AUGUST 14, 2012
The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF
SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, August 14, 2012,
in Room 1028 of the SEMINOLE COUNTY
FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.
Brenda Carey (District 5)
Chairman Carlton Henley (District 4)
Bob Dallari (District 1)
John Horan (District 2)
Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)
of Circuit Court Maryanne Morse (late)
Manager James Hartmann
Attorney Bryant Applegate
Clerk Jane Spencer
Pastor Wes Tanksley, Riverwalk Church of God, Sanford, gave the
Commissioner Dallari led the Pledge of Allegiance.
James Hartmann, County Manager, addressed
the Board to advise there is an additional item, Item #26A, Budget Amendment
Request (BAR) in the amount of $1,804,913, that corresponds with Item #29, Award
CC-7968-12, Construction and Modification of Four Communication Towers.
Commissioner Dallari requested that Item #2,
Recommendations for Allocations
for Community Services Partnership Grant funds in the amount of $869,000, be pulled
for a separate discussion.
inquiry by Commissioner Dallari regarding Item #29, CC-7968-12, Construction
and Modification of Four Communication Towers, Tad Stone, Director of Public
Safety, addressed the Board to state they are close to wrapping up the first
phase of the process. Mr. Stone
explained that substantial completion inspections are taking place on the
towers at Geneva and Yankee Lake and described the progress on the Landfill
tower. Mr. Stone stated there is one
generator issue that will be coming back on a separate bid for the prime site,
which is at Five Points; but he advised this should wrap everything up as far
as tower construction, steel in the sky.
inquiry by Chairman Carey regarding Item #17, Certificate of Public Convenience
and Necessity for Falck Southeast, II, Corp., Mr. Stone explained that they
have the transfer agreements and are waiting on the final insurance certificates. Chairman Carey verified with Mr. Stone that
the transfer will not be official until the County receives the insurance
certificates, which also name the County as “additionally insured.”
Item #24, Budget Amendment Request (BAR) for additional funding for the Fire Station
Wind Retrofit Project, Chairman Carey requested clarification and asked whether
the $1,850 is the total amount for all of the fire stations or is it just
referencing Fire Station #35. Ed
Batyton, Fleet and Facilities Manager, addressed the Board to explain that the
$1,850 is for powder coating on the rollup doors. Ray Hooper, Purchasing and Contracts Manager,
addressed the Board to state that the purpose of the BAR was to add $1,850,
which they were shy, to fully encumber the contract. Mr. Stone stated that the money added is just
for Fire Station #35.
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to authorize and approve
the following:
Business Office
1. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Amendment, as shown on page _______,
to Specialized Treatment, Education and Prevention Services, Inc. Agreement for
Seminole County's Adult Drug Court Enhancement and Expansion Grant from the
United States Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration.
Assistance Division
3. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Federally‑Funded Subgrant Agreement,
as shown on page _______, for the 2012‑2013 Community Services Block
Grant Award between the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and
Seminole County in the amount of $171,820.
Development Division
4. Adopt
appropriate Resolution #2012-R-148, as shown on page _______, approving and authorizing
the Director of Community Services to execute regulatory required HOME
Agreements between qualified individuals and Seminole County for approved
rehabilitation or reconstruction of homes using HOME Investment Partnership
Program grant funds.
P.A.Y. Division
5. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Understanding, as shown
on page _______, between Seminole County, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court and
Seminole County Victims' Rights Coalition, Inc. for agencies to work in
collaboration for the Domestic Violence Initiative.
Solid Water
Management Division
6. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity, as shown on page _______, for Orlando Waste Paper Company, Inc.,
effective from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
7. Approve
Renewal of Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement for Commercial Solid Waste
Collection Service with Veolia ES Solid Waste Southeast, Inc., from October 1,
2012 to September 30, 2013.
8. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity, as shown on page _______, for Conex Recycling Corporation, effective
from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
9. Approve
and authorize the Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity, as shown on page _______, for GLE Scrap Metal‑Florida, Inc.,
effective from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
10. Approve Renewal of Non‑Exclusive
Franchise Agreement for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service with WCA of
Florida, LLC, from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
11. Approve Renewal of Non‑Exclusive
Franchise Agreement for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service with Waste
Services of Florida, Inc., from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
12. Approve Renewal of Non‑Exclusive
Franchise Agreement for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service with Waste
Management Inc. of Florida, from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
13. Approve Renewal of Non‑Exclusive
Franchise Agreement for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service with Waste Pro
of Florida, Inc., from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
14. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Seminole County and City of Lake Mary Interlocal
Disaster Debris Site Agreement, as shown on page _______.
15. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as shown
on page _______, for Comfort House, Inc., effective from October 1, 2012
through September 30, 2013.
16. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as shown
on page _______, for SP Recycling Corporation, effective from October 1, 2012
through September 30, 2013.
Public Safety
Business Office
17. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as shown
on page _______, and Assignment of Non‑Exclusive Ambulance Franchise
Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Falck Southeast II, Corp., d/b/a
American Ambulance.
Public Works
18. Approve and authorize the
release of a Right‑of‑Way Utilization Permit Maintenance Letter of
Credit (Number SM223316W) in the amount of $11,697.98 submitted for roadway
improvements to East Airport Boulevard consisting of the construction of a left
and right turn lane and sidewalk in conjunction with the Amberlee Townhomes
19. Approve and authorize the
release of a Right‑of‑Way Utilization Permit Maintenance Letter of
Credit (Number 197) in the amount of $5,040.00 submitted for roadway
improvements to Orange Boulevard consisting of the construction of a left turn
lane and sidewalk in conjunction with the Orange 46 Plaza Project.
20. Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2012-R-149, as shown on page _______, and authorize the Chairman to execute a
County Deed, as shown on page _______, conveying all right, title and interest
in land identified as Parcel Number 174.1R, Parts A, B, C and D, to the Florida
Department of Transportation in conjunction with improvements to State Road 400
(Interstate 4) from the Orange County Line North to Central Florida
Engineering Division
21. Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2012-R-150, as shown on page _______, to decrease the speed limit from 35 mph
to 25 mph on Mikler Road in its entirety from Red Bug Lake Road south 1.2
22. Adopt appropriate Resolution
#2012-R-151, as shown on page _______, to increase the speed limit from 45 mph
to 50 mph on East Lake Mary Boulevard between Red Cleveland Boulevard and State
Road 46 comprising a 3.6-mile length.
23. Authorize Chairman to execute
the Service Provider Identification Number and Contact Information Form (SPIN
Application), as shown on page _______, which would qualify the Seminole County
School Board to apply for federal grants and receive funds for the Fiber use
fees paid to Seminole County.
Budget and
Fiscal Management Division
24. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-152, as shown on page
_______, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12‑096 through the
Fire Fund for additional funding in the amount of $1,850 to support the
installation of Florida Certified Large Missile Impact Hurricane Barriers for
the Fire Station Wind Retrofit Project #01785123 at Fire Station #35.
25. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-153, as shown on page
_______, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12‑099 through the
Community Services Grant Funds in the amount of $106,236 in order to remove
grant funding from the Lake Hodge Outfall project.
26. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the First Amendment, as shown on page _______, to the
Hosted Application Service and License Agreement between Sarasota County,
Florida and Seminole County, Florida, for GovMax, a web‑based software
solution used for budget and fiscal management, changing the support provider
from MethodFactory to Sarasota County, Florida.
26A. Approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2012-R-154, as shown on page
_______, implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #12-102 in the amount of
$1,804,912 through the General Fund and Infrastructure Improvement/Capital
Projects Fund to increase appropriations for the Communication Tower
Replacement Project (00249201).
Purchasing &
Contracts Division
27. Award IFB‑601448‑12/TLR,
Term Contract, as shown on page _______, for Solid Waste and Recycling Services
for County Facilities, to WCA of Florida, LLC, Gainesville; and authorize the
Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
28. Award RFP‑7687‑12/AMM,
Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Fire Station Wind Retrofits Phase II, in
the amount of $221,711.00 to Atlantic Coast Hurricane Shutters, Inc. of Port
Orange, Florida; and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to
execute the Agreement.
29. Award CC‑7968‑12/RTB,
Agreement, as shown on page _______, for Construction and Modification of Four
(4) Seminole County Communication Towers in the amount of $2,086,907.08 to
Tower Systems South, Inc., of Winter Park; and authorize the Purchasing &
Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Discussion ensued with regard to
Item #2, Recommendations for Allocations for Community Services Partnership
Grant Funds in the amount of $869,000.
Clerk of Court Maryanne Morse
entered the meeting at this time.
Commissioner Dallari asked Valmarie
Turner to confirm that in regard to the Tier I funding requests, the minimum
amount that they are able to provide is $50,000. Valmarie Turner, Director of Community
Services, addressed the Board to state that is correct. Ms. Turner confirmed that she would have
given a little less than $50,000; but since that was the minimum per the
County’s policy, that is what she was giving some of them.
Commissioner Dallari confirmed with
Ms. Turner that one or two did not get funded; and one in particular, Recovery
House, did not get funded because some of the paperwork did not get submitted
in time. Commissioner Dallari requested
that the Board allow staff to go back through the agencies to make adjustments,
up or down, and try to fund the two that the County was unable to fund.
Ms. Turner stated that Habitat for
Humanity will be funded from a grant.
She stated there is only one agency, Recovery House, they did not fund. Commissioner Dallari stated since the policy
says the minimum amount the County can give each group is $50,000, he would
like to amend that and allow staff to go back through the numbers to see if
they can “work their magic.” Commissioner
Van Der Weide agreed.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Horan,
Ms. Turner stated their current year’s budget is $682,000, which is how they
budgeted the allocations. She stated
they are asking the Board to not only approve the recommendations but the
budget as well. They originally received
$682,000 last year, which is what they budgeted; but in order to fund Tier II,
they are asking for a budget of $869,000.
Commissioner Horan confirmed with
Ms. Turner that the allocations are based upon a policy that the Board approved
back in 2007, which is attached to the agenda item. He stated that he agrees with Commissioner
Dallari regarding Recovery House.
Commissioner Horan encouraged the Board to look at the attached policy
to see if it makes sense in today’s environment. Chairman Carey agreed that they should probably
look at all policies that are more than four or five years old.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey as
to whether or not they could fund Recovery House’s request in a way similar to what
they are doing with Habitat for Humanity’s request, not taking it from the CSA
partnership grants, Ms. Turner responded they could not at this time. Chairman Carey suggested that it might be
appropriate if Ms. Turner could come back with a recommendation specifically
for Recovery House at the next BCC meeting.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Henley, Ms. Turner stated Recovery House
did submit their documentation, but it was after the fact.
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve staff
recommended allocations for Community Services Partnership Grant funds in the
amount of $869,000 FY 2012‑2013 to the following agencies: Meals on Wheels, Intervention Services,
Seminole Coalition for School Readiness, Kids House of Seminole, Safehouse
Shelter, Boystown, Catholic Charities, Christian Sharing Center, Salvation
Army, Seniors First, Foundation of Seminole County Public Schools, Lighthouse
Central Florida, Jewish Family Services, Harvest Time International, Heart of
Florida United Way, The Grove, Safehouse YANA Project, Boys & Girls Club,
and Special Olympics; and that the Recovery House’s request be brought back as
a separate item on August 28.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Henley, to approve and authorize
the following:
30. Approve a proposed Settlement
Agreement, as shown on page _______, with the property owners, Lutheran Haven,
Inc., as to Parcel Numbers 104, 106, 107 and 145/145A/745 and Lutheran Haven
Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility, LLC as to Parcel Numbers 146/746 on
the Chapman Road project for $2,183,404.28 full compensation, jointly and
severally, of all claims including value of land and improvements taken,
severance damages, business damages and other damages, statutory interest,
statutory attorney fees, expert's fees and cost reimbursements; authorize the
Chairman to execute a Traffic Signal Installation Agreement, as shown on page
_______, and a Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement, as shown on page _______,
between Lutheran Haven, Inc. and Seminole County; and authorize the Chairman to
execute two Drainage Easements, as shown on page _______, (Lutheran Haven,
Inc., and Lutheran Haven Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility, LLC) and
two Utility Easements, as shown on page _______, (Lutheran Haven, Inc.).
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Henley,
seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve and authorize the following:
31. Approve Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page
_______, dated July 9 and 16, 2012; and Payroll Approval Lists, as shown on
page _______, dated July 5 and 19, 2012; authorization to destroy records as
identified on the BCC Destruction List; and execution by all Commissioners of
the 2011 Property Tax Roll Final Report, as shown on page _______, identifying
errors, insolvencies, double-assessments and discounts.
32. Approve
expending $2,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide for a
contribution to Women of Renewing Minds.
33. Approve
expending $2,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide a contribution
to the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools in support of a bullying-prevention
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 voted AYE.
The Board noted, for
information only, the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:
1. Closeout,
as shown on page _______, to Work Order #45 to CC-2184-07.
2. Amendment
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #2 to M-5004-09.
3. Amendment
#3, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #2 to RFP-6174-10.
4. Amendment
#2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #15 to M-5004-09.
5. First
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to IFB-601251-11.
6. Assignment,
as shown on page _______, of RFP-600650-09 to Vector Disease Control
International, LLC.
7. First
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-600650-09.
8. Second
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to IFB-600537-08.
9. Change
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to CC-7126-11.
10. Work
Order #75, as shown on page _______, to CC-1284-06.
11. Work
Order #10, as shown on page _______, to PS-2051-07.
12. Work
Order #32, as shown on page _______, to PS-3914-08.
13. Amendment
#2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #68 to RFP-4214-04.
14. Work
Order #106, as shown on page _______, to PS-1074-06.
15. Change
Order #4, as shown on page _______, to CC-6460-11.
16. Fourth
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to IFB-600319-08.
17. Work
Order #40, as shown on page _______, to RFP-5465-10.
18. Amendment
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #88 to PS-1529-06.
19. Work
Order #24, as shown on page _______, to PS-2564-07.
20. Change
Order #3, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #25 to CC-2183-07.
21. Closeout,
as shown on page _______, of Work Order #20 to CC-2183-07.
22. First
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to IFB-601135-11.
23. Amendment
#2, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #68 to PS-1529-06.
24. Work
Orders #41 and #42, as shown on page _______, to RFP-5465-10.
25. Work
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to RFP-CS02-12.
26. Work
Order #95, as shown on page _______, to PS-5120-02.
27. Work
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to RFP-7423-12.
28. Work
Order #26, as shown on page _______, to PS-2249-07.
29. Closeout,
as shown on page _______, to Work Order #70 to CC-1284-06.
30. Fourth
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to RFP-600933-10.
31. Amendment
#1, as shown on page _______, to Work Order #13 to PS-5438-10.
32. Work
Order #2, as shown on page _______, to RFP-7423-12.
33. Work
Order #1, as shown on page _______, to RFP-CS01-12.
34. Letter
from Seminole County Public Schools to Brenda Carey, Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners, and Maryanne Morse, Clerk to the Board of County
Commissioners, enclosing School Board Resolution 2012-06 requesting millage
referendum be placed on the November 6, 2012 ballot.
35. County
Attorney’s Office Intraoffice Memorandum dated July 21, 2011 regarding Seminole
County School Board meeting and proposed election issues.
36. Board
of Adjustment Development Orders, as shown on page _______, as follows: #12-30000029, Todd and Lisa Norman;
#12-32000008, Suncor Properties, Inc.; and #12-0000027, Raymond and Michelle
37. Development
Order, as shown on page _______, #12-30000046, Theresa Walburger,
Administrative variance.
38. Seminole
County Certificate of Costs of Abatement, as shown on page _______, #12-08900003,
for Bradley D. and Angela R. Smith, 247 Churchill Drive.
39. First
Amendment, as shown on page _______, to Legal Services Consultant Agreement for
Allied Veterans of the World, Inc. v. Seminole County, Florida, The
Skambis Law Firm.
40. Cash
Maintenance Bond, as shown on page _______, for Water and Sewer for the project
known as Colonial Grand @ Lake Mary Phase 1 in the amount of $4,955.
41. Parks
Contract for Services, as shown on page _______, for the following: Donald Childs, Tammy Childs, Karen Fay,
William Kelly, Malcolm McGregor, Mary Jane McGregor, and Dale Moore.
42. Resolution
2012-R-115, as shown on page _______, appointing Harley Parkhurst to the Code
Enforcement Board as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 8,
43. Conditional
Utility Agreements, as shown on page _______, for Water and Sewer Service
between Seminole County and Heathrow Master Association for the project known
as Heathrow Management Facility.
44. Bids for RFP-7687-12.
John Krug, Director of Economic Development,
addressed the Board to introduce John Little, Little John Engineering, who is
representing the City of Oviedo. He
introduced Rick Weddle, Metro Orlando EDC, and two of his team members, Tracy
Turk and Nate Groover.
Bill McDermott, Economic Development, addressed the
Board to present a request to approve Design Interactive, Inc. as a Qualified
Target Industry Business; approve appropriation of $12,000 as local
participation in the Qualified Target Industry tax refund program; and approve
an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Oviedo. Mr. McDermott introduced John Stanney, the
Senior Vice President of Finance and Human Resources of Design Interactive,
Inc. He explained the company is creating
12 new jobs with an average wage of $75,992.
The City of Oviedo approved this at their August 6 meeting.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to adopt appropriate
Resolution #2012-R-155, as shown on page _______, recommending Design
Interactive, Inc. be approved as a Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Business; approve
an appropriation in the amount of $12,000 as local participation in the QTI tax
refund program; and authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement,
as shown on page _______, with the City of Oviedo.
Under discussion, Commissioner Henley stated that
the Board, in the past, has asked that the length of time for return on
investment be included in the agenda memorandum. He stated the Board has also asked for a running
balance in the Economic Development account as items are approved. He stated that information should be in all
QTI’s coming forward.
Mr. McDermott agreed to provide that
information. He also agreed to provide
quarterly reports updating the status of projects that have been approved
starting in September.
Chairman Carey advised Mr. Krug that going forward,
his agenda items need to include the Return on Investment document.
Commissioner Horan explained that on this item, the
conditions of the award are the creation of 12 new jobs in one year and a
capital investment of $30,335; and yet the incentive will paid over a four-year
period. He stated to him, it seems there
are adequate safeguards in effect.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Bill McDermott, Economic Development, presented
a request to approve ProActive Training Technologies FL, LLC, as a Qualified
Target Industry Business and approve an appropriation of $36,800 as local
participation in the Qualified Target Industry tax refund program. Mr. McDermott introduced Robert Acevedo, the
president of ProActive Training Technologies.
He stated that ProActive Technologies will create 46 new jobs with an
average annual wage of $64,565.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to adopt appropriate Resolution
#2012-R-156, as shown on page _______, recommending ProActive Training
Technologies FL, LLC, be approved as a Qualified Target Industry Business; and
approve an appropriation of $36,800 as local participation in the Qualified
Target Industry tax refund program.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Bill McDermott, Economic Development, introduced
Grant Garris, Director of Client Services for Paylocity. Mr. McDermott presented a request to approve
a Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) Funding Agreement with Paylocity Corporation;
approve an appropriation of $166,000 as the JGI grant incentive funds; and
approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Lake Mary. Lake Mary will be approving the agreement
this week. He stated that Paylocity will
create 83 new jobs with an average annual salary of $39,000.
Chairman Carey confirmed with Mr. McDermott
that the Board’s approval will be subject to Lake Mary’s approval.
Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari, to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Funding
Agreement, as shown on page _______, with Paylocity Corporation; approve an
appropriation of $166,000 as the JGI incentive; and approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement, as shown on page _______, with
the City of Lake Mary, contingent upon the City of Lake Mary’s approval.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Liz Parkhurst, Economic and Community
Development Services, addressed the Board to present an appeal of Deputy County
Manager’s denial to hear the Request for Reduction of the Code Enforcement
Board lien, from $132,000 to $1,683.21, for Case #09‑163‑CEB on the
property located at 2428 Fawn Run, Oviedo.
Ms. Parkhurst gave a brief history of the case. She explained that the property was sold on
February 1, 2011; and after taking ownership of the property, the new owner, Robert
Shorr, took 164 days to bring the violation into compliance. Ms. Parkhurst further explained that there
were administrative delays associated with the issuance of the building permit
to correct the violation relating to the septic tank permit. Staff recommends that the Board reduce the
lien from $132,000 to the administrative costs of $1,683.21 and requests that
the staff report be made a part of the record.
Commissioner Dallari stated this property had severe
issues with Code Enforcement; and once it was taken over by the present
property owner, they did work quickly and effectively. He explained the issues the property owner
had with trying to obtain permits and stated he believes it is prudent to
reduce the lien to the administrative costs.
Chairman Carey discussed her conversation with Mr.
Shorr in January of 2011 when she told him if you buy a property knowing there
is a lien, you are going in with your eyes wide open. She asked if there is a timeline as to what
the delays were. Commissioner Dallari discussed
a document (received and filed) which outlines the timeline for bringing the
property into compliance.
With regard to the property, Commissioner Horan
compared what was present and what was built and stated he believes this is a
wonderful investment in the tax base. He
stated he believes this would be a good expression of public policy to waive
the lien in this particular situation because the County will derive a lot of
benefit from what Mr. Shorr did to improve the property.
Chairman Carey stated the reason she wanted a public
discussion about this was because she does not want anyone to start to think
that every time something comes before the Board, the lien will be waived. She stated this property is a wonderful
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to approve a reduction
to the Code Enforcement Board lien, from $132,000 to the administrative costs
of $1,683.21, for Case #09‑163‑CEB on the property located at 2428
Fawn Run, Oviedo, Ian R. Waxler (previous owner), Robert D. Shorr (current owner);
require this reduced amount to be paid within 60 days or the lien will revert
to its original total amount of $132,000; and authorize the Chairman to execute
the Satisfaction of Lien upon payment in full.
Commissioner Henley confirmed with Ms. Parkhurst
that there were no delinquent taxes on the property.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
County Manager Jim Hartmann requested
confirmation from the Board for the appointment of Anthony Qualls as Chief
Information Officer. He briefly
described Mr. Qualls’ work history.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Mr. Hartmann
stated he will be looking at outsourcing during the course of the next year for
whatever opportunities make sense, which will be brought back to the Board, and
that Mr. Qualls' appointment will not preclude that.
Commissioner Henley stated that even if they
outsource, the County will need someone on staff to work with them.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Horan, to confirm the
appointment of Anthony Qualls, as the Chief Information Officer, Information
Services Department.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner Horan, Mr. Hartmann
described how Mr. Qualls’ position will report directly to him and will also
bring back some of the centralization of how the County makes I.T. decisions.
Mr. Hartmann requested the Board's
agreement to allow him to teach the Masters of Public Administration Capstone
course at UCF in the fall.
by Commissioner Henley, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve the
County Manager's request to teach the Masters of Public Administration Capstone
course at UCF in the fall.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
County Attorney Bryant Applegate advised
that Assistant County Attorney Susan Dietrich will be leaving the County
Attorney's Office to take a position as in-house counsel to the Clerk of Court. He stated for the time being, he will be
taking over the legislation responsibilities that Ms. Dietrich had been
Mr. Applegate stated he hopes to have a
recommendation for where, on advice of counsel, the Board should proceed on the
Medicaid issue. He stated the number has
changed again and has gone down more.
There is considerable debate going on among the agency, the state, the
lawyers and the Florida Association of Counties (FAC). Everything is in a state of flux. Chairman Carey stated the County started at
an estimate of over $3 million and it is down to approximately $940,000.
With regard to legislative changes, Mr. Applegate
advised he will be the one tracking the changes in the legal department. Chairman Carey stated before they get into
the upcoming legislative session, they will need to assign someone to assist him
to make sure they are able to track the changes. Mr. Hartmann stated that Lisa Spriggs,
Director of the Resource Management Department, has some good thoughts about
having Kathy Moore serve in the role as well as being the MSBU coordinator.
Commissioner Dallari stated they need to be tracking
the federal issues as well.
Mr. Applegate stated that Lynn Porter-Carlton,
Deputy County Attorney, has done an incredible job dealing with the Medicaid
Commissioner Henley asked if the Board plans to have
any workshops on the amendments that are coming up in November that deal with
reduction in revenue to local governments.
He stated he believes they need to be well briefed and at the same time
help to educate the public since these things are going to have a significant
Mr. Applegate stated he met with the Property
Appraiser last week and David Johnson will be making a presentation on the key
amendments at his presentation on the budget process. Included in that will be the submission of
two reports on the possible foreseeable impact the proposed budget amendments
will have.
Chairman Carey stated it would also be helpful to
have a presentation from Mr. Johnson and a team of people prior to their next
board meeting and maybe do a series or something like that so they can make
sure that they understand before they get finished with the budget workshop.
Commissioner Dallari stated when they met with FAC a
couple weeks ago, they asked Lisa Spriggs to bring back the implication it
would have on the County's budget as well.
Mr. Applegate stated he will ask Mr. Johnson to
provide a report on the constitutional amendments.
Chairman Carey confirmed with Mr. Hartmann that at
the first budget workshop on August 16, both Mr. Johnson and Ms. Spriggs will
have the information for the Board; and then possibly make a more formal
presentation at the next board meeting.
Chairman Carey reminded everyone that there is a
work session immediately following to discuss the Sports Complex and the
Trailhead near the Central Florida Zoo.
Chairman Carey recessed the meeting at
10:20 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m., with all Commissioners and all other
Officials (with Commissioner Van Der Weide and Clerk of Circuit Court Maryanne
Morse being absent) with the exception of Deputy Clerk Jane Spencer, who was replaced
by Deputy Clerk Terri Porter and Deputy Clerk Eva Roach, who were present at
the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Henley, seconded
by Commissioner Horan to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for
this meeting's scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of an Amended Consolidated Street Lighting District (CSLD)
Ordinance, repealing and replacing Ordinance #2011-22, received and filed.
Moore, MSBU Program Manager, addressed the Board to state that in Seminole
County, street lighting is funded publicly through non-ad valorem assessments
or privately by individuals, associations or other organizations. The revisions proposed to the Ordinance
include two new Municipal Services Benefit Units (MSBU) that were established
by application petition requests and three administrative assessment boundary
adjustments recommended to approve the assessment allocation. Staff requests adoption of the revised
Ordinance. If approved, the Ordinance
will be effective October 1, 2012.
Collins-Branch, 515 San Lanta Circle, addressed the Board to state she feels
she should not have to pay for the street lighting in Midway because there is
no house on her property. She stated the
property is owned by her mother but she pays the assessment.
Chairman Carey’s request, Ms. Moore explained that the Midway Street Lighting
MSBU has been in place for more than 12 years and is an annual assessment to
all properties in the Midway vicinity.
The assessment is charged to all properties whether they have a dwelling,
whether the dwelling is occupied or whether there are vacant lots. She confirmed that street lighting was voted
on by the property owners prior to its installation.
Inez Howell,
2220 Jitway Avenue, addressed the Board to state she has property in Midway
with no dwelling and doesn’t believe she should have to pay the assessment for
the lighting.
Carey explained that the lighting is there because the Midway community voted
for it. The County advanced the money to
the community who agreed to pay it back over a period of time.
Ms. Branch
stated that they pay taxes on the property, but she does not believe they
should have to pay for the street lighting.
No one
else spoke in support or opposition.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Moore stated the average assessment for
street lighting is approximately $20.00 to $25.00 per year. She also stated that street lighting provides
security and safety to the general area.
inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Ms. Moore stated the street lighting MSBU
process begins with an application from a property owner or group of property
owners. After the application is
reviewed, staff consults with the power company to determine what the cost to
install the lights will be and what the annual operating cost for the equipment
will be. Petitions are sent to the
property owners seeking feedback whether they are in support or opposed to
creating the MSBU. The County requires
that at least 55% of the property owners provide written confirmation of their
Chairman Carey stated there are 972
lots that pay for all the lighting in Midway.
No one
else spoke in support or opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to adopt the Amended Consolidated Street
Lighting District Ordinance #2012-17, as shown on page ______, repealing and
replacing Ordinance #2011-22, as described in the proof of publication.
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider approval of a Resolution to adopt the 2012 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment
Roll for Unincorporated Seminole County with certification provided to the
Seminole County Tax Collector, received and filed.
Kathy Moore,
MSBU Program Manager, stated that in Seminole County, a variety of essential
public services are offered on the basis of non-ad valorem assessment
funding. Services include street
lighting, residential solid waste management, aquatic weed control, lake
restoration and essential construction improvements such as road paving, water
and sewer line extension and neighborhood wall reconstruction. Typically, the services are provided in
response to the request of property owners.
The cost associated with providing the services is funded by special
assessment levied against the property benefitting from the services. The MSBU’s for which the 2012 assessments are
levied were established previously by ordinance adopted at various public
hearings. With the exception of the
street lighting MSBU’s created today, the assessment rates were authorized by
the Board by resolution on May 22, 2012.
In response to the notice mailing, approximately 200 solid waste service
option changes have been requested and processed. The MSBU Program will continue to accept
service option changes until September 1, 2012.
The final roll will be submitted to the Tax Collector in September for
collection via the 2012 Property Tax bill.
Staff requests that the Board adopt and provide certification of the
2012 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Henley,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to adopt Resolution #2012-R-157, as shown on
page ______, approving the 2012 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for
Unincorporated Seminole County with certification provided to the Seminole
County Tax Collector, as described in the proof of publication.
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider approval of the proposed budget for FY 2012-2013 for the Seminole
County Port Authority (SCOPA), received and filed.
Andrew Van
Gaale, Port Authority Administrator, addressed the Board to state that in the
current year, their operational revenue projections plan to be about $1.7
million with their operational expenses at about $1 million. By the end of 2012, the operational profit
margin is 39% or about $660,000 profit for the Port Authority. In October, the Port Authority will present
the County with a check for $450,000 out of the operational profit. Mr. Van Gaale presented the figures for next
year’s budget approved by the Port Authority in May 2012 as shown in the agenda
memorandum. They have had 100% occupancy
in the past, but given the economy and the industrial market, they are hanging
in there at about 85%. They are still
debt free. Their major expenses go
toward maintenance and repair of assets.
In 2013, they will most likely do some major repair and demolition of a
fuel farm they have had for about 30 years and prepare it for future
development. Mr. Van Gaale requested
that the Board approve the FY 2012-2013 Operational and Total Cash Budget for
the Seminole County Port Authority.
Carey stated that 85% occupancy in these economic times is something to be
proud of.
Commissioner Henley said he
appreciates all the Port Authority has contributed and stated they have been
doing a good job. He stated the
contributions have gone down significantly but they are still asking the Board
to spend the same amount. Mr. Van Gaale
responded that he had spoken to Commissioner Dallari about this. On the fuel farm site, they have five large
350,000-gallon fuel tanks that have been decommissioned for about 12 years; and
they are preparing to go out to bid to clean up the site. Therefore, they are keeping a cushion in the
bank to pay for that.
Commissioner Henley briefly
discussed with Mr. Van Gaale the 3% increase for staff.
Commissioner Horan stated that
SCOPA has an Advisory Board; and a member of that Board, who is a corporate
lawyer, informed him that SCOPA runs a tight ship. Commissioner Horan also stated he is
impressed with the operations and particularly the occupancy rate. He stated that hopefully the operation will
continue to be a return on investment to the County from its original
investment many years ago and thanked him for a good job.
No one
spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by
Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the Seminole
County Port Authority Budget for FY 2012-2013, as described in the proof of
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
AND REZONE/Bryan Potts
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider approval of the Donnie Myers RV PCD Major Amendment including the
Second Amended and Restated Development Order, and an Ordinance adopting a
rezone from Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Agriculture (A-1) and
Commercial Retail (C-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD), for 11.18
acres located on the southwest corner of Orange Boulevard and Monroe Road,
Bryan Potts, received and filed.
Walker, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board to present the
request. The existing PCD and
Development Order were adopted on April 12, 2011. He reviewed what the proposed amendment will
accomplish and stated it will also incorporate a master signage plan that
includes a proposed 70-foot sign with a Cinevision Video Display. If the amendment is approved, the applicant
will need to seek a variance from the Board of Adjustment in order to get the
sign to 70 feet. On August 1, 2012, the
Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the
Donnie Myers RV PCD Major Amendment.
Staff also recommends approval of the request.
No one else
spoke in support or in opposition.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey,
applicant Bobby Von Herbulis addressed the Board to explain why the 70-foot
sign is critical to his operation notifying the traveling public. The Interstate bridge is elevated at such a
height over the site that the center of I-4 is 22 feet above their ground
level. They are allowed 15 feet above
the center of the road, which would give the sign a 37-foot elevation. The road continues to increase in height
going to the north somewhere between 12 and 15 feet higher. They need a sign large and high enough so
travelers can see it and exit the Interstate at Exit #104 before the next exit
at SR 46, where they would need to maneuver a large RV through Seminole Towne
Center Mall traffic.
Commissioner Carey recommended approval.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to approve the Donnie Myers RV PCD Major
Amendment including the Second Amended and Restated Development Order, as shown
on page ______; and adopt Ordinance #2012-18, as shown on page ______, approving
the rezone from Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Agriculture (A-1) and
Commercial Retail (C-2) to Planned Commercial Development (PCD), for 11.18
acres located on the southwest corner of Orange Boulevard and Monroe Road, as
described in the proof of publication, Bryan Potts.
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
USE AMENDMENT/Bobby Von Herbulis
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of an Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use
Amendment from PUB (Public, Quasi Public) to IND (Industrial), for 1.6 acres
located on the north side of Orange Boulevard, approximately ¼ mile west of
Monroe Road, more particularly known as 4300 Orange Boulevard, Bobby Von
Herbulis, received and filed.
Williams, Planning and Development Division, addressed the Board to present the
item as outlined in the agenda memorandum.
On August 1, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously
to recommend approval of the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request.
Carey stated the property is adjacent to the Port of Sanford and it was given
the Public, Quasi Public jurisdiction in anticipation that the Port would
someday buy it and they never did.
No one
spoke in support or opposition.
Commissioner Carey recommended approval.
Motion by Commissioner Horan, seconded
by Commissioner Dallari to adopt Ordinance #2012-19, as shown on page ______,
enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Amendment from Public, Quasi Public
(PUB) to Industrial (IND), for 1.6 acres located on the north side of Orange
Boulevard approximately ¼ mile west of Monroe Road, more particularly known as
4300 Orange Boulevard, as described in the proof of publication, Bobby Von
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Proof of
publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of an Ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the Land Development
Code to establish zoning regulations regarding Pain Management Clinics,
received and filed.
Guillet, Economic and Community Development Services Director, addressed the
Board to state that this item is one of two ordinances they will be bringing to
the Board for their consideration to regulate pain management clinics within
the County. On January 11, 2011, the
Board adopted a temporary moratorium on the issuance of business tax receipts
for pain management clinics in the County, with the current extension set to
expire on October 1, 2012. The Ordinance
proposed today deals with zoning and the second will deal with the licensing of
pain management clinics. Ms. Guillet
explained the zoning regulations as well as the parking and hours-of-operation
regulations as outlined in the agenda memorandum. This Ordinance will only apply in
unincorporated Seminole County, but regarding the licensing ordinance, they are
proposing, to the degree it does not conflict with any local ordinance, that it
also apply within municipalities; and will go into effect October 1, 2012. Ms. Guillet explained why two public hearings
are required. Therefore, staff
recommends the Board accept public comment on this Ordinance and authorize a
second Public Hearing to consider its adoption.
inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Ms. Guillet stated that the main thrust of
House Bill (HB) 7095 prohibited doctors from dispensing Schedule II and
Schedule III (opioid or opiate analgesic drugs) and placed some restrictions on
pharmacies and how those drugs are dispensed.
Richard Griffin, Sheriff’s Office Pharmaceutical Diversion Unit, addressed the
Board to state that aside from what was already mentioned, there were a number
of regulatory items included in HB 7095.
Some of these items include the restriction of cash payments, the layout
of the office, a requirement that a physician actually perform a physical
examination on a patient every 90 days, and several other regulatory items
designed to make it more restrictive and more difficult to operate outside the
parameters of State Statute.
inquiry by Commissioner Horan, Ms. Guillet discussed the revisions (received
and filed) that were distributed yesterday.
She stated that this Ordinance establishes a local definition for pain
management clinics which is broader and captures more businesses than the State
definition. The State definition is
basically that 50% of the pain management patients are prescribed pain
management drugs. Under the proposed
County Ordinance, the definition is the clinic or doctor’s office that writes
on average 20 prescriptions a day over a 30-day period of what is defined as
dangerous drugs, which are the Schedule II and III drugs, or those written in
combination with Schedule IV drugs. Staff revised the section in the Ordinance
that talks about non-conformities. Any
business defined as a pain management clinic that was operating legally on the
effective date of the Ordinance would be considered a legal non-conforming use
with regard to the C-3 zoning requirement, the separation and parking
requirements. The other requirements
included would apply even to those businesses that were operating legally prior
to the enactment of this Ordinance.
Horan stated that the definition of pain management clinics in this Ordinance
is defined according to the County’s definition and not the State’s
definition. He questioned whether they
should be concerned about any challenge to that.
Bryant Applegate, County Attorney,
stated he believes that under the Charter, the County has the authority;
however, he cannot guarantee there will be no challenges, but if there are,
they will have a good argument.
Upon inquiry by Chairman Carey, Ms.
Guillet stated the pain management clinics and true urgent care-type facilities
are differentiated by the 20-prescriptions-a-day clause.
After inquiry by Chairman Carey,
April Kirsheman, Sheriff’s Office, addressed the Board to state that exceptions
taken out of the definition of pain management clinics included licensed
hospitals or other licensed facilities or facilities owned or operated by
After further inquiry by Chairman
Carey, Ms. Kirsheman stated that if the business is not providing surgical or
oncology procedures, to exclude themselves from the definition of a pain
management clinic, they must not prescribe more than half of the amount of
patients with Schedule II and III drugs, or those drugs written in combination
with Schedule IV. Chairman Carey confirmed
that if a business is identified as an urgent care center, they will still be
able to locate in the zoning classifications that they can now.
Ms. Guillet noted for the record
that they consulted with a representative from the medical community, a medical
doctor that deals with emergency medicine, to ensure they were not stretching
too far with their definition; and the conclusion was that the amount of
prescriptions that they are talking about, 20 on average a day, an urgent care
or a general practitioner would not get caught in that. In fact, they thought it was maybe almost a
generous number.
Commissioner Horan commended the
County Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office for a job well done.
No one spoke in support or
Motion by Commissioner Dallari,
seconded by Commissioner Horan to authorize scheduling the second Public
Hearing on the Ordinance amending Chapter 30 of the Land Development Code to
establish zoning regulations regarding Pain Management Clinics on August 28,
2012 at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, consistent with Section
125.66(4)(b), Florida Statutes, as described in the proof of publication.
discussion, Commissioner Horan stated that the reason there is so much focus on
this issue is that they are still losing seven to nine people a day in the
State of Florida who are dying due to overdosing on these drugs.
1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Carey shared with the Board a letter she received from Kevin Spolski, a
landowner abutting Lake Duchess. He had
requested a scheduling of the maintenance of the lake property out of sequence
for his sister’s wedding event. He sent
the letter to recognize Bob Walter, the supervisor in the Engineering
Department, and stated that the landscape maintenance services team did an
excellent job in performing their duties and wanted to give kudos to the
maintenance team.
Carey stated she received a request for a letter of support from Intervention
Services. They are applying for a grant
to make interior improvements and general maintenance for the Seminole County
property known as the Children’s Village in Winter Park. Intervention Services is the housing for
their youth that are aging out, who would typically be turned out onto the
street; but as long as they are in their programs and they are in school, they
will be able to continue to stay there.
There is no cost to the County for this.
They are looking for a letter signed by the Chairman on behalf of the
Board of County Commissioners. She
stated that if no Board member objects, she will provide this so they can
include it with their grant application.
No objections were voiced.
Carey stated they had the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) “All About
Florida” tour update. She notified the
Board of changes that have happened since then including that the current
president has taken an early retirement and the new FAC president will be
Commissioner Bryan Desloge. She believes
they are planning to make that official at the work session they plan to have
on legislative issues some time later this month.
Carey stated there was a conference call yesterday regarding Medicaid. She was unable to participate; however, Mr.
Applegate and his team attended the call to represent the County Commission as
well as the follow-up call immediately after for all the attorneys. Mr. Applegate will make a recommendation on
Medicaid during the August 28 BCC meeting, which is a result of some of the
discussions that are going on with the Florida Association of Counties.
Carey reminded everyone about the Budget Work Session on Thursday, August 16,
at 9:00 a.m. and on the following Tuesday, August 21, at 10:00 a.m. Prior to the August 21 work session, there
will be a Special Board meeting regarding the Central Florida Zoo property
beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Carey stated that today is Election Day.
She reminded everyone, as mentioned previously by Commissioner Dallari,
that many people gave their lives so that others have the freedom to cast their
votes on Election Day; and hopefully, people will take the opportunity to vote.
following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
Copy of
a letter dated July 18, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Alan Van Lewen,
Florida Department of Health, regarding grant money available for the improvement
and expansion of the County’s emergency medical services equaling $103,218.
dated July 19, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from U.S. Representative John Mica
regarding the House of Representatives passing legislation relating directly to
pro-life advocacy; protecting the unborn and preserving human life.
dated July 23, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from David Johnson, Seminole
County Property Appraiser, regarding the Seminole County Board of County
Commissioners’ proportionate share of the total approved budget FY 2012-2013.
dated July 23, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from David Johnson, Seminole
County Property Appraiser, regarding the Seminole County/Municipal Fire
District’s proportionate share of the total approved budget FY 2012-2013.
dated July 23, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from David Johnson, Seminole
County Property Appraiser, regarding the Seminole County Unincorporated Road
District’s proportionate share of the total approved budget FY 2012-2013.
dated July 17, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Collier County Sheriff Major
Clifford Manley, Jr. on behalf of Sheriff Donald Eslinger regarding 2012 Annual
F.M.J.S. Facility Inspection Report of John E. Polk Correctional Facility.
Letter to
Seminole County Leaders from Michael Napier, Florida Department of Health, regarding
a copy of the 2012 County Health Rankings
and Roadmaps.
dated July 18, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Clayton Wilder, Florida
Department of Law Enforcement, regarding Contract No. 2011-ARRC-SEMI-1-W7-352
confirming receipt and acceptance of all financial and programmatic reports
applicable to the referenced project.
dated July 26, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Diane Pickett Culpepper,
Bright House Networks, regarding programming changes.
dated July 20, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Gary Causey, U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development, regarding approval of FY 2011 Annual Action
Plan Substantial Amendment Second ESG Allocation.
Copy of
Legal Order by Alan A. Dickey dated July 25, 2012 regarding Gerald Rutberg’s
appointment as a substitute member of the Seminole County Canvassing Board in
place of a County Commissioner.
Copy of
Legal Notice of Voluntary Dismissal and Release of Lis Pendens dated July 23,
2012 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Carlecia Keitt, Case No. 2010CA003504.
Copy of
Legal Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel for Plaintiff dated July 23,
2012 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Carlecia Keitt, Case No. 2010CA003504.
dated August 2, 2012 to Chairman Carey from Representative John Mica regarding
an update on legislation that protects the unborn and preserves human life.
Copy of
letter dated August 7, 2012 to Chairman Brenda Carey from Orange County
Commissioner Ted Edwards regarding the Interlocal Agreement for aquatic
vegetation control in Lake Pickett.
Commissioner Henley distributed
copies of some of the positions from organizations, including the League of
Women Voters, regarding the Constitutional Amendments. He stated he did not distribute the report
from Dominic Calabro, President, Publisher and Editor of Florida TaxWatch
Research Institute, due to its size, but said it would be in his office for the
Board to review. He stated that Mr.
Calabro did not take any positions on it, but does state that his rule of thumb
is, “If in doubt, keep it out.”
Commissioner Dallari stated he gave
Mr. Applegate a copy of a packet he received last week from Bryant Miller Olive,
a law firm that provided information on PACE.
Mr. Applegate is working on it and will report back to the Board, either
individually or as a group. The PACE
process basically allows people to put some home improvements on their tax
Chairman Carey stated this is
similar to their MSBU process, but on an individual basis. She stated she believes they will be making
the rounds to talk to the various Commissioners about it as well as staff and
understands that the State has a couple of billion dollars to apply to it. Commissioner Dallari said he is just trying
to find out more information about it and wants to make sure that everyone has
the caveat.
Commissioner Dallari stated he had
a meeting with staff regarding Chapman Road and the entrance to the Huntington
sub-division. He stated there were
issues with the slope of the entrance and staff came up with a very good
compromise. He thanked staff whom he
said put together a win-win situation and asked Mr. Blackadar to keep him
Brett Blackadar, County Engineer,
addressed the Board to state that the Huntington Homeowners’ Association had a
meeting last night and requested additional information. Engineering continues to move forward with
the plans and they hope to have them completed within the next week or two.
Commissioner Dallari stated that
one of the problems was that vehicles with low profiles would bottom out.
Dallari stated he has received phone calls regarding the Lake Pickett MSBU,
which was on a previous Board meeting’s agenda and there were changes made to
it. He stated their concerns included
deeded access properties paying their fair share. He will bring it back to the Board once he
gets more information.
Horan stated that this past week, he had the opportunity to speak to the
Private Business Association of Seminole on the County’s economic development
efforts and how the business community can be involved in those efforts. There was a lively question-and-answer period
during which some people expressed concern about the duplicity and the time it
takes to get permits, licenses, inspection approvals, etc. Commissioner Horan stated they have not heard
a lot of that lately because there has not been a lot of development. He addressed the issue with Mr. Hartmann,
County Manager, who also attended the meeting, and with Nicole Guillet,
Economic and Community Development Services Director, with regard to the
continuing efforts to make the permitting, licensing and inspection process
from the County level more user friendly.
He said he believes what was emphasized to him from the public in this
meeting is that a lot of times, it is not so much the procedures or the time,
but the attitude of the person you are encountering at the counter. If they have a can-do attitude, a positive
attitude, or if they have an attitude that the customer has a problem that they
need to solve, that means a lot.
Comments made at the meeting by Mr. Hartmann were very helpful; that we
are building within our staff the idea that they are supposed to be customer
oriented and supposed to be problem solvers.
Chairman Carey stated that it holds
true with inspectors in the field also.
Commissioner Henley reported that
at LYNX, they have been getting a number of unsolicited proposals that have
taken up the time of staff and various Board members. As a result, LYNX adopted a policy in dealing
with unsolicited proposals and he wondered whether the County had a policy on
the books. Mr. Hartmann stated he was
not aware of a policy. Chairman Carey
requested that Mr. Hartmann come back to the Board with that information. She stated that a lot of times they get good
ideas from unsolicited proposals.
Commissioner Henley agreed and explained the policy is spelled out on
how to vet those proposals and since there is staff time involved, there is a
fee which discourages people coming in and taking up time.
Upon inquiry by Commissioner
Dallari, Commissioner Henley stated that a fee is paid and after the proposal
is vetted, and if they agree, the fee is paid back. Chairman Carey stated it seemed like that
would discourage an awful lot of people from coming forward with some pretty
good ideas. Commissioner Horan
Commissioner Henley stated that if
the proposal is a good idea, then LYNX would be willing to try to promote
it. He stated they are subjected all the
time to vendor-driven issues.
Mr. Hartmann stated he does not
believe there is a policy in place, but he does not think they have a great
deal of those issues. They try to
channel most vendors who want to provide the County with goods or services over
to the Purchasing Department. He stated he
agrees with Chairman Carey that sometimes those proposals could come in and
they really make a lot of sense and that they are prepared to evaluate
Chairman Carey stated it is just
like the PACE proposal. If, in fact,
there are millions of dollars out there where a citizen can come in and choose
to take advantage of it, to have it added onto their ad-valorem tax and paid
for by the State, then that is a great concept.
In the case of LYNX where there are a lot of vendor-driven items, many
try to solicit Board members to be the ones to bring these proposals to the
Board, and that is very different from what they see at the County.
Commissioner Horan stated that if
someone has a particular complaint, he usually asks the constituent or the
vendor to give him a proposed solution to it.
If it is a good idea, then he will pass it on.
Chairman Carey said that staff is
looking at policies and procedures and trying to get them all in one location
so they can be codified.
No report.
Applegate stated he will not be at the Budget Workshop on August 16. He has asked Assistant County Attorney Susan
Dietrich to attend that meeting because Lynn Porter-Carlton, Deputy County
Attorney, will be working on Medicaid and the Zoo issues for the rest of the
Don Peterson, Black Hammock
Association, addressed the Board to state that on behalf of most of the folks
that live in the Black Hammock neighborhood, he wants to thank the
Commissioners, staff and all concerned regarding the paving coming up. He asked that the utmost care be taken to
ensure a great job as was done on North Elm Street. He stated they have needed better roads for
years and thanked them for finding the funds.
He encouraged the Commission to help him in getting the speed limit
dropped to 40 mph on Florida Avenue as an encouragement for cut-through drivers
and residents to slow down. Mr. Peterson
also said an increased law enforcement presence would be nice. He stated if his information is correct, they
lost two individuals last week; and even though the driver did not make the
turn, it was obvious the speed was much too fast and they are sorry for the
loss. The speed limit at that particular
spot is 25 mph. He thanked the Board for
their help.
Commissioner Horan stated that Mr.
Peterson and several of his neighbors who serve as the Black Hammock “kitchen
cabinet” on a lot of issues have done a lot of good there. He stated he really appreciates the citizen
input and asked that Mr. Peterson send his regards to the people that help in
these endeavors.
Request Form was received and filed.
being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 2:38 p.m., this same date.