September 21, 1999

The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 9:33 a.m., on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 (rescheduled from September 14, 1999), in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.


Chairman Carlton Henley (District 4)

Vice Chairman Grant Maloy (District 1)

Commissioner Randy Morris (District 2)

Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)

Commissioner Daryl McLain (District 5)

County Manager Kevin Grace

County Attorney Robert McMillan

Deputy Clerk Eva Roach

Pastor Wesley Baker, Church of God of Sanford, gave the Invocation.

Commissioner Maloy led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Henley advised that Item B1, Resolution welcoming the Russian Federation representatives, has been withdrawn from the agenda and an add-on Item #46, Extending the 1999 Tax Roll has been added to the County Manager’s Consent Agenda.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt appropriate Resolution #99-R-118, as shown on page __________, proclaiming the month of November, 1999 as "Native American Heritage Month".

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

The Board presented the Resolution to Melody Rousey and Alissa McCrae and Ms. McCrae expressed her appreciation. She invited the Board to attend the annual Native American Pow Wow scheduled for November 6 and 7 in Orlando.


Motion by Commissioner McLain, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to adopt appropriate Resolution #99-R-120, as shown on page _________, proclaiming Saturday, October 2, 1999 as "Senior Tennis Day".

The Board presented Ms. Cheesman with the Resolution and she expressed her appreciation. She invited everyone to play tennis on October 2 at Sanlando Park.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to adopt appropriate Resolution #99-R-121, as shown on page __________, proclaiming the month of September, 1999 as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month".

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

The Board presented Bonnie Donilu with the Resolution and she expressed her appreciation. Ms. Donilu stated a candlelight vigil is being held at Cranes Roost on September 28 and she would like to invite everyone to attend. A pamphlet from the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance was received and filed.


The Board presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following members of the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee: Jackie Spencer; Jacqui Perry and Betty Newton.


Robert McMillan, County Attorney, addressed the Board to advise of a correction to Item #6. He stated the final amount for Parcel #108 should read $117,600.

At the request of Commissioner Maloy, Mr. McMillan and Cindy Coto explained the settlement for Item #4, Cone Construction v. Seminole County.

Kevin Grace, County Manager, advised he has discussed this issue with the City Manager of Sanford. He stated he will be scheduling a meeting with the Chairman, City of Sanford’s Mayor and City Manager to discuss this further and he anticipates something coming back to the Board in the future.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Mr. McMillan advised he will provide the two-day mediation settlement amount for the Howell Branch Road case.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize and approve the following:


1. Approve proposed settlement relating to Parcel Numbers 113A/113B/713, located on Banana Lake Road and County Road 46A, Lake Mary, of the County Road 46A Phase I road improvement project, in the amount of $160,665.00, inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs, James K. and Dana L. Froehlich property.

2. Approve proposed settlement and voluntary dismissal of appeal of attorney’s fees relating to Parcel Numbers 138/738 and 142 of the Montgomery Road road improvement project in the amount of $65,000.00, inclusive of all circuit and appellate court costs and expert witness fees, NationsBank and Spears property.

3. Approve proposed settlement relating to Parcel Numbers 153/753/853, located at 131 Longwood Hills Road, Longwood, of the County Road 427 Phase III road improvement project in the amount of $12,500.00, inclusive of attorney fees and costs, Larry Scott and Terry Lynn Pressley property.

4. Authorize serving an Offer of Judgment on Cone Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $785,000.00 relating to the Sanford Avenue road improvement project, Cone Constructors, Inc. v. Seminole County.

5. Authorize to defend against claims. Pro se Petitioner filed Petition alleging that he "may have received" health-related services from Seminole County or the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services during the period from 1987 to 1991, Mark S. Rosen v. Seminole County. Petitioner further claims that if, in fact, Seminole County provided these health-related services, such services were provided in a negligent manner.

Property Acquisition

6. Approve purchase offers and offers of judgment relating to following Parcels of the County Road 427 Phase I and Lake Mary Boulevard Phase III road improvement projects:

Christopher and Lisa Radosevich, Parcel Numbers 188/788/888 - $83,640.00

Lndravaden and Liliabel Patel, Parcel Numbers 187/887 - $28,920.00

Alberta B. Wright, Parcel Number 108 - $117,600.00

7. Approve and execute Release and Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Conservation Easement with maintenance responsibility over 1.982 acres of land upon which State Road 417/Central Florida Greeneway will be built, Bellair Groves Limited, a Florida Limited Partnership (former owner) and Florida Department of Transportation (present owner), State Road 417/Central Florida Greeneway. Under the Release, the County would release the easement and future maintenance obligations to the Florida Department of Transportation.

8. Approve Joint Facilitation of Public Infrastructure Agreement, as shown on page __________, providing for acquisition of Parcel Numbers 115B/115C/115D and 143 relating to the Grant Line Road road improvement project, Colonial Realty Limited Partnership property. The Agreement provides for construction and maintenance by Colonial Realty Limited Partnership of joint use ponds on Colonial’s property with an outfall to the County’s drainage system. In exchange, the County compensates Colonial $224,655.20; this sum is equal to the County’s construction costs if the County would have built its own retention pond as part of the project.

9. Approve early acquisition Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _________, relating to Parcel Numbers 109, 1lOA/110B (Sandra Principe) and 111 (Eugene D. and Sylvia Braddock), located at 1850 and 1890 Lake Emma Road, Longwood, respectively, of the Lake Emma Road road improvement project in the amount of $350,000.00 with no attorney’s fees and costs incurred.

10. Approve a Purchase Agreement, as shown on page _________, relating to County Road 427 Phase V road improvement project, to install, at County cost, a 6-inch sewer tap under the roadway during construction in exchange for 4,487 sq. ft. of property necessary for road improvements, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. property. No attorney’s fees or costs will be paid by the County.

11. Approve a Purchase Agreement, as shown on page __________, relating to Parcel Number 804, vacant land located on southeast corner of Wilson Road and Katie Street, of the Grant Line Road road improvement project, providing for installation of utilities and $2,500.00 for attorney’s fees in exchange for an easement for the construction of Grant Line Road, BML Investments, PRN Investments, and Jerome D. Feinstein, Trustee property.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



Robert Adolphe, Environmental Services Director, addressed the Board to introduce Joan Jackson and Ed Tallent of Post Buckley Schuh and Jernigan, Inc.

Joan Jackson addressed the Board to display and review the following slides of the Northwest Service Area Reuse Master Plan and Implementation Strategy: Map of the Northwest Reuse Service Area; the Board’s Decision and Guidance; What is Meant by Reuse; the Benefits; the Existing Systems of the Greenwood Lakes Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and the Northwest Regional WRF.

Ms. Jackson continued by reviewing slides relative to the Typical Irrigation Demand Variations; Reclaimed Water Supply Projection, MGD; New Reuse Possibilities; Buildout Reuse Demand, MGD; and Reuse Alternative Costs of the Different Options.

Ms. Jackson explained for Commissioner Morris what the available supply (50%) means as outlined on the Buildout Reuse Demand slide. Discussion ensued relative to the actual cost of building the system and the private utilities.

Ms. Jackson continued by reviewing the 2020 System for the Northwest Reclaimed Water; Alternative A Phasing Plan; Financial/Rate Impacts; and the Conclusions and Recommendations. She advised they recommend Alternative A phasing plan. The Seminole County Northwest Service Area Reuse Water Plan and Implementation Strategy booklet was received and filed.

Discussion ensued between Commissioner Morris, Bob Briggs and Cindy Hall relative to where the remaining amount of $8.85 million will come from. Ms. Hall advised she can submit an analysis of the work that Post Buckley has done and submit her recommendations by the next Board meeting.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Mr. Adolphe advised the analysis that is done through the year 2003/2004 will just about meet the present system. He stated the system would not be expanded into the 2008/2009 range unless it was driven by development, in which case it would be user connection fees and a wastewater flow.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLain, Ms. Jackson advised the issue of disposing wastewater was not included in the study.

Commissioner McLain stated he feels they need to move forward with a reasonable Alternative A Prime and to come back with answers to their questions. He said he feels that these questions need to be answered as the County has a responsibility to provide reuse water because it is friendlier to the environment and it is less expensive for the consumer. With this program, they will anticipate continuing the reuse water system for vegetation along International Parkway rather than zeroscape type landscaping. He added he feels that staff has done a good job on this and the County has a responsibility to continue to support the reuse system. Therefore, he supports staff’s recommendation of Alternative A Prime.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Van Der Weide, Ms. Jackson advised they have not decided on the wells and the ones they have looked at would be on northwest regional facility and those would be used for a short period.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he feels that is something that needs to be considered.

Commissioner Maloy stated he feels that this makes a lot of sense but there should be a better understanding of who is going to sign up on this system. He stated he would like to know if the water and sewer rates are going to stay the same.

Mr. Grace stated staff needs to come back to the Board with more answers and more data.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner McLain to authorize staff to proceed with implementation of the Reuse Master Plan Alternative A Prime.

Under discussion, Commissioner Morris requested staff to report back to the Board relative to why the recharge areas on the commercial land on the northwest portion of Rinehart Road and the commercial, professional and office space along the north side of Lake Mary Blvd. were not included in the study.

Mr. Adolphe stated staff will look at these issues and report back to the Board.

Commissioner Morris stated he would also like to know if this is an expandable system. He stated he would not support this proposal if this is not an expandable system. He said he would urge staff to report back on what the additional cost will be.

Commissioner McLain stated he would support oversized lines.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Henley, Mr. Adolphe advised there is no staff position for a reuse coordinator at this time.

Commissioner McLain stated he feels it is clear that the Board is directing staff to move forward with the least cost program for reuse and to come back with the answers to their questions. He stated the Board is not authorizing any new positions at this point.

Commissioner Morris stated he would support the motion maker, but he would not be in favor of spending more money on a system that is not expandable. He stated he would like to know what kind of communication staff has had with the Cities of Sanford and Lake Mary as to what they are planning to do.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.

Mr. Grace stated staff will not try to bring this item back at next week’s meeting, but will bring it back at a later date.

Commissioner Van Der Weide left the meeting at this time.


Cindy Hall, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to review the following issues for Board consideration: an information item relative to unincorporated funding versus countywide funding; tipping fee reduction, reallocation of General Fund reserves; and negotiations to purchase the Shenandoah property. She reviewed an analysis of the General Fund and Transportation Trust Fund of the road paving program and the stormwater program. She stated the County maintains about 182 miles of City roads, about 50 stormwater ponds, and about 5.7 miles of ditches, and payment for those are coming out of the Transportation Trust Fund. A number of the projects in the unincorporated area are being funded from the General Fund and Transportation Trust Fund.

Commissioner Van Der Weide reentered the meeting at this time.

Ms. Hall stated the State recognizes that the County has countywide responsibilities and 60% of the sales tax revenue would be attributed to unincorporated sales tax. The County has a countywide millage that goes into the Transportation Trust Fund, and the utility tax also goes into the Transportation Trust Fund. She reviewed the following types of revenue that go in the Transportation Trust fund: 2 cents for the constitutional gas tax brings in under $3 million, 6 cents for the local option gas tax brings in about $6 million, and the unincorporated collection utility tax brings in about $5.6 million and $2.5 million of that is transferred to the Fire Fund. In addition to those gas taxes, about $1.1 million of County gas tax is collected countywide. A municipal tax is also collected and that goes to the cities. She stated the Board has a great deal of flexibility of deciding how to use the funding of these funds.

Commissioner Maloy left the meeting at this time.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Ms. Hall advised next year’s funding for stormwater is about $4.5 million from a variety of payback sources that are flowing into the Transportation Trust Fund.

Upon further inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Jerry McCollum, County Engineer, addressed the Board to advise the County, by law, has to maintain the minor arterial roads even if they are in the cities.

Commissioner Maloy reentered the meeting at this time.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he attended a meeting with the Council of Mayors and the Mayors gave direction to the County Manager to research that issue and to come back with a finding.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Van Der Weide, Mr. McCollum advised there was a certain amount of money that the County was going to put on Central Parkway when it was built. He stated in theory, the City of Altamonte Springs paid for Montgomery Road, from Central Parkway up to SR 436, and the County paid from Central Parkway to SR 434. He added Montgomery Road has been turned over to the City of Altamonte Springs.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLain relative to how much of the revenue from the Sheriff’s budget come from city residents, Ms. Hall advised the number of residents is divided 51% city and 49% unincorporated, and the average tax base is about 50-50. The Sheriff’s budget is around $42 million.

Commissioner McLain stated he would like staff to provide him with information as to how much of the Sheriff’s budget would be reduced if the Board moved forward in eliminating the Cities from providing funding for the Sheriff’s Department. He said he also would like a thorough evaluation of the budget and how it deals with different issues of double taxation. He stated he would like that done before the final public hearing so that the Board can address how much revenue shortfall the County would have with these services they provide over the double taxation issue.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Mr. Grace advised the law enforcement double taxation issue was raised at the Council of Mayors meeting and the majority of the people did not indicate that they would like to pursue that issue, other than Mayor Lovestrand, City of Longwood. He stated there were a number of issues brought up and he will bring them to the Board at a later date.


Ms. Hall stated staff is proposing a 50-cent tipping fee reduction. She stated the Environmental Services Division felt that a 50-cent reduction would be appropriate.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize making the appropriate budget changes at the second public hearing reflecting a 50-cent reduction in tipping fees.

Under discussion, Commissioner McLain stated he feels there is more room for a substantial reduction and he will be discussing this at the Budget public hearing.

Upon inquiry by Chairman Henley, Ms. Hall advised the reserves would be around $16 million after the reduction of 50 cents.

Commissioner Morris stated he would like each Board member to receive individual briefing on the tipping fee reduction prior to the public hearing.

Commissioner McLain stated he would have to disagree with the proposed budget. He stated he recommended during the work session a $5 million reduction to the taxpayers. He said he would prefer staff coming up with a formula for that issue. The Board may want staff to come forward with a proposal, including the $5 million savings to the taxpayers, as an alternate plan instead of him bringing up issues that he wants eliminated from the budget.

Chairman Henley recommended staff get with Commissioner McLain and come up with several scenarios and to brief the Board on those issues.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Ms. Hall reviewed the issue of reallocating General Fund reserves. She stated if the Board approves the tentative budget as it is presented at the first public hearing tomorrow night, there will be about 3.5% General Fund reserve and that will free up $595,000. She stated staff is requesting that any amount of money over and above that 3% level go towards the increased health insurance premiums and to use the balance to assist in purchasing the Shenandoah property.

Commissioner Maloy stated this is the first time he has seen the request on this property and he would be more comfortable if he had more information on it.

Cindy Coto, Deputy County Manager, addressed the Board to advise three options based upon the recent negotiations with the two providers and they will be presented to the Board at the 9/28/99 meeting. The cost impacts of those three options range from an increase in the budget of $125,000 to a decrease in the budget amount of $124,000. It depends on which option the Board takes and that will determine whether or not the County has savings in the existing health premiums or if there will be an increase.

Mr. Grace stated the health insurance issue will be on next Tuesday’s agenda.

Ms. Coto advised staff has become aware that the Central Florida HANDS has acquired the Shenandoah property and staff has had discussions with them relative to what their intentions were relative to that property. The Central Florida HANDS acquired that property with the intention to rehabilitate the units for low-income housing. The Central Florida HANDS is in the process of obtaining funding from the Orange County Housing Authority for the funds to restore the units. Central Florida HANDS has indicated if the County is interested in acquiring this property for future growth, they would be willing to sit down and discuss the acquisition with staff. She stated staff is seeking authorization from the Board to discuss the acquisition of this property and to bring back the results of those discussions.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Van Der Weide, Ms. Coto advised the property consists of 10.22 acres and there are 98 units on the site. The appraised value is $1.9 million in its present condition.

Commissioner Morris stated he would be concerned if the Board did not move forward on this acquisition, as it would be a wise move. He stated he feels it would make more sense to look at the bail bonds property at the same time.

Commissioner McLain stated he can remember when the County acquired the 15 acres in that area for about $33,500 an acre. This property will be about $175,000 per acre. He asked if staff has done an inventory of properties that are contiguous to that land.

Ms. Coto advised staff has looked at vacant properties along the 17-92 corridor that are in the vicinity of the 5 Points complex and the majority of those properties were either under contract or relatively small in nature.

Commissioner Morris stated this property has rental units with short-term leases on them and what they would look at is income averaging of the purchase price. This is developed property of high density residential in nature versus undeveloped property that the full value was not recognized. He stated he feels that this is the logical thing to do.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he doesn’t want to pay anymore than what they have to pay. The County needs to be aware of potential land purchases in that area for future uses. He stated this may be the time to look into purchasing the bail bonds property also.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Maloy, Ms. Coto advised the funds that will be reduced from the reserves will go toward the acquisition. If staff is successful in the negotiations, a funding solution will be presented to the Board.

Commissioner Maloy stated he would like to see what the future plans are going to be, therefore, he would like to see more of an analysis of the area before he makes a decision.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize staff to enter into negotiations with the Central Florida HANDS for acquiring the Shenandoah property, and to investigate and report back to the Board on the evaluation of the bail bonds front property.

Under discussion, Chairman Henley stated the intent of the motion is to agree for the use of the reserves, and to authorize staff to move forward with the negotiations and the plan.

Districts 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

Commissioners Maloy and McLain voted NAY.


Mr. Grace stated he believes the Board received a letter from Cindy Gennell, GreeneWay Trails Task Force, requesting that the County consider creating a countywide trails crew. He stated he would like to see if the Board is interested in staff preparing information on this. He said due to the figures being cut out of the budget, he would not recommend doing this at this time.

Commissioner Morris stated this is something the County will ultimately have to do. He stated he would recommend getting more of a buildout before a crew is placed in there.

The Board agreed that the County Manager does not need to submit any information at the public hearing tomorrow night.

Commissioner Morris recommended that staff submit a response in writing to the committee. He stated he will prepare a response for the Chairman to sign.

The Chairman recessed the meeting at 11:42 a.m., reconvening at 11:55 a.m.


Upon inquiry by Chairman Henley, Phil Stalvey, Community Services Director, addressed the Board to advise he will have to get back to the Board regarding the number of contacts on the monthly report for Tajiri School relative to Item #13.

Commissioner Morris stated one other option to be considered is that the Board will approve no additional funds. The school will have to obtain funds from the State or through private fund-raising efforts. The Board pulled Item #13, for a separate vote.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Van Der Weide relative to Item #15, amending Administrative Code relating to Travel Policies, Ms. Hall advised there has been some confusion as to what types of reimbursements are authorized by the travel policy. She said the confusion was whether continental breakfasts were listed on a program. She stated staff has clarified the definition on the issue of meals provided.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Jamie Croteau, Director of Administrative Services, addressed the Board to explain why staff wants to declare the vacant land (Item #1) on the north side of Lake Mary Blvd. as surplus.

Discussion ensued between Commissioner Morris and Suzy Goldman, Director of Library & Leisure Services, relative to Item #34, approve FRDAP Grant Application for improvements at Greenwood Lakes Park.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize and approve the following:


Support Services

1. Approve request to declare surplus and competitively bid County-owned vacant land located on the north side of Lake Mary Boulevard, just west of Highway 17/92 in Sanford. District 5 – McLain

2. Authorize staff to enter into negotiations with R&E Foods, Inc., a food distribution warehouse facility, to extend the company’s occupancy agreement of a County-owned building and surrounding land at 1750 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford. District 5 - McLain

3. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Declaration of Easement, as shown on page _________, granting a utility easement of the Seminole County School Board through County-owned land at the Community Services/Health Department on Airport Blvd.

Risk Management

4. Authorize renewal of Self-Insurance Program through Arthur J. Gallagher & Company effective October 1, 1999; and authorize Chairman to execute Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. Agreement, as shown on page _________.



5. Adopt appropriate Resolution #99-R-123, as shown on page __________, to provide for a community clean-up day of the Pace Jackson Cemetery (unincorporated) on October 23, 1999 and affect the necessary budget change to provide $16,500 in expenses. District 5 - McLain



6. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Release of Water and Sewer Capacity, as shown on page _________, (23,027 gallons) for Technology Park. District 2 - Morris

Solid Waste

7. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Grant Offer and Acceptance, as shown on page _________, for Receipt of State funds for FY 99/00 Litter Control and Prevention Grant, in the amount of $17,500.

8. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Grant Offer and Acceptance, as shown on page _________, for Receipt of State funds for FY 99/00 Recycling and Education Grant, in the amount of $172,898.

9. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Grant Offer and Acceptance, as shown on page _________, for Receipt of State funds for FY 99/00 Waste Tire Grant, in the amount of $184,750.

Water and Sewer

10. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Conditional Utility Agreement for water services between Seminole County and Ryland Group, Inc., a Maryland Corporation, including Exhibit "G" Water Agreement, as shown on page __________, for the Lake Jesup Hollow f/k/a Hester Road Subdivision project. District 5 - McLain



11. BCR #99/120 - $5,000 – Planning and Development – Comprehensive Planning: Fund 11901 – CDBG Fund. To provide additional funding for CDBG emergency medical services for clients.

12. BCR #99/121 - $26,655 – Planning and Development – Comprehensive Planning: Fund 11901 – CDBG Fund. To provide additional funding for the Roseland Park area due to increase in construction costs.

14. Budget Amendment Resolution #99-R-124, as shown on page _________, $1,095,273 – Public Works – Roads: Fund 11500 – Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund. Based on interlocal construction agreements between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs, approved by the Board of County Commissioners in December, 1996 and June, 1997, the City will reimburse the County $1,095,273 for its share of construction within the Tuskawilla Road Phase III/IV road construction project. This budget amendment recognizes revenue to be received from the City of Winter Springs and revised the construction project expense budget accordingly.

15. Adopt Resolution #99-R-125, as shown on page _________, amending the Seminole County Administrative Code, Section 5.3 of the Seminole County Travel Policies to exclude continental breakfasts and snacks from the definition of "meal" within the travel policies of Seminole County government.


16. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Satisfactions of Liens (2), as shown on page __________, for Ross and Virginia Collins for the Black Hammock Phase II Water Services Municipal Benefits Unit.

17. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Satisfaction of Lien, as shown on page __________, for James J. and Patricia Dezego for the Chula Vista Road Restoration Municipal Services Benefits Unit.

18. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefits Unit Contracts, as shown on page __________, for the 11 districts identified.


Formal Contracts

19. Award FC-168-99/BJC, as shown on page _________, Tuskawilla Road – Phase III and IV (from East Lake Drive to S.R. 434), to Bergeron Land Development, Inc., Kissimmee ($7,628,987.96).

20. Award FC-184-99/BJC, as shown on page _________, McCulloch Road Paving, Force Main and Water Main Relocation Project, to Southland Construction, Inc., Apopka ($634,499.28).

21. Approve Change Order #1, as shown on page _________, to FC-157-98/BJC – Myrtle Street Culvert, with Technical Specialty Constructors, Inc., Ocala ($23,996.00).

22. Accept and authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Completion, as shown on page ________, for FC-142-98/BJC – Bear Creek Subdivision Wall, with Cathcart Contracting Company, Oviedo.

23. Accept and authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Completion, as shown on page _________, for FC-157-98/BJC – Myrtle Street Culvert, with Technical Specialty Constructors, Inc., Ocala.

24. Accept and authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Completion, as shown on page _________, for FC-159-98/BJC – John E. Polk Correctional Facility Re-roofing, with Big D Roofing, Inc., Ocala.

Professional Services

25. Approve ranking list for PS-541-99/BJC – Big Wekiva Basin Engineering Study and Drainage Inventory, authorize negotiations, and award a Contract, as shown on page _________, to Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc., Orlando (not-to-exceed $385,000.00).

26. Approve Work Order #7, as shown on page _________, to PS-522-98/BJC, Comprehensive Planning Consulting Services for the Consolidated Multi-Modal Transportation Element project, with Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc., Orlando ($197,820.00) and waive the Purchasing Code 220.63 – Process B requirement.

27. Approve Amendment #1, as shown on page _________, to Work Order #8, PS-518-98/BJC – Engineering Services for Minor Roadway Design and Drainage/MSBU, with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc., Orlando (Time Extension).

28. Approve 1st Renewal to PS-520-98/BJC – Traffic Operations Studies, with Ghyabi Lassiter & Associates, Inc., Ormond Beach; and Professional Engineering Consultants, Orlando (Not-to-Exceed $120,000.00) (September 29, 1999 to September 28, 2000).

Request for Proposals

29. Approve 2nd (Final) Renewal to RFP-403-97/BJC – Traffic Segment Count Program Agreement, with Traffic Count Resources, Inc., Oviedo (Not-to-Exceed ($70,000.00) (October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000).

30. Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment #4, as shown on page _________, and 2nd (Final) Renewal to RFP-414-98/BJC – Marketing Consultant Services, with Chernoff/Silver & Associates, Inc., Maitland (Not-to-Exceed $111,000.00) (September 23, 1999 to September 22, 2000).

Proprietary Source

31. Authorize Proprietary Source and award Miscellaneous Contract M-108-99/BJC – Comprehensive Plan Publication & Maintenance to Municipal Code Corporation, Tallahassee (Not to Exceed $15,000.00).


32. Approve the following recommended employee appointments to the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee for terms as identified: Bill Gregory, Dianne Eswine, Evelyn Santos, Ira Barrow, and Don McKenna.


Library Services

33. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute State Aid Application, Certification of Credentials, and Grant Agreement, as shown on page _________, for FY 99/00 State Aid to Libraries.

Parks & Recreation

34. Approve submittal of the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant Application (FRDAP), as shown on page __________, for improvements at Greenwood Lakes Park.

Planning & Development

Comprehensive Planning

35. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Subrecipient Agreement, as shown on page __________, retroactive to 2-1-99 with the City of Sanford for improvements and associated costs to help furnish and equip the police substation on W. 13th Street in the City of Sanford.

36. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Agreement, as shown on page _________, with the Sanford Housing Authority to provide rental assistance and security deposit assistance to eligible tenants.

37. Approve and authorize staff to implement the updated Seminole County Affordable Housing Assistance Plan (AHAP).

38. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a Satisfaction of Second Mortgage Note, as shown on page _________, for Ramon S. Colon.



39. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Emergency Medical Services County Grant Application, as shown on page __________, Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services.



40. Adopt Resolution #99-R-126, as shown on page _________, accepting the conveyance of a Drainage Easement, as shown on page _________, by Richard Sandkulla, a single man, to Seminole County for the installation and maintenance of a drainage pipe located between Satsuma Drive and Temple Drive.

41. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Agreement to Acquire, as shown on page _________, a drainage easement from James L. Patterson for the installation and maintenance of a drainage pipe located between Satsuma Drive and Temple Drive ($1,300).

42. Adopt Resolution #99-R-127, as shown on page _________, accepting the conveyance of a Quit Claim Deed, as shown on page _________, from Russell I. Foye and Barbara J. Foye, his wife, to Seminole County for roadway improvements to Lake Cochran Road, a/k/a Cochran Road.

Traffic Engineering

43. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Traffic Signal Installation Agreement, as shown on page _________, between The Forest Club, Inc. and Seminole County for a traffic signal for the intersection of Lake Mary Boulevard and Forest Boulevard.

44. Adopt Resolution #99-R-128, as shown on page _________, reducing the speed limit from 35 mph to 30 mph, on Raymond Avenue between SR 434 and North Street.

45. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Traffic Enforcement Agreement, as shown on page _________, with Seminole County Sheriff’s Office and Heathrow Woods Homeowners Association, Inc.


46. Authorization to extend the Seminole County 1999 Tax Roll.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Support Services

13. Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Morris to approve BCR #99/122 - $25,000 – Planning and Development – Comprehensive Planning: Fund 11901 – CDBG Fund, providing additional funding for completion of the historical preservation of the Tajiri School of Academics and Arts, subject to this being the end of subsidies for building improvements and the operator should concentrate on other sources of revenues for future improvements to this building.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize Chairman to execute necessary Documents and Forms, as shown on page _________, to collect funds from Conveyors Systems surety instrument.

Under discussion and upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Bob Turk, Economic Development Manager, addressed the Board to advise he will report back to the Board on the results of the recovery of the funds.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Comprehensive Planning

Kevin Fall, Principal Planner, addressed the Board to request direction from the Board pertaining to options/alternatives available for the construction of Lynx bus shelters along U.S. 17-92. He stated a number of issues have come up relative to looking at the shelters in more detail. He said staff has no opposition to working toward a cooperative agreement with Lynx to be a part of their next procurement process. A booklet relative to IFB 99-003 installation of passenger amenities-various locations recommendation from ICF Kaiser was received and filed.

Commissioner Maloy stated he was impressed with some of the designs of these bus shelters. He stated he would like to see if there is a method of having a bicycle loan program and the vending racks.

Commissioner Morris stated he feels that it would be logical to move forward with some type of criteria in an RFP for

construction and to look at alternatives in shelter construction, particularly, if the vendor can maintain the shelters. In more urban areas these shelters can be protected from abuse, but it would be more difficult in more isolated areas. He stated he feels that this is a good way to head in future construction. He said he feels it would be beneficial to move forward with an RPF to find out what is available.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to direct staff to pursue and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a County-administered Request for Proposals (RFP) for the manufacture and installation of bus shelters within Seminole County; County funding would be dependent upon criteria established in the RFP.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Emergency Management/Tank Section

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to authorize Chairman to execute the DEP Clean-up Contract GC588, as shown on page __________.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.



Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to authorize and approve the following:

A. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page ________, dated August 17 and 24, 1999, and Payroll Approval List, as shown on page _________, dated September 2, 1999.

B. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment/Bail Bond Liens:

Stanley Vance and Accredited Surety & Casualty Ins. Co., #99005312MMA - $196

Stanley Vance and Accredited Surety & Casualty Ins. Co., #99005245MMA - $538

C. Approval of BCC Minutes dated August 10 & 11, 1999.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


The Board noted, for information only, the following Clerk’s "received and filed".

1. Cost Share Agreement, as shown on page _________, with the St. Johns River Water Management District, as approved by the BCC on November 24, 1998.

2. Solid Waste Franchise Agreements, as shown on page __________, with Waste Management Inc. of Florida and BFI Waste Systems of North America, Inc., as approved by the BCC on December 8, 1998.

3. Work Order #9, as shown on page _________, to PS-356, Paola Wastewater Treatment Plant Site Acquisition, Phase II.

4. First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to Renovation Services Agreement, First Floor, Courthouse Annex, M-92-99.

5. First Amendment, as shown on page __________, to Work Order #4 to PS-518-98, Minor Roadway Design and Drainage MSBU Agreement.

6. Work Order #6, as shown on page _________, to PS-517-98, Foxwood Water System Improvements.

7. Work Order #1, as shown on page __________, to RFP-443-98, County Attorney’s Office.

8. Work Orders #5, Wekiva Property Conceptual Design, and #6, Future Non-Residential Uses within Chuluota Study Area, to PS-522-98, as shown on page __________.

9. Work Order #18, as shown on page __________, to PS-518-98, Howell Branch Road Wall Design, Phase II.

10. Development Orders, as shown on page __________, for Popkin Building Permit dated August 2, 1999 and O’Hara Building Permit dated July 28, 1999.

11. Releases of Notice of Non-Compliance, as shown on page __________, with Seminole County Development Order Number 96-151 with Colony Construction Company for Lots 33 and 49, East Point Subdivision.

12. Wet Retention Pond Design and Outfall Improvements Agreement, Wekiva Springs State Park, M-107-99, as shown on page _________.

13. Change Orders with Wharton-Smith, Inc., as follows: #1 to FC-135-98; #1 to FC-143-98; and #1 to FC-164-99, as shown on page __________.

14. First Amendment, as shown on page _________, to Consultant Services Agreement, Lake Hodge Outfall Project, M-83-99.

15. Work Order #19, as shown on page _________, to PS-518-98, Orange Boulevard/Oregon Street Intersection.

16. Corrected Cross Access Agreement and Grant of Easement, as shown on page _________, with the City of Lake Mary and Nations Investment Group, Inc.

17. Construction Contract Agreement, M-105-99, as shown on page ________, Big D Roofing, Inc.

18. Consultant Services Agreement with Dan Robertson, RFP-473-99, as shown on page ________.

19. Work Order #4, as shown on page ________, to PS-532-98, Lake Brantley Isles Outfall Survey.

20. Work Orders, as shown on page _________, to PS-364-96, #38 for Curryville Road Paving and #39 for Charlotte Street Improvements.

21. Work Order #15, as shown on page _________, to PS-368, 2000 Housing Element Update.

22. Work Order #3, as shown on page _________, to PS-373, Little Econlockhatchee River Engineering Study and Drainage Inventory.

23. Letter to Clerk Maryanne Morse from Stephen F. Miller, South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, requesting copies of bonds for Commissioner Maloy and Tom Owens.

24. Response letter to Stephen F. Miller from Sandy McCann regarding his request for copies of bonds for Commissioner Maloy and Tom Owens.

25. Copy of letter to Stephen F. Miller from Deputy County Manager Cynthia Coto regarding his request for copies of bonds.

26. Memorandum from Keith Roark, Road Project Acquisition Manager, submitting documents, as shown on page __________, for CR 46A, Phase I; Grant Line Road; CR 46A, Phase III; Lake Emma Road; Markham Woods Road/SR 434/Douglas; and Airport Boulevard, Phase III.

27. Letters to the following advising of action of the Board of Adjustment at their meeting of August 23, 1999: Dorothy Knox; Randy N. Andersen; Ali S. Rabah; J. T. & Julie Stockton; Bassam H. Mnayarji; Pastor Leonard O’Donnell; Clifton Jones; James & Christine Mosley; Randy Bauman; Kenneth & Suzanne Kepley; Earl & Glenda Adams; Fred Schaub; John & Doris Terrell; Jason Baird; William D. Pigozzi; Helen Hardzewicz; William Crowther; Carl Rawlins; Thomas E. Capps, Sr.; Donald R. Lackey; Nicolas Fertakis; and Chuck Magaw.

28. Copy of letter to Bruce C. Crawford, Esq., from Lonnie Groot regarding requests concerning Chapman Road.

29. Letter to Sandra Wall from Bruce McLaughlin requesting documents for various County Ordinances.

30. Notices from the Public Service Commission of hearings for Docket No. 990455-TL, Review of proposed numbering plan relief for Dade County and Monroe County/Keys region; and Docket No. 971279-TC, Cancellation of Pay Telephone Certificate to Mark D. Ridley.

31. Memorandum to Sandy McCann from Denes Balo, Director of Clerk’s Finance, transmitting the Clerk’s Budget for Fiscal Year 1999/2000.

32. Memorandum to Denes Balo from Sandy McCann acknowledging receipt of the Clerk’s Budget for Fiscal Year 1999/2000.

33. Bids as follows: A/B-369-99; A/B-368; B/D-234; B/D-232; FC-185-99; FC-184-99; A/B-365-99; FC-183-99; A/B-363-99; RFP-474-99; D/B-604-99; and RFP-468-98.


Motion by Commissioner McLain, seconded by Commissioner Morris to authorize and approve the following:

1. Approve and authorize expenditure of $500 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to contribute to the Tajiri Arts Program.

2. Approve and authorize expenditure of $6,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide funds for Drug/Violence Prevention Mini-Grants during the 1999/00 school year.

3. Approve and authorize expenditure of $1,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to contribute to the 1999 Central Florida Partnership for Non-Violent Campaign entitled "See a Kid with a Gun, Tell Someone".

4. Approve and authorize Chairman to sign the Letter Agreement and Associated Documents, as shown on page __________, to allow the Central Florida Crimeline Program to act as agent for Seminole County and implement Crime Stopper programs supported by the Crime Stoppers Trust Fund.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Charter Review Commission Appointments

Commissioner Morris appointed the following:

Winter Springs: William Poe

Unincorporated: Sandra Rauch

Lake Mary Incorporated: Paul Tremel

Commissioner Van Der Weide appointed the following:

Pamela Ohab

Ben Tucker

Jim Weinberg

Commissioner Henley appointed the following:

Longwood: Jim Ross

Casselberry: Vacant

Unincorporated: Doug Elam

Upon inquiry by Commissioner McLain, Mr. McMillan advised when the Board make their motion to confirm the appointments, he will be requesting that the appointments be effective as of October 1, 1999.

Commissioner McLain appointed the following:

Sanford: Bob Kuhn

District 5: Grey Wilson

At-Large: Fred Streetman

Commissioner Maloy appointed the following:

At-Large: Terri Hattaway

City of Oviedo: Parks Wilson

District 1: Charles Champion

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to accept the above appointments to the Charter Review Commission, effective October 1, 1999.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


The following Communications and/or Reports were "received

and filed":

  1. Letter to BCC from Keith Hulbert, Area Manager-Florida Power Corporation re: Acquisition by Carolina Power & Light Company.
  2. Copy of memorandum dated 8/27/99 to Sandy McCann, Recording Secretary from Kathryn Brown, Senior Planner-One Stop Permitting re: Submissions into County Records. (cc: Co. Manager, BCC, Environmental Services Director)
  3. Copy of letter dated 8/26/99 to Jake Bebber, Legislative Aide to Honorable Stan Bainter re: Upcoming Legislative Delegation meeting. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager)
  4. Memorandum dated 8/23/99 to Chairman (with attached listing) from Ray Valdes, Tax Collector re: Partial Refund of 1998 Ad Valorem Taxes due to forest fire damage. (cc: Fla. Department of Revenue, BCC)
  5. Letter dated 8/23/99 to Chairman from Truman Scarborough, Jr., Brevard County Commissioner re: Joint interests in Central Florida. (cc: Mel Martinez, Chairman-Orange Co. Commission, Brevard County Commission Members, BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager)
  6. Letter dated 8/17/99 to Chairman from Thomas Hagood, Jr., Chairman-City of Oviedo re: Waiving Water & Sewer Connection Fees for Public & Private Schools. (cc: Mayor-Oviedo, City Council, City Manager, City Engineer, BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager)
  7. Letter dated 8/24/99 to Chairman from Bill Suber, Property Appraiser re: BCC portion of 1999/2000 Appraiser’s budget. (cc: BCC, Fiscal Services Director, Finance Director)
  8. Letter dated 8/24/99 to Chairman from Bill Suber, Property Appraiser re: Seminole Co. Road District portion of 1999/2000 Appraiser’s budget. (cc: BCC, Fiscal Services Director, Finance Director)
  9. Copy of letter dated 8/24/99 to Ken Roberts, Public Safety Director, from Bill Suber, Property Appraiser re: Seminole Co. Fire District portion of 1999/2000 Appraiser’s budget. (cc: Fiscal Services Director, BCC, Finance Director)
  10. Minutes of 8/18/99 Seminole Soil & Water Conservation Supervisors meeting.
  11. Notices and agendas for 8/30/99 Oviedo City Council Work Session and 9/1/99 City of Oviedo Special Session.
  12. Letter dated 8/25/99 to Chairman from Lorraine Whiting, Secretary & Lee Voorhees, President-Geneva Citizen’s Association re: Upcoming Text Amendments. (cc: BCC, Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)
  13. E-mail dated 8/25/99 to Chairman from Brett Telford re: Proposed rezoning of Sam Carr property. (cc: BCC, Current Planning)
  14. Letter dated 8/25/99 to Charles Lee, Sr. Vice President-Fla. Audubon Society, Phares Heindl, President-Friends of the Wekiva River, Sam Kendall, Wekiva Committee-Seminole Audubon Society & Keith Schue, Wekiva Issue Chair-Sierra Club Central Florida Group from Chairman re: Upcoming Comprehensive Plan Amendments. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Deputy Co. Attorney)
  15. Letter dated 8/2/99 to Chairman (with attached 1999 Standard Format Tentative Budget Submission) from Thomas Bates, Director-Office of Budget Management SJRWMD re: Tentative Budget.
  16. Memorandum dated 8/25/99 to BCC (with attached Fifth District Court of Appeal’s Order) from Lonnie Groot, Deputy Co. Attorney re: Seminole Entertainment Inc. vs Seminole County. (cc: Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director, Rick Nelson, Esquire-ALI)
  17. Facsimile dated 8/25/99 to BCC from Warren & Vivian Birge re: Response to Public Hearing on 8/24/99. (cc: Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)
  18. Memorandum dated 8/25/99 to BCC (with attachments) from Lonnie Groot, Deputy Co. Attorney re: Procedures relating to Comprehensive Plan Amendments. (cc: Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director)
  19. Letter dated 8/20/99 to Commissioner Morris from John Bluett, Pastor-St. Stephen Catholic Community re: Support of Big Oak Ranch. (cc: BCC, Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)
  20. Letter dated 8/19/99 to Chairman from Deborah Parrish, Director-Office of Greenways & Trails re: Cross Seminole Trail. (cc: As noted)
  21. Letter dated 8/16/99 to Chairman (with attached July 1999 activity report) from Darrell Kelley, President & CEO-Economic Development Commission re: Highlights and Contributions. (cc: BCC)
  22. Letter dated 8/9/99 to Chairman from Hank Steinbrecher, Secretary General-U.S. Soccer re: Thanks to Seminole County. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Tourism Director, Library & Leisure Services Director, Parks Manager)
  23. Copy of letter dated 8/18/99 to Bonnie Williams, Executive Director-Fla. Commission on Ethics from Lonnie Groot, Deputy Co. Attorney re: Response to Public Records Request. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Ken Wright, Esquire, Planning & Development Director)
  24. Memorandum dated 8/17/99 to BCC (with attached) from Lonnie Groot, Deputy Co. Attorney re: Bugnacki Complaint before Fla. Commission on Ethics. (cc: Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director)
  25. Letters and facsimiles to BCC re: Opposition to Plan Amendment #13 from the following citizens: Helen Goggin, Robert Dumont, James Gamble, William & Marie Fitzgerald, Carolyn Gallagher. (cc: Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)
  26. E-mails to BCC re: Opposition to Plan Amendment #12 from the following citizens: Harold Miller, Donald Schake, Eric Schumann, Vonda Lemanski, Connie Sherlock, Paul Marczak, Barbara Breedlove, Beth Plummer, Janet Brown, Lynn Schoening, Kevin Freer. (cc: Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)

27. Letter dated 8/27/99 to Chairman from Richard Maladecki, President-Central Florida Hotel-Motel Association re: Endorsement of regional marketing. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Tourism)

28. Identical form letters to Chairman re: Objection to rezone on West Carrington Avenue from the following: Brian Linden, Nicholas Stoner, Chris Middleton, Sharl & Eric Norton, Shawn Gjuray, Juergen Beuhring, David & JoAnn Costilto, William Abiuso, Lisa Daye, Paul & Sandra Flores. (cc: BCC, Current Planning)

29. Letter dated 9/3/99 to Chairman from John Goodrum re: Opposition to rezone on West Carrington Avenue. (cc: BCC, Current Planning)

30. Notice and agenda for City of Oviedo Council Meeting 9/7/99.

31. Copy of letter dated 9/2/99 to Shaw Stiller, Esquire-Fla. Department of Community Affairs (with attached Resolution 99-R-20 and correspondence from Shaw Stiller) from Lonnie Groot, Deputy Co. Attorney re: Heathrow DRI. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Miranda Fitzgerald-Esquire, Janet Courtney-Esquire)

32. Letter dated 8/27/99 to BCC from Douglas Stenstrom-President of the Seminole Co. Historical Society re: Seminole Co. Historical Museum. (cc: Co. Manager, Library & Leisure Services Director)

33. Letter dated 8/30/99 to Director-Co. Finance (with attached monthly report) from Nancy DePew, Executive Director-Habitat for Humanity re: July 1999 Monthly report. (cc: Grants Coordinator, BCC)

34. Letter dated 8/19/99 to BCC from Robert King-Chairman, Friends of Lake Jesup re: Support of purchase of Clifton Springs and Mineral Springs. (cc: Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Planning & Development Director)

35. Copy of letter dated 8/25/99 to George Delaney, P.E.-Don McIntosh Associates from Marjorie Cook, P.E.-SJRWMD Department of Resource Management re: Water & Force Main Extension over Econ River. (cc: Elizabeth Thomas, Joan Budzynski, Anthony Miller, Richard Jerman, BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager)

36. Letter dated 8/31/99 to BCC (with attached letter to Magalie Roman Salas-Federal Communications Commission) from Diane Pickett, Time Warner Communication re: Rate changes. (cc: Co. Manager, Senior Cable Franchising Coordinator)

37. Copy of memorandum dated 8/30/99 to Maureen Landgraf-Analyst through Henry Brown-Assistant Co. Attorney from Keith Roark-Road Project Acquisition Manager re: Chapman Road Valuation/Safety Analysis & Expert Testimony. (cc: BCC, Deputy Co. Attorney, Co. Engineer, Principal Engineer/Major Projects, Contract Analyst)

38. Copy of letters from Ken Roberts, Public Safety Director re: Appreciation for donations to the following: Ruth Dyer, June Shellabarger, Kim Wheeler, R. Guerra, Lilli Figueroa, S. Bowman, Radecki)

39. Copy of letter dated 9/10/99 to Raymond Valdes, Tax Collector (with attached budget) from Darrell W. Smith, Budget Services Director-Dept. of Revenue re: Tentative 1999/2000 budget. (cc: BCC)

40. Letter dated 9/8/99 to Chairman (with attached Notice of Intent) from Bob Cambric, Growth Management Administrator-Dept. of Community Affairs re: Determination of Comprehensive Plan Amendment. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Co. Attorney, Planning & Development Director, Sandra Glenn-Executive Director, ECFRPC)

41. Copy of letter dated 9/2/99 to Honorable Victor Crist, Chairman-House Justice Council from Representative Stan Bainter re: Proposed changes in Florida Statutes dealing with mental health patients. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager, Co. Attorney, Sheriff, Public Defender)

42. Letter dated 8/30/99 to Chairman (with attached) from Dr. Jane Polkowski, Director-Seminole Co. Health Department re: 3rd Quarter Report FY 1998/99. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Community Services Director)

43. Notice of Public Hearing – City of Oviedo 9/16/99 re: River Oaks Preliminary Plan Phase 1.

44. Letter dated 9/7/99 to BCC from Linda Radun re: Appreciation in denying proposed text amendments to develop acreage near Wekiva State Park and Sanford. (cc: Comprehensive Planning, Current Planning)

45. E-mail dated 9/9/99 to BCC from Mel Martinez, Chairman-Orange County re: Transportation in Orange County. (cc: Co. Manager)

46. Memorandum dated 9/8/99 to BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Manager (with attachment from Stan Bessmer) from Ginger Hoke, Senior Greenway & Trails Planner re: Potential Trail-Kewannee Park Linkage. (cc: Stan Bessmer, Library & Leisure Services Director, Planning & Development Director, Comprehensive Planning Manager)

47. Letter to Chairman from Desiree Spang re: Rezone of Sam Carr property. (cc: BCC, Current Planning)

48. Letter dated 8/31/99 to BCC (with attached report) from Randy Johnson, President-Central Florida Sports Commission re: August 1999 Activities report.

49. Memorandum dated 8/30/99 to BCC, Co. Manager through Dr. Jane Polkowski, Health Department Director from John Cochrane, Environmental Manager re: Fee Resolution relating to onsite sewage system pumping. (cc: Community Services Director)

50. Notice of City Council work session – 9/13/99-City of Oviedo.

51. Letter dated 8/31/99 to Chairman from Patricia Green re: Proposed land use amendment #13. (cc: BCC, Current Planning, Comprehensive Planning)

52. Identical form letters to Chairman re: Opposition to Sam Carr rezone from the following: Harold E. Haynes, Jr., A. Ortiz, Fred L. Easton, Jr., Heather Easton, Edward Jordan, Zhaopingke & Qinying Wang, Patrick & Karen Precord, H. Scott Lance, Elsa Pamales, Charles Lewis, David & Elizabeth Franks, Mary Brohard, Elizabeth Holland, Daniel Holland, Shirley Perdue, A. John Eason. (cc: BCC, Current Planning)

53. Letter dated 8/20/99 to BCC from Mrs. A.L. Bell re: Opposition to Plan Amendment #13. (cc: Current Planning, Comprehensive Planning)

54. Letters dated 9/7/99 from Suzy Goldman, Library & Leisure Services Director re: Appreciation of donations to the following: Mr. & Mrs. Ron Thompson & Jeff, Parag & Diane Karkham's, Forrest Abell. (cc: BCC)

55. Contracts for Service, as shown on page __________, between Parks & Recreation and the following: Brian Amberg (Keep score for softball games), Tammy Childs (Tennis Tournament Umpire) and William Thomas (Tennis Tournament Umpire).


Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide to appoint Alice Gilmartin to the Greeneway Trails Task Force.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris relative to the Building Code issue relating to copper piping, Mr. Grace advised he believes a public hearing will be scheduled soon on new building codes.

Commissioner Morris stated he is requesting the Board to look into this to see what type of action they need to do on this issue. He stated he has heard a variety of issues as to why this hasn’t been done.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he also has some issues on the code that needs discussing.

Mr. Grace stated he will have to follow up on that issue and come back to the Board.


Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to appoint Stan Sandefur to the Seminole County Port Authority for a 4-year term; and to adopt Resolution commending Cliff Miller for his services on the Port Authority.

Under discussion, Commissioner McLain stated he is under the impression that this appointment is for the District 5 Commissioner.

The Board by consensus agreed to hold off on the appointment to determine whether this is a District 3 or 5 appointment.


Chairman Henley recommended appointing Mike Good to the Seminole County Port Authority for a 4-year term.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to appoint Mike Good to the Seminole County Port Authority.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Commissioner Maloy stated he would like more information on regulating newspaper vending machines.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy to direct staff to bring back more information for the newspaper vending machine units.

Commissioner Morris stated he feels the Board should freeze any action on expired contracts relative to bus benches until the RFP issue is resolved. Commissioner Maloy withdrew his motion.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Morris to authorize staff to review ideas including the component of regulating vending machines as well as freezing park benches and to have all of these looked at comprehensively along the corridors.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Commissioner Maloy stated the evacuations from the last hurricane were very slow and he sees SR 46 as an important corridor coming from the coast, which should be 4-laned. He stated he feels there should be a road coming from the coast that would move the traffic better. He said he feels that fixing the environmental problems on Lake Jesup as well as the general safety issue is a priority item. He added he would like to discuss with the Board as to where they want to go with that corridor. One of the ideas is to build a new bridge going over Lake Jesup on the north side.

Jim Marino, Public Work Directors, addressed the Board to advise SR 46 to the east is not in the MetroPlan 5-year plan, but it is on the long-range plan.

Commissioner Maloy stated he feels this is something that needs to be done as soon as possible.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he realizes that this is a safety problem even if there is one car or 2,000 cars traveling on that road. He stated if there is some reason that SR 46 would really generate a considerable increase of traffic count, it would probably be the biggest safety hazard in the County.

Chairman Henley stated that Governor Bush has indicated that he will take a hard look at these evacuations.

Commissioner Morris stated he would be in favor of any action to move forward with the bridge issue, but he would have to abstain from any formal votes on this issue as he represents property owners on that road.

Commissioner McLain stated he feels the Board should address pushing 4-laning SR 46 from Mellonville Ave. to 415. He stated he would suggest moving forward with accelerating 4-laning SR 46 to 415 or to the bridge.

Commissioner Maloy recommended going with a two-phase project.

Chairman Henley recommended having staff to take a look at these issues and come back with their recommendations. The Board voiced no objections.


Mary Mantzaris, Lead Administrative Aide, addressed the Board to advise that the Port Authority Appointment that Commissioner Van Der Weide made is a District 3 appointment. She stated there are three other rotating appointments, but this is not one of them.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy to appoint Stan Sandefur to the Seminole County Port Authority and adopt Resolution #99-R-130, as shown on page ___________, commending Cliff Miller for his services on the Port Authority.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.


Chairman Henley submitted highlights of the Metroplan Committee meeting held on September 8, 1999.


Commissioner Morris advised that the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council meeting scheduled for September was cancelled and there will not be another meeting until next month.


Commissioner Maloy stated a Lynx meeting is scheduled for this Thursday and he understands that Mel Martinez will be the representative from Orange County.

Chairman Henley asked the Board if they received a copy of Mel Martinez’s letter relative to where he wants to go and where he wants to place his emphasis.


Commissioner Van Der Weide stated a few years ago the Board thought it was a good idea to put more than one cell company on a pole. He stated AT&T wireless wants to put another company on their pole. He said staff is interpreting this that this be limited to three and suggested that the company has to go through the whole process. He added the minutes do not indicate that it be restricted to three. He added he feels it would make sense to accommodate four companies on one pole.

Upon inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he doesn’t want to see more poles going up around the County and he would like to know why they couldn’t do this.

Mr. Grace stated the minutes and motion indicate that it is very exclusive. After the motion was made, staff clarified that there will be three sets of light cells. Discussion ensued.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he is trying to determine whether or not the Board can give these companies direction to move forward, and if they can’t, then they need to make it clear to those companies as to what steps they need to follow.

Mr. McMillan recommended having staff to review this issue further and then come back to the Board with an interpretation.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he feels that staff can research this issue and come back tomorrow.


Mr. Grace reminded the Board of the first Budget public hearing tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. He stated he would like to thank the Board for their patience in canceling and rescheduling the meetings, and he would like to commend staff for their preparation and response to the storms.


Chairman Henley announced that the Spring Hammock Preserve Management Plan public hearing has been rescheduled from September 14 to September 28, 1999.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m., this same date.


