners being the two cities, the County and the School Board. There was also a second proposal to do something with the “Y” on site. He said the Board discussed the pool on E.E. Williamson in the past and he doesn’t recall if the School Board said it, but some entity did not want to be involved. The County supported examining that option, but the County did not want to be in control of operating it.
Commissioner Van Der Weide said supposedly, there is a contract on the property but no plan has been presented to the County. He said he has had meetings with the Markham Woods Homeowners’ Association and a major developer of the Altamonte Mall who offered to build the swimming pool. The Markham Woods Road people could not agree to anything, and things got very technical.
Commissioner Dallari stated he also had a tour of the greenhouse at the John E. Polk Correctional Facility. He thanked Barbara Hughes, Cooperative Extension Service, for taking him on this tour.
Commissioner Dallari advised he has been getting complaints about the canoe launch at CR 419 and Willingham Road that there is no space available. He asked Mr. Grace to look into that and have information presented to the Board during the budget process. He wants to know if there are some alternatives to expand the parking.
Commissioner Dallari stated he had a similar request about Lake Mills Park. He was made aware that there is a possibility of expanding that park. He asked Mr. Grace to research that as well and bring that back to the Board. He thinks in 2002 the County looked at some property next to the park.
Commissioner Dallari said he received a report from staff about the enhanced signage and lighting of the Cross Seminole County Trail bridge over I-4. He said there are two concepts A & B. He asked Mr. Grace to make copies available to all the Commissioners to talk about that during the budget process.
Commissioner Dallari said he thinks both the cities of Oviedo and Sanford passed new legislation about sexual offenders.
Vice Chairman Carey advised that item was pulled from the City of Sanford’s agenda last night.
Commissioner Dallari continued that he plans on asking the Chairman to allow him to speak at the Mayors/Managers meeting to try to get some dialogue from their perspective. He would like to hear from both groups first and then bring this back to the BCC for discussion.
Commissioner Morris advised Commissioner Dallari would be speaking with the joint City/County Task Force tomorrow on that issue. He said he looks forward to seeing Commissioner Dallari there. He said it is apparent that the City of Oviedo has moved in the 2500 foot direction. He thought it would be nice to have the legal staff review the Oviedo and Miami Beach ordinances and at least have the review ready so the Board can get moving on this.
Commissioner Dallari said his intention is to try to get something that is uniform.
Commissioner Morris said maybe at the next meeting the Board can figure out what they want to do.
Commissioner Morris advised he will not be attending the next Board meeting as he will be out of town on County business. There is an item he was going to bring up then or at a later time. Because there is no meeting till July, he wants to ask about an ongoing problem for seven years with regard to median issues on roadways. He said when you look at what other counties are doing and what they are capable of doing, it is dramatic what problems Seminole County is having. He would like the County Manager to bring back to the Board during the budget work sessions a proposal to transfer medians maintenance and right-of-ways maintenance to Parks & Recreation with the appropriate transfer of personnel and associated contracts. He said if anyone has a great idea prior to that time, or the staff, he or she is welcome to bring back an alternative proposal prior to the budget hearings.
Vice Chairman Carey stated the Board had agreements this morning that extended the contracts for a year. She doesn’t know if that might solve the problem by getting one contract to consolidate all the activities.
Mr. Grace said he thinks the suggestion from Commissioner Morris is a good one. He is frustrated by this too and the Board has been for years. He said he would like to look at two or three options. He has asked Mr. Fisher to come up with some ideas to start making some real progress.
Commissioner Morris said his next suggestion would be to set this up under a District Commissioners under. He thinks the Board could do a better job.
Mr. Grace stated he will come back with some options.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-106, as shown on page _______, of appreciation to Chris Dorworth for his service on the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Under discussion, he said he will be making a recommendation to the County Manager for a replacement to be appointed at the next Board meeting.
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5 voted AYE.
Commissioner Van Der Weide reported things are going very nicely and smoothly in his district. He said he does have the same problems with the medians and landscaping that the other Commissioners have. He thinks there are problems because the Board has never set a high enough priority on this. He said through this budget process, they need to determine the priority. Other jurisdictions throughout the County are making the County look bad. He suggested the Board probably needs to reevaluate that.
Commissioner Carey said she forgot to bring up a garbage issue. She has had a lot of calls from the northwest section of the County about garbage. She has since had discussions with Waste Management and the haulers agreed to amend their contracts to go up to 40-gallon containers. They will not pick up, however, if the containers are over 40 gallons.
Mr. Grace said staff is working on that and plans to bring that back to the Board as soon as possible.
Mr. Grace advised he met with the Supervisor of Elections this morning on a plan for using libraries for early voting for the next year. They have some preliminary ideas. He said all the libraries except the north branch would be used to help support early voting. Mr. Grace said he would keep the Board up-to-date on the progress.
Mr. Grace noted the newspaper had listed every county except Seminole receiving money from hurricane housing funding. He reported the County is receiving about $2.2 million under that program. Staff will bring to the Board at the next meeting a plan for using those dollars. He said he believes this report came from the Lt. Governor’s Office and Seminole County was not listed. He said he will try to give a briefing to the Board next week.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the Vice Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 2:36 p.m., this same date.
ATTEST: _____________________ Clerk ___________________ Chairman