JULY 14, 1998

The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:18 a.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 1998, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.


Chairman Randy Morris (District 2)

Vice Chairman Win Adams (District 4)

Commissioner Grant Maloy (District 1)

Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)

Clerk of Court Maryanne Morse

Deputy County Manager Cindy Coto

County Attorney Robert McMillan

Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen


Absent: Commissioner Daryl McLain (District 5)


County Manager’s Briefing


Seminole County Web Site (Update)


Chris Grasso, Information Technologies Director, Suzy Goldman, Library & Leisure Services Director, and Al Hill, GIS Coordinator, addressed the Board. Ms. Goldman reviewed the background history of the Seminole County Web Site as Mr. Hill showed a slide presentation (copies received and filed). Mr. Hill discussed the outstanding issues of the Web Site, reviewing the plans and goals. He reviewed what is currently on the County’s Web Site.

Mr. Grasso advised the Chairman that money would be needed to reach the future goals. This is not presently in the budget, but an amendment to the HTE Contract is proposed to be brought before the Board on August 11, 1998. He said they need two people, a

Web Developer/Programmer and a Clerk. They will decide if the Clerical technician will be provided through HTE or County support.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Adams, Mr. Grasso said the direction has come from the County Manager that each department will be responsible to keep their data up-to-date.

Mr. Grasso thanked Ms. Goldman and her staff and HTE, especially Peter Mason and Al Hill, for the outstanding work done on this project.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Morris, Mr. Grasso stated they are working now to have the basic agenda and then be able to click on the backup by the first meeting in September.


The Chairman recessed the meeting at 9:39 a.m. for his Birthday Celebration and reconvened at 9:52 a.m. Commissioner Van Der Weide did not return to the meeting at this time.

U.S. 17-92 Redevelopment Plan

Tony VanDerworp, Director of Economic Development/Special Projects, addressed the Board to discuss the U.S. 17-92 Redevelopment Plan. Chairman Morris announced that Mr. VanDerworp will be honored today at 12:30 p.m. for his 17 years of service to the County. The Chairman wished him the best in his new position with the City of Sanford as City Manager.

Mr. VanDerworp reviewed from a brochure, beginning with an update of the entranceway to the Maitland Interchange by Dave Tomek, Director of Community Development, Maitland. Mr. Tomek advised the City Council approved last night for the contractor to begin construction and that should begin in about 11 days. Mr. VanDerworp showed on a map the planned scheme for the interchange and the sign location.

Commissioner Van Der Weide entered the meeting at this time.

Mr. VanDerworp showed a sample of the white brick to be used and said the consultant recommended this color.

Commissioner Adams asked staff to come up with a way to make sure the sign is sealed properly so that water and mildew does not get in.

Dave Whickham, Landscape Architect, addressed the Board with Mr. VanDerworp to display the design for the Corridor landscaping, reviewing where they can landscape. Mr. Whickham stated most of the area they can deal with is on the south end. Mr. VanDerworp noted that construction is expected to begin on October 23, as originally scheduled.

Chairman Morris asked why not urge DOT and go for direct funding now through the Legislature to close the ditches which would open up right-of-way and give some recovery room. Mr. VanDerworp explained that the companies want to close off their ditches out front, but there is a permitting problem because they have to have compensating storage somewhere else. He said the way to handle this would be to go to the Legislature and talk about the thing such as resurfacing, curbs, urban sections, and purchase of property for retention ponds.

Ms. Coto stated the Legislative Delegation will be here on the 25th for a reception. Whereupon, Chairman Morris said that might not be a bad time to talk with them then. Mr. VanDerworp said he will prepare for that meeting with the Delegation.

Chairman Morris asked if hardscape treatments could be done in the right-of-way constrained areas, like a brick treatment. Mr. Whickham said this can be done, but was not looked at because of the scope they were given for this project. Whereupon, Mr. VanDerworp said they can look at doing that. The Chairman asked for them to look at the optimum and then allow the Board to scale back to what they can and cannot do based upon the finances. Commissioner Van Der Weide concurred, saying the Board needs to look at all the possibilities.

Frank Van Pelt, Assistant County Engineer/Transportation, addressed the Board to give an update of the median treatments in the area. He reviewed the intersection of 427 and 17-92 at the Longwood-Lincoln Mercury business and said construction should be finished by the end of September on the medians. He said there are not many landscape opportunities in this area at this time. He stated they won’t be able to do the fringe landscaping until October or November, when the reconstruction of the site for the business is completed.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Morris on the swale in front of the Ford dealership, Mr. Van Pelt explained that relocating the retention pond to another location would not be favorable to the Ford dealership or Longwood-Lincoln Mercury. The Chairman then asked to see some models of these problems for eliminating the swales and accommodating storage elsewhere. He asked if they can look at expanding some of the other retention ponds and what the cost of that would be. He said he wants to get an estimate of the cost and not a formal hydrological study done.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated if they can come up with some community retention ponds, that would save a lot of the small businesses and there would be a lot more right-of-way for beautification. Chairman Morris said if they can partner with the State, they will have a better chance of moving along faster. He said they clearly need land for retention and there are willing sellers available.

Commissioner Adams questioned why can’t they have a covering of the ditch that will allow the water to percolate through. Mr. VanDerworp suggested that allow staff come back with a model and look at the cost and they will have the information to give to the Legislative Delegation as well.

Commissioner Maloy asked if there can be some sort of overlay to make it easier for small businesses to redevelop. Chairman Morris stated the CRA Board can grant waivers or adjustments to the Code to aid redevelopment, and that is an advantage to having a CRA.

Mr. Van Pelt advised the 17-92, Fern Park improvements are scheduled for construction by the end of September. He said they are looking at possibly five islands, three of which are not landscaped now and two will be refurbished. Further, he said a maintenance contract is in place.

Bob Zaitooni addressed the Board to speak about mast arms, crosswalks and lighting. He reported the mast arms are in and they are basically on schedule. He said the mast arms will be completely constructed by the end of August or the first week of September, and they will be in hunter green color. He reviewed the two concepts for 436. The Board reviewed his copy of a sample design.

Chairman Morris said they had discussed having mast arms on 17-92 and 436 which was going to be so massive and costly and they are not getting anywhere with that. He asked staff to include in their additional report some enhancement features and additional funding sources for 17-92 and 436.

Mr. VanDerworp showed a sample of the signage design for General Hutchinson Parkway at 17-92 in the Spring Hammock area with direction to the Big Tree Park. He said if the Board gives approval of the sign, it can be funded out of the Natural Lands Program. Chairman Morris directed him to use the standard traffic directional left turn sign and not the arrow as depicted in the sample design.

Mr. VanDerworp showed a picture of a typical bus stop design that will be used. He said two bus stops will be installed in August and two in September and will cost $1100 each. He will be requesting the Board to move forward and install these, and they can be done within the projected budget. The Board’s consensus was to use hunter green color for these also.

Regarding neighborhood entrance features in the area of 17-92 and 436, Mr. VanDerworp showed some design concepts and said they have not found any intersections to put these in the right-of-way and still meet the site line requirements, but staff will continue to see what neighborhoods along this entire corridor could receive such treatments. He advised that residents near Sunniland have requested assistance with some type of entrance features and they may be the first prototype. Mr. VanDerworp responded to Commissioner Maloy that he thinks it would be an appropriate arrangement to have the neighborhood contribute to the cost.

Commissioner Maloy asked Mr. VanDerworp to look into hiding the metal pipes the signs are on by using plastic tubing.

Mr. VanDerworp stated the only lighting to be put up at this time is on the mast arm signals. Chairman Morris said he was told the businesses and residents would like street lighting, so he asked staff why not look into that and develop a plan for a street lighting district. He asked staff to plan to get the road reclassified now as an urban road.

Greg France, Deputy Building Official, addressed the Board to discuss the code enforcement issues and the types and number of enforcement cases for this area. Chairman Morris noted that he asked the County Manager to take a planning officer, 17-92 CRA people, and Code Enforcement people on a tour of the area to see the problems.

Mr. France showed a map of the complete corridor depicting areas of code enforcement activities. He reported that as of this date there have been 48 complaints in the Fern Park area alone this year.

Clerk of Court, Maryanne Morse, left the meeting at this time.

Mr. France stated as of today, 18 of 20 notices of violations have come into compliance. These were for landscaping, adult entertainment, and junk car violations. He stated a bus ride is tentatively planned for September with the media, Code Enforcement Board members, County Manager, and himself to address all the issues so that everyone understands what they can do and what their limitations are. He said his office with the County Attorney’s Office will review some of the gray codes that exist. They are trying to develop an interlocal agreement for junked and abandoned vehicles on DOT rights-of-way and time limits for handling them.

Chairman Morris stated this is not something new; he said bring this back to the Board on the first meeting in August to have the Sheriff do this code enforcement. He said he is talking about commercial areas. He discussed further what is being done about other violations of manufacturing and year-round tents.

Clerk Maryanne Morse returned to the meeting at this time.

Current Planning Manager, John Dwyer, addressed the Board to state staff is asking the Board for permission to draft the ordinance for Land Development Code changes, hopefully in September. Commissioner Adams requested a preliminary draft of the gray areas needing clarification within a month. Mr. Dwyer said staff understands the issues on Spartan Drive with manufacturing and the outside storage and tent problems, and they will be addressing those.

Commissioner Van Der Weide left the meeting at this time.

Chairman Morris stated there are clear violators on his reading of the code and he wants them enforced. He told staff if they need an interpretation of the code, then come to the Board for that. He directed staff to enforce the code. He requested a report on this that is more concrete at the first meeting in August.

Commissioner Adams suggested staff take pictures of the violations and bring before the Board the code that says it cannot be changed.

Mr. VanDerworp said staff will come back at the next meeting with a list of the issues they need to address with code changes and/or compliance with what’s in the code now. Chairman Morris asked additionally that the Board be made aware specifically of why code complaints they have forwarded to staff cannot be taken care of. During further discussion, Chairman Morris gave the directive for staff to pick up any wares located in the right-of-way. Violations Inspector, Debbie Leigh, advised that the particular one being discussed is a DOT right-of-way. Mr. France said Deputy County Attorney, Lonnie Groot, is working on an interlocal agreement with DOT.

Mr. VanDerworp reported on Fernwood Boulevard from Oxford to 17-92. He said sidewalks to the bus shelters have been installed on the north side and they are now ready to go to the south side. He is recommending doing median treatments and some landscaping in the rural sections where possible in this area at a cost of approximately $45,000. He said, with the Board’s approval, staff will move forward with the design work. He stated if there are project savings after putting out the landscaping contract, those savings will be used toward this project.

Mr. VanDerworp advised the Chairman if there are no savings, they have the option to take the money out of the General Fund Contingency. Chairman Morris suggested asking the Board for authorization, if there is a shortfall of funding, to take the money out of the General Fund as a loan to the CRA and the funds will be paid back from the CRA. Mr. VanDerworp said staff will handle it this way as a contingency. The majority of the Board had no objections. Commissioner Maloy said he would like to see the project done within the current budget.

Reciprocal Borrowing with Orange County


Library and Leisure Services Director, Suzy Goldman, addressed the Board to request their consensus for staff to pursue the agreement with Orange County Library for reciprocal borrowing. The Board’s consensus was for staff to pursue going forward with this agreement.

Commissioner Van Der Weide returned to the meeting at this time.

County Attorney’s Briefing


Seminole County Bar Association Request


County Attorney, Robert McMillan, addressed the Board to explain this request is from the Seminole County Bar Association Legal Aid Society, Inc., which is not the same as the Seminole County Bar Association.

Attorney Silvia McLain, Executive Director, addressed the Board, with Board of Directors President Terry Bledsoe and Staff Attorney, Candace Reshee (phonetic), to state they now receive $8 for every case filed in Seminole County as a user fee, and they are requesting an increase of $8 to $16. She explained they are a non-profit organization, United Way incorporated, to provide free legal service to the poor in Seminole County.

Hollan Pugh, Safehouse, addressed the Board to express support for the Legal Aid Society’s request, stating they work collaboratively with them and a number of their victims have been served by Legal Aid.

Ms. McLain stated that Thom Green, President of the Seminole County Bar Association, does endorse their request also. She discussed the services they provide, handling civil and family cases. She shared their need to relocate and said she is looking for office space (2,000 square feet) on 434 near I-4 to be centrally located for the clients. Chairman Morris advised her that the County owns houses that could be used for office needs. He urged Ms. McLain to call DCM Cindy Coto on this for County assistance.

Clerk, Maryanne Morse, suggested the effective date of the Ordinance on increased fees be October 1 or January 1, preferably, as there are two pieces of legislation going into effect on January 1, which will affect the filing of the fees on all dissolution of marriages. They would avoid having multiple changes if the effective date is January 1. However, Ms. McLain said she prefers the October 1 effective date, because they need the money to operate.

Mr. McMillan said his office will prepare the ordinance for advertising and bring it back to the Board the first meeting in August.

The Board gave a majority consensus to advertise the Ordinance for increased fees. Commissioner Maloy objected to the fee increase. Chairman Morris stated this will probably come back at 1:30 p.m. on August 11.

Proposed Seminole County Public Decency Ordinance

Mr. McMillan stated the Supervisor of Elections ordered the County a certified petition relative to the adoption of an ordinance on public decency on July 1. Under the Charter, a public hearing must be held within 60 days of that date to consider adoption and if the Board does not adopt the ordinance, it will go on the referendum. He asked the Board to designate a hearing date and approve authorizing an impact statement and advertising the ordinance.

Commissioner Adams said to put this on the ballot. He thinks the citizens have requested it and went through the procedures, so he thinks it is time to do so.

Deputy County Attorney, Lonnie Groot, stated the Charter requires a hearing.

Chairman Morris stated this can be on the agenda for the first meeting in August. Commissioner Maloy said he would like this to be scheduled for 7:00 p.m. to allow more people to attend. The Board consented to August 11 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Morris stated they need to be very cautious on how much public participation they have versus what else is on the agenda, and he asked that reasonable restraint be used by everyone as they have a heavy agenda for that night.





Commissioner Maloy had some questions regarding Item #19, Award FC-141-98/BJC, Lake Howell Outfall Dam to Central Florida Underground; Item #12, Subrecipient Agreement with Seminole Volunteer Enterprises; and Item #13, Approve the 1998-99 One year Action Plan of the County’s Consolidated Plan. Mark Flomerfelt, Chief Engineer, and Buddy Balagia, Principal Planner, addressed the Board to answer his questions.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Adams, to approve and authorize the following:

Administrative Services

1. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute change to the rent commencement date to the Second Amendment, as shown on page __________, between Seminole County and Reflections of Hidden Lake, Inc., for the County Attorney’s space at Reflections Tower.


Public Works


2. Adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-143, as shown on page __________, accepting a Drainage Easement, as shown on page __________, donated by Sanlando Utilities Corporation for property necessary for additional drainage protection of Lots 3 and 20, Block H, Tract 17, Sanlando Springs; and authorize Chairman to execute. (District 4)

3. Adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-144, as shown on page __________, accepting a Sidewalk Easement, as shown on page __________, donated by Rocco R. Nasso and Frances M. Nasso for property necessary to construct a sidewalk along Markham Woods Road; and authorize Chairman to execute. (District 5)

4. Adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-145, as shown on page __________, and Subordination of County Utility Interests Agreement, as shown on page __________, (Seminole County to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) – Parcel Number 101.2) for the purpose of constructing/improving State Road 426; and authorize Chairman to execute documents. (District 1)

5. Adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-146, as shown on page __________, and Subordination of County Utility Interests Agreement, as shown on page __________, (Seminole County to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) – Parcel Number 239.2R) for the purpose of constructing/improving State Road 417; and authorize Chairman to execute documents. (District 5)



6. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to Cooperative Agreement with USDA for Emergency Watershed Protection/Restoration Measures.


Traffic Engineering

7. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement, as shown on page __________, between Seminole County and Florida Department of Transportation for the planned safety improvements on Lake Mary Boulevard from Lake Emma Road to I-4. (District 2)


Environmental Services

Solid Waste

8. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Used Oil Receptacle Agreement, as shown on page __________, between Seminole County and Siemens Telecom Networks, Lake Mary.

9. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute 3rd Quarter FY 1997/98 Recycling and Education Grant, as shown on page __________, for reimbursement of expenditures in an amount not to exceed $84,827.

10. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute 3rd Quarter FY 1997/98 Litter Marine Debris Grant, as shown on page __________, for reimbursement of expenditures in an amount not to exceed $19,165.

11. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute 3rd Quarter FY 1997/98 Waste Tire Grant, as shown on page __________, for reimbursement of expenditures in an amount not to exceed $176,206.


Planning & Development

Comprehensive Planning

  1. Authorize Chairman to execute Subrecipient Agreement, as shown on page __________, with Seminole Volunteer Enterprises, Inc. to provide funds for the purchase of a cargo vehicle for use in food collection and distribution to lower income citizens of Seminole County.
  2. Approve the 1998-99 One Year Action Plan, as shown on page __________, of the County’s Consolidated Plan and authorize its submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) via the Seminole/Volusia HOME Consortium.
  3. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute two Satisfaction of Second Mortgages, as shown on page __________, for two purchasers who were assisted under the SHIP Ownership Assistance Program.


Community Services

  1. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Interagency Agreement, as shown on page __________, establishing participation in the Seminole County Juvenile Justice Interagency Agreement by Prosecution Alternative for Youth (PAY).
  2. Approve submittal of seven Substance Abuse Trust Fund Applications, as shown on page __________, for a total of $82,738.


Tourist Development

  1. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Interlocal Agreement, as shown on page __________, between Seminole County and the City of Sanford for amateur softball tournament to be held at the Sanford Memorial Stadium August 13-16, 1998 ($1,500).

    Fiscal Services


    Formal Contracts

  3. Award FC-140-98/BJC, as shown on page _________, Roseland Park Sanitary Sewer Installation Project to Progressive Contractors, Inc., Daytona Beach ($396,690.50).
  4. Award FC-141-98/BJC, as shown on page _________, Lake Howell Outfall Dam to Central Florida Underground, Altamonte Springs ($299,260.50).
  5. Award FC-143-98/BJC, as shown on page ________, Indian Hills Water Treatment Plant Improvements to Wharton-Smith, Inc., Lake Monroe ($407,000).
  6. Approve Change Order #8, as shown on page __________, to FC-315-95/BJC Seminola Boulevard (U.S. 17/92 to East Lake Drive) with Prairie Construction Co, Inc., Polk City ($303,639.70).
  7. Approve Change Order #2, as shown on page __________, to FC-115-98/BJC State Attorney’s Building Roof and A/C Renovation with M & M Builders, Inc., Longwood ($12,770).
  8. Approve Change Order #3, as shown on page __________, to FC-118-97/BJC Lockhart Subdivision Paving and Drainage with Superior Asphalt of Central Florida Inc., Mt. Dora ($2,100).
  9. Approve Change Order #4, as shown on page __________, to FC-118-97/BJC Lockhart Subdivision Paving and Drainage with Superior Asphalt of Central Florida, Inc., Mt. Dora ($527).
  10. Approve Change Order #5, as shown on page __________, to FC-118-97/BJC Lockhart Subdivision Paving and Drainage with Superior Asphalt of Central Florida, Inc., Mt. Dora ($22,862) (Extend Completion Date).
  11. Approve Change Order #3, as shown on page __________, to FC-123-97/BJC Leachate Underdrain Replacement at the Osceola Landfill with Prime Construction Group, Inc., Orlando ($49,920) (Extend Completion Date).
  12. Acceptance, as shown on page __________, of FC-107-97/BJC Lift Station Rehabilitation for Aloma Park and Gravity Sewer Sliplining for Amberwood Project with Sunshine Building and Development Corp., Casselberry (Certificate of Completion).

Professional Services

  1. Approve First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to PS-372-97/BJC Monroe Basin Engineering Study & Drainage Inventory, with Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc., Orlando, ($183,716) (Extend Contract Date).
  2. Request for Proposals

  3. Award RFP-429-98/BJC CHDO Rental Housing Activity to The Center for Affordable Housing, Sanford (Not-to-exceed $150,000).
  4. Award RFP-441-98/GG Auctioneer Services to George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc., Winter Springs (Various Commission Rates).
  5. Approve Third Amendment and Time Extension, as shown on page __________, to RFP-409-97/GG Renovation of Elevators with Delta Elevator, Inc., Orlando ($31,449) (Time Extension).
  6. Approve First Amendment and Time Extension, as shown on page __________, to RFP-426-98/GG Renovation of Elevators with Delta Elevator, Inc., Orlando ($34,090.50) (Time Extension).
  7. Approve First Renewal, as shown on page __________, to Master Agreements RFP-407-97-BJC Eminent Domain & Litigation Support Services with various consultants (August 1998 through August 1999) (Not-to-exceed $750,000).
  8. Approve First Renewal, as shown on page __________, to Master Agreement RFP-414-97/BJC Marketing Consultant Services with Chernoff/Silver and Associates, Maitland (September 23, 1998 through September 22, 1999) (Not-to-exceed $108,000).

Annual Bids

  1. Approve First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to A/B-313/JVP Traffic Management Systems with Traffic Control Devices, Inc., Altamonte Springs ($87,926.50).
  2. Sole Source and Proprietary Source

  3. Authorize Sole Source Procurement and issue Miscellaneous Contract M-68-98/BJC Land Development Code Codification with Municipal Code Corp., Tallahassee ($35,000).
  4. Approve Proprietary Source Procurement and issue Miscellaneous Contract M-66-98/BJC CR-46A Phase II, Additional Services for Plan Revisions with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., Orlando ($55,552).
  5. Approve Proprietary Source to Amendment #1, as shown on page __________, to Miscellaneous Contract M-50-98/BJC Contamination Evaluation/CR 427 IV, with Parsons ES, Winter Park ($59,309.24).
  6. Approve Proprietary Source to Amendment #1, as shown on page __________, to Miscellaneous Contract M-40-97/BJC Software License and Services Agreement with H.T.E. Inc., Lake Mary ($40,900).


  1. Approve Joint Utilization for the purchase of vehicles through the Florida Sheriff’s Association and Florida Association of Counties Cooperative Bid #97-05-0915, for the purchase of vehicles from Don Reid Ford, Maitland ($218,000).
  2. Information Only

  3. Reporting the issuance of an Emergency Purchase Order for the Sheriff’s Office and Public Safety Building, with Deepa Textiles, Inc., San Francisco, California ($49,876.75).
  4. Reporting the issuance of an Emergency Miscellaneous Contract, M-67-98 Pay As Cut at the Osceola Landfill with Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Palatka (Estimated $100,000 revenue).



  1. BCR #98/98 ($15,400), Planning and Development/Comprehensive Planning Fund 11901, Grants and Aid Fund; accounting adjustment to place funds in the appropriate account lines to track the daily operation of the Community Development Block Grant.
  2. BCR #98/106 ($200,000), Environmental Services/PECPM Fund 40103, Connection Fees – Sewer Fund; provides funding for the design and construction of the SR 417 (Expressway) Utility Relocation Project being coordinated in conjunction with the Florida Turnpike Authority project schedule.
  3. BCR #98/110 ($282,858), Environmental Services/Administration Fund 40100, Water and Sewer Fund; provides funds for moving Environmental Services building staff and operations to Reflections and equipping the new location.
  4. BCR #98/109 ($6,919), Planning and Development/Comprehensive Planning Fund 31100, Environmentally Sensitive Lands Fund; provides funds for construction and installation of a segment of the Seminole Wekiva Trail. The County will reimburse Zom Developers for the final lift of asphalt. BCC approved this project on 10/29/97.
  5. BCR #98/117 ($128,728), Sheriff’s Office Fund 00100, General Fund; provides additional operating and capital budget from the Sheriff’s reserve to cover the Sheriff’s expenditures in responding to recent natural disasters.
  6. BCR #98/118 ($182,324) Sheriff’s Office Fund 00100, General Fund; covers FEMA reimbursable expenses the Sheriff incurred in responding to recent natural disasters.
  7. BCR #98/119 ($263,800), Administrative Services/Facilities Maintenance/Support Services Fund 00100/31800, General Fund/Facilities Capital Improvements Fund; accounting adjustment to transfer funds for the renovation of four County Services Building elevators to the proper account.
  8. BCR #98/120 ($18,000), Public Works/Engineering Fund 11500/12601, Infrastructure Sales Tax/Arterial-Impact Fees; accounting change to make funds available for increased construction costs for the Seminola Boulevard Project.
  9. BCR #98-121 ($18,500), Public Works/Engineering Fund 11500, Infrastructure Sales Tax; accounting change to make funds available for design changes for the Chuluota Bypass Project.
  10. Budget Amendment Resolution #98-R-147, as shown on page __________, ($94,125), Fiscal Services Fund 00100, General Fund; funds to provide work station links to Wide Area Network for immediate access to criminal records, latent fingerprints for investigative comparisons and court presentations, pawn shop tickets, NCIF/FCIC and warrants.
  11. Budget Amendment Resolution #98-R-148, as shown on page __________, ($50,000), Fiscal Services Fund 10101, Transportation Fund; recognizes and appropriates contributions of $25,000 from the City of Lake Mary and $25,000 from Seminole County Public Schools for design, construction, and installation of a traffic signal on Lake Mary Boulevard at School Entrance/4th Street.
  12. Budget Amendment Resolution #98-R-149, as shown on page __________, ($3,000), Fiscal Services Fund 00100 General Fund; Grant titled "DUI Enforcement Program" for the purpose of providing partial funding for a Breath Test Operator Position.
  13. Budget Amendment Resolution #98-R-150, as shown on page __________, ($49,148) Fiscal Services Fund 00100 General Fund; The Board of County Commissioners approved an Interlocal Agreement on May 12, 1998 between the City of Sanford and the Sheriff’s Office for the use and benefit of the County’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Funding in the amount of $117,108 was approved to pay personal services, operating and capital for one (1) deputy sheriff, and personal services only for (1) deputy sheriff. This Budget Amendment Request will amend the Sheriff’s Office FY 1997/98 budget for funding through September 30, 1998. The balance will be placed in the Sheriff’s Office FY 1998/99 budget prior to adoption.
  14. Authorize scheduling and advertising Public Hearing for the presentation of the proposed Port Authority Budget for FY 1998/99 on August 25, 1998, at 1:30 PM.
  15. Authorize scheduling and advertising Public Hearing Dates for the Adoption of the Tentative (September 9, 1998) and Final (September 22, 1998) FY 1998/99 Seminole County Budget.
  16. Authorize expenditure in the amount of $2,140 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund for Caterfly "Mac’s Back" Books (set of substance abuse prevention books) for Seminole County Public Schools.
  17. Authorize expenditure in the amount of $28,295 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to purchase computer equipment for developing database information related to criminal investigations for the City County Investigative Bureau.
  18. Approve and Authorize Chairman to execute an Agreement, as shown on page __________, between Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and Seminole Community College for one (1) full-time College Resource Deputy.
  19. Adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-151, as shown on page __________, to reimburse preliminary costs associated with water and sewer improvements from the anticipated bond issue.
  20. Approve tentative millage rates and authorize the Budget Officer (County Manager) to execute the certifications of millage for the first public hearing to be held September 9, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
  21. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Grant Supplement Application and Associated Grant Supplement Documents, as shown on page __________, for the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Policing Services, for the Sheriff’s Office.

64. Approval to submit a grant application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for local law enforcement funding. Also authorization for the Chairman to sign Associated Documents, as shown on page __________, and authorization for the Department of Fiscal Services to process the appropriate budget amendment upon award of funds.

65. Award RFP-437-98/BJC, Board of County Commissioners auditorium Audio/Video Equipment Retrofit and Installation to South Western Communications, Inc., Orlando, Florida ($178,120); and approve accompanying Budget Change Request in the amount of $207,000 for the award of this contract and purchase of associated equipment.

66. Approve the use of up to $200,000 in SHIP Program funds to reconstruct certain homes destroyed by fire.


Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.







Commissioner Maloy requested that Item #4, Seminole County v. Clayton,, be held until the 1:30 p.m. meeting.

Commissioner Van Der Weide discussed Add-on Item #5, Robert Deverall v. Seminole County. He suggested holding the speed humps issue in abeyance until the Board can readdress the chokers. He said he understands there is a study relative to safety issues which is going to counter the County’s study. This is supposed to be a national study that disputes what the County’s Public Safety people have indicated to the Board.

Mr. Groot stated the legal hearing is scheduled for August 10. Mr. McMillan pointed out that staff still needs authority to defend if they must do so. Commissioner Van Der Weide stated as he has said before, the only reason he would want the speed humps removed is if there was a safety issue.

The consensus of the Board was to direct staff to hold in abeyance the removal of the speed humps on Holliday Avenue as recommended by Commissioner Van Der Weide until further direction by the Board.


Upon inquiry by Commissioner Adams, Mr. McMillan explained the background for Item #3, Seminole County v. Febe Enterprises, Inc. Assistant County Attorney, Lynn Vouis, addressed the Board to answer questions.

Commissioner Van Der Weide said he thinks John Dwyer, Current Planning Manager, should work with the legal staff on the sign issue. Mr. McMillan responded that is not the issue. He said the issue is that the parties have sued the County and he is asking for authority to defend the lawsuit. He said negotiations will continue.

Assistant County Attorney, Henry Brown, addressed the Board to state he believes the parties are going to try to go after severance damage claim on the back lot. He said this does create some significant legal and value issues. This won’t be as easy as it sounds.

Commissioner Adams said he wants to be kept abreast of this matter.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve and authorize the following:

Property Acquisition

1. Approve Purchase Agreement, as shown on page __________, in the amount of $24,000, relating to Parcel No. 108 located at 290 Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, Phase IV Road Improvement Plan (Hilde E. Bailey, owner).

2. County Road 427, Phases I, III and IV, Parcel Number 182 (Britt), Parcel Number 180 (Overstreet) and Parcel Number 128 (R.A.K. Investments) with Universal Outdoor, Inc. Approve Land Exchange Agreement, as shown on page _________, and conveyance by County Deed, as shown on page _________, of Parcel 128 remainder. Approve acceptance of three Quitclaim Deeds, as shown on page _________, on Parcel Numbers 180, 182 and 128 from Universal Outdoor, Inc. The land exchange will acquire the three Outdoor Advertising Sign leases on County Road 427.


3. Request authorization to defend in inverse condemnation action filed by Andre F. Hickman and Harold A. Miller Successor Co-Trustees of the James W. Hickman Revocable Trust. Subject of action is a 7’ x 7’ piece of property acquired by the County in Seminole County v. Febe Enterprises, Inc. as part of the Howell Branch Phase I road improvement project.

5. Request authorization to defend Circuit Court action and pursue an appeal to the Fifth District Court of Appeal in the event an injunction is issued regarding Robert Deverall v. Seminole County.

6. Approve proposed settlement in Seminole County v. Oliva, et al. relating to Parcel Number 107, County Road 427, Phase III road improvement project in the amount of $250,000 exclusive of fees and costs. The owners are Frank and Patricia Oliva; tenant, Frank Oliva, Inc., 10,496 s.f. at $23.82 per s.f.


Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.


Departmental Reports




John Blackwood, Emergency Management Manager, addressed the Board to briefly discuss Item #1, Local Mitigation Strategy Contractual Services Agreement.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve Mitigation Contractual Services Agreement, as shown on page ________, between Seminole County and Florida Department of Community Affairs; and authorize Chairman to execute. Funds are available for Seminole County to develop a Local Mitigation Strategy which will be designed to help communities reduce their vulnerability to disasters.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.



Mr. Blackwood and Suzy Goldman, Library & Leisure Services Director, discussed briefly Add-on Item #3, request to apply for Hazard Mitigation Grant funds. He said the County will owe $43,000 as the State will pay half of the $87,000.

Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to authorize applying for Hazard Mitigation Grant funds made available by FEMA. (The grant program requires 25% local match, not to exceed $87,002. The match will be funded from reserves).

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.


Cindy Manoni, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to briefly review Add-on Item #2, approval to proceed with financing the acquisition, construction, and renovation of the Courthouse facilities. She said this is a contingency plan if the Board moves forward.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Adams, to approve for staff to proceed with preparations for financing the acquisition, construction, and renovation of Courthouse facilities and for First Union Capital Markets Corporation to serve as Senior Manager.

Districts 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

Commissioner Maloy voted NAY.


Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Adams, to approve authorization to advertise agreement relating to the provision of a Local Government Access Channel by TWC (Time Warner Communications) as required under Section 55.61, Seminole County Code, and extend TWC’s franchise(s) expiration date to March 11, 2005.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

Commissioner Van Der Weide left the meeting at this time.


Chairman Morris advised the date of the Payroll Approval List dated July 7, 1998 is corrected to July 9, 1998.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Adams, to authorize and approve the following:

1. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page __________, dated June 16, 23 and 30, 1998; Payroll Approval Lists, as shown on page __________, dated June 25 and July 2 and 9, 1998.


2. Chairman to execute the Satisfaction of Judgment/Bail Bond Lien for William Kelly & Ranger Ins. Co. - $538.


3. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment/Court Costs:


Nancy E. Allie, Case #96003548CFA - $255 plus 19.07 interest

David Beauchesne, Case #95001614CFA - $253 plus $10.12 interest

Kevin T. Lippman, Case #93001973CFA - $280 plus $66.41 interest


4. Board authorization to execute the List of Errors, Insolvencies, Double Assessments & Discounts, as shown on page __________.


Districts 1, 2, and 4 voted AYE.




The Board noted, for information only, the following Clerk’s "received and filed":

1. Frank’s Nursery & Crafts Inc. Developer’s Agreement, as shown on page __________, as approved by the Board on Jan. 27, 1998.


2. Maronda Homes Developer’s Commitment Agreement, as shown on page __________, as approved by the Board on Oct. 28, 1997.


3. Proof of publication, as shown on page __________, regarding notice of public meeting for District 24 Medical Examiner.


4. Legal Services Retainer Agreement M-63-98, as shown on page __________, Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A.


5. Change Order #6, as shown on page __________, to FC-102-97/BJC.


6. Change Order #2, as shown on page __________, to FC-118-97.


7. Change Order #1, as shown on page __________, to FC-130-98/BJC.


8. Second Amendment, as shown on page __________, to Work Order #31 to PS-132.


9. Work Orders #9, 10 & 22, as shown on page __________, to PS-364.


10. Work Order #10, as shown on page __________, to PS-327.


11. Work Orders #28 & 29, as shown on page __________ to RFP-407.


12. First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to Work Order #14 to RFP-407.


13. Wyman Fields Foundation, Inc. Agreement, as shown on page __________, relative to CDBG/Home Program per Board action on March 10, 1998.


14. Audit from the Clerk of Circuit Court relating to Acquisition and Utilization of County Vehicles.


15. Cross Access Agreements & Grant of Easements, as shown on page __________, for FirstDev Three and Oxford Terrace Partnership.


16. Notice of Staff Workshop from the Florida Public Service Commission to Water & Wastewater Utilities & All Interested Persons regarding Undocketed Workshop on Reuse of Reclaimed Water.


17. Memorandums, as shown on page __________, from Gary Kaiser, County Manager, to Sheriff Donald Eslinger; Terry Schenk, Seminole County Fire Chief; and David Beitz, Building Official, submitting copy of Executive Order Declaring State of Local Emergency and Establishing Emergency Fire Prevention Regulations.


18. Development Orders, as shown on page __________, for the following: Breakers Family Billiards Special Exception; Florence Tuck Rezone; Ismael Velazquez Rezone; Rink Development Rezone; Family Living Center ACLF Special Exception; Robert Polyak Variance; Robert Hattaway Rezone; Jon & Laura Zern Waiver; Bonn Single Family Dwelling Addition; Nancy Mankins & Tania Rich Waiver; Lawrence Channing Detached Guest House; and Gary & Greg Ganas Special Exception.


19. Pay As Cut Contract M-67-98, as shown on page __________, Georgia-Pacific Corp.


20. Memorandum to Mitch Burke, Assistant Property Acquisition Coordinator, from Gary Kaiser, County Manager, regarding elimination of employment.


21. Amendment #2, as shown on page __________, into Schedule #2 to Master Lease Agreement, MLC Group, Inc.


22. Certifications of Compliance with County Ordinance #98-13 for Circus Circus and Exotic Emporium, as shown on page __________.


23. Copies of letters from Ginny Markley, Zoning Coordinator, advising of the action of the Board of Adjustment at their meeting of June 22, 1998 to: Jeff & Melanie Byrd; David Lang & Carry O’Neal; Philip Tischek; Jeff & Debbie Dix; Roger & Gail O’Connor; Songa Bryant; Jerome Simonson; Minh Nguyen; James F. Sapp; Armando Perez; G.M. Washburn II; Quentin Green; Richard & Susan Coley; Monte Shoemaker; Deborah Leschot; Wayne Bonn; Dorothy Collins; Randy Parks; Susan Windham; Donald Faircloth; Harold Nobles, Jr.; Allan & Jeana Hobby; Anthony Morrin; Deacon David Hicks; Gustavo Montes De Oca; Jim Dube; Lenard Persin and George & Audrey Findley.


24. List of Documents, as shown on page __________, relating to Chapman Road; Dodd Road; CR 46A/I-4 Interchange; CR 46A; CR 427; Airport Blvd.; Silver Lake Drive; Chuluota Bypass; Markham Woods Road/SR 434/Douglas Ave. and Instrument relating to the Board of County Commissioners Seminole County, Florida v. Tim Morgan.


25. Customer Agreement, as shown on page __________, for Reclaimed Water Rates, Florida Power Corp.


26. Bids as follows: PRC-144-98/BJC; B/D-209-98/GG; RFP-442-98/BJC; RFP-443-98/BJC and PS-522-98/BJC.


Other Constitutional Officers Report


No Report.


Official Minutes


Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Maloy, to approve the Official Minutes dated June 23, 1998.

Districts 1, 2, and 4 voted AYE.




The Board recessed at 12:02 p.m., reconvening at 1:35 p.m., with all Commissioners (with Commissioner Van Der Weide entering late), and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen, who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Eva Roach, who were present at the Opening Session.


Chairman Morris stated the Sheriff’s Office recently had a tragedy with three of his employees, Deputies Sammie Gibson and Scott McLeod who were wounded, and Deputy Eugene Gregory, who lost his life, while in the line-of-duty. He stated he personally did not know Deputy Gregory, but heard of the tributes to him from the residents in the area, and he would like for everyone to rise for a moment of silent prayer for him and his family.

The Invocation was given by Pastor Lloyd Alamsha, Upsala Community Presbyterian Church, Sanford.

Robert Perez, Orlando Sentinel, led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to adopt Resolution #98-R-142, as shown on page _________, commending Tony VanDerworp for his dedicated service to Seminole County.

Districts 1, 2, and 4 voted AYE.

Chairman Morris presented the Resolution to Mr. VanDerworp and he expressed his appreciation to the Board, staff and the residents of Seminole County.



Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public hearings.

Districts 1, 2, and 4 voted AYE.


REZONE/Facilities & Environmental Consultants


Proofs of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1A (Single-Family Residential) and R-1AA (Single Family Residential) for lots located along the north and west boundary of the development; property located on the north side of Sand Lake Road and west of West Lake Brantley, Facilities and Environmental Consultants, received and filed.

Don Fisher, Senior Planner, addressed the Board to advise staff recommends that the request is: (1) In compliance with the provisions of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and the Seminole County Land Development Code; (2) The request would be compatible with surrounding development; (3) Considered in the 20-year services analysis as part of the County’s adopted plan and no development is authorized without meeting Concurrency requirements; and, (4) Would be able to meet all environmental standards. Therefore, staff has no opposition to the request subject to the development connecting to central water and sewer. The Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) recommended approval with staff comments.

Robert Bear, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to advise he has no additional comments and he accepts staff’s recommendations.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Commissioner Van Der Weide entered the meeting at this time.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to approve the rezoning, by Ordinance #98-39, as shown on page ________, from A-1 to R-1A and R-1AA for lots located along the north and west boundary of the development; property located on the north side of Sand Lake Road and west of West Lake Brantley, as described in the proof of publication, Facilities and Environmental Consultants; with staff recommendations, and approval of the Development Order, as shown on page ________.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

VACATE AND ABANDON/Orlando Lake Forest Joint Venture


Proofs of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider request to Vacate and Abandon the western 15’ of the Georgia Avenue Right-of-way, located south of Orange Blvd., Orlando Lake Forest Joint Venture, received and filed.

Gary Schindler, Development Review Senior Planner, addressed the Board to state the only contact he has had was with the residents in the area interested in the portion of Georgia Avenue north of Orange Blvd. which is not relative to the requested vacate.

David Lowe, representing the applicant, addressed the Board to advise he will be glad to answer any questions.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #98-R-152, as shown on page _________, vacating and abandoning the western 15’ of the Georgia Avenue Right-of-way, located south of Orange Blvd., as described in the proofs of publication, Orlando Lake Forest Joint Venture.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.



Proofs of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider an Ordinance relating to vessel speeds on the Econlockhatchee River.

Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, addressed the Board to advise this is the ordinance the Board discussed during a prior meeting. He stated staff has three options for vessel regulations in which the Board can select. The first option is an Idle Speed/No Wake Zone, the second option is a fifty horsepower (50 HP) limitation, and the third option is a five miles per hour (5-MPH) speed limit. The Board needs to select one of these options if they decide to enact the ordinance. He referred to an attachment showing the extent of the river in which the speed regulation would occur. He said the area was changed at the last meeting from the transmission lines to the section line westward of the transmission lines. He introduced Mike Martin, Senior Forester of the Division of Forestry; Captain Bill Armstrong, Sheriff’s Office; and Jim Duby, Natural Lands Program.

Chairman Morris stated this area of the river is very narrow and very shallow and the Board needs to make a decision as to what type of restrictions should be placed in order to make the river safer for the canoeists and boaters. He stated he would like for Mr. Martin and Captain Armstrong to address the safety issues.

Mike Martin, Division of Forestry, addressed the Board to advise he has seen quite an increase of community activity on this river. He stated he feels restriction and safety is very important and the no wake zone would be the most practical way to go from an enforcement standpoint.

Captain Bill Armstrong addressed the Board to state his recommendation is to go with the no wake zone, as he feels it is difficult to clock the speed of a boat.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Adams, Captain Armstrong advised his office is willing to support combining the option of a horsepower limitation and an idle speed/no wake zone.

Mr. Groot advised the combination of the two options was not advertised, therefore, that option cannot be selected.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Maloy, Mr. Groot advised Mr. Yarborough’s request of moving the line from his property to the west was taken into account. He stated he believes it is entirely off his property.

Rick Roberts, 261 Nova Dr., representing Florida Outback and a group of businessmen in the County who are Ecotourist providers, addressed the Board to state Seminole County has put a lot of energy and effort into producing Seminole County as the natural place to go. The Econ River is a big creek, it is a State canoe trail, an attractive area, and it brings a lot of tourism to the County. He stated he is looking for a way to make it compatible for human power recreation and motor power recreation. He said he has seen many very close calls with jet skis and motor boats on the river. He submitted a Petition, as shown on page __________, from concerned citizens favoring the no wake zone.

Ken Bosserman, 3504 Finch St., representing the Friends of the Econ, addressed the Board to state he is a member of the Econlockhatchee State Forest Advisory Group and he can say that the Sierra Club, the Native Plant Society and the Audubon Society have discussed this issue during their meetings for the last three years. He stated he has told all of the environmental groups to be patient as something will eventually be done about this problem. He said he sees this as a no wake zone issue and now is the time to act on this.

Peggy Green, 615 Grand Cheuies Cove, representing Big Oaks Ranch, addressed the Board to speak in support of the no wake zone. She briefly discussed the safety issues.

Commissioner Cindy Gennell, Winter Springs, addressed the Board to state she is here today as an individual and as a member of the Tourist Development Council. She stated the County has spent a lot of energy and time with a relationship with Wicklow County, Ireland, and last summer she had an opportunity to accompany the Irish canoeists. She said she heard them say that they would never canoe along the Econ River again because of the conditions on the river.

No one else spoke in support or in opposition.

Speaker Request Forms were received and filed.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he has concerns taking this whole area and eliminating the use of motorized crafts directly or indirectly. He stated he has seen young people drive like maniacs on rivers and he feels that this is a law enforcement issue. Everyone wants the Board to put more and more restrictions on these types of activities, and his concern is the canoeists will be the only ones who will have fun on this section of the river.

Mr. Martin stated that is one of the reasons why he decided to go with the no wake. He stated he believes safety is the key issue here as he is afraid a fatality will eventually occur on that river.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Maloy, Captain Armstrong advised the ordinance that was passed a few months ago for Bear Lake is working fine. He stated the majority of the people that have been issued tickets are the residents. He said they are doing everything they can to educate the public as to the nature of the ordinance.

Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to adopt Ordinance relating to vessel speeds on the Econlockhatchee River, with the Option of Idle Speed/No Wake Zone.

Under discussion, Chairman Morris stated there are more people boating now, and more and more of them are not showing courtesy that they may have done in the past. He stated he supports the ordinance, but he does not have a good feeling that the no wake zone will not be enforced in the same manner as it is in the inland waterway.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he would much rather go with the 5 mph speed limit and the Law Enforcement should be able to determine whether someone is going more than 5 mph. This will give everyone full use of the waterway and that way they wouldn’t have to define reckless operation.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Morris, Captain Armstrong advised the speed limit is very difficult to enforce as the enforcement personnel have indicated that the radar is unreliable on the water and may not be accurate.

Commissioner Adams stated he doesn’t believe the Board should second-guess the law enforcement officers as to what is the best approach. Discussion ensued.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Morris, Mr. Martin advised signs will be placed at some of the landing slips and at Snow Hill Road.

Captain Armstrong stated the majority of this area is not going to be impacted by the majority of the power boaters.

Chairman Morris stated with regard to what Captain Armstrong has said, he would support the slow speed of 5 mph as he feels the idle speed would be more confusing.

Discussion ensued relative to enforcing the speed limit.

Upon inquiry by the Chairman, Captain Armstrong advised if someone goes over the 5 mph speed limit, they can be cited for unsafe operation, but that person can challenge that. He stated the Sheriff’s Office would have to prove how they were reckless and how fast they were going.

Commissioner Adams left the meeting at this time.

Commissioner Maloy stated he has no problem going with either way on this, therefore, he will withdraw his second to the motion.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt Ordinance #98-37, as shown on page ________, relating to vessel speeds on the Econlockhatchee River, with a speed limit zone of 5 mph.

Commissioner Adams reentered the meeting at this time.

Under discussion, Chairman Morris advised the Board will go with the 5 mph speed limit to see if there will be an enforcement problem, and if it needs to be revised, they will bring it back for Board approval.

Mr. Groot advised the ordinance requires an annual report by the Sheriff.

Commissioner Adams stated he feels that Option #3 is better than what they have today, therefore, he would support the 5 mph speed limit with reservations.

Mr. Groot informed the Board that if the Ordinance is approved, Sections 3 and 6 would be modified with the corrected options.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.






Proofs of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to consider an Ordinance relating to the use of stages in adult establishments (AEEs), received and filed.

Mr. Groot briefly reviewed the proposed request.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Motion by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt Ordinance #98-38, as shown on page _________, relating to the use of stages in adult establishments (AEEs), as described in the proof of publication.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to approve the proposed settlement relating to Parcel #833, Red Bug Lake Road, Phase II road improvement project in the amount of $458,449.46 for attorneys fees and costs, Diane H. & Walter B. Walker, Seminole County v. Clayton, et al.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.



Chairman Morris recommended appointing Commissioners Maloy, Adams and McLain to the Value Adjustment Board (VAB).

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide to appoint Commissioners Maloy, Adams and McLain to the VAB.

Chairman Morris surrendered the gavel to the Vice Chairman for the purpose of seconding the motion.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to call the question.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

The main motion was voted upon and carried unanimously with District 1, 2, 3, and 4 voting AYE.

The Vice Chairman returned the gavel to the Chairman.




The following Communications and/or Reports were "received and filed":

1. Copy of letter dated 6/23/98 from Chairman Morris to Stan Rosevear, Volusia County Commission Chairman, re: fixed route transit service between West Volusia and Sanford.


2. Letter (with attachment) dated 6/4/98 from Diane Pickett, Time Warner Communications, to BCC re: 1997 Time Warner annual report.


3. Fax dated 6/24/98 from Governor Lawton Chiles to Dan Glickman, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, re: drought conditions and wildfires in Florida.


4. Memo (with attachment) dated 6/26/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to BCC re: Governor’s Executive Order #98-165-Fireworks during wildfires threat.


  1. Parks/Recreation Contracts for Services, as shown on page _________, for Sue Rasmussen; Carrie L. McGinty; Alfonso Garcia; JoAnn Harkins; Mark Gerard Lammert; and Kimberly Presor.

6. Letters from Ken Roberts, Public Safety Director, in appreciation of donations to Animal Control Division from Alfred Jiminez and Ernie Pontell.


7. Memo dated 6/18/98 from Kathy Brown, Senior Planner, to Sandy Wall, Recording Secretary, re: submissions into County records.


8. Letter (with attachments) dated 6/9/98 from Dan Lynch, EDC, to Gary Kaiser, County Manager, re: May monthly report.


9. Memo (with attachment) dated 6/29/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to BCC re: Sheriff’s General Order #98-02-fireworks during wildfires threat.


10. Copy of letter dated 6/13/98 from Linda J. Masters, Southeast Seminole County Voters Assoc., to Commissioner Maloy re: proposed land use changes at Lake Mills/CR 419.


11. Letters to BCC in opposition to use of fireworks during wildfires threat from: Thomas & Rachelle Capellini; Sandy Adams; Britton Howze; Karin S. Taylor; and Harriett Cohen. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Ken Roberts)


12. Copy of letter dated 6/26/98 from Chairman Morris to Bob Starks, State Representative (identical text letters sent to all of Seminole County Legislative Delegation) re: rescheduling of Legislative Delegation reception to August 25th.


13. Notice of 7/14/98 Community Services Block Grant Advisory Board meeting and agenda.


14. Letters to BCC in support of the Ritz Community Theatre restoration project from: Buddy Dyer, Florida Senator; Roberta Padgett, Sanford Historic Trust; Walt Padgett, The Higgins House Bed & Breakfast; and Principals of Sanford Middle School, Lakeview Middle School, Goldsboro Elementary, Idyllwilde Elementary, Wicklow Elementary, Wilson Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, Midway Elementary and Pinecrest Elementary.


15. Copy of letter dated 6/13/98 from Linda J. Masters, Southeast Seminole County Voters Assoc., to Commissioner Maloy, re: proposed land use change of Magnolia Lakes property.


16. Copy of memo dated 6/24/98 from Jim Duby, Principal Natural Lands Coordinator, to Commissioner McLain re: Hart Rd. North and the Flagler Trail.


17. Letter dated 6/25/98 from John M. Ariale, Katz Kutter Haigler Alderman Bryant & Yon, to Gary Kaiser, County Manager, re: RFP for telecommunications and shared use of communication towers.


18. Copy of letter dated 6/24/98 from Larry A. Dale, Sanford Mayor, to Cindy Coto, Deputy County Manager, re: proposed County acquisition of Sanford City Hall. (cc: BCC)


19. Letter dated 6/25/98 from Joan Thompson, Missing Children Center, to BCC in appreciation of National Missing Children’s Day resolution. (cc: BCC)


20. Memo dated 6/23/98 from Bob Zaitooni, Traffic Engineer, to Tom George, Road Operations Manager, re: removal of Holliday Ave. road humps. (cc: BCC)


21. Letter dated 6/22/98 from Dr. E. Ann McGee, SCC President, to Chairman Morris re: Technological Research & Development Authority incubator grant. (cc: BCC)


22. Fax dated 6/26/98 from Norman D. Lauterette, American Radio Relay League, to Chairman Morris re: amateur radio "field day" emergency communication exercise 6/27/98-6/28/98. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


23. Fax dated 6/26/98 from Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Director, to Chairman Morris re: advisory on air quality during wildfire threat. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


24. Memo dated 6/23/98 from Jerry McCollum, County Engineer, to Chairman Morris re: road construction for Curryville Rd. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


25. Fax dated 6/25/98 from Grey Wilson, Trail Friends Inc., to Chairman Morris re: County Trails Task Force. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Colleen Rotella)


26. Copy of memo dated 6/24/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to John Ross, Sheriff’s Legal Counsel, re: Orange County adult entertainment ordinance amendment.


27. Letter (with attachment) dated 6/15/98 from Barbara Sheen Todd, Pinellas County Commission Chairman, to Chairman Morris re: 1998 Fl. Assoc. of Counties Social Svs. Executive’s Human Svs. Conference. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Phil Stalvey, Dr. Jane Polkowski)


28. Fax dated 6/27/98 from Donna C. Whicker to Traffic Engineering re: traffic light at Howell Branch Rd./Grand Ave. study. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Bob Zaitooni)


29. Letters to BCC in opposition to proposed development at Astor Farms from: Keith & Shirley Schue; and Fred Harden, Friends of the Wekiva River. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Current Planning, Comprehensive Planning.)


30. Letter (with attachment) received 6/29/98 from John W. Curtin Sr., City of Jacksonville, to BCC re: 2nd Annual Fl. Neighborhoods Conference. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, CDBG)


31. Copy of letter dated 6/21/98 from Dr. Gholamali Meghdadi to John Dwyer, Current Planning Manager, re: Lake Brantley Plant Nursery. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


32. Letter dated 6/23/98 from Barbara Kuhn, Seminole County School Board Chairman, to BCC re: Sanford community swimming pool at Seminole High School.


33. Letter dated 6/22/98 from Richard Tolle and Pat Warren, Eastside Family YMCA Center, to Chairman Morris re: financial support for joint Seminole/Orange County YMCA facility.


34. Copy of letter dated 6/24/98 from Ken Roberts, Public Safety Director, to Bob Lee in appreciation of contribution of "Homeless Homer/Morris the Cat" coupons for Heinz Homeless Pets Program.


35. Letters to BCC in opposition to removal of speed humps on Holliday Ave. from: John D. Mahaffey Jr., Mahaffey & Leitch; Robert M. Deverall; Billie J. Wheeler; Jean & Cliff Bloodworth; and Nancy & Frances Dunn.


36. Letter dated 6/30/98 from Wayne Weinberg, Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, to Gary Kaiser, County Manager, in appreciation of supplies and equipment for groundbreaking ceremony for the I-4/46A interchange. (cc: BCC)


37. Letter (with 43 signatures) dated 6/8/98 to John Dwyer, Current Planning Manager, in opposition to Land Development Code amendments in the Black Hammock area.


38. Letter (with attachment) dated 6/30/98 from Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections, to Chairman Morris re: verification of signatures for Seminole County Public Decency Ordinance Initiative.


39. Letters to Chairman Morris in opposition to removal of speed humps on Holliday Ave. from: John J. Knapp; Katherine G. Daniell; Mr. & Mrs. Gary Vallancourt; Raymond R. Bradick, Boyer-Singleton & Assoc.; and W. Riley Allen, Attorney at Law representing numerous families residing around Bear Lake.


40. Copy of The Citizens’ Newsletter received 6/30/98 from Donald F. Fannin re: light rail. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


41. Letter (with attachment) dated 6/29/98 from Patricia Merritt Whatley, Tajiri Arts, to Chairman Morris re: Community Services Block Grant Application. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Shelia Beal)


42. Letter dated 6/30/98 from Merle E. Parker, Ph.D., to BCC re: road-grading problems. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, County Attorney, Roads)


43. Letter (with attachment) dated 6/26/98 from Stephen M. Steck, WMFE Channel 24 and 90.7 FM, to Chairman Morris re: 1998 issue of CommuniLink.


44. Copy of Petition of Motion for Continuance dated 6/29/98 from 17 property owners in opposition to proposed rezone on Church St. (cc: BCC)


45. Letters to Chairman Morris in support of the Ritz Community Theatre restoration project from: Donna L. McIntosh, Stenstrom McIntosh Colbert Whigham & Simmons; Mack N. Cleveland Jr., Attorney at Law; and Susan Marcus Owens.


46. Copy of letter dated 6/29/98 from Jim Berko, Seminole Community Mental Health Center, to David Medley, Community Assistance Manager, re: community service agency proposals.


47. Memo (with attachment) dated 7/2/98 from Henry Brown, Assistant County Attorney, to Maureen Landgraf, Engineering, re: Seminole County v. Sanford Court Investors Ltd. Litigation support services.


48. Notes (no quorum present) from 6/30/98 meeting of the Seminole Soil & Water Conservation District.


49. Copy of letter (with attachment) dated 7/2/98 from Chairman Morris to Paula Hemmerly re: Alaqua Lakes PUD.


50. Letters to BCC in opposition to proposed development at Astor Farms from: Leslie Height; and Cheryl McPherron. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Current Planning, and Comprehensive Planning)


51. Memo (with attachment) from Greg Hass, Assistant County Attorney, to Chairman Morris re: proposed Time Warner agreement.


52. Copy of letter dated 7/1/98 from Chairman Morris to Jack Wert, Tourism Development Director, re: Seminole County Conference Center project.


53. Letter (with attachment) dated 7/1/98 from Fran P. Mainella, FL DEP, to Chairman Morris re: FL Boating Improvement Program. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Finance to receive check for $80,635.44)


54. Notice of 7/6/98 Oviedo City Council meeting and agenda. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


55. Fax dated 7/2/98 from Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Director, to BCC re: curtailment of health services at Casselberry clinic. (BCC, CM, DCM)


56. Copy of letter dated 6/24/98 from Tony O’Neill, Economic Development Executive, County Wicklow, Ireland to Bob Turk, Economic Development Manager, in appreciation of the 200th anniversary commemorative gift from Seminole County to County Wicklow.


57. Fax dated 7/6/98 from Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Director, to BCC re: failure of LYNX to provide transportation to the Central FL Family Health Center. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


58. Parks/Recreation Contracts for Services, as shown on page _________, for Dawn A. Rowland; Douglas Galullo; Kathryn E. Burke; Kristy Hammond; and Kenneth Rowland.


59. Letter dated 7/7/98 from Gerald & Nan Hill to Chairman Morris in support for Decency Ordinance.


60. Notice of 6/29/98 Stormwater Working Group Meeting and agenda.


61. Minutes of the 6/25/98 Friends of Lake Jesup Restoration & Basin Management Team (Friends) meeting.


62. Notice of 7/23/98 N. Tanner Rd., Orlando road improvements community meeting. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Jerry McCollum)


63. Letter (with attachment) dated 7/6/98 from Michael Williamson to BCC re: County Commission liaison to Sheriff’s Office. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Sheriff Eslinger)


64. Copy of letter received 7/8/98 from Natalie Kadish to Tom Feeney, FL Representative, re: difficulties in securing a teaching position. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, School Board)


65. Letter dated 7/6/98 from Larry M. Langford to Chairman Morris re: watercraft on the Econ River. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, County Attorney)


66. Copy of The Citizens’ Newsletter received 7/8/98 from Donald F. Fannin re: light rail.


67. Letters to Chairman Morris in opposition to removal of speed humps from Holliday Ave. from: Nancy & Jim Dunn; Marylin & Don Chion; Anna Knapp; Bernice Macevich; W.L. & Thelma Broadaway; Sheldon & Louise Cohan; Raymond & Michelle Krogman; David Larson; Bruce Bower; Patrick Knight; Virginia Smith; Ken Niederriter; Paul & Sue Larson; Erma B. Strasburg; John J. Knapp; Thomas & Shirley Easton; Brad Gerhardt; Brian S. Allen, MD; Brian Rogers; Stephanie Rogers; and Mark Selis. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM, Traffic Engineering)


68. Memo (with attachment) dated 7/7/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to BCC re: House of Babes/Risky Business.


69. Fax dated 7/9/98 from Donna Whicker to BCC re: lack of firepower for Sheriff’s Office. (cc: CM, DCM)


70. Copy of letter dated 7/7/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to John D. Mahaffey Jr., Esq., re: Holliday Ave. speed humps.


71. Copies of letters dated 7/7/98 from Chairman Morris re: US 17-92 redevelopment to: Bruce A. Pronovost, Mayor of Casselberry; David Mealor, Mayor of Lake Mary; Paul Partyka, Mayor of Winter Springs; and Larry Dale, Mayor of Sanford.


72. Copy of letter dated 7/7/98 from Chairman Morris to Bobby Bodiford re: MSBU program.


73. Memo dated 7/10/98 from Kathy Brown, Senior Planner, to Sandy Wall, Recording Secretary, re: submissions into County records.


74. Letter dated 7/9/98 from Chairman Morris to residents of Holliday Ave. re: speed hump removal.


75. Fax dated 7/3/98 from Kim Bazzle to Firefighters re: their help during the wildfire threat.


76. Letters from Ken Roberts, Public Safety Director, in appreciation of donations to Animal Control Division to: Gohar Uddin; Erla Bergner; Lisa Harrington; Franz Harich; and Allison Toth.


77. Letter from Bob Heideman to BCC in opposition to speed humps.


78. Memo dated 7/8/98 from Lonnie Groot, Deputy County Attorney, to Gary Kaiser, County Manager, re: site visit by FL DCA staff.


79. Copy of letter dated 7/8/98 from Suzy Goldman, Library & Leisure Svs. Director, to Cecil Tucker, Seminole County Historical Society, in appreciation of the Society’s support of the Museum of Seminole County History.


80. Copy of letter dated 6/2/98 from Tony Matthews, Senior Planner, to Tom Grimms, City of Winter Springs, re: proposed joint planning interlocal agreement.


81. Copy of letter (with attachments) dated 7/8/98 from Chairman Morris to Dr. Paul Hagerty, Superintendent of Schools, enclosing letters sent by employees and friends of Delphini Construction re: school reroofing bid.


82. Letter (with attachment) dated 7/1/98 from Jason Weeks, Central FL Sports Authority, to Chairman Morris re: May activities report.


83. Copy of letter (with attachment) dated 7/3/98 from Joe Thomas, M & M Builders Inc., to Facilities Maintenance re: roofing project. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM to review)


84. Notice of 7/15/98 Seminole County Port Authority board meeting and agenda. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


85. Fax dated 7/6/98 from Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Director, to BCC re: curtailment of health services at Casselberry clinic. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


86. Fax dated 7/10/98 from Public Safety Department to Chairman Morris re: presidential major disaster declaration for FEMA assistance in Seminole County following wildfire threats. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)


  1. Fax dated 7/10/98 from Michael C. Moehle re: SJRWMD tentative budget. (cc: BCC, CM, DCM)



Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to authorize a one-time emergency maintenance be performed on a small portion of New Jersey Avenue, per recommendations by the District Team Leader and the District Commissioner.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.


Commissioner Adams reported that he received an official resignation letter from Tony VanDerworp for the Acting Executive Director of the Expressway Authority, and he is recommending Jim Marino as the interim appointment effective July 17.


Commissioner Adams stated he is happy to report that he has received written correspondence with regard to the bridge along the Wekiva River. The DEP, St. Johns River Water Management District, Sanlando Utilities, The Springs Homeowners Association and Seminole Community College have come to the table to get this project completed.


Chairman Morris stated a speed report has been submitted regarding Howell Branch Road and the traffic counts for that road have stayed about the same. He suggested that the Comprehensive Planning and Traffic Engineering Divisions come back to the Board on August 11 with a proposal for a small area study. He stated a study might help in determining whether Howell Branch Road should be widened or not. The Board had no objections.


Chairman Morris announced that there is no evening meeting scheduled for tonight.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m., this same date.


