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SEPTEMBER 27, 2005
Chairman Carlton Henley
(District 4)
Vice Chairman Brenda Carey (District 5)
Commissioner Bob
Dallari (District 1)
Commissioner Randy
Morris (District 2)
Commissioner Dick Van
Der Weide (District 3)
County Manager Kevin
County Attorney Robert
The Invocation was
given by Pastor Bryan Wenger, Upsala Community Presbyterian Church, Sanford.
County Attorney Robert
McMillan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
and Presentations
Henley changed the order of the agenda to delay Item #1 and go to Item #2 as
one of the presenters was not present at the time.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-169, as shown on page _______,
proclaiming October 2 – 8, 2005 as “Mental Illness Awareness Week-Take Action
to Change the Nation.”
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.
Carey presented the Resolution to Linda
Gregory, President of the Mental Health Task
Force, who thanked the Board for their support, not only financially, but for
the encouragement and being involved in partnering with other agencies.
by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by
Commissioner Morris, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-170, as shown on page _______, proclaiming the
month of October as “National Disability Awareness Month”.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Dallari presented the Resolution to Connie Kreinbring, Chairwoman, and others
from the Disability Advisory Council.
Ms. Kreinbring expressed thanks to the Board for their support.
by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-167, as shown on page _______, proclaiming October 10, 2005 as “Putting the
Brakes on Fatalities Day”.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Van Der Weide presented the Resolution to Robin Butler and Lt. Pete
Kelting. Ms. Butler thanked the
Board for their support. Lt.
Kelting, Sheriff’s Department, expressed his appreciation on behalf of the
Traffic Safety Team.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari, to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-168, as shown on page _______, proclaiming October 2005 as “Greenways and Trails Month”.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Morris presented the Resolution to Dan Anderson, Greenways and Trails
Committee. He stated one of the
good partners with them is the City of Longwood. He expressed the Board really appreciates them making the
Anderson stated, on behalf of the Greenways and Trails Committee and especially
the families who use the trails, they appreciate the Board’s leadership in
putting this in place. He said
there will be many activities scheduled throughout the month and they can look
on the web to see them.
David Mealor and Senator Lee Constantine addressed the Board to make a
presentation. Senator Constantine
stated he and Representative Mealor have worked very hard to sponsor the
Florida Forever Bill that put more of an emphasis on programs that go back into
the community, to the parks and recreation facilities that are near and dear to
each one of us in Central Florida and all of Florida. He said he has the honor to present two grant checks from
the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) for acquisition
and development of land for public outdoor recreational use or construction of
recreational trails. One check in
the amount of $145,000 is for Soldiers Creek and the other check in the amount
of $200,000 is for Jetta Point, for a total of $345,000.
Mealor stated it is an absolute honor to be able to do this. He said again, they have to recognize
the hard work of the Commission.
He said, on behalf of the Seminole County Legislative Delegation, he is
very proud to take advantage of this moment.
Morris expressed appreciation for their leadership.
Mealor and Senator Constantine presented the checks to the Board. Senator Constantine said thanks to the
Board for all they do and it’s always a pleasure serving Seminole County in Tallahassee.
Henley expressed the Board’s appreciation for the efforts the Legislative
Delegation puts forth on behalf of Seminole County. This will go a long way toward helping provide amenities for
the residents to enjoy.
County Manager’s
Consent Agenda
Manager Kevin Grace stated Items #30 and #49 are being pulled from the
agenda. He explained that Item #30
will come back at a future meeting.
Item #49 is pulled because the property is now in compliance. He said also one of the public hearing
items will be discussed later.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by
Commissioner Carey, to approve and authorize the following:
County Manager
6. Authorize
reassignment of the GIS Division of the Information Technologies Department to
the Community Resources Division of the Planning and Development Department,
and adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-172, as shown on page _______,
amending the Seminole County Administrative Code.
Community Services
7. Approve and
authorize Chairman to execute the FY 2005/2006 Contract, as shown on page
_______, between the State of Florida Department of Health and Seminole County.
Economic Development
8. Adopt
appropriate Resolution #2005-R-173, as shown on page _______, to continue the
Jobs Growth Incentive Program.
9. Approve and
authorize Chairman to execute Agreement, as shown on page _______, between Seminole
County and Pulte Homes-Carriage Homes at Dunwoody for reclaimed water
11. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Certificate of
Public Convenience and Necessity for the following three (3) companies: (1) 4 Jays-Management, Inc.; (2) A
& F Waste Services, Inc.; and (3) SP Recycling Corp.
13. BCR #05-38 - $150,000 – Environmental Services – Solid Waste
Management – 40201 – Solid Waste Fund.
Repair costs for Solid Waste Management Division in excess of original
budgeted amounts due to a larger than anticipated number of tires which
required replacement this year (at approximately $5,000 per tire) as well as a
higher incidence of accidents.
14. Award CC-1267-05/TLR, as shown on page _______, Countywide Fence
Repair and Installation to KMG Fence, LLC of St. Cloud (Estimated Annual Usage
of $250,000.00).
15. Approve Change Orders #2, 3, & 4, as shown on page
_______, to CC-1255-05/TLR, Ditch Debris Clean-up, Clearing and Grubbing at
various locations, with Garland Construction ($66,500.00).
16. Approve Change Order #3, as shown on page _______, to
CC-1256-05/TLR, Sweetwater Cove Tributary Surface Water Restoration and Erosion
Control/Stormwater Treatment, with InterTech, Inc. of Jacksonville
17. Approve Ranking List, Authorize Negotiations, and Award Master
Agreement, as shown on page _______, for PS-5191-05/TLR, Engineering Design,
Permitting, and Post-Design Services for the Central Transfer Station Citizen
Area, to Brown and Caldwell of Maitland ($150,000.00).
18. Award IFB-3124-05/LJS, as shown on page _______, Term Contract
for Tree Trimming and Stump Removal Services for Library and Leisure
Services/Parks and Recreation Department, to SunState Trees & Property
Maintenance, Inc., Casselberry.
19. Authorize Sole Source Procurement and authorize the issuance
of Purchase Order Grant Locator Services to eCivis, Inc., Pasadena, California
(Subscription Agreement $33,750.00).
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
County Attorney’s Consent Agenda
by Commissioner Van Der
Weide, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to approve and authorize the following:
40. Authorize Issuance of Offer of Judgment for Parcel Number 139A, Maratta property, on
the Lake Drive road improvement project in the amount of $65,000.00.
41. Approve proposed negotiated settlement relating to Parcel
Number 133 on the Lake Drive road improvement project, Hindu Society of Central
Florida property, in the
amount of $135,500.00 inclusive of land, severance damage, and costs.
42. Approve proposed settlement relating to Parcel Numbers 109,
709A, and 709B on Bunnell Road improvement project and Parcel Numbers 715C,
715D, 815B and 817 on Eden Park Avenue road improvement project, Country Creek
Master Association, Inc. property.
The settlement sum is $438,000.00 inclusive of land value, improvements,
cost to cure and attorney fees and cost reimbursements. Settlement includes and is contingent
on vacate of an unopened right-of-way to be considered at a future public
43. Approve proposed settlement relating to Parcel Numbers 118.3
and 718.3 on the Seminola Boulevard road improvement project, Motiva
Enterprises, LLC (formerly Star Enterprises) property, in the amount of
$650,000.00 inclusive of land value, severance damage, statutory interest,
business damages and attorney fees and cost reimbursements.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted
Constitutional Officers Consent Agenda
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Carey, to approve and authorize the following:
Clerk’s Office
44. Expenditure Approval Lists, as shown on page _______, dated
August 29 & September 6, 2005; and Payroll List, as shown on page _______,
dated August 25, 2005.
45. Chairman to execute the following Satisfactions of Judgment
for Court Costs:
Karen Fulks, #97-2398-CFA - $255
James Dean Reddick, #97-1203-CFB - $255
46. Approval of BCC Minutes dated August 23, 2005.
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted
Board noted, for information only, the following Clerk’s “received and filed”:
1. Development Order, as shown on page _______, for Master’s Academy Central Florida.
2. Maintenance Bonds for the following: Estates at Wekiva Park Ph. 1 - $70,500, as shown on page _______; Talman Mews Ph. 1 - $2,290, as shown on page _______; and AnneBury/Addison Place - $48,970.38, as shown on page _______.
3. Memorandum from Kevin Grace, County Manager, RE: Capital Project Fund Transfer for the Little Wekiva Basin in the amount of $22,000.
4. Performance Bond, as shown on page _______, for Villas at Deer Run in the amount $372,379.
5. Certified Tennis Pro Agreement, as shown on page _______, with Aimee Smith.
6. Memoranda from Kevin Grace, County Manager, RE: Capital Project Fund Transfers for Criminal Justice Center in the amount of $216,014; and Airport Blvd. Phase II in the amount of $29,611.
7. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to W.O. #1 to PS-5159-94.
8. C.O. #1, as shown on page _______, to CC-1255-05.
9. W.O. #13, as shown on page _______, to CC-1262-05.
10. W.O. #15, as shown on page _______, to RFP-4214-04.
11. W.O. #39, as shown on page _______, to CC-1220-03
12. W.O. #30, as shown on page _______, to PS-574-00.
13. W.O. #39 & 40, as shown on page _______, to PS-5130-02.
14. W.O. #13, as shown on page _______, to CC-1203-03.
15. W.O. #4, as shown on page _______, to RFP-4240-05.
16. C.O. #1, as shown on page _______, to BD-2119-05.
17. W.O. #23, as shown on page _______, to PS-5150-03.
18. W.O. #10, as shown on page _______, to CC-1262-05.
19. Amendment #3, as shown on page _______, to W.O. #62 to PS-590-01.
20. C.O. #1, as shown on page _______, to FC-1139.
21. Certificate of Final Inspection, as shown on page _______, for FC-1139-00.
22. C.O. #3, as shown on page _______, to CC-1246-04.
23. C.O. #1, as shown on page _______, to W.O. #23 to CC-1222-03.
24. C.O. #2, as shown on page _______, to CC-1221-03.
25. IFB-3125-05 Contract, as shown on page _______, with Philips Medical Systems.
26. RFQ-0195-05 Contract, as shown on page _______, with Active Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc.
27. Amendment #1, as shown on page _______, to W.O. #13 to PS-5166-04.
28. W.O. #12, as shown on page _______, to RFP-4214-04.
29. Bids #IFB-3119-05, 2124-05, DB-612-05, and 2125-05.
30. Resolution #2004-R-7, as shown on page
_______, Vacate & Abandonment for Allen Keen as approved by the BCC on
January 13, 2004.
Districts 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Manager Tony Walter addressed the Board to present request for approval of the
Final Master Plan for
Grande Oaks PUD, fka Florence Arbor PUD, consisting of approximately 27.18
acres located on the northeast corner of CR 46A and Orange Boulevard; and
authorization for the Chairman to execute the Developer’s Commitment Agreement,
Justin Pelloni.
Walter advised the approve preliminary master plan contained 320 dwelling units
at a density of 20.25 units per net buildable acre and 19,500 square feet of
commercial development. The
applicant has opted not to develop the commercial portion of the project and
has spread 314 residential units over the entire site and that reduces the net
density to 15.81 units per net buildable acre. He said staff has reviewed the Final Master Plan and
Developer’s Commitment Agreement and finds them in compliance with the
preliminary master plan and development order. He further advised of one change in the Developer’s
Commitment Agreement for Item A under Landscape and Buffer Criteria where it
refers to Orange Blvd. and the concrete wall. Staff wants to amend that to read, “the buffer along Orange
Blvd. shall contain a brick wall and along the east side of the property shall
contain a 6’ high masonry wall.”
Morris discussed with Mr. Walter the office portion which the applicant opted
not to develop. He asked Mr.
Walter to describe the green space and active recreation area. He also asked Mr. Pelloni to describe
what the amenities are that stand out with this project.
Pelloni, applicant, addressed the Board to describe the amenity plans. He showed a plan (received and filed)
and said the greatest amenity is that the lake is in the middle of the
development. He pointed out the Amenity
Center that includes a club house/dining room area, fitness center, patio area
around the pool and tot lot on the south side of the pool. On the north side of the development
are two satellite parks. He
described that along 46A, they have a streetscape of the front of the units and
a reduced-size wall with columns and wrought iron rail work. There is also a meandering sidewalk
that will have public access.
Morris asked about the design element, the elevations and different
heights. Whereupon, Mr. Pelloni
said they will be consistent with the heights, with two stories along Orange
Blvd. to balance the three-story units.
He showed a rendering (received and filed) of one of the buildings from
the model in West Palm called Harbour Oakes to show the elevations. He also showed the following pictures
(received and filed): view from
the clubhouse, view of internal parks with articulation on the rooftops and
balconies; entrance to the development along the walkways; pictures of the
architecture and landscaping; picture of similar view of what will happen along
Paola except there will be a much bigger landscape buffer.
Morris stated it appears the applicants did everything they originally promised
and did a really nice job.
Carey stated she had the opportunity to meet with the Pellonies and Kolter team
and see their presentation that the project is what they have said. She commented about the large garage
space and plenty of parking and said she loves the pedestrian bridge over the
lake as a great amenity. She
thinks this is a great project.
Dallari asked about the timing of the berm that will separate this project from
46A. He said, if possible, he
would like to see the berm established on 46A first before they go vertical.
Morton, Kolter Property Company, addressed the Board to state the berm is more
of a sculpted area with serpentine sidewalks running through them. He said this the first area they intend
to build, so it will come early on in the project.
Carey advised the applicants have plans to save the oak trees on the property.
inquiry by Commissioner Morris on the serpentine sidewalk, Mr. Morton advised
they will have double sidewalks, so the pedestrians can use that instead of the
serpentine if they choose.
Henley commended Mr. Pelloni on the project and said he hopes it sets a pace in
Seminole County.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Morris, to approve the Final Master Plan and authorize the
Chairman to execute the Developer’s Commitment Agreement, as shown on page
_______, for Grande Oaks PUD, consisting of approximately 27.18 acres and
located on the northeast corner of CR 46A and Orange Boulevard, based on staff
findings, with the revision to IX. A. of the Developer’s Commitment Agreement
about the brick wall along Orange Boulevard; Justin Pelloni.
discussion, Commissioner Morris referred to the Zom project in Lake Mary which
turned out to be nothing like it was supposed to be and is a big
disappointment. He asked staff to
be more vigilant on the representations relative to the actual project that is
put out.
Commissioner Carey said it is important that when people show the Board a
rendering, that is the Board’s expectation. The applicants have done a wonderful job on the projects she
has seen and she doesn’t expect anything less on this project.
Van Der Weide said this project will fit in nicely with the Heathrow and
Colonial property developments. He
congratulated the developers and said this will complement the area.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Gregory, Solid Waste Manager, addressed the Board to request approval of
amendments to RFP-4234-04/AJR Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreements, Seminole
County, Florida, Residential Collection Services, to change the definition of
“container” in the residential solid waste collection franchise agreements to
increase the accepted container size from 32 gallons to 40 gallons.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Carey, to approve the Amendments, as shown on page _______, to
RFP-4234-04/AJR, Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreements, Seminole County,
Florida, Residential Collection Services with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.; Waste
Management, Inc. of Florida; and Waste Services of Florida, Inc.; to change the
definition of “container” in the residential solid waste collection franchise
agreements to increase the accepted container size from 32 gallons to 40
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Gregory requested approval of amendments to Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreements
for Commercial Solid Waste Collection Services for firms identified. He explained the amendment for Section
2, Term, is to include language that authorizes the Director of the Environmental
Services Department to renew agreements for successive periods not to exceed
one year each; and amendment for Section 17, Spillage and Litter, is to include
language for administrative fines and for truck signage. He said staff is recommending extending
the existing non-exclusive franchise agreements for a one-year term. He advised the staff is continuing to
work on options for franchising commercial solid waste collection and will
bring those options to the Board in about 120 days for their consideration.
Van Der Weide advised he is employed by one of the collection firms and,
therefore, will abstain from voting. on this issue.
Henley advised for the Record that Commissioner Van Der Weide has recused
himself and will file the appropriate document later. Memorandum of Voting Conflict, as shown on page _______, was
received and filed.
Morris stated the cities of Winter Park and Lake Mary have moved very
successfully to using the one-man trucks with automatic arms that pick up the
super large containers. He said if
they stay under the current plan they now have, Seminole County will never move
to that technology. He said the
economics don’t work for the haulers because of the breakup of the pattern of
service areas and the commercial has been left on its own. The only way this would work is if they
have a combination of commercial with residential. He said you can get better rates if you have a smaller area
for only a particular vendor. He
hopes the Board seriously considers this over the next 120 days. He said the options for service and
price are better if they move in this direction and start to take control. Another big issue is the economics of
the landfill. He said this plays
directly in with what is going on now in Sanford with respect to purported
recycling center that is now turning into a transfer station. He said this is going to hurt the
taxpayers financially and he doesn’t see any action by the City of Sanford or
the BCC that is strong enough. He
hopes they tackle this issue seriously on the commercial side and put something
in place by the end of the year.
Chairman Henley stated the impact was
discussed at the City/County Commission meeting and the necessity for them to
look countywide, including the municipalities, at this problem. There were some expressions of concern
from some of the cities on what affect this might have upon the bonding program
if a substantial amount of delivery is lost from the landfill. He thinks this needs to be pursued also
in line with what Commissioner Morris stated.
Carey stated she understands one of the haulers on the northwest section is
planning to do a pilot program to try out the new technology. She said Mr. Gregory had informed her
during a briefing yesterday that the non-exclusive franchise commercial haulers
are required to take their garbage to the County’s landfill. There is a little protection
there. She said she is also
talking to the City of Sanford’s Commission, Mayor, and staff about the
recycling center.
Carey stated it didn’t make sense to her to change Section 2 giving authority
to the Director of Environmental Services to renew the agreements when they
have a new plan coming back before the Board. She thinks it holds the companies more accountable to know
they are coming before the County Commission. She said she does not support this change to Section 2. Discussion ensued.
Grace said he thinks in recent years, this has become a routine type thing; but
he agrees with the thought to leave it the way it is and do not make the change
now and see what the Board wants to do.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to approve the Amendments, as shown on page _______, but
striking the amendment to Section 2 that would have included language to
authorize the Director of the Environmental Services Department to renew the
agreements, to the non-exclusive franchise agreements for commercial solid
waste collection services for the following firms: Container Rental Company, Inc.; DisposAll, Inc.; Onyx Waste
Services Southeast, Inc.; Republic Services of Florida, LP; Sunshine Recycling,
Inc.; Waste Management, Inc. of Florida; Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.; and Waste
Services of Florida, Inc.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Henley recessed the meeting at 10:26 a.m. and reconvened it at 10:32 a.m.
Raub, Planning, County liaison to the Natural Lands Advisory Committee,
addressed the Board to request authorization for staff to initiate due
diligence in proceeding toward possible partnerships and acquisition on the
Lansing, XYZ Corporation and Schlusemeyer properties per the Natural Lands
Committee recommendations.
Raub gave a PowerPoint presentation (copies of slides were received and filed)
covering a funding report, summary of land acquisition program and
recommendations for final acquisitions.
Rotella, Community Resources Manager, addressed the Board to answer inquiry by
Chairman Henley on why the Natural Lands Committee did not recommend some of
the parcels. She advised that the
parcels did not fit the Natural Lands criteria to a significant degree,
generally either in size or location.
inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Ms. Rotella discussed why the Powell parcel
was not recommended. She also
discussed for Commissioner Morris why the Korman and Meadowland parcels were
not recommended.
Morris stated the Meadowland parcel is the most urban area they would run the trail
through. He asked why would they
not try to acquire some relief there, which is far more connected to the
residents than anything in the rural area. He said this parcel is directly on the trail. Discussion ensued.
Rotella advised the Greenways and Trails program submitted the application to
the State for Meadowland, but it was not ranked by the State.
Morris asked about the Korman parcel that is on General Hutchinson. He commented on the concept of
preserving General Hutchinson and the connectivity to the Spring Hammock. He said the Spring Hammock is the most
urban area and is most accessible to the greatest population of the natural
lands they have. It is also the
highest use of the natural lands.
He said it seems they should also look at the Korman parcel.
Van Der Weide stated the Wekiva Marina is still in limbo. He asked Ms. Rotella if she had been
able to verify if the 13 acres in back of Starbuck Springs has access through
Sabal Point. Whereupon, she said she
had not verified it, but she does know that parcel has access through the
Van Der Weide said he would like to take a tour of that parcel when Ms. Rotella
is available. He also said he
would like for staff to take another look at that parcel and determine the
access points.
Carey said it seems there could be coordination between Natural Lands and the
Trails Committee to see where there may be opportunities to work together to
get the natural lands that could also be a part of the trails. She said she would like to see them
work closer along those lines.
Henley said the Powell property has historical significance and he would hope
staff goes back and take another look at it. Whereupon, Commissioner Dallari stated the Lansing parcel
also has a lot of historical significance.
Rotella advised the owner of the Lansing parcel is now a willing seller.
Raub continued her presentation, reviewing the 2005 properties and recap.
Morris discussed the Schlusemeyer property that was recommended as a
conservation easement. He said he
doesn’t think this easement would grant a public access to it. Additional discussion continued.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Morris, to authorize staff to proceed with due diligence and
negotiate for the Lansing property.
discussion, Commissioner Carey stated she was going to say she would be
interested in having staff go back and look at the connectivity of the trail
along with some of the other parcels and come back with a recommendation of the
importance of those.
Dallari said he thinks staff should try to go after a couple of parcels at the
same time so they would have a particular ranking so no particular property
owner would think they have a “leg up” to try to inflate the price.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Van Der Weide commented on the trails connectivity, stating he hopes staff has
been doing that all along and if not, they should be. He said it would bother him if they start pursuing property
that basically is worthless, which would never have anything happen to it, and
that would probably be a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Morris agreed and said he would support Commissioner Van Der Weide. He said the Lansing parcel is extremely
desirable piece of land and it has the key aspect because it is in the more
dense part of the County. He
discussed he would like the Board to consider Meadowland, Korman, and a couple
parcels on General Hutchinson in that order. Also, look at the Wekiva Marina one more time.
Van Der Weide added Starbuck Springs.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Van Der Weide, to direct staff to look at and bring back to the
BCC the Starbuck Springs, the Wekiva Marina, Meadowland and the Korman parcels.
discussion, Commissioner Morris said he doesn’t think they need to be limiting
these just to the natural lands funding.
Henley said he has been concerned for quite some time that everything being
picked up is in the remote areas.
They have the opportunities to look at parcels in the urban area and he
thinks they need to consider those.
Carey said everything they are talking about is exactly what the voters voted
on. She said a lot of the areas
they spoke to were the intent of the voters in 1990.
Dallari suggested an amendment to the motion to include the Powell parcel. Whereupon, Chairman Henley said he
would support that.
Dallari said he is working to keep this parcel on the list to make sure it is
still in the forefront of people’s minds.
Morris amended the motion to authorize staff to relook at the Wekiva
Marina, Starbuck Springs, Meadowland, Korman and, additionally, the Powell
parcel and see where other funding might come from.
Van Der Weide agreed to
the amendment.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Van Der Weide asked staff to get a picture of Starbuck Springs.
Henley asked staff to coordinate with the Commissioners to see when they are
available for site visits on several of the properties.
Schaffer, on behalf of the Eastern Seminole County Rural Lands Coalition,
addressed the Board to state their concerns with reference to the Joint
Planning Agreement before the Board and some unfinished rural studies. She said this group is made up of the
Black Hammock, Chuluota and Geneva areas and they are addressing the rural
studies and the draft JPA before the Board with the City of Oviedo and some
studies going on separately with the City of Winter Springs.
Morris stated the JPA is not before the Board yet, but is at the staff level
and is not in finished format.
Whereupon, Ms. Schaffer acknowledged that, but said she wanted to make
comments to the Board rather than individually to save time.
Schaffer stated the Coalition opposes any additional studies being done in the
Black Hammock because they have already reviewed this area. She said they are on the same issue
they were working on since 1991 concerning the rural area and urban rural
boundary. She stated the Coalition
is ready to come to the table with ideas and partnership with the County,
cities and large landowners to arrive at a reasonable JPA. She said if a master plan is the
direction they need to take, they would like to hire the consultant and get
moving on the master plan. She
said the Coalition’s direction has not changed. They want the rural studies completed so they can proceed
with negotiations and hammer out a solution with all stakeholders. The Coalition wants to know what the
land uses are, where the rural boundary is and where it will stay, and how the
transition will be handled. They
do not want another study and have this drag out for months.
Morris said the first thing he objected to when he read the draft JPA was
having another study. He thinks
the BCC and the Oviedo City Commission could resolve all the issues easily and
they don’t require another study on top of the rural study.
inquiry by Chairman Henley on the time table, Commissioner Morris said,
hopefully, within the next 30 days they will be able to meet with the City
Manager and County Planning staff to discuss the outstanding issues. Then they will come back to the Board
with a recommendation on the JPA, probably in November.
Grace advised he has a meeting with the Oviedo City Manager for tomorrow.
Henley said they need to have a joint meeting. Commissioner Morris said before that, it would be nice if
the two District Commissioners would weigh with their staffs to understand if
there can be political closure, then the proposal might be to have a joint
meeting. He does think the joint
meeting will resolve the issues.
Grace said he will brief the County Commissioners after his meeting this week.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Commissioner Morris said he doesn’t know what
the City of Winter Springs wants to do so he asked the County Planning Director
to meet with the Winter Springs Planning Director to determine what their
issues are. He doesn’t know what
success the Planning Director has had with this.
Matthys, Planning Director, addressed the Board to state he did have a
preliminary meeting with the Planning Director of Oviedo and Winter Springs and
he has lunch scheduled with the Planning Director of Winter Springs on
Morris stated the Oviedo issues are the western, southern and northern
boundaries. The Winter Springs
area is a small piece of eastern migration through the Black Hammock. These are radically different issues.
Henley asked Mr. Matthys to brief the Commissioners as soon as he can after his
meeting with the Winter Springs Planning Director.
Morris reminded the Chairman that Winter Springs is doing their study of the
Black Hammock.
Matthews, Planning Division, addressed the Board to state he attended a Winter
Springs committee meeting last Thursday and they have a consultant on
board. They are looking at about
1,000 acres that abut the city, running from Florida Avenue to Canal, north to
Packard over to the City of Winter Springs. They are looking at some sort of transitional area for
future development.
Morris advised also that the Cities of Winter Springs and Longwood entered into
a joint planning agreement which the County was not made aware of. He said as the District Commissioner of
95% of the City of Winter Springs, when someone calls him, he is happy to
cooperate. He said he has
repeatedly gone to the city and tried to work with them.
Manager’s Briefing
Boswell, Principal Coordinator, addressed the Board to request direction
regarding the implementation of the recommendations and strategies identified
in the East Rural Area Study. She
stated staff has looked at the current conditions in the rural area. She said she will show maps to identify
a couple of the key issues that a lot of the questions hinge on what they will
be working with. She advised the
staff has also provided the Board with a rough draft of a recommendations
framework book (copy received and filed) that gives an idea of what staff has
been looking at and some of the questions asked at the community meetings. She showed a map (not received and
filed) prepared by Glatting Jackson of vacant properties in the rural area that
have development potential. She
said staff wants to sit down at the table at a final meeting with the community
and all involved and work out the definitions for the transition area. Staff wants to bring to the Commission
in a work session the implementation strategies and recommendations for
policies and regulations so the Board can consider to implement to address
these issues. Then, staff will come
before the Board in a normal hearing for their adoption of
recommendations. She advised
Chairman Henley that the third and final meeting of the Rural Land Study is
scheduled for October. She
anticipates bringing the issues before the Board in a work session in the next
couple months and before the Board in a public hearing setting.
Boswell advised Commissioner Morris that the meeting will be opened to
everyone. Whereupon, Commissioner
Dallari stated he had been to two meetings and there was a large variety of
people in attendance, as well as developers.
Boswell showed another map (not received and filed) indicating large land
holders and discussed same. She
showed another map (not received and filed) on the components of rural
character identifying the environmental system corridors. She said staff wants to hold the third
meeting to flush out implementation strategies and recommendations to bring
back to the Board. She asked the
Board if this is the way they would like staff to carry this out.
Carey said she hopes that while they are trying to get the JPA finalized, they
would finish these meetings before they finalize that to make sure any
suggestions adopted by the Board are a part of the agreement. She asked Ms. Boswell to meet with her
after this meeting to provide her with suggestions for the draft framework
guidebook before distribution to the public. She explained she doesn’t want an agreement that does not
acknowledge the rural study has taken place.
inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Ms. Boswell said the third meeting will be to
hash out the details and those will be presented to the Board in the work
session. Commissioner Dallari
stated he heard in the second meeting he attended that the people are getting
concerned because they are getting the same information. Ms. Boswell explained what staff plans
to do for the third meeting.
Boswell advised Commissioner Morris that she would like to bring this back to
the Board for adoption by the end of the year. Whereupon, Commissioner Morris asked her to note for action
that the Land Use Code and Comprehensive Plan will have to be changed. Discussion ensued.
inquiry by Commissioner Morris, the Board’s consensus was for a policy decision that another study
done will not be done.
Carey said she would prefer to have a workshop before staff comes back with
final recommendations, so they can bring back policies based on input from the
Board and not develop policies and then see if the Board likes them. She said staff needs to closely review
recommendations when they deal with amendments to the Land Development Code,
because so many parts of the Code are entwined and referenced back and forth to
other parts of the Code.
Morris said the framework guidebook is a superb document and he complimented
the staff. Ms. Boswell said staff
will be making corrections to the document and will then put it on the web
Carey stated one question being asked is what is going to be the definition of
transitional zoning and how are they going to deal with that. She said she still hasn’t heard from
the consultant or staff on that recommendation and she is anxiously waiting for
Chairman Henley stated the Board needs a definition and not an example. The clear message is finding a
recommendation regarding transition.
He understands that the workshop with the Board will be held in
Henley recessed the meeting at 11:48 a.m., reconvening at 1:30 p.m., with all
Commissioners and all other Officials, with Commissioner Morris entering late,
and Deputy Clerk Carylon Cohen who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Sandy McCann,
who were present at the Opening Session.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to authorize the filing of the proofs of publication for
this meeting’s scheduled public hearings into the Official Record.
1, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider a request to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture District) to R-1AAA
(Single-Family Dwelling District) for approximately 2.5 acres located on the
south side of Sand Lake Road, 300 feet west of Sandy Lane, Todd Magargee,
received and filed.
Manager, Tony Walter, addressed the Board to present the request, advising the
proposed zoning would allow lots with a minimum size of 13,500 square feet and
lot widths of 100 feet. Under LDR,
the Code allows a maximum density of four dwelling units per acre and under the
analysis of the Weighted Method for Determining Single-Family Residential
Compatibility in Residential Land Use, the request would allow approximately
three homes per acre. He further
advised that the Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended
approval of the rezoning to R-1AAA and staff also recommends the request as
supported by the Weighted Method for Determining Single-Family Residential
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Commissioner Van Der Weide recommended approval.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari to adopt Ordinance #2005-37, as shown on page _______,
approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture District) to R-1AAA (Single-Family
Dwelling District) for approximately 2.5 acres located on the south side of
Sand Lake Road, 300 feet west of Sandy Lane, as described in the proof of
publication, Todd Magargee.
1, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider a request to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture District) to RC-1 (Country
Homes District) for approximately 8.7 acres located on the east side of Lake
Markham Road and opposite Sylvan Drive, Windsor Oaks, LLC, received and
Manager, Tony Walter, presented the request, advising the rezoning would allow
lots with a minimum size of one acre and lot widths of 120 feet. The future land use designation
(Suburban Estates) allows a maximum density of one dwelling unit per acre. He further advised the Planning & Zoning
Commission unanimously recommended the rezoning and staff also recommends
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mark Crone, representing Windsor Oaks, addressed
the Board to state the proposed homes will not be less than 5,000 square feet.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Commissioner Carey recommended approval.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt Ordinance #2005-38, as shown on page
_______, approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture District) to RC-1 (Country
Homes District) for approximately 8.7 acres located on the east side of Lake
Markham Road and opposite Sylvan Drive, as described in the proof of
publication, Windsor Oaks, LLC.
1, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider a request to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture District) to R-1A
(Single-Family Dwelling District) for approximately 4.26 acres located on the
south side of Orange Boulevard and opposite Stargazer Terrace, Anthony Nasko,
received and filed.
Morris entered the meeting at this time.
Manager, Tony Walter, presented the request, advising the requested rezoning
allows lots with a minimum size of 9,000 square feet and lot widths of 75
feet. The future land use
designation is LDR which permits a maximum density of four dwelling units per
acre. He further advised the
Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval with a
minimum house size of 3,000 square feet of living space and a voluntary
commitment for a maximum of 8 lots.
He added staff also recommends approval.
Manuel, 5336 Fawn Woods Court, Lake Forest, addressed the Board to state he is
in agreement with the plan. He
said that on one side of the Lake Forest Subdivision there is a wooden fence
and on the south side there is a chain-link fence. Because of that, he said he would like to have the ability
to work with the developer to determine the type of fence that would be erected
on his side of the property.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Walter advised there is no requirement for
the developer to put up a fence; it would be strictly voluntary.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Request Form from Bob Manuel was received and filed.
Commissioner Carey stated she will not make fencing a part of her motion, since
it is not required by the Code and there is no consistency with the Lake Forest
Subdivision fencing.
Motion by Commissioner Carey, seconded by
Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt Ordinance #2005-39, as shown on page
_______, approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture District) to R-1A
(Single-Family Dwelling District) for approximately 4.26 acres located on the
south side of Orange Boulevard and opposite Stargazer Terrace, as described in
the proof of publication, Anthony Nasko, with the minimum house size of 3,000
square feet of living space and a voluntary commitment for a maximum of 8 lots;
Development Order, as shown on page _______.
discussion and upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Mr. Walter advised with
straight zoning of residential, a fence is not required.
Carey stated the developer may want to use setbacks and landscaping instead of
a fence.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider a request to rezone from PCD (Planned Commercial District) to PUD
(Planned Unit Development) for approximately 11.59 acres located on the east
side of Dodd Road, approximately 250 feet south of Red Bug Lake Road, Tom Daly,
received and filed.
Commissioner Dallari advised he is in receipt of a request to continue this
item until October.
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Comment Form from Rene’ Fossey was received and filed.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to continue until October 25, 2005, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as possible, consideration of a request to rezone from PCD (Planned
Commercial District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) for approximately 11.59
acres located on the east side of Dodd Road, approximately 250 feet south of
Red Bug Lake Road, as described in the proof of publication, Tom Daly.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider a request to rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1A (Single Family
Dwelling District) for a 5.0 acre site located on the east side of Mikler Road,
600 feet south of Red Bug Lake Road, Roberto Ramon, received and filed.
Jeff Hopper, addressed the Board to present the request, advising the requested
rezoning would allow lots with a minimum area of 9,000 square feet and minimum
width at the building line of 75 feet.
The LDR future land use designation allows a maximum density up to four
dwelling units per net buildable acre.
The lot compatibility analysis supports the requested zoning
classification. He further advised
that the Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval and
the staff also supports the request.
one spoke in support or in opposition.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to adopt Ordinance #2005-40, as shown on page _______,
approving rezoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-1A (Single Family Dwelling
District) for a 5.0 acre site located on the east side of Mikler Road, 600 feet
south of Red Bug Lake Road, as described in the proof of publication, Roberto
Ramon, with staff comments.
discussion and upon inquiry by Commissioner Dallari, Robert Ramon, applicant,
addressed the Board to advise he does not have any plans to build houses at
this time.
Commissioner Dallari stated he would like to see the house sizes be compatible
with the surrounding neighborhood.
Whereupon, Mr. Ramon agreed and committed to having houses that are
compatible with the area.
Attorney, Robert McMillan, advised a specific house size needs to be included
in the motion.
Don Fisher addressed the Board to suggest that the houses be a minimum of 1,500
square feet.
Dallari advised he will include in the motion that the house sizes will be a minimum of
1,500 square feet. Commissioner
Cary agreed to include
that in the motion.
Morris suggested including in the Land Development Code a separate affordable
housing section. He said the house
minimum square footages have almost doubled in the last 30 years and that needs
to be addressed also during the Land Development Code review.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
- - -
brief discussion ensued with regard to the Land Development Code review and Mr.
Walter advised staff is almost done with reviewing the first module of the
Code. The second module will deal
with all the zoning districts. He
said staff plans to bring the information to the BCC for their input during a
work session in January. He
further said that then staff will incorporate all of that in the ordinance for
BCC adoption.
Morris requested a briefing from staff on their review process.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider an Appeal against the Board of Adjustment’s decision to deny a Special
Exception to establish an alcoholic beverage establishment (package liquor
store) located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Red Bug Lake Road
and Oviedo Crossing Terrace, John Kelly, received and filed.
Kathy Fall, addressed the Board to present the appeal, advising the BOA denied
the request, finding the proposed use is incompatible in size and type with the
current approved uses in the Oviedo Marketplace. She added the staff’s recommendation is to overturn the BOA
and approve the requested establishment.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Fall advised there is a Chili’s Restaurant
located across the street from the property. She also advised the proposed ABC Liquor Store will not have
a lounge – it will only be a package store for consumption off-premises.
Bennett, representing the appellant and ABC Liquor Stores, addressed the Board
to display a large photograph (received & filed) of the proposed store, advising
it is an upscale building with an extended line of wines. He said ABC has gotten rid of the
lounges statewide and their license will only be for package goods. He reviewed the requirements for
granting a special exception and stated the request will not be a detriment to
the surrounding area. He provided
pictures (received & filed) of the establishments in the area, including a
Frankie’s Italian Grill & Bar, Bill’s Elbow South Bar & Restaurant, RJ
Gators, and Toucan Willie’s Restaurant & Bar. He said the proposed store would not have an unduly adverse
impact on the traffic patterns and it is consistent with the County’s Comp
Plan. He submitted for the Record
the original Transcript of the Seminole County Board of Adjustment Meeting of
July 25, 2005 regarding this property.
He pointed out that the Oviedo Marketplace Master Plan calls for 175.5
acres of retail services and the proposal meets the separation requirements
between churches, schools and properties with residential land use or zoning. He added that it is consistent with the
Vision 2020 Plan.
Hall, Canin Associates, representing the appellant, addressed the Board to
state with regard to the rumor of a hotel going on the property, he does not
know of any hotel that can be put on a one-acre piece of property. He also said that with regard to the
argument that the granting of the special exception will set a precedent, be
believes the BCC has more purview over like requests. He added that he believes staff’s recommendation is accurate
and by approving the request, the development will increase property values in
the area.
Morris stated there has been some confusion about the hotel and believes that
involves the two and a half acre site to the left of the subject property.
Pacini, 1471 Towhee Run, addressed the Board to speak in support of the special
exception, stating he happens to enjoy fine wine and does not like to drive
across the County to get it.
Kraus, representing the Red Bug Residential Coalition, addressed the Board to
speak in opposition and to read into the Record a letter (received & filed)
from Greg Pryor, Chairman of the Red Bug Residential Coalition.
inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Ms. Kraus stated it was her understanding that
a hotel was proposed for the site.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Request Forms were received and filed.
Commissioner Dallari stated for the past number of years, the Board has put
various restrictions on package stores, including denying them outright.
Motion by Commissioner Dallari to deny the Appeal,
thereby, upholding the Board of Adjustment’s decision to deny a Special
Exception to establish an alcoholic beverage establishment (package liquor
store) located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Red Bug Lake Road
and Oviedo Crossing Terrace, as described in the proof of publication, John
Chairman called for a second to the motion, whereupon, he surrendered the gavel
to the Vice Chairman for that purpose.
discussion, Commissioner Dallari stated he has a list of properties along Red
Bug Lake Road as well as Dodd Road where package stores have been denied.
Morris stated he has a list of properties where package stores have been
approved. He asked for a
five-minute recess to review this new information.
Chairman Carey recessed the meeting at 2:25 p.m., reconvening it at 2:29
Vice Chairman asked for any additional Board discussion.
Morris stated Commissioner Dallari’s list mostly entailed properties denied by
the Board of Adjustment and most of those have been overturned by the BCC – or
they were on the residential portion of Red Bug Lake Road. However, in this case, he said the
subject property is in the most intensive zoning district allowed. He said he cannot support the motion
because he believes the appellant has met all the criteria.
Henley stated as the Board knows, they quite often disagree with staff and
their findings. He said he thinks
an area can be over-saturated and believes alcohol can be detrimental.
Chairman Carey stated these types of issues are looked at by the Board on a
case-by-case basis and the information she has received is that out of 15
requests denied by the BOA, 14 were overturned by the BCC.
1 and 3 voted AYE.
Morris, Henley and Carey voted NAY.
Whereupon, Commissioner Henley asked for clarification of the motion.
Chairman Carey advised the motion is to uphold the Board of Adjustment and deny
the appeal. Whereupon,
Commissioner Henley asked that another vote be held.
1, 3 and 4 voted AYE.
Morris and Carey voted NAY.
gavel was returned to the Chairman.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider an Appeal against the Board of Adjustment’s decision to deny a Special
Exception for the permanent placement of an existing mobile home located at 1211
Cochran Road, Emma Smith, received and filed.
Kathy Fall, presented the Appeal, advising staff recommends the BCC overturn
the BOA’s decision and grant the permanent placement of the mobile home.
Smith, appellant, addressed the Board to advise she plans to build on the
property, but does not have a timeframe at this point. She said she would appreciate a two to
five-year permit.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Smith advised the mobile home is a 1973
model. She further advised that
she does not live in the mobile home; but rents it out.
Isaacs, 350 Saunders Trail, addressed the Board to display a map (received
& filed) of the area showing parcels with mobile homes on them and parcels
with conventional houses on them.
She said the trend in the area is to conventional houses. She also said that she had a mobile
home for two years and is now building a conventional house. She displayed photographs (received
& filed) of the subject property and the mobile home in question, stating
the property has code violations on it and has been before the Code Enforcement
Board. She questioned if the 1973
mobile home is legally placed on the property because to her knowledge the
previous permit was for a 1969 trailer.
She added that the trailer is old, not maintained, and is clearly
visible from the road; therefore, she would request the Board deny the appeal
and the permit for the mobile home.
She added that she believes the County should do a better job of
monitoring mobile home permits.
Carey stated the lack of monitoring is why she has asked staff to look at
mobile homes as it relates to the Land Development Code.
Morris stated he does not recall the Board directing staff to address mobile
homes in the Land Development Code.
He said mobile homes have historically, in Seminole County, been
temporary and not permanent. He
further said in this case, the mobile home is for rental purposes, it is in
disrepair and has code enforcement problems, and the appellant has not
attempted to build.
Norman, 1276 Saratoga Lane, addressed the Board to state the trend for the area
is to move away from mobile homes.
He said he built a home on Saratoga Lane two years ago and would like to
see the area go to conventional homes.
He therefore, requested the BCC uphold the BOA.
Wilson addressed the Board to advise he purchased the land across the street
from the subject property and plans to build one-acre home sites. He also agrees that the trend is for
moving toward conventional homes.
He pointed out that the trailer in question is a 1973 model and is in
bad shape. He said he believes it
is a health hazard and does not know if it has been inspected for proper
tie-downs and skirting.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Comment Forms and Written Comment Forms were received and filed.
Carey stated she knows the Board has had a couple of discussions about looking
at the Land Development Code as it relates to 5, 10 or 20 acre parcels and
permanent placement of mobile homes.
She said she thought staff was directed to review this. Whereupon, Mr. Grace stated he does not
recall specific BCC action for staff to do that.
Carey stated she would like to discuss the issue and look at including this in
the Land Development Code. She
said there are people that cannot afford to build a home and should not have to
keep coming to the Board every two or five years to ask to stay in their
Morris stated that people come in asking for a five to ten-year permit in order
to give them time to build a home and then they come in and ask for an
extension if they need more time.
He disagrees with taking something temporary and making it
permanent. Discussion ensued.
Henley stated he likes to remind the Board that this is America and people have
a right to choose the type of place they want to live in. He added he believes the Board needs to
be sensitive to the wishes of landowners.
Van Der Weide stated this is a real dilemma – he said he is not in favor of
moving people out of their homes.
Morris stated it appears some Commissioners are turning an argument about monitoring
as turning people out of their homes.
inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Ms. Fall advised the BOA denied the special
exception because of the year of the mobile home, it was rental property and
not owner-occupied, and because of the Code violations.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, Ms. Fall advised the site consists of five
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari to deny the Appeal, thereby, upholding the Board of
Adjustment’s decision to deny a Special Exception for the permanent placement
of an existing mobile home located at 1211 Cochran Road, as described in the
proof of publication, Emma Smith.
1 and 2 voted AYE.
Van Der Weide, Henley and Carey voted NAY, whereupon, the motion failed for
the lack of a majority vote.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide to grant the
Appeal, thereby, overturning the Board of Adjustment’s decision to deny a
Special Exception for the permanent placement of an existing mobile home
located at 1211 Cochran Road, as described in the proof of publication, Emma
Chairman called for a second to the motion two times, thereupon, he surrendered the gavel for that
discussion of the motion, Commissioner Van Der Weide stated he feels a
permanent exception is too much, but a two-year permit is too little. Therefore, he said he will include
in the motion that the
permit will be for five years.
Commissioner Henley agreed
with the inclusion.
Carey stated she does not support the permanent placement because it is a
rental property and not in compliance.
1, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Morris voted NAY.
- - -
Carey questioned if it is clear to staff that there are three Commissioners who
want to see staff address the permanent placement of mobile homes in the Land
Development Code. Whereupon, Mr.
Grace stated he will direct staff accordingly.
gavel was returned to the Chairman.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider an Appeal against the Board of Adjustment’s decision to grant a
Special Exception for the continued placement of a mobile home for five years
at 2295 Canal Street, Ed Hauser, received and filed.
Commissioner Morris stated because the staff will be coming back to the Board
with possible code changes, he would like to continue this item until February. He added that he will continue to
continue any other mobile home appeals in his district until the new Code is
decided upon and written.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Van Der Weide to continue until February 14, 2005 at 1:30 p.m., or
as soon thereafter as possible, consideration of an Appeal against the Board of
Adjustment’s decision to grant a Special Exception for the continued placement
of a mobile home for five years at 2295 Canal Street, as described in the proof
of publication, Ed Hauser.
discussion and upon inquiry by Commissioner Carey, County Attorney McMillan
advised the Board must continue these appeals on a case-by-case basis or they
must enact an ordinance establishing a moratorium.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
of publication, as shown on page _______, calling for a public hearing to
consider the proposed Sexual Predator Ordinance, received and filed.
Attorney, Robert McMillan, advised prior to this meeting, he distributed a
revised draft ordinance (copy received & filed) which excludes driving on
I-4 and the Expressway.
inquiry by Commissioner Carey, County Engineer, Jerry McCollum, addressed the
Board to advise FDOT considers I-4 and the Expressway both “intrastate”
Don Eslinger addressed the Board to present the proposed ordinance, stating
this has been a collaborative effort between the Sheriff’s Office, the BCC and
the Cities in order to protect the most vulnerable in the community. He discussed the ordinance Summary
(received & filed), advising a sexual offender is designated in the
ordinance as someone whose victim was under the age of 16 at the time of the
offense. He explained that there
are nine exceptions and one exclusionary zone included in the ordinance. He reviewed the last paragraph on page
8 of the proposed ordinance, stating there is a provision that prior to any
arrest, the law enforcement officer shall afford the person an opportunity to
explain his or her presence in the area.
He also pointed out that everyone is grandfathered in with regard to
residences until their leases have expired. He advised that in working with the Jessica Lunsford Act,
the ordinance requires all offenders and predators to carry a photo
identification card (provided by the Sheriff’s Office) at all times. He added that currently there are 295
registered sexual offenders and 5 sexual predators residing in Seminole County.
Carey commended Sheriff Eslinger on a great job on this ordinance and for
providing information on the Sheriff’s Web Site regarding offenders.
Morris thanked the Sheriff for his good work on this and everything he is doing
on child abuse and the Kids House.
He said he wants the public to understand the difference between an
offender and a predator.
Eslinger advised the sexual predator is designated by the courts. He explained that it is not necessarily
the age of the victim but the violence and repetitive nature of his
inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Lorraine Johnson, Sheriff’s Office, addressed
the Board to advise under the Jessica Lunsford Act, a sexual predator is
registered for life. However, an
individual can seek, at the discretion of the court, to have that designation
further inquiry by Commissioner Morris, Sheriff Eslinger advised all registered
felons have I.D. Cards stating their offense. However, they are not required to carry them except when
being supervised by a probation officer.
Morris stated some people say this ordinance will drive offenders and predators
underground; but he strongly disagrees with that. He said it is amazing how historically light the courts and
laws relative to abuse of children have been. He further said he commends the work of the Sheriff to move
this ordinance along and would like to see it further moved into State
Reiner, Sheriff’s Office, addressed the Board to clarify the definition of sexual
offender in the Statutes.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Comment Form from John Casselberry was received and filed.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari to adopt Ordinance #2005-41, as shown on page _______, the
Sexual Predator Ordinance, as described in the proof of publication.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Morris reiterated that he would like to recommend this ordinance, for State
law, to the Legislative Delegation.
County Attorney, Steve Lee, and DCM, Sally Sherman, addressed the Board to
request BCC input on the County’s Legislative Draft Agenda for 2006. Copy of draft agenda was received and
filed. Ms. Sherman briefly
reviewed and discussed page 4 of the draft agenda, dealing with State
issues. She said that with regard
to item #7, UCF’s medical school, UCF is asking for BCC support on that.
Henley suggested the Board adopt a resolution in support of a medical school
for UCF. Whereupon, Commissioner
Van Der Weide agreed and said all five Commissioners could sign the
Board, by unanimous consensus,
directed staff to draft a resolution in support of UCF’s medical school.
Sherman reviewed the proposed State funding requests on page 5 of the draft
Morris requested all funding requests come back before the Board so that they
can be ranked.
Henley stated he believes the Board is wasting their time submitting some of
these requests, considering the Governor’s history on vetoing pet
Morris agreed that the three local park projects (Jetta Point, Wilson Landing
& Upsala) are probably “DOA”.
Grace stated staff will bring all the requests back for priority ranking. He clarified that the Board wants to
delete Item D, Wilson Landing, on page 5 of the draft agenda.
Morris referred to page 10, Item A, the eastern connector, stating he would
suggest downgrading the funding request to just the P & E and not the
entire project.
inquiry by Commissioner Morris, County Engineer, Jerry McCollum, estimated the
P & E portion would be around $5 million.
Morris also suggested going department by department for federal funding
requests. Whereupon, Mr. Grace
stated staff will be doing that and added this is a preliminary listing.
Morris requested he be e-mailed the various department requests. He also requested a briefing on the
affordable housing trust.
Henley advised he is in receipt of 459 petitions from the Carillon neighborhood
formally requesting the BCC take a position on UCF’s plans to build a stadium
and to hold a public hearing on same.
He said his view is that the BCC has no jurisdiction over the matter and
it would serve no purpose to hold such a public hearing.
Van Der Weide stated he supports the college on their quest for a medical
school and any school that size needs a stadium. He added the UCF issue is under Orange County’s
jurisdiction. Commissioner Carey
Morris voiced his support of UCF’s master plan and does not support holding a
public hearing as requested because the BCC has no jurisdiction.
Henley advised he will draft a response to the petitioners notifying them the
BCC has no jurisdiction over this matter.
Henley distributed a copy of a letter from the Chairman of Osceola County
asking for $1,000 contribution from each Commission for the victims of the Gulf
Henley advised he is in receipt of a letter (copy received & filed) from Sarasota
County asking the Board to adopt a resolution in support of “Green Light for
Red Light Cameras”. He asked for direction
from the Board on same.
Board member voiced any support in adopting the requested resolution.
Henley requested appointment of Erica Kosares to the Disability Advisory
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to appoint Erica Kosares to the Disability Advisory
Committee to fill an unexpired term ending January 2007.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Carey to adopt appropriate Resolution #2005-R-181, as shown on
page _______, commending Sally Shepard for serving on the Disability Advisory
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Henley stated he attended the unveiling of the fuel-cell cars.
Carey reported she and Chairman Henley attended the William C. Schwartz
Industry Innovation Awards on September 14; and Decimal. Dot was the recipient of the award. She also thanked Tracy Turk and Bill
McDermott for taking her on a tour of the County.
Carey also reported she toured the Community Assistance Department on September
20 and expressed her thanks to Phil Stalvey, David Medley, and Kelly Metcalf
for the great work they do.
Carey advised the County hosted the EDC Board meeting on September 20 at the
Lake Mary Marriott and there was a great turn-out.
Carey advised the Wekiva River Basin Commission met on September 22 at the
Embassy Suites in Altamonte Springs.
She further advised the committee rescinded their previous action
regarding septic tanks.
Carey informed the Board of a scheduled meeting on October 13 at 6:00 p.m., at
the Lake Sylvan Park Community Building regarding water levels.
Carey advised the fall City/County Networking Event has been scheduled for
November 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the Longwood Community Building. She asked the Commissioners to mark
their calendars for same.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Dallari to appoint Ross Pagano to SCIDA for a term ending January
1, 2007.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Morris advised of the City of Lake Mary workshop regarding the annexation of
40+ acres in the Heathrow DRI. He
requested a report back from staff on the economical analysis of how much
office and commercial will be lost.
Grace advised he attended the workshop and there was no specific application at
that time. He said it was a
general discussion of what Colonial Grand will be looking for.
Morris stated he considers the action unfriendly by both the City and the
Colonial Grand developer.
Morris commended staff for the “Dealing with Disasters” brochure (copy received
& filed) and suggested it be mailed to all County residents.
Michaels, Community Resource Officer, addressed the Board to advise an
additional printing and mailing will cost $55,000.
Grace stated staff will get with SWOP to do the printing and mailing and report
back to the Board with the cost.
following Communications and/or Reports were received and filed:
1. Memorandum
dated 8/29/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – SR 434 Underpass.
2. Letter dated
9/15/05 to Chairman from Lonnie Groot, Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham,
Reischmann & Partlow, re: Sanford’s Memorial Stadium. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney, Tourist
Development Director)
3. Letter dated
9/15/05 to BCC (with attachments) from Cynthia Porter, Deputy City Clerk-City
of Sanford, re: Notice for Annexation public hearing on September 26,
2005. (cc: Co. Manager, Deputy Co.
Managers, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, Planning &
Development Director)
4. Memorandum
dated 9/9/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – Renovations for Fire Station.
5. Memorandum
dated 9/9/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – Snowhill Road.
6. Memorandum
dated 9/12/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – CR 427 Phase 1.
7. Memorandum
dated 9/9/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – JPP/SR 434 Sedimentation Basin.
8. Memorandum
dated 8/29/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re:
Capital Project Fund Transfer – Cross Seminole Trail.
9. Copy of letter
dated 9/14/05 to Gary Earl, President/CEO – Workforce Central Florida from
Chairman, re: Appointing Craig Wojcik to Workforce Central Florida Board of
10. Notice of Board of Adjustment Public Hearing – City of Longwood
on September 29, 2005. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co. Managers,
Planning & Development Director, Planning Manager)
11. Letter dated 9/12/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Congressman
John Mica, re: I-4 capacity.
(cc: Co. Manager, Deputy
Co. Managers, Co. Engineer, Public Works Director)
12. Copy of letter dated 8/16/05 to Matt Chesler, Cable
Franchising Program Manager, from Diane Pickett Culpepper-Bright House, re:
Fiber connection for direct broadcast from the Seminole EOC building. (cc: BCC)
13. Letter dated 9/13/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, Seminole
Co. Property Appraiser, re: Final calculations for Unincorporated Road District
proportionate share. (cc: BCC, Co. Manager, Deputy Co Managers,
Public Works Director)
14. Letter dated 9/13/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, Seminole
Co. Property Appraiser, re: Final calculations for Fire District proportionate
share. (cc: BCC, Co Manager, Deputy Co Managers,
Public Safety Director)
15. Letter dated 9/13/05 to Chairman from David Johnson, Seminole
Co. Property Appraiser, re: Final calculations for Board of County
Commissioners proportionate share.
(cc: BCC, Co. Manager,
Deputy Co. Managers)
16. Letter dated 9/14/05 to Chairman from Daniel and Melissa
Aponte re: Appeal process for Variances.
(cc: BCC, Co. Manager,
Deputy Co. Managers, Co. Attorney, Planning & Development Director,
Planning Manager)
17. Memorandum dated 9/8/05 to BCC (with attachments) from Kathy
Moore, MSBU Program Manager, re: Response to Notice of Proposed Non-Ad Valorem
18. Notice dated 9/12/05 announcing the Seminole Co. Legislative
Delegation meeting on November 15, 2005.
19. Copy of letter dated 9/12/05 to Nancy & Bob Jones from
Jane E. Peterson, Library Services Manager, re: Appreciation for recent
20. Letter dated 8/22/05 to BCC from Diane Picket Culpepper,
Bright House, re: Programming changes.
21. Copy of letter dated 8/26/05 to Clayton Simmons,
Administrative Judge, from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager re: Courthouse Security.
22. Memorandum dated 9/13/05 to BCC (with attachment) from Don
Fisher, Deputy Co. Manager, re: Budget Work session requested additional
23. Copy of memorandum dated 9/20/05 to Ray Valdes, Seminole Co.
Tax Collector, from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager, re: Extending of tax roll. (cc: BCC)
24. Letter dated 9/22/05 to BCC from Charles Berdet re: Suggestive
materials sold at Spencer’s Gift Stores.
(cc: Sheriff Department,
Co. Attorney, Planning Manager)
25. Copy of memorandum dated 9/23/05 to Sandy McCann,
Supervisor-Co. Commission Records Office, from Becky Noggle, Sr. Coordinator-Environmental
Services, re: Submissions into Co. Records.
26. Memorandum dated 9/22/05 to Chairman from Ray Valdes, Tax
Collector, re: Relocation of Tax Collector Oviedo Branch Office.
27. Memorandum dated 9/23/05 to BCC (with attachments) from Al
Hill, Information Services Programming & Applications Manager, re: County GIS
and Imaging Programs power point presentation.
28. Letter dated 9/26/05 to BCC from Tricia Johnson, Community
& Government Relations Representative -Orlando Regional Healthcare, re:
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 30th anniversary.
29. Memorandum dated 9/22/05 to BCC (with attachments) from Lisa
Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director re: 2nd Public Hearing carry
forward items.
30. Memorandum dated 9/21/05 to BCC from Kevin Grace, Co. Manager,
re: Acting Co. Manager during absence.
31. Copy of memorandum dated 9/16/05 to Sandy McCann, Supervisor,
Co. Commission Records Office, from Becky Noggle, Sr. Coordinator-Environmental
Services, re: Submissions into Co. Records.
32. Letter dated 9/19/05 to BCC and Sheriff Donald Eslinger (with
attached copy of petition) from Teresa Takac and Mike Proctor, Carillon
Neighborhood Representatives, re: Opposition to proposed Northeast campus
location for stadium.
33. Contract for services, as shown on page _______ between
Seminole Co. and the following:
James Lee Hood (Score keeper) and Austin Edward Brookshire (Score Keeper
Slow Pitch softball).
Manager, Kevin Grace, advised staff is still working on adopting a County in
the Gulf Coast area. He said they
are focusing on Harrison County and will hopefully be coming back to the Board
at their next meeting with more information.
Grace advised the County staff raised $4,800 and collected 15 tons of food at
the recent food drive for hurricane victims.
Grace advised the Purchasing Department won another award from the National
Purchasing Institute; and added that the Department is in the top five
purchasing departments nationally.
Chairman recessed the meeting at 5:00 p.m., reconvening at 7:00 p.m., with all
Commissioners and all other Officials, with the exception of Deputy Clerk Sandy
McCann, who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Eva Roach, who were present at the Opening
of publication, as shown on page ________, calling for a public hearing to
consider adoption of the final millage rates for Fiscal Year 2005/2006, and adoption
of the final Budget for all funds for Fiscal Year 2005/2006, received and
Henley stated this meeting was advertised as the second public hearing on the
Budget. He stated the purpose of
the hearing is to discuss the millage levies and rolled-back rate. The public will be asked to discuss
issues about the budget. He stated
the Board is required to amend the budget if necessary to recompute the
proposed millage rates; announce the percent by which the proposed millage rate
is above or below the rolled-back rate; and then adopt the proposed millage
rate and budget. He reminded the
public that the Board does not have any control over the tax levies and budgets
of the School Board, Water Management District, or any of the seven cities in Seminole
County. He stated that any
questions relating to property assessments must be addressed to the Property
Appraiser. The Board has limited
authority over the budgets of the Constitutional Officers of the Clerk of
Court, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections and Tax Collector. The Clerk of Court is a “fee officer”
whose charges are set by Florida Statutes. The Property Appraiser and Tax Collector budgets are
reviewed and approved by the State Department of Revenue, per Florida Statutes.
The Sheriff has the right to
appeal any decision regarding his budget to the Governor and Cabinet.
Grace, County Manager, stated this is the final public hearing for the FY
2005/2006 budget. He stated the
first proposed 2005/2006 budget is balanced and maintains the same tax millage
rate as the current fiscal year.
He said there is a budgetary risk for the FY 2006/07 with the FEMA
reimbursements from last year’s storms.
The County is still waiting for reimbursement of $16 million. The recent hurricanes in the Gulf could
delay the receipt of those funds.
He stated the County has been assured that the County’s situation will
not be affected by the hurricanes in the Gulf but it is a budgetary risk. He stated the total proposed budget
including rebudgeting items is $780,914,569.
Spriggs, Fiscal Services Director, addressed the Board to introduce Pattie
Comings, Budget Manager, and Lin Polk, Principal Analyst.
Polk addressed the Board to read into the Record the following proposed millage
rates: General County Millage is
4.9989, which represents a 9.84% increase over the rolled-back millage rate of
4.5509; Environmental Sensitive Lands proposed millage is 0.0770; Trails
Development millage is 0.1271; proposed millage for Fire/Rescue MSTU millage is
2.6334, which represent a 9.79% increase over the rolled-back rate of 2.3985;
Unincorporated Road MSTU is 0.1228, which represents 10.33% increase over the
rolled-back millage of 0.1113. The
proposed “aggregate” millage rate, exclusive of voted debt service millage, is
6.6934 which represents a 9.85% increase over the “aggregate” rolled-back
millage rate of 6.0930.
Spriggs informed the Board that Pages VI and VII of the proposed FY 2005/2006
and 2006/2007 Budget Book (received and filed) shows the summary of the
tentatively adopted budget as approved by the Board at the first public hearing
on September 14, 2005 of $623,962,823.
The adjustment column of $156,951,746 represents carry forward items for
rebudgeted items from the FY 2004/2005 budget. She stated carry forward items represent 2004/2005
appropriations in which a specific item or project will not be received or
completed by September 30, 2005, which necessitates the carry forward of
funding and reappropriation of expenditure of FY 2005/2006. She stated the carried forward items
are detailed by fund, type and department and are listed in the back of the
proposed FY 2005/2006 Budget Book.
The carry forward appropriations for grant funding that are eligible for
expenditures in the future totals $13,484,495. Carry forward appropriations for Capital Equipment necessary
for service delivery, that will not be received by September 30, 2005, total
$2,932,692. Carry forward
appropriations of available balances for specific Capital Outlay projects that
will not be completed as of September 30, 2005 total $140,534,559. The appropriation adjustments for all
carry forward items total $156,951,746 with a corresponding adjustment to grant
revenue or beginning fund balance for the applicable funds. The tentatively approved budget has
been adjusted to include carry forward items and other proposed budget
Comings addressed the Board to read the proposed budget by fund type into the
Record as outlined on Pages VI and VII of the Budget Book.
Henley stated he recalls that this is the first time the rebudget items have
been brought forward during this time of the year. He stated that is normally done in December, but staff has
made a concentrated effort to make that information available so the public
could see the magnitude of the budget.
Horvath, 1004 Bradford Dr., addressed the Board to address the needs of the
following major departments:
Sheriff and Jail expansion; Economic Development; Environmental Services;
Public Safety; Administrative Services; and Public Works.
Henley stated the Board will hear throughout the year from the public regarding
the needs of the County. He stated
they have more revenue without an increase of the millage rate due to the
growth of the County. It is the
desire of the Board to maintain and improve the quality of life for all the
Grace added the millage rate has been stable at the same rate for six or seven
years and it is one of the lowest in the State of Florida.
Morris stated this is the strongest the County has been financially since he
has been on the Board. He stated
there is a lot of “pat-on-the-back” to be done and the real proof is comparing Seminole
County to other jurisdiction because the County continues to fall in the tax
rates relative to what other jurisdictions charge. He commended staff for the wonderful job they have been
Henley stated he feels it is important for this Board to attempt to meet the
needs and wants of the citizens within the means they have been providing. He stated creditability is one of the
things the Board has had with the public or they would not have approved all
the measures they have. It is
important for the Board to continue to be diligent in their role in supervising
staff to see that they get the most for the money they have to work with.
McMillan left the meeting at this time.
Henley stated he feels the diligent work that is going into this will provide a
great deal of improvements to the quality of life in this county.
Morris commented on the commendable work and relationships with the
Constitutional Officers.
Carey stated she feels they have a good financial team in place and a lot of
good programs in place as well that will allow them to do long-range planning.
Van Der Weide congratulated the County Manager and his Deputy Managers for
their efforts.
McMillan reentered the meeting at this time.
the request of Chairman Henley, Ms. Polk reiterated the proposed millage rates.
one else spoke in support or in opposition.
Request Form was received and filed.
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Van Der Weide to adopt the Millage Levy Resolution #2005-R-179, as
shown on page _______, for Fiscal Year 2005-2006.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
Motion by Commissioner Van Der Weide, seconded by
Commissioner Morris to adopt Budget Resolution #2005-R-180, as shown on page
_______, for Fiscal Year 2005-2006.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m., this same date.