SEPTEMBER 22, 1999

The following is a non-verbatim transcript of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, held at 7:05 p.m. on Wednesday, September 22, 1999, in the SEMINOLE COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING at SANFORD, FLORIDA, the usual place of meeting of said Board.


Chairman Carlton Henley (District 4)

Vice Chairman Grant Maloy (District 1)

Commissioner Randy Morris (District 2)

Commissioner Dick Van Der Weide (District 3)

Commissioner Daryl McLain (District 5)

County Manager Kevin Grace

County Attorney Robert McMillan

Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen

Chairman Henley gave the Invocation.

Commissioner Maloy led the Pledge of Allegiance.


The FY 1999-00 Budget First Public Hearing procedures and information was received and filed. Chairman Henley reviewed the adoption procedures as outlined. He advised that the second public hearing is scheduled for September 28, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. Chairman Henley also advised that a separate public hearing for adoption of the non-ad valorem assessment rolls for street lighting districts and municipal services benefit units (MSBU) will follow this public hearing.

Cindy Hall, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to announce the tentative millage rates as follows: Countywide, 5.0477; Debt Service, .1170; Unincorporated District Fire/Rescue, 2.0971; Unincorporated Roads, 0.6591; Total millages including Debt Service, 7.9209, and Total excluding the voted Debt Service, 7.8039. She stated the tentative aggregate millage rate, excluding debt service, is 6.3955 which represents a 2.14% increase over the aggregate rolled-back millage rate of 6.2616.

County Manager, Kevin Grace, addressed the Board to state the total tentative budget for FY 1999/00 is $438,923,776 which includes approximately $274 million in annual revenues, approximately one-third from property taxes, 14% from State and Federal sources; and 53% from local sources. He said the anticipated expenditures total $319 million—Transportation, 33%; Public Safety including Fire, Sheriff, and EMS, 24%; and Water and Sewer, 20%. Mr. Grace said he believes this is a responsible budget and one that will ensure continuing to provide quality services to the citizens and staff.

Ms. Hall stated she distributed revised agenda information (received and filed). She reviewed changes to the proposed budget prior to the public hearing for a revised total of $438,922,776. She noted the changes requested tonight totaling $1,276,147 primarily in the General Fund, and the total budget if the proposed changes are made will be $440,198,923.

Dr. Ann McGee, Seminole Community College, addressed the Board to speak in favor of the Central Florida and Central Technical Business Incubator Center. She reported on the projects, funding from NASA, the Small Business Administration, and Port Authority, the number of businesses, the number of companies served, and their partnership with the University of Central Florida. She asked the Board to support this project which has been most successful and said they are looking forward to expanding it.

Relf Crissey, Executive Director, National Association for Training, addressed the Board to state their goal is to retain and grow the modeling simulation and training business. He said the State of Florida requires matching funds from the community to proceed with a grant. He said the grant this year would be critical. If they are to fend off a base closure in their area, they need to do it this next year and the community support is needed for their continued success.

Darrell Kelley, EDC Mid-Florida, addressed the Board to reinforce what he hopes will be approved in the Economic Development portion of the budget tonight. He said much of what they do focuses on retention and about 70% of the jobs created in Central Florida comes from existing industries. He asked for the Board’s support.

Commissioner Morris complimented Mr. Kelley on the good work done.

Richard Fox, Central Florida Innovation Corporation, addressed the Board to state this corporation creates high tech companies and builds them. He said he has had a very successful year. He said this is the second and final year that they will be requesting funding from the government and they should be self-sufficient this time next year.

Mr. McMillan left the meeting at this time.

Mr. Fox gave examples of businesses they are involved in. He asked for the Board’s support of $10,000 in the budget.

Mark O’Mara, Seminole County Bar Association, addressed the Board to state he is asking for a funding increase of $16,000 to support their Citizens Dispute Program. He said it has been

impossible to accomplish the same things without the Board’s funding.

Mr. McMillan returned to the meeting at this time.

Commissioner Morris discussed with Mr. O’Mara why the Association would not pay for its own program. He answered they tried that, but realized they need some help. Mr. O’Mara discussed with Commissioner Maloy the difference between their program and the Legal Aid Society. He referred to his letter (not received and filed) to the Board. He also discussed with Commissioner Van Der Weide the percentage of the budget for staff positions.

Patricia Gehre, 120 Hidden Oak Drive, International Council of Central Florida (ICCF), addressed the Board to state they are succeeding in rebuilding and will finally have an office. She said for the $10,000 grant given last year, they put back into the economy $40,000. She stated they marketed Seminole County on every envelope and every book provided. She reported they brought through 66 visitors this past year and approximately 40 programs. She stated if there is not local government support, they cannot qualify for a Federal grant.

Alan Petrie, 4604 Howell Branch Road, representing Kids Loves Us Child Care Center, addressed the Board to support the 4C request for $30,000 to complete the funds they need to draw down State matching funds.

Molly Ward, 102 Yorktown Place, representing Molly Ward’s Family Child Care, addressed the Board to support the 4C request for $30,000.

Pat Frank, 1210 Celery Avenue, representing 4C, addressed the Board to state they need to draw down the additional half million dollars from the State and need the additional matching funds. She said this program is for low-income families ranging from $0 to $10,000 income. She advised they have raised $100,000 but are short $30,000. She said 96% of the funds would go directly back into this county.

Commissioner Morris questioned what assurance Ms. Frank could give the Board that these funds will come to Seminole County. Ms. Frank answered that she knows exactly how much money is to be spent in Seminole County. It is based upon statistical factors like population and the number of children. She said there is equity in the funding.

Chairman Henley asked Ms. Frank to explain the School Readiness Program.

Ms. Frank stated she believes that next year they can go forward and not request funding from the County.

Chairman Henley recessed the meeting at 8:32 p.m. and reconvened at 8:45 p.m. The Chairman read the written comment from Deborah Collins, 210 S. Wayman Street, representing Pee Wee Ranch Child Care Center, stating 45% of her enrollment is through 4C. The Written Comment Form was received and filed.

No one else spoke in support or in opposition. Speaker Request Forms were received and filed.

Commissioner Maloy asked questions of Ms. Hall about the budget. Regarding his inquiry about employee shirts, she advised there are some written policies and she can provide that information at the next meeting.

Chairman Henley asked the Board to consider for action the two requests tonight from the Bar Association and 4C Program.

Motion by Commissioner Morris to approve funding in the amount of $30,000 to 4C with the understanding that over the course of a year, Ms. Frank is to report to the Board in a much more comprehensive fashion on the distribution of funds and equitable distribution by counties, and that they will seek funding from other governing sources.

Commissioner McLain said he thinks the questions the Board has had over the last several years are in order now. He thinks this is money well-spent and he supports it. He thinks it would be foolish for them not to invest $30,000 knowing that $500,000 would be lost.

Commissioner McLain seconded the motion.

Under discussion, Chairman Henley stated the only problem he has is that over 90% of the budget comes directly from taxpayers, and he doesn’t think there has been enough successful efforts to relieve the same taxpayers from all three levels of government. He said he supports Commissioner Morris’ remarks and he will support this request.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Morris to approve, for a one-year period only, $16,000 to the Seminole County Bar Association based upon their reorganizing, and this is a valuable program and works separately from any other program.

Commissioner Morris added that the Bar Association is to report in a similar fashion as all the other community service agencies.

Commissioner Maloy seconded motion.

Under discussion, Commissioner Van Der Weide said he thinks staff can work out the details to satisfy the Board’s questions. Mr. Grace stated all community service agencies that receive money come back with a contract and the Board will see that.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Commissioner Maloy advised of a project having to do with school safety in the city limits of Oviedo dealing with a sidewalk on 419.

Traffic Engineer, Bob Zaitooni, addressed the Board to state a study was done and came back with a cost of $120,000. He proposed that be split in three ways. He said the funding is not included in the budget.

Commissioner Morris stated his support. He said this sidewalk serves Jackson Heights Middle School. He said they have a partnership on this and they can do it together or the County will have to do it alone.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to approve $40,000 from the General Fund to pay 1/3 of the installation cost of the sidewalk on 419 within the city limits of Oviedo, and work in partnership with the School Board and the City of Oviedo.

Pam Hastings, Public Works Administrative Manager, addressed the Board to state there is approximately $200,000 in Capital Reserves still within the Transportation Fund, which could be used for this project.

Ms. Hall suggested taking money out of the Transportation reserves and Mr. Grace agreed.

Commissioner Morris amended the motion with the option that the funding source come back. Whereupon, Chairman Henley said the motion is to approve the expenditure and let staff decide where the funding will come from.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner McLain to approve $17,000 to Seminole Vision and $15,000 to Sanford Main Street with the understanding that this will be the last funding year.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times, without response, whereupon the motion died for the lack of same.

Commissioner Morris questioned if Commissioner McLain would concur to lower the Seminole Vision amount to $10,000.

Motion by Commissioner McLain, seconded by Commissioner Morris, to approve $10,000 to Seminole Vision and $10,000 to Sanford Main Street.

Under discussion, Commissioner Maloy stated he still opposes funding to Seminole Vision. He said he thinks $64,000 is more than enough to get the program up and going. He suggested Seminole Vision increase their fees for participation to make up for any lack of revenue.

Commissioner Morris stated he thinks Seminole Vision has had a very good vision and it would be nice to see the continued cooperation among that organization and the Chamber and Healthy Kids Program. He said he would condition this funding to a match from the cities.

Chairman Henley advised Commissioner McLain that all the cities were contacted about funding but all the Boards had not voted on doing so.

Mr. McMillan left the meeting room at this time.

Commissioner Van Der Weide said he thinks it would be logical to separate these two requests and vote on them separately. Commissioner McLain said he would not change his motion.

Districts 2 and 5 voted AYE.

Commissioners Van Der Weide, Maloy, and Henley voted NAY.

Motion by Commissioner Morris to approve funding of $10,000 for Seminole Vision.

Commissioner Henley surrendered the gavel to Vice Chairman Maloy for the purpose of seconding the motion.

Under discussion, Commissioner Henley asked that should this motion pass, this will be the last year funding for this Board. Commissioner Morris concurred and said they will do the same percentage breakout for each City, so this will be a matching grant.

Mr. McMillan reentered the meeting room at this time.

Commissioner Maloy said he recalls that last year Seminole Vision’s commitment was that they would be winding down on funding from the County. He said he thinks $64,000 over the last four years is quite a bit of money.

Commissioner Van Der Weide said there is no reason for Seminole Vision to continue with Mayors and Managers in a very relaxed meeting with no minutes taken. He said the County is paying for a facilitator through Seminole Vision and the Chamber that is not needed at this point. He just doesn’t see a need for it anymore. He said he will not support the motion.

Commissioner Henley stated efforts have been made since last year with the idea in mind in making it a true Seminole County vision and project. Efforts were made to help them understand that their past list of accomplishments were already underway by County Government. He thinks the value of staying involved one more year and seeing it through for contacts and with private industry is to keep them more involved, provided the organization stays focused on what their stated mission is and, hopefully, things can be gained from it. He said he will support $10,000 for one more year to try to make the organization do what it said it would do.

Commissioners Maloy and Van Der Weide reiterated they are not in support of the motion.

Districts 2, 4, and 5 voted AYE.

Commissioners Maloy and Van Der Weide voted NAY.

Commissioner Maloy returned the gavel to Commissioner Henley to resume the duties of Chairman.


Motion by Commissioner McLain to approve $10,000 for Sanford Main Street as a last year funding amount.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times without response, whereupon the motion died for the lack of same.


Commissioner Maloy asked for the Board’s consensus that as staff goes through all the community service grants, they strongly encourage these groups to seek private funding sources and encourage fundraisers. He said the word is on the street that "you go to the County Commission and ask for a large amount and you’ll get $30,000 to $40,000."

Discussion ensued. Commissioner Morris said it might be smarter to draft a letter saying this Board is considering not funding in the future. Chairman Henley said staff is instructed to convey that sentiment.

Mr. Grace stated staff will draft a letter for all the Commissioners to sign that the Board’s intent is to seriously reduce the community service agency funds in future years. Commissioner Van Der Weide stressed the emphasis is on increasing their private funding.


Commissioner Maloy stated another goal to look at on user fees funding is for staff to look at funding those user fee departments more with the people who use the services as opposed to going to the General Fund. He asked for staff to look at the feasibility of this. The Board had no objections.


Commissioner Maloy proposed shifting some of the Human Resources money spent for gift certificates, "pats on the back," the Heritage Festival, etc. to where the employees would rather see it. He suggested using these revenues to reduce costs to the employees for spouse insurance coverage and for prescriptions, as the Board goes forward with the increase in insurance.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he doesn’t think the employees should be put in a position that their participating rate for insurance should wipe out their salary increase. He said that could happen. He asked that staff analyze between now and the next meeting that employees could lose salary increases by paying more for their share of insurance.

Commissioner Morris said he thinks the County is not doing a good enough job of advertising what the employees are getting. He said the County benefits program is far more liberal than the private sector.

Mr. Grace stated these are fairly new programs just implemented the last couple of years. He said he has been speaking to the departments and this is one area where he gets positive feedback and the employees really appreciate these programs. He asked the Board not to look at eliminating these but allow him the next year to evaluate and make recommendations to next year’s budget. He said these programs are a good management tool. Whereupon, Commissioner Van Der Weide asked Mr. Grace if he can provide at the next meeting what the net affect of the employees insurance is on their paychecks.

Commissioner McLain stated this County participates at a far greater level than the private sector does and the little bit the employees pay is a very small part of the premium. He agreed with the County Manager about the employee programs. He said the only ones benefiting would be those with dependent coverage.

Commissioner Maloy stated a lot of employees are worried about healthcare right now rather than the "pat on the back" program, and he would like to leave this as an option for the County Manager to look at next week. Mr. Grace stated he will bring back a report to the Board.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to remove the Volusia County route from the Lynx budget at a cost of $140,000.

Under discussion, Commissioner Van Der Weide asked if the County had received a report from Lynx.

Dick Thomas, Transportation Specialist, addressed the Board to state staff has been waiting about six months to hear from Volusia County. He said they are going through their budget process also. Discussion ensued.

Commissioner Maloy amended his motion to request staff bring back an alternate proposal for better use of the funds. Commissioner Van Der Weide agreed to the amendment.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to eliminate from the budget $40,000 for outsourcing TV.

Under discussion, Commissioner Morris stated he would rather see a more comprehensive plan before taking cutting the funding. He said the consultant is going to report back on this.

Deputy County Manager, Cindy Coto, addressed the Board to state the consultant is on board and she understands he will come back within the next week with a recommendation as to how they believe money should be appropriated to reach the goals communicated to them.

Commissioner Van Der Weide expressed that getting back to the BCC work session room for broadcasting should be incorporated into whatever the consultant does; otherwise the Board will have to do something else with that area.

Commissioner McLain suggested leaving in the $40,000 until the Board gets the report from the consultant.

Whereupon, Commissioner Van Der Weide withdrew his second to the motion.

Chairman Henley advised the motion is withdrawn until the Board receives the report from the consultant.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to eliminate the Annual Report from the budget at a cost of $40,000.

Under discussion, Chairman Henley stated that in view of the fact the County has some means of communication they didn’t have when they first started this report by Government TV, he thinks the Board is reporting to the public and the public has a better opportunity to be informed as they see it happening live rather than what the Commission sends out in an annual report.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner McLain, to delete the Public Information Officer position.

Commissioner Morris stated he strongly urges the Board to keep this position in place as he thinks it is a very valuable position. He thinks the position can be changed, and he thinks the County Manager feels as he does.

Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he was very disappointed in the way the position was staffed, and he has no problem with not funding this position. He said they have the County Manager and staff, as well as the Chairman who can assemble information that is requested.

Mr. Grace said he is in the process of interviewing for that position and he thinks it is very important. He said he doesn’t think the position has done what it can do. They are focusing on an experienced person who has done this in the past and has a proven track record. He asked the Board to allow him that additional communication tool.

Chairman Henley said he thinks part of the problem they had with the position was because the Board had not given clear direction. It became readily apparent to him that the person who held the position was a victim also as there was no job description.

Commissioner Morris said Seminole Government TV also needs coordination. He asked the Board to give the County Manager time to come back, and the Board cannot fill the position if they don’t like the County Manager’s recommendation.

Chairman Henley stated the position could serve a good purpose as a complement to Government TV.

Districts 1, 3, and 5 voted AYE.

Commissioners Henley and Morris voted NAY.


Commissioner Maloy stated he has seven cuts to propose and the Board can use the revenues totaling $423,166 to reduce business license fees to $1.00. He itemized these cuts and the Board and staff briefly discussed them. Chairman Henley asked the Board to consider each item individually.

Motion by Commissioner Maloy to eliminate $20,000 from the EDC budget for foreign trade trips.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times without response; whereupon, the motion died for the lack of same.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy to delete $305,000 from the EDC budget for the Jobs Growth Incentive Program.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times without response; whereupon, the motion died for the lack of same.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner McLain, to use the $50,000 surety bond refund money toward the millage reduction.

Under discussion, Commissioner Morris stated this is no way to budget; the millage reduction should not be based upon a one-time expenditure item.

Chairman Henley stated it might be more appropriate to designate this money to reserves. Whereupon, Commissioners Maloy and McLain accepted this friendly amendment to designate the $50,000 surety bond money to the General Fund Reserves.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to delete $10,000 in funding to the International Council of Central Florida (ICCF).

Under discussion, Commissioner McLain suggested an alternate motion to approve a one-year funding of $10,000 for the ICCF. Commissioner Morris said this is a unique program in that it is a Federal one and it makes sense to get them up and running.

Commissioners Maloy and Van Der Weide stated they would not alter their motion.

Districts 1, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

Commissioners Morris and McLain voted NAY.

The Board agreed that this money would go into the General Fund Reserve.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy to freeze the current spending level at $337,000 in this year’s budget for the Economic Development Commission.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times without response; whereupon, the motion died for the lack of same.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy, seconded by Commissioner Morris, that the $10,000 inadvertently budgeted to EDC trade zone will go to the General Fund Reserve.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


Motion by Commissioner Maloy to cut $10,000 from the budget for the Central Florida Innovation Corporation.

Chairman Henley called for a second to the motion three times without response; whereupon, the motion died for the lack of same.


Commissioner Maloy requested more details about the quarter million dollar allocation to build homes on natural lands.


Chairman Henley recessed the meeting at 10:40 p.m. for staff to refigure the budget as necessary and reconvened at 10:49 p.m.


Ms. Hall announced the amended total budget with changes is $440,228,923. She advised the tentative millage rates remain the same for Countywide, 5.0477; Debt Service, 0.1170; Unincorporated Fire/Rescue, 2.0971; and Unincorporated Roads, 0.6591. She said based upon these tentative millage rates, the tentative aggregate millage rate, exclusive of debt service millage, is 6.3955 which represents a 2.14% increase over the aggregate rolled-back millage rate of 6.2616.

Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by Commissioner Maloy, to adopt the tentative millage rates.

Under discussion, Commissioner McLain stated he will not be supporting the motion. He explained he is working with staff concerning some issues he still has and they have asked for more time. He said he thinks the taxpayers deserve more substantial savings. At the next budget hearing, he hopes the staff will be prepared to discuss the options he’s working on with them and decide whether they will give the taxpayers additional relief.

Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 voted AYE.

Commissioner McLain voted NAY.


Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to adopt the amended tentative budget for all funds.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.

Chairman Henley announced the second public hearing for final action will be held on September 28, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.


Proof of publication, as shown on page __________, calling for a public hearing to consider Resolution and Certificate adopting the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll, received and filed.

MSBU Program Manager Lin Polk addressed the Board to present the request. She advised staff is requesting an amendment to the Resolution to reflect a decrease of $.56 per assessed year for the solid waste collection and disposal. (A copy of the amended rates due to a decrease in the disposal fee was received and filed.)

Commissioner McLain stated he would like for the solid waste assessment to be voted on separately.

No one spoke in support or in opposition.

Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Van Der Weide, to approve and authorize Chairman to execute Resolution #99-R-129, as shown on page _________, and Certificate, as shown on page __________, adopting the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll.

Under discussion with Commissioner McLain, Commissioner Morris amended the motion to adopt the Resolution and Certificate tonight and the amended rates will come before the Board at the next public hearing.

Commissioner Van Der Weide concurred with the amendment.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m., this same date.

ATTEST _______________________Clerk_____________________Chairman
